Soda Pop updates are all about pop culture which I know you nerds go gaga over, here's the first. It's getting pretty big so I'm splitting it.
Burbank California, 72 hours after translocation
"Okay so moving forward. How exactly are we going to do that?" Kevin Feige said. The 97.5 hour days on this planet were going to be the death of him. What even was the time anymore? The bright suns of Xarazanth had finally set some time ago yes, but the length of time they hung in the sky had confused his sleeping schedule terribly. Now though, he was wide awake while the sky was wholly dark with the eerie glow of Xarazanth's moons in the distance. He could count the continents and see what he presumed were city lights from the moon from a telescope brought up to have a look when the night sky first appeared. The other, smaller or more distant moons all seemed to be inhabited, and word from NASA was that somehow every planet in the system showed signs of habitation.
What a weird place. Were the suns homes for fire elementals? Who even knew!
"Maybe we should try to ignore the event? Nostalgia for the smaller world we used to live in." Feige shook his head.
"Why? To date our movies into period pieces or just to not rewrite our scripts?" He said.
"We need to consider market expansion. There's god knows how many potential customers out there who've never heard of the Marvel Brand."
"How can we expect to catch their attention if none of them have heard of us?"
"Nobody heard of Guardians of the Galaxy until we made it big." Pasciullo suggested. Fair point, for the longest while they did have to work with B-listers people at best knew but weren't really familiar with. Hell the only A-list character they had at first; Hulk...that movie was probably their most mediocre success...hrm...yes he could work with that, he thought to himself as he rubbed at his chin and pondered to himself.
"The rewrites are going to be huge. It's going to take years if not decades to fully understand the cultures around here. I'm just advising we stick with the market we know, maybe incidentally picking up new customers, and what our writers have already made rather than rewrite the entirety of our planned canon to account for the act of a planet-fairy." Steffens said. Oh yeah, the worldspirit...thinking that Xarazanth truly...alive in the form of Elerenth the worldspirit was going to take getting used to. Did Elerenth watch movies? Would they endorse this whole line of thought was weird and stupid.
"People are going to want to look back on the days when Earth was all we knew and Elves and Beetle people were made up. That's a safe investment in my book. Besides, how would we even work with all this new information into our canon? It'd completely overwhelm our brand and our characters in a tidal wave of new elements. Besides, it would be insensitive to minimalise the problems we're now facing by having the avengers solve it or our bad guys cause it. We should focus on escapism, so let's provide and escape." He continued.
"Brand fatigue is a real thing and people are going to want to see our characters in somewhat relatable situations." Pasciullo said.
"Cover it in metaphors! Who's going to want to see Spider-Man fight a Liche?" Steffens said, folding his arms.
"Who wanted to see Spider-Man fight Thanos last year?" Feige said, an idea dawning in his head.
"People are feeling small and powerless aren't they? But we've seen that there are real superheroes here. Why not inspire the first generation of real ones ourselves? And hey, people are scared of a war with Dark Elves, the Undead, mole people and god knows what else. We've got slavers to the east, monsters all around us, and some terrifying fucking people and I can't even begin to imagine what other things out to get us. I think we need to step it up to give people hope. After all, didn't Captain America punch Hitler in the jaw? Why not punch Baron Folkith?" Feige said, going on with his idea.
"Isn't Folkith just a pilot?"
"First name that came to mind, sorry."
"How do we introduce the new stuff?" Markus asked.
"That, I think is going to need several meetings to handle." Feige admitted, gnawing on his finger slightly as the impressive sight of some of the UCA airships hung over Burbank, eclipsing one of the moons overhead as it slid through the air. He'd need to do some serious thinking for quite a while. Who knows, maybe Disney might get bought out soon and new bosses would be making these decisions for him.
Bugman's Bar, Nottingham, United Kingdom 72 hours after translocation
"Crazy night eh?" Phil Kelly said as he downed a beer at the Pub, which was still trying to sort out its opening hours with the vastly different scheduling. The pub owner himself looked like he was about to
"What about it is crazy? That Elves or real or that MI6 would come barging in through the door asking us very seriously what we knew about Elves and the Undead?" Jeremy Vetock said with a hoarse laugh shared by the other games workshop writers.
