The Prince of Profit (Star Wars x 40k/Rogue Trader)

This is a cool story, but I find it unlikely that you could transport a bunch of planets from W40K and not pick up a few chaos cults, gene stealers or ork spores along the way. Are we waiting for the other shoe to drop or are they really as clean as they seem to be?
This is a cool story, but I find it unlikely that you could transport a bunch of planets from W40K and not pick up a few chaos cults, gene stealers or ork spores along the way. Are we waiting for the other shoe to drop or are they really as clean as they seem to be?

The latter, I want this to be pretty much played straight as a story about a Rogue Trader robbing everyone blind rather than the 'and then the orks/chaos/genestealers happened.

Same way Space Marines/Inquisition/Temple Assassins/Custodes/Sisters of Silence won't be appearing
technically the largest freighter in starwars was the Field Secured Containment Vessel. It still didnt carry gigatonners of goods. Each bubble held around 110 million tons each. and it usually maxed out at 20 bubbles.
fractual sponger has a awesome render of it.

As for 40k yeah that would offically be the Universe Class Mass Conveyor which while only 12km on average was armored like a cruiser and prety much was a swiss army knife kinda freighter, if you could get one it was used by every deparyment for pretty much anything you needed. When the could get one.

The only bigger ships for civilians was the religios pilgrim ones and those were designed as absolutly massive people conveances
How jedi are defense against las gun because blaster are like laser bullet that can deflect by light saber but lasgun is like continue to hit the target if user want to also lasgun is capable of blow up the leg too.

Basically jedi can deflect ten blaster shot but he will be struggle to deflect five lasgun shot because unlike blaster, lasgun is different.

Blasters are basically plasma weapons, Star Wars also have laser weapons, but their squad weapons. Las/laser Weapons don't have mass, it's pure focused thermal energy which means it's easier to reflect it. No it's the heavy plasma weapons having a shot that is too large to deflect, or melta weapons that will be the problem. Flamers aren't anything new thanks to Mandalorians.

The latter, I want this to be pretty much played straight as a story about a Rogue Trader robbing everyone blind rather than the 'and then the orks/chaos/genestealers happened.

Same way Space Marines/Inquisition/Temple Assassins/Custodes/Sisters of Silence won't be appearing

I can see there being the odd feral ork bands in under hives, or on a death world but controlled, this is the center of his power. The halostars it pretty far away from the Nids normal playground. THERE WILL BE CULTISTS, but who is going to hear them? The warp is empty and calm here. The most warped in body and soul puppets have all flipped their shit at this point. Also without Daemons, and chaos 'gods' sorcery is completely useless. There are still cultists around but their been gelded and without chaos can't warp the minds of others.

With his little xeno heresy safe zone there should AT LEAST be Inquisition agents sneaking around, but as long as their not the kill them all fanatic kind at best they start working for the Trader as the only game in town, at worst they come in frothing at the mouth and have quiet accidents.

The question is how quickly does Siddy focus on turning both sides of the war against this threat to his complete control of the galaxy?

Also where in the galaxy are his worlds and did they erase any worlds that were already there, or are there new stars sitting between his old ones?
I've seen a few pictures of starship size comparisons but it has been a life age of the earth since then, so I can't recall the difference anymore.

It's been a good story so far, I wonder how long until the threat of violence is replaced with imperial displeasure from afar.
Chapter 7; The Blue Room
Chapter 7;
The Blue Room

Mol Kow and his attendants were troubled and afraid, the people of this culture were almost frightening in their intensity and yet, the lushly appointed Blue Room was much more compact, it too was lushly appointed, but it was clearly designed as a very private sitting room where one might conduct business in quiet behind closed doors, and that did much to settle his nerves. Only the lack of battledroids for security still contributed to their nerves, but the humans seemed abhorrently against droids. And so when the door opened and four humans, including the Rogue Trader filed in, Mol bowed slightly. "We thank you for granting us audience."

"It is my pleasure Mol Kow, these are my seneschals Margaretta Greaves Marfont and Samuel Montcroix, and our Astropath Transcendant Edwin Linvingstone. But I believe that neither of us is in particular need for pleasantries." A spike of fear went through Mol Kow. "I am given to believe that the peoples of Cato Nemoidia are prolific businessmen," How had this human learned that? What had the Jedi shared with them? "This leads me to conclude that we can get down to brass tacks, and that you might have a greater degree of autonomy to make deals than the Republic representative."

