The Lonely Scarecrow (Naruto)

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You are Kakashi Hatake, son to the famous White Fang, and all you see is red. Father, the...
You are Kakashi Hatake, son to the famous White Fang, and all you see is red. Father, the ever-dutiful shinobi, did what he could to salvage the Hatake name. But, it was never enough for the village, thus it fell onto your shoulders to return honor to your clan. And with academy starting within the week, it was time to take your first steps into the shinobi world.

As you sat in the Hokage's office, still in shock, it was determined that you were far ahead of your year group. The anbu who came upon the gruesome scene looking for your father can attest to that, especially in regards to your talent regarding:

(Choose 1)
[]Ninjutsu (Mastered all E-rank Ninjutsu, can start learning D-rank jutsu)
Jutsu's mastered: Body Replacement Technique, Clone Technique, Transformation Technique
You sent the poor anbu on a chase throughout the compound with the creative use of clones, and constantly replacing yourself from objects you found as you went. Eventually you got tired from the use of chakra, and ended up on a piggyback ride through the village as sleep overtook you, waking in the Hokage's office.

[]Taijustu (Mastered all E-rank Taijutsu, can start learning D-rank jutsu)
Jutsu's mastered: Leaf Flash Kick, Serial Kick, 100% Single Punch
Unfortunately, the physical gulf between you and the Anbu was just too great. Sure, your techniques were flawless, and yes, you cracked the man's mask, but your blows were nothing more than mosquito bites to the man. As he dragged you away from father, it seemed prudent to latch on the man's hand with your teeth. Thus, you found yourself hanging in front of the Hokage by the scruff of your neck.

[]Genjustu (Mastered all E-rank Genjutsu, can start learning D-rank jutsu)
Jutsu's mastered: Hazy Genjutsu, Genjutsu Binding, Crimson Leaf Dream
Your father taught you these techniques, and while they were a great foundation you just didn't have enough to stop the Anbu. The Crimson Leaf Dream ended with you getting kicked through a wall. The Hazy Genjutsu was dispersed far too quickly for you to get an adequate binding on the Anbu, not that he let you know that. After walking up to the man to tell him to leave you alone, he broke it and restrained you.

[] Chakra Control (Average, but for a five year old you are amazing)
You can finally walk up a tree. (-15-> -10 on attempting jutsu rolls)
Father always said it didn't matter how many jutsu's you knew if you weren't efficient. You spent your days trying to walk up a tree, and it wasn't until the Anbu tried to drag you away from the scene did you finally succeed. You easily sprinted up the tree, and clung to the top branch of the tree refusing to let go. Eventually, you were pulled off and dragged to the Hokage's office.

As your head began to clear, you spotted your father's tanto, now cleaned, on the Hokage's desk. Upon seeing where your eyes were glued, the Hokage offered it to you, saying that it was best to at least have something to remember him by.

Do you take your father's blade?

[]Yes, even if your father wasn't here anymore, you were proud of him, and weren't ashamed that he saved his teammates. Sure, he broke the rules, but he was your dad. (Kenjutsu unlocked right away, +10 on all combat and training rolls (Once in a Generation perk), -5 on all social rolls (Awkward perk))

[]No, the man was a failure. If he had just followed the basic Shinobi rules he would still be here. You would be the consummate Shinobi, if those around you couldn't keep up then that was on them. (+20 on all combat and training rolls (Once in a Generation perk), -15 on all Social rolls (Anti-Social perk))

Hold off on posting please, I need to create the character page, and the Social Link page. Once the Social link page is posted, you can vote. Of note this quest is on SB please only vote once.
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Bingo Book
Kakashi Hatake
Personal Information
Name: Kakashi Hatake
Age: 5 years old
Rank: Academy Student
Affinity: Lightning

