[x] – Tech Monk - Near the shrine of a humble machinist, doing his best to maintain what cannot be understood…
[x] – Eldar - In the water during a storm… and as you fight for your short life against the churning water, a slender hand grasps yours…
[X] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…

Let us become the patron Primarch saint of Rogue Traders!

Edit: adding yannoshka's write in to my vote, Fathomking hoo!

[X] Among the lost, wretched and forgotten - Within the hearth of a perpetual hurricane, surrounded by reefs more deadly and treacherous than on any other part of Tabgach, and smack dab in the middle of the intersecting breeding grounds for the planet's deadlines aerial and marine apex megafauna, there exist an island where humanity never intended to habitat, but through fate and ill fortune people had survived shipwrecks and getting washed out and had managed to eek out a miserable existence. There amongst the castaways and their descendants do you land...
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[x] – Eldar

Eldar stuff is so rarely done I want to see it. It would be nice to explore a non human culture eventually.
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Not a fan of the pirate stuff, but I do want to hunt monsters.
[X] – Tech Monk - Near the shrine of a humble machinist, doing his best to maintain what cannot be understood…
[X] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…
[X] – Write in
-[X] Raised by sea creatures.
--[X] Your pod crashed into the sea with no human contact whatsoever. However, your incredible physical abilities allow you to extract what oxygen you need from the water and your Psyker abilities allow you to bond with the animals.
[X] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…

@HalfTangible would something like this work as a write-in:

[X] Among the lost, wretched and forgotten - Within the hearth of a perpetual hurricane, surrounded by reefs more deadly and treacherous than on any other part of Tabgach, and smack dab in the middle of the intersecting breeding grounds for the planet's deadlines aerial and marine apex megafauna, there exist an island where humanity never intended to habitat, but through fate and ill fortune people had survived shipwrecks and getting washed out and had managed to eek out a miserable existence. There amongst the castaways and their descendants do you land...
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Not a fan of the pirate stuff, but I do want to hunt monsters.
[X] – Tech Monk - Near the shrine of a humble machinist, doing his best to maintain what cannot be understood…
[X] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…
[X] – Write in
-[X] Raised by sea creatures.
--[X] Your pod crashed into the sea with no human contact whatsoever. However, your incredible physical abilities allow you to extract what oxygen you need from the water and your Psyker abilities allow you to bond with the animals.

Added to the OP. :)

[X] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…

@HalfTangible would something like this work as a write-in:

Among the lost, wretched and forgotten - Within the hearth of a perpetual hurricane, surrounded by reefs more deadly and treacherous than on any other part of Tabgach, and smack dab in the middle of the intersecting breeding grounds for the planet's deadlines aerial and marine apex megafauna, there exist an island where humanity never intended to habitat, but through fate and ill fortune people had survived shipwrecks and getting washed out and had managed to eek out a miserable existence. There amongst the castaways and their descendants do you land...

Sure, if it gets the votes. Added to the OP :)

Side note: I didn't set an end for the first vote because I wasn't expecting it to blow up this quickly. I'll probably give it to tonight or early tomorrow. I have a job I work during the weekdays, so during that time things'll be a bit slower.
[X] – Pirate Queen - As a miraculous savior crashing through a knight…

Aside from the Space Sharks, I struggle to recall any nautical themed factions/characters in 40k, which is a shame since the Warp is described to be like an ocean or sea.

cue wacky pirate adventures sailing with TTS Kaldor Draigo
[X] – Divine Empress
[X] – Tech Monk - Near the shrine of a humble machinist, doing his best to maintain what cannot be understood…
[X] – Tech Monk - Near the shrine of a humble machinist, doing his best to maintain what cannot be understood…
I know this is not going to gain any serious traction, but I haveta try.
So, here goes.

Lasses, lads, and assorted others, won' the rest of you consider trying to make a King of the Castaways primarch.
One who is at least as much defined by being raised in an adverse environment that forces everyone to pull their own weight, as the Hawk-boy and the preening peacock.
One whose mentality is geared towards taking lost and abandoned under his aegis, and who came out of the proverbial Bermuda triangle, and put peace to a world at war.

Ah, well, most probably not.
If we get to be pirate, I vote we be named Ching Shih Auramite.