Oh be still my beating heart! The Nemoidian thought to himself in excitement.

"Our production levels include about eight hundred gigatonnes of foodstuffs annually, another four hundred and eighty or so gigatonnes of metals and ores, refined from surface extraction and asteroid mining operations," Arthurius consulted the slate from his talks with Plo Koon, "We are also producing about sixty billion tonnes of munitions and related war materiel annually. Including our own private reserve stocks for trade and negotiation with other powers." A thrill of naked greed surged through Mol Kow.

"I am surprised to hear you admitting to so much so soon. And of course we would need to discuss many more specifics before committed to any kind of deal, assess the quality of materials and foodstuffs that you can produce. You must understand that we are in the early stages of a civil war with the old and decadent Republic that has refused worlds the right to secede from its ineffectual grasp." Mol smiled, "As you know, we are the Confederacy of Independent Systems, how long before the Republic tries to claim your own systems for its own. Might you not be best off joining the right side in history?"

Arthurius smiled and Mol smiled back. "It would be unwise for us to cast our dice at this time, we know little of this galaxy or the peoples within it and should learn more before such a decision is made do you not think? But such political considerations are for another time, more importantly, we are most interested in trade."

"What would you be most interested in?" Mol said, curious.

"At this state, technical objects. Learn about the technologies used in this part of the universe, we have observed that you have access to a much more miniaturised faster than light option for travel, including a degree of in-system transit, though based on our auspex readings, ships still have to clear a certain distance to safely engage ftl." Arthurius explained, "The representative from the Republic seemed interested in such trade, as well as some expressed interest in some of our own technologies." That stabbed into Mol's heart and he wondered even now how much the Republic might try and leverage the new arrivals in order to facilitate a faster end to the Clone War.

"I would hope you haven't come to any arrangments so far. As you can see, their finest vessels are much smaller than my Lucrehulk, it is doubtful that the crude Kuati hyperdrives would be sufficient to move your larger vessels. We have contacts with Rendili Stardrive that may prove more beneficial to you for your purposes." Mol offered, not about to be outdone, "I wouldn't wish to hamper a potential new ally!"

Arthurius nodded, "I would be most honoured, and of couse, there would be a finders fee if you were able to make that happen, a quarter ton of platinum perhaps as your finders fee?"

"I shall endeavour to put you in contact right away!" Mol shot up out of his chair, mentally slavering at the offering. That amount of Platinum would probably buy a hyperdrive unit! "I will also endeavour to put you in best contact with other corporations which may be of interest to you, though from what I understand you have little interest in Droids?"

Arthurius nodded, "No 'droids' please."


As the meeting with the CIS representative came to a close, Arthurius felt like he had made the tentative first steps that he would need. Which had brought him to his next meetings, not with the Hutts he could not afford to attend that meeting personally, but with Basilicus. "My Lord, you honour this enginarium. How can I help you?" The tech adept was unusually co-operative, and as well he should considering that for the past sixty years Arthurius had held his life and secret close to his heart and chest.

The words that came from Arthurius made the mechadendrites of the explorator magos twitch. "Code Khamrios." Instantly Basilicus turned and headed into a smaller forge and as Arthurius followed him in, without any guards, the door slammed shut with enough newtons of force to spark. "I am certain you have paid more than due attention to the abominable intelligences that have been used be our guests."

This line of enquiry troubled Basilicus. "You are aware that my congregation and I are followers of the Khamrian doctrine. You know that we have an interest in such things, however forbidden. It was my oath that I would never discuss or practice such things aboard your flagship or where it would draw unwarranted attention, you also vowed in turn to never mention it." There was a strong reproach in the tone.

The next words troubled Basilicus. "I have sheltered Khamrians, Xenarites, I have encouraged the Levelists, made deals with most of the reasoning xenos of our region of space, and even occasionally had dealings with the Necrontyr themselves..." The words were not a tumbled out confession, but an explanation for what was go come. "I have tried to make my corner of the galaxy a haven for free-thinkers who don't seek to annihilate us or treat with the ruinous powers, and more than once I have had to answer to minor Inquisitorial Probes. I believe that is why the Emperor chose to shield us and send us here."

