Nod Reactor.
obviously based this guy on the TS one, the new render has lights and a door.

Radar Center- I'm rather proud of that dish, especially as I built it before flexible-part snapping was A Thing. it also spins!

Missile Silo. I went with the whole 'mostly underground' look, which worked out really well. much like most of these builds, I crammed in play features that would work in real brick, like the silo hatch (which can actuate without disassembly) and the gantry, which is mounted onto a hinge- it's also the only thing holding the missile in, so you can take it and make rocket noises while swooshing it around.
the actual launcher assembly has to be removed to close the hatch (it's connected only by a single stud) but some sacrifices have to be made.
MFZ: Assortment 3
MFZ interlude, go!

Ijad Scrambler II

Ijad Suzerain II

WIIIITH... [drumroll]

Full instructions.

Ijad Irregular

Bakeneko Medium Frame

Inugami Medium Quadframe

Outsider Preta Mobile Frame

Outsider Rakasha Quadframe

Outsider Akuma Medium Frame

Outsider Contaminator Assault Tank

Outsider Onager Direct-fire Artillery Vehicle

Outsider Deflagrator UCAV

Outsider Mastermind Command Unit/Psionic Assault Platform
Star Wars AU: Imperial Victorious class

Imperial Victorious-class Escort

AKA 'The Ship That Saved The Empire.'
Ten Dual Turbolaser turrets, twenty-nine dual anti-fighter lasers, and sixteen VLS torpeido tubes. also has a double-layer shield that can configure each layer separately for Ray or Particle shielding, which is a big deal since before that you could really only have one or the other. admittedly that effectively halved its shield strength, but there are definitely situations where the ability was a massive tactical advantage.

The ship did have some range/endurance problems and the crew facilities were not exactly luxurious, but it managed to cram quite a lot of FIGHT into a package that could actually wedge itself into an Imperial's hanger for re-supply, barely.

development basically went like this:
Empire: Our Star Destroyers are getting murdered by fighters! we need hulls quick while we work on the problem!
Kuat Drive Yards: we gotcha fam.
Empire: latest projections say we'll be unable to continue the war unless we get SOMETHING in the next eight months, there's no way anyone can get a ship developed in time!
Kuat Drive Yards: HOLD MY BEER! *Engineers-on-illegal-stimulants-noises for seven months and two weeks* done. here's the first batch of 100, have fun.
Empire: holy crap these are actually?? really good???
Last edited:
Star Wars AU: Imperial TIE/S(D)

TIE/S(D) 'Striker' Droid Fighter.

what do you do when your starfighter corps is pretty much wiped out within a year of fighting? well, if you're the Galactic Empire of my Triple War AU, you grit your teeth, growl a bit, and design a halfway decent Droid fighter.

four light, rapid-fire laser cannons for anti-fighter work, for slow-firing but longer-ranged heavy laser cannons to deal with bombers and threaten corvettes, and four external ordnance racks to allow limited use as a fighter-bomber, along with a fairly decent shield generator so it doesn't evaporate like snow against X-wings or massed Vultures.

They phased 'em out as mainline fighters for the Hunter pretty fast, for reasons both political and practical, but they still saw use by backwater garrisons and secret facilities where pilots were in short supply.
MFZ: Dead Hand Company


Mehrfache nukleare detonationen entdeckt

Der kontakt zur Zentrale ist verloren gegangen

Alle oberflächensysteme zerstört

Daten werden empfangen...

FALL WINTER SONNTAG jetzt in kraft.

TOTE HAND Protokolle werden aktiviert...






Dead Hand Company
That... that... The sheer awesomeness... i just.. i just have no words. You my friend are talented. Just... just wow. This needs to be made into a mod for a space game.