eh, i was hoping to get one more roll from alchemy but they are probably too busy. This is enough rolls the highest result was 10. unfortunatly the next update won't be for a while now. I have finals coming up and im going to be at jazz fest with a friend most of tomorrow. That said the next update will probably come next friday.
Results of class and something else
early update because Im giving up for a while

You're luck pulls through... sort off! While you missed the portion where the professor explained what spell the theorems you've been listening to for the past three hours were related to. You were able to couple the bit about limiting cordanince in space with your {incomplete teleport} to create the level one spell {perfect short range teleport} in addition to this, enduring the long winded seminar and its digraces into ranting about old flames has helped you cultivate your stamina (+4 run time, +1 defense) you can now stay awake for 32 hours with no consequences. You were able to understand something about esoteric magic +1 intelligence!

As you leave there are a few other students watching you. Is it an evil eye or just a curious glance? They are of various builds and ages a few of them are clearly only twelve, probably the youngest age group on campus. You really aren't that good with this sort of thing, how is it possible to have no points in charisma? You briefly consider using your new teleport spell to disappear. But then, maybe they're just curious? You are a pretty peculiar sight.

It is at this moment that your stomach reminds you that you haven't eaten all day. You were too busy focusing on getting the heist to actually eat and then you were too busy running from the law. You could teleport directly to your dorm's front door from here. How would these girls react though? They might start saying things, your hideout here might be found out by the constables!

In the middle of all this, you hear that music again like a curse creeping up from behind you. You'd be freaking out right now if the strange rhythm and the lyrics you can't understand weren't filling you with some strange sort of confidence (+1 temporary charisma) you make up your mind to go talk to the girls.

"excuse me!" spurred on by the music in your head, you are able to skip the awkward phase you usually go through when trying to start a conversation and grab the group's attention instantly. They look at you with surprise, apparently in your apprehension you didn't notice that they'd turned away from you. "umm" one of the older girls she looks about your age, 19, her short dark brown hair hangs in a smart bob cut. Her unassuming green eyes look at you with a sort of unsure familiarity. Do you know her from somewhere? you don't get more time to ponder as the other girl suddenly exclaims "you are the one who showed up to the seminar late right?" you stop your internal quandary and assert that yes you were late to the seminar, though you don't explain why... she doesn't seem to mind and hands you a set of notes from the seminar. (spell book get: someone else's class notes)

she then goes onto introduce herself as Trinket, a member of the T legacy. They aren't known for their magical prowess but as you've heard noone from that legacy has been any less than absolutely brilliant. She then goes through the list of her posse's names there's rEssete from the second E legacy, rEssete has bright red hair and blue eyes, both of which clash with her dark skin, the second E, are known for that striking beuaty though they are always capable of more than being pretty. Percy is from P, their only defining characteristic is their skill with a sword, and then there's JOrjina from one of those new-type legacies. Those are strnage legacies that started showing up a decade or so back all of them have a magus brand even though they have no magic ancestry. They are all slightly younger than you and trinket around 17. The twelve year olds are all sisters from the F legacy. Their names are Fraya, Fransisca, and Frampt all three of them have the same honey brown hair and greyish eyes. F is one of those legacies that aren't really known for much but you always had a hunch that there's more to it than that.

You thank your schoolmate and are about to leave when she stops you and asks for your name.
[] use an alias (it only does much good if people dont recognise the magus brand but these girls look like they might not)
[] give them your real name (there isn't much use hiding it)

as you introduce yourself, the music in your head fades and the enchanted confidence it embuid you with also fades (-1 temporary charisma).
As your normal social anxieties return, you thank Tintrick again and excuse yourself. As you leave you take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves and then contemplate how easy it was to calm yourself down, which isn't normal... that music must have had a lingering effect.

Regardless you have time before another seminar begins in any of the buildings. What do you do till then?