The words were parsed by the tech-priest who waited to hear what was to come next, and his master, unbelievably, sighed deeply, his rigid shoulders slumping slgihtly.

"We are up the channel without a gellar field. And so I need you to contact the Fabricator General privately. I want you to study these abominable intelligences, find out if they even are such. We brought less than three hundred and fifty billion humans with us. We can no longer treat human lives as a limitless and expendable resource, even where I was loath to do so before. So let me make this abundantly clear."

He took a deep breath.

"I am suspending the proscriptions against the use of abominable intelligence and other innovation. I am also declaring that the Mechanicus can no longer afford to keep all their secrets to themselves anymore, I want to shift our deployment. Sicarian Infiltrators Flechette Blasters and Carbines, anything you have that is superior to guard issue, with the extreme number of these 'droids' perhaps roll out ARC weapons as well. Anything 'average' we may want to use for sale to other powers."

Basilicus collapsed onto a stool himself at the enormity of what was being said. "My lord... you propose a signfiicant undertaking."

Arthurius smiled. "I know my friend, I want you to begin modernisation programs as soon as possible, I also want you to significantly improve on the automation of many duties that are normally undertaken by serfs and slaves. There aren't enough of us real humans in this galaxy to expend callously in laborious jobs that a machine is better tooled for."

The low whistle through the Magos's vox made his skin crawl slightly, the sound was just too unnatural. "If you'll forgive me my lord. Please leave. I have a grotesque level of work to do now... and if you'll forgive me. You are, what is the word the ratings like? Kind of an asshole?"
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thanks for the chapter and for writing. shit is getting real with the nerf cap off and the real tech coming out

Well, they don't have unlimited manpower to call upon, I can't see a smarter rogue trader who is already playing hard and loose with the law being so stupid as to continue a 'throw bodies at it' policy :D
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Chapter 8; The Green Room
Chapter 8;
The Green Room

Jabba felt the boiling rage at the actions of the visitor to his world, the disrespect, the declaration of his unworthiness. And now he found himself begging for a sliver of attention in a room. The indignity was.. the man was known for dealing with unsavoury types. The struggle within was surprising to Jabba, for as much as he had been disrespected, if he could get in on the ground floor of a new market, or secure the aid of someone who was morally flexible enough, who would question someone transporting his spice in a ship like these?

When the door hissed open someone who was NOT the Rogue Trader came in. A woman entered, followed by three other figures, clad in black fitting bodysuits that did nothing to cover their bodies in a meaningful fashion. The headwear they wore had only a cutout for their eyes, and a v shape exposing nose and mouth. They wore blades on one hip, pistols on the other. "I am Eleanoria Pierpont Wolseley Von Hydraxius, officially I am not here, and never was here. My lord conveys his deepest regrets that he could not meet with you in person, but he has well over a centuries worth of experience telling him that the smartest way to deal with the parts of the universe others consider unsavoury and forbidden is to do so through proxies and cutouts. And so, for the purpos of this meeting I am called Culculus Canorus. And all further interaction with the legally challenging parts of your business will be conducted under this name. Am I clear?"

The words, once translated, surprised Jabba who studied her closer. He decided not to test what might happen if he refused her words. The blades on her guards hips looked razor sharp. "I understand. And respect such a prudent decision, though not meeting with your father still smarts of disrespect."

"He has many duties, and cannot afford the scandal. It is however, of interest to us that we mend our relationship and perhaps begin examining more profitable avenues of trade. As a lynchpin of business in that region, if the words of the Jedi Master to the Rogue Trader have proven accurate, you most likely have contacts with every thief, smuggler, slaver and pirate in your territory. Would we be wrong in that assessment?" She said plainly, questioning Jabba.

Bib Fortuna struggled to keep pace with the translation, but Jabba watched the daughter of the Rogue Trader intently. Trying not to notice the way she studied him. A crude disinterest. "You would not be wrong."

"And so, we are more than interested in entering into business with the Hutts in order to provide for our needs. I would assume, given the rather... varied... nature of the people in this galaxy that it is likely that humans are held in the thralls of slavery to nonhuman forces? " Bib Fortuna did not wait for Jabba's response, only answering in the affirmitive, then translating into Huttese.

