You turn to the Kikwi, and Ordona vanishes. "You add another one to the other two humans who have arrived," it says to you. "Scary Girl and that man."
"One's Kyouko, and..."
"Wait, two? You mean there's more than Kyouko?" you say.
"Yes, there is. They're both heading off to the Lost Woods."
"Well then... thanks for your help," you say. You then begin climbing the cliffs around the spring, and you see a viewing platform. "This is getting kind of crazy..." you mutter. Then you see someone. A pale man is standing in front of the platform. He's almost as pale as Kyubey was, and you scowl at the thought of that monster. He didn't tell you that magical girls are zombies, nor that you'd witch out when your Soul Gem got dark.
"And yet, Your Grace... things are about to get crazier," he says. He looks evil. He sounds evil. And he's now an enemy.
"You!" you shout, pulling out the Goddess Sword and jumping at the man. He somehow transforms into a cloud of diamonds, and teleports away from you, appearing on the platform. "You're the one who took her! Why would you do it?!"
The man laughs deeply. "I thought your old memories would have told you that," he tells you. A confused look appears on your face, and he clearly notices it. "Ah, but you have not retrieved them yet."
"Where is she?" you demand, getting to your point.
He shakes his head at you. "You will find out, but how about we play a game first?" You clench onto the Goddess Sword and summon a cutlass for extra measures. "Fine, I guess I'll suggest the game then. How about 'find the Spirited One'?"
"Just tell me where she is!" you repeat.
"I assure you that you won't win," he responds with a smirk.
"Stay away from her!" you yell, charging up a Skyward Strike.
He smiles. "You say that, yet those aren't the rules. Now, I remember that when you first entered this forest, you told me 'game on'. I'm only returning the favor. Now I swear in Majora's name that I will not lay a finger on the Spirited One while we are in the forest." You fire a Skyward Strike at the man, but he teleports again in a cloud of diamonds. A few moments pass, and you continue holding the Goddess Sword. The area where the Skyward Strike hit the platform crumbles, crashing down onto the forest floor.
You then angrily run forward, the Goddess Sword in one hand and a cutlass in another, and enter the Lost Woods. Fi then appears. "Mistress Sayaka, this is the Lost Woods, a region of Faron Woods enchanted by the architects of Skyview Temple to keep anyone from reaching it, unless with the help of a guide. If you do not exercise caution, you may get lost."
"Thanks, Fi," you say. You narrow your eyes and look into the distance. That man will get what's coming to him. You're still enraged after what happened, but you try focusing on the task ahead to keep your mind off of it. You can hear Saria's Song being played on a trumpet.
[] Talk to Fi
[] Cleanse your Soul Gem
[] Write-in [] Follow the music
The pale man seems to be gone, so you sigh in relief. You're scared about what will happen if you run into him again, but at the same time, you're still furious. Then again, if you defeat him... Fi, the Kikwis, Ordona, Impaz, and all of Skyloft won't suffer what happened to that Goron. You'll save Hyrule, and are dedicated to this goal. Everything has to be perfect if you want to truly save Hyrule, though. You'll defeat the pale man. Invigorated with that thought, you go a bit further, into an open area.
You examine the woods around you. This area of the forest has a river flowing through it, and trees tower above you. You can still hear Saria's Song being played on a trumpet.
You go through the cave entrance to the north, and just as you exit, a turtle shell comes spinning at you. "Whoa!" you shout, pulling out the Goddess Sword. "When did this become Mario Kart?" It gets up, but it still takes a few seconds.
"Target locked: Snapper," Fi says. "These reptiles live in forested areas, and are immune to attacks from the top. I suggest making the Snapper crash into a wall and firing a cutlass at the soft area on its stomach, as I estimate that from its previous recovery, there is a 75% chance that it will take three seconds for the Snapper to recover."
"Got it," you say. The Snapper spins at you again, and you jump out of the way. It crashes into a nearby tree, and falls over on its back. At that, you fire a cutlass at the Snapper, and it's impaled on its underbelly. The Snapper then disintegrates into a cloud of smoke, just like the Deku Babas, Keese, and Green ChuChus. There's still a bloodstain left behind, but you then go west. The trumpet is getting louder.
