We should probably also try to make sure our weapons don't fall into certain hands(the skaven especially ikit claw and the orks just to point out a few)
While the AdMechs build our base, the Astartes would go to crash sites and recover what they can and then melt the rest. Rhinos, Jet Bikes, Thunderhawks, and etc should make it easier.
Cool, plan FortMon wins. Having said that I did specify plans require reasoning. I'm not going to disregard it in this instance as we're not even out of the intro yet but keep it in mind for the future.
Scheduled vote count started by FractiousDay on Jul 27, 2021 at 3:36 PM, finished with 122 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Navigational Incident
    [X] Celestial Lions
    [X] Plan: Fortress Monestary Building Simulator
    -[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
    -[X]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
    -[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
    -[X]Assault Company (1CP)
    -[X]Scout Company (0.5CP) 2x
    -[X]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
    -[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
    -[X]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
    -[X]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
    -[X] Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
    -[X] Divisio Artisan (3CP)
    -[X]Questor Mechanicus Knights (1.5CP)
    -[X]Misionaria Galaxia (1CP)
    -[X] Divisio Biologis (2CP)
    [X] Plan:Our benevolent transhuman leaders are heretics but they're nice? So we'll follow them.
    -[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
    -[X]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
    -[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
    -[X]Assault Company (1CP)
    -[X] Scout Company (0.5CP)
    -[X]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
    -[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
    -[X]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
    -[X]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
    -[X] Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
    -[X] Divisio Artisan (3CP)
    -[X]Adepta Sororitas (1.0CP)
    -[X]Imperial guard (1.5CP)
    -[X]Ecclesiarcy (0.5CP)
    -[X] Divisio Biologis (2CP)
    [X] Blood Ravens
    [X] Battle Damage
    [X] Plan: Fortress Monestary Building
    [X] Howling Griffons
    [X] Plan: Oath bound
    -[X] 1st Company
    -[X] Scout Company
    -[X] Armoury
    -[X] Librarius
    -[X] Reclusiam
    -[X] Apothecarion
    -[X] Devastator Company
    -[X] Assault Company
    -[X] Divisio Fabricator
    -[X] Divisio Artisan
    -[X] Divisio Biologis
    -[X] Imperial Guard 2 CP
    -[X] Adeptus Ministorum 3 CP
    -[X] Inquisitor 2 CP
    [X] Plan structured chapter
    -[X] Battle Company (1CP)x4
    -[X] Devastator Company (1CP)x2
    -[X] Assault Company (1CP)x2
    -[X] Librarius (0.25CP)x3
    -[X] Apothecarion (0.25CP)x3
    -[X] Armoury (0.25CP)x2
    -[X] Battle Maniple (1CP)x2
    -[X] Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
    -[X] Divisio Artisan (3CP)
    -[X] Divisio Biologis (2CP)
    [X] Brazen Claws
    [X]Plan balanced
    [X] Plan: Fortress Monestary Building Simulator
    -[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
    -[X]Battle Company (1CP) 3x
    -[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
    -[X]Assault Company (1CP)
    -[X]Scout Company (0.5CP) 2x
    -[X]Armoury (0.25CP)2x
    -[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
    -[X]Librarius (0.25CP)2x
    -[X]Apothecarion (0.25CP) 3x
    -[X] Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
    -[X] Divisio Artisan (3CP)
    -[X]Questor Mechanicus Knights (1.5CP)
    -[X]Misionaria Galaxia (0.5CP)
    -[X]Cadian Infantry Regiment (0.5CP)
    -[X] Divisio Biologis (2CP)
    [X]Plan Packed Up Our Things and Went
    -[X]1st Company (1.5CP)
    -[X] Battle Company (1CP)X2
    -[X]Devastator Company (1CP)
    -[X]Assault Company (1CP)
    -[X] Scout Company (0.5CP)
    -[X] Armoured Company (1.5CP) Unlike other Battle Companies, the Armoured Company has most of it's battle brothers fight mounted in tanks, with only minimal battle brothers taking to the fight as infantry
    -[X] Armoury (0.25CP)
    -[X]Reclusiam (0.25CP)
    -[X] Apothecarion (0.25CP)
    -[X] Divisio Fabricator (2CP)
    -[X] Divisio Artisan (3CP)
    -[X]Questor Mechanicus Knights (1.5CP)
    -[X]Acolyte Talmuz Nakal of the Inquisition (.25CP) Aboard ship merely as a familiarization exercise, not in his offical role, and kept very carefully siloed off. Still, he may prove useful.
    -[X] Expanded Manufacturing Equipment (2 CP) Venturing far from politics, it was wize to bring additional assets to support your expedition from locally available materials.
    -[X] Munitions Vaults (1CP) Spare boarding torpedoes, to specialized missiles, to lasguns enough to arm three regiments. You are nothing if not prepared for war.
    -[X] Chapter Serf Auxilia (1CP) A delicate balance must be held here-you cannot command your serfs, yet they long to fight alongside you. In theory, they are purely defensive-in practice, they are somtimes helpful, somtimes a burden that must be rescued.
Not that it matters in the short run given how far in the minority I was but I'm still confused as to why my vote for the Griffons didn't show up on the list?

