[X] observation rank 1, automatically observe your foes at the beginning of a fight
[X] intelligence
[X] wisdom
[X] constitution

Never fight blind again
There are no wrong answers in leveling up, except maybe to not level up.
[X] observation rank 1, automatically observe your foes at the beginning of a fight
[X] intelligence
[X] wisdom
[X] constitution
And now, Anastasia's level 2 character sheet, as I try to pick up the pace these stats and the cast levels will become increasingly relevent so keep them in mind next update coming soon, we're starting the training arc next time​

Name Anastasia level 2​
current condition: great
location magic school
hp 135
casts ∞cantrips/ 10 level 1/ 5 level 2/ 1 level 3
strength 4 (carry weight, phys attack. block pushing, thing pulling)
stamina 7 (number of casts, running time, carry weight, time spent awake, physical defense)
wisdom 3 (cast levels, defense against magic, resistance to charm)
inteligence 7 (multiplyer for magic effectiveness, problem solving, resistance to magical influence)
constitution 10 (bonus hp, physical defense, resistance to status ailment)
rage limit 20 (building rage adds temporary cast levels at the expense of constitution and stamina)
max carry weight 170 pounds
current carry weight 80 pounds
armor rating 9
[currently equiped]school uniform: despite being for apprentice mages these clothes don't make it easier to cast, you cannot help but find this suspicious
[currently equiped] purple lady's umbrellasol: double dice on spells, practical and stylish!
your actual robe: Mama made this for you when you left home it has your legacy's crest, a stylized A on the back and on the chest. It was enchanted to be self repairing but you still treat it like fragile glass +2 casts (all levels)
A plain short sword: you're self tought at best but if all else fails it might save your life
5 insignificant mana potions: restores 1 level 1 cast
10 decent health potions: stops poison and infection restores 30% health
flare cantrip.v3 - extremely short range fire burst
fire bolt v1 cantrip long range fire spell deals 1d6*(1/2INT) +12 if the target is already on fire. more dice at higher versions
spark cantrip.v1 - a weak bolt of lightning
show cantrip - make any nonmagic item out of a clump of dirt (Items can only be the size of your hand) can also be used to make graffiti of any size
communication cantrip - allows you to talk to anyone so long as they know magic exists and can identify its use
mage armor v1 abdjuration cantrip for 10 turns multiply armor rating by intelligence. On higher versions, gain additional multiplyers.

lesser cumbustion.v1 - level 1 fire spell better than flare cantrip in every way but burns one level 1 cast
earth shield.v1 - level 1 earth spell the most basic earth spell that raises a stone pillar in front of you. In its beginning state this won't protect you from much but maybe it can be useful for other things
shout of the monarch v1 level 1 force spell conel aoe create a shock wave by shouting with the authority of a queen deals 2d10*INT if the target(s) fails a charisma roll they are toppled. on higher versions, the topple lasts longer
defencer v1 abdjuration level 1 creat a barrier to protect blocks damage equal to the caster's total hp*int. Higher versions gain additional multipliers
lightning flicker v1 level 1 martial magic for 3 turns imbues your body and any equiped weapons with lightning granting +10 to intiative for the duration of the spell, in addition to melee damage melee deals 2d10+INT of lightning damage. On higher versions lasts additional turns.
healing hands v1 level 1 recovery touch a wound and make it heal faster target recovers 2d10*WIS. Additional die on higher versions.

eldrich storm v1 level 2 force spell fires a series of force beams at one or more targets deals 5d10*INT/# of targets all targets can make a DEX roll to take half damage. On higher versions multi targeting comes with a reduced penalty

inferno blossom v1 level 5 fire spell radial aoe creat a blossoming flower of fire centered around your person deals 10d6*INT the castor needs to make an INT saving throw in order to avoid taking half the damage rolled for. On higher versions, recoil damage is reduced.
auto observer - you can sum up an enamy at a glance; automatically know most things about 1 enamy at the start of combat
A trickle of regret and then a river of power part 1
You wake up at the crack of dawn again and again you don't feel like going back to sleep. It's for the best really, that training camp starts early and your obligations mean you can't be late... on pain of death or worse. This really was a terrible choice on your part.

When you portal to the room where you made your introduction to the other participants the room is empty. The Thing starts in a few minutes, but nobody is here... Where could they be? It is at this moment that you remember it happens on a seperate demiplane. You chide yourself for forgetting before portaling into that demiplane. As you walk through your portal the instructor bumps into you with an exclamation of "Ah!" really, how did someone so softspoken get into one of the most elite sections of the Zechnian Armored Corp? "Um, Who are you? how did you get here? I haven't opened this plane yet" you quickly realize how bad this could look to someone who has been trained to be even more suspicious than you. You briefly explain that you are, in fact, one of the participants in the advanced training camp that she is hosting and that you came here do to a spell that can take you anywhere that exists, though appearently it can take you nowhere as well? She finds your knowledge of space absolutely fascinating, you aren't the best with facial ques, but even you can tell she's going over regiments and exercises meant to bring out the potential in your abilities that only a professional trainer could even realize was there. This seems like it will be a very good learning experience! Yep not going to regret this at all! You will regret that thought mere hours later.