"Among other possible trade then, we would seek to buy much of that trade. Other items would be technological curiosities and rarities. In return..." She held out a case and passed it to Bib Fortuna. "We have the narcotics of another galaxy, from curiosities like lho, obscura, admylladox, fervor, kalma, opiatix, slaught, spook, wyrdroot. Then there are the large number of alcoholic beverages we can produce unlike anything you have ever sampled. Unfortunately, I cannot speak for the.. relative.. safety or efficacy in nonhuman partakers."

Jabba's eyes went wide as Bib Fortuna reached a hand into the case and drew out a vial. "These narcotics are potent?"

"Some more than others, some a merely calming agents, others will cause supernatural manifestations of psychic ability to the imbiber. Some are simply grade A combat drugs. We have several ships who engage in our less than savoury activities. And so, the first deal my lord wishes to arrange with you is the procurement of half a million human slaves, in exchange we will provide half their weight in our narcotics, to be delivered here." The words sang through Jabba's blood. "And, provided you continue to deal with us in good faith dear Jabba, you will remain our exclusive contractor for such things. And as a gift, we offer the services of these ladies and gentlement to your security retinue."

Jabba looked at them frowning as Bib Fortuna translated. "You would.. give me slaves?"

"No. We are offering their services. They are not slaves, they are some of the finest combatants we have available, and the prospect of death troubles them not at all. I would expect you to share a fair of payment for services to them so that they might live in comfort, as well as provide tutors to educate them in the languages you would need them to know."

"I accept this most generous offer, and I will make arrangments for a shipment of slaves." Jabba said. Then stopped as the woman looked at him closely.

"Slaves Jabba, I don't want your people to kidnap people to enslave just to trade to me, buy them from existing owners, shipments from other slavers and the like. We also don't pay full for damaged goods, we will take those who have had the misfortune of losing limbs or similar accidents, but they will be worth less, decided by the Captain of our ships who make the exchanges." With that Eleanora stood and walked from the chamber like a swift wind. The hatch closing behind her and leaving the Hutt with his new bodyguards.


Eleanora sighed and headed for Dark Room where she met her primary agent, Grey was hers. The visible face who served as spymaster. Grey knew of his own circles with an almost encyclopaedic knowledge, yet he didn't know of the four other circles she maintained, the white, black and red. The White circle were the sons and daughters of nobility playing spy among the upper echelons, reporting anything of interest to her through an Administratum wretch named Bibble. The Black were the scumcrawlers, the wretches and failed humanity of the underdecks and bilges, reporting on any problems with the peasants in the holds. But... but she keenly felt the loss of some of her favourites. The Red.

The Red were members of a Death Cult and their assassins served as her claws among her network. When wetwork needed to spill the red river run, she would give the word and they would paint the decks red with their targets. She had been forced to bring these out of the dark, and now Grey, waiting for her bowed as she came in, afraid to make eye contact.

"Mistress?" He asked.

"Do my claws have their care packages?" She asked not deigning to honour him with a glance. He had been hired for how utterly forgettable his features were, even his voice was almost totally unmemorable.

"Yes mistress, their personal cargo container has been laden with vox and pict thieves, local cogitators and nanoskulls. They even have several cyber-altered task units. The container was jettisoned with its cameleoline units engaged and will engage a hard entry before they leave. The murder-servitors on board the container will protect it. Though we may need to occasionally dispatch a maintenance unit to check on it sooner or later. The claws have had subcutaneous locator beacons, it will allow them to find the container, and if necessary, for us to find them."

"Does the container include a teleport beacon?" She asked.

"Yes maam." He answered.

"Good work Grey. I'm sure Sashana back in the red light quarter will be pleased you have some time to yourself, you do pay her so much better than her usual customers."
Chapter 9; The First Reports
Chapter 9;
The First Reports

Palpatine enjoyed the palatial comfort of his office in the senate building, while also enjoying the discomfort of the Jedi who had yet to understand who the architect of their downfall would be in the future. What he did not enjoy, was the report sitting in front of him right now, a casual thought had him initially dismiss the reports as unimportant, another trade consortium could not really effect the flow of events, and of that he was certain. Then he examined them in detail because, as much as he was sure they couldn't, the force kept bringing his mind around to them as if in warning.