This next area of the forest has a slope going up, and it goes to another cave to the south. Then what seem to be puppets drop down, and you slice right through them. "Fi, what are these puppet things?" The erratic way they move can't help but remind you of a witch. And you're taking your anger at the pale man on these creatures.
"There is a 99% chance that what you called them is identical to the name they have in my database- Puppets: These marionettes are animated by nature magic, and usually work to the bidding of a Skull Kid. Using your sword is the most effective way to dispose of them." Another puppet lunges at you, and you decapitate it with a cutlass.
"I guess this Skull Kid won't want a Skull Mask or for me to play the lyre with him for a Piece of Heart," you say to yourself, trying to cheer yourself up. You climb up the slope, and look through it. The trumpet is almost deafening. You cover your ears.
You simply run through the next grove, one with an ancient wall and two unlit torches, going through the tunnel to the west. You contemplate coming back to there when you get something like Din's Fire, but the thought leaves your head. You are now on a cliff, and are looking down on a clearing filled with ruins and lots of clumps of moss.
Something is standing in the center of the clearing, loudly playing Saria's Song on a trumpet. It's holding a lantern, and up ahead, you can see a temple. It's Skyview Temple, which Ordona told you about. The thing in the center won't stop playing, and it's so loud that the rocks and twigs around the clearing are shaking. You cover your ears again. "Make it stop!" you shout. "It won't shut up!" you tell Fi. You've never hated Saria's Song as much as you do now. It looks like a Skull Kid, so you assume that he was the one who sent the puppets after you, not to mention that he might be trying to make you deaf. Well, you've made a new enemy.
[] Quiet the trumpeter.
[] Dowse for bestgirl
[] Go straight to the temple
[] Cleanse your Soul Gem (12 Amber Relics left)
[] Talk to Fi (if she can hear you)
[] Write-in
Bet none of you were expecting the Lost Woods to be a mix of the one from the original, the one from Majora's Mask, and the one from Twilight Princess. Oh, and the vote in the invisitext in the last post would've guided you the same way.
You simply pass by the trumpeting creature, covering your ears the whole way. Then, you reach a chasm. You've left the Lost Woods, and this is all that remains between you and Skyview Temple. "Huh, can I do something about this?" you ask. You then see your lyre. "Oh, I know! I'll just throw my lyre and it'll magically open the way for me, so that my Soul Gem doesn't get filled anymore until I enter that place!"
The Goddess Sword shines brightly, and Fi appears. "Mistress, it would be recommended that you do throw the Goddess Harp into the chasm as an offering. I calculate an 85% chance that it will open the way ahead."
As soon as Fi disappears, you laugh. "Wow..." you say. "I didn't expect that." You then throw the Goddess Harp into the area. Then you pause. "Wait, what about the other 15%?"
It lands in a fixed place, in line with the path you are standing on. A golden pathway of magic appears before you. "It is now safe to cross the chasm," Fi says. "I am certain it will not drop you." You nervously take a step onto the pathway. It's stable, so you cautiously cross the bridge. Then Saria's Song begins loudly playing again. You can see the Skull Kid, loudly playing the trumpet while oblivious to the fact that everything around him is shaking. That does it. He's bad.
You then proceed to slap away the trumpet. The creature simply walks over and picks it up, and starts playing again. You then try circling the trumpet with an orb composed of musical notes. "Huh, it worked," you say. "Now you-" The musical notes break, so you get even angrier and stick your hand inside the trumpet.
A feeling begins welling up inside of you, and you can't help but open your mouth, with Saria's Song somehow blaring out of it. You take your arm out. So you take the trumpet one last time and bury it, setting a rock on top of it. You then hear the cracking of stone, and you can see the temple doors with a deep crack in it.
Getting an idea, you charge up a Skyward Strike and fire it at the crack, and it breaks. You can finally see the Skull Kid's face. It's like if a scarecrow and nightmares had a baby. A glare appears on your own face.
