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That is too dark. Where is the fluff?
The coffee beans that lie on the dirt, after the farm is destroyed, regrow into new coffee plants. Thus proving the superiority of coffee.

Anyway, looks like Dad Shade is going to become a "hero". Dadman, saving his daughter, one preemptive strike against villains at a time.
Anyway, looks like Dad Shade is going to become a "hero". Dadman, saving his daughter, one preemptive strike against villains at a time.
Either that, Vigilante by night or psyching himself up to take training with Izuku to the next level.
My Life In Another World As the Great Emperor of Darkness Is Not As Relaxing as I expected [Original]
Shade for a Prompt: Your usual fantasy world improvements turn your Kingdom into an Empire and run a foul of RPG Rule 133 "Kingdoms are good. Empires are Evil."
Despite all evidence to the contrary within your Empire. You are beset by Assassins(Heroes) Terrorists(The Resistance) and Savages(Uncivilized Guerrillas) backed by the Narrative Force.
That have managed to destroy your coffee farms. Believing your coffee to be a mind control substance that allowed you to enslave your people and kingdoms that joined you.

My Life In Another World As the Great Emperor of Darkness Is Not As Relaxing as I expected [Original]

I didn't want to be king. I didn't want to rule. Thus, clearly, I also didn't want to be an Emperor.

"Why," I mouthed aloud. "Why are they asking for annexation!?" I stared into the eyes of one of my Generals, a Minotauros of the Forgotten Islands, who shifted weight from one hoof to the other before giving an answer.

"They mismanaged their funds and have no way of paying their army," General Androgeos spoke. "King Elwyn of the Elves is a trustworthy and battle-hardened man, but even he can't keep the soldiers in line without money."

I massaged the ridge of my nose. "Annexation?"

General Androgeos nodded. "King Elwyn cannot get his fellow nobles to change their ways; but he also doesn't want a civil war, not with the human kings vying for his lands-"

I groaned. "Elves. Why did they have to be the ones with money problems?"

"Should now be a good time to mention that the King of the Dwarves is suffering from a devastating famine and is requesting we annex them too?" the Lady of the Sand Tribes, the Lamia Skylla, hissed out from her own seat. She was squeezing a pair of pillows with her coils, and looked pretty much to be halfway into falling asleep right there, next to the heater.

"Anyone else wants to be annexed? Anyone at all?" I placed both of my hands against my face. "I was summoned to manage the economy of this place, and even then-your old King said I wouldn't have to do anything else," then he died, and I ended up being thrust into the position of next in line since there were no direct descendants.

"Well..." Molly the Slime stood in all of its gelatinous square form, wobbling back and forth. "There's a small human kingdom that's being threatened by its bigger neighbors. They've come looking for allies, but they'll take annexation if it's on the table and certain rights are guaranteed..."

I felt the need to drink.

"If someone has Kings below them, then they're not a King," I pointed out. "They're an Emperor."

"HAIL THE EMPIRE OF DARKNESS!" the top leaders of the Darkness Kingdom cheered.

"NO!" I yelled back. "No!" I snapped angrily. "That's not! What! I! Meant!"

The leaders and generals of my Kingdom looked up at me. I stared back at them. "Oh no," I said flatly. "You realize this means bureaucracy. You realize I need more administrators. You realize the other Human kingdoms might take this as an aggressive expansion policy. And what about the doomsayers? Oh, and the 'Mind Control Magic did this' crowd!? Am I the only one who remembers how hard it was to convince the Succubus' to not suck people's souls dry because it killed them!?"

"Lady Lillith is asking after-"

"SHE CAN KEEP ASKING AND I WILL KEEP SAYING NO!" I snarled back, making Androgeos take a couple of steps back, both massive hands raised in a peaceful gesture. "I ain't getting married to anyone or anything! I'm not sticking around and founding my dynasty! I told you I'd stay until everything was stable and...and now..."

I collapsed on my throne, "You people..." I closed my eyes. "Fine. Annex them. Their people deserve good rulers. Tell the Kings that they'll abdicate in favor of someone in their royal lines we'll pick. At the very least, we need better Kings. Seek them out." I looked at all of them. "You made this mess. We'll clean it together, but go do your own legwork or slime-wobble or slithering-"

"My lord!" an imp flapped its wings, hurriedly rushing inside the meeting hall. "I bring urgent news! A terrorist attack struck the Kobolds' tribes-"

"Another!?" I hissed. "Why must every damn human think Kobolds are evil? They're stupid, and while stupidity is another form of evil, they're pretty much innocuous if you talk with them! How many losses?"