Sakumo Hatake: Deceased
Kyoko Hatake: Deceased
Mastered Ninjutsu
Mastered Taijutsu
Mastered Genjutsu
Mastered Kenjutsu
Dice Modifiers
Once in a Generation: Your father was the famous White Fang. It isn't shocking that you took after your father, but it is expected that your fang will reach even greater heights. +10 to all combat and training rolls.
Awkward: You are a genius, and while you aren't unpleasant you generally have trouble dealing with people. You hold yourself to the highest standards so why can't everyone else do that. -5 to all social rolls.
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Social Links

Might Guy [RANK 1 OF 10]

Your self-proclaimed "Eternal Rival"

Minato Namikaze [RANK 1 OF 10] (+10 to all training rolls)

Your sensei/guardian? It's all kind of weird you have to admit.

Kushina Uzumaki [RANK 1 OF 10] (No roll bonuses)

Your sensei's girlfriend, so that makes her your guardian.
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Part 1
You sigh as you wait for the Hokage to get started, the silence was deafening now that you thought about it, the man had been eyeing you critically for the past five minutes.

"Kakashi," the Hokage spoke from across the desk, breaking you out of your musings. It's been a difficult week now that you thought about it, sleep hasn't come easy, and going out onto town has been awkward enough as is. While you haven't been the target of smears your father had, the whispers and gossip that you picked up on wasn't pleasant by any means.

"Kakashi," the Hokage tried again, "we need to talk about what is going to become of you."

So this was what it was about, you shouldn't be surprised. You have been staying in a local inn for the time being, all on the Hokage's dime, the generous man that he was. Still you would rather be back home, it was your compound now.

"Hokage-sama," you paused thinking about how you were going to put this, "I can stay by myself, it won't be much different," you swallowed, "when father was around anyways."

Your father was usually away on business as he liked to call it, and as a result, you've been largely self-sufficient. It was to be expected when you're the child to the man whose legacy was second only to the legendary Sannin.

"Kakashi, I know you can do that," the Hokage sighed, "but, your father would kill me if I let you stay in that compound, not only that, I have to look out for my shinobi when I can," he continued walking towards the veranda so he could look out over the village.

"But, I'm not a shinobi," you replied perplexed, staring at the man's back, "I'm not even in the academy yet."

"You becoming a shinobi, Kakashi, is a matter of when, not if."

"I can't even perform the basic ninjutsu," you argued, where was this man going with this? Sure, you probably were ahead of the average 5 year old, but this was getting a little presumptuous.

"Kakashi, with your chakra control learning basic ninjutsu will be as easy as riding a bike," he smirked as he came to face you, "If anything, you should be able to graduate academy earlier than most, I would say you might even beat my own students, who broke records themselves."

You had to consciously fight to have your jaw fall to the floor. You were never comfortable with being praised, father made sure to only do so for the most important of moments, but still, this was on an entirely different level.

"Kakashi, I'm thinking about bumping you out of your age group, you learning about basic chakra theory is a waste of your time," the Hokage stated, "you would do well to be in my son's year group, where everything is practical."

"Only if you want it, of course, so what do you say Kakashi?"

Do you take the early promotion?

"Moreover, Kakashi, a man will pick you up after your first day of academy," the Hokage continued, "I expect you to be in his custody by the day's end."

So apparently you weren't going to get out of this. If you were going to be a shinobi, shouldn't you be self-sufficient? If anything this was ridiculous, you were fine, and you didn't need to be watched.

"Hokage-sama, please," you kind of wished it didn't come out petulant, but this wasn't right.

"Give me one good reason why you can stay alone Kakashi," the Hokage challenged.

Attempt to convince the Hokage?
[]Yes (DC 65)

Choose 2 actions before heading to academy.

[]Break back into your family compound to get the Kenjutsu scrolls you father had lying around. (You can now learn E-Ranked Kenjutsu)

[]Learn a jutsu (Limited to E-rank Jutsu in the opening post)
[]Specify which jutsu you want to learn

[]Continue Chakra control training (You will now try walking on water)

[]Explore the village (Meet a potential social link)
Part 2
"I would like to be placed in the senior class." you declared. The Hokage, to his credit, offers up an almost imperceptible nod. Almost as if he was expecting you take the promotion in the first place.

