The Spirit of Humanity

Voting results #21
Scheduled vote count started by Mossr on Nov 3, 2021 at 8:43 PM, finished with 31 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] - Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn
    [X] Plan boost 1 thing turn
    -[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
    -[X] A Place Of Learning-Inspire/Empower
    -[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
    -[X] - Moooosic To My Ears
    -[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
    -[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
    -[X] Researching The Resources - Beqra
    -[X] - To Boldly Go...
    -[X] - Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn.
    -[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
    -[X] - Empower(A Place Of Learning)
    -[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
    -[X] - Moooosic To My Ears
    -[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
    -[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
    -[X] - Inspire(Researching The Strange Effects.)
    -[X] - To Boldly Go...
    [X] - Plan: Supernatural Studies
    [X] - Empower Cost Reduced To 25%.

It seems that plan boost 1 thing turn has won, congratulations to @LordEdric yet again.
Last edited:
Thank you very much for the analysis! I only wish to say that BenBen stone isn't a viable alternative to clay due to it's almost supernatural weight. The small club made of the material that some of our warriors carry weighs between 10 to 15 kilos, and that is smaller than the amount needed for any kind of useful pottery.
mh... when you initially work with BenBen stone, it has a sort of liquid form, right. Couldn't you coat things with it?

Like, instead of a club made fully of the stone, you just coat a wood club in it. Or you can coat a clay pot/container you want to make sturdier. Or you could coat a leather shield, or even armor plates, in it.

I'm imagining a coated shield being used to, say, deflect/protect against some beam-attack from a star-beast...

"He died a few days after, with no one being able to discover why. Some elders of the city then apparently heard of this story and claimed that only those chosen by to be the workers of the All Mother could use this miraculous plant without worry, confiscating all of the plant the man had brought back and sending expeditions to try to find where they came from. It seems that they were never able to find it, however, so they are limited to the amount they currently have. Using this plant, these elders have been able to rise their position in the city becoming the close advisors of our Good leader and influencing many of his decision. It seems that, some days ago, one of them had a vision that the cause of all the disaster our people had suffered would visit us, disguised as mere mortals, but that questioning them would easily reveal their true nature." He finished, shocking me and the others that such plant could exist outside of tales.

...this is a weird prediction.

I mean, it's decently accurate... except that we're NOT, as far as we know, the source of their misery, AND if we are this questioning didn't certainly reveal it, as we don't know anything about it anyway.

Still, ways we can help... well, I can think of a few.

First of all, if they have too many people to feed, we can both send them some people to teach them how to better farm AND our stores of food, possibly with some of the "medicine plant" and our other food sources.

We can also accept some level of immigration, relieving some of their food need that way, and getting some more potential workers if/when they heal/recover.

Generally speaking there's a LOT we could share with them, including weapon tech for the monsters, or the process to make Benben stone... but how much should we share, and what should we ask in exchange?
Scheduled vote count started by Mossr on Nov 3, 2021 at 8:43 PM, finished with 31 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] - Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn
    [X] Plan boost 1 thing turn
    -[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
    -[X] A Place Of Learning-Inspire/Empower
    -[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
    -[X] - Moooosic To My Ears
    -[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
    -[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
    -[X] Researching The Resources - Beqra
    -[X] - To Boldly Go...
    -[X] - Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn.
    -[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
    -[X] - Empower(A Place Of Learning)
    -[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
    -[X] - Moooosic To My Ears
    -[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
    -[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
    -[X] - Inspire(Researching The Strange Effects.)
    -[X] - To Boldly Go...
    [X] - Plan: Supernatural Studies
    [X] - Empower Cost Reduced To 25%.

It seems that plan boost 1 thing turn has won, congratulations to @LordEdric yet again.

eh, I would have gone with empower without cooldown. It was basically an extra action per turn at a reasonable price.
mh... when you initially work with BenBen stone, it has a sort of liquid form, right. Couldn't you coat things with it?

Like, instead of a club made fully of the stone, you just coat a wood club in it. Or you can coat a clay pot/container you want to make sturdier. Or you could coat a leather shield, or even armor plates, in it.