"So you're a Skull Kid, I take it?" you ask the trumpeter. "You know, that trumpet was really loud and irritating. Are you trying to make me deaf? Or are you actively evil?"
"Of course not!" the Skull Kid exclaims, it voice rather high-pitched. "I just needed a way to get your attention so I can help you in Skyview Temple." It'll take more than that to convince you that he's an ally.
"Likely story," you growl. "You're probably just leading me into a trap or something."
"Why would I do that?" the Skull Kid asks. "I want to help you!" He then grasps you by the hand hard and forcefully takes you over to what was left of the door. As much as you struggle, the grip has you pulled over. The steps are mossy, decorated with neon-blue mushrooms. You're still not convinced. At all.
"You know," you say to the Skull Kid, scowling at him. "I still don't trust or believe you. For almost making me deaf and teasing me throughout the forest. And was it you who sent those puppets to attack me in the Lost Woods?"
"Yeah, I sent the puppets! But it's all in good fun!" the Skull Kid says, the smile not leaving his face. You keep glaring, then look away. You still shake, but it's not enough for the Skull Kid to notice your anxiety. After all, you're entering a dungeon. And just like you told the Skull Kid, what if he's only leading you into a trap?
You continue glaring at the Skull Kid. Who's to say he's allied with the pale man from the viewing platform? You'll ask him that later. You still shudder at the thought of fighting him, but to save Kyouko and all of Hyrule, you'll have to fight and defeat him. And not only that, but that... evil aura at the bottom of the pit in the Sealed Grounds. You remember how you were knocked back by it when you turned on your magic sense. You'll have to defeat that. And what if Ganondorf is hiding out somewhere? Defeating someone with the Triforce of Power will... it's pretty hard, but you're determined to find a way to beat him. With all the Amber Relics you have, you're not in danger of witching out any time soon. But if the Skull Kid really is working with the pale man, you'll have to defeat him too.
You and the Skull Kid descend down the stairs, and you enter a foyer with thousands of layers of dead leaves, cobwebs, more mushrooms, and the roots of trees around. You clench your sword as you examine the room. "This is the Skyview Temple, Mistress," Fi tells you. At least you can still trust Fi while you're in the dungeon. "I detect an increase of hostile auras within the structure compared to those in the forest. Do not let your guard down. I have also detected many wind-powered items and natural air vents to allow the wind to blow inside the temple." You can see one of Kyouko's spears on the floor.
[] Go in carefully
[] Look for monsters or traps
[] Question Zelda logic
[] See if you can dowse. Maybe you can use it to find Kyouko.
[] Make more theories (write-in a theory)
[] Talk to Fi (write-in what you want to talk to her about)
[] Talk to the Skull Kid
[] Write-in
Welcome to Skyview Temple, guys. Your first dungeon. Some dungeons will be modified from how they are in Skyward Sword, and I may implement things from dungeons in other games. Skyview Temple will have elements of the canon Skyview Temple, Woodfall Temple, and Twilight Princess's Forest Temple.
And Sayaka, being stubborn with her black and white worldview, probably won't ever trust Skull Kid. After all, he was practically trolling Sayaka with the whole trumpet thing. To the blueberry, there is no neutral, which is Skull Kid's true alignment. She doesn't trust him, and is suspicious he might be allied with Ghirahim and only wants to lead her into a trap set up by Skull Kid and Ghirahim, or steal her Amber Relics so that her only option with a highly corrupted Soul Gem would be to witch out. Then again, with any alignment Skull Kid takes, he doesn't know about either of the bombs in any of them, and would have to be witchbombed to know about it.
Then there's the fact that Sayaka's outspoken, so she'll probably flat out tell Skull Kid her thoughts. She's reluctant to change her mind, keeping with her stubbornness. Not to mention Skull Kid attacking her with those puppets also lessened her opinion of him. And she'll probably won't witchbomb or lichbomb him, what with her current opinion.
tl;dr: Sayaka's stubbornness and insistence that Skull Kid's evil has made it so she'll probably never trust him.