Their ships were monstrous. And the bulk of the ones that had been seen so far were larger than a Venator, and they regarded them as small. Could they have the ability to upset the stability of what he was trying to engineer? Or were they a potential ally that he could not afford to ignore?

"Master Plo Koon, it is a good thing you brought these reports to us, I am glad you could come at short notice." He said holding the datapad in hand.

The Jedi bowed slightly. "It was the least I could do."

"You said that these peoples seemed to be human centric?" Palpatine asked studying the Jedi's face.

"They do appear to be, there appeared to be almost no non-humans present on the 'Throne' and there was a level of passive disgust that I felt from almost all members of the crew and the Rogue Trader himself. I believe had I been there under any other circumstances that I would have been attacked by even the lowest of the ships crewmen, though the level of revulsions excesses seemed aimed at Jabba and his entourage. There was also an uncommon level of revulsion aimed at the CIS delegation's droids. They were simply not permitted to step from their shuttle at all, under threat of destruction." Plo Koon reported what was, functionally, already in the report, but the Jedi understood that many needed to hear the details, not simply read them in order to tease out details that may not have made it into the report.

"Would you say that they seemed inclined to sway against our interests or for them?" Palpatine said leaning back, doing his best to make this not seem like an interrogation.

Plo Koon had to consider the situation, call forth his memories, collate them and judge them in discreet pieces. Measuring what he knew against each other. "It is my opinion that, at this stage and possibly for some time to come that they will have little to no interest at taking sides. Arthurius seemed more interested in doing the best for his own people, as well as the significant accumulation of wealth and trophies."

"Do they represent a threat?"

This time Plo Koon hesitated for a much longer time. "I do not know. They appear to have some form of alternative faster than light travel, and their sublight speeds and acceleration are impressive. Beyond that I simply have no frame of reference, our sensors suggested that they had shields of some kind raised, yet our shuttles were able to pass through them in order to board. Their weapons are vast, large enough I could have flown a gunship down the bore without touching the sides, but until we see them in action, we have no frame of reference for their power or defences. But... I would hesitate to bait them into such a demonstration."

Palpatine mentally suppressed his thought. Because you are weak and reactive. Instead he questioned it. "Why would you hesitate?"

"Several reasons Chancellor, the first of which is that they have demonstrated no hostility or intent to be hostile unless provoked, the second of which is much simpler, we may very well find out and find we can't get the hutt back into the shell. Other reasons extend to a lack of willingness to spurn a potential trade partner, you saw the numbers that they gave us, even if they are half right, they could contribute to Republic victory, and despite our efforts you know that the news about the visitors have reached the holonet, and half the tech companies in the galaxy are clamouring for permission to go there and find out what they have, and are willing to trade. It is unwise to stick our hand in a gundarks nest." The preachy nature of the Jedi's words grated on him slightly, and more gallingly, they were echoing his own thoughts on the matter. Which was, unfortunately, one of the problems.

Count Dooku was an excellent apprentice, and he had made the same arguments to him based on the reports that he had received from the Nemoidian who had initially made contact, and it was reported, was now shopping around using his influence with various tech companies in the CIS. Which meant that the Rogue Trader had, almost immediately after first contact, began plying everyone he met for trade deals and money making.

"Thank you for your candor Master Plo Koon, you may leave whenever you are ready, I must discuss this with my advisors and decide on whether a formal or official response is required."



His words to his master had left him cold, considering the situation within which he had found himself. The fact that the little worm who had the misfortune of making first contact had, instead of immediately coming to him, had instead begun burning the candle at both ends to make contact with his various industry contacts within the Trade Federation, Banking Clans and more. It had necessitated a direct summons before he could put the man in front of himself and demand a report and answers. And the picture building in his mind was that of... just another merchant. A merchant who had a severe superiority complex, some extremely excellent taste in interior design...

And the ability to just throw a quarter ton of platinum at one of his captains in exchange for introductions to industry contacts. Trusting such a figure was going to be difficult at best, but if those contacts could give them an edge against the Republic... his master would not approve of that. He understood the plan better than most did. Which meant that somehow he would need to sabotage the progress made by the visitor. But perhaps he should not? Maybe the visitors contributions could lead to his own gains. It was going to be difficult enough if Sidious demanded he dealt with Ventress. Perhaps if he... avoided... any such entanglements he could see which way the winds were blowing before he committed.

