The Saga of the Runt (Youjo Senki/WH30k)

If Tanya doesn't get her own female space marine Valkyries I will be disappointed
you will not be dispointed! but you also will not be pleased
I dunno, I think the concept of the Space Wolves determinedly calling Tanya "Mother" and accidentally preventing her having more intimate moments with shield maidens by being overprotective of her would be hilarious too.
ha noting that down
Granted the fact that she actually has regular bed partners would probably weird her "sons" and brothers out a bit, considering Primarchs were designed without sex drives.
according to lore experts, Russ was always the odd man out in that sitatuion. apparently was known for relationships so that is technically canon.

also, the reason I'm posting, is this fic got a video review it's good.

I dunno, I think the concept of the Space Wolves determinedly calling Tanya "Mother" and accidentally preventing her having more intimate moments with shield maidens by being overprotective of her would be hilarious too.

Granted the fact that she actually has regular bed partners would probably weird her "sons" and brothers out a bit, considering Primarchs were designed without sex drives.
That joke is way too anime trope and a pretty cringe one.
Though, it could also be flipped at the same time, with another faction of the wolves trying to steer their fellows away from such action and trying to ensure that no one interrupts her "dates". and a whole spectrum of thoughts between them.

with most of the space wolves just trying to keep the extreme ends of the matter from getting to much power.
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The joke where the protagonist tries to get some alone time with their SO, but they keep getting interrupted by stupid shit. It's also common in comedies.

Ahhh. Sorry, grew up in the 90s before anime (widely) roamed the Earth. I never really associated that trope with anime, and I never really watch American comedies that it was prevalent in.

Yes, if it's a running gag, it's cringey. But I was thinking more along the lines of a setup that leads to Tanya smacking them down hard and explaining that she isn't going to fit into the mould that their obligations and proprietary demand of her.

Humour in the cultural clash of ideologies, followed by character development on both sides. The best kind of humour.
Ahhh. Sorry, grew up in the 90s before anime (widely) roamed the Earth. I never really associated that trope with anime, and I never really watch American comedies that it was prevalent in.

Yes, if it's a running gag, it's cringey. But I was thinking more along the lines of a setup that leads to Tanya smacking them down hard and explaining that she isn't going to fit into the mould that their obligations and proprietary demand of her.

Humour in the cultural clash of ideologies, followed by character development on both sides. The best kind of humour.
Her doing that would be absolutely fantastic and break the trope too.
Chapter 18, Family Reunion
Chapter 18, Family Reunion

Tanya Russ

I looked across the table at wherequote-unquote "The Emperor" was sitting. He looked a bit perturbed at me saying no off the top but I didn't exactly care. The moment he told me he wanted my help to reunite humanity I realized that I held all the cards. If he had some ability to force me to go along with his little crusade, which again terrible choice in words but understandable as social crusades had been a thing for a long time, he would have used it. Which meant he could only get me to do what he wanted if I was willing to agree.

Now I was comfortable on Fenris, I had come to enjoy this planet and had my retirement in sight. So leaving Fenris to go crusading about the Galaxy, bringing worlds into this empire that the Emperor wanted to institute, was not exactly something I wanted to do.

However he had access to space technology, in fact hee had access to a lot of technology and I was not going to pretend that Fenris couldn't be improved. A bit of medical knowledge could increase the chances of children surviving, facilities would produce food in the cold of winter so no one starved, central heating and who knows what other items could be brought in. Hell, maybe there would be video games with enough time.

So the option of working with him to improve the conditions on Fenris was tempting, this is why I was willing to entertain the concept and negotiate. Well, I guess I should begin by finding out about my new potential employer. Raising my cup, I asked, "So, the Emperor? Do you have a real name or were you born with that?"

The Emperor chuckled before saying matter of factly, "A long time ago I had a name, yes but as time goes on and aging stops, you can't exactly continue to use it, so you have to change your name. You keep changing it again and again, until you finally realize that names are things better kept hidden from your enemies. So I decided to use solely 'The Emperor' when I went about fixing the problems of the Old Night."

"Old Night?" I questioned, before following that up with, "From the way you're saying that I would almost think you've been around for quite a long time."

"38,000 years, give or take a millennium. As for the Old Night, it's the name I use to mark a period of time from about 5,000 years ago to now. The Human Federation that once bound our kind together collapsed due to various issues. Humanity had reached its technological peak and was heavily reliant on the use of AI, often referred to in the texts that survive the period as the Men of Iron. Well, the Men of Iron rebelled and devastated a lot of infrastructure throughout the galaxy. Humanity won but we ended up broken and separated and then… Well, the Warp became unquieted.

"What do you mean 'the warp became unquieted'?" I questioned, frankly interested by how and why an alternate dimension would affect the realities of humanity.

"An alien species did something they shouldn't have, as a result the Warp changed and this change affected humanity in various ways. Before this event humanity's mages were fairly controlled and fairly rare. In fact I would say that mage numbers were getting lower and were on the way out as technology was, for the most part, surpassing what theycould do. The training of mages thus became less necessary or even profitable.

I nodded along, listening to him. His tale made sense in some aspects. If you could build an attack helicopter with the abilities of a mage, why would you need the mage? The attack helicopter was going to mount a lot more equipment.

"When the event happened though sections of the galaxy were cut off by Warp Storms, living hells as it were, places where the Warp leaked through into reality. The direct exposure to this realm caused mage populations to skyrocket, though they were slightly different. New abilities had become apparent, things that mages could not do in your time. They could now use mind control, that one was prevalent, as well as summon creatures from the Warp to cause mayhem and harm to humanity."

"Some of these creatures actually took over those who were now coined 'psykers', possessing them and using them to unleash even more chaos and pain on humanity. They often ended up using weapons of mass destruction on other human colonies, simply to get a kick out of it."

I had to digest that for a moment, putting my cup on the table. I tapped with my right hand on the edge of the wood.

"Are you saying demons, or at least something close to demons, exist in reality?"

"To use ancient terms yes. Though any connection between them and humanity's religions is rooted in humanity's observation of these creatures or simple coincidence due to their infinitely varied forms."

I let this knowledge settle , trying to comprehend what I was hearing as well as make it fit with the way I previously understood things.

Being X had put me in this world so the question at the top of my mind was: was Being X a Warp entity or was he something different? It was hard to tell but assuming that this 'Terra' was vastly separated from my Earth… He could either be something different or it was a Warp entity from my universe, vacationing in this one for his experimentations on the matter of faith…

Leaning forward in my seat I asked a simple question "Do these entities of the Warp rely on faith in some way to power themselves?"

The Emperor raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Why, yes, they do. This is one of the reasons I have actually forbidden any large-scale religions in the Imperium. Small scale personal worship I have no problem with but structured systems of religion tend to be infiltrated by Warp entities playing the part of whatever God the original religion was meant to worship.

I smashed my fist down on the table with a predatory smile gracing my lips. "I knew Being X wasn't God!"

"Who?" The Emperor asked, reaching for a goblet forgotten by some Noble who had left the room after his reveal.

"Some entity came to me at the end of my first life and we had a conversation on the matters of faith. He was annoyed that I did not believe he was God. That's how I ended up in my second life, the one I don't remember quite as well.

The Emperor nodded and drank the goblet down. "A Warp entity exists at all times, at all places. Some theories even state that they can cross between different universes and realities. This is how some of the more major Warp entities are able to say that they've always existed, even though as far as I can tell they only come into existence at certain points in our history. They've always existed but in a reality, not necessarily ours. Their power grows depending on the realities but I don't think they're all the same being in all realities gaining power from other realities, just that their personalities and the things they represent are interconnected."

"It would explain the timeline discrepancy you presented, with being from Japan and what sounded rather modern and yet saying your second life was in the ancient 'Great War to end all wars'." He chuckled at that.

"Let me guess. Twenty years later something terrible happened that resulted in a second Great War." I proposed

He shook his head, "No, it's just that there have been so many wars after it that were much greater. I find it hilarious that we even tried to name some conflict that impacted only Terra a 'Great War." He shrugged before continuing, "So this Being X ripped you from your reality and exposed you to the Warp. It might explain why you were able to keep your original identity intact for so long in the Warp after your second life… He would have needed to put some sort of protections on you so you didn't go absolutely mad even before he dropped you off on Terra. It's most likely why you're having issues remembering the middle life, the protections were meant for your first life. The middle life probably would have been destroyed completely if those protections weren't there. No doubt you used the experience from your first life quite heavily in your second life, which created connections and maintained that second life. But since those connections are through your first life…" He stopped and looked at me before obviously switching from a complex answer to another simpler answer. "You remember your first life because those experiences had protections, your second life will come in time because you remember your first life."

I nodded my head in some agreement, hoping that the illusion of understanding would be enough. I had been a Human Resource manager, I liked economics and history. The metaphysical underpinning of the reality we lived in? That was a bit above my pay grade or interest so I was just going to leave that little mystery to him for now.

"I would assume that this Being X, as you put it, has probably returned to whatever reality he found you in long ago. However I would not discount the possibility that a version of him exists in this universe, the Warp is strange. Some would say untamable."

"Some?" I asked

"I have theories that I'm working on, ones that could improve the situation of humanity and make the Warp less of an issue for us." He stopped and looked at me, then looked up at the ceiling before signing. "Right, never been in space before. Humanity's main mode of interstellar transportation is an engine that allows us to travel through the Warp. In order to survive such transitions we require tools that prevent the Warp from getting into the ships. And, yes, sometimes those fail. Sometimes we schedule a ship to arrive a month after leaving a planet and it arrives 10 years later, having only traveled a month."

"The Warp is a fast way to travel the Galaxy, but it has grown unreliable with the Old Night."

I nodded my head along, not getting the science but understanding the meaning. They were traveling through a dimension of horrors. I had to wonder if perhaps said traveling through the horror dimension was the reason that the Warp had increased in power to the point that they'd had some sort of Warp Storm incident. Asking about things like that could wait till the contract was figured out.

"So, dad, as it were… why did you create one human super-soldier only to toss them through the Warp?"

His looks darkened before he said "I did not create something to be thrown and exposed to the Warp so easily. An accident happened while I was away and a Warp tear was ripped into reality right inside the lab where you were growing. I am suspicious that there may have been entities involved in some way, but I have no proof that it wasn't my own staff betraying me. You see I had to forcibly reunite Terra through conquest after the fall of humanity, some groups weren't exactly happy about that. Especially due to the use of my first group of super-soldiers, the Thunder Warriors. A story for another time. It's not impossible that someone I thought I could trust was either a liar and simply wished to detract my plans out of simple vengeance. Or something influenced by the Warp may have moved against me. As I said, a lot of people became controlled by the Warp's powers. Anyone moving against them is a threat as I will not allow humanity to be used as pawns in whatever game they are playing."

I nodded my head as a knock came heavily on the door of the main hall.

"Come in," I said. In response one of my shield maidens stepped into the room. "My king? A giant is here to see you, he says he has to come at the request of the Emperor."

"A Giant?" I queried, turning to look at the emperor,

"That would be your brother, Horus."

"Brother? Okay, my older brother or younger brother? Was he created before the accident or after it?"

"You were both created at the same time. He was scattered as well, he found his way back to me faster though."

I nodded my head before turning to the shield maiden, "let him in but keep everyone outside. These conversations must stay private. If anyone tries to listen in you may punish them as you see fit."

"Yes, my king!" the shield maiden said, giving a salute before stepping out.

A moment later a giant stepped in. The top of the doorway into the grand hall was a good 10 ft from the floor and the man who stepped through had to lean down to get in, putting him somewhere around 11 ft. He looked around the room before spotting the Emperor and smiling as the door closed behind him.

The giant was wearing similar armor to the emperor, though not as golden. His armor was painted in whites and blacks, I also noted that there was a wolf on his shoulder pauldron. I had to wonder if he'd had similar run-in with local animals on his world. Besides that I noticed he was of European descent in look and was bald, though going by the stubble it was mostly because he shaved his head.

"Father, I have gotten together the legal experts you requested. They're just outside," The Giant looked around, a bit confused, before asking, "So was my brother not here?"

"Brother?" I said, raising an eyebrow as I turned to look at the emperor.

The Emperor sighed and looked a bit perturbed, then he confessed "I created 20 sons to help build an empire for humanity, at the time I thought…" He seemed to think for a moment before saying "It doesn't matter what I thought. Horus, my son," he continued, turning to the Giant. "This is Tanya Russ, your sister."

The look of absolute complete confusion that went across Horus's face was rather humorous and I had to maintain good control not to laugh.

"Sister?" he said slowly, as if trying to puzzle out the word as he looked at me.

"So I was supposed to be a son. Why am I a woman then?" It was the most obvious question in the world so I had to ask it.

"Well there is an easy and complex answer to that," the Emperor said, taking a moment to get up and stretch his joints. "The easy answer is," He took a step to the side and as I watched his form shifted to that of a woman, a rather beautiful woman at that. "Though we are derived from human stock, we are an aberration. An attempt to jump forward human evolution by a large number of what you would call mages ritually sacrificing themselves to create me. As a result I have abilities that humanity does not have yet. All of my sons, even you as my daughter, have a portion of me inside of you. Not only in your DNA but in the very makeup of your soul, meaning that sooner or later you'll all develop some of the powers that I have acquired over my long life."

She stepped forward again and was back to the Emperor form. "I predicted it would probably be 10,000 years before any of my sons would develop those pPowers, though by that time the Imperium should be fully stabilized. You will all be able to use those powers to remove the adaptations I had to create for the Great Crusade, if you feel like it."

I started to raise a hand but he continued, "You said you died in your first life in Japan. May I assume you were male in that life and ask how long did you live?

"Yes, before I got pushed in front of the train. And I was in my early thirties."

"And we have our answer to why you are female then. You must have lived past that lifespan in your second life, long enough at least that by the time you died in that life you thought of yourself more as a woman than a man. Things like that can affect the shape of a soul and things that affect the shape of the soul can affect the body of a Primarch."

"Primarch?" I asked, trying to get as much information as possible.

"Yes, my sons." He looked at me and then corrected himself. "I'm going to have to start saying 'children'. My children are primarchs, born with potential well above humanity. Their dna can be used to creates a substance that will allow you to raise normal humans above their frailties in order to create an army capable of taking back the galaxy."

I wanted to ask about this whole army situation but Horus spoke, up interrupting any chance for me to ask a question. "Hold on, hold on. So my brother is not only a sister but has past life memories? Are we sure this is one of your sons, father?"

"Son, I have a psychic connection to all my children. Even if my eyes show me that this is not what I was expecting to find I can sense that this is one of my children. Different, as they have more life experience than I was prepared for, but one of mine." The Emperor turned to me and asked a simple question, "Did you conquer or take over this entire planet?"

I shrugged. "I wouldn't say I conquered it, I simply showed that my way of doing things was better and used the military to show what happened to those who attacked me or my allies. Everyone sort of fell in line. There's only one major hold out at this moment and they're already well on their way to joining the trade network that I have set up on this world."

The Emperor nodded his head. "See? Even if she has a kinder hand, a bit of me is in her, a compulsion to unify humanity. The only other thing I would need to be sure that she is one of mine is to see the gestation pod she came to this planet in. That would not only confirm it but would tell me which Primarch she is, and what her legion is."

"Legion?" I said but then shook my head and said "Third weapon up, fourth one from the right." I pointed in the general direction of said weapon.

Confused the Emperor looked where I was pointing and walked over, picking up an old ax. He looked it over and then chuckled as he realized what he was looking at. Turning, he said, "You used parts of your gestation pod for weapons, creative."