Not that you can blame the man, learning chakra theory with your age group seemed dreadful, never-mind that your father has taught you the basics since around the time you could walk. Sure, you didn't really understand it all that much at the time, but tapping into chakra was like second nature.

"I'm glad you're seizing the opportunity," the Hokage smiled. "I just have to find a few papers somewhere in my desk, and will be able to get started."

What followed was an almost five-minute search as the man rummaged through his desk, and the sound of shuffling papers bouncing off the walls. You could even hear the man swearing under his breath, and complaining about how being reduced to dealing with paperwork was beneath the Hokage.

"Ahh, here it is," the Hokage blew out a breath of relief. "I apologize about that, generally, I don't find much use for this paper you see, not many people actually get promoted during the academy," the Hokage smiled, handing you the papers.

"I figured," you replied. "So what exactly what do I do with this?"

"Put down your personal information, sign it, and I'll take care of the rest with my signature. You just have to take the top sheet to Ryota-sensei, and you'll be all set."

You are almost glad about how easy the Hokage is making this for you, but it does you no good to get turned away at the door because Ryota-sensei thinks you belong with a bunch of five-year-olds.

"When does orientation start," you asked. "I know that I was supposed to start at nine in the morning originally, but what time does the senior age group start?"

"7 a.m."

"Anything else," you asked, it would be best if you understand what exactly you were getting into, like what was Ryota-sensei like, how the class was, or what exactly you needed to do to graduate, but a lot of that probably would be answered in the orientation anyways.

"There is one thing," the Hokage drawled, "I would be prepared to do a demonstration in front of the class, Ryota-sensei has been around for the while, so expect him to see how the promoted academy students do, he generally wants to see how you do before taking my recommendation."

Well it looks like you were getting your feet thrown straight into the fire, but you could probably handle a nine-year-old. The best bet was to probably to play up the fact you were five, and bait your opponent into making a stupid mistake.

"I can see you are already thinking of how to beat someone who's almost a half-decade older than you," the Hokage smiled. "But please be gentle, you might have to fight my son, and it would be a shame if he beat you."

"Hokage-Sama," a voice called out from behind the door. "May I come in?"

"Oh ,he's here," the Hokage smirked. "Yes, come in Minato."

Yellow, that was the first thought that came to your mind, a mop of yellow hair. The man, no scratch that, calling him a man was stretching it, he didn't even look like he was 20 yet!

"So you're Sakumo's son, ehh" the man smiled down at you, ruffling your hair and earning himself a glare in the process. "I'm Minato Namikaze, jonin at your service, and you are?"

"You know my name," you replied offhandedly, the man clearly was aware of you beforehand, no need to go over the same beats.

"I know," Minato smiled skipping over the obvious. "But, introductions are always nice even if we have the information beforehand, right?"

He was being surprisingly mellow about this, especially considering that he looked a little young to be looking after a child. He was probably more interested going on missions than playing house.

"Kakashi Hatake," you sighed. "I'll try not to be a burden."

The man laughed, his voice seemed so warm, "Kakashi, it's no problem, the Hokage told me about everything, I'm here to help you along with your training as well."

"What do you mean," you asked. "Shouldn't you have a genin team already."

"Kakashi, Minato is only 18, we figured he could use some extra practice before taking a team under his wing once your group graduates this upcoming year," the Hokage interrupted.

"So, he's bad at teaching?"

Minato barked a laugh despite the insult, "I don't think I can bad at something that I haven't even done yet, who knows you might turn out to be a bad student."

The Hokage cleared his throat, "Now that we have that out of the way, Kakashi it's time for you to turn in for the night, I have things I need to discuss with Minato. Just a reminder keep that sheet, and show up at the academy at 7 a.m. on Monday. I've already arranged movers to place your things at Minato's who will take you to his place after class."