This is hell, that is your thought eight hours after starting your training, day one has consisted intirely of running laps and doing various fitness exercises. For a year you've been on the road and you'd thought that has left you in decent shape, that hasn't prepared for what Instructor Lyrica has had you doing. Appearently this isn't just training deviced by a member of special forces, by the end you are going to have completed actual special forces training. Over qualified will be an understatement. You fear for your life in the face of what is to come.

After eight streight hours of exorcise, you are allowed to rest and get a meal. Or you should have been resting, Instead Instructor Lyrica has you thinking with portals. As in, she has you making many portals, so many in fact, that despite being able to creat these with little to no exertion. And she has you making portals in ways that surpas their intended use as transportation. She has you making portals in things; turns out, you can slice things in half by doing that. This, puts quite the strane on you. Infact you get this feeling in your stomach. It's the feeling you get when you try to cast something to large for your reserve. It get's worse after a few seconds and then you pass out.

As you dream, you see another you. She stands with a sagging posture, there are heavy bags under her eyes, and she yawns loudly. You can see she's looking at you expectantly. You notice the nameplate just like when you gained the portals. It's painful, how obvious this is. But, it's painful because you don't know what seperates you from this other you. You'll have to meditate on this late, for now, you're coming awake.

What do you tell Lyrica when you wake up

There seems to be a limit on what you can do with portals
I think I can use this, but I'll need more stamina!
can I quit?
write in
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A trickle of regret and then a river of power part 2
You are awoken by the sound of gentle humming; it sounds like something Mama sang when you were little back when Papa's loss was still heavy on both your hearts. In your exhausted state, you can't help but ruminating on how little you remember of him. The memories are fuzzy, you wouldn't even be able to remember his face if not for the photos of him strune throughout your childhood home... Damn those psionics! With a shake of your head you realize that, of course, it isn't Mama humming. She's back home helping Aunt Adreanna raise your baby cousin. You blink the tears out of your eyes... You thought you'd dealt with the last of these episodes months ago...

Once Instructor Lyrica notices that you are not comatose, the brightness in her face almost makes you forgive the fact that her prodding put you into this state. She greets you with a beaming smile you try to return it but, after remembering Papa, you don't feel like smiling much. You get up with shaking arms "How long was I out?" you cut straight to the chase "About a day and a half... I take it this isn't normal for you?" you don't look her in the eye "No, not particularly. In fact, what you had me doing seems to be almost impossible. There's just... something holding me back from pushing this any further." she looks a tad disappointed, you continue "To be fair, the circumstances that I gained this ability wasn't normal. The map doesn't account for the insides of objects apparently." She looks thoughtful for a minute "I think I know something that can help!" She has that determined look on her face.

Half an hour later she has dug out a box which she then hands to you. Without ceremony, you open the box... What are you supposed to be looking at? It's obvious what it is on a surface level, it an onyx stone in the shape of a diamond. As you hold it, stark white light emanates from the four corners and a deep voice says "Are you the operator?" You look over at Instructor Lyrica and you are completely flabbergasted. She looks quite proud of herself "This little fellow is going to help you push your magic to the next level! These are known as 'smart devices' they're fresh from R&D. Technically, civilians aren't supposed to have these. But, you'll probably be qualified for use before long. Not to mention, you wouldn't be a member of That Legacy if you weren't carrying some contraband around at all times." you begin sweating profusely at this statement. Her smile grows mischievous "Relax! In all honesty, I am sympathetic to your cause. Having seen what the demand for water does to the spirits, I can understand why you'd want to over turn that system..." she continues "This smart device need a name, at that point, it will establish a link with you from then on it shall assist you in your spell calculations and even automate a number of simple spells. Do you accept." You take it without a second thought, Mama taught you to never look a gift horse in the mouth.

you need to choose a name for this fine fellow
Adrean - the name mama would have given to your brother, back when she thought she'd have another
Blakky - a fun name for your new helper
Tlaloc - in the mood you're in, the only name in your head is his...
write in

Sorry this is a little late, I was having an existintial crisis after finding out I've passed an exam I thought I'd failed.
A trickle of regret and then a river of power part 3
I was entirely too proud of this while writing it,,,

You utter the device's new name "Adrean!" and he answered "User identified, designation recognised!" instantly you feel something being pulled from you and you feel Adrean coming to meet you half way. You have to vocalize this feeling and begin an oath that sounds like an invocation "Brother of my soul! I pledge to thee and give to thee all of me, that all that I am and all that we shall be can be used to the fullness of my ethos! Now, the path my whole life has been dedicated to it, this was the only way.