"This planet is cold, even when it's not winter. You're either creative or you die." I asserted matter of factly. The Emperor nodded and stepped back over to Horus, looking the ax over.

"A lot of the paint seems to have faded but there's a nice little number here that I remember. Panel 17, that was part of pod 6, I believe."

"The sixth legion," Horus said sounding intrigued. He looked at me and said dubiously, "I don't see it."

"What did you expect to see?" I asked, confused.

"Well, this will require an explanation of the army I mentioned earlier," The emperor interjected, taking a seat across from me. "Each of my so- children, has the capability to produce what I call Geneseed, a solution that can turn humans into what I call the Astartes or Space Marines. Warriors that can go against the xenos, mutants, and monsters of the Old Night."

"I was harvesting this solution even as you were in your gestation pods, so that by the time you came into the world you would already have a force of soldiers under your command to be the foundation of your legions. I had some ideas about what kind of person you would be, so I was already putting together your legions from people I thought would work well. The sixth legion was mainly created from the most barbaric groups on Terra, extremely violent and uncontrolled savages. I believed that a Primarch's strong hand could keep them in check and let them use that savagery well for humanity."

"You created a legion of battle maniacs…" The moment those words left my lips I had a massive headache and I couldn't help but leaned forward a bit. "Sounds like my luck," I said. "So why don't you see them in me, my brother?" I asked with a new smile, still trying to not let the headache overtake my head.

"Considering how they turned out I was expecting…" He looked around the room. "More of an authoritarian."

I raised an eyebrow at that before looking at the emperor, "I'm guessing there's more to the story."

"I'm afraid so. The sixth legion had a lot of issues with their geneseed. Since I didn't have a lot of your geneseed around I couldn't run enough purification experimentations to solve them. I had to take careful efforts to get the geneseed in working order and the recruitment finally began only once that was done. The legion really only started to get up in numbers about 10 years ago and for the first five I wasn't even allowing them to participate in the Great Crusade."

"Frankly the issues are still quite present and we will need to work out the problems. But with your fresh supply of Geneseed that should be no issue, I've even set aside the resources to produce a gene lab on the sixth's legion new homeworld specifically for figuring this issue out."

I raised an eyebrow at that, bringing my face out of my hands. Either the Emperor was way too trusting or he was very self-assured that I would sign on to his Great Crusade eventually. He was just giving me more power at the bargaining by confiding that table he needed my genetics to fix the problem for one of his legions.

Horus continued, "The sixth legion has been having other issues, mainly untamed savagery that makes them hard to control. When they're in a fight they get too hot and they start causing damage to things they really shouldn't or killing people they shouldn't. In response the current Legion Master has created a disciplinary corp that holds the legion to standards, often at gunpoint if they get hot. However we've had numerous complaints from units that served with the sixth legion that said disciplinary corp will hold any parts of the Imperial Army to the same standard as their Space Marines."

I blinked and said, "If the sixth legion is holding the Imperial Army to the same standards as themselves, wouldn't those standards already be universal? I would assume that you have a set rules of war that everyone must follow. A military that doesn't follow the rules is no better than a band of savage barbarians."

Horus blinked a couple times before he smiled and said, turning to the Emperor, "Okay! Now I see it." Before I could ask what that meant he continued."Still, why is she so small?"

The Emperor leaned back and thought before admitting, "I have no idea, Primarch should grow as they gain strength and power and accomplishments. Someone who has managed to conquer the entire planet as she did should be as tall as my son. Perhaps she's simply a late bloomer and with time and more worlds under her belt she will obtain a more reasonable size."

I blinked and then burst out, "Are you saying that growing tall is related to how much of a big head you've gotten over your accomplishments?!"

The Emperor turned his head quickly to look at me, mouth slightly ajar as his eyes seemed to realize the implications I had put forward.

"That was not an intended side effect. I was simply going for an easy way for my sons to be recognized at a distance for their Space Marine legions, as well as assuring their combat capabilities." The Emperor stopped and looked at me, as if he had realized something before he continued. "Either way I'm sure she will grow in stature in time, but I think we've wandered quite a distance away from the purpose of this meeting."

"You said no to my offer to join me in bringing humanity back together."

"She said what?!" Horus sputtered in what sounded like genuine shock.

"You assured me that you would accept negotiations but what are you negotiating for?"

I nodded my head and said "Well, I'm negotiating for the planet of Fenris. It was my hard work that brought about peace on this planet, one I quite enjoy. I don't want to run off and leave this world unprotected and undeveloped."

The Emperor nodded before he began, "We have no plans to completely abandon this world to its savagery. It shall be brought into the Imperium. And as I said I have set aside funds for the sixth legion to have their geneseed issues cleared out. A facility and fortress will be built on this planet as it will serve well as a recruitment ground for your legion. The people here are already trusting of you so the Space Marines recruited here would be the most loyal possible."

"As for developing this fine world I'm not exactly sure what you mean. We could have Mechanicus agents look into adding a Hive City."

"A Hive City?" I asked, not familiar with the term.

Horus spoke up, "A city built upon itself. Towers upon towers, levels upon levels, until those at the very bottom cannot even see the light of day and those at the top don't even know the lower levels exist."

That was not what I was interested in, that sounded like a dystopian nightmare. "When I say modernization I mean bringing this world to the level of say the 21th century, powered by the safer technologies of nuclear energy with the intent of protecting the planet's culture and environment. I don't want to supplant the culture that is here with something else, I simply want to upgrade it with new technologies. My goal is to make my people's lives better as it were and give them more of a chance to survive in this world."

The Emperor nodded, saying, "That can be arranged. That would cut down on some of the savagery of these people which would make them a hearty stock for the Space Marine program, but I believe the increase in numbers would help us solve the issue with the geneseed at a quicker rate."

Something about the way he said stock when referring to the people, as if they were things, just didn't sit right with me but I didn't raise the question yet. He was giving me what I wanted, best not to piss him off.

"That's just what I can think of off the top of my head so I will need assurances that I can get more for my people if I commit to this crusade, as you call it."

The Emperor nodded and said, "Yes, yes, you will have access to quite a large ability to improve this planet as a Primarch in the crusade. I'm sure if you asked the Mechanicus they would search nearby systems to set up a Forge World specifically dedicated to arm your legion if you so wished."

"The Mechanicus being?"

The Emperor exhaled and said, "We're going to need to spend a year bringing you up to date on the modern world you now are stepping into."

"Well, that can happen right after the year you owe me. We'll use it to improve this planet." I said matter of factly, reminding him that he had technically lost our little gamble at the start of this evening.

"Touche," the Emperor said, before he continued. "The Imperium is divided up in two halves. The empire section I run myself and that is pushing the Great Crusade outwards and the Mechanicus of Mars, a group of humans with cybernetics who have a large control over industry throughout not only the Solar System but many many star systems throughout the Galaxy. This second empire is funding my war machine, as I have brought them in as a dual partner."

That was concerning. Their equipment and arms were dependent on a second empire within the Imperium, what if they ever revolted? I wouldn't bring that up now but I would keep an eye on this Mechanicus, just in case.

"Anyways for our purposes it would not be hard to have them send one of their expeditionary forces in this general direction. We'll see if they can find anything of use in the system, for the betterment of your people as you put it. I bet if you asked they could even build an orbital ring around the planet."

I blinked several times after that statement, trying to comprehend what he had just said. I may not be a Sci-Fi person but I had played Halo once or twice and I think he had just discussed the concept of a ring around the planet. Considering how the Halo in that had been rather a verdant paradise, besides the monsters in the game… Well, that would be a great boon to Fenris' economy. Not to mention the season of fire was brought on by coming too close to the Sun, if the sun's rays could be partially blocked out near the equator perhaps it would make conditions less terrible for the Sea People. There were still many tribes who didn't trust my control of the continent; this would be a great way to bring them in. I would have to give this some thought and I would have to do a lot of research on what the Imperium could do for me. They were dealing with technologies that were well and truly above anything I understood.

Nodding my head in agreement I said, "There's definitely a lot of options we could go with, but I think you've made a good case of why Fenris should join the Imperium and why I should help. The only real hangups I have left are about the stance of the Imperium on democracy and whether I have operational ability to make decisions on how to bring a planet into the fold while on the field."

The Emperor chuckled and nodded his head, "You would have complete operational control of in the field, unless I gave specific orders otherwise. Personally, if you can bring in worlds to humanity without a fight? That is a good day. The problem is we are all coming out of the Old Night together at the same time. Though the Imperium of Man is so far the most successful others will be on the rise as well, so they will probably engage in hostilities if you show up in their system."

I nodded, that was an understandable situation. Just because you were top dog didn't mean that people you ran into would believe it. If they thought themselves at the top of the food chain they would fight according to that belief.

"As for your other question on democracy… I frankly don't give a damn. The Imperium needs a strong central authority right now but what a planet does on the fringes? As long as it pays its taxes it could do whatever it wants, within reason. Whether it wants to run itself as a corporate oligarchy or a communist democracy it can be allowed as long as it meets its taxes."

"Please tell me communism isn't rampant." It was the first thing that came to mind, I just needed to know.

"No, I believe we've mostly run into empires and a few attempts to reestablish the human federation, but that's about it." The Emperor answered with a shrug.

Nodding, I got up from my seat and said, "Well, I'll have the shield maidens bring in your legal team and we will get the contract filled out and signed. Sound reasonable?"

"Very, though I do have one demand."

"What is that demand?" I asked, a little bit confused. As far as I was concerned I still had a large amount of negotiating power, so I wondered why he felt he could demand anything.

"You may have memories from your past lives but in this life I am your father. I would like to be addressed as such, not as the Emperor or anything like that."

I looked at him for a moment, thinking hard about what he had just said. Demanding I call him father was a bit much but it was also a downgrade from the formality of Emperor so it showed he wanted kids in a way. It could be a tactic to just put me in my place, or to try and influence me into going along with any decisions in the future but I doubted that it would work. Frankly, since he hadn't given me a name, calling him the Emperor every time mentally would be a lot longer than 'father'. So I shrugged and acquiesced, "yes, Father," before moving over to the doors to get the shield maidens moving.

Horus Lupercal

I shook my head in absolute confusion, this whole situation was madness and completely off from what I had been told to expect. But then again, the universe had proven prone to surprising me.

A sister. That was not something I had ever foreseen happening. Brothers, yes, I had been told about my 19 Brothers out there. And I had prepared myself for many options, from them being absolute assholes to being just as magnanimous as myself. There was also always the acknowledged possibility that something had gone wrong. A sister was not one of the possibilities I prepared for and I wasn't really sure how to feel about that. If there was one sister the possibility opened that there might be more. Finally that the fact that my new sister apparently had memories of a life before this one was strange. I don't think I delved too deep into how we had been created or all the abilities we would eventually gain. I was more interested in the here and now, working with Father to reunite humanity and end the Old Night, but the idea that there were powers I had yet to unlock that would come with age… that was news to me.

At the moment father and I were trudging through the snow away from Castle Russ. He had gotten my sister to sign on to the Crusade, even if it had to be through the form of negotiations. It was good to at least have her be part of the Imperium.

Before I could get further into my thoughts though father stopped and looked back at the castle then breathed out before looking at me. "I don't know if we have a great boon at our disposal or just a strange set of circumstances… Let us try and keep the fact that your sister has memories of a past life away from my other sons when we discover them."

I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why do we want to do that?"

"Having more life experience than my other sons may cause her to feel detached from the rest of you, and feeling detached from the rest of you is not what I wanted. I wanted your brothers to be there for each other, to be able to share a few common things so that it would strengthen your bonds." Shaking his head he said, "The Scattering has already damaged those potential bonds, and Tanya has already had a few more of those bonds ripped from her as well just by being a different gender. Taking the potential bond of having grown up on an isolated world away from the others, maybe just one severed bond too many. It could set her on a path away from the Imperium. It would be better for her to come to know her brothers, and for her brothers to come to know her as one more member of our family that was scattered. Not someone with a completely different history."

I put my hand to my chin and nodded my head. "This seems sensible, I assume you'll talk to her about keeping that fact secret? She seemed a little too open about it."

"I think she already suspected who I was and that's why she was open about it. She wanted answers as much as I did, which worked in our favor today. She had questions and I had a majority of the answers, or at least good educated guesses to bypass the situation," Father said shaking his head and letting his hair flow in the wind. "But yes. Also I apparently owe her a year of service so I'll make sure to inform her that she should keep it to herself during that time, though I bet she already knows it. Something tells me that she's absolutely wonderful at keeping secrets, if her statements on the matter of her second life are true."

"What exactly has she said about her second life, if you don't mind me asking?"

"If I'm to believe her statements she is the Devil of the Rhine." He said it like that should mean something but I had never heard of this particular devil. Before I could ask for clarification he continued. "The Devil of the Rhine was a psychic soldier about 28,000 years ago, one who managed to push military tactics ahead quite a bit during their time. At least that's how the legend goes, no one knew the name of the Devil or what happened to them after the war, all records of them appeared to have been either destroyed or never existed. Which led me to believe that it had been a propaganda action until recently."

"You were aware of their career, father?"

"It was hard not to be, every country was talking about some super-soldier flying about destroying armies and no one was providing substantial answers. After the war, by all records available, this super-soldier just seemed to not have existed. But that makes sense, the war they were involved in was rather brutal. Destroying her records and disappearing into the wind was probably the smartest move anyone could do in a losing conflict."

"If her side was losing, how is this a boon for us?" I asked, not seeing how a loser could be useful to us.

"Her side was losing, she was not. If the rumors are to be believed the only reason her side held out as long as they did was because of her efforts at a tactical level. It was the strategic level and the diplomatic level that failed her. This is why we might have a boon on our hands because she will have access to that strategic and diplomatic level while in our service. I wonder what she can do."

Father seemed to stare off in the distance and thought for a moment before he shook his head and said, "I can't stay here very long so I will turn that year of service she requested into a year of training her. We'll be trying to get her up to date on current technology and anything else needed to help in the Great Crusade. I'm afraid we will have to split for a while my son, someone must go on to continue the crusade while I bring her up to speed."

I knew that this might happen. Sooner or later the other brothers would be joining us and we would have to spend more time away from each other. I had been preparing myself for that eventuality and it would be a chance to go forth and conquer on my own for a bit.

"But before you do that you can take a few weeks off, perhaps join your sister for a hunting trip or something? Get those bonds forming, the sooner she feels like a member of the family the better for humanity."

I nodded my understanding and said, "I will see about engaging in such an activity, father. I wonder if this planet has any wolves, my legion is always talking about how they would like to find some actual wolves for our fur cloaks rather than the bioengineered furs that are currently used."

Father chuckled and said, "Horus, look to your left and between those extremely gnarled trees."

Doing as he said I looked and saw nothing at first, then my eyes picked out the shape and I was left dumbstruck at what I was seeing. Sitting there and watching us like it was the most normal thing to do were three giant wolves. They were larger than most humans and I strangely wondered if a Space Marine could ride them. Their yellow eyes watched us with interest but they otherwise made no motion to move towards us.

"The rumors I heard before we came to this land included a certain tale that the King of the Russ was also known as the Wolf King. No doubt Tanya has trained these wolves to be her loyal hunting dogs. I wonder how deep this goes but I'm sure that whatever the sixth legion becomes under her influence, whatever it may be, your lunar wolves will no longer be the only wolf-themed legion."

