character creation part finisher
you, anastastia, are a young woman just coming into your prime. Your roundish face, a common trait among your legacy, is framed neatly by your bangs. The rest of your black hair is held in a loose ponytail that reaches your mid back. Your eyes are strange to say the least! Not only are they an unusual colour, in this case a deep amethyst, the pupil of your right eye is the shape of a five pointed star. Mama has the same eyes as do your Aunts, cousins, and that one weird uncle that very few of your relatives talk about. They call it a magus brand a mark left after magic has seeped into a legacy after generations. It's worth mentioning that, because most legacies don't produce mages with the concistancy that the legacy of A does, very few people have a magus brand and even fewer have one as pronounced as yours. However, your eyes aren't the only bizarre feature about you. Your skin is so pale it's remenecent of the stone they harvest from the northern regions, ivory, you hear it's called. This, is not a common trait of your legacy most of them thought of it as something of an omen a sign of the prowess you would have when you grew up. Below the neck you have a trim frame packed with lean muscle. You certainly payed for these gains, but you would be lying if you said genetics didn't help pay the bill. Mama is even more sculpted than you and Papa was no slouch either (rest his soul). While your body doesn't have much room for flab what is there is put to a good use in your modest bust of medium bs and a heart shaped rear. Despite (or because of depending on who you ask) the oddities about you you are moderatly atractive by the standards of your society.

But are you the kind of person who would care about that sort of thing? Who are you really? only time will tell on that front.
magic and how to use it
before I forget
Here are the rules for spells
learn spells from books, scrolls, and artifacts of wisdom
spells are on a certain level based on rage, power, ect.
casting a spell burns a cast of that level which you have a set number of
casts can be restored by sleeping and embibing certain food and drink
level zero spells also known as cantrips can be cast endlessly but they are obviously the least effective spells (or are they?)
spells can level up if used frequintly enough
this doesn't increase the level of cast it burns but it does increase the number of casts burned
Edit: a higher level of cast than neccesary can be burned for greater effect this will never be a default option so ask for it specifically.

finally here are the spells you know
flare cantrip.v3 - extremely short range fire burst
spark cantrip.v1 - a weak bolt of lightning
show cantrip - make any nonmagic item out of a clump of dirt (Items can only be the size of your hand) can also be used to make graffiti of any size
communication cantrip - allows you to talk to anyone so long as they know magic exists and can identify its use

lesser cumbustion.v1 - level 1 fire spell better than flare cantrip in every way but burns one level 1 cast
earth shield.v1 - level 1 earth spell the most basic earth spell that raises a stone pillar in front of you. In its beginning state this won't protect you from much but maybe it can be useful for other things

imperfect teleport - level 2 space time spell a crued imatation of the spell mama showed you. you cannot control where it sends you (people who want to use this will need to roll a dice in order to decide how close or far away you are from the desired destination)
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Every journey needs a first step! Now that you have a rough idea about who you're taking that first step as it's time to decide where you're taking that first step from. Please choose one location and one cercumstance

An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
the middle of nowhere (as it says on the tin, begin transitioning from one place to another)
some old wizard's tomb (a dark and creepy place where magic runs wild)
at home (just a place to snooze in between what actually happens in your life)
learning (the broadest and most basic of reasons for being anywhere. also emplys you're actually attending classes in the case of school not neccesarily true for all cercumstances)
running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chased out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
looking for artifacts of knowledge and power (this could be considered stealing based on where you are)
finishing business (start in medias res, what ever you were here for it's almost over)
zzzzzz (you can sleep in some very strange places)
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[x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
[X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
[X] at home (just a place to snooze in between what actually happens in your life)
[X] zzzzzz (you can sleep in some very strange places)
[X] An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
[X] finishing business (start in medias res, what ever you were here for it's almost over)

So, we already know spells, let's say we already attended classes and now go on to adventure!
[X] at home (just a place to snooze in between what actually happens in your life)
[X] zzzzzz (you can sleep in some very strange places)
[x] An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
[X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
[X] An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
[X] finishing business (start in medias res, what ever you were here for it's almost over)

Having magic early on is probably useful, but that's just my take.
[x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
[X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
character sheet