[] something to eat
[] take a nap
[] test out your new spell
[] read spell book: someone else's notes
[] decorate your room
[] check out the shojou building
[] something a bit more frivolous (write in)
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[X] give them your real name (there isn't much use hiding it)
[X] read spell book: someone esle's notes
[X] give them your real name (there isn't much use hiding it)
[X] check out the shojou building
Multiple things happen which the QM has very little experience writting
As Trinket asks for your name you pause. Should you give them your real name, a fake? If they already know and you lie that would be too suspicious. But if they knew they would definitely ask if you were from the A. As these and other questions bounce through your mind you slip and give away your real name. "I'm Anastasia" you blurt out as if you were confessing some secret you were ashamed of. You don't have a mirror to see your face but you can feel your lips curling up into that dopey smile you put on reflexively when you're nervous. None of the others seem to realize what your name means, but they go about asking you a multitude of questions that anyone normal would ask a person they'd just met things like: where are you from, what was it like, what do your parents do, any hobbies? Things like that. While you give these people the basics about your story you wonder internally about how much of the discomfort you are currently feeling to blame on the music. After becoming increasingly uncomfortable over the course of an hour long conversation and making a whole host of new acquaintances you excuse yourself politely; you have an investigation to get to.

As you step up to the the shojo building you stare at the double doors. With a forlorn expression you open the doors and walk through. The inside of the building is... not what you expected. From what the way people were acting, you were expecting something far more ominous. Besides the music which is playing in the halls at the moment rather than in your head, this looks like where you received the majority of your education. There are a set of stairs that lead down into a training hall where you can hear the tell tale sounds of magic being practiced and there are rooms where seminars are given to smaller groups. Over all this is basically the campus outside but crammed into a single building. The difference between here and there is that this microcosm of learning is much more... lively. Even though it is still the rest period for the majority of the campus when everyone is out on the town getting something to eat, or just about resting the rooms contain people going over various topics both magical and mundane. As you pass through the halls you see two girls get into a heated debate about the merits of one's emotional state during spell casting. One of them, a particularly hot blooded individual, vigorously defends that as magic is a spiritual power and emotions can heighten or lower one's spirit, it stands to reason that magic can become stronger by maintaining an open heart while casting. The other, who gives off a cold aura even here, briefly explains how the field of magic is a calculable quantity in all things and how a mage's emotions influence the outcome of a spell no more than any other person's emotions can influence the weather. She goes even further to argue that emotions are in fact a distraction that make it harder to cast and there for an emotional magic user is a less effective one. The hot blooded girl has become so offended at this point that she challenged the other girl to a duel before leaving for the training grounds.

As the cold one heads down to the training area you follow, curious about what kind of mage the discipline of this building produces. What follows will certainly make up for the anticlimax of walking into said building. Once bellow, you find the two girls facing each other. As they stared each other down they began seemingly individual incantations but you quickly recognise a memetic pattern in other words they're using the same spell. As they finish the spell they both declare "GUARD COAT ACTUALIZE!" or well, the hot blooded one yells the cold one can barely be heard. As they finish their incantations, you are blinded by a bright light. When it clears you see both girls are wearing something which looks far more appropriate for a magic user than the outfit the school has you wear.