"Thank you, Hokage-Sama," you bowed heading out of the office. "Have a good night, you as well Minato-sensei."

"By the way, Kakashi, will be sharing a space with my girlfriend," Minato called out from behind the door. "Don't worry, she's mostly harmless!"

Unfortunately, sleep would have to come later, you needed to grab your father's scrolls back at the compound. While basic kenjutsu scrolls weren't worth all that much, you still needed a base to work from, and these certainly were the best bet. Moreover, who knows how long you would have to wait before you would be able to go back inside your home.

Traveling through the village at night was surprisingly relaxing, no crowds and sweet silence. Really, it only took about twenty minutes from the Hokage's office to your family compound, and all because the local market was now empty.

Stopping at the iron gate of your compound, you almost laughed at the absurd amount of yellow tape wrapped around it. That was certainly one way to ensure people got the message, it wasn't much of a deterrence to a shinobi considering you walked up the side of the heavy stone walls with ease. You would have to tell the Hokage about that, it would be pain if someone stole your stuff.

You house was a mere twenty feet away from the gate, a small two story family house, surrounded by an empty training ground, except for the one tree where you spent your days trying to walk up it, but that was irrelevant, you needed to get those scrolls. Now was not the time to reminisce.

You couldn't open the door to your house though, the key shouldn't have suddenly stopped working. Pulling on the sliding caused your hand to hand start to burn, pulling your hand away with a gasp of pain you noticed something up with the floorboards by the steps. Looking closer you realized that somebody hollowed out the floorboard. Opening it up you found just the scrolls you were looking for.

The Hokage figured you would come back for the scrolls since you took your father's blade.

Also, sorry about the burn, Kushina, my girlfriend, put a seal on your house.

See ya' Monday


You've unlocked E-Rank Kenjutsu
Heaven Cutter

"Come on," you yelled out to the sky, uncaring if anybody heard you.

This was ridiculous, you hated being babied.

You were going to be a shinobi.

People die all the time.

Just because your dad died in your house didn't mean you couldn't go back in there, you weren't some fragile little flower.

You know what, training always helped.

The Body Replacement Jutsu was one of the tenants of Ninjutsu, learning it was required to graduate the academy. Your father planned to teach you the basics once your chakra control was up to par. He was always a stickler for the fundamentals.

Body Replacement Jutsu

Taking your scrolls, you lined the three of them up about five feet apart. Then you ran through the hand signals: Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake came easy enough. Then came blending the spiritual and physical energy. And, now it was time to bring all together.

The first scroll transformed into you, well half of you, with the bottom half ending up being the scroll. That wasn't a bad first attempt, you thought to yourself. Just a little tweaking, and you would have it right away. Even then if it wasn't done right, you could still pass it off as real in places where the underbrush was heavy enough.

The second attempt, oh man that was hideous, it looked like you and the scroll had gotten chopped to pieces and put together haphazardly. That was no good.

And, on the final attempt, well it was like the first attempt. Except, your head wasn't supposed to look like a scroll. Still it was better than the first attempt, you even managed to get closer to a perfect replacement.

You continued for another couple of hours. You certainly did well enough, but perfecting this probably would take at least another week or two. Sweating you realized that it was probably around midnight, spending all that time in the compound made time fly.

Sneaking back to the inn, you crashed onto your bed, sleep quickly overtaking you.

What followed the next couple of days was just biding time for the academy to start, and it was mostly filled with perfecting the Body Replacement Technique, and getting ready for the move. But, today was the day.

The walk to the academy at 6:30 in the morning was interesting, sheet in hand, you watched as the village slowly came to life. The market was getting prepped for the rush that would inevitably happen mid-day. Looking up at the roofs, you spotted shinobi bouncing around like pinballs. The village was coming alive.