Explosions rocked the witch's labyrinth as Oktavia von Seckendorff was destroyed by Homura Akemi. Unbeknownst to Homura, Madoka and Kyouko had arrived and were on their way through the labyrinth.
"Say, Kyouko?" Madoka asked.
"Hm?" Kyouko said.
A sad expression appeared on Madoka's face. "Someone else is always fighting for me..." she explained. "I've never done anything myse-"
"Hold that thought," Kyouko interrupted.
"What's wrong?" Madoka said, briefly flinching.
"All signs of Sayaka... just disappeared!" Kyouko exclaimed, grasping her spear tightly. She could hear Madoka gasp. "Wait, what just happened?" And with that, the labyrinth vanished, revealing a construction site, even though Sayaka witched out at the train station. Homura was standing there, a blank expression on her face as she stood there silently."Why... are you here?" Kyouko demanded.
"I got rid of the witch," Homura said plainly.
Madoka flinched again. "You mean...?"
Kyouko's expression changed to one of pure fury. "Hey... don't tell me! Don't you dare tell me! Did you just kill Sayaka!?" she snapped. She summoned her spear, and began looking all over Homura's body for her Soul Gem. It was on her hand.
"No... that can't," said Madoka. "Tell me it's not true... Homura."
"If you are referring to the witch that was once Sayaka Miki, then yes, I did indeed kill it," Homura stated.
Kyouko began to stutter. "Bastard!" she shouted, rage filling her voice as she pointed her spear directly at Homura's Soul Gem.
Madoka started crying. "Why... no, why?"
"Nothing could have been done to save her," Homura explained, obviously noticing how angry Kyouko was. "And besides... If you had fought it with how weak your Soul Gem had become, as a worst case scenario, you may have died as well." Homura was talking as if this had happened before.
"You were thinking for the best of me?!" Kyouko roared. Her Soul Gem began to darken as she made the spear go ever so closer to Homura's Soul Gem. "Oh, give me a break! What the hell do you know about me?!" Madoka began backing away, and she began shaking. "I'll never... ever forgive you for this!"
"Kyouko!" Madoka exclaimed, her back to a wall.
"Stop," Homura said. "Don't pick any unnecessary fights. You'll corrupt your Soul Gem."
"Shut up! I don't care!" Kyouko screamed, her Soul Gem a churning black sea with only a speck of red remaining. "Sayaka... Sayaka was the last hope I had left, and you... you bastard!" Her face changed to one of sadness. "Do you know just how much it hurts when nobody understands you? Do you know what it's like for your desires to end in an undesirable reality?" She paused. "I do. And despite all that, I still saw Sayaka as a shimmering sliver of hope." She then gave a murderous glare at Homura. "And you... Homura! You killed that hope!"
Homura's expression didn't change. "The thing I killed was not Sayaka Miki. It was the witch that was Sayaka Miki. Please, do not get them confused. If we had left that witch be, it would have attacked countless people. That sort of neglect to justice was what Sayaka Miki hated the most."
Kyouko was still enraged at Homura. "And you have the guts to call yourself her classmate?! What if there was a way to turn Sayaka back from a witch?! What then?!" she roared.
"There isn't," Homura said.
Kyouko took a step back in shock. "You mean... you knew that for a fact?" she asked. She couldn't believe it. No way back after a magical girl witches out.
"...yes," Homura clarified. "Didn't I tell you before? To give up on Sayaka Miki?"
"You... you... but you..." She turned to Madoka. "I'm sorry, Madoka," she apologized. "I couldn't save Sayaka. I let her die. I told you a load of bullshit. This world has no room for love and justice." What good was there? She then began laughing. It started out soft, but then turned into an insane cackle. "I was feeling compassionate. What the hell came over me? I should've known it would turn out this way!"
Tears flowed down Madoka's face, as Homura's expression didn't change at all.