"The majority of Kobolds retreated in the safety bunkers in time, but there have been a dozen casualties and theft of private property..." the Imp was reading from a parchment, and as soon as I extended a hand, he passed it to me.

"Androgeos, get the Kill Team ready," I mused. "Skylla, initiate contact with the Dwarven kingdom. Molly, you take care of the Elves. And for the human kingdom..." I shuddered. "I'll handle them myself."


"...what did I say about the full honorifics?" I muttered after a good two minutes had gone by.

"Not unless we're standing on a battlefield and we want to scare our enemies, sir?" Androgeos muttered back, looking ashamed.

"So?" I said, extending a jar by the side of my throne towards him. He sighed, and then put an iron coin inside it. It rattled together with the other dozen or so that already stood in there. Molly and Skylla also put a coin, while the Imp Messenger had aptly flown away to avoid having to pay the Honorifics-Tax-Jar.

As they all left the meeting hall, I watched the next group of people come in. Administrators. Mayors. Architects. None were human, all were diverse in race and habits, and most importantly, they were all my people.

"Sir..." someone knocked at the door as I was halfway through plotting a canal that would act as a highway for the Mermaids to reach other places in the kingdom. I watched as the spider-girl that demurely stepped inside rubbed the front of her spider-legs with nervousness.

"Yes, Rachnelia?" I asked.

"We fought to the last," she aid, her eyes glimmering with the fires of determination. "We-We doused the flames and-and I'm sure everything will be fine-"

I blinked, "Rachnelia? What was lost? Was it saboteurs? What did they do now?" I turned thoughtful, "Wait, aren't you in charge of-of-"

Rachnelia prostrated herself on the ground, "CRUSH ME FOR MY INCOMPETENCE, OH LORD!" she wailed.

I swallowed, and then knelt in front of her. "Raise your head, Rachnelia," I whispered. "You did your best, didn't you?" I asked as I gently lifted her chin off the floor.

Her eyes stared into mine, "My Emperor..." she whimpered, "The precious treasure-it is all gone-"

I shuddered, and gave a quiet nod as tears of blood began to pour from my eyes -a common after-effect of magical training, or so the Demonologists told me.

"Highways shall take priority," I said turning to look at the civilian complement of my Kingdom, no, of my Empire. "Our people need roads to reach the critical areas as fast as possible. Have the Harpies scout for possible watch tower locations," as they nodded, they all shared the same look of fright and worry.

"And Rachnelia, go gather your wounded and bring them to the healers."

"M-My Emperor..." Rachnelia murmured, "Y-You won't c-crush me?"

"Go! The only ones who I shall crush are our enemies!" I snarled, and watched her skitter away in a hurry.

They had dared burn my precious treasure.

This was a war crime.

The greatest of them all...

...burning my coffee would mean their defeat, their demise...their DOOM!
Think about all the mass horrific shit the old British Empire did to get their tea, or on anyone who gets in the way between it and them, and you wouldn't be too surprised.
A Dragon in a China Shop Part Ten [MHA/SI/FriendInsert]
A Dragon in a China Shop Part Ten [MHA/SI/FriendInsert]

It was going to be another one of those days. One of those tranquil, lazy days that just pass us by without being committed to memory. I felt it in the air, in the way I woke up at the ungodly morning hour, had my regular cup of coffee while waiting on the breakfast, and how Izuku's hug came with the same intensity as the day before.

It was a normal, happy morning of a seemingly boring day. She was getting an Internship somewhere past Hosu to an old man named Gran Torino, someone who wasn't all that famous. It was a cushy job, I reckoned, and thus relatively safe.

I stepped inside the car on the passenger's seat, letting Inko drive as I yawned and closed my eyes for some extra eye-rest.

"Any idea on today's menu?" Inko hummed as we were on the highway heading for the restaurant.

"Something with vegetables," I mused, glancing at the sky. "Seems like a day meant for warm soup."

"Chunk vegetable soup and pureed vegetable soup then?"

I hummed in agreement. "And something simple to digest. Pasta with Pesto, keep it simple," I grinned. "Yeah, today sounds just like the perfect day for keeping things simple."

