The Lost Comes Home (Changeling: The Lost Quest)

X] Ask her a few questions.
[X] How did you get here and where are you from?

[x] Rightness. Everything here is bent, wrong, twisted. Lies and betrayal are the invisible bars of this prison, as you betrayed others for your own escape, so did they to you. Turn this around, do the right thing, and perhaps something would go right. She doesn't have to face the morass of treachery as you did, you will protect her, and in doing so protect yourself.
[X] Ignore her and continue on.
-[X]Rightness. Everything here is bent, wrong, twisted. Lies and betrayal are the invisible bars of this prison, as you betrayed others for your own escape, so did they to you. Turn this around, do the right thing, and perhaps something would go right. She doesn't have to face the morass of treachery as you did, you will protect her, and in doing so protect yourself.
[X] Ignore her and continue on.
-[X]Rightness. Everything here is bent, wrong, twisted. Lies and betrayal are the invisible bars of this prison, as you betrayed others for your own escape, so did they to you. Turn this around, do the right thing, and perhaps something would go right. She doesn't have to face the morass of treachery as you did, you will protect her, and in doing so protect yourself.

Edit : On the topic of quest with interesting premise how about a Changeling who about to turn into a True Fae ? Or playing as Zeka/Pandorans ?
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I wonder how that young woman feels, getting trapped in a weird realm full of thorns and then rescued by what's essentially a Spider Splicer. That is of course, she isn't our old boss tricking us.
Well one might consider the implications when you run in, grab her and run away with her , from her perspective , mister inhuman appearance with sharp claws...
So many things to consider and I hope all our posters have thought of them. Choosing not to say anything can have just as powerful an effect, if not more so, than choosing to say something. :)
That is of course, she isn't our old boss tricking us.
Or a rival of our dear old boss.
Your paranoia is entirely justified here.
Of course not limiting myself in assuming it's changeling shenanigans capable of stumbling into Arcadia to screw us over.

Just considering wild mass paranoid guessing from conspiracies and compacts of Hunter: the Vigil. . .

She's a soldier, operative, and/or agent from Task Force: VALKYRIE
(A) Gatekeeper Device shenanigans gone horribly wrong! :o
(B) Gatekeeper Device shenanigans gone horribly right! :confused:

She's a magic thief mystic ritualist of the Promethean Brotherhood
(A) Cannibalizing somebody's/something's power gone horribly wrong! :o
(B) Cannibalizing somebody's/something's power gone horribly right! :confused:

She's a contractor of Lucifuge
A) Demon contract shenanigans gone horribly wrong! :o
B) Demon contract shenanigans gone horribly right! :confused:

She's a spiritualist from Les Mysteres
A) Spiritual type shenanigans gone horribly wrong! :o
B) Spiritual type shenanigans gone horribly right! :confused:

She's a scholar of Aegis Kai Doru
A) Artifact shenanigans gone horribly wrong! :o
B) Artifact shenanigans gone horribly right! :confused:

She's an employee and/or test subject from Cheiron Group
A) Changeling and/or Fae implants gone horribly wrong! :o
B) Changeling and/or Fae implants gone horribly right! :confused:

She's a Knight of Saint George
A) Poking a faceless angel gone horribly wrong! :o
A) Poking a faceless angel gone horribly right! :confused:

That's merely considering possibilities from a singular line.
She could be a werewolf by spiritual type shenanigans, mage by magical shenanigans, or Sin Eater by outside body shenanigans.
Plenty of guys hostile to changelings might be plenty capable of stumbling into Arcadia.
Any of those can be stumbling into Arcadia but stumbling back out is a bit harder. :p
Any of those can be stumbling into Arcadia but stumbling back out is a bit harder. :p
She could also be either a Ghoul ,Vampire,Mummy or Promethean. Or a Princess from the Hopefull game line or a Genius that transgressed to far to acount for most splats from the nWOD including fanon ones. Or she is a Angel respective Demon.
Oh and a word of warning if a spider is crawling out of her ears it does not mean that she is a fae/changeling.
She could also be either a Ghoul, Vampire, Mummy or Promethean.
I only mentioned those with power enough to enter by their own power.
(Although leaving by their own power is a complete)
Ghouls, Vampires, Mummies, and Prometheans all completely lack means of doing this by themselves.
Anybody who is capable of getting themselves into Arcadia without Fae shenanigans ought be dangerous.
Anybody who *chooses* being in Arcadia is particularly dangerous.
Well slightly more dangerous compared to surrounding consistent danger.

Or a Princess from the Hopefull game line or a Genius that transgressed to far to acount for most splats from the nWOD including fanon ones. Or she is a Angel respective Demon.
She's a magical girl :turian:princess:turian:
(A) Pretty sparkling teleportation gone horribly wrong! :o
(B) Pretty sparkling teleportation gone horribly right! :confused:

She's a (girl) Genius
A) Science gone horribly wrong! :o
B) What has Science done? :o
C) ! Science ! :D

She's a demon
A) Lucifuge contract gone horribly wrong and/or right! :o
B) God machine shenanigans gone horribly wrong and/or wrong! :o

h and a word of warning if a spider is crawling out of her ears it does not mean that she is a fae/changeling.
World of Darkness - it could indicate near anything.
It was the right thing to do.
Post #004

[X] Rightness

If you had once been pure, iron ore before, you were now hardened steel. Having gone through the hottest furnace to cast out all the impurities and the harshest of smithies to hammer out all the imperfections, you were now a living weapon. You knew this. At your very core, you were that sharp blade, ready and willing to be used. Before, it was at the behest of that creature, but now, you were going to be your own wielder and to prove this, you were going to save this woman's life, no matter what got in the way. Of course, you were not an 'honorable' fighter. Instead, it was the silken tongue that grabbed the dagger and the strange seashell that could record a voice like a tape to present someone for a execution, not that you did not work at that post also once or twice.