Kyouko then began to cry. "My hope has faded away... Madoka... Sayaka is dead. Magical girls become witches. We become food for new magical girls. It's the food chain, remember? Even the hunters become the hunted someday." She laughed again. "Just like me... I've used all my hope with which I fight despair. There's nothing left for me to do but to fall... to be eaten. We either die or become what we hunt. That's the fate of all magical girls." Her red left in her Soul Gem was about to vanish. "Sayaka... now I know what you meant. This is true despair." The red was just about gone. Kyouko then screamed.
"Kyouko!" Madoka shouted, said magical girl screaming in pain. "Homura! What's going on?!"
"Her Soul Gem has absorbed too many curses. Kyouko Sakura will now become a witch," Homura told her.
"That just can't...!" Madoka cried. "Kyouko! Calm down!"
"It won't work..." Homura said quietly.
"I don't give a damn anymore. I couldn't save my family... Mami's dead too... and now, even Sayaka. There's nothing left for me!" she screamed. "Nothing at all!"
"Kyouko!" Madoka repeated, now near Homura.
"Damn it all! I'll curse every last thing on this earth!" Kyouko proclaimed. "BASTARDS!!"
And the Soul Gem went completely back, knocking Madoka and Homura back. Kyouko's Soul Gem shattered, and the two girls witnessed a Grief Seed emerging from it. The space around the construction site began to distort, and Kyouko's limp corpse floated in the air. The Grief Seed let out another shockwave, sending Kyouko's corpse flying. With one last shockwave, the world went red as a witch's labyrinth formed.
Homura could see a candle being lit.
The witch of wǔdàn. Her nature is abandonment. A witch who eternally wanders with hollow footsteps within the fog. She can no longer remember what the horse that always accompanies her was.
As Homura battled Ophelia, she unleashed a hail of bullets upon the unicorn-riding witch. She then threw a grenade at it while it was weakened from the barrage, and the witch exploded in flames. A Grief Seed dropped down, and Ophelia's labyrinth disappeared.
Homura was now in an alleyway with a sobbing Madoka. "First Sayaka, now Kyouko..." she cried. "It's awful. It isn't right. It's awful."
"This is the harsh reality of the world of magical girls," Homura said. And I'll defeat Walpurgisnacht this time, she thought to herself.
Homura stood on the bank of the river, facing to the Pacific Ocean. She then saw it. The parade of familiars- green and pink elephants, circus carts, clowns, and flags. Homura paid them no mind as she looked up in the air.
And then it emerged through the clouds. A set of gears above an inverted doll wearing a blue gown. Buildings and cars began to rise into the air as the parade vanished.
1 The stage-constructing witch (alias: Walpurgisnacht / real name: unknown); her nature is helplessness. She symbolizes the fool who continuously spins in circles. The witch's mysteries have been handed down through the course of history; her appellation is "Walpurgisnacht." She will continue to rotate aimlessly throughout the world until she completely changes the whole of this age into a drama. When the doll's usual upside-down position reaches the top part of the witch, she completely roils the civilization on the ground in a flash through her gale-like flight.
Homura transformed, and fired mortar after mortar at Walpurgisnacht while in timestop. The witch laughed as it descended towards a tower. More missiles went speeding towards Walpurgisnacht, hitting the witch head on. It never stopped laughing, even as Homura detonated the C4 at the foot of the tower, making it fall on Walpurgisnacht. However, the tower was shredded apart by the gear, with colorful flames surrounding the witch.
On top of a truck that she placed bombs in, Homura steered it onto a drawbridge, and let it explode right in Walpurgisnacht's face. Homura jumped down towards the river, and a battleship floated out of it. Walpurgisnacht laughed in front of her, then Homura fired the missiles, sending the superwitch towards the arena, which was set with explosives. Homura set them off, and the arena exploded.
A beam then shot out of the fire, with Walpurgisnacht's familiars appearing. As for Walpurgisnacht, it emerged from the explosion unharmed. Homura was knocked back, and then she saw it.
The witch simply floated above the devastated Mitakihara City, buildings and debris floating around it. She then was almost hit point blank by a building, but she jumped off the rooftop she was on, avoiding Walpurgisnacht's fire breath. She blocked another jet of fire with her shield, where she saw someone on another building.
"Homura!" Madoka shouted.