As you are going through the linking process the music in your head returns after a long absence and your clothes start changing. For starters you are no longer whereing the school outfit, seemingly out of nowhere you find yourself wearing a white undershirt and black slacks. Your robe appeared out of nowhere so you're wearing that now. However, after doning it, the hood recedes into a stylish collar. The single clasp that normally keeps the robe closed in the middle multiplys up and down the front snapping closed this brings the robe closer around you. The billowing sleeves contrict and shorten, no longer covering your hands at the neutral position. Making further room for something to come, the sleeves roll halfway up your forearm. The waist line also closes in on you. It doesn't become constricting, but the robe has certainly lost the billowing effect it had before. The final change to your robe is the bottom which splits open to reveal your pants and shrinks up a few inches. Over all, it looks like your robe has become something of a long coat.

When your robe finishes this transition, you can mana begin to coagulate in the air around you. You punch the slurry of raw arcane material and as you bring each one arm back it's coated in a sleak guantlet that shines like polished silver. You give a double spin kick through the cloud as well, each leg getting a grieve of similar metal. You the turn away and back flip through the cloud reducing it to ribbons. As you come from out the arcane material you have pualdrons on your shoulders and plates on your torso. The pualdrons are sleek like everything else is and made of that metal that isn't silver. There are four plates attached to your jacket and to each other by magic alone, the two largest mold themselves to your sides and go up to your armpits. They meet at your naval forming a triangle of missing material on your from and back. These spaces are then filled in by the two slightly smaller plates.

While this is going on, Adrean and the umbrellasol seem to be having a clash of wills the two arcane objects refusing to submit to the other's aesthetic. After a minute they seem to reach a compromise with Adrean, rather than replacing the tip like he had intended, embeds himself in the opening mechanism. Meanwhile the material that forms the umbrellasol's canopy becomes translucent and the shaft becomes the same metal as your armor the engraved runes now much more visible. You grab adrean and sling him over you should with a spin and as you do, the remaining ribbons of arcane material swirl around you decorating your armor in purple flame decals and manifesting into a new metalic clasp which holds your hair in a tighter pony tail than you've ever had it before. As this change comes to a close, Andrean gives a declaration of "Link successful, full ignition confimed."

to be continued...

Fun fact, I orignally planned to have the transformation use the color scheme of the American flag... There are several obvious reasons why I scrapped that idea. Though there are also clear reasons why I'd think of it in the first place...
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Sorry the next update has taken so long, finishing school stuff was way too stressful to actually do anything for fun. Things will be faster for the next week or so as I go into my next semestar.
As you return to your senses you marvel at the striking contrast of the gleaming metal armour and your black coat. You aren't a vein person by any stretch, but this is just such a cool look. Instructor Lyrica, who has been here the whole time, doesn't seem as impressed. In fact, she seems slightly embarresed by how into it you are. Of course, you are too into it to notice that she's embarrased by you... But then, how do you know that? at this moment Adrean chimes in "F.A.A (full area awareness) established, you are welcome" it seems one of the benifets of being linked to a smart device is being fully aware of your surroundings, even when you aren't paying attention to them... Neat!

You're back on the training field Adrean in hand and begin wondering what the best way to test his capabilities when he chimes in with a suggestion to

Go spar with someone
see if you can arrange a shooting range
destroy something outside the space of the training camp
write in

sorry this is short, I promised I would get back to writing so I felt obligated to post something. But I've run into a dreadful case of the writer's block and i'm hoping that seeing people vote will help me push past it.
so what does one do when everyone who will vote has and you're still stuck with a 3 way deadlock? Improvise I guess?
A river of power part NONCANON
I cannot stress enough that this is noncanon

"Sis, as a first test I'd like to recommend an a display of destruction conducted in dramatic fashion, something the likes of which the prime material plane has never seen and is unlikely to see again!" That is an excellent idea that your new little brother has provided for you. So, stepping up to the practice range you prepare to strike the final blow against your hated enemies!

It's a known fact that psionics are all connected to the plane of force in a similar but distinct from your own connection to the plane of magic. It's also known to you that psionics murdered Papa for being associated with a magic using legacy... Those bigots! "Back on track!" talking to yourself, you didn't realize how pumped you were for this. Back to the facts if, by some act of divine wrath or arcane chicanery, the plane of force is altered you could manually remove a psionic's connection to the plane of force removing the abilities that they derive from connection. Now, given that the plane of force is comprised of immovable walls of pure force altering them possess something of a challenge. However, as you think back on explosions you've seen, you remember Trinket and her dragon welps. Void and radiant energies don't mix well that may be your ticket. Normally doing something like this would be a death sentence, but with some assistance you may be able to pull this off and stay alive!

