Vote closed at seven, fyi. Feudalism is go.
I am enjoying the enthusiasm of debate on this one, I hope y'all are too?
I am getting the impression Morgan has a lot of thoughts about how to exist as a vampire without being a parasite.
I think the majority of the debate has missed a part of what this vote was about, namely "what Morgan believes in their heart" rather than "what Morgan think the best method to use right now is".
Although in the end Feudalism won (which I am very satisfied with ^^), I don't think it is an immediately good plan to go through with the King-and-the-Land ritual Wysteria has mentioned, especially considering the new information about the Veil.
In particular, to implement the Vampire Lord of Ithaca thing we would require "a significant portion of the population" to accept us as such( I can't find Wysterias quote, but I'm pretty sure they said something along those lines). That would require a huge break in the Veil, and a proportionate response from outside threats interested in keeping the Veil intact.
That does not mean I don't want Morgan to
eventually become Lord of Ithaca. My preferred method would be to ( after the whole zombie thing has, if not "blown over", at least somewhat stabilized) keep largely to our estate and neighbourhood, but establishing ourselves as a powerful agent willing to help, often for a favour or for reasonable exchange of services ( getting money out of supernaturals seems wasteful), cementing our role as a central figure within the local supernatural community. This we could steer towards establishing good relationships and eventually blood bonds with at least one member in good standing within all ( or most) supernatural factions, which naturally, organically results in us owning Ithaca.
That said, regarding our current situation, I think Morgan should explain the situation to most of the people living in their house ( probably in private conversations, so that bystander effect doesn't cause problems), and simply ask people to donate blood for the cause of keeping Morgan peaceful and sane (downplaying the danger, since we don't want the m to think it's
more dangerous than living outside the wards),and ask some choice people ( such as Robert, Wyatt, Ken(?), Lisa) to undergo a blood bond.
I believe this method looks most like a compromise between feudalism and communism, based on mutual interest and the building of a relationship to Morgans people.