"Madoka! What are you doing here?!" Homura yelled back. Her attention was partially averted by Walpurgisnacht's familiars, who she shot down.
"I wanted to help out, too!" she said.
If she gives up, it's over, Kyubey said, appearing on the building. But you have the power to change this destiny. All this tragedy, all this destruction... You can change it if you want. The power to do so lies within you.
"You can't!" Homura yelled. "Kyubey's trying to trick you!" It was happening. Over eighty times now. "Don't listen to a thing it says!"
"Even someone like me can do something to help?" Madoka asked. "Can I really change how this ends?"
Of course you can! Kyubey replied. Just make a contract with me... and become a magical girl!
"Homura..." Madoka said softly. "I'm sorry." She turned to Kyubey. "I wish Homura would survive this fight!"
Homura screamed as she fell from the building.
Madoka then felt a horrible pain coming from her, and her Soul Gem emerged from her chest. As for Homura, she felt all her wounds from the battle with Walpurgisnacht go away.
The contract is complete! Your wish has overcome entropy.
Madoka then transformed into her magical girl outfit. She summoned a bow, nocked an arrow of light... and fired, right at Walpurgisnacht. It hit the witch right in the middle, and it broke apart, the gears crashing to the ground.
Madoka looked to where Homura had landed, but the time she had gotten up... Madoka's Soul Gem was at its limit. "Huh... something feels... strange..."
"Madoka! No!" Homura shouted. Madoka was about to witch out.
Madoka's Soul Gem then transformed into a Grief Seed, just like with Sayaka and Kyouko. This Grief Seed seemed to have a pink ribbon on top of it, and Madoka let out a bloodcurdling shriek. A cloud of smoke emerged from the Grief Seed, turning into a towering black witch with what looked like a gown made from shadowy threads. It had no head, and its arms reached hopelessly towards the sky. Water droplets floated towards the enormous witch, almost like a black hole. The witch was so big it passed some of the lower clouds.
"Not again..." Homura muttered to herself. Madoka witching out, again and again...
Witch of salvation. Her nature is mercy. She absorbs any life on the planet into her newly created heaven--her barrier. The only way to defeat this witch is to make the world free of misfortune. If there's no grief in this world, she will believe this world is already a heaven.
When Madoka transformed, that was really amazing, Kyubey said to Homura. I never had any doubt that she would become the most powerful magical girl in the world. But I never dreamed she'd take down Walpurgisnacht with one blow.
"You knew she would become a witch afterwards," Homura muttered.
Her fate was bound to happen sooner or later, Kyubey explained, its tail swishing as it said this. She was the strongest of all magical girls, and she defeated her greatest foe. It's only natural that she'd become the most powerful witch. A witch whose power far surpasses that of Walpurgisnacht, in fact... A wonderful witch has been born. I must thank you.
"Kyubey..." Homura growled.
If you leave her alone at this rate, Madoka will destroy the world in roughly two hours, Kyubey pointed out. Oh well. It's humanity's problem now. We Incubators have filled our quota and have more than enough energy. Homura then stood up. What are you going to do?
"Just you watch," Homura told the Incubator. "This time, I swear..."
This time? Kyubey asked.
"This isn't it," Homura said. "This hellhole of despair isn't the future I wished for. Kyubey... this time, for sure, I won't let you have your way!"
Homura Akemi... You're a-
Homura turned her shield and began to reset time. But she said one last thing to Kyubey. "I swear... I will not let Madoka become a magical girl!"
"I'll do it over, no matter how many times it takes... I'll relive it over and over again. I will find the way out. The one path that'll save you from this destiny of despair. Madoka... my one and my only friend. I don't care... because if it's for you, I'll stay trapped in this endless maze... forever."
You question the logic of Zelda, but then shrug it off. Onward you go!
The jingling of the Skull Kid's lantern can be heard. You carry a cutlass in your left hand and the Goddess Sword in your right hand, and the crunching of dead leaves echoes through the halls. You then check for monsters and traps, and see something at the end of a nearby room. A green goblin-esque creature. "Fi, is that a Bokoblin?" you ask.