A few minutes later the academy came into view, the village symbol plastered on the front made it easy to spot. Surprisingly, you were one of the first few there, ignoring the weird looks from the older kids you spotted up against one of the trees by the entrance content to wait until the day was ready to begin. Once more kids arrived it became apparent you could just blend into the background as they started to chat amongst themselves.

"Everybody shut up," a voice yelled out, any chatter died as the students snapped to attention. "Get inside, I want to get this orientation on the road."

Taking your cue, you followed the students in, unware of the other boy following right behind you.

"Ohhohohohoho," an excited voice called out. "Have we met before!"

Oh no it was him, what was he doing here? You would remember those eye brows and red scarf anywhere. Might Guy, ugh.

"Umm no," you tried avoiding him, hoping he would move on.

"I swear my youthful friend, your face seems so familiar," Guy yelled out hoping he would do the rest of the work.

"How are you so bad with faces," you complained, cursing yourself for acknowledging him.

"It's a quirk, it highlights my personality," he replied smiling, offering you a thumbs up.

"Well it's annoying, what are you even doing here, aren't you a little young for the senior class," you grumbled.

"I could say the same thing about you my tiny little friend," Guy continued his annoyingly cheerful smile. "Shouldn't you be in the baby class."

Ignoring the vein that was threatening to burst out of your forehead, you decided that best bet was just to keep walking into the building.

"Wait, where are you going," Guy called out as you ran straight into the midsection of a much larger man.

"I'm afraid your little friend is right," a man with a bushy red beard along with a facial scars laughed. "Your parent's should drop you off in a couple of- "

"Are you Ryota-sensei?"

"Yeah, but still where are your-"

Saving him the trouble you shoved the sheet of paper the Hokage gave you into his face, the less time you had to deal with people treating you like a kid the better.

"Ohhh sensei," Guy called out running up next to you holding a similar sheet to yours as well. "Here's mine too."

It just wasn't fair. Why did he have to be in your class too? He could only do Taijutsu, what was going on?

"So your my little prodigies, I was told about," Ryota-sensai mumbled glaring down at the sheet. "Follow me, I'll take you to class. And, Keep up!"

The man pulled a complete 180 in mood, so it was most likely an act you thought to yourself. After a few minutes, you came to a classroom door, Guy was surprisingly mellow throughout the walk, for that you would be thankful.

"Alright, you two wait here, I'll tell the class about our new students," Ryota-sensei grumbled before opening the door.

"Ohh no, where is he, I told him to be here by 7 a.m.," some girl cried out from behind the door.

"Nohara," Ryota-Sensei barked. "Where's Obito!?"

"I don't know Sensei," she whined. "He said he'd be here."

"If he's not here that's his problem!"

How could someone be so stupid to be late to the first day of class? I mean at least you could have an excuse because you did this all on your own.

"Kakashi," Guy poked you in the cheek.

"Wait, I thought you didn't know who I was," you grumbled. It was official this kid was a loon.

"I spent the walk trying to figure out who you were," he smiled. "Anyways, look, another one of us," he pointed to a kid with goggles sprinting down the hallway.

"I think that's Obito, Guy," you replied, the kid stopping in front of you, chest heaving.

"Wait, did I go down the wrong hall," the kid gasped out, before the door was slammed open.

"Obito," Ryota-sensei growled out grabbing the kid by the scruff of the neck, yanking him into the room. Obito let out a small yelp before the door closed.

What followed was some inarticulate yelling, before the door opened again, Ryota-sensei glaring at you and Guy.

"Get in here," he grumbled, as you two followed him in he declared. "Alright class, we're getting a couple of new kids, a pair of prodigies blessed by the Hokage themselves, go ahead and introduce yourselves!"

"I'm Might Guy," Guy yelled snapping himself to attention. "Please take care of me!"

"Kakashi Hatake," you sighed.

"Anyways, pick a seat you two, will have some early spars to see where you two are at later today," Ryota-sensei ordered.

