The Lonely Lioness - Cersei Lannister Quest

Looking over the leading plan, I noticed that I should probably point out that Cersei does not believe that Tywin will take any orders from her. Ordering him to leave is about publicly siding with the Tullys on this issue, not any expectation that Tywin will actually leave.
No problem there. Tywin staying in place serves to involuntarily ward off the North - I just want him to feel the heat.
Conflict of some nature is inevitable with Tywin, but thankfully Joffery doesn't seem to be taking shit from him and literally stole some of his bannermen.
I suspect that Joffrey is spurning Tywin because Tywin has taken the part of the Mountain against Joffrey's order, which Joffrey cares about because the Hound has his ear.
God this fucking quest. Not enough for a dozen fucking tags to appear put of thin air, our own allies have to actively sabotage everything. I'm out, this quest is doing nothing but stressing me out.
Vote closed.

Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 22, 2024 at 1:58 PM, finished with 49 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Go Hide Under Casterly Rock
    -[X] [Maidenpool] Give your agreement to Joffreys plans of linking up with Rykkers host to strike at Caern Targaryen.
    -[X] [Duskendale] Confirm Edmure Tullys position as Hand in writing and that he has command of the army there.
    -[X] [Harrenhal] Throw your weight behind Hoster Tullys order for Tywin to leave Harrenhal.
    -[X] [Oldtown] Do not give your consent to having the High Septon replaced.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Ransom] Offer a more reasonable ransom for both of them.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Toll] Offer Aukar Brightfyre the legitimate Lordship of Dragonstone in exchange for bending the knee to King Joffrey Baratheon. As lord, he may extract normal merchant fees per the customs of Westeros.
    [X] Plan: The Regents Rebukes
    -[X] [Maidenpool] Give your agreement to Joffreys plans of linking up with Rykkers host to strike at Caern Targaryen.
    -[X] [Duskendale] Confirm Edmure Tullys position as Hand in writing and that he has command of the army there.
    -[X] [Harrenhal] Throw your weight behind Hoster Tullys order for Tywin to leave Harrenhal.
    -[X] [Oldtown] Agree with the Most Devout to have the High Septon replaced.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Ransom] Accept the outrageous terms.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Toll] Ignore the prepesterous attempt at extorting the crown for access to the sea.
    -[X] Send letters out to all involved parties that the crown has witnessed no evidence of betrayal, and that the assassination attempt was far more likely from one of our many enemies, weather it be Stannis, Renly, Targyeran, or Blackfyre. The crown retains its trust in Edmure Tully as Hand of the King, and orders them to submit to both his and King Jofferys authority in the battle against the Targyrean pretenders. We must not fight amongst ourselves in this time of war. By our order, Lords Lannister, Stark, Tully, and assorted lesser lords etc. should cease their infighting and meet under a flag of truce at the Kings location for a council to resolve these needless feuds and to plan against the invasions of rebellions afflicting the realm.
    -[X] Send letters to Robb Stark and his disloyal bannermen assuring them that the crown remembers the honor of Ned Stark and has every belief that his son would not resort to assassination. Though our houses have recent turmoil between us, that is water under the bridge. The rebels, if they are truly loyal to the crown, must make peace with their rightful overlords of Stark and Tully. Privately offer Robb Stark a royal marriage with Myrcella to finally begin to mend the ties between the House Stark and House Baratheon.
    [X] Plan: Trying to survive
    [X] [Maidenpool] Order the Hound link up with Lord Rykker but to remain in Duskendale and to not attack Caern Targaryen. Also send a letter for Joffrey explaining why he can't attack.
    [X] [Duskendale] Write to Lord Rykker that Edmure Tully is to be detained and that his host is to be disarmed - with force if necessary. Also inform him that the king will arrive with reinforcements.
    [X] [Harrenhal] Write a letter to Tywin Lannister.
    [X] [Oldtown] Do not give your consent to having the High Septon replaced.