"Margherita for pizzas then," Inko said, following my line of thoughts. "Ham and mushrooms?"

"Yeah, and maybe I should put a cheese-based pizza for the third one..." I rubbed my chin, "I do have a stock of gorgonzola hanging around-I'll go with that."

"We're out of red wine," Inko said as we reached for the highway, "the supplier's meant to come today. He keeps insisting about this local brand-"

"The only wine my customers will drink will be Italian," I said with a sigh, "Sure, it's pretty much not the top quality shelf, but they have to stay Italian."

Inko hummed, "For the saké-"

"Your call, dear," I said. "Or Jin's. The only one I can drink is the plum one," I chuckled, "And that's not a way to determine how good one is or isn't."

"You drank the rice one during our wedding," Inko said with a giggle, taking a left and passing by another car heading on its merry way.

"Your father would have killed me otherwise," I pointed out. "And I knew where to pick my battles. I managed to get us a holiday to Italy after all."

"I remember the tears of blood at the thought we'd end up visiting Mount Fuji," Inko said, teasingly. "It's a beautiful mountain and a symbol of Japan."

"It's a mountain. Once you've seen one, you've seen them all," I politely pointed back, chuckling right back. "Also, we did end up visiting it anyway, with Izuku."

"Dads are tough, moms are smarter," Inko said, and I spluttered as I looked away. "Was that how it went?"

"Look, Izuku wanted to take the scenic route," I said. "I knew I could make it, but..."

"Oh yes, dear, your 'special ability' to get lost in woods," Inko snickered and we left the highway, heading for the parking lot that was one block away from our restaurant. "You just forgot to pack your lunch."

"I was valiantly willing to munch on the tree bark," I said, huffing. "Thankfully it didn't come to that."

"Who went ahead and found you in the middle of the forest again?" Inko asked as she stopped the car, and we both stepped out.

"The smartest mom in the world," I said with a grin. "Though Izuku had suggested we yell for All-Might to come find us."

Inko rolled her eyes. "Sometimes I really worry about your side of the family."

I snickered as I came to a halt by her side, before offering her my arm. "My side of the family was a convoluted mess of genius and madness, mixed together to deliver the likes of me," I gave her a gentle peck on the side of the head, letting the flames disperse briefly to do so.

As we reached the restaurant's entrance, I fished out the keys and opened the front door. Then, I yawned and stretched one last time before shifting gear into my work mentality and headed for the side entrance.

I opened the door without having to use the key, signaling that my trustworthy assistant chef was already inside.

"Jin, just when did you come in?" I asked as I stepped inside, "When do you even wake up?"

"With the first chirp of the singing bird," Shojin answered back. He was hanging by the coffee pot, watching it brew.

I glanced at him and then chuckled. "Going all Zen again? Today the plan is vegetable soup and pasta with pesto and as for the pizzas-"

Jin's arms crossed as he tightened his grip on them with his hands. "Boss," he said in a whisper, "I-" he swallowed. "I have to go."

I blinked at that. "What? Are you feeling sick?" I asked as I took a small breath, "Was it sudden? I mean-you could have called-"

"No," he shook his head. "Someone...someone came looking for me." He looked up from the floor to stare into my eyes. "They wanted Stendhal, the Hero Killer. I can't-I can't stay here anymore, it would be dangerous. They're not the kind of guys that you can say no to."

I grimaced at that. ", Chizome..." I murmured as I came to a halt in front of him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, and then sighed. "You should give a proper twenty-four hour notice of termination of employment. How am I supposed to give you your end of the month money just like this? And have you even considered the amount of work I'll have to do today, on such a short notice?"

Jin's hands tightened more firmly against his arms. "I know, boss," he muttered. "I know I'm being ungrateful, after everything you and the missus did for me-but I promise you I won't squander my redemption. I just need to go somewhere far from here, far from them."

"I'll miss my favorite assistant chef," I said, "but on such a short notice...ah, I know," I calmly walked towards the heavy stock freezer, pulled it open, and proceeded to break the ice on one side of it. "Emergency fund for suppliers overcharging," I said as I handed him a thick roll of bills.

