The Last Bastion of Serhedros (pathfinder 1st edition)

[X] Yes, I will pray at the Broken Altar, inscribed with symbols of faiths long since forgotten. Can gods die? Or do they merely wait to be remembered? What gifts would they offer to those who returned them to the world?

- uncovering forgotten and lost lore brings the ducats
[X] No, I will seek out a different source of supernatural aid.
- [X] Ceaseless Knowledge

Our wisdom ain't shit, and neither is our charisma so divine power isn't great in our hands. Arcane is where its at; That or psychic.
Revelation and Salvation
[X] Yes, I will pray at the Broken Altar, inscribed with symbols of faiths long since forgotten. Can gods die? Or do they merely wait to be remembered? What gifts would they offer to those who returned them to the world?


(Praying at an Altar to forgotten gods, but who would answer? Rolling...)

In the quiet of the Hall of Altars, you offer a prayer.

It's a simple thing. A quiet thing. Perhaps there is true faith in your heart, perhaps not. But in that moment you ignore your doubts and your fears and simply ask the heavens themselves for Aid.

The sound of crunching crystal echoes down the hallway. The urge to abandon these most-likely useless prayers grows...

(Will save: rolling 1d20+1... 19+1 = 20, success

But you ignore it, words tumbling forth from you lips as for the first time in your life, you feel something listening to your prayers. The burning, bracing light of a forge's fire shining upon you. The Altar shifting and growing as the Altars of the four High Gods crumble and shatter, the Altar to Darkness fading away without a sound. Even as the abomination approaches you from behind, you feel no fear. For you know that you are watched, judged...

(Divine Intervention: 1d100 roll... 81)

And found worthy.

You turn to face the abomination with steel in your spine and fire in your heart. It's malformed, repugnant face cringing away from you as the Light coming from the Altar intensifies. You see the imperfection before you, the malignant remainder of a failed acolyte to the powers of the mind and find it unworthy.

You need not destroy this abomination yourself. You merely step aside, allowing the divine radiance of the Altar to cleanse this taint from the depths of your mind. The Intruder screams. A high, piercing tone like the cracking of crystal that slowly morphs into a far more mundane, mortal voice. For a bare instant you see the form of the Intruder as he once was, a graybeard dwarf dressed in a toga, before the Light intensifies and the Intruder is no more.

As the dust settles, you turn back to the Altar, and see upon it offerings. A tome, a scroll, a mote of free standing light, and a blacksmith's hammer. You hear a voice whisper from deep within. Asking of you to take up a task in it's name.

"In the mountains to the north lies a temple dedicated to me in ancient times. It has been besmirched and fouled by the priesthood of the King of the Mountain. Reconsecrate it in my name and you will be rewarded. Take one of the Gifts before you, for it will aide you in this dangerous task."

Will you undertake this task?

[ ] Yes
- [ ] Wit before Wisdom: A tome of skill to be added to the confines of your mind. You can now use your intelligence score in place of you wisdom modifier when it comes to Divine Spellcasting, The Light of the Forge will whisper it's strictures and commandments into your mind in the waking world, setting you on the path of the Divine. (May begin retraining as an intelligence based Cleric)
- [ ] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.
- [ ] A drop of Forgelight: The Light of the Forge will imbue you with a mote of it's holy radience. Granting you the power to conjure light on a whim, and a path to seek further mastery of the properties of Light. (Gain Light Cantrip as an at will ability, gain long term project studying the mystical properties of Light, which can grant spellcasting, feats, and skills as you progress.)
- [ ] The Highsmith's Hammer: A holy relic of the Light of the Forge's faith. It will grant you great skill and power in martial matters, and whispers secrets of a forgotten way of fighting. (Enchanted Weapon, gain opportunity to learn a martial Disclpline, The Hammer will be upgradable.)

[ ] No (The Light of the Forge is willing to help others regardless of their willingness to work with it, and will not take offense should you find no desire to enter it's service. Though seeking it's aide later may be more difficult)
- [ ] Seek out another form of Supernatural Power.
- - [ ] The Altar of Wood and Beast
- - [ ] Matchless Power
- - [ ] Ceaseless Knowledge
- - [ ] Slumbering Potential
- [ ] Awaken: You've had enough of these matters of gods and monsters for now. Awaken and be done with this.
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[X] Yes
- [x] The Highsmith's Hammer: A holy relic of the Light of the Forge's faith. It will grant you great skill and power in martial matters, and whispers secrets of a forgotten way of fighting. (Enchanted Weapon, gain opportunity to learn a martial Disclpline, The Hammer will be upgradable.)