I smiled at that I thought and came to the conclusion that I would in fact try to get to know this Tanya as much as possible before I had to leave. At the bare minimum I wondered if she could help my legion get some actual wolves as pets, since the bioengineered ones tended to be rather uncontrollable. My boys would enjoy something that wouldn't try and rip their necks out just for trying to pet them.

Legion Master Enoch Rathvin

The most contemptible thing in the universe stared up at me from its place in front of me, mocking me with its presence and ability to slow my life down to a crawl even though it would only take me a few minutes to get through it.

Breathing out pure contempt and hatred I reached for a pen and began to fill out the paperwork in front of me. An army marches on its stomach, they say? Well with each and every year that passed it felt more like this army marched on paperwork.

From requisitions of new armors to requisitions of new weapons and dealing up punishments for soldiers who got too violent during a campaign. This was the everyday life of a Legion Master I made sure the paperwork was filled out to keep the sixth legion moving and every day I wished I was in a position where I was not the one in charge.

I, like many other Legion Masters, was quite jealous of the lunar wolves. They had their Primarch with them for 30 years, galavanting across the galaxy with the Emperor himself. They were an example to every other legion of what was waiting for them when their Primarch was found.

It frankly was getting on my nerves that ours hadn't been found yet. Without our Primarch to create the military structure of our units we were left to devise our own systems. Since most of us had come from Terran stock, some from the most barbaric areas of the world, we defaulted to a simple 10-man unit system not too dissimilar from the one used by many ancient empires. For some reason I felt like this was not peak performance, like there was a better way to do it than 10 men to a squad and 100 men to a Company and a thousand men to Chapter. But I was not a student of History, I tended to leave that to the disciplinary corps since they needed to know all the rules and regulations to maintain a proper control of the legion.

Every legion was different. Sure there were some similarities between some. We had been unrightfully called The Rout for the last few decades because of our particular expertise at hunting down enemies as they attempted to run. We had also acquired a reputation similar to the Dusk Raiders, of a tendancy to strike the enemy when they were weak and destroy them. We had slowly been trying to change but I had to handle a kind of personality crisis as it were while we did. We had gone after weak targets because we had been a weak legion. There had only been a thousand of us when we had first been allowed off the leash. Even now there were only 6,000 of us but we were doing better, striking more in the weight class of some of the other legions, but we tended to let our brutality get too much of us. One of the first planets we had been unleashed on had been half wrecked and civilian casualties had been unacceptable, the men had gone too far.

Which was why I had established the Disciplinary Corp. If the men were going to let themselves be taken up in the moment and unleash their fury to the point of such disastrous destruction then there would need to be a force who could equally control them. Thus had been created the Disciplinary Corp and they had learned every rule that was currently active in the Imperiums military. They had one objective: find those rules and subject the sixth legion to them.

The objective was not of course to be overly harsh with these rules but to enforce them at all times, to try and build up an ability to maintain control in combat and not let savagery run wild.

In the fighting that happened since their first few fights and the creation of the Disciplinary Corp there had been a vast improvement in the professionalism of the sixth legion. Savagery was now applied in a proper amount and at proper targets while the rules were followed. The only real problem I had was that I got too many complaints from imperial army commanders who felt that my soldiers should not be issuing punishments for breaking the rules of the imperial army. I could understand that but they were breaking the universal rules what kind of precedent was that setting for my space marines?

If they wanted to complain about my efforts to keep my legion clean and effective they could complain to my fucking bolter.

Sighing I got up and cracked my neck, looking across the room to my armor. Its gray paint reflected light dimly as I wondered if we should perhaps move on from that coloration. Many of the other legions had already moved on from gray but then again many of these legions had created their own history and stories by now, having fought from Terra itself to the outer reaches of space. I shouldn't think too hard about this until we actually found our Primarch, wherever they may be.

Getting up I walked across the room towards an exit leading up to the Hall, figuring I'd go get some food from the ship's cafeteria, when the door in front of me was knocked on. So hard that only another space Marine could have done that so I opened it as soon as the knocking stopped.

"Yes?" I said, looking out of the room and seeing one of the sergeants. I was unfamiliar with him, a newer runt brought in with the most recent generation of sixth legion Space Marines.

"Legion Master, I've just run down from the bridge with orders from the Emperor. We are to make all haste to a planet known as Fenris on the ancient maps, our Primarch has been found."

I blinked and then said, "Don't even bother getting orders from me on this, tell the captain to start moving the ship in the direction of this Fenris right now. Then tell the other sergeants to meet at the command and control center in 2 hours, we must have a discussion on this matter. Understand me?"

"Yes, sir!" The young sergeant said with a salute before running off, causing me to simply shake my head at the show of incompetence. Not getting straight to work when the Emperor sends an order? You didn't need my permission to get started on obeying orders as far as I was concerned. Starting as soon as we arrive at this Fenris they wouldn't need my permission ever, we'd finally have our Primarch. I smiled the biggest smile I had worn in years as I moved to put on a robe so I could speak with the other sergeants, No need for armor.

Writers note: and there we go big secrets revealed little secrets kept, headaches created and the story progresses. And if you don't get it… yes the answer to are primarchs going to be a mix of genders or only one gender is yes… their genders is gender bender… MAWHAHAHAHAHAHA

Edited by: Pierre
Community edited by:Justin R, Ryan Pirtle, ashley goodman
Community editable doc (Chapter 18) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Neso, Markus, Mackenzie Buckle, Silver Wolf, Falk H, Mana Rope, Daniel Martinez, michael, Devilstar101, Hats88, DrkShdow, James Moorhouse, Matthew D, Duncan Sproule

Art thanks Sky66 who Commissioned the Artist J-likes-to-draw
Last edited:
Well if you are going to genderbent a few of the primarchs, i hope Magnus and Corvus are some of them, maybe the 2nd and 11th as well.
Horus, upon seeing his father briefly become his mother and hearing the explaination; "Wait, I could do that too given enough time?! What other powers has my … sister unlocked already that I too could use? Does her female perspective give her unique insight into psyker abilities?"

And thus the Heresy is delayed (or never happens) because Horus wants to try being female for a while.
Ah hah, the geneseed issue is probably the gender thing. Some portion of the geneseed is looking for female candidates and theres none, so they'd never be compatible.
I have an idea for an Omake in which the scene with the Emperor's arrival, challenge and the revalations occur but with Leman & Tanya Russ instead of just Tanya. The brilliant Tanya and her meat headed brother, the twin rulers of Fenris. Part of the Omake has it where Tanya repeatedly hits her brother with a roll of parchment when he misbehaves and often in their fathers presence, the Emperor is confused as he now has a second set of twin Primarchs with one being a daughter.

Or The Emperor finds himself developing a Daughter Complex, all those who seek to woe the Emperor's daughter beware.
I have an idea for an Omake in which the scene with the Emperor's arrival, challenge and the revalations occur but with Leman & Tanya Russ instead of just Tanya. The brilliant Tanya and her meat headed brother, the twin rulers of Fenris. Part of the Omake has it where Tanya repeatedly hits her brother with a roll of parchment when he misbehaves and often in their fathers presence, the Emperor is confused as he now has a second set of twin Primarchs with one being a daughter.

Or The Emperor finds himself developing a Daughter Complex, all those who seek to woe the Emperor's daughter beware.

Yes, yes. Let the Omake side guide you. The Omake side cares not for the grammatically correct, for the canon, or for the character doing something stupid and not totally matching their story portrayal. The Omake side merely cares for creativity!

In other words, I'd love to read that idea, Red Shirt. Why not give it a go?
Chapter 19, Family Time
Chapter 19, Family Time

Tanya Russ

The snow was falling lightly today on Fenris, dusting the grounds with a powder of white. A good day to go hunting, or for a walk or ride. Today I was going for a walk with my quote-unquote father. Apparently, the gold giant was interested in working off his year of service as quickly as possible and he had suggested that we could continue our conversations about the greater galaxy and things that I would need to understand in order to take part in his 'Great Crusade'.

I still didn't like the fact I was using the word crusade but I couldn't really complain that much, working with him would get this planet to a more comfortable level of living for the people here and myself. If I had to engage in a little bit of diplomatic violence against other people to do that… well, that's what was required.

So far I had learned a few important things. For one, despite the ability to send armored giants on walkabouts, most conflicts still came down to the ground sloggers being sent in to secure everything. Which is why he had Space Marines as a thing but second-line troops were still mostly humans. Space Marines being, I guess the correct term would be post-human, first-line troops, sent in to secure planets and fight the initial battles while the second-line troops came in to clean things up afterward.

I also learned that mage conflict was pretty much dead. Sure some spells and formulas still worked but the level of power a mage would need to use in order to obtain the status they had during my life was such that you were more likely to end up as a pile of bubbling flesh. Warp energy was not as forgiving as it once had been.

Which aligned with what I'd already known to some extent, the Rune Priests always warned that one needed to be careful with the powers of Fenris or you'd end up something worse than dead such as the man who got turned into a solid stone statue. Even with the apparent filtering qualities of Fenris the Warp was still not conducive to using psyker powers as heavily as I had in my mage days.

That was something I was going to have to keep in mind for my quote-unquote legion, the one I would be required to lead. If magic was so unstable compared to what it once had been I couldn't rely on it to be the most powerful weapon in my arsenal, it was a tool and one that should be used as necessary but I couldn't default to it if I intended to live a long life.

Which, at the moment, looked very long considering the implications of the Emperor being around when I was alive 28,000 years ago… I was going to have to build up a lot of systems to get my retirement if that was what I was facing. Hell even if I developed a lot of systems, I got the distinct feeling that I would still have to come out of retirement once in a while to set things right, like some of those Roman generals did in the latter half of their empire.

Anyways I was walking with Emperor when Mother Wolf happened to trot up next to me, smiling, I rubbed the top of her head.

"Wolves seem very important to you," father said, looking over as I patted the wolf's head.

"First creatures I ran into that were not trying to kill me when they had the ability to do so. Of course I bribed them but still, simple economic transfer there: you let me live with you and you'll get a portion of the food I make. Over time I came to live amongst the wolves and then lead them. They're very loyal; they understand basic economics and they are good fighters. Not to mention they live an extremely long time, Mother here has been with me since I first arrived pretty much."

"Mother?" Emperor asked, his eyebrow raised.

I shrugged and responded, "I never actually got around to figuring out a name for her. Her pups, Cunning and Fierce? Sure I came up with names for them over time. Mother though? She was just Mother.

Emperor nodded and stepped around me to pet the head of Mother. "Well, I must thank this wolf as there was no guarantee that you would survive on whatever planet you landed. If not for her guidance I'm sure you would have had a harder time of it."

Nodding, I finally decided to ask a question that had been bugging me. "So you've been around the galaxy for a while, I assume? Do you happen to know what the deal with the cultures on Fenris is? I've seen quite a lot of strange things and a lot of it does not make sense. My current theory is the planet was some sort of Scandinavian cultural preserve."

Emperor laughed then said, "That was its third interpretation, I believe. Or, to be fair, there were only three I paid attention to. There might have been other attempts to colonize this planet at various times with different methods. I know the first time humanity messed around with this planet was as a prison, sending humans here to… Well, survive the best they could. They were given genetic alterations and it was hoped that it would allow them to survive this world's harsh conditions."

I nodded as it did make sense, considering the last king of Russ had been in his 120s and looking like he was in his 60s. "What happened to that attempt?" I asked.

"The genetic modifications weren't stable. Half the population got left on the planet and formed tribal units to survive. The other half…" He looked at the wolf. "They devolved, let's call it that."

My eyes literally widened so much I thought they might roll out of my skull as I turned to look at Mother, realizing that though she was a wolf she apparently may be genetically closer to human than was comfortable. That might explain the intelligence I had seen in her eyes since day one.

"The next attempt to colonize this planet that I paid attention to was an amusement park; one I came to. It kept the tribals out and let people… well the term is LARP, as Vikings. It was, in my opinion, an interesting concept though one that I believe ultimately failed. From what I understand they built cities built under mountain ranges that would still be there.

"There's a city under the mountains near which I landed," I said, remembering what the Allfather had said about not going into the tunnels.

"Yes. A series of cities, in fact. They were meant to be support structures for the people on the surface while they LARPed as Vikings amongst the tribals. As well as keeping the small fortress amusement parks, like the one Russ Castle was built as, running. Some people didn't come to play Viking amongst the savages, some simply came for the roller coasters or were brought along by those who worked as play-Vikings and needed some more modern entertainment."

I blinked at the reveal that the castle I had spent the last 20 years of my life in was the remnants of an amusement park attraction. If that didn't show the versatility of a castle I did not know what else would but that was quite amazing.

"The last major colonization effort on this planet was, as you theorized, a Norse preserve. Well, I think the attractions were still running during that effort? Anyway, a bunch of colonies of Scandinavians moved in and basically tried to live amongst the tribals and teach them their version of Scandinavia. I don't know how that turned as that was just before the start of the Old Night. No doubt once the planet was cut off from everything they just mixed together to create the situation you found yourself in, though I would assume the tribals basically integrated the other groups and whatever knowledge was useful to them.

"So this planet went from Australia to Disneyland and finally to a national park. That's a turnaround only humanity could come up with."

"You have no idea," Emperor said, shaking his head in amusement. "Well, you'll learn. With such a long lifespan you'll learn just how humanity thinks. And then you'll still be surprised by the things they'll do."

I nodded my head and said, "About those cities under the mountains; was there an AI-like thing to help run those cities?"

Emperor stopped his petting of Mother and looked up at me, a bit more hardness to him all of a sudden. "Now that you mentioned it I do recall there was a virtual intelligence that looked a bit like Odin, back in the day."

"Virtual intelligence?" I asked, not familiar with that term.

"It's more rudimentary and cheaper than an artificial intelligence. They also tend to be not self-aware compared to AI."

"Strange," I rubbed my chin. "Well your VI seems to have upgraded since he appeared to me and offered help in at least one instance."

Emperor stood taller as heard that. "Hmm, it is theoretically possible for a VI that's been running long enough to develop artificial intelligence, although that would usually require some sort of outside influence." He said, sounding concerned.

"You said this planet was once controlled by other people, could that be related?"

Emperor nodded his head in approval and chopped his right fist into the palm of his left hand. "Of course, the Eldar! Many of their planets have something called a World Spirit, which is why Fenris has a slightly purified access to psychic powers. This World Spirit could have taken control of the VI in order to operate and communicate with the people of this planet. Strange that it would think humans worthy of contact though. Eldars and their things are usually… Well, they're not exactly pleasant to deal with."

I shrugged and said, "I don't know about that, I don't know who the Eldar are. All I know is he seemed pleasant enough, if somewhat excessively mysterious. Gave a warning about going into those cities though, stated outright that the things below the mountains don't want humanity nor have any mercy for it.

Emperor nodded his head, "That's concerning. No doubt we'll need to clear that issue out. I would prefer this planet to be securely under your control. An AI that plays mysterious games means you have one element that is not under control."

After a moment though he shrugged and said, "No, that's a fight for another day. Tell me, Tanya, what exactly is your opinion on the matter of rule. how do you rule this society you're king of."

I shrugged and said, "With a careful hand, really. I guide things in the direction I generally want them to go and I set up systems to sort of propel things to go that way without my intervention. Trade builds wealth, wealth builds other things which increase trade, and so on and so forth. Sooner or later the common peasant will have enough money to influence the government. With the schools I've been trying to set up they'll have a better general understanding of the world than they did before the schools existed."

Emperor raised an eyebrow, "A modernization, mixed with a constitutional monarchy in a sense."