With their defencive wear equipped they begin the fight. Hot head sets the stage by flinging an uncountable quantity of summoned swords covering the arena with them. Even as she is flinging her swords, hot head jumps into the air and at the apex snatches a sword out of the air and brings it down on cool's head. She doesn't even flinch as the sword is stopped inches from her face by a barrier which ripples and flickers; straining to keep the sword from entering its caster's skull. Hot head jumps back just in time to dodge as cool swipes a wand through the air shotgunning force beams at hot head's general location. Most of them miss but the ones that would have hit are deflected by hot head's swords with a rather stunning display of skill as she blocks a beam the sword breaks and without missing a beat she grabs a new one while dodging backwards. As the barrage ends, cool sends a single mana ball easily three times your height! Instead of blocking with a sword, hot opts instead to summon a series of shields which buffer against the mana ball which dwindles down to a miniscule size about the size of a marble which hot is then able to actually swat away with her hand! At first you think she did it with her bare hand, but then you see the flickering of a barrier. Apparently one of the principles of shoujo combat is wards. However, hot's defence gave cool the time she needed to make another attack which hot blocks again, but this time something is different. As hot continues to block and block her casts decrease, yet you can feel the intensity of her spells increase. The swords that used to shatter on contact with cool's beams now not only remain they're absorbing the beams growing all the more intense. What was this building energy? Cool seems equally baffled by this turn of events. Then, as Hot rushes through the last of Cool's barrage, she gives a shout of deafening rage and screams something that can only be an attack "Uncountable swords: Mugiri!" and like that she slashes forward. Of course, Cool's barrier stopped the attack, yet, the shield... it doesn't seem to be as stable as it was last time. As they stand there with an air of finality, Hot's other swords rattled in the ground before rising and also attacking Cool! Each slash slowly widdles down her barrier. Soon there is an actual hit, a cut appears on Cool's cheek, and she falls to her knees defeated.

You stare at this display for a while, utterly stunned. How did that happen? That shouldn't have been the outcome... That shouldn't have happened that. That couldn't have happened, THAT COULDN'T HAPPEN! You frantically go over everything you observed during their duel, wondering what exactly changed. You know enough about summoned weapons to create an accurate hypothesis about what Hot was doing with her swords. First of all, summoned weapon is a level 1 conjuration spell which allows the caster to create non magical weapons. So how was she able to absorb the... it is at this moment that you remember that, when overcharged, weapons created through summon weapon can be given 1 enchanted trait. But then, that was impossible as well. You could sense the dimensions of her reserve she shouldn't have been able to cast that many level 2 spells. But then, as you notice the music changes to something more contemplative, you begin thinking about why this duel happened in the first place. Hot Head wanted to prove a point? About the influence of emotion on magic? How did she demonstrate her point? It is at this moment that you realize the answer was anger! As she fought and defended, her anger and frustration grew in tandem with the intensity of her spells until eventually reaching some sort of peak when she used that last attack. Actually, mass levitation is an even more advanced spell than even overcasting summoned weapons. What is the limit on this rage based power up? Is there even a limit? You decide to reserve time tomorrow to come here and find out more. Why has none of your legacy ever talked about this? You can't help but get a little suspicious.

You've seen an entirely new side of magic! (mechanic unlock: RAGE BURST)
Seeing a spell so many times while focusing intensely has allowed you to begin learning it (new spell: FORCE BEAM will be added to the practice page)

*Rage burst is the result a mage growing so frustrated that they temporarily forget their limits, in essence letting them do more than they should by tapping into some deeper well than people are normally aware of. There are a few drawbacks, for starters, rage burst gives a penalty constitution and stamina the stats that help decide your defence so be careful. Secondly, except in certain circumstances it can only be used as a countermeasure so to use it means putting yourself in the way of danger when that may not have been necessary. Other than that, go wild... literally*

After an event like that, you need a rest so you decide to call it a day. But what are you doing tomorrow? please choose two

[X] eat breakfast
[] go to a seminar on healing magic
[] go to another seminar on S&T
[] go to a seminar on conjuration
[] go to a seminar on fire magic
[] go to a write in seminar
[] read spell book: someone else's notes
[] actually check a shoujo seminar
[] practice a spell you've seen
[] try to create an original spell (write in)
[X] find and talk to Hot head about RAGE BURST
end of day 1