You begin to concentrate on the map in your head to begin opening a portal in the celestial plane but as you do, you feel Adrean and part of your attention being diverted to the plane of void. You aren't particularly devout but you still feel a bit bad about you're doing to the plane where the gods live. But all the edgelords who call the plane of void home can choke on something for all you care, those idiots never did anything for anyone.

As your focus differs back to your current location you can tell that the 100 feet tall portals you desired in both of these planes have opened to their intended destination in the plane of force. You can't see the reaction but you can certainly feel it because a moment after you opened the portals, you can feel a rumbling that surpasses any earthquake and can only signify that the plane you're in itself is shaking. This shaking can only mean that something has happened to the planar system itself. "Sis, I think we got 'em!" you have the best little brother!

A day later you are outside the school demiplane where you've spent the last few days. As you walk by a local info kiosk you see the headlines of the daily paper "MYSTERIOUS SUPER TERRORIST BLOWS UP PLANE OF FORCE! PSIONICS NO LONGER EXIST!"

You feel satisfied with how Adrean can assist you in the use of your new magic.

Seriously noncanon, we need to break that tie!
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A river of power part 2
"Hey sis how about some target practice?" Yeah, you think you could go for shooting something or multiple things. Getting dummies from the shed where Lyrica has been keeping the training equipment that she's been using, you plant them in the ground then using a show cantrip you disguise them as illithids.

The illithid are the squid faced folk who head the psionic supremecy movement. They used to be a reclusive bunch until they immurged from their underground kingdom the 'underdark' with their drow... what are the drow to them? Whatever they are, they certainly aren't equals. This happened back during the surge in the psionic population that happened a while back. Back then the illithid were even less civilized than they are now. Which is to say, they ate people! They don't really do that anymore, appearently the psionic field that the sapient species of the world can produce is enough to sustaine them. Now they while away their time heading efforts to make psionics 'priority citizens' which basically translates to 'make everyone who doesn't have psychic powers a servent of those that do' luckily they haven't had much success on that front. They also have a vendetta against magic users... and it was illithids that killed Papa. Needless to say the illithid have given you every reason to hate them. And you do... you hate them so, so much! THEM AND THEIR FACE PENISES! So much hate!

You take aim at one of the ones in back, the one with the familiar coloration. As you prepare to fire a circle of runes appeared at Adrean's top. What's this then? "Muzzle formed. Sis, this is for enhancing accuracy and controling output." hmm, so that's what he does... "Further, spread fire is highly inefficient, so I've altered [ELDRICH STORM] to a rotatational fire model" oh, that's a worrying degree of control on what you do with your magic "Don't worry sis, I'm only optomizing the spell you were already going to use" slightly less worrying "oh and don't worry about the incantation, I've built it into the muzzle" Ahh that's your favorite part! your exclamation get's you a small chastising "That's kind of childish all things considered, sis. Besides you can still manually cast spells for whatever overblown effect you want, I'm just here to streamline things" you let out a sigh of relief that's better. "Now, let's get down to the shooting bastards apart!"

You channel an appropriate amount of energy through Andrean and begin firing. As you reduce THAT MAN to splinters, there are a few noticeable difference's. The most noticeable of all is the way that the 'muzzle' changes the amount of energy that you can funnel into the spell. Usually, the 'minimum' amount of energy that is supposed to go into eldrich storm is the amount it takes to create one bolt. However, with Adrean's help you've created four at slightly less than half that and while the effectiveness of each bolt was deminished, based on how it took four to destroy a plywood dummy, you can tell that reduction isn't quite proportional. The next is the flight path of each indevidual bolt, they fly much strieghter than you're used to. Usually these things fly from the tip of whatever medium a person uses. whether it be a wand or a finger, in a sort of cone of possibility where the end location of the projectile is in a random location within that cone. It's why you didn't bother learning any projectile spells until learning them was rendered arbitrary in the libraryr. While the rotational firing method Adrean has you on is certainly different it's nothing compared to the final difference which honestly sells you on this situation more than any of the other benifits he provides. Every time you fire a bolt Adrean makes an adorable little *pew* noise! You like to think you're pretty tough but even you can't resist charm on this level!

After all the targets have been destroyed and you've done a bit of crying you return to Instructor Lyrica with the good news of your and Andrean's bonding moment. You begin to make a portal and in this too Andrean assists you, your two minds cooperating to lesson the stress that this creats for you. That said, the stress of creating a normal portal is minimal at best but if applied to abnormal portals... Instructor Lyrica gave Adrean to you for a reason you suppose.

to be continued

sorry this is late, i've been................. indesposed.....
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