I nodded my head, "I don't want to rule this planet forever. People should rule themselves, I should just be there to guide them when they're making a stupid mistake."

The biggest and broadest smile I think I had ever seen in any of my lives graced Emperor's face. "That is how it should be, that is the goal. We are going to reunite humanity and guide it once in a while, to make sure it doesn't do something stupid. Otherwise we should be able to sit back and enjoy our lives."

"I attempted to rule like that, on and off throughout humanity's history, moving things from the shadows every now and again but relatively often I was enjoying the fruits of my efforts in retirement after improving humanity's lot. That is one of the reasons I decided to make 20 sons instead of some other arbitrary number. I figured 20 was a good number for how many it would take to run the galaxy from that sort of condition."

"20 individuals to run an entire galaxy? Seems low." I said, matter of factly.

Emperor shrugged, "20 generals, all commanding their own legions of Space Marines who are doing their own efforts to try and improve the Galaxy, helping humanity reach its inevitable apotheosis into superhumans like us. I could have done more but I figured 20 was the most reasonable number as the human mind can really only manage so many relationships. So I figured having a number within the general amount of relationships a human mind can have would guarantee that those relationships would be strong, that you brothers and I guess sister now, would be able to come to each other in times of emergency and be there for each other. Something you will have that I never did in my long years in existence."

Well, that was rather touching in a way. Although I wondered how that would work out now that each one of the brothers would have spent who knows how long away from each other.

"Anyway, have you thought about where you will place the fortress for your legion?"

I raised an eyebrow at that. "I haven't yet given that much thought, though I feel I probably should. It would need to be in a secure place since it would be an installation for the creation of my legion, I guess. Probably also need to be centralized since the entire planet would be our recruitment grounds. Hmm…"

"During my travels on Fenris I've visited a few places. I started near the Top of the World, that's a plateau where a lot of the winter storms come down from. There are massive mountains around it, some of them I think are taller than Everest itself."

Emperor chuckled and noticed my confusion at that. He explained, "Everest has actually sunk quite a bit since your time. Also paved over at one point."

I blinked and said, "Wow. Terra does not sound like it's had a good run of it."

"No, but continue."

I cleared my throat and continued, "This mountain range has a peak that nearly goes all the way to space. It's centrally located and the winter storms should keep the worst of the monsters away. If we could hollow out that mountain, we would not only have probably the most defensible location on the entire planet but also a place that was kept generally cold all year long without need for power. I would assume this Geneseed needed for the creation of space Marines requires cooling, otherwise the seed would go bad? So that would be a win-win in my thinking."

Emperor nodded his head in agreement, "Yes, we're probably going to have to be really careful with your Geneseed, due to," he looked at me," unfortunate changes."

I looked down at myself and up at Emperor before saying, "Is there an issue I'm unaware of?"

"Perhaps," Emperor said, before sighing in worry. "Space Marines are made from men, the Geneseed is designed to work with XY chromosomes, so I'm unaware if the Geneseed that is produced from your DNA in your current state is still working as intended. If something unfortunate has happened… When this new fortress is created and the biolabs are installed, we will need to run several tests to figure it out."

"What are the possible outcomes to be worried about?" I asked clearly.

Emperor nodded at me again and listed off the possibilities, one finger at a time,

"One, it still works on XY. No issue, this would be the best outcome for everyone."

"Two, it now works with XX. This is not terrible as you can still create a legion from such conditions, though sending women to the front line is more detrimental to this planet's biological diversity than sending men, that's just the simple fact of the matter. Also, upper body strength would be lesser among the females who took this, as a lot of the strength improving aspects of the Geneseed are key to the Y chromosome."

"Three is an interesting case, we would have both options opened though the arguments against XX are still quite valid. The potential for humanity to develop a subspecies of Space Marines grows, instead of them staying only an improvement on humanity. I would prefer that not to happen. Space Marines are meant to be of humanity, not controlling humanity."

"Option four is that we can't produce Geneseed with your DNA, this is frankly the worst option but you are still not out of options at that point. I did build a redundancy in the legionaries to produce their own Geneseeds that can be harvested. You would simply be forced to use the Geneseeds of the legion coming to this planet instead of your own."

"Here's hoping for option one," I stated, giving a thumbs up. Sure option three was probably actually better. Though if he was worried about that kind of bioengineering running amok I would respect his opinions on the matter, to a point.

"So when will my legion arrive?" I asked the reasonable follow-up question.

Emperor said turning to look around at Fenris, 'The crusade needs to go on and the sooner I get them here the sooner you and their Commander can set up the institutions to build the legion as is necessary. I figure it'll take you 5 years to get things up and running, which is the amount of time I will give you to do so. Though I might give you a few years more depending on what I see and what need arises. Once you've got your legion to good enough numbers for a fight I will call upon you to join the crusade in full."

I nodded. Five years, two and a half Great Years, wasn't terrible and I had done a lot with less time. I mean the professional legionaries that were coming were probably already better trained than what the warriors of Russ had produced. The real question was what did Emperor want my legion to do. So far it seemed like I would have free reign on how I would train my legion so I wasn't exactly going to push the subject and be told otherwise.

Emperor looked off towards the mountains and said. "Well, king of Russ, I think we've had enough questions today. You say those mountains are full of monsters? Shall we go hunt these creatures together? I would not mind a skull like that one above your mantle place."

I blinked and said, "That's an Ice Worm, it's one of the most dangerous creatures on land."

"Sounds like the perfect creature for a little father-daughter bonding time."

I blinked and mentally commented that he may really want this family thing. Shaking my head, I said, "They're normally asleep this time of year, deep under the glaciers, but there are plenty of other creatures we can hunt." Looking to Mother Wolf, I said, "Go get me a couple Spears, Mother." She nodded and trotted off.

"Mega elks are more common, but no less dangerous if you engage them in close combat."

Emperor smiled and nodded, "Baby steps then. Mega elk today, something bigger tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan," I said, trying to think of something bigger that wouldn't be too dangerous.

Horus Lupercal

To have a sister was still a strange thing to process, I had expected to run into Brothers. But in the grand scheme of things It was no real difference in how I would interact with my sibling.

Though I would admit, as siblings go, I was a bit jealous. Not through any major disagreement with her or anything of that manner. But comparatively her stories were rather interesting, I had quickly risen amongst the ranks of the gangsters on my homeworld and eventually taken over the planet. It was a simple story, taking no longer than a year or two as I was a fast learner and driven by an urge to see the stars for myself.

Tanya on the other hand had 30 years to consolidate a rule and it wasn't because she was terrible at it. From the story she told me as we walked through the forest and headed for the closest mountain range, she had simply been realistic about her opportunities.

The planet was, in her words, trapped in a medieval stasis and on the brink of having humanity destroyed every couple of years. Just from that statement alone it told me everything I needed to know about her way of thought. She couldn't reach space yet so she took the slower path of gradually unifying the world. I wonder how many other brothers, and maybe sisters, would do the same.

It was also quite apparent she had embraced the culture of this world with abandon. From her wolf cloak to her medieval-style armor she radiated the presence of an ancient barbarian king or hero. Even her dialect of Low Gothic felt somehow like the growl of a predatory wolf waiting to emerge.

Again I think I felt somewhat jealous of it. As I said I had conquered my homeworld in a year and I quickly found myself by the Emperor's side. Cthonia was where I was from but it was not really my homeworld. Sure I could put on the accents to be more familiar to my legionaries or seem more down to earth when talking to military commanders that I had to work for with a campaign.

But everything about Tanya said that Fenris was her homeworld. Strange, considering she supposedly had other lives, but apparently she was willing to abandon whatever elements of those lives in favor of letting this world mold her.

Made me wonder what would have happened if I had not pushed for space so quickly and not joined father in the first few years of the crusade. Would I have become more like my supposed homeworld? Would I have adapted and come up with what the world needed as she had? It was an interesting question and one I was thinking more about than usual.

Might have thought too hard on the matter as I spaced off a bit, looking into the horizon of trees as we walked.

"Horus," Tanya said as she walked next to me several of her wolves trotting alongside her. "I've been wondering about this whole legion situation. How exactly does father want us to run our legions anyways?"

I smiled at that. Tanya may have life experience, more than me supposedly, but it would appear that she was willing to defer to her elders when It came to the legions. Which was good, it was something that I had that she had not. Something I could help her with.

"Well for the most part the legions run themselves, they've been fighting for a long time and learning how to fight that entire time. The Luna Wolves, my legion, are known for sudden overwhelming shock assaults and I've not changed what works for them. "

Tanya seemed to perk up at the mention of wolves so I explained the name as I understood it. "The Little wolves, or the 16th legion's first engagement, was fought on Luna against various forces there. From my understanding their fierce aggression got them called 'The Wolves of The Emperor' by the enemy and my legion liked that so they added the planet where they gained that name to form the new name; Luna Wolves."

Tanya nodded her head, saying, "Hmm… So the legions name themselves?" Tanya muttered. "I hadn't considered that. What is my legion calling itself?"

"The sixth legion calls itself The Rout, a play on the fact that they tend to cause the enemy to rout and then keep pursuing them until they're destroyed. They're very effective at seek and destroy missions. Though if you want I'm sure father would allow you to change their name. They're still registered as the sixth legion, The Rout is just what people call them," I said, stopping to look at a particularly large tree as it had scratch marks unlike anything I'd ever seen before. "Is this from some more of your familiars?" I asked.

Tanya leaned around to look past me and said, "Thunder Wolf, they also come down from the mountains for easier prey." She shook her head in disappointment. "Looks like I'm going to have to kill another one of those creatures."

At that I turned to look at her and the wolves trotting around her. "By the company you keep I would have thought your kingship extended to all wolves."

Tanya looked at me and then seemed to consider what to say, before finally asking, "What do you know of wolves?"

At that I could do nothing much but shrug, "Not much, sister. There are some wolves in my legion, real beasts and animals, but they are genetically modified creatures and often more rabid weapons than pets. They're sometimes unleashed during the battles but their effectiveness has been failing over the years and I have a feeling they'll be abandoned at some point. As for beyond that… The wolves of Terra, as far as I'm aware, have all gone extinct besides specimens kept alive for their genetic information."

Tanya nodded her head before saying, "There are three types of wolves on Fenris. The common wolf is a human-sized creature that can be tamed. Then you have the Blackmaned ones, which can be bartered with, and then there's the Thunder Wolves. For the last ones the younger ones could be tamed I believe, if you got to them quick enough. With the middle-aged ones you could probably barter if you already had a relationship or had shown yourself someone worth dealing with. But the older ones are kings. They rule the mountains and give little care to anything that is not themselves. Some of them are quite powerful in other ways as well," She looked off into the distance at some unmentioned memory, her hand playing with the black fur of her cloak.

"The problem is that even if you get them to barter… With age they'll also think themselves kings until you've shown them otherwise. Which means you have to fight them and in a fight there's no guarantee of your survival. It's kill or be killed. What few connections I've made with the Thunder Wolves over the years were down to luck, in most cases I've had to kill them. Apex predators do not like giving up their position, it's a simple fact of the biological world."

I nodded my head as that seemed like a reasonable understanding of a world like this, a deathworld as it were. Those were places where humans should not be able to survive and you had to find ways to. I wondered how that line of thinking would translate to her legion when they were equipped with Fenrisians and joined the Crusade.

Shaking her head, Tanya stepped past me to get a closer look at the cuts in the wood, "This is definitely an older one. The marks are spaced in such a way that it can easily kill a mega elk with one swipe. There will be no barter or negotiations, most likely it'll be a fight." Turning to me, she asked, "Would you like to join me in dealing with this creature before it becomes a problem for the people of this world?"

I had to think about that for a moment since I wasn't exactly wearing my power armor, but then again.. Neither was Tanya and she seemed rather confident about hunting this creature while she was about half my size.

If she could take on this beast then I was sure I could do it without armor. Nodding my head, I said, "It would be an honor to join you on this hunt." Reaching to my side I pulled my sword out of its scabbard, intent on having it at the ready in case the beast tried to ambush us. Nodding Tanya pulled out the long sword at her own side and started to walk in a seemingly random direction in the snow, quickly pointing to some tracks. "It seems to be heading further into the lowlands. There's a town in that direction, it most likely plans to hunt humans. That's the worst possible outcome because once a Thunder Wolf gets a taste for human meat that's undefended they tend to start going for that primarily, even trying to avoid soldiers and the such."

I nodded as I followed, her explanation made sense. Though I had to wonder how many of these Thunder Wolves she had hunted in her time.

She stopped all of a sudden, looking around at the tracks again. "Rout is an interesting name, but it's not exactly the most noble name for a legion. I'll probably change that. Also, without showing any emotions or concern, be ready to whip around and attack."

I blinked, confused by that, before my eyes followed the tracks. They went from the tree into the tree line and then, though I couldn't see all of them, they seemed to go down the side of the road we had just come up.

Tanya sniffed the air as if she was smelling something and I started to get the feeling that something was staring at my back. Carefully I moved my other hand onto the end of my sword, not fast enough to draw any notice but slow enough that I was able to get a good grip.

There was a moment of silence, the woods making no noise whatsoever. And then there was a crack of wood behind me. I didn't even wait for Tanya telling to turn, moving with the speed given to me by my Primarch biology. I was turned around quickly and managed to use my sword to stop a massive maw from biting down on my shoulder.

The flat end of my blade was pushing against the snout of a beast with brown fur that was attempting to rip and bite at me with such ferocity that I was almost taken aback just by the sheer determination of it.

What's worse the beast was comparable almost to me in size, enough that I thought a Space Marine could probably ride this creature with no issue. The hate it seemed to have in its beautiful eyes was strangely terrifying.

The brown-furred beast made a pained noise before stepping back a few feet. On its left side was a slice wound nearly cutting through to the bone by the looks of it, blood was pouring from it profusely. Looking to my right I saw that Tanya had taken a position there, her blade already bloody with the beast's red life fluid.

This seemed to have angered the beast even more as it charged at her. Tanya did the same as I had and blocked the beast with her sword but she was pulled over in the attempt, the creature pinning her to the ground with its one good claw.

It seemed to have forgotten me though. I was able to come up to its side and shoved my sword deep into its chest cavity. That didn't seem to kill it however as it just turned, ripping the sword out of my hand, and tried to bite at my free hands. I grabbed it by its snout and lifted it off the ground by its head before tossing it into a nearby tree. Somehow my blade found its way all the way through the beast in that action, pinning it to the tree by the sword.

It hung there for a few moments, clawing at the air before life seemed to give away and the pitiless nature of the eyes faded over time until nothing was there.

Turning I saw Tanya standing up, brushing herself off with a wide smile across her face, "Thank you, big brother. You just saved my life there," She said, leaning down to pick up her sword and put it back into its scabbard before walking towards the now dead beast.

"No issue, my sister. That was an unexpected bit of adrenaline," I said, following her over to the creature. The brown fur was a nice shade, it blended in well with the tree line.

"For a creature that comes from the mountains they sure do seem to have a good coloration for these lowlands," I mentioned.

Tanya nodded as she inspected the beast, "The younger ones have a fur that's more brownish in color so they can hunt amongst the lowlands. The older ones are usually white or in a few cases black. I have theories that the creatures are able to adapt to their environment a little bit quicker than ancient wolves could. But then again I believe these creatures can live a couple hundred years, so having the ability to adapt would be favorable in those conditions."

I nodded as she explained the inner workings of the biology of Fenris' Thunder Wolves. With a swift motion she grabbed the handle of my sword and pulled, removing it from the beast which allowed it to tumble to the ground, before handing it to me.