Name Anastasia
current condition: tired
location dorm room
hp 121
casts ∞cantrips/ 3 level 1/ 1 level 2
strength 4 (carry weight, phys attack. block pushing, thing pulling)
stamina 7 (number of casts, running time, carry weight, time spent awake, physical defense)
wisdom 2 (cast levels, defense against magic, resistance to charm)
intelligence 6 (multiplier for magic effectiveness, problem solving, resistance to magical influence)
constitution 9 (bonus hp, physical defense, resistance to status ailment)
rage limit 20 (building rage adds temporary cast levels at the expense of constitution and stamina)
max carry weight 185 pounds
current carry weight 80 pounds
running time 12 minutes
[currently equipped] school uniform: despite being for apprentice mages these clothes don't make it easier to cast, you cannot help but find this suspicious
your actual robe: Mama made this for you when you left home it has your legacy's crest, a stylized A on the back and on the chest. It was enchanted to be self repairing but you still treat it like fragile glass +2 casts (all levels)
[currently equipped] A plain short sword: you're self taught at best but if all else fails it might save your life
5 insignificant mana potions: restores 1 level 1 cast
10 decent health potions: stops poison and infection restores 30% health
flare cantrip.v3 - extremely short range fire burst damage equal to 1d6+(1/2int) may catch things in range on fire
spark cantrip.v1 - a weak bolt of lightning lightning damage equal to 1d6+(1/2int)
show cantrip - make any non magic item (Items can only be the size of your hand) can also be used to make graffiti of any size can create non damaging light and start miniscule fires (for lighting candles and camp fires mostly)
communication cantrip - allows you to talk to anyone so long as they know magic exists and can identify its use

lesser cumbustion.v1 - level 1 fire spell better than flare cantrip in every way but burns one level 1 cast; fire damage equal to 1d1+int everything in range except the castor are set on fire
earth shield.v1 - level 1 earth spell the most basic earth spell that raises a stone pillar in front of you. In its beginning state this won't protect you from much but maybe it can be useful for other things

imperfect teleport - level 2 space time spell a crude imitation of the spell mama showed you. you cannot control where it sends you (people who want to use this will need to roll a dice in order to decide how close or far away you are from the desired destination)
short range teleport - level 1 space time spell a more complete version of teleport that limits the place you appear by requiring you to have direct line of sight with your destination
mama's teleport level 5 space time spell somehow, for some reason she can just poof in and out of places seemingly without even thinking about it. You MUST figure out that secret, she won't tell you
Force beam level 1 force spell deal damage equal to 1d10+int
summon weapons level 1 conjuration spell create non magical swords; despite being from the conjuration tree, this spells creates weapons from thin air and mana instead of pulling them from the plane of weapons

If it wasn't obvious the things I'm bad at are action scenes and dialogue, which is why there is very little of either. I'll get better I swear!
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[X] eat breakfast
[X] read spell book: someone else's notes
[X] actually check a shoujo seminar
[X] find and talk to Hot head about RAGE BURST

Some paragraphs would be nice. Hard to read giant wall
Might want to mark number of allowed actions.

[X] eat breakfast
[X] read spell book: someone else's notes
[X] actually check a shoujo seminar
[X] find and talk to Hot head about RAGE BURST

Also paragraphing. My eyes burn.
The action was actually above average though, don't sweat that.
[X] eat breakfast
[X] read spell book: someone else's notes
[X] actually check a shoujo seminar
[X] find and talk to Hot head about RAGE BURST
oh shit, I completely forgot to mark that you get two, sorry!
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Are the pre x'd stuff counted?

Honestly I don't quite remember why I did that. I was kind of tired when I finished writing, so I may have made a decision that doesn't make sense to a person who is thinking coherintly. But I believe between this update and the last, I had three-ish choices. Accounting for interruptions like wondering to the back of campus in a daze, that amounts to four things to do per day. In otherwords, those are time slots reserved for specific story events where on a normal day you would be choosing four things to do. I guess I thought everyone would get that? But i was wrong and I'm sorry for the confusion!

also thanks for reifferming my beliefe that I did alright on the action! I don't know what you mean by paragraphing though. Do you mean breaking a post up into smaller parts?
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a totally normal second day at school part 1
You're awake slightly before the crack of dawn. This isn't for any practical reason, in fact you get up just to reorient yourself and go back to sleep without getting a face full of sun.

