Chapter Forty-Four
Saito had to nearly be dragged through the gate into the academy, and as he sheepishly stared at the dirt, he took a deep breath. "I'll-I'll tell her," he said earnestly. Louise nodded at that firm declaration, and as the classes ended, they saw Siesta easily descend from the tower and make her way towards the Eastern courtyard, where Lady Charlotte apparently stepped out of the window with a simple Levitate spell.
Saito held his tongue about the 'door-hating' thing. It seemed to be a quirk of her, and who was he to ask about it? It was a pointless thing. "Lady Charlotte," Saito said as he bowed, "I-" he hesitated, looking at Siesta. "I need to speak with Siesta for a moment."
"Of course," Charlotte said, "Louis will keep me company then," she added thoughtfully, and as Sylphid made a 'kyuu' sound behind her back, the blue dragon flapped its wings and flew off towards the forest, probably having been 'discharged' for the time being.
As Louise fell neatly in line with Charlotte and left Saito alone with Siesta, the maid looked eagerly on at the boy.
"So? You saw the Dragon's Raiment didn't you? Oh-perhaps I shouldn't be this familiar now that you have become a knight, Lord Hir-"
"Saito is fine," Saito said quickly, clenching his right hand. "Look, Siesta...There is no easy way to tell you," he grabbed a hold of the maid's left hand and held its palm open, "The elder of the village wanted you to have this," and as he spoke, he dropped an iron key in her hand. "He said they'll rebuild the hangar and clean the Dragon's Raiment-you don't have to worry about anything."
"S-Saito," Siesta whispered. "What...What happened?"
It was hard to say it, but Saito said it anyways.
The hardest part was staying there as Siesta's face went through a series of emotions ranging from disbelief, to befuddlement, to shock, anger, sadness, grief all in the span of a few seconds that felt like an eternity. It was the second time a girl ended up against his chest hiccuping and crying, and just like he hadn't liked it the first time, he didn't like it the second.
There was so little he could do, in all honesty. Louise was probably better trained than him on how to console grieving people. The most he could do was hug the maid and tell her it would all be fine, but the words tasted like ash even as they left his tongue.
Siesta was a strong girl however, and a few minutes later, the tears had already dried up. "I-At least it was quick-I hope-mom wasn't-was she? I-I don't know," she took a deep breath, clutching on to the hem of Saito's cloak. "I crumpled the cloak-" she mumbled, half-dazed.
"It's not an issue, Siesta," Saito replied.
"I'm all alone now," Siesta whispered, her eyes glazed over, her fingers still clutching on to the cloak as if letting go would mean the wind could pick her up and carry her away.
Saito grabbed Siesta's shoulders, and shook his head. "No, no you aren't. I promise you, you aren't. I'll-" return home eventually. "Make sure you aren't." He stammered, but Siesta didn't seem to be listening on to it.
"T-Thank you," Siesta whispered. "I know you have no reason to," she added. "If...If only you weren't-no, I'm just being silly now," she shook her head softly. "I am glad to have you as a friend, Saito."
"I am glad too," Saito replied with a smile.
Meanwhile, a fair distance away, Louise was quietly tapping her right foot on the ground while crossing her arms in front of her chest. Charlotte watched on with an eyebrow raised and a hand to her mouth, to cover the small smile on her lips.
"Jealous, Louis?"
"Not really, Lady D'Orleans," Louise replied gruffly with a huff, "I am sure Saito will not take advantage. He is a good man, and he knows what will happen if he dares to try," the girl threatened darkly, a hand raised and clenched in a fist so tightly the knuckles became white within seconds.
Charlotte kept the smile on her face, even as she dropped her hand by her side. "I understand you will be heading to the Valliére lands next," Charlotte said, "am I to assume you have business with the Duchess?"
"It's-It's nothing like that," Louise replied awkwardly. "I am merely rewarding Saito for having done a good job," she added gruffly. "He has a few friends in Valier," she lied smoothly. "So we are taking a detour there."
"Oh? A detour? Are you returning to Germania then?" Charlotte asked.
Louise shook her head. "No, Lady D'Orleans, we are headed South, potentially past the desert to Rub'Al Khali, but-well, the elves won't make it easy."
"I suppose they won't," Charlotte added. "You are quite brave to attempt such a dangerous travel," she added with a nod. "When you return from the Valliére lands, do come by, if you are headed South, you can deliver a few letters for me to my acquaintances in Gallia and Romalia."
"Of course, Lady D'Orleans," Louise said.
"And I will write you a letter of introduction for the Duchess. From what I heard...she is very strict with foreign agents in her lands," Charlotte continued in a soft voice. "You have read about her?"
"The Heavy Wind is notorious in Germania," Louise murmured. "Very notorious."
"Then be careful," Charlotte said, "Because she earned her reputation, and even the wildest of tall tales on her are true."
Louise couldn't help but snort, "I apologize, Lady D'Orleans, but-but surely she hasn't torn a mountain to shreds with only Wind Magic."
"She did," Charlotte said. "The mountain was in the way, so she simply cut it at the base and uprooted it with hurricanes, before slamming it down against another."
Louise suddenly felt very cold and afraid.
"Do not anger her," Charlotte added. "She is not a foe you can defeat, barring a miracle, of course."
Louise nervously laughed. Perhaps it was best if they didn't meet the Duchess at all. Now, if only she could convince Saito-two visits to the brothel? Three? No, perhaps five authorized visits to a brothel would suffice.
Unfortunately, she knew just by looking at Saito consoling the maid in front of her that the boy would rather swear never to set foot in a whorehouse than to bring her in front of the Duchess.
Unless she had a very compelling argument.
Certainly, in the time it took to reach the Duchess, she could come up with something?
Oh Founder Brimir-help a poor girl out, could you?!