Who do you sit next to? (Pick your first social link)
[] The girl with the red eyes talking animatedly to the tan boy next to her
[] The boy who was looking at the red eyed girl with doe eyes (ugh be subtler)
[] The boy who was looking out the window, chewing on a senbon
[] The girl with the purple facial tattoo's looking at you like you were a teddy bear
[] The girl with the bob cut who was making doodles of a pig with a pearl necklace
[] The boy who had a facial scar on the side of his face with a serious look on his face
[] Obito, who was hiding in the corner trying to avoid the sensei's gaze
[] The boy with pitch black sunglasses who was looking at you and Guy smugly
[] Oh you were going to regret this, but you guess you could sit next to Guy
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Part 3
Yeah, this probably wouldn't end well, but you guess you could sit next to Guy. He was the only person you actually knew, albeit barely. But, strength in numbers or whatever was a far better alternative than sitting next to somebody you didn't know. Plus, Guy probably couldn't talk to you all that much anyways during class, or at least you hoped it would work like that.

"Ahh yes," Guy smiled, flashing you a smile, taking a seat next to you. "Us two prodigies against the world!"

You heard a kid in front of the class sputter, no doubt trying to stop from laughing, if you had to guess it was probably that kid with the black glasses from earlier. He seemed unbearably smug, proving him wrong seemed like it would be fun.

"Right, Guy," you sighed, no need for him to get too crazy. "It's just because I know you."

"No need to be so modest, friend" Guy laughed, reaching across the aisle to give you a hard pat on the back. "It's alright to be shy."

"I'm not shy," you ground out, this was proving to be a bad decision.

"Guy, Hatake," Ryota-sensei yelled from the front of the room, "Shut up! You would do best to learn what is expected of you this coming year."

You and Guy shut up rather quick, it would do no good if you didn't know what you needed to graduate. Moreover, the sooner you got out of here, the better. It would be a shame to be let in early and then failed to graduate early.

"Well anyways, as I was saying, you are expected to leave the academy mastering the 3 basic Ninjutsu."

You heard Guy gulp next to you.

"I fully expect each of you be able to master the Clone technique, Body-Replacement technique, and the Transformation technique by the end of the school term," Ryota-sensei announced, "No exceptions."

"But, sensei what if I'm really good at Genjutsu," red eyed girl called out.

"No exceptions," Ryota-sensei ground out.

So basic Ninjutsu,that would be cake. You were basically close to mastering the Body-Replacement technique by yourself. No doubt you would be able to master these techniques in time for graduation, moreover you could probably get started on a D-rank or even a C-Rank.

"Sensei, I can use a C-rank jutsu," Obito called out from the back of the room, "So that totally is worth three basic jutsu's, right?"

C-rank huh? Obito surely didn't look like the kid to have the ability to master a C-rank, especially considering he couldn't even make it to class on time. Then again some of the best tended to be the most weird.

"What part of no exceptions do you kids not get," Ryota-sensei spoke to himself as much as he did to the rest of the room, "These techniques are staples in a shinobi's arsenal. Not mastering them means I would be sending you out into the world at a disadvantage."

"Moreover, I will have the first round of class ranks at the end of three months. You will be tested on theoretical questions along with spars to see where you're at on month 3, 6, and the finals at 9."

What followed was a basic schedule of what was expected of the class, thankfully Ryota-sensei decided that each of the three months would be broken up focusing on the single Ninjutsu. The first three months would focus on the Clone technique, the second three months would be on the Transformation technique, and finally the Body-Replacement technique. Eventually things even began to stall out as sensei finished the basic orientation.

"Alright kids, lets go outside, I want to see how good our new students are," Ryota-Sensei smiled.

"Umm....Sensei," purple tattoo cheeks called out as she followed Ryota-sensei out to the training yards, "Isn't it a little early for us to start sparring."

"Absolutely, Nohara," Ryota-Sensei agreed, before pausing and turning around to face the class focusing on you and Guy. You knew where this was going. "But, I'm not going to let a five year old and a seven year old in the senior class until they show me what they got."