"Thank you, sister," I said, taking the blade and swishing it through the air to clean the blood and gunk off of it before sheathing it again.

"No problem would be in the way anyways," Tanya said pulling out a knife for leaning down on the beast and starting to cut at it.

"What are you doing, sister?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You killed the beast. At least by my reckoning you deserve its skin. Besides that a leader of wolves should have a wolf pelt," she said matter of factly as she turned the body over to start cutting areas of the skin and fur free.

Well… That was rather touching, really. And I wasn't going to say no to having a wolf skin to add to my armor. No doubt this was what father always talked about growing bonds and connections, this was a way for us to become the family he talked about.

And with that thought I leaned down and said 'Is there any way I can help?" Tanya looked at me in thought for a moment then handed me the dagger and said, "Well, I can teach you how to skin the wolf. With your upper body strength it should be a lot easier to get through some of these tougher areas."

Smiling I took the knife and said, "Of course, sister." And I followed her directions as she explained how to skin a wolf.

Tanya Russ

I did not like this one bit. Tightening my cloak as I followed Emperor, or father, deeper into the cave. Years ago I had burned out this cave with carcasses and wood, to cleanse it of what I thought might be some form of mountain or underground rabies. Since then I had not been back into these mountains for nearly 20 years, not this particular area at least.

Some of my wolves still made the trip to these mountains, but to get back to the matter at hand, due to my influence on the kingdom of Russ it was a safe place for my wolves to rear their young and grow their tribe.

And since it was only some dedicated few that still made that trip I hadn't had any reason to come up here.

Not until Emperor asked me to take him to the underground, the place I had been warned to never go by the Allfather.

It had been nearly 3 months since his arrival on my world and in that time he had hunted almost every creature on the planet with me, explained quite a bit about the universe, and told me some of what had happened to humanity. Including the Men of Iron.

Who could have forseen Terminator as an eventual actual reality, I always thought that movie was a little bit over the top. But apparently not as, according to Emperor, one of the pitfalls that brought down humanity into the Old Night was AI running amok. Which is most likely why we were making the trip down into these caves. He wanted to know if the Allfather was a threat to the people on the surface so he wanted to go down into the caves. Personally I didn't think he was, if he had been a threat I don't think he would have given me that bit of help in my first days on this world.

But I would not deny that, after the last 30 years, I was theoretically curious about what was beneath the planet's surface.

With all the monsters on the surface and the seas and running through the ice… What creature would be so monstrous that the planet itself would tell us to avoid it?

We weren't going alone though even if none of my people were coming with us, of course. I wasn't going to risk them or my wolves in this venture but Emperor had summoned four men in golden armor, all taller than me. I wondered if they were Space Marines but I had not asked yet, they seemed to carry themselves with grim determination and the looks they gave me were ones of evaluation.

Almost like they didn't trust me to guard Emperor. Although I did find their choice of weaponry rather interesting, it looked like some sort of massive bayoneted pistol on the end of a pole.

As we went deeper though I finally got up the nerve to ask "So who exactly are your guards here, father?"

Emperor had been examining some striations in the side of the wall from, I would assume, ancient mining equipment and he said. "They are my Custodes, my personal guard. They have been at my side for a long time. Each one of them is worth an army and has shown a great skill in combat. Frankly I think I could have gone down here with two of them and it would be overkill but since there's two of us I figured I should have two to guard you as well, just in case something monstrous is down here."

I chuckled and said, "Thank you for that. Do you have any idea about what could be down here that would cause the entity behind Fenris to warn us from going down?".

He shook his head, "with the amount of things the Old Night unleashed… It could be anything, from orks to machines. I prefer it be neither."

I blinked several times repeatedly as I followed him, before finally saying, "Orcs? Like Lord of the Rings orcs or?"

Emperor stopped and thought for a moment before laughing, "I had forgotten about those books! Its orks with a k, a Xeno species that has been around for a long time. I've heard many theories on where they came from, personally I believe a story about them being biological weapons created to fight some war well before my time.

They don't tend to do well on cold planets, being fungal creatures, but underground anything is possible."

I nodded my head then stopped and said, "The galaxy is strange. Did you just say space fungi are a thing and they have become intelligent?"

"Intelligent is a bold statement but yes. In fact we are at war with various Ork empires even now. The Old Night was good for them as they expanded and grew on the carcass of the Human Federation. Orks have a natural attraction to war, violence, and bloodshed and the amount of those and other nastiness that was unleashed by the Old Night was very profitable for them.

Plus the things that kept them in check are no longer on the field. At least not in the sense they once were but we'll talk about the Eldar another time."

I noted down the use of the name Eldar again, I needed to ask about them when I had the chance. If they once kept the Orksin check and weren't anymore I had to find out why that was.

"Anyway it's unfortunately true that we can't trust the Xenos with the fate of humanity. If you ever come across Orks offering to work for you for money, be careful. They are an effective tool but one that can easily cut both ways. They're mercenaries and whoever pays them the best will be the ones they work for."

"Well, that's terrible. Breaking a contract of work over better payments just shows they are unreliable." I said, shaking my head.

"Not the lesson I intended to impart but yes that's true. Your way of couching things in economic terms is very intriguing. I do wonder how that will serve you out in the depthsof space."

"Served me well so far," I said with a smile, "Will continue to serve me well, I'm sure."

"I hope you're right about that," Emperor said, taking the last few steps before we came to a solid wall.

"Well, that's a cheap trick," Emperor said matter of factly before running his hand along the wall till he found something. Then he pulled and the wall moved out of the way. There was a lot of screeching but it moved, slowly opening up to reveal a dark space larger than I could easily determine.

Taking a few steps forward I looked down at where the wall had separated, seeing what could best be described as slots for metal wheels to run on.

"Oldest trick in the book to hide something you don't want people to see," He muttered before looking about the dark space. The area right around the other side of the door was barren rocks with a few clumps of more interesting rocks thereabout. But about 30ft away the darkness became all-encompassing and we couldn't really see much in what was pure blackness. Or was it? Focusing my eyes on one particular point I saw a light, and another, and then more.

As if something had sensed our arrival I saw what could be best described as a cityscape in the distance, windows lighting on buildings of a blocky design as internal lights were powered. Near the base of these buildings a lamp post came on then another then another. Before long more came on until they were stopping just before where we were, revealing a rudimentary street.

"I think the Allfather knows we're here," I said matter of factly.

"That he does," Emperor said, looking about, "And he's rolled out the welcoming mat. The question is why, since he warned people from going down here."

Then the screaming started. Some of it was an incomprehensible babble while others I could vaguely understand. I heard complaints about something being too bright and some of it sounded like they were screaming about being burned. The lights in the distance went out and the screaming seemed to fade with it.

"Well, that's… charming," one of the Custodes said, sounding a bit disturbed.

"Yes, a terrible thing," came a familiar voice from behind us. Turning faster than most I saw that it was the Allfather in his Odin appearance. He was wearing gray robes and leaning on a spear as he looked at us.

"I thought I told you not to come down here?" He said with a bemused smile as he looked at me. Before turning to look at Emperor. "Welcome to the caverns cities of Fenris, Emperor of Man. Do not dwell in the deep too long as the things here are hungry and care not for your humanity."

Emperor looked at the Allfather and said, "Those were humans, weren't they?"

"On a broader scale? Yes, they would be classified as humans. Though it would need to be a very broad scale to get that classification." The Allfather replied, taking a few steps to stand looking over the ledge towards the city. The building lights were out but you could still make it out from the street lamps.

"This place was meant to keep humanity safe from the worst of Fenris. But deep beneath the surface, where light doesn't come, all it took was one person to shut down the Virtual Intelligence that kept everything running and this world was cast into the darkness."

"And the humans who stayed down here and didn't take their chances on the surface developed to live down here, didn't they?" Emperor asked, matter of factly.

The Allfather nodded, "through one method or another people of the underworld have become monsters. It's only thanks to the entrances of the caves being guarded by wolves in most cases that they don't come on to the surface during the night and raid the humans of the world above."

Emperor nodded, "Perhaps when the sixth legion gets here they can deal with these creatures. The wealth of such a city could be very beneficial for the people above."

The Allfather shrugged and said, "You can try but I think the creatures of this world have destroyed most of the wealth you would want. It is not like Fenrisians have not found their way down here before and I've seen one or two attempts at genocide against these creatures. The caves are expansive and there's a city under almost every major mountain on the main continent. kill off the creatures of one city and It will be colonized by those from another sooner or later. Best you'll be able to do is keep the population down."

Emperor looked at me and said, "Well, that would be something for the sixth legion to worry about. If these humans are unredeemable then we must not let them become a threat, neither to the humanity above nor to your legion.

"If they are unredeemable you are right," I said, a bit concerned by the talk of casually genociding the people down here.

The Allfather looked at me and said, "They will not work with you. They will not attempt to abide by economic policies. Their minds are corrupted well beyond the capabilities of any order you would see imposed."

Great, both of them were in favor of genocide. Well, I was not going to play Devil's advocate on this one, I just nodded my head though I would probably look into the situation more when I had the chance.

"Anyways I assume you've made this trip down under the mountains for a reason, possibly to discover what I am?" The Allfather asked.

"In a matter of speaking, yes. I just wanted to learn if you were a threat to humanity and see if you were an AI."

The Allfather chuckled and said, "No, not really. Not in the way you humans created AI anyway. The people who were here before humanity created me, I've simply joined myself with the systems of this planet in order to talk to the humans who now live here."

"You're being a lot more candid about information down here," I noted.

"The programs for me talking on the surface and the programs allowing me to talk down here are slightly different. Up there I need to be mysterious, in hopes of helping people find out who they really are. Down here I can be a bit more honest. Of course, down here are also creatures that will attempt to eat you if you're not careful so I wouldn't make many trips down here if I were you."

"Noted," I said.

Emperor nodded, "So this planet has an Eldar world spirit… Well, that explains enough for me. Doesn't tell us whether you're a threat."

The Alfather shrugged, "I am not, the only threat I could possibly represent is maybe turning on the lights to try and force these creatures to the surface. Even then that's more likely to cause the creatures to find my control panel and shut down all access to humanity."

Emperor nodded his head, still looking rather concerned, but said, "That will do for now then."

Turning to me and the others he said, "let us return to the surface and leave these night creatures to their hell."

Before we left though I turned to the Allfather and said, "Thank you for your help all those years ago, you set me on the right path. Though I do wonder, how did you know about my condition?"

Alfather smiled, "Anything that comes to Fenris and spends any amount of time here I learn a little bit about, simply from existing on me. The more powerful the soul, the more I might learn. I did not know everything but I knew enough to send you on your path. So far you've done a good job of making this world better. For that I thank you, king of Russ." He bowed and faded away in that digital holographic way he did.

Shaking my head, I turned to follow Emperor. I was still unsure what to think of the World Spirit of Fenris.

Legion Master Enoch Rathvin

Man, this planet was cold. Last night their ship it finally arrived in orbit of the planet of Fenris. It had not been a quick journey but it was as fast as they could push the engines, since their Primarch had been found they were not going to disappoint them.

Their warship had joined in the orbit of the plent with The Emperor's personal warship, which told them that while their Primarch had been found they were still under the command of The Emperor until he officially handed over command. So, when the orders to disembark from their ship and land on the planet had come up, they readily got to work.

Over the course of the last 24 hours they had dropped their entire legion on the planet outside a local castle and had built up a base camp. Once the blue sun of the world started to rise the entire legion, all 7000 Space Marines, stood in a parade ground facing a raised platform in front of the castle.

The chatter was low though he could hear some asking questions about the castle belonging to our Primarch, why it was so damn cold and, probably the most prevalent, what do you think the Primarch will be like. No one had any answers and everyone had their theories so the discussions continued quite unabated. I was content to let the men talk. I had those questions as well and I hoped to get the answers soon enough.

The call from The Emperor had not exactly explained everything. It just said he had been found, where to go, and how to set up. It had all been accomplished without major issue, though I was not doubting that the 7000 Space Marines had drawn a bit of a crowd. At the edge of the wood line I saw regular humans of this world, watching and talking amongst each other. Some of them were treating this as some sort of picnic, by the looks of it.

They started coming the night before, mainly primitive hunters by the gear they carried about, and quickly followed by townsfolk. More recently men in light blue armor had joined them and were looking at us with curiosity. I would guess they were the local military, though their gear was as primitive as the hunters based on the spears and swords they carried about.

My attention was called away from the crowds around us as I saw some of The Emperor's finest, his Custodes, walking onto the stage from outside of the castle and taking position on the steps at either end of the stage.

With a guttural bark I ordered a silence, which was passed down the lines. My sub commanders quickly got the troops in order, one good thing about the Disciplinary Corps was that they had been effective at making orders stick.

As the men silenced themselves The Emperor walked out from behind the stone wall of the castle, quickly stepping up onto the stage in front of us.

"Astartes of the sixth legion, today is a glorious and wonderful day for your legion as your Primarch has been found. They have come to rule this world through might of arms and justly deserved glory. In my eyes they are a worthy leader for you and ready to bring your legion to its maximum potential." He smiled, a golden hue seeming to glow about his head.

"I will not take any more moments of time as this is not my day but yours and your Primarch's. So let me present to you said Primarch,". Stepping to the side he motioned with his hands. "Come forth Gene Father of the Sixth Legion, Tanya Russ."

Subconsciously I had been looking about 14 ft in the air, expecting to see the face of my Primarch come around the bend in the wall. Instead a smaller but still no less impressive figure came around, 8 or maybe 9 ft it was hard to tell.

Said figure was dressed in a mix of leather and metal armor, with a black cape and light blue colorings here or there. On its side was a sword, impressively large for their size, but… Well that was not where my eyes ended up resting.

As the figure walked through the shadows of the gate it was hard to see their face at first but as they came into the light there was definitely something I was not expecting to see. The face was beautiful and feminine, the hair long and styled similarly to the natives and blonde in color. The eyes were blue, I think.

There was an audible ripple through the Marines as confusion seem to have taken them. I was a bit stunned myself, unsure of how to react to this but thank The Emperor for the Disciplinary Corp. They quickly yelled at anyone that so much as murmured and got the men quiet

The figure stepped up to the front of the stage and nodded to The Emperor. "Thank you, Father, for this introduction," She said and that was definitely a female voice though there was an unnatural growl to it in the lower basic she was using. To add on to that growl two rather large wolves who had gone unnoticed up to now stepped onto the stage on either side of her, sitting as if they were common hunting dogs waiting for orders.

"Legionaries of the 6th, I suspect I am not what you were expecting," She said with a smile, looking out onto us. "No, I dare say after meeting my brother Horus that you were expecting something just as imposing and grandiose as that giant of a man. Do not worry I've been told I'm a bit of a late bloomer, I will develop such heights eventually." The start of the speech was given with such a humorous tone that I couldn't help a little bit of a chuckle. I heard low-key laughter from further back and felt a bit easier from just how relaxed that start of a speech was.

Smiling the Primarch said, "As The Emperor said, I am Tanya Russ, Primarch of your legion. I am also King of Russ of the ruling dynasty of this world. It did not start off that way, this world used to be very divided but through my efforts both in combat and in negotiation peace was brought to this planet." She paused and thought for a moment before saying.

"But in a way you probably don't care about my history per se. You're worried about what my joining you means, what the future brings for your legion. Well, the answer is simple: Greatness! Humanity among the stars is just as divided and broken as it had been on this world. My father's dream is to unify it, and I will see that dream completed."

