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The world is a vast endless sea of sand, society flourishes around oases which are maintained by...


A mysterious and charasmatic banyanya
Pargon Pargon Pargon
The world is a vast endless sea of sand, society flourishes around oases which are maintained by various water spirits created by some divine mercy to help mortals survive there are rumors that there is a secret, nefarious, purpose for this system. Some people are even trying to usurp the duties of the water spirits by trying to figure out how to create water from nothing as the spirits do.

That, however is not your problem. You are of the legacy of A. It's like a family name except instead of having a given name and a sir name each individual has a single name only certain letters and their placement symbolize a heritage. In your case you and everyone related to you up to your third cousin have an A as the first letter of your names. Your main concern right now isn't so much replacing the water spirits with a mortal to be dependent on as making the oasis system completely obsolete by finding a way to gather enough power to turn the sand sea into water. Can you even that much water? That has been your legacy's goal for roughly 23 generations. While none of your predecessors have been successful this work has made yours one of the greatest magic legacies in the Zechnian Empire, dominion of Emperor Zechtil II long may he reign. For whatever reason the legacy of A has a tendency toward the finer sex and you are no different. A slightly less fortunate side effect of your legacy's work is that most of society view your legacy as one of pariahs and a few 'staunch spiritists' consider anything that would challenge the place of the water spirits as outright heredical for this reason yours is often called the legacy of anarchy.

Before anything else it's time to choose a name
Antares: a type of bird from the region your father was born in
Anastasia:your grandmother's name
Anarach:your parents named you to play into the legacy's reputation
Annifer: not a common name by any stretch but hey
write in
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character creation part 1
Thanks for coming to everyone who is viewing and has viewed! since we only have one vote we'll be going with Anastasia

Your name is Anastasia. You are a woman with ______ length ______ hair in a _______ style

please choose a hair length
ear length
shoulder length
back length
butt length

please choose a hair color
shadow the edgehog
whitish red
hazel nut

please choose a style (keep in mind some style length combinations are impossible)
buzz cut
purposefully messy
hime cut
that 60's look
pixie cut
a pair of drills fit to pierce the heavens!
[X] ear length
[X] green
[X] pixie cut

Might want slightly more time between updates, if anyone else saw this.
thanks for the advice Im new to this whole thing so I dont know what an appropriate amount of time to wait is. I dont have a built in audiance for a new quest like more established writers so I dont know how many people would care.

on that note, we seem to have a tie if nothing changes in lets say a few hours I'll just flip a coin
thanks for the advice Im new to this whole thing so I dont know what an appropriate amount of time to wait is. I dont have a built in audiance for a new quest like more established writers so I dont know how many people would care.

on that note, we seem to have a tie if nothing changes in lets say a few hours I'll just flip a coin

Yeah, fifty-two minutes isn't much time to get an audience, especially early in the morning. Of course, I'm the opposite extreme. My quest updates tend to be at least a month apart, but then my chapters are pretty long.
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thanks for the advice Im new to this whole thing so I dont know what an appropriate amount of time to wait is. I dont have a built in audiance for a new quest like more established writers so I dont know how many people would care.

on that note, we seem to have a tie if nothing changes in lets say a few hours I'll just flip a coin

The most common is a da or two between updates, since people tend to be from very diferent places and time zones, this gives enough time for everyone to participate. Though the most important is what you, as the writter, feels comfortable with.

[X] back length
[X] black
[X] ponytail
Character creation part 2
The most common is a da or two between updates, since people tend to be from very diferent places and time zones, this gives enough time for everyone to participate. Though the most important is what you, as the writter, feels comfortable with.

[X] back length
[X] black
[X] ponytail
You're all being so supportive im grateful!

Now on to business, Metrux, after nearly a full day your contribution has broken the deadlock that the hair debate was stuck in! We will now go forward with back length black hair in a ponytail. To the one guy who wanted a hime cut with the edgehog pattern I apologise, I was hoping that a more exotic style would win, but for this kind of character something practical is probably more appropriate.

Anyway now that the people have spoken about hair it's time to speak on matters of stature.

your choices are in height, muscle definition, and bust size if you're into that

short (120 cm)
average (160 cm)
tall (200 cm)

muscle definition

scrawny (little to not definition, tell tale signs of an inactive lifestyle, almost expected of a mage)
athletic (as it says on the tin: clearly more active than what is expected of a mage, but just what you'd expect of someone who grew up in fighting the elements.)
Over defined? (it looks like you spent more time working out than studying the family craft, only time will tell if that is true.)

this ones a write in, please be reasonable.
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[X] short (120 cm)
[X] Over defined? (it looks like you spent more time working out than studying the family craft, only time will tell if that is true.)
[X] Skin Tone: Ivory
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[X] height: 176 cm
[X] Muscle Definition: athletic
[X] Skin Tone: ivory
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character creation part 2.5
ah sorry everyone! I forgot to add skin tone since I wanted you all to decide on that, pls forgive!

your choices are
dark chocolate (even among the people of Zench [pronounced zen-ck] your legacy tends to be very dark skinned)
mocha (time spent out doors has left you with a bit of a tan)
bronze (the average for people of the sand sea over all.)
ivory (magic has a tendancy to touch people in strange ways, this is one of the ways it's touched you. It doesn't help that you never go out without your hood up anyway)
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[X] height: 176 cm
[X] Muscle Definition: athletic
[X] Skin Tone: Ivory

I'm sorry but the mental image is too good :V I guess no vote for bust? I'd think an A-cup goes well with this choices...
gonna be closing this vote in a a few hours, the update will follow soon after