Though you yourself suffered extensibly to become what you were now, you were not going to allow the innocent in your arms to suffer a similar fate. Not while you still held breath and she was still in your arms. Eyes fully aware and ears listening for even the slightest of oddities, you continued your journey towards the strange inhuman landscape that existed between this wretched realm and the place you once called home. Frowning slightly, you wondered idly what you would do if you even made it that far…

Shaking your head, as you ducked under some thorns that greedily tried to take drops of blood from you, and even worse made you feel hollow you were only going to focus on the present as any future planning could only happen in peace and not during a time of escape.

All while you were contemplating your new revelation of doing what was right, the woman in your arms grumbled under her breath with a sort of tone that seemed slightly distant, as if in shock and broken words strung together, "I swear, if someone told that Johnny Depp would save and give me silent treatment, I kick them in shin. Ce dracu 'am ajuns implicat inch."

She continued to mutter even as one of her hands idly traced near your own hand. She looked a bit curious even in her seemingly injured and exhausted state and she asked quietly with that strange, accented tone you could not put your finger on, "What horrors you endure to become part of you, twisted knight in shining armor."

She laid her head down on your shoulder as she sleepily murmured and blushed a little as she giggled like a little school girl, almost as if she were not all there at the moment, "Please. Kill me first if plan something horrible to me. Don't want what harpy did to other creature."

While she giggled, the laughter seemed to carry further, as if a wind was picking this gesture up and spreading it out. These honest and strange emotions were something new and anathema to the area that you walked in while a strange, darkly colored sap welled up from the ground for a moment in response. A pale blossom turned towards you and it vibrated as it was hanging down from a vicious old tree marred with thorns. It seemed that such unbridled feelings had brought some attention to you and your passenger and you were not certain this was a good thing.

With that, she closed her eyes and her chest gently rose up and down even as her wounds continued to make a slow road to recovery. A sign of just how frail the human body was in the realm that was Arcadia. It was then that you noticed her hand was still gently resting on your wrist. You could not help but wonder at just how soft the skin of her palm was and imagined that there was once a similar feeling you had so long ago…

However, such peaceful thoughts could not remain with you as you heard and even felt a rumbling in the distance. You frowned even as you crouched behind a few bushes. Scanning your surroundings, you saw it. You saw what appeared to be a very, very thin section of the Hedge that connected this world and the other, if you could trust your memories after you had been pulled down under the dark blue bay. It was only fifty meters away. So close, yet so far. At the most inopportune moment, your thoughts were dragged through the imagery of strange bleached bones and rusted steel works until you...your hands started to shake and you bit the inside of your mouth as you fought with yourself for a few, long seconds.

Having calmed down enough, you noted there was something you had missed.

The entrance appeared to be seemingly guarded by a large creature. It looked to be a large boar of sorts that was squealing as it dug into the ground about ten meters in front of the entrance with it's back turned to you, as though searching for something. A small part of your mind suggested something about mushrooms, but you discarded it as you needed to get out of here. It's hide was covered in all black and it's blood red eyes that you glimpsed whenever it turned to the side held nothing but pure malice. The very breath it huffed out was green with a slight sulfuric scent in the air and it's tusks were covered in dried blood. You even noted a few sharp scales on it's spine that had a few human looking bones on them. Nasty piece of work altogether.

Looking down, you saw you had three, fist-sized rocks on the ground that could possibly be used as a distraction. That was one such possibility. Even if you could run fast, you were not sure just how fast that creature was or how far it would travel to investigate the noise. You needed more options.

Looking over at the entrance once more, you saw there was a tree that had grown near the edge of the exit with a few, low hanging branches that were merely a few meters from the entrance itself. If you could climb there, you could make an escape without it ever knowing you were here. Staring at the woman in your arms, you knew her weight would be no problem in making the escape but if she woke up at the wrong time and panicked…

Or maybe you could willingly confront the creature? Though you were not the most skilled in combat when compared to your peers, you had picked up more than a few tricks and stealth might not be the most efficient use of your rapidly disappearing seconds in this great escape.

Yet another possibility presented itself as you felt the very shadows around the Hedge itself start to move, as if waiting for you to make a contract with them, in exchange for power. Your pledge to them so as to make your escape, but keep a part of them as it seemed that you and your passenger had gained part of it's notice.

[] Stones! Stones for distraction!

[] Climb and bypass the creature.

[] Who needs stealth? Fight it head on!
-[] What weapon did you scavenge/steal as you escaped, if you have a weapon?

[] Take the Contract and use the power.

[] Write-In
-[Including other Contracts that you start out with]
Our little human girl seems not so oblivious to the cruelties of the Hedge and the Fair Folk as we originally thought, though she still sounds like just an unfortunate human.