I'm imagining a coated shield being used to, say, deflect/protect against some beam-attack from a star-beast...

Well you ... well ... I mean ... they could? ... Yeah ... maybe? ... Let's just say they haven't thought of that yet.
Well you ... well ... I mean ... they could? ... Yeah ... maybe? ... Let's just say they haven't thought of that yet.
keep it in mind for the next research on the stone maybe :p

It wouldn't necessarily work well for ALL cases, which is why our thinkers need to experiment! if you apply it on clothes, you make them more rigid, so you'd probably have to be careful to only do it on plates kept ABOVE the actual fibres.

It might not work for pots because, for example, the stone is not a good heat conductor and they would not heat up well enough to cook foods.

Still, the idea has promise, ESPECIALLY if you want light but sturdy weapons (or light but sturdy things in general).

Another thing we might want to do with our people, by the way, is to prepare a plan for "what happens if we die".

Right now, I suppose we'd get a chance to reincarnate in a new body... but if we prepared things, we might be able to quickly prove we are the spirit of humanity again in a next life. Something like a password, maybe split into multiple parts, each given to a different family, to keep secret until someone comes proving to know it all (and also maybe proves to know things only our past incarnation should know).

It's also a nice excuse to introduce time skips of a couple decades, from our death to when we find a new "vessel" to when it's grown enough to prove he's the reincarnated leader.

...and now that I think about it, this would basically turn our village into a theocracy.
Another thing we might want to do with our people, by the way, is to prepare a plan for "what happens if we die".

Right now, I suppose we'd get a chance to reincarnate in a new body... but if we prepared things, we might be able to quickly prove we are the spirit of humanity again in a next life. Something like a password, maybe split into multiple parts, each given to a different family, to keep secret until someone comes proving to know it all (and also maybe proves to know things only our past incarnation should know).

It's also a nice excuse to introduce time skips of a couple decades, from our death to when we find a new "vessel" to when it's grown enough to prove he's the reincarnated leader.

...and now that I think about it, this would basically turn our village into a theocracy.

That would be a great idea, but I have already thought of a pretty interesting way to solve this problem. I will not say what it is for now, but remember that we are the Spirit of Humanity, nothing more or less.
That would be a great idea, but I have already thought of a pretty interesting way to solve this problem. I will not say what it is for now, but remember that we are the Spirit of Humanity, nothing more or less.
well, the obvious thought is that they might start to pray to us once we die, and we might answer either through miracles or through temporary possession of priests.
Turn 20 - Of Deeds Done And Wanted
Date: Unknown
Location: Along the margins of the Nile, Village of Khonsu

-[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral

Differently from the other two materials already harvested before, the process to gather the valuable copper ore and bring it to Khonsu is much harder and lengthier since, unlike the others, it isn't easy to extract or simply lying freely on the ground. In fact, heavy and continuous work is required to remove the rock from it's exposed wall, identify where the ore is, extract it and bring it back to the village.

Nonetheless, after more than 20 months of progress, this project is finally reaching it's conclusion with the elders assigned to supervize this work stating that, by this time next cycle, there will be enough of a supply of the ore at Khonsu that we will be finally able to smelt it into the myriad of useful tools we know it can be turned to. But for now we still have to wait.

[Locked for 1 turn.]

-[X] - A Place Of Learning (Inspire/Empower)

For a while now, ever since the survey made to gather information about your people, there has been a project stuck in the back of your mind, always sticking out as a possibility but never chosen due to priorities and limitations on your workers and resources. However, it seems that the time has finally come for the construction of a place of learning, where the more curious and interested of your people may come to learn from those more experienced.

Aditionally, in order to test what felt to you like a recent improvement to one of your powers, you decided to infuse both of your powers into the workers of this projects, making them capable of doing much more and much better than ever before. However, only a few weeks into the project, you were interrupted on a regular day with your family by one of the elders assigned to overseeing construction.

It seems that one day, while they were discussing the future uses of this place, one of the elders metioned that their second cousin, another elder but one assigned more to the matters of the people, often said that the growing amount of orphans brought into Khonsu from migrant groups were well cared for by the village but often times lacking in the education most others learned from their parents.