"Probably going to have to find a way to write all this out of 40k or we'll have to screw the whole plot. Think the Emperor could bring us back from this place?" Ward asked as he finished his pint and sat back, checking the time and blinking a few times. Certainly didn't look like it was early afternoon to him.
"If we want to expand we're going to have to try to make our product appeal to all these new demographics." Rountree said as he looked through the news on a tablet.
"Blimey..." He muttered mostly to himself.
"What's going on?" Kelly said.
"Idiots petitioning to worship the Emperor as an actual God."
Phil Kelly pinched his brow and let out a long sigh. Sometimes the fandom exasperated him to no end. Hopefully Xarazanthi fans would be able to provide a newer perspective on their work. One that would hopefully drown out the part of the fandom he wished would just shut up and go away some day.
"Should we send someone to the Coronia to make the case for Warhammer to the Atericils?" Jeremy asked.
"We'd have to sort out some sort of trade system with them. We'd need to ask some professionals to draft something, but I think it could work. We should look at as many of the new countries as possible too...well new to us." Rountree corrected himself.
"Not Strakhul and the other Conclave countries right though?" Ward said.
"If I wanted to meet Vampire Counts, Daemons, and Dark Elves in real life I would have gone to Wall Street." That got a laugh out of everyone, enough for Ward to double over.
Twitter post by Dave Barry, 72 hours after translocation
Dave Barry@rayadverb
Seems like I'm going to be writing one hell of a year in review. Important question though, do I write it in 2020 for us, or 2137 for them?
Twitter post by Lindsay Ellis, 72 hours after translocation
Lindsay Ellis @thelindsayellis
Oh god how am I going to sort through all of these war movies? Wars throughout the planet, wars on other planets; do these people have any other hobbies?
Philosophy Tube @philosophytube
I find it fascinating and yet quite terrifying how you have what appears to be a constant cycle of destruction going on across the planet and beyond. I'd love to try and get to the bottom of it with you.
H.Bomberguy @hbomberguy
@philosophytube @thelindsayellis
War Movies? Have you seen the war games here? The stuff being revealed is a nightmarish morass of militarism. On the other hand, are you all prepared for the fantasy-war genre boom?
Lindsay Ellis @thelindsayellis
@philosophytube @hbomberguy
I'm morbidly curious about the inevitable revival of the war propaganda film from its 70 year slumber.
Shaun @shaun_jen
@philosophytube @hbomberguy @thelindsayellis
Forget the movies, have you seen D'Souza ranting about how we need to nuke the Coronia? Honestly can't wait for new world war one to happen before the first week is out.
Mexie @mexieYT
@shaun_jen @hbomberguy @thelindsayellis @philosophytube
I'm not sure whether the uncontrollable horniness for Saerana or the sudden demonisation of her society by the usual suspects was worse to sit through.
Shaun @shaun_jen
@mexieYT @hbomberguy @thelindsayellis @philosophytube
Haven't you kept up with the times? The new thing is being horny for Adraco, Aerva, and Admiral Airak.
Twitter Thread, 72 hours after translocation.
Andrew Hussie @andrewhussie
Extremely rude of the multiverse to steal my sequel ideas.
Wint @dril
Very fucked up for God to reveal there's actually five billion of him and one of them was a hot lady all along. Who the fuck am I supposed to send my complaints to now?
FakestGamerstGirlest @grahamthecorncob
@andrewhussie @dril
So you're telling me it takes the entire planet to isekai itself for Hussie to post on twitter three whole ass days after the event?
J A M E S R O A C H @hamestron
@andrewhussie @grahamthecorncob @dril
I mean the world didn't quite end so there's that. It can't be his work though, there's not nearly enough horses to be all according to Hussie's plans though.
starburstSunburst @meganova
@roseofnobility Are you going to classpect Adraco or Aerva? The way they beat up those monsters was absolutely lit and I don't know if Adraco would be a Knight of Breath or a Prince of Light. Aerva is definitely a Knight of Hope though.