Hammer rogue!
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.

By your own hand have you proven worthy, by your own hand will you change the world.
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.

- something that threathens our home needs to be stopped
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.

We also use the existance and discovery of this threat secure additional funding by suggesting that there might be other threats yet to be discovered. Win win really.
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.

Int based Cleric is good, but personally I'm holding out for Wizard or Arcanist. Not getting surprised in the future is really great as a consolation prize.
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.
What threatens the Wall. Threatens the World. Day 8 (Night)
[X] Yes
- [X] The Secret: A terrible secret of the Barrens is made known to you. Along with a guide to gaining enough actionable intelligence to solve the problem yourself or allow the Armies of the Bastion to handle it.


Wordlessly you take up this holy task and reach out for the scroll, power and holy relics were tempting offers, but knowledge of what lurks in the dark of the Barrens is always of use. You unroll the scroll...

It's a scout's report, but infinitely more detailed, the slumbering threat revealed to you is an old enemy. The Lich had a series of buried strongholds hidden throughout the barrens. A lietuenant of his, Melicrax The Bone Sage, was working to undermine the Walls. His Skeletal servants tirelessly mining away to open tunnels on both sides of each Wall to allow the Walking Dead to pour into lands they had not stepped foot on in centuries.

It had been a dedicated sapping effort back when the Barrens were firmly under Undead control, and Melicrax had not stopped just because his legions on the surface had been largely wiped out. His forces had seized a number of Hill Dwarf barrows in the mountains to replenish his mauled armies. In addition, he had claimed several other Hill Dwarf ruins to hide his remaining forces and had established the mining project in the wooded hills to the south west.

  • The Undead are still active in a strategic sense within the Barrens, and are steadily working to overcome two of the Walls simultaneously.
  • There is a southern costal Hill dwarf settlement that has been converted into a command center by Melicrax.
  • The Mountains to the north are where the Hill Dwarves buried their dead, and the Undead are steadily working to uncover and reanimate these ancient corpses.
  • There is a necromantic Lab in the foothills of the mountains that is working on a project to counter the Bastion's Air Supremacy. It is unknown how they plan to achieve this.
  • The Tunnel Project to circumvent the walls is established in the wooded hills to the southwest. Progress has been slow on the eastern tunnel network because something is actively resisting their efforts to tunnel east. The nature of this resistance is unknown.

You close your eyes for just a moment, to internalize this information, when you open them again you are lying down in your tent. Willa is sitting opposite of you with her musket across her lap. She gazes at you for a long, long moment before relaxing slightly, though she keeps her hands near her weapon.

"Do you still seek the Throne?" She asks. You think for a hard moment, not sure if the compulsion had been burned from your mind. After a moment of soul searching, you find no desire to return to the Hill and a healthy aversion to going back.

"... No. Definitely not." You say, sure of that at least. For a moment you consider telling Willa the whole of what happened in the depths of your mind, but decide against it, it was far to fantastical to believe.

"Then we can continue the Expedition without issue then?" Willa asks as she moves to stand, offering you a hand up from your bedroll, which you accept.

"Absolutely, did anything happen on the trip over here?" You ask, the pair of you moving to the tent's entrance to see the new campsite as you do so.


While you were out...

  • The Expedition journeyed to the next hex on the map
  • During the journey, the expedition was attacked twice, a flock of skeletal birds and a quartet of dwarven skeletons wielding ancient copper spears. One member of the expedition was wounded during this and consumed two healing potions in recovery. The Expedition expended 28 round of ammunition.
  • The scouts discovered an ancient tree sitting in the middle of a small circle of standing stones in a deep valley that was home to a great deal of skeletal birds and bats, the Skeletal birds seemed to be guarding the location, the scouts managed to avoid being attacked. The Scouts also found a damaged Clockwork Hawk in a field coated with broken bird bones.
  • Given the approach of night, the Expedition established a camp atop the tallest of the local hills.
  • Your orb changed colors, becoming a light spring green.