Hearing this, the elder suggested to the others there that, due to them already making the building larger than it needed to be, perhaps it could be a good idea to try to incorporate these orphans into a more permanent form of study, giving them a proper place to stay and an opportunity to learn under the most experienced people in the village. Needless the say, you definitely aproved of the idea and hoped it could fulfill it's expanded promisses.

[Locked for 1 turn.]

-[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?

Not much more to say here than was said last turn. More land given to more people to plant more plants and make more food. I've said it in the description of this action, it will take much more repeats for anything particularly interesting to happen and even then it may not be so good. Perhaps one of the farms will catch fire, or a boy will fall in a well before being rescued by his loyal dog, or a poor farmer will reawaken the last StarBeast on Earth by digging a bit too deep, or one of the wheat plants will be a bit more brown than normal. Boring stuff like that.

[++Food, A Sense of Pride and Acomplishment.]

-[X] - Moooosic To My Ears

Most of your people were at least aware of the project involving the beqra started last year, but they were still surprised with the large increase in meat and other more unusual materials available for them, making some of them a bit more suspicious of the new aditions to their life. Nonetheless, a few months later, everyone is thankful for the addition of this new animal in their routine due to giving almost everyone in the village the opportunity to eat meat at least every few days, letting new mothers relax a little bit due to the discovery of available alternatives for milk and even for a previously unthought of discovery, made by some particularly brave homekeepers, where beqra skin left to dry in the sun for a few days dries and hardens, becoming much more resistant and durable while also maintaining a surprising degree of malleability. Perhaps more research into this may give us yet another important resource for our people. But for now, everything is moooving along quite well.

[+++Food, ++Diversity, -Disease, ++Morale, New Materials Available: Beqra Meat, Beqra Skin, Beqra Milk And Very Small Cores.]

-[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony

The art competition finally happened in the middle of the year after a few months of planning and organizing and, while admittedly not the most important thing to happen, was still very interesting and entertaining, both for the participants and for the people watching them. The competition was divided into several categories, each one dedicated to a specific craft or type of craft, giving everyone the chance to prove themselves properly.

Also, despite last year's intention with this project, the use of marble was not required for the competition, especially in events such as a wood carving competition, but given the free supply of the material offered to all artists, most choose to use it one way or another.

After a few days of the competition, giving each person a proper amount of time to show their skills, came one of the most unexpectedly interesting trials, the BenBen Stone moulding one. The interest came mostly from the rivalry between two young artists that apparently inherited their rivalry from their respective masters, making the competition a sort of battle between both of their styles of creating art. Unfortunately, both of them lost to another competitor, but it was still really interesting to see.

Overall, the project was a great success and many new pieces of art populate the streets and plaza of Khonsu, making your people happier. Some are even wishing for this to become an annual event like the other festival, and you're all for it. Overall, you had to give the whole competition a 8.67 / 10.

[+Culture, +Morale, New Annual Event: The Trials Of Creation.]

-[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2

This year, the research into the weapons and equipment of our warriors continues just as last time: How can we get pointy/heavy/sharpy thing in Bad thing without getting pointy/heavy/sharpy in Good thing. Continuing where the last turn left off, your thinkers continued their sacred mission to add even more metal spikes in anything and everything but, in the middle of their work, one of them suddenly had a bright idea and made the simple suggestion of 'what if we coat things in BenBen stone to make them more durable and damaging without making it too heavy'. Of course, this degenerate was quickly expunged from the group for their heretical ideas and a thinker more dedicated to the holy ideals of metal spikes was recruited in their place.

Oh and some new weapons were created but who cares, more spikes are needed everywhere!

[New Equipment Created: Primitive Metal-Tipped Spears, Ancient BenBen Stone Hammer, Primitive Slashing Weapon (Not A Sword, More Like This). New Idea For Armour, Sufficient Leather Or/And Cotton Production Needed For Implementation.]