You get up again at a much more reasonable 8:25 in the morning. You get dressed in the outfit the school provided. Despite it being completely useless as a mage's robe, it's actually really comfortable to wear the shirt is loose fitting and breathable; the trousers are easy to fit into. You're definitely keeping this with you once you leave. The color scheme would be a problem if you were the kind of person that cared about that sort of thing though the green of the neck line is unsettling close to that of vomit. As you contemplate this, you begin feeling the hunger pains again and realize you haven't eaten in two days.

You leave through the winding halls of the building you arrive to the cafeteria, you're in luck because they're still serving breakfast. As you're searching the room for where the food is you hear a familiar voice "Good morning Anastasia." You nearly jump out of your clothes out of sheer surprise, but behind you is none other than Trinket... evidently you and her are roommates, faaaaaaantastic. When you mention that you don't see where the food is, she takes you by the hand "It's this way" and leads you into a side room that you failed to notice. Once you're there you see a buffet that... extends past the dimensions that should be possible every available tray filled to the brim with absolutely delicious looking food. It goes without saying that you're drooling and sort of spaced out, unable to perceive Trinket as she frets trying to wake you and wiping away drool.

When you sit down you are carrying a tray loaded with a bowl of porridge, a cup of honey soaked fruit, a bagel with cream cheese, a glass of grape juice, three waffles with apricot jam on them, and a slice of coffee cake. Trinket sits down next to you carrying a tray with a single sad waffle and some thinly sliced salted pig flesh. She looks over at you as you begin eating and you stop for a second when you realize her face is frozen, mouth agape in wordless horror while looking directly at you. Your nerves briefly flare up, but you suppress it long enough to snap which breaks Trinket out of her stupor. She looks at you and then down to your empty tray and then back to you and she gets this far away glassy look in her eye and she just sighs dejectedly.

Moments later, you are talking with Trinket. "So, what are you here to study anyway?" "Oh I am primarily here to learn the finer points of conjuration I want to become a monster tamer. Anyway, why are you here Anastasia?" you think about what you are going to say briefly before starting "No reason specific, just needed some place to go I guess?" she looks at you startled "Are you a walk in Anastasia?" "Oh yeah, guess I am. Why?" she looks just a bit taken aback "Oh it just seems strange that you would spend all that gold when there was not even a reason you wanted to come." You contemplate that. Why did you spend all that gold to get here? You could have hid anywhere, but you're here. "You know" you begin "I don't really know why I chose this place either, just felt natural I guess." She nods in understanding, and says with a bright smile "Hmm, I think I have heard of such things before. Perhaps it is fate?" You shake your head "Maybe so" you say winsically. After that the conversation peeters out and you both go your separate ways.

to be continued.
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totally normal part 2
As Trinket leaves you to your own devices, you realize something: you still haven't read the notes on that seminar from the other day she gave you. Deciding to fix this, you head to your room. A minute later you arrive at the room and sitting on the desk is a less-than-carefully placed set of notes. As you sit down to go over her notes your eyes widen and you whisper "Jumping spirits this handwriting" the notes in your hands are an intricate web of curves and lines. It's so radically different from what you're used to seeing that for a second you don't even realize it is in the same language that you use until after fifteen minutes of running through every code and cypher that you know.

After figuring out that Trinket writes using some strange draconian backdoor method to modern Zechonese, you begin the process of learning a spell. It is a long and grueling process of memorizing spell matrices and arcane philosophy not to mention the necessary precautions that should be taken when using S&T magic as it basically plays jump rope with the laws of physics. Completing this puzzle is a detailed dissection of the very same theorem you were able to use with your teleport spell. Here though, it appears to be used to limit the space where a thing can exist without significantly increasing density.