    [X] [Dragonstone Ransom] Offer a more reasonable ransom for both of them.
    [X] [Dragonstone Toll] Ignore the prepesterous attempt at extorting the crown for access to the sea.
Turn 4 - The Spreading Flames
Adhoc vote count started by Azel on Jan 22, 2024 at 1:58 PM, finished with 49 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Go Hide Under Casterly Rock
    -[X] [Maidenpool] Give your agreement to Joffreys plans of linking up with Rykkers host to strike at Caern Targaryen.
    -[X] [Duskendale] Confirm Edmure Tullys position as Hand in writing and that he has command of the army there.
    -[X] [Harrenhal] Throw your weight behind Hoster Tullys order for Tywin to leave Harrenhal.
    -[X] [Oldtown] Do not give your consent to having the High Septon replaced.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Ransom] Offer a more reasonable ransom for both of them.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Toll] Offer Aukar Brightfyre the legitimate Lordship of Dragonstone in exchange for bending the knee to King Joffrey Baratheon. As lord, he may extract normal merchant fees per the customs of Westeros.
    [X] Plan: The Regents Rebukes
    -[X] [Maidenpool] Give your agreement to Joffreys plans of linking up with Rykkers host to strike at Caern Targaryen.
    -[X] [Duskendale] Confirm Edmure Tullys position as Hand in writing and that he has command of the army there.
    -[X] [Harrenhal] Throw your weight behind Hoster Tullys order for Tywin to leave Harrenhal.
    -[X] [Oldtown] Agree with the Most Devout to have the High Septon replaced.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Ransom] Accept the outrageous terms.
    -[X] [Dragonstone Toll] Ignore the prepesterous attempt at extorting the crown for access to the sea.
    -[X] Send letters out to all involved parties that the crown has witnessed no evidence of betrayal, and that the assassination attempt was far more likely from one of our many enemies, weather it be Stannis, Renly, Targyeran, or Blackfyre. The crown retains its trust in Edmure Tully as Hand of the King, and orders them to submit to both his and King Jofferys authority in the battle against the Targyrean pretenders. We must not fight amongst ourselves in this time of war. By our order, Lords Lannister, Stark, Tully, and assorted lesser lords etc. should cease their infighting and meet under a flag of truce at the Kings location for a council to resolve these needless feuds and to plan against the invasions of rebellions afflicting the realm.
    -[X] Send letters to Robb Stark and his disloyal bannermen assuring them that the crown remembers the honor of Ned Stark and has every belief that his son would not resort to assassination. Though our houses have recent turmoil between us, that is water under the bridge. The rebels, if they are truly loyal to the crown, must make peace with their rightful overlords of Stark and Tully. Privately offer Robb Stark a royal marriage with Myrcella to finally begin to mend the ties between the House Stark and House Baratheon.
    [X] Plan: Trying to survive
    [X] [Maidenpool] Order the Hound link up with Lord Rykker but to remain in Duskendale and to not attack Caern Targaryen. Also send a letter for Joffrey explaining why he can't attack.
    [X] [Duskendale] Write to Lord Rykker that Edmure Tully is to be detained and that his host is to be disarmed - with force if necessary. Also inform him that the king will arrive with reinforcements.
    [X] [Harrenhal] Write a letter to Tywin Lannister.
    [X] [Oldtown] Do not give your consent to having the High Septon replaced.
    [X] [Dragonstone Ransom] Offer a more reasonable ransom for both of them.
    [X] [Dragonstone Toll] Ignore the prepesterous attempt at extorting the crown for access to the sea.

Turn 4 - The Spreading Flames

Slowly the days became warmer once more as Sowing Season came closer and Cersei was eager to return to the sun. The worries and time spent cooped up inside had taken their toll and given her an unhealthy looking pallor. Even if the smells of Flea Bottom were returning with the rains lessening, she spent most hours of sunshine out in the gardens or on one balcony or another. Everything seemed normal once more, like it had been over a year ago before the deaths and wars had begun. Only the daily need to apply some lipstick was a constant reminder of what price her grief had taken from her.