Fi pops out of your sword. "Yes, mistress. It is the green subspecies of Bokoblin. Some Bokoblin tribes are accustomed to living underground, thus changing their skin pigmentation."
"OK," you say to her. The Skull Kid's still behind you. Keese flap around the room, and you see fans, along with propellers. "Guess the Deku Leaf isn't around here," you say to yourself. Then again, the sailcloth is sort of like a Deku Leaf.
The room you've entered? Oh right. It's a rather large chamber. Tree roots descend from the ceiling, and the room is filled with water. The end of the room has a door with what seems to be a symbol like on the Deku Shield on it, and it's separated from the path going across the room by the water and a tall ledge. You notice submerged stairs, and spiders crawling on vines.
To the left and right are two pathways leading to side rooms. The shadow of a hand slowly appears around you.
[] Shoot the Bokoblin with the slingshot or a cutlass (slingshot costs no corruption)
[] Kill the Keese
[] Scan or kill the spiders
[] Go left
[] Go right
[] Talk to Fi
[] Write-in
"Target locked: Wallmaster," Fi says. "These reanimated disembodied hands that are grown by the magic used to create them. If one falls on you, you will be sent back to the start of the dungeon. They are more benign compared to their brethren, the Floormaster."
You jump to the side, and slice at the Wallmaster. It goes up in blue flames, and dies. "Well then," you say to yourself. You examine the room. Other than the dead Wallmaster, it looks the same.
[] Shoot the Bokoblin with the slingshot or a cutlass (slingshot costs no corruption)
[] Kill the Keese
[] Scan or kill the spiders
[] Go left
[] Go right
[] Check if there are any more Wallmasters.
[] Talk to Fi
[] Write-in
You pull out the slingshot, and fire seeds at the Keese, shooting them into the water. Then you go right. Hello.
The next room is... twisted. It's like that corridor in the Forest Temple. You walk down the hallway, and then you feel a presence watching you. You turn around, and all you hear is a giggle. The Skull Kid walks behind you. Then, there's the sound of flapping wings, and something comes flying down the hall. How are you, Anomaly?
You run through, and reach a balcony overlooking what seems to be a central chamber. Then, the sound gets louder, and it appears. I don't want you being a threat to Madoka.
It looks like a black raven. A giant black raven, with a purple ball for a head and three needles coming out of the top of its head. You, Homura Akemi, are a demon!
"Fi, scan!" you shout. We should try to be on good terms.
"This target is unknown to me," Fi says. If you're always attacking me...
The bird rips the balcony off, and you jump down. It descends, flying in front of you. You ready the Goddess Sword for action. Black feathers begin to fall from an unknown source.
Madoka might end up hating you.
[] Fight the bird
[] Write-in
You quickly turn on your magic sense at the bird. It has the same kind of readings as that of a witch. But... why is there no labyrinth? And the feathers? They're covered in magic as well. The magic of a demon. The witch shrieks, and you run towards the nearest door. You open it, and shut the door right when you get through. Thefeathers continue to rain around you, but you can hear the witch behind the door. On the ground is an old skeleton, as if it's years old. On its side is a grappling hook. You grab the grappling hook, and swing across the room's chasm towards what seems to be the boss door. The witch then breaks through, shaking the whole room. I won't let you be a threat to Madoka, Anomaly. The tremors shake the door's lock off, and you get into the boss room. It's decorated with tree-like designs, and a mural of the sun is in the middle. The ground is littered with feathers, and you see something in the middle of the room. A fight between Kyoko and that man from the forest. The sounds of the witch are heard from behind the door you entered. "You," you snarl, pulling the Goddess Sword out again.
"Are you ready to give up?" the man asks her. "I never thought you would try to get this far, and even with these annoying feathers." A mere warning of who you have angered, Anomaly. "Hell no!" Kyoko shouts. Then the man slams the hilt of his blade into the hand Kyoko holds her spear in. The room shakes from the witch, and the man's sword is right at Kyoko's throat.
[] Fight the man
[] Go back out and fight the witch
[] Write-in