As the expedition gathers around the cookpot for their evening meal, you have the opportunity to make conversation with some of your fellow explorers, do you talk to anyone this night?

(You may take two actions at this time, they can be repeat actions if you wish to gain a deeper insight into something)
[ ] Speak to someone
- [ ] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [ ] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.
- [ ] Journeyman Cassius, The wandering alchemist
- [ ] One of the Laborers
- [ ] One of the Miners
- [ ] One of the Soldiers

[ ] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [ ] The Orb changed color, maybe I should take a deeper look into it's mysteries.
- [ ] We found a clockwork beast, study an unprotected example of the Clockworker's art.
- [ ] Get a start on looking over the relics from the Hill-Hold.
[X] Speak to someone
- [X] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [X] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.

[X] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [X] We found a clockwork beast, study an unprotected example of the Clockworker's art.
[X] Speak to someone
- [X] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [X] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.

[X] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [X] We found a clockwork beast, study an unprotected example of the Clockworker's art.
[X] Speak to someone
- [X] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [X] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.

[X] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [X]Get a start on looking over the relics from the Hill-Hold.
[X] Speak to someone
- [X] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [X] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.

[X] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [X]Get a start on looking over the relics from the Hill-Hold.
Okay, toss up between Clockworks and Relics

1-50 = Clockwork
51-100 = Relics
Useless Writer threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Research object? Total: 50
50 50
Day 9 (Morning)
[X] Speak to someone
- [X] Sergeant Willa, The Champion Gunslinger
- [X] Jurgen Ironthew, The Guardian of the working men.

[X] Work on one of your ongoing projects
- [X] We found a clockwork beast, study an unprotected example of the Clockworker's art.
((Apologies for the delay, my stomach rebelled and I spent the better part of yesterday bent over a toilet))

"Phil, I have a question for you." Willa begins as you and Jurgen begin to tuck into your bowls of stew. You grunt wordlessly through a mouthful of stew, gesturing for Willa to ask her question. "What prompted you to start this expedition? Why leave the safety of the Bastion?"

"Technically that's two questions, but I'll abide." You say after swallowing. "I've always been curious about the outside world. Spending all my life tucked up in the Scriptorium reading accounts of the lands that once were left me with a healthy desire to see some of the old wonders of the world."

"Why not join up with one of the larger expeditions then? Taking a berth on one of the Skyships would have allowed you to see a lot more of the world a lot quicker then traipsing about the Barrens on foot." Jurgen asked, droplets of stew speckling his beard as he talked through his meal.

"I unfortunately lacked the money to afford a berth and the... academic presence to win a place through utility." You say after a moment, the rejection letters you'd received after trying to get a place on one of those expeditions still hurt to think about. "Mapmakers are nice to have along on expeditions to new lands, but are distinctly useless when the lands have been mapped for millennia. My qualifications with the sciences of Life were not nearly good enough to qualify either, given that they'd already secured the services of more reputable scholars of those fields."

"So you weren't good enough." Jurgen said bluntly. A strange look on his face.

"No. I was not." You say tightly, returning to your stew in a fit of pique. Jurgen laughed.

"Might not have been good enough for them but you're a damn sight better then most of them folks. Least you know you ain't some gift from the High Gods." Jurgen said, nearly knocking you over with a clap on the back.

(Jurgen's opinion of you has improved. Your opinion of Jurgen.... eh)
(Willa's opinion of you has improved.)
(Jurgen hates those who think they're hot shit because of their social class)


Leaving your utensils with tonight's dish crew, you retreat to your tent after grabbing the clockwork Hawk and set to examining the piece.

(Intelligence Check 1d20+5... 8+5 = 13)

The Clockwork Hawk is a piece of fine artistry, The body is finely crafted from skyborne bronze, an alchemical alloy commonly used for armoring flying constructs as it has been made much lighter through some ritual process. The wings are crafted of a light leather that's been weather treated to prevent becoming waterlogged in the rain. It doesn't take long to figure out how the Clockwork was brought down, as the Wings are badly torn and have numerous holes in them. Furthermore the hatch used to get into the inner workings of the Clockwork has been damaged somewhat by the impact on the ground, and won't open to the casual attempt.