It was still there, no matter how deep she wished to bury it. Having spent months apart from her brother had been bad enough and her mind still refused to accept that he was truly gone. Never to return. Never to hold her again. Never to kiss her, not even one last time. All she had done for their love had been for naught in the end, the war claiming him just as she thought they were free. But she would deal. She had to. And a few discrete inquiries had ensured she would have the right means to bury her grief once more if it ever became too much. The new sellswords had already come in handy in that regard.

The last few days she had taken to watch them train to make sure she had a good feeling what the distressed treasury had been plundered for. Brave Fellows, Somber Companions, Gallant Goats, and what they all called themselves. Cersei cared little for their names and banners. The only recruits that truly caught her eye were three brothers, all knights from a minor house called Kettleblack that quickly proved themselves discrete and trustworthy. A blessing given that there was no Kingsguard to trust her back with. One of them, Osmund, was right now in the courtyard below, trying to train some semblance of proper battle line into Essosi layabouts and piss alley born refugees.

She only watched now and then, otherwise enjoying her goblet of wine and the noise while she laid on her divan in the sun. Listening to training soldiers felt reassuring these days. And less stressful than listening to the ever more worried and histrionic rumors floating at court about the impending flight of a dragon that would burn the whole city to the ground. He only companion besides the more distant Red Cloaks was the second Kettleblack, Osfryd, whom she had taken a liking to for his ability to know when to stay quiet and look menacing like a good guard should.

The last one though. Osney Kettleblack had been trusted to oversee the guard detail of Pycelle and to make sure he would not 'mishandle' any more letters. Or talk to anyone that was not firmly in Cerseis pocket. Keeping him alive had been a necessity, simply to handle the messages she needed sent urgently and the replies to them. But with every passing day, it became clear that she would need to make a final choice on the matter. Pycelle had betrayed her. Betrayed the king. All on orders of her father. Treason. Plain and simple. Though accusing him meant accusing her father. Somehow though, even that no longer felt so impossible an idea after all that had happened.

What do you do with Pycelle?

[] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.

[] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.

[] [Pycelle] Execute him for treason. Expose Tywins Lannisters betrayal of the crown.

[] [Pycelle] Have him executed under some pretext that makes no mention of your father. (Write-In reason)

If you remove him, how do you intend to replace Pycelle?

[] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)

[] [Replacement] Find a Maester that is above all loyal to you. Or who can be made loyal with the right incentives. (Locks 1 Action)

[] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)

Unfortunately, the replies were not overly encouraging. Hoster Tully had been very appreciative of the Queen Regent flat out ordering the Westerlander host to leave Harrenhal, though the lack of a reply from her father dashed the last faint embers of hope Cersei held that he would listen to her. Likewise, Aukar Brightfyre had haughtily rejected her generous offer of legitimate vassalage and not even said a word on the ransom for Stannis family. It was a sign of how dire things were that Varys reports and news that Littlefinger would soon return to court were the best thing crossing Cerseis desk.

At least Olenna Tyrell had partly kept to her word. While Renly Baratheon refused to stand down and had returned with a large host to the Stormlands, the marriage between Margaery Tyrell and king Joffrey had been confirmed in writing and a Tyrell host would soon be in the capital. There would soon be a new queen in Kings Landing and the current one was not quite sure what to think of that fact.

News and Rumors

The North - Piracy in Whiteharbor
Likely as a result of fighting in the Vale and the general chaos that Westeros is descending into, piracy in both the Narrow Sea and the Sunset Sea is rising. The most endangered route the past few months though was the trading routes going to Whiteharbor with many ships going missing without a trace coming or going there. Lord Wyman Manderly has promised to stamp out this threat, but his fleet is small indeed and many doubt that he can achieve with it the same safety that the Royal Fleet once provided.