Smiling she looked at the legion over again before saying, "I have been told that the sixth legion has no official name, though its unofficial name is The Rout, a play on its ability to pursue enemies even after they have broken. This term is thrown around as if that is a bad thing but the realities of war are far more complex than that. An enemy broken does not stay that way unless you capture or defeat them completely. This is a reality that I understand and completely accept, something that I have grown to understand because I've lived on this planet for so long."

Reaching down she pet one of her wolves on the head before she continued, "When I fell on this planet I had nothing. I was in the middle of nowhere and had no resources to my name. I fought hard to get what I could and showed my ability in combat. I was rewarded for this by being taken in by the wolves of Fenris and, with their aid, I slowly turned this world into a place of economic power. A place ready to progress its civilization from this cold dark-age into something more, something better. This has led to me being called the Wolf King, a title I have embraced for it is the truth.

Now 7000 sons have fallen to Fenris and I will do what the wolves did for me. They call you The Rout because you hunt down enemies that may come back to haunt you if left to fester. From what I understand this is a name of a creature that roams the wastelands of Terra but this is also the behavior of wolves, for if you do not make sure your potential enemies are thoroughly defeated they will come back. And this is a method of combat I have often used here on Fenris. So you will not be known as The Rout anymore, you will be known as the Wolves of Fenris and together we will hunt the enemies of the Imperium across the blackness of space till nothing stands in the way of a safe and prosperous human society."

Well that was a damn good speech, I mentally thought. Most of the Space Marines around me were already breaking out and sharing a few fuck yes and other expletives as well as things I'd never heard before. And it was an honor to do what I was going to do next. Stepping forward I lowered to one knee in the snow and presented my sword to her.

The Primarch smiled as she watched the cheering troops but once she noticed me she quickly stepped off the stage, landing in front of me. The crowd seemed to quiet as she walked up.

"My Primarch, I, legion master Enoch Rathvin of the sixth legion, offer full control of the legion to you."

Smiling she reached down and took the sword examining it with interest before flipping it in the air and catching it by the blade to hand the pummel back to me.

"I take the legion, though no need for your finely crafted sword. I will need capable men to help me lead this legion, someone who's been here from the start will be the most capable in such a situation. And besides that the sword is going to get a lot of work when we get out there, I assume, so you'll need this blade more than I."

"Thank you, my king," I said, taking the sword back before standing.

She smiled to me before saying "Well then let's all get to know each other, shall we? I've had several warehouses readied and we've been preparing a massive feast for this day. The alcohol shall flow, the food shall be consumed, and we shall know each other." And, as she said this, she pointed in the direction of the gate where I watched several women in armor starting to pull out tables and barrels of alcohol as well. More men in the uniform colors I'd seen before were bringing it out large barbecues by the looks of its and massive plates of food that seemed to need only a little bit of cooking. "Let us feast and be merry," She said proudly, to a round of applause and cheers of the sixth legion.

Writers note: alright chapter 19 some mysteries solved others opened, Tanya meats her legion, brother sister time, father-daughter time. I'm just finished chapter 20 and going to start work on chapter 21 this weekend, though have to ask anyone know of any maps that would show faction whereabouts in 30k, causes otherwise going to have a lot of freedom to make stuff up, and that never good.

Edited by: Pierre
Community edited by:Ryan Pirtle, Justin R
Community editable doc (Chapter 19) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Yamato, Duncan Sproule, Matthew D, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389
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I've just had a thought. Perhaps the hunting trip Tanya and Horus went on could become a sort of tradition/team exercise for the initiates of their legions? Hunting Fenrisian wolves in groups to get their pelts to wear on their armour
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Chapter 20, Getting to Know your legion
Chapter 20, Getting to Know your legion

Tanya Russ

I smiled as I held down the trigger of the rifle, the rocket-propelled grenades flying from the barrel and crashing into the tree line before completely obliterating said trees as they exploded. It was a cold day, snow was not drifting down yet but that would soon change. And I was standing about a quarter-mile from Castle Russ with several of the commanders of the formerly Sixth Legion, now the Wolves of Fenris.

I had only come out here to test a few of the weapons that my legion would be using, to get a better understanding of what I would be expecting the men to fight with, but I must admit the explosive power of the weapons was quite impressive. Enough that I was having a bit of fun.

Then a bit of a memory flashed, coming with a headache, to remind me that apparently I had fired explosive weapons before and had a similar joy in their destructive capabilities. It was a minor thing, barely worth mentioning. Most headaches tended to be that way now, not the massive brain-ripping ones that came when I first started tearing at the wall.

Smiling, I stopped firing the rifle and addressed the former Chapter Master turned praetorate Enoch Rathvin. "This bolter is a mighty fine weapon," I said, marveling at its capabilities before handing it to him.

"Yes, my Primach. They've served the Legions well for the last 30 years and their variants keep on increasing as years go by; Heavy bolters, combi bolters, twin bolters and so on."

"Going to have to try them," I noted, taking a step away from the firing line before walking towards the makeshift area that several Space Marines had set up for their camp. Most had returned to the Gloriana battleship in orbit. I would have to come up with an official name for it since it was still just denoted as the Sixth's Legion's battleship but that was something that would come soon enough, right now I was more interested in getting to know the command structure of the legion.

Finding a tree that had been felled to form a set of seats near a fire I took one. Nodding to one of my personal guards, she moved over to a set of alcohol barrels that I had given to the Space Marines camped in front of my castle and poured us a set of drinks before bringing them over. She arrived just in time as Enoch Rathvin took a seat across from me and she handed him one after I took mine.

"So, let us talk of the legion's command structure," I said. "I want to get to know about it as is before I make any judgments on what needs to be changed."

Enoch Rathvin nodded before saying "As it stands the structure is rather simple. Primarch at the top of the organization and they have access to all resources within their legion. We're talking just military resources that can vary, since Primarchs can have control over non-Space Marine forces such as units of the Imperial Army. It's expected that you'll put together more praetorates to help with the running of the legion, and a personal honor guard of a number of your choosing."

I drank deeply from my cup before nodding my head. "That was about what I was expecting. So I have control over a general staff and a force I deem to be my personal guard in the field. What's this about Chapters I've heard about?"

Enoch Rathvin explained, "Chapters are a group of 1,000 Astartes. There can be more per Chapter but that's generally the accepted minimum to form a Chapter. Currently the Wolves of Fenris have six Chapters, though this can expand once recruitment picks up now that we have a stable source of Geneseed.

I nodded and wondered how much it would pick up. I already had multiple requests from hundreds if not thousands of my Housecarls asking to join. Not to mention similar amounts of volunteers for my personal guard so I couldn't even think about giving them approval without possibly ticking off Dad. Yeah, a desperate situation that might be worth considering right now. I'm sure there were plenty of other opportunities.

It was so bad that I was taking his notes on the continuation of the human population on this planet into consideration and I was possibly going to make it a rule that anyone who wished to volunteer for the legion must already have three children. That should help keep the population stable. If it was possible for Astartes to reproduce with normal humans it would make sure that genetic diversity was still a thing, considering from my understanding my genetics would affect the future Wolves of Fenris in some way. Plus I understood there was a chance that people would die during the implementation process. Not a high chance but not a low one either, so making sure that those who were volunteering had at least done their civic duty to keep the population stable was important… It would ensure continued recruitment from Fenris.

"Each Chapter has a Chapter Master but most of the command staff is at the battalion level. Each Chapter has two battalions led by lieutenant commanders, they have their own command staff and command bodyguards. Battalions are usually made up of five companies, each with 100 legionaries, and are led by a company captain with their own command staff and bodyguards. Finally the companies are made up of tactical squads, usually 10 to 20 Marines, with one lieutenant for every two tactical squads. The remaining legionaries are broken up into support squads of some type, usually dependent on whatever the lieutenant prefers.

I nodded, the system didn't seem too bad. A good chain of command running down, along with support for the chain of command. Though I did have one question.

"I've heard about this Disciplinary Corp that is used because some troops would lose control. Where does that fit into the legion?"

Enoch Rathvin moved up his arm to rub the back of his head before saying "Technically speaking they fall under your honor guard, it was where I could best fit them for this situation. It was needed since they had to be able to give commands and orders across all Chapters."

I hummed. "Meaning that the Disciplinary Corp could be turned into my personal Chapter, meant to keep the other Chapters in line if they ever went too far. Or a reserve Chapter, if it were made up of the veterans of many campaigns?"

He nodded slowly, "Basically yes, and that would make the most sense. Space Marine psychology will generally make them want to fight at the front by your side. If your Honor Guard is made up of the most disciplined troops, those capable of being both savage and in control… That would present a model to which every other Space Marine can attempt to stand up to."

Smiling, I said, "Exactly," before taking a sip of my drink. "Sometimes disciplinary action is not required, sometimes you just need to have something to hold up as a standard."

"I have to change the name, of course," I said matter of factly, "We need to exactly project the appearance we want. A name like the Disciplinary Corp sounds more like they need discipline than asserts that they're going to be giving it, if you ask me. How many men do we have in the Disciplinary corp so far?"

"One hundred, some of the best and most legal-minded soldiers I could find amongst the legion."

I nodded, 100 was not much but it was a start, before I said, "We'll find 400 others amongst the original legion, that'll get this honor guard up to half a Chapter strength. We'll fill it out with similar men of insight from the new recruits coming in from Fenris, there should be more than enough there. That way it will also appear to be a way to show respect between the old guard and the new."

"Excellent thinking, my Primarch," He said, drinking deeply of his cup before asking.

"Any other things to take into consideration, about changes to the operations of the legion?"

I shook my head, "Until we field the legion I won't really know how effective our unit structure will be. From a simple perusal of the information you've given me, I think it could be quite effective but I won't know until I see a display of our tactics. Once I have an idea we can make changes as necessary. If I have to make definite statements about what can be expected of my preferences in battle, I favor quick and devastating strikes on the enemy and avoid sieges if possible. So, simple question. How would you judge our legions' mobility?

Enoch Rathvin thought for a few instants "At the moment we have a collection of land raiders, armored troop assault platforms, to cross over dangerous terrain. We've also got plenty of air assets, Stormeagles and Stormbirds, allowing us to move forces across the battlefield quickly enough. We haven't been given the opportunity to expand our assets in those categories as we've only been used in short sieges so far. And we haven't had the opportunity in a while for an open battle that would require large scale movements. Once we have our recruitment up and running I suspect we'll have an easier time of getting assets from the Mechanicum, they tend to give more of those assets to legions that are at the front lines. The Lunar Wolves have quite a large stockpile of resources due to their long campaigns."

I nodded before saying "well then we'll need to invest heavily in getting those numbers up. Armored assault units are going to be necessary for any sieges we end up in, as well as something fast to allow us to chase any forces that try and run from us on land. Some sort of scout unit that could actually range quite a distance away too…" I thought for a moment, trying to remember the World Wars and how they dealt with ranging scouts. Calvary was always useful in those situations, be it horse or bike. Though I doubted many Space Marines could ride any horses on this planet but…. maybe some Thunder Wolves? The size was about right. It would be an experiment to check this out but if it worked I could have a troop that could be deployed without need for a major logistic train. That would be an effective unit for scouting, not to mention a wolf would be more combat effective than a horse in that category so if they met heavy contact they would at least do quite a bit of damage before either giving up their life or retreating. Preferably retreating, losing a veteran scout was a terrible waste.

Looking to Enoch Rathvin I asked, "Are there any motorcycles or bikes? Something that one or two men can use to move around."

He nodded before saying "Yeah, I believe some of the legions are experimenting with motorcycles. We haven't been able to get any of those assets because we've not had opportunities to. If you want I can put out the paperwork together so we could send a request back to the Mechanicum, they might be able to ship us a cargo or two."

"Yes, that would be good. With bikes we could range a bit further, keep contact with the enemy… heck if used in a dragoon role bikers could get around the enemy and take up the defensive positions on a major road, allowing us to stall them for the main force to catch up."

Enoch Rathvin agreed, "Makes sense, I think some of the bikes actually do have weapons on them so they can engage without dismounting."

"Interesting, though I imagine that platform is not the greatest for accuracy or stability. But if you're just shooting at retreating men or mne in good order that would break that good order. We'll have to see what these bikes look like and modify them for our needs once we get them." I finished my drink before getting up and said, "Now about that Heavy Bolter, do you have one around here? I would like to give it a try.

He nodded before standing up himself and finishing his own drink, "Yes, my Primarch. I'll have one brought over to give you a test run.".

I smiled. By the end of the day I'd have tested every single one of these weapons that the legion used. Hopefully that would give me an idea of how things worked in the future. I wanted to be ready for tomorrow and I had to go back up to the Gloriana battleship to meet with several other subcommanders. Those that handled the parts of the legion's operation that were not about fighting the wars directly but about maintenance and the other important duties that kept the legion running.

Tanya Russ

I had originally signed on to this military campaign in order to improve Fenris and make the planet more livable for myself and the people there and my wolves. This was my overarching and end goal; when all this was over I would return to Fenris and live in happy retirement, only poking my head out every once in a while in case someone did something stupid.

Those are my plans and they are very final. But I do admit… When presented with opportunities to expand those plans and improve things in other ways, I would not say no.

As a Primarch and controller of a Space Marine legion I had complete control of the planet Fenris, as well as the system and the system was not just Fenris.

My homeworld had an orbiting body, Vladrmani, not too different from the Moon that orbited Earth. A dead ball of dust so you'd think that there was nothing that could be used on the surface but according to my understanding of what had happened to Earth's moon… Well, Terra's Moon had been turned into a livable rock. Another mega-project that could be useful in the continuation of civilization for Fenris. To my thinking in the short term it would make a good support planet for the network of military equipment that would need to be moving into Fenris for training the Space Marines. That short-term goal would allow for a long-term switch from that cold training into a livable planet that could donate forces to… I don't know, maybe I would call it the Fenris Guard. I knew that I would most likely be working with many auxiliary organizations within the Imperial Army but I would like to have some sort of formation of regular people I could trust to be trained to my standards.

The next closest planet was Midgardia. Unlike Fenris it was not a cold planet however it was similar to Fenris in that it was a death world. The planet was covered in toxic jungles that produced lethal gases. Now assuming that no human population could live there would be wrong. Just like how my assumption that Fenris was locked in a 12th century middle age had been wrong as it would seem the masters of the Iron Isle had been trading with various interstellar trade companies even as the rest of the planet had degraded to the dark ages. That's how the story about my conquering the planet got out. And by that same trade network did the jungle planet survive, the people there lived in underground cities of course but they had something that allowed them to trade for what they needed because of that poisonous jungle? Well the trees there produced a chemical solution that, once refined, was used to produce powerful medicines that they would sell to traders who came to the system.

How humanity had come to survive on that world I was not sure but perhaps... considering how geologically active the planet was I would have to assume humanity was settled there simply for the medicine. This was good as it gave me another recruitment pool at least for the Fenrisian guard but I wanted more. So I took note of what other resources the planet held and in summary it was a very warm planet that plant life could grow easily on. Of course humans couldn't walk around very easily but if they settled farms to produce food for other planets in the system… It was something that might work, I marked it down as something to look into.

The final planet was Frostheim or Fenris Two as it was basically the exact same environment as Fenris. So much that I wondered if perhaps some of the people from the Preserve project had accidentally landed there near the start of the Old Night. The only real major difference was that I wasn't sure if there was actual landmasses as the water never thawed out. Improving on that planet could only improve the sector. Considering it was far enough out that it was actually stable compared to Fenris I could possibly build large greenhouses to farm food and warehouses to store equipment that needed to be kept cold.