-[X] - Researching The Resources - Beqra

During their initial research into these animals, your thinker's primary concern was to see if the material they could provide would not be harmful to your people. Thankfully they were, but there was still a greater need to research these material further and see if any of them present any useful or unusual properties.

The beqra's meat was first on the chopping block and they were quickly proven to be ... normal. It was just meat like any other.

The milk was also entirely normal, with the only interesting thing your thinkers were able to discover about it was that it was able to be used to help compensate a bit for a lack of natural human breast milk for babies, but only for a short while and after being boiled thoroughly. The test to discover this took a lot of different steps, starting with animals and eventually progressing to a volunteer amongst the thinkers, that decided to test the safety of the liquid by herself. Thankfully everything went fine.

The skin of the beqra was the most interesting of the 'mundane' materials of the animals, primarily because of the property discovered by some of your people for it to dry and harden when left in the sun. However, one of the major problems these material presented was that, after it was dried, the skin would quickly begin rotting in only a matter of weeks, to it was not sustainable for any long term use.

It took a but of work and trial and error from your thinkers, but when you have as much talent and determination as them, it's just a matter of time. It was discovered that, if some of the previously-thought-useless fat of the beqra was applied to the hide during it's process of drying, it helped the final product remain even more malleable than before. It was also discovered that, if this new material is put above a smoking fire for a few days, similar to the ones used to preserve food, it also gains a much longer lifetime, lasting a few years before needing to be replaced instead of every few weeks. A proper space dedicated for thiswill be needed for any substantial production of this new material though, so this should be taken into consideration.

And finally, the cores. One of the most mysterious things your thinkers have ever encountered, we still don't know much about this strange orb except that it is somehow the source of all supernatural abilities we know of. Even with the much increased supply of these cores due to the beqra, not much was found and it is likely that another dedicated research project will be needed to frther unravel the secrets of this mysterious orb.

[Several Materials Analysed, New Learning Action.]

-[X] - To Boldly Go...
--[X] - Another Village

Finally, a few weeks after the start of the expedition, it was with great joy that all of it's members returned home unharmed and bringing with them unprecedented news. The story of their journey through the desert will surely be that souce of many future tales and the wierd events and happenings inside and around the larger village have been a great cause of speculation and discussion among the elders.

Alongside her story of the journey, the leader of this diplomatic journey has also given you a rundown of the situation of our neighboring village of Amun and ooooh boy, are things rough there. There is a shortage of food, clothes, medicine, workers, building materials, and many other essential supplies and, unfortunately, there is no way we may be able the completely help them with these shortages due to how small our population is compared to theirs but in their situation everything helps. Still, what could those elders be saying by calling us the 'source of their misery'?

[New Mechanic Unlocked: Relations; New Contact: The Village Of Amun; New Society Action.]


The revelation of your true nature to your people has finally unlocked the beginings of the true abilities of the Spirit of Humanity. For now, your powers are still limited, but as you advance civilization, so will you advance your powers. You have two available Miracles:

-Inspire: Inspire your people so that the results of their projects can be even better. The results of projects are increased by 1 level. Cooldown - 1 turns. (1 turn left) / Cost - 50% project cost.

-Empower: Empower your people so that they can finish their projects earlier than expected. The duration of projects is decreased by 1 turn (Minimum is 1 turn). Cooldown - 1 turn. (1 turn left) / Cost - 50% project cost.


This year, you decided to spend a bit more time with your parents and encouraged Anat to do the same with her's. They are getting old and, while both of them still behave and joke around as if they are thirty years younger, you fear that they do not have much longer on this Earth. It is saddening to think about, but you will eventually outlive every member of your family, one way or another. You don't know what to think of that, do you simply decide to pass your time with them and letting Anipe play with her grandparents.


Materials: 325 (+290 per turn)

Morale: 65 / 150 (Your people are content about their situation)

Population: +- 1775 People

Action Points: 5

Security: Your people feel absolutely safe and there is no fear of the outside. They feel they can resist the attack of an army of monster and they have proven this belief. (Very High against current enemies, no chance of damage)

Food: All of your people have enough food to eat twice a day and still stockpile a little for the future. Your people have enough diversity in their food, for now. You have enough stored food for 1 turn. (You have 18 units of food, and you need to keep 7 in order to feed your people and 10 to maintain stored food.)