Name Anastasia​
current cundition: great
location dorm room
hp 121
casts ∞cantrips/ 3 level 1/ 1 level 2
strength 4 (carry weight, phys attack. block pushing, thing pulling)
stamina 6 (number of casts, running time, carry weight, time spent awake, physical defense)
wisdom 2 (cast levels, defense against magic, resistance to charm)
inteligence 5 (multiplyer for magic effectiveness, problem solving, resistance to magical influence)
constitution 9 (bonus hp, physical defense, resistance to status ailment)
rage limit 20 (building rage adds temporary cast levels at the expense of constitution and stamina)
max carry weight 170 pounds
current carry weight 80 pounds
[currently equiped]school uniform: despite being for apprentice mages these clothes don't make it easier to cast, you cannot help but find this suspicious
your actual robe: Mama made this for you when you left home it has your legacy's crest, a stylized A on the back and on the chest. It was enchanted to be self repairing but you still treat it like fragile glass +2 casts (all levels)
A plain short sword: you're self tought at best but if all else fails it might save your life
5 insignificant mana potions: restores 1 level 1 cast
10 decent health potions: stops poison and infection restores 30% health
flare cantrip.v3 - extremely short range fire burst
spark cantrip.v1 - a weak bolt of lightning
show cantrip - make any nonmagic item out of a clump of dirt (Items can only be the size of your hand) can also be used to make graffiti of any size
communication cantrip - allows you to talk to anyone so long as they know magic exists and can identify its use

lesser cumbustion.v1 - level 1 fire spell better than flare cantrip in every way but burns one level 1 cast
earth shield.v1 - level 1 earth spell the most basic earth spell that raises a stone pillar in front of you. In its beginning state this won't protect you from much but maybe it can be useful for other things

imperfect teleport - level 2 space time spell a crued imatation of the spell mama showed you. you cannot control where it sends you (people who want to use this will need to roll a dice in order to decide how close or far away you are from the desired destination)

The next update will probably be a day or two from now in the meantime here is a brief summary of everything on our person for the beginning of the story as well as our basic attributes. Votes are still open.
Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 25, 2018 at 5:01 PM
This vote count is in an error state, please contact support

Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 25, 2018 at 5:02 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
    [X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
    [X] at home (just a place to snooze in between what actually happens in your life)
    [X] zzzzzz (you can sleep in some very strange places)
    [X] finishing business (start in medias res, what ever you were here for it's almost over)
    [x] An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
    [X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 25, 2018 at 5:11 PM
This vote count is in an error state, please contact support

Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 25, 2018 at 5:12 PM, finished with 10 posts and 7 votes.

  • [x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
    [X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
    [X] at home (just a place to snooze in between what actually happens in your life)
    [X] zzzzzz (you can sleep in some very strange places)
    [x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
    [X] finishing business (start in medias res, what ever you were here for it's almost over)
    [x] An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)

    [X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
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you're hiding as a student, but do you act like one?
It seems that that all the votes that were going to come in are in so now heres the setting for the next few updates, we'll have to see how long the school setting actually lasts.

You were this close! Both to getting what you had gone there for and getting your finch cooked. luckily Morgan's school for gifted girls was accepting walk ins while you were trying to pull off your heist. If they hadn't taken your money and the application papers you filled out in the lobby without asking questions you would still be on the run from the constables. They must been desperate this year, the school even has empty dorm rooms. The place you're staying in is a one person dorm with a writing/work desk, a double bed, shelves for clothes, and a full length mirror. There is a window behind the bed and the door out of the room is in a straight line from it. The bed and window are on the west side of the room. You can only imagine how pleasant afternoons are going to be. On the south side of the room are the clothes cubbies and the mirror, to the right of the mirror is a door that actually leads to a half bath containing a faucet, a lew, and a shower all of which have running water, is this also because of the capitol's water spirits? ... those poor girls... "Snap out of it!" you tell yourself slightly louder than you intended. Anyway rather than a frame the bed is set on a raised dais, the desk is also on this surface facing the north wall. Speaking of the walls, they are made of cobbled stone smoothed over with plaster. They are completely unadorned. Seriously they aren't even painted!? Maybe they expect you to use a cantrip to decorate the place? This is a school for mages after all. The floor and the dias are a light wood, probably cheap cypress, even here in the capitol most folks can't afford to import lumber of the more resource intensive trees from the orchard oases for ordinary rooms like this.

