If we had chosen to go through the Demon Lord Dark Area place, what would have happened? And what would have happened if we decided to go through Crainummon?
If you had gone through the Dark Area, you would not have awoken the Demon Lords, though you probably would have seen their seal, because, well, it's a pretty awesome set piece and I'd feel pretty much required to go into it a bit. You would have met Imperialdramon, though. His spirit is tied to the Dark Area, keeping an eye on the Demon Lords. Probably would have resulted in Veedramon getting his power-up early, maybe could have saved your life as well. Probably would have had to roll for that last one.
Easy choice since both other options include franchises I know absolutely nothing about.
[x] Loyalty's Blade, a Digimon Quest
My question never got answered.
My apologies in that case, I guess I must have missed it. It's actually one of the few things
not covered in the prior quests of this series. Actually, since the next quest whenever it gets done will likely have a heavy focus on Piedmon, you'll see it laid out in his own words there. But to suffice until then, the Gate of Destiny was interfered with in some manner, and Piedmon was spat out in this quest's version of the Digital World. He was...kind of crazy since he spent a lot of time in that void. Shit happened, and the Seer Council got involved, but he ended up fighting beside MedievalDukemon and Sakuyamon who both hold positions of influence within the council.
Once the crisis was over, Piedmon was vouched for by Sakuyamon and Dukemon, and given a position in the council. This was something of a soft threat as well, it should be mentioned since Piedmon would now be constantly near the others, allowing them to keep an eye on him. Over the years, Piedmon managed to reform in the eyes of some of the council (Though, as Anubismon's story shows, not all of them.) And was allowed more room to move about. But he is still by far the most carefully watched member of the Council, and the one who is most likely to go dark. Dukemon and Sakuyamon are his most prominent supporters, but others verge from hostility (Anubismon) to neutrality (Zanbamon)
Maybe we should do a 1st 2nd 3rd thing for the quests? For example, I prefer the Digimon quest but would rather have the Worm/Yugioh than SU.
@Talos was there any chance of surviving the quest?
Yes. As I said above, meeting Imperialdramon was one possible way of surviving. Also, if the final fight had turned out differently, you might have had some hours or even some days to search for another solution. One possible ending was for you to become a phantasmal knight, imbued with a fraction of the power of Yggdrasial. A ghostly warrior who showed up whenever he was needed, and then faded away into the shadows.
Another possibility was for the quest to end with you setting off in search of a cure. Maybe into the Dark Area, where such things might be easier to find.
As for your suggestion in terms of the votes... yeah, that's actually a really good idea, and a better system than the one I actually decided to implement. If some people want to redo their votes that way, I'd be cool with it, and I'll use it as the default method next time.