Known Contacts:

- The Village of Amun
Status: Fellow Village
Situation: Post-Crisis, Pre-Recovery
Reputation: -50 (Reputation functions on a scale from -1000 to +1000, with -1000 being the equivalent of eternal enemies, sworn to kill each other on sight i.e. your Reputation with Monsters, and +1000 being either eternal allies or members of the same faction outside of a state of revolt i.e. two cities in the same kingdom)
Needs: (Temporary)
-Food - 7.5R/T (7.5 Reputation per Food gifted per turn) (18/10/7) (Total/Recomended/Needed)
-Material - 1R/5M/T (1 Reputation per 5 Material gifted per turn)
-Medicine - 10R/T (1/1/0)
-Workers - 30R/A/T (30 Reputation per Action gifted per turn)


- Infrastructure (1 Free Action):

[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
Your people have recently found a few new resources that could prove to be very useful for the village in the future. One of them is what seems to you to be some sort of copper deposit, though you unfortunately do not have any more knowledge about this. Regardless, you feel deep within your being that this resource will be the begining of something truly extraordinary... even if you don't know how to utilize it yet.
Duration - 3 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - ++Material, New Resource: Copper

[] - What Is That Awful Smell?
Recently, your thinkers have discovered a method to make use of the hide harvested the domesticated beqra and to turn it into a potentially useful material. Unfortunately, like many other things in life, a specialized building will be need to produce substantial amounts of leather and the process itself has a very ...strong scent, so it need to be built the farthest possible distance from the major residential parts of the village. It must be done, for the greater good...
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - ++Material, New Resource Available: Primitive Processed Leather.

[] - If All You Have Is A Hammer...
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - Copper? I Barely Know Her!
(Locked until Action A Very Copperiscius Mineral is Complete)

[] - There Is Always More To Do - Clay
Your people have begun to harvest one of the valuable resources present in nature to use them and all sorts of incredible and amazing ways, but there is always more that can be done. In regards to Clay, the operation is easily expandable, only requiring that more people work on the fields of clay and bring them to the city and it would give your people greater access to this easily mouldable material.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - +Material, More access to Clay.

[] - There Is Always More To Do - Marble
Your people have begun to harvest one of the valuable resources present in nature to use them and all sorts of incredible and amazing ways, but there is always more that can be done. In regards to Marble, similarly to clay, the process is easily expandable as, with the quarry being fully exposed, the only work to be done to increase production is to increase the number of people working in carrying the beautiful material back to Khonsu, where it may be used for any artistically inclined project.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - +Material, More access to Marble.

[X] - A Place Of Learning
After a recent surview, some of your people are showing an interest in learning from the thinkers of the village in order to better understand how they keep making these incredible discoveries year after year. Perhaps it would be a good idea to instruct your workers to contruct a place where one of these thinkers may talk to the people and teach them the best they can.
Duration - 3 2 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - ++Morale, +Education.

- Nutrition (1 Free Action):

[] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It? - II
It is. Go distribute even more of the land around the village to the farmers that need it. Is there much more to say about this? It's not gonna increase Material anymore though, that would be overpowered.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 45 Material
Reward - ++Food, Maybe If You Do It A Hundred Times Something Interesting Will Happen?

[] - Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
Your farmers have recently started the production of the Healing Plant, that is an incredible medicine for whatever injury a person might have. In fact, it is so incredible and useful that you wish you had more, so it might be a good idea to ask you farmers to plant even more of these plants. Besides, it also increases the supply of food, so all is well
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - +Food, ++Medicine

[] - Tools To Tirelessly Toil Trenches Throughly
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - The Moooore, The Merrier - Beqra
Your people have recently domesticated one of the myriad useful animal species in this world and, while that is great and all, more could be done. In regards to the Beqra, the first results of their integration into the day-to-day of the village has proven to be a great success and many wish for an expansion of the current system. That can be done with a sufficient price, of course, so perhaps you should consider listening to these demands?
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - ++Food, +Beqra Materials(Meat, Skin, Milk, VS Cores)