(spell learned: shrink)

Later, you head out toward the back of campus, you haven't really seen what that shoujo building was all about except through the duel you witnessed. Besides, you also have a number of hours before that hot headed girl would be where you remember her being again. As you enter the building you notice a set of stairs that leads upward. The thing is, you are positive that wasn't there before as you stare at the stairs, you get that feeling again. It is the feeling that led you to this school and to this building. Without much thought on your part you arrive at an ornate library many times larger than the building that is supposed to be below you. As you pass the threshold you feel the majority of your faculties return to you just in time to feel the sense of wrongness with this place, like you've crossed into a world that humans aren't meant to see.

You begin wandering the corridors of book shelves feeling unsafe and suspicious but also unable or unwilling to leave. As you wander, you find a curious book with your name on it, you flip to a random page and begin reading "Despite her trepidation, Anastasia began reading the book" you flip to a few pages before hand and read out loud about how you talked to Trinket, the book stating plainly that she's probably your first friend in years, and about how you learned the shrink spell not long after. There are lines past what you'd read about reading you put the book back too afraid to find out what happens next.

You continue your wandering, shocked into full awareness but still unable to resist the sirens call which sings to you from somewhere in this cursed place. Then, as you pass into a large clearing full of tables and chairs, you see it. Sitting on a pedestal is that which has been calling you, a book both giant and ancient. But something is strange this looks just like the book back in the museum of heretical history said to have been the purple lady's diary except many times larger. In fact, it's larger than most of the spell tomes that mama has. As you approach the call gets stronger and more urgent, you were already unable to resist but the force it exerts on your will now can only be described as irresistible.

When you reach the book you open it to see

to be continued
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normal part Γ
As you open the book, you see... What is this? Inside the book is the vastness of space, except it isn't a painting it's like the night sky were actually contained within the confines of the pages. How is this even possible? No scrying spell known to mortal minds could pull off something this complicated! What would even be the point? Divination, navigation, aesthetic? This is so far beyond you it stopped being scary once it entered the stratosphere.

You begin closing the book, this place is getting to you and you need to sit down for a minute or several. But, as you are closing the book, it hits you. A shooting pain enters through your temples and smothers your body in searing again. It lasts only a few second, and then knowledge. The book bursts open and the inky void and all the stars contained within erupt from the books pages and cram themselves into your head. There are so many sensations going on at this time, that it's almost more overwhelming than the pain from a few seconds again. You can barely feel the pressure inside your skull as your thoughts are forced onto places: points on this planet, other planets in the solar system, distant stars, other galaxies, the myriad planes of reality. An image of every point in all of creation is being seared somewhere in your brain and it's too much! As your nose begins to bleed you stumble backwards. You hear a tearing noise behind you and then the the dark consumes you whole.

(spell lost: teleport)
(̫͓̳͎̺̣͢ͅsp̶͚̭͉̲͓̬e̗̗̘̪͎͓̳͡l̖̼̭l̩͚͖̕ ̳̮g̖͓̫̕à̦̻i̧̳n̮̮͇̬̞͕̤ed̫̻̗͓̥:̡͈̯̪̣͈ h̶̷̸̛̞͙̬͈̗͚̩͕͠e̴̴̷̝̼̠̖͘r̴̷̢̥͓̝̣̱/̴̢͇͚̞̲͈͚̤̟̱̺t̸̡̬̙̠̦͜͠h͜͏҉̟̮͕̜̥̤̰̹̤̰̲̭̥͍͙̩̰͟͟ŕ̴̼͚̘̳͙͔̺̲̤͔̮͈̰̝̯͚̻̰̕͡͝ḛ̛͖̪̘͙͍̭̜̮͚͍)

When you awake, you are no longer in the library. In fact you are no longer anywhere, not that you recognise anyway. The walls are made of thin sheets of paper which have yellowed and torn due to age. The light they let in is almost blinding compared to the dim of the library and it illuminates all the dust in the air. The floor is covered in thick dust, but you can tell they're made of an expensive dark wood. Despite the set up, it's not as hot in the building as it should be for how bright it is outside.

as you take a step forward to look forward the pain in your head spikes up again as if to remind you why you're in this situation to begin with. The pain intensifies and your vision begins to swim. You fear just you might die from this pain if you don't do something.