The building itself is a simple stone tower which extends roughly 60 feet into the air not the tallest structure by anyone's metric but then that is merely a shell. The singular door on the tower is an entrance to a demiplane, a dimension created and maintained through magic both ancient and esoteric. While what exactly it takes to create a personalized plain of existence is currently beyond you you do know that the nature of a demiplane can be customized per the creator's specification in this case there are such rules as girls only, all windows face the sun, no psionics (you curse at the thought of those magic hating cretins), and so on. Naturally this wouldn't stop the constables since they're an equal opportunity employer, but you managed to give them the slip well enough that they thought you'd left town ...hopefully... moving on. The demiplane is appears as an infinitely expansive field of green grass, more than you've ever seen in one place really. There is an artificial sun and magelight stars to keep the place looking natural. According to the pamphlet they gave you when you registered, campus is on an uneven 24 hour cycle with 13 hours of day and 11 of night. From your own experience this isn't too hard to deal with as the controlled nature of the celestial orb keeps things at the temperature of dawn when the sun saps the desert chill from everything, your favorite time of day being honest. The stars meanwhile, again according to the pamphlet, are arranged to make advertisements for upcoming seminars and for advisory warnings. Why they have to use stars instead of a mass communication cantrip is beyond you. The actually campus is a series of large square buildings with red tile roofs and sand stone walls in the shape of a semicircle, Sandstone by the way is actually fairly expensive. This has always confounded you but apparently naturally occuring sandstone is insanely rare despite coming from sand which is everywhere. The only reason it can exist in enough supply to be used as a building material is because a guild of earth mages use a closely guarded secret to make the stuff this, this naturally, keeps the price at something of a premium. You have a sneaking suspicion that learning such a secret might be useful to the mission of your legacy.

The school seems to value space time magic highly, given that the two center most building are dedicated entirely to seminars and training courses based on the subject. Meanwhile one of the smaller building toward the outside of campus is a building for remedial courses. These are seminars for those who have the ability to be mages, but lack the basic knowledge to cast magic. Another two building are dedicated to miscellaneous courses. Three more buildings are the dorms which also have their own cafeteria. finally the largest building by far is the library. And then, there is that one building behind the semicircle, an ominously out of place building it looks like a school from the comics you read as a kid. You asked about it, most of the people who even bothered to react to your question gave you the evil eye. It wasn't until you found a rather youthful student who answered your question with an almost psychotic degree of friendliness. Apparently that is a subspace of this demiplane where they train a type of mage called a 'mahou shojou'. Given the worrisome state of the one girl who has been there that you've met, you are pretty sure nothing good could come of going there.

Regardless of the details you probably won't be able to leave campus for the next for days at least until the heat outside dies down, Apparently that museum was a big deal. Why would somebody put something like that on display? Practically asking for it to be stolen! The purple lady's journal though... it's sure to be filled with info that would be useful to your purpose. It has to be! Figuring out a way to obtain the information in that book is your top priority, later. Right now you're just stuck in a moderately well known academy that teaches magic to young ladies such as yourself. There is no set curriculum here most magic isn't worth testing on either you get it or you don't, so there's no obligation to actually attend class to maintain your cover.

As long as you stay away from the shojou department you should be fine, beyond that what do you do with your first day?
attend a seminar on standard magic (you will, for sure, learn a new level 1 spell in earth, fire, or wind)
attend a seminar on advanced magic (you don't have the cast levels for it yet, but learning a level 2 - 3 spell in lightning, mind, or spirit might prove useful later on)
attend a seminar on space time magic (s&t magic is so esoteric this will doubtlessly increase your intelligence there may be other effects as well)
attend a seminar on healing magic (a peculiar sect almost lost to time, more on that if asked, attending this class will help improve wisdom and potentially teach you a healing spell)
attend some other seminar (is there some other type of magic you'd like to study)
go to the library (surely there must be some tome that you could use in this place)
do you dare go to the shojou seminar? (this could either turn out very good or very very bad honestly the risk probably isn't worth it)
just sleep (it's been a long day ok!)
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[X] attend a seminar on space time magic
[ ] attend a seminar on healing magic
[ ] go to the library