[] - Into Those Knowable Shallow Banks.
(Locked until These Deep, Turbulent Waters... is complete)

[] - Expand The Supply - Cotton
Your farmers have recently started the production of Cotton in repectable quantities, and one of your workers has even discovered a way to change this fluffy plant into an incredible new fabric, of a much higher quality than anything we've had before. Unfortunately, there is not nearly enough material to create sufficient fabric to supply the entire village, so an expansion to the amount of such plant is needed for any further projects in the future.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +Material, ++Cotton, More Actions Available

- Society

[] - Very Serious Diplomactic Actions
Recently, your village has, for the first time, made peaceful contact with a different beacon of civilization outside of your walls. Now, we must decide what do in regards to these very serious diplomatic matters that have been writen by someone that has a very deep and profound understanding of diplomacy and intergovernmental relations. /s
- Trade With [] No Target In Condition To Trade
--Estabilish a trading connection with one of your known contacts.
- Gift [] to []
--Give a gift to one of your available contracts, either to help them out or to gain Reputation.
- Visit []
--Make a visit to one of your available contracts, potentially leading to Reputation changes, new Actions and more.
- Declare War On []
--For when you need to let those dark thoughts out.
- Others to come...

[] - You're Just A Tool Of The System
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - Of Writing And Boredom
Your elders have recently invented a new way to pass information and to have that be recorded for others or for the future and, while that is great, most of your people will unfortunately not have the required time in their daily lifes to learn to use this incredible new tool from the elders. Fortunately, one of the other elders gave you a possible solution after seeing your displeasure. Why not organize a specific time and place when your people were the most free and call all those that are interested in the language to help them learn it? It would not work instantely, but it would surely help much in accelerating the rate of learning.
Duration - Variable
Cost - 10 Material per turn
Reward - +5% Rate Of Literacy per turn, Various Bonuses When MIlestones Are Reached.

[] - That's Orthodoxical Bro!
After a recent surview, some of your people are showing an interest in religious matters, so perhaps it would be a good idea to talk with some of the religious elders not occupied with other projects and see if they could teach and maybe even employ these people, helping them in their work and fulfilling the desires of part of your people.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - +Culture, ++Morale, Expanded Religious Hierarchy

- Learning (1 Free Action):

[] - Researching The Strange Effects.
A few years back, while experimenting with the supernatural properties of BenBen stone, your thinkers made a most curious discovery. When supernatural energy is directed through pathways in certain shapes, it seems to cause some strange effects such as heating or cooling their surroundings. Unfortunately, while they tried to do further research in this topic, nothing much was achieved and so it was gradually abandoned. However, after the completion of the written language your elders had been working on for some years, you feel as if more progress in this topic could now be done, so you could incentivize your thinkers to focus on this subject yet again.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - The Basics Of Enchanting, The Begining Of Supernatural Development.

[] - A Ruler A Ruler Must Have
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - Researching The Water Problem
The construction of the new baths inside the village has brought many benefits to your people, but have also revealed the still present trouble of bringing water anywhere not directly nearby the Great River. While for now this has not proven itself to be particularly problematic, you're sure that with the ever growing population of the village and its ever growing need for water in everyday operation, this will grow to be a major problem relatively soon. Perhaps you could try to prevent this problem from appearing in the first place by giving your thinkers the task of finding an easier way of transporting water from the river to wherever it may be needed.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Materials
Reward - A Better Way Of Transporting Water, Perhaps The Start Of Something More.

[] - Researching The Resources
Your people have recently found some new potentialy useful resources and brought some with them. You could give those to your thinkers and ask them to figure out what it is, how we can utilize and what can it do. If you do not know that, the utility of these new resources will be almost zero. Researchable Resources: Marble, Clay, Cotton.
Duration - 1 turn each
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - More Information About Researched Materials, Possibly Various New Actions.