"Sensei, that's not fair," Obito called out with the Nohara girl agreeing with them, "The Hokage would not have been put them in our class for no reason."

Maybe the boy who couldn't show up to class on time should talk to you about who you could and could not spar.

"Anyways, I'm think Hatake you should match up with . . ."

Choose one (Social rank unlocked)
[] Asuma Sarutobi (#1 in last years class, +5 on his combat rolls)
[] Ebisu (#2 in last years class)
[] Obito Uchiha (#14 in last years class, -5 on his combat rolls )
Part 4
"Anyways, I'm think Hatake you should match up with Asuma Sarutobi."

So, you would be getting matched up against the top of the class. You certainly weren't upset by the draw, the challenge seemed a little exciting to be honest. It would be an interesting start to your academy career.

Looking over towards Asuma, you saw the girl with the red eyed girl chastising him. From what you could overhear it was about how you were five, and that if Asuma hurt you too badly, she would make his life miserable.

"Guy, you'll be matched up with Ebisu once the first spar is done, try not to disappoint," Ryota-Sensei groused as you and Asuma walked into the circle ring facing each other.

"Hatake," Asuma called out to you from the opposite side. "Sorry about what's coming, I don't really want to fight a five-year-old."

So, he didn't think much of you, did he? That wasn't too bad now that you thought about it, any fight that was on fair terms meant you failed as a shinobi.

"If you don't think I'm much of a challenge, you must be right." you replied a smile forming under your mask. "You are the top student in the class after all."

Predictably, the smile on Asuma's face was rather smug. If you could butter him up, and make sure that he underestimated you, the better off you would be. Certainly, your technique wasn't flawed by any means, but Asuma was almost five years older than you. In the end, he could put a lot more power into his blows than you ever could.

A good hit to the face would probably put you into the ground. You would probably spend the majority of the fight dancing around trying to avoid his blows. Every shot you took would have to be aimed perfect, you admitted to yourself, otherwise Asuma would just shrug it off.

"Alright you two, let me lay out the expectations," Ryota-sensei announced as he stepped in between the two of you. "This is a simple spar, I don't want to see any jutsu, and it will end if one of you gets knocked out of the circle, knocked out, or I put an end to the match. Any questions?"

"No sensei," Asuma muttered.

"No sensei," you replied.

"Alright you two, best of luck, I'm expecting a lot out you Hatake," Ryota-sensei announced before walking out of the circle.


Asuma shot out like a snake, launching a combination of blows at your face. You managed to dodge a couple, but Asuma managed to graze your cheek on the last blow. Jumping backwards, you found his technique was far more trained than you expected. Every punch was compact, and without wasted movement.

"Sure, you can handle this Hatake," Ryota-sensei called out, oddly amused.

Deciding that it was time to take the offensive, you ducked under one of Asuma's blows and aimed for his stomach hoping to knock the wind out of him, or at least you hoped that would happen. Unfortunately, he did a quick side step and your momentum took you right past him. Turning around to reorient yourself ended with Asuma getting a right hook in above your left eye for your troubles.

And now, everything was blurry. Moreover, you felt blood trickling down the side of your head, and into your eye. You didn't think one hit would cause you to bleed, but damn, Asuma really had one hell of a punch.

"I think it's time for you to call it sensei," Asuma, as he stood over you. "I think I might have gave him a concussion."

No way you were going down that easily, sweeping your leg, you knocked Asuma's legs out from under him. Quickly crawling on top of him you began to deliver blows to Asuma's unguarded face. Your fists largely seemed to be ineffective, but a quick jab to his nose seemed to cause some damage, or at least you thought so when you found yourself thrown through the air landing in a heap.

"Should've payed attention Asuma," Ryota-sensei laughed as he took in the fight. "I noticed in his good eye that he was planning something, never let your opponent have rest if you can help it!"

