[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.
Wordlessly you take up this holy task and reach out for the scroll, power and holy relics were tempting offers, but knowledge of what lurks in the dark of the Barrens is always of use. You unroll the scroll...
It's a scout's report, but infinitely more detailed, the slumbering threat revealed to you is an old enemy. The Lich had a series of buried strongholds hidden throughout the barrens. A lietuenant of his, Melicrax The Bone Sage, was working to undermine the Walls. His Skeletal servants tirelessly mining away to open tunnels on both sides of each Wall to allow the Walking Dead to pour into lands they had not stepped foot on in centuries.
It had been a dedicated sapping effort back when the Barrens were firmly under Undead control, and Melicrax had not stopped just because his legions on the surface had been largely wiped out. His forces had seized a number of Hill Dwarf barrows in the mountains to replenish his mauled armies. In addition, he had claimed several other Hill Dwarf ruins to hide his remaining forces and had established the mining project in the wooded hills to the south west.
- The Undead are still active in a strategic sense within the Barrens, and are steadily working to overcome two of the Walls simultaneously.
- There is a southern costal Hill dwarf settlement that has been converted into a command center by Melicrax.
- The Mountains to the north are where the Hill Dwarves buried their dead, and the Undead are steadily working to uncover and reanimate these ancient corpses.
- There is a necromantic Lab in the foothills of the mountains that is working on a project to counter the Bastion's Air Supremacy. It is unknown how they plan to achieve this.
- The Tunnel Project to circumvent the walls is established in the wooded hills to the southwest. Progress has been slow on the eastern tunnel network because something is actively resisting their efforts to tunnel east. The nature of this resistance is unknown.
You close your eyes for just a moment, to internalize this information, when you open them again you are lying down in your tent. Willa is sitting opposite of you with her musket across her lap. She gazes at you for a long, long moment before relaxing slightly, though she keeps her hands near her weapon.
"Do you still seek the Throne?" She asks. You think for a hard moment, not sure if the compulsion had been burned from your mind. After a moment of soul searching, you find no desire to return to the Hill and a healthy aversion to going back.
"... No. Definitely not." You say, sure of that at least. For a moment you consider telling Willa the whole of what happened in the depths of your mind, but decide against it, it was far to fantastical to believe.
"Then we can continue the Expedition without issue then?" Willa asks as she moves to stand, offering you a hand up from your bedroll, which you accept.
"Absolutely, did anything happen on the trip over here?" You ask, the pair of you moving to the tent's entrance to see the new campsite as you do so.
While you were out...
- The Expedition journeyed to the next hex on the map
- During the journey, the expedition was attacked twice, a flock of skeletal birds and a quartet of dwarven skeletons wielding ancient copper spears. One member of the expedition was wounded during this and consumed two healing potions in recovery. The Expedition expended 28 round of ammunition.
- The scouts discovered an ancient tree sitting in the middle of a small circle of standing stones in a deep valley that was home to a great deal of skeletal birds and bats, the Skeletal birds seemed to be guarding the location, the scouts managed to avoid being attacked. The Scouts also found a damaged Clockwork Hawk in a field coated with broken bird bones.
- Given the approach of night, the Expedition established a camp atop the tallest of the local hills.
- Your orb changed colors, becoming a light spring green.
As the expedition gathers around the cookpot for their evening meal, you have the opportunity to make conversation with some of your fellow explorers, do you talk to anyone this night?
(You may take two actions at this time, they can be repeat actions if you wish to gain a deeper insight into something)
[ ] Speak to someone
- [ ] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [ ] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.
- [ ] Journeyman Cassius, The wandering alchemist
- [ ] One of the Laborers
- [ ] One of the Miners
- [ ] One of the Soldiers
[ ] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [ ] The Orb changed color, maybe I should take a deeper look into it's mysteries.
- [ ] We found a clockwork beast, study an unprotected example of the Clockworker's art.
- [ ] Get a start on looking over the relics from the Hill-Hold.