What the fresh hell is this?[]The Family Reunion: "HO HO HO!" You turned around and saw the red jacked of Nicholas Schnee. "My Dear Grandson, why didn't you tell me you were visiting?"
You summoned Papa Schnee.
REmember kids, Whitley can summon those he has a relationship with.
For a one time only ass kicking of the highest degree.
But at this point, Neo and Roman are happy with doing other things that may require tons of other work... like say, criminal orgnizations.Aside from Neo and Torchwick, we've recruited literally every asset Cinder has and then some
And we're years younger than her too boot!
So she either rolled well and got Fall Maiden or rolled shit?But at this point, Neo and Roman are happy with doing other things that may require tons of other work... like say, criminal orgnizations.
Speaking of Cinder, lets see how she's doing!
Rolls dice.
Sees other rolls for other people.
Damn, I mean... Damn. Well...
Shit I have nothing witty to say, that is just stone cold.
Amber hasn't rolled yet.
Please tell me she didn't 'dispose of them'Amber hasn't rolled yet.
Cinder is trying to build her network and her crew.
Turns out, she's good at one thing... and one thing only.
Being a Fairy godmother to orphans who really should choose better godmothers.