(Disable device check 1d20+7... 16+7=23, Success)

Fishing out your dagger, you gently work it under the edge of the hatch and gradually lever the hatch open, it takes some creative positioning with the dagger, but you manage to disentangle the broken internal latch from it's catch and take a look at the normally whirring gears of a clockwork's internals.

(Appraise Check 1d20+(9-5(unfamiliar craft)=4)... 5+4=9, Failure)

Perhaps it's the late hour, perhaps you're still shaken from your experience earlier in the day, but you can't make heads or tails of what might be wrong with the delicate machinery contained within. You set the Clockwork aside and resolve to work on it with fresh eyes at a later date.

(Clockwork Hawk Fault discovered, Damaged Wings (If internals are repaired, will be unable to fly until fixed), Unknown Internal Damage (Nothing in the Gearbox is moving, so something must be wrong.))

The morning arrives and you graciously greet the sun, your sleep thankfully untroubled. What do you plan to do today?

(You have three actions)

Travel Actions
[ ] Keep Journeying (Time Advances two time slots to Afternoon) (Scouting Roll) (Encounter Roll)
- [ ] South : The plains look barren from here, but that could be a false representation of their wealth.
- [ ] West: Yet more Hills await you.
- [ ] East: The Hill-Hold stands behind you

Surveying actions
[ ] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[ ] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
- [ ] Expend a potion of Detect metal. (Improves odds of finding ore deposits(cumulative +5 bonus to your prospector roll per potion used)) (Can be taken four times in one action, two extracts expended by Cassius, two potions in stock, extracts will be used before stock potions and are recovered in the next day.)
- [ ] Don't expend a potion.
[ ] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)
[ ] Assault the Valley: The Flock of Skeletal Birds is a serious threat to anything not traveling with an escort, put it down. (Casualties likely)(Birds from the location have been harassing the Airfleet, they'd probably be grateful for the eradication of this threat.)(???)

Research Actions
[ ] The Clockwork Hawk: Take another crack at discovering the problems with this broken piece of artifice. (Intelligence roll, reroll with appraise skill at disadvantage)(Opens up repair options)
[ ] Cultural Analysis of the Relics of the People of the Hills: Examine and appraise the artifacts taken from the Marketplace of the Hill Complex for knowledge and profit.
[ ] The Orb asked you to gaze deeper into it, to know it better. Set aside some time and seek deeper into it's mysteries.(Concentration Check, Will save, More Secrets of the Orb unlocked if successful)
- [ ] Ask Willa to watch over you to prevent loosing time (Incompatible with Cleanse the Hills, as Willa needs to lead her men.)
- [ ] Work Alone on this (Might loose time)

Camp Actions
[ ] Get to know one of your fellows on this expedition: (Social Action)(???)
- [ ] Specify who
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
[X] The Orb asked you to gaze deeper into it, to know it better. Set aside some time and seek deeper into it's mysteries.(Concentration Check, Will save, More Secrets of the Orb unlocked if successful)
- [x] Ask Willa to watch over you to prevent loosing time (Incompatible with Cleanse the Hills, as Willa needs to lead her men.)
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
- [X] Don't expend a potion.
[X] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
[X] The Orb asked you to gaze deeper into it, to know it better. Set aside some time and seek deeper into it's mysteries.(Concentration Check, Will save, More Secrets of the Orb unlocked if successful)
- [x] Ask Willa to watch over you to prevent loosing time (Incompatible with Cleanse the Hills, as Willa needs to lead her men.)
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
- [X] Don't expend a potion.
[X] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
- [X] Don't expend a potion.
[X] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
- [X] Don't expend a potion.
[X] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)
Day 9 (Noon)
[X] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[X] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (0/3 actions completed)
- [X] Don't expend a potion.
[X] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)


(Roll knowledge geography check, 1d20+12... 2 + 12 = 14, failure)

If these hills have anything of interest in them apart from the valley, you can't find it. Not this morning at least. There's still a fair amount of land to cover however, so who knows? You might get lucky.

(Map the Hills action will complete on next attempt)

(Roll profession Prospector check, 1d20+6 ... 16+6 = 22, Success)
(How valuable was the find? 1d100... 99, Significantly so.)
(Were they attacked? 1d100 - ???... 73, No, they were safe this time.)

The Prospectors returned with a spring in their steps, as has become something of a custom with Alp, he deposits a handful of his discoveries into your own hands. The rough-hewn, red stones seem vaguely familiar.