Mountain and Vale - Plumms and Slavers
As if the arrival of one Targaryen pretender had not been enough, others have followed. Likely drawn by the perceived weakness of the isolated region of Westeros and the fast successes of Matavarra Heartfyre, two more have landed under the cover of the Hearth Season rains and begun to lay siege to the keeps of Westerosi lords. One is Aerys Plummfyre, organizer of the Dragon Conclave of Pentos, who has landed his troops near Heart's Home and immediately established a siege on the seat of House Corbray. The other is the Tyroshi born Valarr Brightfyre who went ashore in the southern vale and is now laying siege to House Melcoms seat of Old Anchor. All the while, Lady Paramount Regent Lysa Arryn had called the banners of the Vale to the Eyri and is said to currently hold war council with her loyal supporters to throw the invaders back into the sea.

Riverlands - Assassins in Maidenpool
King Joffrey arrived in Maidenpool to protect it against the depredations of the army under Caern Targaryen together with host of Lannister riders and a Riverlander force under Edmure Tully. Then there was a fire in the keep and at least two members of the Kingsguard were dead. That much most of the rumors agree on. What happened next is much less certain. Some claim that the Tullys betrayed the king and tried to murder him, while others blame all kind of other culprits, ranging from reasonable like Targaryen pretenders to the outlandish, like Joffreys own grandfather or the vengeful ghost of Aerys the Mad. Whatever the truth of the matter, Edmure Tully was spotted entering the city of Duskendale while King Joffrey remained in the damaged keep of Maidenpool with the Lannister riders.

Riverlands - The Sack of Saltpans
Following news of the events in Maidenpool, infighting broke out between the host of Northmen and Riverlanders in Saltpans. A number of lords and their forces who believed the accusations of Tully treachery tried to apprehend Lord Paramount Robb Stark and his mother Catelyn Stark née Tully, claiming them complicit in a plot to overthrow King Joffrey and to install a new king of their choosing on the Iron Throne. In the fighting, fire broke out and Saltpans burned over the coming day as both hosts disentangled themselves from each other and fled in different directions. The Northern Loyalists as they were called used river boats to cross the Trident westwards, while Robb Stark led his host northwards and was spotted in the direction of Darry.

Riverlands - The Quiet Halls
The castle of Harrenhal had been inspiring dread in people for over 300 years. First as Harren Hoares madness and megalomania made manifest, then as the haunted ruins of his ambitions. Now, with Tywin Lannister making camp behind its remaining walls, the smallfolk is once more fearful of it. The huge Lannister host is consuming food at voracious rates and the local lords are ill equipped to deny the ever bolder foraging parties. The smallfolk prays to the Seven every day that once the roads clear, baggage trains from the Westerlands will arrive, as they fear what will happen if they have to feed the Westerlander host for another season.

Iron Isles - Blessed Ships and Blessed Blades
There are few traders who are still braving the way to the Iron Isles in these dangerous times, especially with the unusually heavy storms of this season. Those who still braved the cold waters report of unsettling events among the Ironborn. The Drowned Men have the run of most ports and coastal villages, claiming that the Red Comet was a sign of the Drowned Gods awakening and that the heavy storms that followed are the second. They bless men, ships and blades alike and many thralls find an untimely end as a gift to their cruel deity. First among them is Aeron Greyjoy, called Damphair by his followers, who is said to have been gifted prophetic visions by the Drowned God and who allegedly predicted everything from King Roberts death to the burning of Storms End.

Crownlands - A Dragon In The Mud
Following his dargin landing in Crackclaw Point, Caern Targeryen has made a no less bold move and tried to march his force through the Crowlands during Hearth Season. The goal, apparently, was to bypass Duskendale and instead to lay siege on the castle of Rosby, but the rains and storms slowed the armies march to a crawl. They finally had to relent and instead laid siege to the castle of Stokeworth while foraging in the rich farmlands to its west.

Crownlands - Another Betrayal on Dragonstone
A few months after the fall of Dragonstone by treachery, another such event took place in the keep. Details are sparse as the servants and armsmen are loathe to tattle though spreading from the taverns of Dragonstone is a cautionary tale fit for the songs. One night, Aukar Brightfyre was fished out of the waters near the keep, having gripped onto a rock in the middle of a storm and barely surviving the ordeal. How he got there is not certain, though a pool of blood in the room of the Painted Table and a Lady Velaryon wearing mourning garb has many suspect that the plotters turned on each other. Most suspect Brightfyre to have slit Monford Velaryons throat to make sure he was not betrayed by him like Stannis Baratheon and then fell from the battlements as he disposed of the body. Truly, the gods ire rests heavy on traitors.