On another side note: I've taken a brief look at this over on space battle and I'm confounded. I have no idea why it is miles less popular over there. Is it a Warhammer thing where that is unpopular on space battles or maybe the opposite if this is oversaturated?
I would simply not know on the 40k front because I am much more of a fantasy fan and read far more of the fantasy material.
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Curses, no Sororitas.

I really should have argued harder for them, I did want them in my original plan.
I was so focused on trying to push something mechanically sound that only now am I realizing I could have probably been more convincing by simply talking about how interesting they can be as characters, I get the impression that most of the noncombat orders don't tend to be rushed into situations like this on purpose very often.
Many of them may have more experience being aboard ships or in research facilities or on shrine worlds. Seeing that contrasted with some of our other forces who probably rarely get to do anything else would have made for great dynamics.
Inventory thoughts pre-damage report
NameClassRateCarrying capacityUnitsFree unitsDetailsHistoryTotal crewSM
Battle BargeBattleship3 Companies + support
300 marines, 100,000 serfts, 20 drop pod chutes, 1st and 2nd companies, all HQ apart from 1 apoth and 1 armouryNavigator dead, 4 squadrons of thunderhawks
1st Company (1.5CP), 1 venerable dread, 1 dread, command squad, 12 suits terminator armour, 3 land raiders, 40 veterans, 1 thunderhawk
AcheronStrike CruiserCruiser1 company
100 marines, 8000 serfs, 2 squadrons of Thunderhawks, 3rd companyCrashed well on landing, capacitors blown far off.
Battle Company, 50 tactical, 10 devastator, 10 assault, 1 dread, 6 rhinos, 2 razorbacks, 1 predetor, 8 bikes
Strike CruiserCruiser1 company
100 marines, 8000 serfs, 4 Thunderhawks, 4th company
Battle Company, 50 tactical, 10 devastator, 10 assault, 1 dread, 6 rhinos, 2 razorbacks, 1 predetor, 8 bikes
ThunderchildAdmech cruiserCruiser1 Maniple,
battle maniple+ fab + knights, 41000
Battle Company, 60 tactical marines, 5 devastators, 5 assault, 6 rhinos, 2 dreads, 1 thunderhawk transport, 3 thunderhawks
6th company, 20000 crew
80 Devastators, 1 hellfire dreadnought, 3 whirlwinds, 2 predetors, 4 rhinos, 2 razorbacks, 1 techmarine, 8 battle servitors, 1 thunderfire cannon, 1 vindicator
ExplodedVanguardLight CruiserChapter ship
30 scouts, 2000 serfs3 Thunderhawks survived, some drop pods survived, wreckage even further away
80 Assault Marines, 9 rhinos, 6 land speeders, 20 bikes, 4 assault bikes
UzielDauntlessLight CruiserAux
IG, 4000 crew
200 Scouts, 8 bikes, 2 land speeders
20 scouts, 8000 crew
Armoury x2Master of forge, 2 tech suprema, 13 techmarines, 3 apprenta, 120 servitors, 2 land raiders, 4 rhinos, 1 vindicator, 2 whirlwinds, 2 razorbacks, 4 predetors, 6 hellfire guns, 2 thunderhawk transports, 4 thunderhawks
20 scouts, 8000 crew
Reclusiam7 chaplains across chapter
EndeavourLight CruiserAux
50 marines, 10000 crew
Librarius x2Chief, 1 epis, 3 codiciers, 5 lexicaniums
Apoth x37 apoths across chapter, chief apoth, 5 apoths, 7 initiates, 41 med servitors, significant amounts of geneseed
In space
PeregrinVanguardLight Cruiser
30 marines, 20 scouts 2000 serfs, rest of 6th
Cardinal of NuviaLunarCruiser
80 marines, 3000 serfs, 18000 crew, 8th company
Maniple60 tech guard, 3 ballistratius, 20 combat servitors, master of skitarii commabding
His WrathDictatorCruiser
80 scouts, 6000 serfs, 22000 crew, 1 armoury
FacricatorExplorator Fabricator, 6 enginseers, subsantial advanced manufacturing equipment
30 marines, 5000 crew, 1000 serfs
ArtisanExplorator tertius (captain in command), 2 cyber smiths, various diagonistic eqipment and exotic manufacturing capabilities
Missionary vesselTransport
Missiona galacica, 5000 crew
BiologisExplorator Genetor, 3 genators assorted equipment and samples
Questorstripartate lance, warden, galland and crusader, 3 knights
DauntlessLight Cruiser
1 apoth, 3000 crew
EndeavourLight Cruiser
30 scouts and vehicles, 10000 crew, 800 serfs
Cadians4000 cadian variant infantry, 19 commisars, 50 preachers, 120 menials, 6 chimera, 2 leman russ, 3 basilisk
20 scouts, 8000 crew, 1200 serfs
Galaxia12 soroitas led by a palatine, confessor with 700 preachers and deans
artisan, biologis, 84000 crew
Wait so the fleet was already damaged before a warp malfunction then?
EDIT: Oh good we do have some Adepta folks but probably more of the chicks who'd smile at the smell of promethium than the sort that would make for a good support crew. I'm hoping they are least not from that one order that fetishes being in pain and like lets themselves get hurt on purpose :-(