What followed for the next three minutes broke down into a brawl between the two of you. Asuma's blows became sloppier allowing you to get more hits in, but every hit Asuma got in felt like you were getting struck with a sledgehammer. Ultimately, you could barely stand once Asuma managed to get a hit under your ribs knocking the wind out of you. But, the kick you delivered to the back of Asuma's left knee in retaliation knocked him down to one knee.

Standing in front of Asuma, you swung your leg around delivering a kick to his face knocking him to the ground, struggling to breath you sat on the ground waiting for Ryota-sensei to call the match.

"Come on," Asuma smirked. "Didn't think you would knock me out that easily, did you?"

Coughing you unsteadily rose to your feet, you watched as Asuma began to hobble towards you.

"Alright," Ryota-sensei announced as he walked in between the two of you. "I'm going to call the match before you two kill each other."

Asuma let you go, and had a rather sheepish look on his face. "Sorry about that, I tend to get a little carried away at times."

"Yeah, no problem," you sighed coughing as you sucked in air. "I didn't want to lose either."

"Good job, Hatake," Ryota-sensei smiled. "The Hokage has yet to disappoint me, Asuma."

"Yes, sensei," Asuma replied as he slowly worked out the stiffness in his left leg looking at the man perplexed.

"You and Hatake head to the nurse's office," Ryota-sensei ordered as he gestured Ebisu and Guy into the ring, while you and Asuma walked back towards the academy building.

After a few minutes of silence, you decided to break the ice on the way to the nurse's room.

"So, what's it like being the Hokage's son," you asked.

"The usual" Asuma groused wincing at he put weight on his left leg. "He's always so busy."

"Anyways," Asuma trailed off, "Where did you learn to fight like that? I thought you were just going to be a pushover."

"My dad taught me the basic katas, but he always taught me to go after the weakest points since I was so young."

"Yeah, I figured," Asuma sighed. "I can barely move my leg as is, anyways lets get inside the nurses room. Aya-sensei's going to be pissed."

Aya-sensei was the rotational nurse assigned to the academy. What followed was getting poked and prodded as she went to work healing both you and Asuma. She spent the good majority of it complaining about how you could end up in such shape for a simple spar. Moreover, she threatened to gut him Ryota-sensei if you or Asuma ever came back to her again looking like you did.

An hour later you and Asuma limped back outside content to end the day. The soreness would probably linger for a couple of days.

"Oh look who's back," Ryota-sensei boomed. "You didn't miss much. Guy will be a part of the senior class as well, it was a short spar really."

"Hear that my eternal rival," Guy smiled. "Soon, will be on the same genin team."

You resisted the urge to shudder. Looking over to Ebisu, you noticed the boy was rather downcast sporting a large purple mark over his eye.

"Will be dismissing for the day, I look forward to seeing all you tomorrow," Ryota-sensei smiled. "Let's work for a good year."

As you watched parents come and pick up their kids you couldn't help the small pang of jealousy that ran through your veins. Soon you noticed Minato-sensei walking with a woman who had bright red hair. Minato whispered something into the woman's head and pointed at you. What followed was her sprinting up to you, and sweeping you into a crushing hug.

"Kakashi, my girlfriend, Kushina Uzumaki," Minato-sensei laughed.

What did you get yourself into?

Social Link unlocked: Asuma Sarutobi

Dice Modifier unlocked: Minato's training from hell (+10 on all training rolls)

Voting will be done by plan from now on.

(Choose 2)

[] Training
[]Specify what jutsu you want to practice, has to be e-rank mentioned in the earlier posts

[] Hang out with someone
[]Specify the person you want to get to know. (Available Social links Might Guy, Asuma Sarutobi, Minato Namikaze, Kushina Uzumaki)

[] Explore the village (Meet new social links, possible quests)

[] Minato-sensei wants you to feel at home, so he's offering a family trip out on the town with Kushina so you can all get used to one another. (+++ to Minato Namikaze's and Kushina Uzumaki's social link)

[] Do work around the neighborhood. +5000 Ryo
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