"Rubies, those volcanoes must have spat something fierce the last time they errupted, because they're a long ways away from where they should be. It's just the one large chunk of volcanic rock, so we can probably get them all out before days end if you want to add them to the pile."

(Gemstone deposit discovered, High Value gemstones, easily recoverable, potentially worth over a 1000 ducats.)
(Mine, Boys, Mine me those Gemstones!: Action unlocked)


(roll Profession Soldier check, 1d20+7... 7+7=14, opposed check instigated)
(perception vs stealth... 16 vs. 27)
(Ambushed or avoided? rolling 1d100... 56, stalked but not attacked, this time.)

The rest of your soldiers return mere moments after the prospectors do, and while the public report is mundane enough, Willa later finds you privately with some more concerning news.

"We were being hunted out there." Willa says grimly. "I'm not sure by what, but we were definitely being hunted."

"What do you think we should do?"

"Double the watch at night, and if you're planning on sending us out hunting again, send us with some potions so we have better odds of finding the damn thing. Whatever it is."

(Hex modifier discovered, Something's out there: Something is hunting your people out here, any actions taken beyond the camp have a chance of being attacked.)
(Cleanse the Hills action has been updated.)


The Sun is blazing high in the sky. What do you choose to do next?

(Choose three actions.)

Travel Actions
[ ] Keep Journeying (Time Advances two time slots to Afternoon) (Scouting Roll) (Encounter Roll)
- [ ] South : The plains look barren from here, but that could be a false representation of their wealth.
- [ ] West: Yet more Hills await you.
- [ ] East: The Hill-Hold stands behind you

Surveying actions
[ ] Map the Hills: It is what you came to do after all, finish it up this time (Takes one time slot) (Knowledge Geography roll) (Provides bonuses to other rolls relating to this section of Hills)(May unlock other actions)
[ ] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (1/3 actions completed) (Mutually incompatible with Mine, Boys, Mine me those Gemstones!)
- [ ] Expend a potion of Detect metal. (Improves odds of finding ore deposits(cumulative +5 bonus to your prospector roll per potion used)) (Can be taken four times in one action, two extracts expended by Cassius, two potions in stock, extracts will be used before stock potions and are recovered in the next day.)
- [ ] Don't expend a potion.
[ ] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the wandering dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(It is unknown how many undead wander these Hills)(Repeatable until the undead are slain)
- [ ] Send the Hunting party out with extra potions (Hunting party naturally carries three Cure Light Wounds potions)
- - [ ] Detect Undead
- - [ ] Heightened Awareness
- [ ] They'll be fine without extra potions.
[ ] Something is out there: You don't know nearly enough to even consider risking lives on trying to track whatever is out there.
[ ] Assault the Valley: The Flock of Skeletal Birds is a serious threat to anything not traveling with an escort, put it down. (Casualties likely)(Birds from the location have been harassing the Airfleet, they'd probably be grateful for the eradication of this threat.)(???)

Research Actions
[ ] The Clockwork Hawk: Take another crack at discovering the problems with this broken piece of artifice. (Intelligence roll, reroll with appraise skill at disadvantage)(Opens up repair options)
[ ] Cultural Analysis of the Relics of the People of the Hills: Examine and appraise the artifacts taken from the Marketplace of the Hill Complex for knowledge and profit.
[ ] The Orb asked you to gaze deeper into it, to know it better. Set aside some time and seek deeper into it's mysteries.(Concentration Check, Will save, More Secrets of the Orb unlocked if successful)
- [ ] Ask Willa to watch over you to prevent loosing time (Incompatible with Cleanse the Hills, as Willa needs to lead her men.)
- [ ] Work Alone on this (Might loose time)

Profit Actions
[ ] Mine, Boys, Mine me those Gemstones!: Your prospectors found a house sized chunk of volcanic rock positively filled with gemstones. It might take a few days to collect them all, but this is a literal pile of Ducats waiting to be taken. (Takes one action)(0% mined) (Needs appraisal by Bastion Jewelers, but could result in literally thousands of Ducats) (Mutually incompatible with Survey the Hills)

Camp Actions
[ ] Get to know one of your fellows on this expedition: (Social Action)(???)
- [ ] Specify who

(Expedition Morale Increases two steps)
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