EDIT 2: These peeps for those not familiar with the Adeptas: Order of the Valorous Heart
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Wait so the fleet was already damaged before a warp malfunction then?
Damaged during the warp malfunction. Haven't made my mind up yet but for example the Fleet is going to Planet X and then gets sucked into the 'Whirlpool' of Morrsleib, that's why you were falling into the planet in the first place.

Damage rolls
Warp damage
Quality of landing

damage control efforts

FractiousDay threw 10 80-faced dice. Reason: Warp Damage Total: 456
35 35 72 72 23 23 49 49 44 44 19 19 48 48 51 51 36 36 79 79
FractiousDay threw 9 100-faced dice. Reason: Landing Total: 569
68 68 56 56 54 54 40 40 81 81 79 79 72 72 92 92 27 27
FractiousDay threw 9 100-faced dice. Reason: damage control efforts Total: 270
54 54 76 76 19 19 5 5 34 34 12 12 2 2 19 19 49 49
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I wonder if the Imperium showing up will kick the orcs into overdrive; they tend to be really good at sudden escalation when a roight proppa fight begins, and beakies iz good fer a proppa scrap.
I worry that any orcs just seeing our technology might be thrown into overdrive with *ideas* which may be far more dangerous than their own bodies.
I hope we don't see any go from building animated stone idols to building gargants.

Unless of course, the DM decides that these are biologically different than '''standard''' 40k orks? I know An ISOT in grimdark did that and it would probably go some way to explaining phenomena like Hobgoblins and Gnoblars and those old orc cheerleader models.