There was one other moon around that planet, Svellgard. I made note of it however I wasn't sure how to use it yet. It was dead like Fenris's own Moon but was not exactly going to supply a lot of resources and not exactly in a position to be strategically or logistically useful like Fenris's moon. I wondered if I could sell it to the Mechanicum? They were after all supposed to supply our legion with their equipment. If they had some sort of outpost in my system they might set up some construction factories here. I wanted to protect Fenris from being too polluted but a world that was dead didn't even count as a world, any life on it would improve its situation.. Why not sell it to those mechanical boys then? At least I would have an easy way to contact them while in system.

Besides that I was looking into the creation of an orbital ring for Fenris, to maybe block out some of the Sun during the Time of Fire. Making the planet a bit more stable was at the top of my plans.

But of course I realized I'd probably not see a lot of them carried out myself, I could make as many plans as I wanted but unless I created a system of government to make sure those plans were carried out in my absence they probably never would happen. Which was why I had scheduled a meeting with several of these subcommanders of the legion, those would be staying behind to oversee recruitment and construction of the planet's defenses during the times when I had to go out and campaign.

Today was my first meeting so I decided to meet them in, well, the office I've been given aboard the Gloriana. Still needed to come up with a better name but it worked. I, of course, was early and going over things like the plans for the future and looking over statistics provided by looking at the recruitment efforts after the Lunar Wolves took up their homeworld. I was adding what I could from my own time and life on Fenris, and a bit of that second life that I somewhat remembered at this point.

The first meeting I had today was with someone called a Frater Astrotechnicus or, as what had been helpfully shortened for me by Taethios Polurus, a Tech Marine. They were apparently a unit of dual loyalty supposedly. Tech Marines, Enoch had informed me, served the legion and Mechanicum. I had found it interesting that we were allowing that sort of situation to happen but it was not a major issue. I simply asked what exactly they did for the legion.

And I had been informed that they were in charge of overseeing maintenance of our gear, as well as production in a few cases. This was useful as I would like to have redundancy in production methods. From what I understood the Old Night had come about because redundancies had not been as secure as they should have been. So I had informed him about my current plans for the system on improving the ability of the legion to produce for itself in case of an emergency. He had seemed to agree with most of my ideas, and was even interested in the possibility of bringing the Mechanicus to that one Moon but, well, he wasn't really sure about the official stance on that idea.

Which was to be expected. He was a frontline soldier engineer, not the person running the Mechanicus or anyone in charge of any of its subdivisions however they did that. To expect him to have an answer for my question of 'Will the Mechanicus buy this planet no one cares about?' would have been silly.

Otherwise he came to me with concerns about the population beneath as he had heard that the planet was mostly trapped in the 12th century and was worried about where he was going to get the recruits for his division within the legion. Thankfully I had the answer and I quickly pointed him towards the Iron Priests and the Isle of the Iron Masters. Both of them were rather mechanical in nature so bringing them into the fold within the Tech Marines made sense. He generally agreed and quickly asked for permission to go planetside to meet with the Iron Priests. I nodded, giving it to him, and told him to check out their massive forge that I had constructed a few years back. Perhaps they could use it for the baseline of a construction or a facility for manufacturing equipment.

Once our meeting had ended I had to wait for the next officer of rank for about a minute or two, apparently they were a bit flighty. I'd be keeping a time schedule to keep an eye on this. Ulrur Stonemaw was a psyker, the only psyker in the legion as it was apparently a rare genetic ability. This was interesting as I had figured that, being based on my genetics, the chances that they would gain psychic power would be a little bit higher. Then again I didn't know how this whole thing worked. It was very well possible that genetics had nothing to do with it and it was something else that I didn't understand. Still I would have figured it'd be similar to mages.

Anyways he was simply interested in where he could find recruits for his own potential order. According to him a lot of legions were experimenting with psykers but nothing definitive had been created yet. It was assumed that, sooner or later, the matter of psykers would be settled by an official Imperial stance.

Well thankfully I had the exact people he should talk to and I mentioned the Rune Priests were an order of psykers on the planet below who used their powers to help people. Perhaps they could be used for the legion, I suggested This was exactly what he was looking for and he had thanked me profusely, putting on a bit of a performance on the matter of how much he was going to enjoy having conversations about the matters of psychic powers with his potential recruits into the legion.

I had seen an issue right then and there so I made it clear that I quite respected the methods of the Rune Priests and that he should do the same. Runes were a very powerful tool in maintaining control over the Warp, something that as far as I could tell was dangerous right now to use. So if he was going to do experimentation he was going to go by the Rune Priest method of runes. He seemed disappointed at that but frankly I was the legion leader and I didn't want my ship blowing up because someone decided to try casting explosive spells without safety mechanisms. So I wasn't going to be moved on this subject and once that became clear to the psyker he relented and we left amicably enough.

Considering I probably had the ability to just say no and prevent any psykery going on, no doubt the psyker was of the opinion that he got a win. And I was going to let him feel like he got it, a motivated employee sometimes needed to feel like he had got one over on his boss.

With those two meetings going rather quickly and easily all that was left was the last meeting of the day, the most important one really. Though psykers were interesting and maintenance was important, recruitment of the new legionaries was top priority. Especially considering my condition…

How exactly my DNA worked to be converted into Geneseed I wasn't sure. All I knew is that in the last month and a half I had been poked and prodded with what felt like every needle in the galaxy. And when I had not been busy getting a needle into the bone marrow, I had to deal with various fires from an increasing number of people volunteering. It would not be that big of a problem if I had not been told that the best candidates for the surgical creation of a Space Marine were actually in the 10 years old range. Not a big fan of creating child soldiers but then again after 10 years of training they would not exactly be child soldiers anymore.

Thankfully I found various ways to deal with that situation. The first way was what I had decided a while ago regarding dealing with adults who wanted to take on Space Marine training to join the legion. I codified the rule that they must have three children at minimum if they were over the age of 20. They were going to risk their lives taking on dangerous surgeries but they were going to do it after leaving a generation behind, one that could take up for them after they were gone.

The other rule was simple: children could volunteer. I wasn't happy about it but I knew that the reality was that children would have a better chance of surviving the surgeries. However I made a couple rules to try and make sure we didn't somehow take the entire child population of the planet, leaving… well, no one to carry on the population. I knew I was probably being a bit too careful but being careful was probably the best way to make sure things worked out.

So I'd made rules about children. They could not be forced to join, they had to volunteer for it without duress. Now granted orphans are going to be in a situation that made their life a general situation of duress but to be frank if you are an orphan on Fenris your chances of survival were pretty minimal anyway. I'd also set a ruling that a family line could not be wiped out by sending every child that volunteered to the Space Marines. Granted it simply meant one child was always going to be denied and it also might create a bit of a situation where families had more kids than they could really support. But I was hoping that most people would not go too overboard…

This was why I was also looking into getting food production from the jungle planet ramping up. If they did go overboard we would need that food.

With those rules in place I thought I wouldn't get many volunteers with that many hoops to jump through but with the end of the standard Terran year coming up there were already 10,000 recruits waiting for opportunities and Geneseed. The first hundred were being implemented today and so I was waiting for the apothecary to come to my office and give me a report on how well things were going.

As I sat in my office, looking into the space beyond my window, the doors to my office opened and in walked Norast Ray of the apothecaries of the Wolves of Fenris. Turning to face him fully I nodded a welcome before saying, "So then today was the day. How did the implantation go?"

Looking a bit run down the apothecary shook his head as he took a seat across from me, seeming to be unsure how to begin. Hrfinally said, "It went incredibly well, my Primrch. Today was the first day and we decided to go with a hundred of the adult warriors that have helped keep this planet stable. Of the hundred warriors, 79 of them are perfectly fine. We implemented the concoctions of hormones and chemicals that are meant to prepare their bodies in such a way that they will not reject the later organ transplantations and gave them their first dose of Geneseed. At current status 49 of those who took it will move on to the next phase without issue and, by my calculations, they'll be ready for war within a year and a half. Frankly I'll be clear on this: I think Fenris is possibly the best planet for our legion to recruit on."

"What do you mean?" I asked out of curiosity, wanting to know why he would think such a thing. Technically, as far as I knew, there were only two planets other than Terra being recruited from.

"To be clear our old Geneseed stock is almost out so we had to use yours. As far as we can tell yours works perfectly fine. There's a small issue but we're not concerned about it too greatly yet since it seems to be a fluke of a thing that happened. But the genetics of the humans of this world are rather… elastic, in a way? I'm not sure why. Some ancient biology project, maybe? I don't know but this elasticity in their genetics makes it easier for the Geneseed to take. Frankly if we had attempted this style of Space Marine creation on any other planet I have a feeling we'd be dealing with 70 or more percent death rates instead of what we got which is an 80% survival rate. What we hoped for was 50% death rate, which would not have been bad at all, as legion success rates for survival of adults ranges from 10 to 50%. Being at the 50% mark would already have been good for the legion's long-term survival."

I leaned back as I factored in the numbers being presented. So 100 Marine hopefuls had gone in with an expected 70% loss rate and instead 80 of them had survived but only 49 of them would be able to go on?

"So what you're saying," I finally summarised, "is that we have a planet that will allow us to get up and running as an official legion within a couple years, unless this is some massive fluke in success rates? That would allow us to replenish our legion rather quickly whenever we get into a conflict."

"Frankly, yes. Assuming your Geneseed continues its current trajectories and this wasn't a massive fluke as you suggested… Yeah, we could have new recruits for the legion ready at a full 10,000 in 3 years. Assuming of course that the other issue is not… well… more apparent than this first trial showed us."

I nodded before saying "Well, we put it off long enough. What is the other issue? What happened to that one man out of the 100? The one you did not count amongst the dead."

"Here, my Primach," The apothecary looked uncomfortable but he pressed some buttons on his armored suit and a message appeared on the computer screen on my desk. I accepted it, bringing up a holographic video of what appeared to be a cell somewhere in the apothecary area of the ship.

Inside the cell was a wolf… Or was it a man? It stood on two legs like a man but it definitely looked more hirsute and had a wolf-like head. Then… "Werewolfism?" I muttered in surprise, causing the apothecary to look over at me in obvious confusion.

"Have you seen something like this before?" He sounded like he was hoping for an answer to satisfy some great mental disturbance he was under.

"No, only in legends. There was a belief that some humans could become half human half wolf creatures. If memory serves they tend to be murderers and the such, though again these are legends."

The apothecary nodded before saying, "This was Jarl Erik Wulfen . He volunteered to take the Geneseed and was one of the first to do so in fact. While, as you can see, something went wrong and induced massive mutations throughout his body his mental state is completely corrupted into that of a predatory animal. One could barely call him human anymore."

"Do we know what caused this rapid devolution from human to beast?" I asked, watching the former man tear at the walls and try to find a way out of his cell.

"If I had to take a guess, whatever makes the humans of this planet such good candidates for Space Marine training… The same chemicals we used to make it easier to take the Geneseed are most likely making it easier for it to go into overdrive."

"So, basically, in order for adults to become Space Marines you have to severely increase the chances that they become a beast," I said, rubbing my chin as I continued to watch the screen. "This is definitely going to be a reason to recruit amongst the younger population more. If we lower the doses of the chemicals needed for the implantation of the Geneseed that should lower the chances of what happened to Wulfen happening to others."

"Possibly. There are other possible reasons that this could have happened but that would technically do the job, though it may increase the death rate."

"Hmm… damn, either we have a larger death rate or we create monsters," I said, thinking about what was in front of me. "Tell me about your hypothesis on other possible reasons for this to have happened."

"It's possible that the genetic fluidity of the Geneseed is mixing with whatever is in the people on the planet below and it requires a strong mind or mindset in order to control yourself to prevent such a massive transformation from happening. But if that's true that means… Well, we're seeing the end results for the humans of this planet, sooner or later they will devolve into these creatures."

Looking at the screen I had a strange thought. If genetics were being screwed with by a mindset… what mindset would he have had? Well, that's quite simple: my speech on the matter to the people who wanted to join up emphasized the glory of combat, since that seemed to be a major key focus of the people of Fenris. That and the chance to die fighting which I found was a small religious issue but I wasn't particularly interested in getting into it. It was useful to me since it meant people were interested in joining the legion simply for the chance to die fighting in order to get to, well, their version of heaven. Whether it exists or not, though I would assume not.

"So if I understand you and I'm extrapolating that a possible answer in order to stave off problems like this from happening we need to make sure the candidates are in the right mindset. If we continue to use that particular variance of the starting process we're going to have to accept the possibility of candidates dying."

Norast Ray nodded his head. "That's basically the situation we're in, my Primarch."

"Well then I say we offer both options. We need to create a system to get people in the right mindset before they receive the chemical cocktail to become Space Marines. This will have to be tested and would probably delay the process, I imagine maybe 2 years? Hopefully this should cut down on occurrences of this werewolf form. If they're not willing to take the time to reach the right mindset we can give them the other method though they're taking their lives into their own hands."

The Apothecary nodded his agreement before saying, "As you wish, my Primarch. What should we do with Wulfen here?"

Looking at the screen I shook my head "I'm not sure. Is there no way to undo what's been done to him?"

Norast Ray shook his head before saying "Unless you have some method to do it, he is beyond the grace of the science of genetics."

Passing the buck, I thought. Finally, I said, " Sedate him and have him transported to Fenris. I might have something."

Tanya Russ

I did have a plan. Not a great plan, but a plan. Holding on to one of the overhead bars aboard the Stormhawk I looked down the hall of the ship's cargo area at Jarl Wulfen. Three Astartes were using long poles with loops at the end to hold the deranged creature at a distance as it snapped at anything that got too close.

I wondered why he had degraded so terribly mentally. Considering that some of the wolves I'd met in my time were almost as intelligent as humans seeing a human lose their intelligence and fall back to something even most of the wolves were not was a bit disconcerting.

Perhaps there was some applied pressure we couldn't see to a part of the brain and causing overactive aggression. It might make sense assuming that this was similar to what the emperor had implied had happened to some of the prisoners that had been dropped off on this planet. The difference might be explained simply by time. It was generations between the first creation of the wolves of this planet and this creature, any damage being caused by the transformation would have been genetically removed as the creatures' brains were forced to adapt to the new shape of the skull. Of course for all I knew the man simply had a flood of terror and aggression running through his system right now and all he could see was red.

I ordered as many genetic samples taken as possible before we came down here. In case my plan didn't work we would need to research this outcome in the Astartes process so that we could prevent it from happening again, or at least limit it greatly.

Part of me thought I probably should clue in dad on the situation but he had already departed a week ago. As far as he was concerned, according to him, I was perfectly able to do the job required of me and, still according to him, he would come back to finish out his year-long sentence in a bit as he had received rumors of his next son's location.

I could have been a bit of a stickler on the rules there but I could understand the reason he needed to get off the planet. If another one of his sons had been discovered he needed to be there first in order to better introduce them to the Imperium. Although I would laugh quite hard if it turned out to be another daughter.

But either way you looked at it he was not here anymore and went off to do the job of running the Imperium and reuniting his children with the crusade. He left the finances and associated problems in my capable hands. If I were to call for his aid in this situation I would look, well… I would look bad, in my opinion. He put a lot of trust in his employee and I was not about to break that trust. So I'd deal with the situation myself.