Crownlands - Relief for Fleabottom
With the blockade of Blackwater Bay and the strife around the capital, food prices had been rising in recent months but now a bit of relief arrived from servants of the Faith. Shipped from the Reach with aid of House Tyrell, cheap grain and rendered fats were sold on the markets once more and septons took care to distribute some bowls of soup and bread to the poorest in the capital. The efforts quieted the growing discontent about rising prices for now, though talk about the mounting costs for the traders involved has many suspect that it will only be temporary relief.

Stormlands - The Fat Flowers Folly
Relations between House Tyrell and Renly Baratheon broke down in spectacular fashion after the end of the tourney and a tense few months camped in the fields of Summer Hall. After seeing ever more frequent meetings between Renly and Mace Tyrell, many suspected some sort of deal between the though houses had fallen through and if it had not at that point, it would do so later. The Lord Paramount of the Reach apparently began to badmouth Renly when talking to the Reacher lords, unknowing that some of them would report this to the Stormlander. This culminated into an altercation between Loras Tyrell, part of Renlys Rainbow Guard, and his father Mace, in which he proclaimed that he would rather follow a man they called a feckless pillow-biter than be the pawn of his old house any longer.

While the major Reach Houses remained loyal to the Tyrells through the web of marriages tying them all to each other, many of the lesser houses defected to Renlys banner in the aftermath of this. They claimed it unbearable to further serve a man who was henpecked by his mother, unable to control his own son and who would besmirch the honor of a just man after breaking a promise made to him.

Stormlands - Storms Victory
While being under siege by Stannis Baratheon, the castle of Storms End caught fire. Accounts conflict if this was as a result of the besieging armies actions or if lightning strike from an extraordinarily hefty storm caused this, but the results are clear. The keep burned down to the foundations after standing proud since the Age of Heroes. Some claim Stannis Baratheon returned from the ruins with a blade made of blue fire and held a speech to his assembled host about the duty he had to the people of Westeros before casting down his crown and asking all assembled to follow him not for glory or duty, but for the dream of a better dawn.

What is more certain is that the host of Stormlanders and Reachers under Renly Baratheon that later arrived found an empty camp and a burned keep. The younger Baratheon brother wept at seeing the ashes of his home and vowed to bring justice to all who would cause such devastation and death for nothing but their own ambitions. His host then moved on to Griffins Roost where they made camp.

Dorne - A Sure Hand Leaves The Tiller
After many years in which he directed the fates of Dorne, Doran Martell has died and left behind much uncertainty. When he died, his heiress Arianne was in Starfall, together with his brother Oberyn and the apparently alive Rhaenys Targaryen, herself his niece. Rumors are flying now. Lords whisper of a contested succession. Some claim that the Targaryen was rebuffed by Doran and had him killed to pave the way for her patsy Arianne. Others say that some lords favor his son Quentyn Martell to succeed Doran, allegedly believing he will not throw Dornish hosts into the chaos of the northern realms to plant a fake Targaryen on the Iron Throne. What is certain is that all lords and ladies of Dorne were called to Sunspear to sit in council, with many hoping that unnecessary bloodshed can be avoided that way.

The Three Daughters - The Titan Moves
After aggressively hiring sellswords through most of north-western Essos for the past months, among those taking the Sealords coin being the infamous Golden Company, the fleet of Braavos has made it's move. After a quick naval battle that broke the remnants of the Tyroshi fleet, a naval blockade was established and troops landed. The entire city was soon under siege with sellswords having few obstacles to plunder the countryside and liberating the slaves found there. Now everyone is waiting with bated breath what terms might be offered to the Tyroshi magisters and if the seizing of Tyroshi outposts in the eastern Stepstones is a prelude to more Braavosi forces entering the fight over the vital straits.