So how do these calculations work exactly is it like damage control subtracted from damage done?
So how do these calculations work exactly is it like damage control subtracted from damage done?
Sort of. I've got a spreadsheet I'm using to keep track of stuff on the advice of Durin from the Embers quest. For example, the Battle Barge is well armoured, got good rolls for avoiding significant damage, landing, and then damage control, so losses are less than other vessels. Comparably there are other ships which are less well armoured and have simply exploded killed all aboard.
Post landing damage report
Damage report
NameRateDetailsHistoryTotal crewRough DamageShip DamageCargo lostCrew lost
SerenkaiBattle Barge2:2:4 Spacecraft/Thunderhawks, 100,000 serfts, 200 marines 20 drop pod chutes, 1st and 2nd companies, all HQ apart from 1 apoth and 1 armouryNavigator dead, light damage to sub decks, small craft and drop pod bays, cargo bay
All drop pod chutes, 4 of 12 Thunderhawks, 1 Squadron of 4 Spacecraft lost5 veterans, 2 Suits of Terminator Armour, 1 Rhino, 43 Command staff from 1st Company. Captain, Chaplain, Standard Bearer, 12 Marines, 2 Rhinos, 6 Bikes from Second Company. 1 Techmarine, 1 Apprenta, 1 Codicier, 3 Lexicaniums, 1 Predetor, 2 Whirlwinds, 1 Razorback, 1 Land Raider from HQ. Vehicles replaced from reserve.
AcheronStrike Cruiser100 marines, 8000 serfs, 2 squadrons of Thunderhawks, 3rd companyControlled crash, capacitors exploded on landing. Troops stranded far away on approach path.
Most Drop pod chutes, armoury damaged, cargo bay damaged, engineerium destroyed, gun batteries destroyed, hab decks damaged, munitorium heavily damaged, flight decks destroyedMost command staff, 23 marines, 2 Rhinos, 2 squadrons of Thunderhawks lost, vehicles replaced from reserve.
Kai'manahStrike Cruiser100 marines, 8000 serfs, 1 squadron of Thunderhawks (3:1), 4th companyPoor damage control, extensive damage to most systems
Damage advanced from Engineerium, flight decks and hab levels severely damaged, extensive damage to ship systems, all drop chutes lost, all space craft lost (1:1:2), munitorium damaged.21 Marines lost, 3 Rhinos, 3 Thunderhawk, 1 Thunderhawk Transport
ThunderchildAdmech cruiserbattle maniple+ fab + knights, 41000Poor damage control, all systems damaged
Extensive Damage to all systems, all spacecraft destroyed3 Techpriests lost, heavy losses to Battle Maniple, manufactorium heavily damaged.
AdamantGothic Cruiser6th company, 20000 crew, 2:2:2 squadronsFlight decks and engineerium damaged
1 of 2 Squadrons of space craft lost. Engineerium heavily damaged8 marines lost, 2 Rhinos destroyed
ExplodedVanguard Light Cruiser30 scouts, 2000 serfs3 Thunderhawks survived, some drop pods survived, wreckage even further away
TotalShip exploded19 Scouts killed. 11 Scouts escaped with equipment and 3 Thunderhawks.
UzielDauntless Light CruiserIG, 4000 crewlight damage to engines and lower decks
Light damage to lower parts of ship400 IG killed, 1 Chimea lost
DemiosSword Frigate20 scouts, 8000 crewExplodes on impact
TotalTotal20 Scouts killed with 2 bikes
MontfriedSword Frigate20 scouts, 8000 crewlight damage to engines and lower decks
Light damage to lower parts of ship2 scouts killed
SagosEndeavour Light Cruiser50 scouts, 10000 crewModerate damage to several systems
Moderate damage to several ship systems13 scouts killed, 1 Apoth (replaced from reserve), 1 land speeder
that could be worse hope we have not lost our ability to replace our equipment and make more astartes
I only see one apoth killed so we should be fine on that note. I'm more upset that we've lost so much of our more ''human'' crew. This I am sure will make it harder for us to build a settlement anyone would wish to come live within.
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