[] - Researching The Cores - Mark II
(Locked until Give Me Those Cores! Part - 1 is complete)

[] - Researching The Great River
(Locked until These Deep, Turbulent Waters... is complete)

[] - Just Research Something, Anything!
Your thinkers have proved themselves repeatedly to be very capable at their jobs, so that gave an interesting idea. What can they do if you do not request anything in particular of them but still give them enough Material for them to experiment on? Regardless of what actually ends up being made, it should be very interesting.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 50 Material
Reward - Completely Random, Could Be Almost Anything.

- Military:

[] - These Deep, Turbulent Waters...
Your people have long known of the Great River, that snakes it's way out from the heart of the desert and presents your people with the incredibly fertile soils they used in their agricultural efforts. However, they have also long know not to go near the deeper part of the river, for great monsters dwelled in those dark depths. In fact, even the group of fishers you organized some time back dares not to stray from the margins of the river, making further expansion of their operation much harder than normally. To solve this, one of the only possible solutions is to see if a group of your warriors could approach these feared parts of the Nile and disperse the aquatic monsters that surely lived in there, doing so every so often to guarantee the safety of others.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - +Security, Further Aquatic Expansion Into the Nile Possible.

[] - Give Me Those Cores! Part - 1
Recently, it has been discovered that, for some reason, there is a large amount of monsters surrounding Khonsu in almost all direction. They haven't done anything yet, but that doesn't mean you can't try to solve this problem before it even begins. Coincidently, it seems your thinkers need more of the cores present inside these beast to continue their research. You could end up solving two problems at once if you simply commited a bit of monster culling.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - ++Security, Less Problems In The Future, New Learning Action.

[] - ...Everything Looks Like A Nail
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - To Boldly Go...
Your warriors have finished searching the area directly around you village for any potential threat or any interesting find and, lucky them, they have found a few of them. You could then organize an expedition to these areas, searching to find a reason they're so anomalous or simply intriguing.
The following is the list of places you could send an expedition to, for now:
- Animal Graveyard
- Deep Chasm
- Ring of Monsters
Duration - 2 turns each (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 90 Materials each
Reward - More information about the location, New actions, ???.

Hello everyone! Hope you guys like this chapter as I have introduced some new mechanics for you to play with. If anyone has any questions please ask them to me and I will answer to the best of my ability. Also, the duration and cost of some actions has been changed to make them more worthwhile.
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[X] Plan Good Neighbors and cotton
-[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] A Place Of Learning
-[X] Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
-[X] Expand The Supply - Cotton
-[X] Very Serious Diplomactic Actions
—[X] Gift 10 Food and 1 Medicine to Atem
-[X] Researching The Water Problem
-[X] Researching The Resources - Cotton
-[X] These Deep, Turbulent Waters...

So medicine is a really valuable trade good, so let's grow more and boost food production at the same time.
Cotton expansion and research, because people want new clothes and I think they will be valuable in the future.
Gave them what we can spare
Research water because steady supply is always good
I think either anti monster actions are good, if people want I can change it
[X] Plan Good Neighbors and cotton
-[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] A Place Of Learning
-[X] Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
-[X] Expand The Supply - Cotton
-[X] Very Serious Diplomactic Actions
—[X] Gift 10 Food and 1 Medicine to Atem
-[X] Researching The Water Problem
-[X] Researching The Resources - Cotton
-[X] These Deep, Turbulent Waters...
We need to show these villages that they are wrong
Are they though?

[X] Plan Cottoning on to the use of Clay
-[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] A Place Of Learning
-[X] Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
-[X] Expand The Supply - Cotton
-[X] Very Serious Diplomactic Actions
—[X] Gift 8 Food and 1 Medicine to Atem
-[X] Researching The Resources - Cotton
-[X] Researching The Resources - Clay
-[X] These Deep, Turbulent Waters...

Would like to get some pottery going as well as textiles.
Giving out as much food as we can without cutting into our storage.
Reluctantly giving out all our medicine for a year, as I have suspicions.


