Le Charismeur
- Location
- Germany
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Why would our enemies give us two kingdoms?! If you have any doubts that Walder and Roose are working for Tywin I have a keep without a wall to sell you in the Riverlands. Edmure Tully right now offers us 2k foot and 2k mixed cavalry that we can't even unite with the Royal Host because of the political clusterfuck. What we have in the field, even if Edmure's host cooperates with Joffrey's simply isn't enough to reliable beat Caern without taking losses that render it unfit for further battles.Yeah, no. The simple fact is that Tywin will do his damnedest to marginalize Cersei so submitting to him is game over. Furthermore, his enemies would give us two kingdoms while ha can only give us one and his plot to murder Robb has already failed given that the "loyalist" northern houses failled to arrest him.
Of course begging Tywin is shit but the situation is desperate. The best bet right now is to try to placate Tywin a bit and hope he stays in the field to win some breathing room in King's Landing. For now he leads armies in the field and he needs Joffrey who is listening to us (hopefully).