The Slave Who Makes Free: An Anakin Skywalker Quest

In official media, yes, but it's taken hold in the fandom more broadly as well.

Ah, it happens. With the popularity of the Mandalorian, things snowballed from there. And I'd honestly rather have Din and the weird stuff with his Covenant clan than the insane stuff that came out of Traviss's later works like Order 66 and LOTF.

Infact, I'm curious to see your take on Satine and the pacifistic Mandalorians in general. I'm not the biggest fan of TCW, but I dug the idea of Mandalore trying to become a more peaceful society in the middle of the biggest war in Galactic history; hell, the idea of a Game of Thrones-esque environment where all of Mandalorian space is divided in civil war over joining or staying out of the Clone Wars is potential for a show's season or two right then and there.

Plus, it'd be interesting for this Anakin to get an idea of neutrality in crises. He's always seen one side acting as the aggressor towards another here, so him finding out about a third option to conflicts could lead him to some interesting introspection for the coming future.
Plus, it'd be interesting for this Anakin to get an idea of neutrality in crises. He's always seen one side acting as the aggressor towards another here, so him finding out about a third option to conflicts could lead him to some interesting introspection for the coming future.
The man will be too busy sipping wine and snacking on popcorn over Satine and Obi-Wan.
It would be interesting to go through the deathwatch conflict that occurred pre clone wars a exploration of the factions pre Satine takeover could be novel given how much tension there was in legends over it.
It would be interesting to go through the deathwatch conflict that occurred pre clone wars a exploration of the factions pre Satine takeover could be novel given how much tension there was in legends over it.
It absolutely would. Unfortunately, as a side effect of being about Anakin rather than Obi-Wan, this fic starts well after the end of the Mandalorian Civil War. I can (and almost certainly will) still get into the nature of the Mandalorian factions and their visions for the future of their people, but a lot of what set Mandalore on the path we see it on in The Clone Wars is, at this point, already set in stone.
That was absolutely fantastic @Kirook and very exhaustive, the only "relatively major" Jedi of this era that I missed are Tholme and his Neti friend T'ra Saa
The characters on the list currently are those Anakin knows either personally or by reputation, i.e. those someone reading this story might reasonably need to know about. More entries will be added as he meets more people (and Tholme and T'raa Saa may be among them), but for now I don't want to overload people trying to get context for this story with information they might not need.
Actually, Togruta have both! The montrals are the upward-swept horns, and then they have 3 lekku to the Twi'lek's 2.
Oh, huh, yeah. Apparently the singular is "lek", which makes sense from the species name but is just kind of odd to imagine as a word on its own. And for some reason Togruta head-tails count but Tholothian ones don't? Weird.
I found out recently that the only reason Disney did the whole grand retcon of the Legends continuity was that one of the novels had killed off Chewbacca, and they didn't want to have to explain to fans that the reason a beloved character wasn't in The Force Awakens was that BDSM Al-Qaeda dropped a moon on his head in 1999.

I do suspect that Disney would have launched their own continuity anyway- they would want to not be bound by some obscure tie-in novels that Lucas always had a complicated relationship with anyway, and there were already rumblings during the terminal-era EU (pre-Disney purchase) of LFL/Del Rey/etc looking to soft-reboot the continuity.

Regarding the New Jedi Order and Vergere, it's worth noting that "Vergere was totally a Sith!" was a later retcon by that hack Denning- Matthew Stover and James Luceno (author of Traitor and project lead on the NJO, respectively) viewed her as sincere and a genuine help to Jacen and the Jedi during the war. IIRC Luceno saw the end of the NJO (The Unifying Force) as sort of an endpoint for the post-ROTJ continuity as a whole- certainly the last scene has a real cut-to-credits feel to it- so until Denning pitched Dark Nest, the Legends continuity would have ended with Jacen Solo having utilized Vergere's philosophical insights on the Force to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong without destroying them as a people.

I vaguely remembered something about that, but Wookieepedia wasn't really clear on it and I haven't gotten far enough in the Republic comics to have reached the point where that happens yet.

Huh, I'm surprised you're not an old EU head- based on the writing of this quest, you've got a real understanding of the Legends material and how to use it for a good story.
I do suspect that Disney would have launched their own continuity anyway- they would want to not be bound by some obscure tie-in novels that Lucas always had a complicated relationship with anyway, and there were already rumblings during the terminal-era EU (pre-Disney purchase) of LFL/Del Rey/etc looking to soft-reboot the continuity.

Regarding the New Jedi Order and Vergere, it's worth noting that "Vergere was totally a Sith!" was a later retcon by that hack Denning- Matthew Stover and James Luceno (author of Traitor and project lead on the NJO, respectively) viewed her as sincere and a genuine help to Jacen and the Jedi during the war. IIRC Luceno saw the end of the NJO (The Unifying Force) as sort of an endpoint for the post-ROTJ continuity as a whole- certainly the last scene has a real cut-to-credits feel to it- so until Denning pitched Dark Nest, the Legends continuity would have ended with Jacen Solo having utilized Vergere's philosophical insights on the Force to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong without destroying them as a people.

Huh, I'm surprised you're not an old EU head- based on the writing of this quest, you've got a real understanding of the Legends material and how to use it for a good story.
Worse yet, legacy of the force was originally gonna be a oc based story set during kotor times, then they decided to forcibly plaster it on to post-rotj character assassinating Jacen and throwing fellow author Timothy zhan skywalker family exploring the unknown regions(that he was in the process of writing no less) books under the bus... before using that very same premise in the next series of novels...
This short story perhaps tells us how Zhan felt about the whole affair...
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Huh, I'm surprised you're not an old EU head- based on the writing of this quest, you've got a real understanding of the Legends material and how to use it for a good story.
I wouldn't really consider myself a diehard fan of either continuity in particular. I've been making my way through Legends partly to find material for this quest and partly for fun, but in a franchise this big there are bound to be some gaps somewhere.
The old eu is just pound for pound larger particularly in the prequel era(tcw is a weird nebulous in between area) disney star wars for good or ill spent much of its years early been mainly focused on the ot era(thanks goodness they've been recently relaxing it).