Please roll two d20s to continue
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it's multiple dice, the Roller gives you the option to throw another die after you throw the first one.
Alright thats basically the best possible result so no further rolls are required. But mandalore I have to ask you a question. How many goats did you sacrifice to the RNG gods for that kind of result?
the derelict mansion part 1
Cool beans, alright so first dice for int second for constitution. add the modifiers carry, carry the 2... critical success!

You grit your teeth and try to focus. It takes a few shuddering and more than a little crying, but you manage to focus past the pain. After that things sort of calm down in your head, enough so that you can begin a concerted effort to compartmentalize all the new information in your head. You can feel the pain subside almost entirely after this but you can still feel a slight pressure just behind your eyes (your condition has gone from great to normal). But now something else is strange.

The image before you is the phantom image of a wall: white, featurless, and extending an infinite distance to your left and right. On the wall is a nameplate. Before the wall is a sign with the word "here" inscribed on it. Through the phantom wall, you can see a sign that reads "there". Whatever eldrich force has been putting you through this has a very obtuse idea of what a puzzle is. As you try to push through the wall your hand goes through the image, but doesn't come out the other side. It's as if you are sticking your hand through a portal.

Thankfully, you have sufficient intelegence to deduce the symbolism of the puzzle. The signs "here" and "there" represent the beginning and end of a journey respectively. The wall is what seperates these two locations. To solve the puzzle you just need to write the wall's name on the nameplate.

Knowing all of this, the answer is pretty obvious so you walk up and write "_______" on the nameplate.

Puzzles like this are write ins.

Are puzzles usually a thing in quest? I haven't seen any yet. But then. None of the quests I've read are trying to recreate an action adventure game.
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returning from the mansion for now
So, can I everyone's silence a no to puzzles? Or have I just driven whatever audiance I had away with my shitty writing?

As you write distance onto the nameplate your vision fractures for a few seconds and then you're back in the derelict mansion. But something is... different as you look around you can't quite tell what it is. Then you realize, it wasn't the place that had changed it was your sight. Your vision is strange and tunneled as if you were seeing things through a looking glass.

As you get used to this strange change, you realize something. You now know what to do with the knowledge that was put into your brain by the tome in the library. You no longer need to perfect that teleport spell because...

you comprehend: here/there

here/there unique cantrip magic can minipulate space to connect things or seperate them

You wait until you've grown accustomed to your new vision. Then, with a flick of your wrist, there is a tearing noise and the same hole that brought you here opens to your dorm. You are tempted to leave, but places like these are supposed to be loaded with treasure and you might want and or need what is on offer. So, with a hum, you stroll down the hall occasionally opening doors to check the contents of the rooms behind them.

Most of them barely even have furniture and none of the rooms you've checked to this point have had any valuables. It's abundantly clear that however grand this place was, it has long since been looted of anything of conventional value. However there are parts that you haven't explored yet. Those parts areinaccessible even to your new powers as parts of the structure lay completely collapsed.

However, you do find something of value to you. There is a hollow sound from one floor panel like there's something underneath it. Planning to visit this place again at a later date and perhaps use it as a hide out, you opt not to ruin the floor by creating a portal to the spot below where you are now. There you find a basement completely cut off from the rest of the house. Unlike other rooms where things were clearly taken, this room is simply unfurnished except for the stand in the middle with a single item on it. It's her umbrella you're sure of it actually scratch that this seems more like a parasoll. You're honestly not sure.

Regardless of useless semantics, this employment is clearly for more than protecting against the weather. The shaft is topped by a surprisingly sharp fleur de lis making it an excellent tool for stabbing it's also supernaturally sturdy, overall this is a superb weapon and that isn't even the most important. The best part is the shaft itself. It's covered in runes of several kinds the majority of which you don't recognise. In other words it's both a bashing weapon, a stabbing weapon, and a wand. In addition it's so stylish, that most people wouldn't see past the vanity of the item to its more practical uses making it a concealable weapon. Needless to say you've struck gold.

