The Path to Winter (GoT/Worm Multicross)

Amazing tactician, not the greatest leader. It doesn't matter if you win all the battles but lost in the diplomatic, political, and social fields as badly as Robb did. (And he didn't possess the military might to make the others irrelevant as others might have).
So Robb has the Path to Victory Shard, I could see Bran the Builder making an appearance with a Tinker/Thinker Shard and able to think out an added Green Seer talent on top of that. And for those that think they have no tech base so no way to be a Tinker think again, they just have to fashion things from raw elements and building their own tools to create the things they get the blue prints for, it takes longer than it would in 1980's on up but it's still doable, not to mention i could see the shards attempting to incorporate magic into the mix, successfully.
I could picture Bug Girl Arya, Precog/thinker/bruit/mover Jon Snow w/fire manipulation if he's the son of the prince and sister, maybe a stranger ability for Sansa, and a Heartbreaker ability for Ricken.
Oh geez, this got a lot more positive attention on both here and SB than I thought (I expected a like or two, tops). I'm sorry for no new story post, and I'm afraid I have no idea when the next chapter will be ready - I'll have exams in a month and I'm super busy. It will get better during the summer, hopefully.

To address some of the points without spoiling much, as they probably won't come up in the story or will be exceedingly obvious anyway:
  • Beside Robb, there will be two other people with powers that can match him, and a few with 'lesser' powers. I know some people wanted him to be the only one, so I can only apologize to them :(
  • Most powers will only have superficial resemblance to their Worm counterparts (also, this is a multicross)
  • For aeons have the Entities screamed for the sweet release of true death, and have been denied.
  • Jon Snow is dead.
Wild-ass guess time!

Varys gets Accord's power
Baelish gets Number Man's

Note: I don't actually want to see either of these, though Varys having Accord's power would make an amusing standalone fic.
Wild-ass guess time!

Daenerys gets Bitch's power except for Dragons.
Jaime Lannister gets Black Kaze's power
Robert gets a power like Amy's or just something that will ensure he lives a very long time, sober and immune to poisons, maybe invulnerable too... that would be awesomely funny, maybe give him a power of intuition on top of that, just to torture him. I could so see him comparing Joff to the Mad King and knowing everyone's dirty laundry with just a glance... even his own. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Robert gets a power like Amy's or just something that will ensure he lives a very long time, sober and immune to poisons, maybe invulnerable too... that would be awesomely funny, maybe give him a power of intuition on top of that, just to torture him. I could so see him comparing Joff to the Mad King and knowing everyone's dirty laundry with just a glance... even his own. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Robert's dead.
Wild-ass guess time!

Sandor Clegane gets Burnscar's power.
Qyburn gets BoneSaw's power.
Why so ser unoriginal and predictable?

Suggest Tyrion Lannister to have Menja's power. Because there is nothing, like an Attack of Fifty Foot Dwarf!

Suggest Littlefinger to have... I really don't want to see him having Coil's powers. Or Eidolon's. Or Accord's. You know what? No power to you at all, Petyr! You're already broken all right, you sly bastard.

Suggest Arya Stark to have S- Sundancer's power. She won't abuse it in any possible way!

Suggest Jon Snow to have Tattletale's power. Because, frankly, he doesn't know anything.

Suggest... damn, who even was still alive at the moment? Actually, I'd love to see Cercei getting low end Brute power (3-4), exactly enough to put her above any profficient male warrior in Westeros, including her brother, or even small military unit, for that matter. Packed with something, like regeneration or force field. I know, she's like a total 8!%€#, but it would've been cool to see her fulfilling a dream to be Bad Ass, anyway.

Come to think of it, after fifth season I'm not sure I want Daenerys have more firepower. Spoilery-ish:Even with Accord's power you could burn and feed a bunch of helpless people to dragons, because you think it's necessary.
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This entire idea is brilliant!
Wonder if anyone will think Robb's lost his mind if he runs around taking seemingly irrelevant and absurd steps (like having people build an army of snowmen, having person X swap horses with Y, needing to place a banana peel just so, or creating TNT and setting stuff on fire) to complete a path.

Perhaps Tyrion could end up with Dinahs power? Limited daily uses, but really useful. A thinker ability that while always trumped by PtV potenally could put up a good fight for Robb. PtV might give Robb the win but Tyrion might be able to force Robb to add a couple hundred or thousand steps of varying levels of hilarity. Cause with PtV it's the way that one wins that's fun.