Or... maybe he could precipitate such an action. He would need to learn more before he could commit to any course of action. He keyed his communications. "Ventress."

"Yes master?" The hologram answered him.
"I have a task for you, it is... unlike... your normal tasks." Those words seemed to perk her interest and curiosity. Fortunately, she was not unintelligent.

"Is this related to the strangers master?"

"Yes. A Nemoidian Captain, Mol Kow is moving to arrange contact between this Rogue Trader and a number of industry contacts he has. I am dispatching you to meet his Lucrehulk, I want you to join this mission and represent my own interests. I want you to encourage learning something of their worlds before we commit to action. I want you to learn as much as you can. Language, culture, and leave now. The co-ordiantes of Mol Kow's ship is enclosed." He closed the comms with the data burst.



Jabba was, for all his reputation, a practical soul, and while he had no small anger over his treatment. The sheer scale of the operation that was being proposed by the stranger spoke to a lot of money to be had. Which is why, upon returning to his palace on Tatooine, he immediately had a few dozen or so debtors of his, human, brought before him for the most practical reason of all.

The case of samples had been opened and the four humans that had been given over into his service, for a fair pay, were quick to educate them in how most of the narcotics within were to be taken, dosages and methods. If they worked as advertised, then all would be good, and Jabba would forgive the transgressions against him for now in order to make money with the strangers. The first few were very mild, the lho and obscura produced strong reactions from the humans, but they were largely calmative effects, with the obscura producing a much stronger reaction sending the man into a somewhat dreamlike state. Those two would definitely make money, the admylladox produced no significant reactions, but the people from the strangers mentioned it was a painkiller and good for clearing the mind. Many of the other drugs had far more varied effects, opiatix, slaught and fervor all appeared to be high grade combat drugs, the slaught in particular sending the man into a killing frenzy forcing two of his guards to put him down with their vibro-axes. But the most profound was the one that they called spook.

The man who swallowed back the vial shot bolt upright onto his tiptoes, his body rigid in cruciform, the entire room was enveloped in a creeping hoarfrost spreading out from his position... "Kill him!?" Jabba said, uncertain as to how much danger they were in.

Two blasters fired and the bolts struck a field of energy surrounding the man as his eyes glowed like captured suns with stolen power. The effects did not last long, the hoarfrost melting in moments in the tatooine heat and the man collapsing back to his knees... "Please! More! I want to taste the power again!"

Jabba smiled. Spook. That was where the real money was going to come from. A taste of power.
Jabba smiled. Spook. That was where the real money was going to come from. A taste of power.

A few problems with this, first Spook can only be made from the deposits on Necromunda. They could have spook but it would be a limited resource. Second with the Warp calm and empty Spook it fucking perfect for empowering his own psyker forces. Lastly anyone that doesn't have their powers permanently awakened, or gets their psyker energy ripped from them leaving them crippled at the least when it comes to psyker abilities. Selling it is a complete waste.
A few problems with this, first Spook can only be made from the deposits on Necromunda. They could have spook but it would be a limited resource. Second with the Warp calm and empty Spook it fucking perfect for empowering his own psyker forces. Lastly anyone that doesn't have their powers permanently awakened, or gets their psyker energy ripped from them leaving them crippled at the least when it comes to psyker abilities. Selling it is a complete waste.

There are some sources indicating other *similar* products can be produced and are generally given the same name. And while the warp is relatively calm (The original roll before I applied a penalty for the guy Jabba tested on was a Perils that would have resulted in a Bloodletter appearing) it's still best not to take chances :D
There are some sources indicating other *similar* products can be produced and are generally given the same name. And while the warp is relatively calm (The original roll before I applied a penalty for the guy Jabba tested on was a Perils that would have resulted in a Bloodletter appearing) it's still best not to take chances :D

Which just goes to show that it would make far more sense to keep it to empower your own psykers. Instead of untrained, witless, Willess drug addicts. It's worth far more in that situation than any other. Also it isn't rich crack heads that will be buying this it'll be intel spooks, researchers, and jedi to study how this psyker power works. Where does the energy come from, where is it going, can it be blocked or disrupted?

