The Lost Comes Home (Changeling: The Lost Quest)

[X] Take the Contract and use the power.
Darkness contract is pretty much perfect for this anyway.
Distract/knock out the guardian and slip past. We have a dependent.
Contracts before you're maximum needing it are usually a massive risk.

[x] Climb and bypass the creature.
A interesting asumptation, what makes you think so ?~
"I swear, if someone told that Johnny Depp would save and give me silent treatment, I kick them in shin. Ce dracu 'am ajuns implicat inch."
(Google Translate says; Romanian - "What the fuck did I get involved in.")

"What horrors you endure to become part of you, twisted knight in shining armor."

"Please. Kill me first if plan something horrible to me. Don't want what harpy did to other creature."
She might not actually be knowledgeable about the supernatural, but it looks like there's more to her than immediately apparent.

[x] Climb and bypass the creature.
[X] Take the Contract and use the power.
Darkness contract is pretty much perfect for this anyway.
Distract/knock out the guardian and slip past. We have a dependent.
That is true but how much would you invest in this is the question that you might raise towards the others~
She might not actually be knowledgeable about the supernatural, but it looks like there's more to her than immediately apparent.

[x] Climb and bypass the creature.
Well it seems it is a secret for now, as you are ocupied with other things.
[x] Climb and bypass the creature.

Sure we probably could take out the creature but the noise of the ruckus may attract attention.
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Sure we probably could take out the creature but the noise of the ruckus may attract attention.
Darkness 1 - Makes the target more vulnerable to fear and intimidation. Sure we could scare it off but that'd probably attract attention
Darkness 2 - Doubles penalties to senses from the environment for everyone else(we have a LOT to work with here due to the environment, I peg the undergrowth as a -2, which doubles to a -4). Unobstrusive way to sneak past it, especially given our other bonuses to stealth.
Darkness 3 - Sleeping creatures in the area remain asleep regardless of noise or disturbance as long as they don't take damage or other life threatening effects. Not applicable

Darkness 2 deals with the problem neatly.
Post #004.5

It was not supposed to have been this way, but it was. All you could do now was to run. Run for all you were capable of. Run as if your heels were on fire. Run as if your life depended on it. Even as your lungs burned from how much air you were gulping down, you did not stop. Even as the ticking of a clock from within your chest kept on going, you did not stop. You did not pause. For a second spent dallying was a second faster they would come. And you would return to your hell once more.

Dropping down into a roll to avoid a low hanging branch that looked a little too sharp for your tastes, you did not pause and quickly picked up the pace once more fueled by your inhuman grace. Up ahead, you saw a small gap between the earth. Narrowing your eyes, you mentally prepared and made the jump and landed on a massive rock. You grit your teeth as one of your arms hit a sharp, jagged edge of the rock with a clanging sound of metal hitting rock, staining a bit of your precious, "lifeblood". That was bad as it meant that any pursuers would be able to pick up your trail as you left an oily remnant behind.

Still, you did not stop and even muttered, "I like pain as much as the next person, but that was a little too sharp for my liking."

That was when you smelled it. Your eyes lit up as you knew you were near home. That ever familiar scent of car exhaust and unwashed hobos. You found a second wind surge forth within you and rushed through the Hedges strange doorway and found glorious freedom, never once realizing that the rock you had hit earlier had picked itself up, glared in your direction, and paced around the exit you had just passed through, angrily making holes in the ground...
Seems the mechanical soldier changeling escaped moments before us, possibly. Or if not that one, than a changeling did anyways.
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Unless we get some voter out of the Hedge it seems that climbing wins. So three questions.
Do you want to spend magic on your claws to use them as climbing aids, and do you likewise want to spend glamour (you are currently having 6 points ) to get dices on your stealth roll?
Remember that it is dark, but you are encumbered by a maiden. And how fast do you want to be as you climb over to the way to home ? Deliberate slowness makes the roll easier on you but might have problems of its own...
In regards to how you would see yourself you are strong and fast but you could be better at moving silently.
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Claws remove the modifer for the added weight. while climbing. At the moment you are rolling stealth only with your naked attribute as dices. And the Balancing , unless you drop the lady is not a chance dice as you are well trained but you would estimate that with her and the light you have a reasonable percentage of dropping , especially if she wakes up.
Claws remove the modifer for the added weight. while climbing. At the moment you are rolling stealth only with your naked attribute as dices. And the Balancing , unless you drop the lady is not a chance dice as you are well trained but you would estimate that with her and the light you have a reasonable percentage of dropping , especially if she wakes up.
So Claws yes, buy 2 dice for stealth and hurry on the balancing.