He stared at it, "Boss-"

"And this is how much I have in my wallet," I mused as I flipped my wallet open and handed him more. "I still owe you more severance pay, but-"

"Boss," he muttered, his voice heavy, "You-You don't owe me anything, I-"

"You worked for six years at my side," I said, "I promised you that there ever came a day you wanted to leave, I would not stop you." I stared at him. "Regardless of how much I want to stop my friend from leaving, you are your own person." I grabbed hold of one of his hands and placed the money into it, before closing his palm. "Don't take this as a sign that the shackles of your past have found you. You can still be free of them; just find somewhere you can be happy, all right?"

He nodded, "I-I...can I come back if-if-"

"Whenever you want," I mused. "There always will be a place here for you."

"Say goodbye to the missus for me," he muttered as he pocketed the money. "I-I don't want to see her cry."

"That's a Quirk by itself, isn't it?" I said with a chuckle, to which he answered with a chuckle of his own.

We clasped hands, and then I watched him leave through the back alley.

I didn't know why this had happened, and I didn't know if talking to him would make him explain further. Shojin, or rather, Chizome, had always been a man of convictions.

Doesn't it make you tired, to believe the whole world must rest on your shoulders?

He had never truly stopped on his path. I had merely been a pit stop, and perhaps I had just changed the direction he'd take.

Society is horrible, people suck. I know that, so? Why do you want to bother with it? Your hands won't save everyone. They might not even be capable of saving one person. But you know what? You're good at cutting stuff. And I could use a cook that knows how to filet a fish.

He had thought I was kidding. He had aimed his blade at me.

You say that those who wield power without conviction are scum. But then, is it their fault if they're cursed with such power from birth? Is it their fault that society demands them to follow a pre-ordained path? Society is made of men, cruel men, horrible men, but also kind people. Are they all to blame? That's not having a conviction-that's being a nihilist.

I patted my chest, the memory echoing in my head. Being stabbed had hurt at the time.

You look at All-Might as a symbol, but he's a fallible man too. All humans are. Our mistakes and our errors, our suffering and our pain-they are what make the greatest of teaching moments. You have failed as a Vigilante. Try something else. Take a break. Look around. Cut some fish. You might find out that you can change society, one dish at a time. You won't know until you try, and it's definitely a better solution that chopping your nose off, if that's what you're aiming for. Let's just get that broken nose fixed, what do you say?

I stepped into the restaurant's main foyer, where Inko was checking the tables to see if any needed proper setting, and the forks and knives to ensure they didn't have any smudges on them.

Why am I saying this? 'Cause you're bleeding just outside my kitchen door. And I'm gonna be honest, I don't want to tell the police how I found your nose hanging around here. Just...follow me, get a fucking grip on your life, and then go kill the world or get killed if that's really your fetish.

I hoped he'd be fine.

Maybe he'd open a new restaurant somewhere across Japan, or the world. He might need to learn English though.

Predictably, Inko began to cry as she found out that Shojin had left. She had never known his past; there was no need to tell her that. This did mean that I had to get to work extra hard, though.

I pulled out an energy bar from behind the counter, grabbed a pitcher of water, and then sighed as the flames spluttered to a stop across my mouth. I drank the water, and swallowed the energy bar. I cracked my neck, and then began to work.

I needed the flames for the oven, and the speed for the cutting and chopping, and the dexterity to jump back and forth through the window without hurting myself or anybody else. After a couple of repetitions of the obvious movements, my body naturally adapted to them, and I stood ready.

Inko, still looking a bit sad, nodded and headed for the front door to swap the sign from closed to open.

It was supposed to be a normal day meant to take it easy...

...Thus, on that day, the League of Villains attacked the city.
I really like that softer, more contemplative side of the protagonist. The way he actually talks with the villains and connects with them rather than just proclaiming that they will be stopped.

Well, provided they don't cross the line into sadism or monstrosity...or threaten his friends/family. At that point, it's satisfying to see him go full 'tranquil-murder-mode'.
Considering Shade breathes fire and in the other snip he was a king/emperor...
He's a nation onto himself.
Shade is a Fire Nation!

EDIT: Now I need a story where Shade is Avatar Roku and chills on his Dragon and drinks coffee...
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Absolutely loved that you deemed my prompt worthy of your attention and a chapter . . . that being said . . .

Shade you know of course that you will have to do a sequel to this where all the kingdoms you annexed send you princesses to be your-

Actually, how would you get coffee in a magical analogue of europe anyways? Wherever Emperor Shade got it from in the first place could have more.

It shouldn't be too difficult to start over, unless he had to fight his way out of the literal afterlife with the first seeds.