Stepstones - A Green Vintage
The Redwyne fleet, pride of the Arbor and the Reach as a whole, had been seen in months past sailing eastwards after taking on supplies in Oldtown. Certain that the pirates of the Stepstones would shy away from attacking the strongest war fleet of Westeros, they attempted to force passage through the straits, but ran right into a trap. Using their own fleets and wildfyre bearing fire ships, the pirate lords Helaena Wildfyre, Symon of Lys and Grazdan the Andal Slayer ambushed Paxter Redwyne and his fleet east of Bloodstone.

The losses were massive, amounting to Paxter Redwyne himself and his flagship, the massive war dromond Arbor Queen being captured and nearly half the fleet sunk, ran aground or captured by the pirates. Where the fleet has gone after this defeat is unclear, though it was sighted on northwards course east of the Stormlands. Meanwhile, the Stepstones are witnessing a massive effort by the pirates to drag wrecks from shallow waters and to restore as much of the defeated fleet as possible. Many captains and burghers alike dread the prospect of pirates and slavers having little to no opposite across most of Westeros shores.

Volantis - More Strife in the First Daughter
Violence has erupted in the streets of Volantis between a faction of rich merchants calling themselves The Forty, a brazen allusion to the forty ruling families of the Valyrian Freehold, and the nobles of the Old Blood, who have been firmly controlling Volantis since before the fall of the Freehold. The Old Blood had hired the infamous sellsword Visenya Redfyre to replace their previous Targaryen pretender, while Gaemon Blackfyres vicorious host returned to the city. Now battle lines have been drawn between the slums and dockyards west of the Rhoyne and the noble districts around the Black Walls east of it. Already people are being displaced by sellswords preparing the ground for the battle to come and rumors of broken parlays and dark magics being thrown around are spreading across Essos. Many magisters dread to see what the future will hold for the strongest of the slaver cities west of Valyria.

Volantis - The Dangers of Wildfyre
Perhaps inspired by the success of the pirates in the Stepstones, the mercenary Gaemon Blackfyre seems to have obtained his own cache of the volatile incendiary from some source, most likely the Volantene Alchemists Guild. However, unlike his fellow Targaryen claimants, he had much less success with this. As a result of what was likely a misshap while handling the dangerous substance, the compound housing his mercenary company and many of his backers caught fire, consuming many lives and severely damaging a whole district of western Volantis. A costly mistake that greatly eroded the influence of the rebel merchants and which has many commenting that the victory of the Old Blood is all but certain now.

Turn 4 - 1st Season of 299 AC

You have two actions. You can pick either from the options below or use write-in actions, but those should be cleared with the QM first. Note that NPCs (such as people on the Small Council) will take their own actions.

In addition, you can send an arbitrary number of messages to people at court, in Westeros or abroad. Write in the content of these messenges and the recipient. Unless otherwise specified, they will be delivered by raven.

Please use plan voting for turn votes.


[] Hold court. Speak judgements and hear the complaints of the people.

[] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.

[] Speak with the High Septon. Get his opinion on the moves of the Moust Devout.

[] Speak with Varys. Try to ascertain his loyalties and learn more about the wildfyre he found.

[] Speak with the Pyromancers. Learn more about the wildfyre found in the sept and see if they can aid you in the battles to come.

[] Try to recruit someone skilled in a certain matter: (Write-In what for)

[] Try to send someone to treat with the Lady Velaryon. She might have come to regret her late husbands disloyalty and could be willing to swear to the crown once more.


[] Dig into Littlefingers books. The crown is in debt and you need to know how bad it really is.

[] Speak with local traders to organise better food supplies for the city.


[] Deploy your own forces somewhere. (Write-In who will command them in the field)

Own Troops
- 5x Light Infantry (Gold Cloaks)
- 2x Light Infantry (Sellswords)
- 1x Light Cavalry (Sellswords)


[] Talking with Baelish gave a good insight into how his businesses work. Now that he is away from court, you could try to subvert some of his agents for your own ends.

[] Gather information on the wildfyre yourself. Varys is likely hiding something.

[] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.


[] Dig into the histories of these Targaryen pretenders. Maybe something can be found that can be exploited.


[] Rest. Sleep. Spend time with Jaime. He is gone. Silly girl. You've sent him away and now he is gone.

[] Adjust the Small Council (Free Action)
-[] Write-In whom to elevate or dismiss.

[] Name new Kingsguards (Free Action)
-[] Write-In whom to elevate.

Current Small Council

Queen RegentCersei Baratheon-LannisterLooking good on that chair.
Hand of the KingEdmure Tully
Grand MaesterPycelleTraitor
Master of CoinPetyr Baelish
Master of LawsVacant
Master of ShipsRenfred Rykker
Master of WhisperersVarys
Lord Commander of the KingsguardSandor CleganeCan't be dismissed. Not a knight.
AdvisorHigh Septon (the fat one)

Current Kingsguard

HolderCurrent DeploymentNotes
Lord Commander Sandor CleganeBodyguard of Joffrey INot a knight
Ser Jaime LannisterUnknownBeloved idiot of a brother.
Ser Meryn TrantBodyguard of Joffrey I
Ser Arys OakheartBodyguard of Joffrey I
Ser Boros BlountUnknownLast seen fleeing Maidenpool after the attempt on Joffreys life.
Ser Mandon mooreBodyguard of Joffrey I
Ser Preston GreenfieldBodyguard of Joffrey I

AN: Map was already updated with latest developments.
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I don't suppose Pycelle could be implicated in the wildfyre plot from the start of the Quest? Or the apparent sequel that nearly claimed Joffrey's life (again. . . we can only get lucky so many times with the boy)? Or both?
I don't suppose Pycelle could be implicated in the wildfyre plot from the start of the Quest? Or the apparent sequel that nearly claimed Joffrey's life (again. . . we can only get lucky so many times with the boy)? Or both?
You'd have to come up with a reason for him to blow up the Great Sept of Baelor, but you can accuse him of whatever you want. The only question is how believable it is.
Just send Pycelle to the Nights Watch. They'll need a new maester soon anyway, as Aemon is still liable to die, and Pycelle is pretty good at his actual job. Should declare Ser Boros Blount a coward and unfit for the Kingsguard while we're at it, and send word that he should be sent to the Nights Watch for penance wherever he may be found.

We really should get our own spies now too.
I don't suppose Pycelle could be implicated in the wildfyre plot from the start of the Quest? Or the apparent sequel that nearly claimed Joffrey's life (again. . . we can only get lucky so many times with the boy)? Or both?

The wildfire plot from the quest beginning happened a year ago though. It might make more sense to say that we executed him for secretly conspiring with the Targaryens pretenders.

To be honest, I don't really see why we need an official execution. Just have him go missing one night and the next day, there'll be a new bowl of brown for the commoners.
[X] Plan: Consolidation of Power
-[X] [Pycelle] Force him to volunteer to the Nights Watch.
-[X] [Replacement] Let the Citadel assign a new Grand Maester as it is custom. (Free)
-[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
-[X] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
-[X] Write to your son, King Joffery, of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders. He's growing into a fine young man, and a good king.

We have a third Kingsguard spot open because we're totally dismissing Ser Boros. What's a good, loyal Reach knight to give it too?

(No I don't really expect Blackfish to accept, but it looks good for us to offer and the Riverlands will get a KG with Blackwood anyway. We can get a real third KG later, and who knows? Maybe Tully will accept!)
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-[] [Replacement] Pycelle was always dismissive of the supernatural. See that you find someone more open-minded to advise you. (Locks 1 Action)
-[] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
-[] Speak with the Tyrell household. You will soon be family, so it is a good moment to learn more about Olenna and Margaery.
You are using three actions here.
You are using three actions here.
Ah, hadn't realized, thank you. Well, whoever the citadel sends then.

Anyone have ideas for other letters to send?

Perhaps we could finally offer that marriage to Robb?