[X] Plan Cottoning and literacy
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[x] Plan Good Neighbors and cotton
- [x] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] A Place Of Learning
-[X] Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
-[X] Expand The Supply - Cotton
-[X] Very Serious Diplomactic Actions
—[X] Gift 10 Food and 1 Medicine to Atem
-[X] Researching The Water Problem
-[X] Researching The Resources - Cotton
-[X] These Deep, Turbulent Waters...
[X] Plan Good Neighbors and cotton

Better irrigation is likely gated behind researching water transportation, which would be helpful with expanding food production. The sooner we start this, the better.
[X] Plan Cottoning on to the use of Clay

I would like to research our materials before trying to Do the water research(And I would like to Inspire that action, then Enchanting, finally Orthodoxical out of the Current actions).
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Does anyone want another sidestory more focused on characters than the greater story? I think I have a good idea for one about the art competition.
Boring stuff like that.

in the middle of their work, one of them suddenly had a bright idea and made the simple suggestion of 'what if we coat things in BenBen stone to make them more durable and damaging without making it too heavy'. Of course, this degenerate was quickly expunged from the group for their heretical ideas
Oh no hahahaha

[X] Plan Cottoning on to the use of Clay

I would like to research our materials before trying to Do the water research(And I would like to Inspire that action, then Enchanting, finally Orthodoxical out of the Current actions).
Ok the idea to inspire water research is interesting... as much as I would like to start it now... hmmm
I'm gonna change the voting period to only two days since I noticed the majority of the votes happen only on day 1 and 2. Also, do you guys think it's a good idea to also post this quest in SpaceBattles? I've seen some other people do this and it seems kinda interesting.
I will have to remember to post my plan on both sites, but it sounds like a good way for you to get more followers
I support shorter vote time: Hell yeah! Quicker updates!
As for Spacebattles, go for it👍 Though it can be stressful to reply to everything.
On an unrelated note: @LordEdric Saw you in "Archer Class is made of Archers [Fate/ Rome Time Loop Quest]" , that quest rocks too😎
I'm gonna change the voting period to only two days since I noticed the majority of the votes happen only on day 1 and 2. Also, do you guys think it's a good idea to also post this quest in SpaceBattles? I've seen some other people do this and it seems kinda interesting.
It makes counting the cotes a bit more complecated, and if plan makers dont transfer there plans over it can seem like a plan that didnt exist won, Our if they do tranfer it over you got to remember to remove any repeat votes because of transferring plans.
I'm for Dropping the vote period to 2 days. Since that length gives people who follow the quest enough time to check in on the thread and make a vote without having to worry about missing a vote. (as long as its 2 days where we can actually vote and not 1 day no vote, 1 day vote)
I'll make a slightly more different plan

[X] Plan Cottoning and literacy
-[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] A Place Of Learning
-[X] Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
-[X] Expand The Supply - Cotton
-[X] Very Serious Diplomactic Actions
—[X] Gift 8 Food and 1 Medicine to Atem
-[X] Researching The Resources - Cotton
-[X] Researching The Resources - Clay
-[x] - Of Writing And Boredom

EDIT: 60+70+10+60+60= 260 materials

I'm just changing "deep waters" for the "literacy" action, though I was kinda tempted to remove the gift of medicine.

I mean, COME ON, we just created reading and writing, we want more people to be able to use it! It's quite the nice boost!

Just think about it, we want AT THE VERY LEAST the elders (or people who aid them) and the thinkers to be able to read and write. This way they can write instructions AND the results of research, both what was attempted and what failed/succeeded.

We don't need A 100% literacy rate like in modern countries... but a 10 to 20% would help a lot. It should be enough to cover the more important jobs: elders, thinkers, administrators, maybe the clergy...

Ignoring narrative and going for mechanics, I imagine we'll start to unlock some of the benefits at 10%. it seems like a reasonable point.
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[X] Plan Cottoning on to the use of Clay

[X] Plan Cottoning and literacy

the place of learning is finishing in a turn, So I'm good with this, I was against doing the Literacy action until the schools are built, But I think we get the beneift of them the turn they are done (Or atleast we'll get a narrative beneift from the schools getting a test run before they are done with the Literacy action)