Selling spook is the least useful thing you could do with it to the point that he would be hurting himself.
thanks for the chapters and for writing. yep spook is going to sell alot. oooh can't wait for a force user to use spook strange shit is bound to happen
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I would have thought Jabba to be cunning enough to realize his new "employees" are there to kill him if he becomes problematic. I would say he's just underestimating them because they're unknowns, but he spent the last few chapters in awe of their resources. I could be misreading the trader's intention, though.
Chapter 10; A Dark Load
Chapter 10;
A Dark Load

Abross was not a genius, he was not even particularly intelligent, his educators wouldn't have even put him as mid, in fact his glimmering mediocrity in mental acuity had resulted in him going a great deal of nowhere in his life until certain figures had realised that, for all that he wasn't bright he DID have a low animals cunning, and made a good, if not exceptional, smuggler. What he had not envisioned was being a slaver. Yet now, here he was, with dozen of Jabba's other smugglers, with ships full of slaves. And peculiarly, all of them were human. Not a single twilek dancing girl in the lot. One of his colleagues even had a Hardcell class transport packed with slaves and they had all been dispatched to this singular location.

It was not in any system that Abross knew. It was at almost the limit of one with a angry red star, the location itself was in an asteroid belt marked only by a small moon, there were no facilities on it to provide light, only the dozen other smuggling ships. "This is Abross to Snooty Booty. You see anything?"

"Other than that ugly garbage scow you call a ship?" The answer was enough on its own. "That's weird though."

The words were not the kind of words any smuggler wanted to hear ever. EVER. "What?" He asked, then he saw it. Space didn't look right, almost invisibly, a boiling cloud of darkness had resolved itself. It hadn't been there before. And then it surged out of the boiling darkness, or the darkness fell around it as the colossus of a bow surged towards them almost like a terrifying wake. And as soon as it became visible they expected lights to snap on. And yet they didn't. The hull was as dark as midnight. Only when a hold towards its forward belly opened did any lighting emerge from the vessel.

And only then did they receive any transmission. <DOCK.ALPHA.FOLLOW GUIDES.LANDWITHIN>

Fear filled his gullet, but he had his orders, his little barge only had two hundred slaves all cramped into the hold, and enough of Jabba's guards to ensure that they didn't try an uprising. And yet, as he watched he saw Snooty scoot her booty up up into the open cargo hold. And with that guide, he followed.

There was more room than he knew what do do with. The Cargo hold in which he found himself ascending was fully a kilometre and a half long, and nearly a kilometre tall. The dozen smuggling ships hovered in the hold as its main hatch sealed itself with a glacial slowness. And then, with great care they set down on the deck. They clustered together, unsure of the protocol.

Finally, vehicles began to drive out to their position and took up station around them, most of them being some kind of flat bed truck, but there was no mistaking the six armored vehicles. Or the two armored trucks. What climbed down from those would live on in his nightmares for the rest of time. But after a moments hesitation he headed for the main ramp and lowered it, descending with a pair of Gammorean guards. The arrivals did not seem overly interested at this time, and he noticed that he was not the only one preparing to move to greet them.

One of the figures came forwards, a translation device clipped onto its lapel. The ostentatiousness of the uniform seemed at odds with the seemingly dark nature of the ship. "Welcome to the Profit from Hubris. Please follow all the rules and guidelines give to you or we promise you will be harmed." Well, it wasn't 'you will not be harmed'... but what legal operation was. "You will not leave the area more than fifty metres from your ship, you will be warned if you exceed this should you be unfamiliar or poor at estimating distances. You will provide the cargo manifest, complete. You will then wait on or near your vessel until we have verified the data and weighed the cargo in which you will be given payment. Your cargo will remain in the cargo hold, visible, until the completion of the onboarding process. Any attempt to leave the bay will be responded to with lethal force. Any attempt to take off without the bay being cleared and authorisation given will be responded to with lethal force. Any attempt to use force, for any reason, will be responded to with much more force. We are operating on a trust but verify system, we will trust your manifests. But we also verify their contents." The speech it seemed had come from another source, relayed through the elucidators.

The flunky stepped up to him. "Manifest please?" He held out his hand and the man took the dataslate, "Two hundred items of cargo, thirty percent female, seventy percent male.... thirteen percent children..." He muttered. "Ah. Parent/Child units. Excellent."