Edit: Also thought it was funny we never told Joffery we arranged his marriage to Margaery.
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We should have a season before Stannis gets here, assuming he can't piss fire into the Blackwater and make it run dry for a thousand years. Unfortunately, given who he's working for now, using wildfyre against him might outright not work.

[X] Plan: Preparing For The Firestorm
-[X] [Pycelle] Quietly sweep the treason under the rug. Fear and a guard detail will keep him in line.
-[X] Try to recruit some trusted informants of your own.
-[X] Speak with local traders to organize better food supplies for the city.

A man who's disloyalty is known is closer to loyal than one who's disloyalty is not. He won't die for Tywin, and besides that, Tywin is not here.

Stannis is going to attack KL, possibly as soon as next season. Stocking food is essential to not fail instantly.
What do people think about Garth or Humphrey Hightower for the third slot of the Kingsguard once Blount is dismissed?
We probably don't actually have to dismiss Blount. Like, Joffrey was there. I presume he's already called for Blount's head, the news just hasn't reached us.
You should honestly refrain from handing out positions to people you never interacted with and whose loyalties you are entirely unsure of. Better focus on organising opposition against Tywin.
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Well I'll drop my Kingsguard actions then, and just hope Joffery appoints some people.

Edit: Actually, how about this letter guys?

-[] Write to your son, King Joffery of the marriage alliance you've brokered with the Tyells and the small council position you've offered. Ask him to keep an eye for talented knights to shore up his Kingsguard while he's on campaign, especially considering Blounts cowardice. Advise that Boros should be sent to the wall and replaced - ideally Riverlander and Reach knights should be considered as those kingdoms will be vital to the Realms stability in the coming years. Finally, advise your son that you expect his grandfather really will try to take either the Handship or Regency for himself. Father always was too proud for his own good, and desires control more than anything, increasingly to the point of self sabotage. You do not believe he was behind the assassination, but nor do you believe it was Stark or Tully. We already have enough enemies without inviting more. Nonetheless, you're proud of him, and believe he has what it takes to reunite the realm and expel the invaders.
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I think we should spend a action on Lady Velaryon. Figure out what the hell happened with Aukar Brightfyre, and see if we can get ahold of Shireen and her mother.
Here's an idea. We got offered Renly and the stormlands on a silver platter but denied him the pardon. So of course, Renly never surrendered to us.

It might be worth offering that pardon if he turns himself in to the Tyrells.

Beyond that. Cersei is queen Regent and heir to casterly Rock. Mother of the king. She's not quite so bad a match herself. Even into her middle age she's still fertile.

My suggestion here is thus. We throw ourselves upon the mercy of the starks and tully's. And make clear Edmure had nothing to do with the assassination. You named Edmure hand. Offer him a hand. Offer to betroth Myrcella to Robb and Cersei to Edmure. If we can get them that's two entire armies. Included in the letter should be a command for Tywin to let The Stark and Tully hosts pass Harrenhal and to march south to fight the Essosi invaders, Targaryen pretenders, and stannis and his foreign god.

The northerners might worship the old gods but the gods of essos have no love for the northerners trees either.
I can't imagine any world where Cersei willingly gets married unfortunately, as politically convenient a marriage to Edmure might be.
For immediate actions, I'd focus on three things - putting together a host to kick Cearn out of the Crownlands, working to undermine Tywin (although the details of how to conduct this escape me), and making sure our fleet continues coming along so we can eventually reclaim Dragonstone and start clearing out the Narrow Sea. Besides that, I'd work on finances, solidify the alliance with the Tyrells, and prepare for a future campaign into the Stormlands against Renly.
working to undermine Tywin (although the details of how to conduct this escape me)

Marry someone before he picks someone for his daughter. And arrange a big enough Alliance between the Tyrells, Starks and Tully's that he takes note and has the mountains head cut off for bidding rights between the Tully's and Martells.

If we can do enough diplomacy without him to Arrange the kind of Alliance that helped Robert win his Rebellion Tywin will have to bend the knee.

It's of course admirable for him to defend his bannerman but it's time Clegane was punished for his many crimes and Tywin swears loyalty to his king.
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