I'm not sure how many things we can choose, so voting for only one but leaving the others I want in there :B
For now please choose one seminar, we're going to be here for a while so there is no need to rush.
[X] attend a seminar on standard magic

best to start with the basics
You have a terrible problem with preperation this is probably why you failed to obtain the purple lady's journal
Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 26, 2018 at 1:32 AM, finished with 44 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] attend a seminar on space time magic
    [X] attend a seminar on standard magic
    [X] do you dare go to the shojou seminar? (this could either turn out very good or very very bad honestly the risk probably isn't worth it)

Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 26, 2018 at 2:10 AM, finished with 44 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] attend a seminar on space time magic
    [X] attend a seminar on standard magic
    [X] do you dare go to the shojou seminar? (this could either turn out very good or very very bad honestly the risk probably isn't worth it)

Adhoc vote count started by persivle on Apr 26, 2018 at 2:11 AM, finished with 36 posts and 10 votes.
  • 22

    [X] height: 176 cm
    [X] Muscle Definition: athletic
    [X] Skin Tone: Ivory
    [X] ear length
    [X] green
    [X] pixie cut
    [X] back length
    [X] black
    [X] ponytail
    [x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
    [X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
    [X] at home (just a place to snooze in between what actually happens in your life)
    [X] zzzzzz (you can sleep in some very strange places)
    [x]An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)
    [X] finishing business (start in medias res, what ever you were here for it's almost over)
    [X] back length

    [X] black

    [X] ponytail
    [X]Butt length
    [X]Purple&Teal in edgehog patterns
    [X]hime cut
    [X] back length
    [X] purple
    [X] ponytail
    [X]Butt length

    [X]Green blue fading to purple

    [X] short (120 cm)
    [X] Over defined? (it looks like you spent more time working out than studying the family craft, only time will tell if that is true.)
    [X] Skin Tone: Ivory
    [X] height: 176 cm

    [X] Muscle Definition: athletic

    [X] Skin Tone: Ivory
    [x] An academy for magic in the capitol (really the beginning of the beginning and the most generic)

    [X] running from the law (sometimes your legacy's reputation is enough to get you chaced out of town, other times it's the reputation you yourself earned)
[X] do you dare go to the shojou seminar? (this could either turn out very good or very very bad honestly the risk probably isn't worth it)

Sounds fun
A sinister plot, in my magic academy? It's more likely than you think! pt one
another two days have passed and another series of votes has determined an out come. This is only a partial update as I want the reader's luck to take the place of anastasia's own luck.

You don't know why you're here. You were thinking about what to do with your day and began contemplating what you could learn from the s&t seminars. But then, you found yourself here in front of the shojou building and you still cannot figure out what drew you to this strangely out of place building. It isn't very remarcable. To reiterate, it looks like a school from the comics you read as a child which in turn were modeled off of actual school buildings that supposedly exist in empire's eastern quadrants. You can hear strange music eminatting from with in the building. You are breifly tempted to go inside just to see what hell is up with this place... wait that wasn't a normal thought for you! Naturally suspicious as you are, you run as fast as you can toward your actual destination knowing full well that THAT BUILDING will probably draw you in one way or another.

For now though you have reached your destination: the left building of the S&T department offers 'beginner friendly' lectures meant for people who had an interest in the art but could not find proper tutilige before coming here to advance their knowledge. At least that is if the stars are to be believed, personally you never put much stock into THAT sort of thing even if you freely admit your distrust is probably unfounded and in all likelyhood merely holding you back. You arrive to one of seven lecture halls where roughly 40 other girls of varying age sit quietly taking notes as the lecturer speaks. Speaking of the lecturer she is currently in the middle of a rant about a famous time mage who enchanted a box to take him through out all of history and the future to a lesser extent. Appearently she knew him in there youth and there's no way he could have done the things he's aclaimed for. The tyrade eventually ends and she gets back to a theorem on space and its intrinsic connetion to the flow of time but you missed the first half from before that little aside.

Evidently you arrived too late to catch the beginning of the seminar. But maybe you can still get something useful out of this event?
please roll a d20 highest number wins.