"If I may ask... what are you going to do with them?" He asked violating just about the most important rule of smuggling.

"Why, free them of course. Offer them a place in the Von Hydraxius dynasty." The man answered in a dead monotone. "Please disembark the cargo. Gently."

He gave the order and, his people began herding out the cargo onto the deck, where they began to gather fearfully in terror at the strange surroundings. And as they reached the ground, the figure who had demanded the manifest stepped forwards and began to speak in common, if of crude skill.

"Welcome to the Profit from Hubris ladies and gentlement, I apologise for the circumstances that have lead to you being brought before me, held enslaved by aliens and humans alike, I am Adept Simeon Cole, even as we speak, I have adepts preparing manumission documents for each of you, we are inviting you all to become citizens of the Imperium, protected by Imperial Law. If you consent we will conduct interviews to help determine where you might best like to live and choose your careers, alternatively we can help you return to worlds where slavery is prohibited and allow you to re-enter your original societies." A man spat on the deck.

"Return to our own societies! The ones that enslaved us!?" He snarled. A servoskull came forwards from somewhere in the ceilings above and a micro-rad cleanser was fired to purify the deck.

"Please I understand your displeasure, but try not to spit on the deck, we must keep a safe environment. But yes, if you wish. I would not wish to compel you, as I said you may choose to become a citizen of the Imperium, after which you will never know the hardships of slavery again." The Adept said.

"Why should we trust you... why are you doing this?" A woman asked.

"Humans being enslaved to xenos is among the foullest of heresies known to mankind and we will not stand for that. Nor will we allow humans to be enslaved again." The Adept remarked.

"If you keep buying slaves from them. Eventually they will start simply taking more." The first man said.

The Adept moved up, smiled and put a hand on each of the mans shoulders. "A single man with faith can triumph over a legion of the faithless. Untold billions of the faithful can never be opposed. For now we offer the carrot. Ever concealing the arm behind our backs wielding the switch. The time will come that kindness and coil will no longer suffice. When the greed of lesser beings becomes too great a burden to bear. And then they shall see the stick."

His head rose, locking back, a display of defiance that had never been successfully beaten out of him, Abross could see the scars testifying to that. "Give me the stick. And I will return what they gave me a hundred fold." Abross shuddered at the predatory smile that crossed the Adepts face.

They had brought but a pittance of what was asked, between all dozen ships they had less than two thousand. All of the people given a speech like that given to the group Abross had been responsible for bringing. Soon, the strangers had their forces moving crates upon crates up into his cargo hold, they were destined for Tatooine, Nal Hutta and Nar Shadaa, where they would be redistributed by smugglers with faster ships and smaller cargo holds. As the adept passed Abross did something... and stunned both himself and annoyed the Adept.

He reached out with a hand and grabbed the mans shoulder as he was inspecting the cargo. "Excuse me smuggler, unhand me."

He released his grip, seeing the pistol in the Adepts hands. "Adept Cole... I want to help, really help." The Adept's eyes narrowed.

"I am not surprised you might want to help your own kind. Keep on as you are, request duties making these runs. Learn whatever you can, copies of maps, hyperspace lanes where human slaves are held in great number, I believe you understand." The Adept said, holstering his pistol, then taking out something from his pocket, "Do not speak of this to anyone, if asked simply say it is a trinket from us. Should you see us, you will know us by the two-headed eagle, display that token, you will remain safe. Do not lose this token," The adept closed Abross' hand over it. "It is now gene-coded to you. Nobody can falsify it. Protect it with your life, for if your masters suspect that you mean more than to follow their words, it may be forfeit, the icon and your life. The Emperor protects."

Abross mimicked the sign the Adept made over his chest.

Since the Universe class has so much. The screenshot doesn't include all components. listed below.
4x Main Cargo Holds (Required for UCMVs)
Empyrean Mantle
Extended Supply Vaults
Micro-Laser Defence Grid
Flak Turrets
Murder Servitors
Salvage Systems
2x Shadowblind Bays
Xenos Habitats
Xenos Librarium
Warp Sextant
4x Auxiliary Plasma Banks for power
Medicae Deck
Cogitator Interlink
Cloudmining Facility
Hydraphurian Jamming system.​
I did not expect an emancipation story but here I got it.

Once again I came looking for copper and found gold which is this fic.