With the thump-thump of our landing gear touching down the ship came to a stop, signaling we had arrived. Looking to the apothecary Ray, I nodded and said "Open the door." Carefully the door was opened and the three space Marines holding the former human warrior turned Beastman guided the creature out into the light of the day.

I and the apothecary soon followed, standing around and looking at a sight fairly familiar to me. It was the valley where I first arrived in, all those decades ago. It hadn't changed much though it was still quite a pleasant place. As an added bonus this particular location was miles away from any human civilization and well within the territory of the Thunder Wolves.

A perfect place to leave such a creature if it could not be saved, as it would not be found by the humans of this planet and would most likely be dealt with by the wolves if it could not find itself again and control itself.

Nodding, I said, "This will do, this will do perfectly," before walking over to a nearby tree and ripping a branch off. It wasn't exactly a rolled-up paper but it would do. Walking over to the fallen warrior I indicated the Space Marines to let him go. They looked a bit unsure about that but I simply said, "I can handle this creature, do not worry for my safety."

With those words of assurance they pressed buttons, releasing the loops which allowed them to back up as the creature fell to all fours. It looked around, snarling and growling at us. With much effort to be careful and friendly I walked towards it. Of course, being nothing but a beast, it took that as a threat and immediately leaped at me. So I smacked it in the face with the branch.

"Jarl Wulfen, get a hold of yourself!" My plan was frankly simple: I was going to beat the shit out of it until he gained control. I was hoping he was still in there and if he gained control maybe he could reverse the changes himself. If he couldn't, well… again, leaving him in control out here would still be as good as leaving him out here out of control. With the proximity of the underground tunnels and the underground cities it was very likely he might find his way down there and hunt those creatures, which could be beneficial in the long run.

The beast was sent flying a few feet to the left of me but quickly rebounded, getting on all fours and ready to come at me again. "Control yourself, Wulfen." I ordered, trying to reach for a bit of psychic energy as I ended up having to smash his head to the right with the branch.

"You signed up to go to the stars, not be a drain on this society," I said as the creature rounded itself back towards me. As it went to jump at me another time I simply stepped around it, got my arm around its neck, and pinned it to the ground.

"Control your aggression. You're a warrior of Fenris, not a savage beast." I put a little bit more pressure on the throat, trying to relieve it of some oxygen in hope of giving him some control. Just like the old days when I had to tame a wolf that had gone too far. It did seem to work as it stopped struggling after a while. Letting up I waited to see if it would go back to trying to tear everything apart. When it didn't I let go and got up to look down at it.

The creature was thoroughly beaten and wasn't trying to bite anyone anymore, just trying to catch its breath by the look of it. Taking a knee in front of it, I said, "There are three choices ahead of you, Wulfen. If you can remember who you are perhaps you can find some way to come back to being what you're meant to be, a civilized human. If you can find some way to do that we'll welcome you back to our ranks with open arms. If you can't you can live in this valley for the rest of your life, as long as you stay in this valley and never leave. I lived here for almost a year and survived off the many bountiful resources of this valley. If I can do it you can do it. And finally, if you can't gain control and you lose yourself to the beast again… Well you can leave the valley but if you start terrorizing the human population we will hunt you down like the beast you are. Those are your choices, those are your options. Do you understand them?"

I was half expecting the creature to not even respond, so lost in its own bestial madness it had seemed, but it looked like there was something still left of Wulfen in there as the creature nodded its head which brought a smile to my lips. Leaning forward I petted him on the forehead and said "Struggle to come back to us then. We'll be waiting for you when you gain control."

Getting up I looked to the four Space Marines and said "Load back up in the craft."

They nodded and followed me back aboard the Stormhawk. The ship quickly took back off, heading back to the Gloriana. Taking a seat that wasn't much good I leaned back against the wall, feeling the coldness of space through the metal.

The Apothecary sat down next to me and asked 'Do you think Wulfen will actually be able to gain control of himself?"

I shrugged. "No idea but it would be a waste of resources just to kill him. If he can do it that's a boon. If he can't, well, there are things in that valley that'll take care of him eventually either for good or ill. If he leaves the valley we will hunt him down, as I said. We are giving him a chance, it's up to him if he actually manages to make something of it."

The apothecary nodded his head before inquiring, "Did you really live a year in that valley when you first arrived?"

"Yes, why?" I asked, not really thinking much of the question.

"Getting the Aspirants in the right frame of mind may help with the creation of Space Marines, as we discussed. Perhaps dropping them off in the wild with a destination to reach would help them get in your frame of mind, allowing them to better accept the changes and prevent, well, Wulfen from happening again."

"I think it does make some sense, even if there's a risk considering the creatures out there. Well we need to figure out what works and what doesn't. You want to run a test like that? That's perfectly fine with me."

"Thank you, my Primarch," he said with a nod before looking at the front of the ship in thought.

Not having much thought on the matter myself I just simply laid back and tried to think of what was next on my list of situations to deal with.

Tanya Russ

It always amazed me what could be accomplished in a few years of dedicated work. 7 years ago Emperor had shown up on my planet to recruit me to his campaign and over those 7 years I had worked hard to create a situation that would allow that campaign to happen.

From what I understood it was expected that normally I would operate out of Fenris and just bring the planets nearby into the empire as it were but the emperor told me about a bit of an issue at the back lines of the empire in the 'Wheel of Fire' sector in the Segmentum Ultima. Now he was already preparing a campaign using two space Marine legions to bring the sector into compliance. So theoretically it was already a sure thing that this sector would be brought in but I saw an opportunity there.

If two legions were already enough to bring the sector in, three would do the job better. Not only that it was a chance to get bloody and create a esprit de corps with my legion. Currently the men were Space Marines, yes, but they had never fought in a real war yet. This conflict presented the opportunity to turn them into real soldiers.

The only major concern I had when I looked over the report was apparently the Mechanicus. I had already run the numbers on how long it would take to conquer the wheel of fire. 10 years. 10 years where I would not be near Fenris nor able to help if anything were to go wrong. That was a bit concerning but it was a necessary loss of time.

In my mind that was a long war, any war over a year was a long war in my mind. To fight for 10 years over a sector seemed ridiculous. But the fact of the matter was that times had changed from the quick wars that I understood more and turned to this. And who knows how the aliens that controlled that sector operated.

The sector, this wheel of fire, regularly got cut off every couple thousand years from what I understood, supposedly due to changes in galactic weather. It had a large human population and a few alien populations but the big problem was it was all ruled over by an Ork empire. This empire was a threat to the Imperium as with the wheel of fire currently open they could strike out and were not too far away from hitting Terra itself.

That's why no matter what this empire had to be brought down. On the plus side from what I understood humanity was well entrenched in that factor and might be willing to rebel if an option was presented to do so. Coming in as the heroic liberators could possibly bring down the years needed to bring the sector into compliance.

There were a couple other benefits for taking my legion out like this, besides getting them battle-tested. It would also put an end to a bit of an issue I was having as some of the more bloodthirsty types were asking a bit too many questions about how long it was going to be before they saw combat. So far it was just minor talk but I always worried that one of them was going to try and take his new and enhanced physique and try to murder me to take control of the legion. I doubt it would be successful but better for it to not happen at all.

Currently there was roughly 26,000 Space Marines in the legion, broken up amongst 12 companies with a thousand being part of my honor guard. The last thousand were going to be staying here on Fenris to continue the process of Space Marines creation. If all things went well we would still be receiving shipments of new Marines to join the ones who were already in combat in the sector. Considering how things could go we'd probably need it.

We had stockpiled gear, tanks, armor, ammunition, everything needed for the campaign but I had not announced the launching of the campaign yet. That would happen later today as I was having the legion gathered for the announcement. I didn't know how they would react though I suspected it would be general applause, maybe a few howls from a few of the people who had taken the whole Wolves of Fenris thing a bit too literally.

26,000 soldiers was not a lot but then again they were Space Marines and they would not be the only forces in the sector. Besides the Imperial Army and the Imperial Navy which would be supporting any actions we took it would also be two other legion elements in-sector, the Iron Warriors and the Star Hunters.

Seeing that I had lived on Fenris for the last four decades at this point I had no idea how these particular legions worked or operated so I had asked the former legion Master to give me a, understanding of these legions. Unfortunately he wasn't aware of the Star Hunter's career besides a known use as Pathfinders and scouts for any force that needed them. However he was very helpful when it came to the Iron Warriors, informing me that they were good at mechanical stuff and considered some of the best siege troops in the legions.

So a force that was good at siege warfare and a force that was good at scouting? Not a bad set of operational doctrines for this campaign and I could see our legion could fit in. With its emphasis on crushing enemies that tried to break having perfect scouts give us the location of the enemies would ensure there would be no want of enemy forces to break. And a legion that was known for being good on sieges could always use more hands to fill in the holes. Both legions were currently Primarchless so they had limited numbers to call upon while, with the current growth rate of my legion, we could fill in and take the losses those legions would have taken. I preferred to take as few losses as possible but if there was going to be losses it would need to be from my legion. Because we were the only ones capable of recovering from said losses.

The tactics of the coming fighting were all but decided, the supply routes all but drawn up. Really the only thing holding back the legion from moving out was the feast I was going to throw tonight to celebrate our first campaign launch. According to Mechanicus statistics any legion that was at the front would take 50% losses. It was possible they were wrong but in the case they weren't I wanted to make sure the men had good memories of the launch at the very minimum, even if the campaign came to be known as the worst campaign in our history.

Letting out a deep breath I looked at my watch, a digital thing brought in as part of the modernization programs that I was attempting to implement on Fenris. There were already some power stations going up across the planet in secure and safe locations and powered lighting was finally starting to take over for torches. Which had surprisingly revealed that there was a mural on the roof of the ceiling. I was going to have someone look into cleaning that up to find out what was up there as it was covered in soot and other fire debris.

When I was sitting back at the head of the main table in the Great Hall. I had somehow managed to grow another foot in the time it had taken for the legion to grow to a proper size and I mean somewhere around… 9ft tall now, I believe.

As a result I had to have the legion armorers start constructing a set of armor for my use in the coming fight. They were currently going over my measurements and sending them off to Mars to have a custom suit created. I wasn't sure yet of what it would look like but I was hoping for something not too gaudy. Until then I was making do with my old armors and some more cleaner fabrics that came in through the imperial trade network that had finally established itself on Fenris.

The only thing I had prepared so far was a massive sword constructed for me by one of the armorers. A former member of the Iron priesthood, Fergus Forgrim, had fixed himself a goal of creating weapons for me apparently. He had made a massive sword that… well, it was rather nice in my hand and was well balanced. It even had some of the trademark Eastern influences that I had brought in with my blades over the years. He also created a hand ax that was rather useful and had asked if I would give him the Ice Kraken's iron I had acquired all those years ago. He even promised he'd create me some of the best weapons possible if I did. I mean, well… it was nice as it was as a mantelpiece in my room but it was still just a slightly glowing piece of metal in the shape of a tooth. So if he could turn it into a weapon it might be more useful. As I understood it no one had been able to correctly forge that material into working metal so if he managed to do it the weapon would be quite strong and wouldn't break like some of my older equipment. So I let him have it and he was going to be staying here on Fenris to create it though so I wouldn't find out what it looked like or what it was for 10 years probably. Unless he came to the front lines to bring it to me.

Not an impossibility, considering the way the people of interest did things. Shaking my head I got up from my seat and cracked my neck. It was about time to see how much of the legion had gathered around the castle and give a speech about the coming campaign. Walking over to a window I cracked it and looked outside, seeing that… well by the amount of gray and blue armor out there at least 15,000 were here already. I probably should give it another hour before making my speech.

Writers note: alright chapter 20, what there to say, getting to know the legion, getting to know Geneseed, and getting to know what is to come. I expect some sword rattling about numbers… that's to be expected, I'm not conscerned about them though since I'm not implying they're special, as if you read careful I make clear it is not something unique to the space wolves, the other legions do this as well to varying degrees of success.

Also this story is really just for fun, so somtimes it's best just to turn off the brain and not think to hard about it.

Edited by: Pierre
Community edited by:Ryan Pirtle, Justin R
Community editable doc (Chapter 20) No story suggestions in the community editing document, Keep all story suggestions and comments in the thread

Supporters: Afforess, Gremlin Jack, Weise, Xodarap4, Yamato, Duncan Sproule, James Moorhouse, Dankermaler, Hats88, DrkShdow, Devilstar101, Michael, Mana Rope, Falk Hüser, Daniel Martinez, Silver Wolf, Mackenzie Buckle, Markus, Neso, Staradder, Lmc9389, Staradder, victor a lopez-barron, Qweunn, KrasieK, Zollus, Mintea
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I don't know if there's already a reason for the wolf transformation in canon to or if it's never even been deeply explored (Though this is an AU so that doesn't really matter) or if you've already decided why but I've had an idea for what it could be. So apparently way back some Scandinavian tribes had the first myths of were wolves: Warriors who would participate in a ritual which would give them the ability to change form (From man to were wolf) at will, but first they'd have to go through a month long transformation.

Perhaps long ago (On Fenris) psykers somehow found remnants of these tales (Since this was a LARPing place and cultural preserve) and took inspiration from these tales, but naturally since it's the Warp it went horribly wrong and this stayed in their genes laying dormant with nothing to activate it (Doubt that makes sense but A. It's warp-fuckery, B. It's Warhammer) until the chemicals reactivated it for whatever reason. It could also connect to that stuff about why some wolves are so intelligent but this is exactly the reason I doubt you haven't already thought this all out.

Also as suggestions for the name of the Gloriana: Nidhogg (Dragon at Yggdrasil's roots), Jormungandr (World Serpent, because World as in planets because it'll travel a lot), and Fafnir (just because he's Norse, a dragon and famous)
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(Though this is an AU so that doesn't really matter)
ah it AU but I like to try to explain things that are canon, Wulfen is canon Wulfen

It is said that Leman Russ possessed the Cup of Wulfen, giving this vessel to his original followers, the first men from Fenris to join the ranks of the VI Legion, and told them to drink from the Cup. Amongst the chosen was a jarl named Wulfen. He was a mighty man, fell and strong, proud in his power. He was a man gifted beyond all others in the art of war and he was bested only once in his life, and that was by Russ, who humbled him before all his people but seeing a worthy warrior had spared him, and offered him a place amongst his warriors.

Russ spoke to the assembled men of Fenris and told them of his plan. He offered them power and a vast span of years if they followed him to make war amongst the stars. They roared their acceptance, and hailed Russ as their chief. He told them that they must drink a potent brew from the great cup and thus would their transformation begin. Wulfen was the first to step forward and he swigged the glorious mead of Russ from the chalice.

But evil lurked still in Wulfen. He was consumed by a secret, gnawing hatred of Leman Russ and he planned to take treacherous revenge upon the man-god. The guardian spirit within the cup saw this the moment Wulfen put it to his lips, and it worked a spell on him, making his outer self match his inner evil. To the horror of those who looked on, the great chieftain changed. He turned into a dreadful thing, half-man, half-wolf and he sprang on Russ with a howl of hatred.

But Russ was not dismayed. With one blow, he crushed Wulfen's skull and slew the beast that had been revealed. He looked upon his followers and told them that Wulfen was unworthy, and that this would be the fate of all those who drank from the chalice with evil in their hearts. He told them that those who wished could now depart without drinking. To the Space Wolves' ancestors' credit, no man departed, and all drank and all gained the power that Russ had made their due. And thus began the true Founding of the VI Legion.
I hope Iron Warriors will be happy to see their aunt
And this reminds me about Roboutian Heresy where Iron Warriors secretly wished to be civilian architects and engineers