(item get: purple lady's parasoll)
purple lady's parasoll: while this is somewhat tangential to your interests, it is in a rich purple that matches your eyes.
weapon type:bash/pierce/wand/concealable
double dice for all spell rolls

Certain that you have everything of use you leave the derelict mansion for now... As you pass through the threshold of your portal you re-enter the library. Except, for some reason, it doesn't feel so wrong to you anymore. It's as if what's happened in the last hour or so you'd passed some sort of initiation and become a part of this world. Regardless, when you turn to the book that gave you knowledge of here and there it is... different, to say the least. FIrst of all. it is several times smaller at least the size of a normal journal now if not slightly smaller. Second, it doesn't look nearly as old as it used to. Finally, there is now a leather strap keeping it closed, the clasp has a recognisable symbol on it: a stylized A in bright silver. Without a second thought you take it.

(Key item get: your spell book)

And with that you return to the mundane world. Or, get closer to it anyway, leaving the library still takes you back to a magical demiplane which is, technically, separated from the world that you consider mundane. Except, it isn't; not to you; not anymore at least.
Nobody seems to notice you as you walk down the stairs into the back into the shoujo building confirming your suspicion that only you can see them. However as you get down from the last step, people start staring. One woman in her 20's actually says "did she just teleport here? What a try hard!" Several people start laughing. Welp, there goes the air in your balloon. Before your social anxiety can push you out of the building and into a pile of blankets in your dorm, a hand snatches yours and you are pulled into an empty room. When you turn around to see who your savior is, who else do you see but Hot Head!

As she closes the door, she turns to you with a confused look on her face before suddenly doing that hand gesture where you put your fist in your hand to signify she's figured out what she was pondering and then greets you in a jovial manner "Hey, you're the girl what was watching my scrap with ice queen the other day right?" she doesn't wait for your answer before continuing "I'm Yolanna, pleased ta meet cha!" You don't often consider people in this manner but as you look at this bright girl maybe five years your junior you get this feeling like you're looking at something worth protecting... It takes you a few seconds to get out a greeting of your own "Anastasia,,,"

After that you talk about a number of things, one of which is the effect of emotion on magic as you'd intended. You are disappointed to learn that there really isn't much to it. The primary explanation that Yolanna herself was given is that when in a state of heightened emotion a mage can temporarily forget their mental limits. The idea that the idea of "this is as much as I can do" being the only thing holding you back from infinite power is laughable, but it is reasonable logic. The body knows instinctively to limit the output of muscles, otherwise they would be destroyed by the stress but there have been documented events where, in a crisis situation, those limits have been lifted. If the body and mind can function in such a way, it stands to reason that the soul and aetherial presence can function in a similar manner. There's even an adage for such things "as above, so below".

An hour later you part ways with another new friend you've made here. It'll be a shame when you move on.
what are you going to do tomorrow (choose four)
[] eat
[] introduce your friends to each other
[] introduce your friends to the things you've found
[] inspect your spell book for information
[] attend a seminar (write in)
[] investigate the library more seriously
[] sleep in

if shoujo what are the lessons based on
or something more traditional like sailor moon or one of the pretty cures

I lied about pretty cure being anything like sailor moon.
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[X] eat
[X] introduce your friends to each other
[X] introduce your friends to the things you've found
[X] attend a seminar: a shoujo seminar
Can I ask what magical girl series this lesson should be based on, if any? when it comes to magical girl, there is actually a lot of varient in the genre.
Like should it be
over the top combat training to turn someone into a nanoha character
something to do with sailor moon
a lecture on the power of love for pretty cure results
or one of the other dozens of examples of the genre

honestly there are a lot of options, and part of the reason why keep writing in reason to not attend those classes is because i'm too indesicive to pick. Maybe I should have asked that from the start?

personally I favor the Nanoha idea, maybe you could hold a seperate vote on what series the magical girl mechanics are based around?