[X] Didn't sleep so well last night. I'll be alright once I get moving here.
[X] Plan Cooling Off Period
((Your answer and the social option combined for interesting results.))
"I didn't sleep so well last night. I'll be alright once I get moving here." You say in response to Willa's questions concerning your health. Hoping to assuage her concerns...
(Opposed Diplomacy vs. Sense motive check)
( You rolled a modified 19 vs. A modified 21)
Willa doesn't buy it for a moment.
"I heard you muttering in your sleep last night. So respectfully sir?" Willa says in a nonplussed tone. "That's Bullshit. "
"It's really nothing." You try to deflect, but Willa isn't having it. She physically pulls you aside, out of earshot with the rest of the camp and stares you down.
"I had a soldier in my unit put a bullet in his brain because none of us took his bad dreams seriously. I am not letting anyone else wither away like he did." Willa says through gritted teeth, her words barely more then a whisper despite the distance from the rest of the camp. The pain in her eyes tells you this soldier might have been a bit closer to her then 'just another soldier'. "Now tell me. What's. Wrong?"
Will Save rolling = 9
"It... It was just like any other dream at first. I won't get into the specifics due to inanity, but something changed partway through." You say, something within you balks at trying to explain the dream. This was all a waste of time anyway, the hill was waiting wasn't it? But you soldiered on. "Something changed, or rather, felt like it was changing me..."
Intelligence roll (-3 due to ???, +5 due to natural modifier, modified bonus of +2 to roll)... rolled a 16+2 = 18, Sudden realization.
You realize that something had changed, alien thoughts intrude even as you go back over your memories of the night before with a fine toothed comb, trying to distract you from analyzing your own thoughts. Burning away in the back of your mind is a desire to return to the hill, to delve deeper into it, to seek a throne carved of crystal sitting in a natural crystal cavern. Your resolve hardens as you refocus on the conversation before you, Willa looked concerned, and she had every right to be.
"Something did change me. There's something in the Hill, a crystal throne. It's calling to me." You say even as you feel your lips harden into a frown.
"A throne?" Willa asks quietly, sounding as if she's on the precipice of something. Probably calling you mad or something equally discouraging.
"Yes." You answer as you reach for the Orb hidden under your tunic. Pulling it free with a thumb. "I was studying this last night, a family heirloom from before the rising. It started glowing like this when we arrived in the area. I think it might be the reason whatever is in the throne was able to reach out to me."
"Do you think it's magical?" Willa asks even as she stares in fascination at the Orb. Her eyes half lidding before the last syllable leaves her lips. Suddenly worried you might open someone else to being manipulated, you quickly stuff the Orb back under your tunic. Willa blinks, returning to the here and now. "That was weird."
"Maybe. Maybe it's magical, maybe its a conduit for magic to be done on someone, maybe it's something else entirely. My father died before he could tell me where the Orb came from or how our family got it." You answer before asking your next question. "What just happened? Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, just felt like I was... falling for a moment there. You said you were studying it?" Willa asked as her brow scrunches in thought.
"Yes. I was just going to record it's dimensions and the changes it had underwent since our arrival, but I looked at it for too long and fell under it's spell, hours passed me by without my noticing." You say as you consider what you saw last night. "I saw... shapes. Nothing distinct, I wasn't looking hard enough for that."
"Maybe this is something from one of the Wizards? Some mystical gem they used to train apprentices or something? My grandfather said that Wizards had to be strong of mind and flexible in thought. What if this was something made to encourage that?" Willa asks, her brow releasing as she extrapolated from what her grandfather had told her.
"If it did come from the Wizards, it could just as well be a novelty of some sort or some other unrelated paraphernalia. I don't think they'd let something like that out of their hands, even with the threat of the Lich."
"Maybe. But maybe that's why whatever's down there is able to mess with you. Maybe if you try again, you might be able to find something, some sort of magic that'll force whatever is messing with you to leave?" Willa suggests. Which isn't without merit presupposing that the Orb was some sort of magical instruction device. But still...
"That's a lot of maybes." You say even as you give the idea some thought. The compulsion in the back of your mind is still needling you to focus on the hill, but it's easier to ignore now that you know it's there. Presumably if the Orb was what opened the way into your sleeping mind, it could be used to close it again. "I'll consider trying again later, right now I really need to focus on something else."
"That's fair." Willa says, before a smile quirked the corner of her lips. "So what is paraphernalia anyway? Some sort of magical crap?"
(Degradation of your Relationship with Willa has been prevented. She is still concerned about you however.)
(You now have a general idea of Willa's character and how she will respond to your choices and actions, her opinion on future decisions will be revealed as part of the options available, due to only having a surface level understanding of Willa, this information might be wrong on specific instances.)
(Example. [ ] Lie to the Gate Commander about contraband (Willa Disapproves))
You send off the prospectors to finish up surveying this section of the hills. Thankfully Your discussion with Willa was unheard, so the mood of the expedition is still rather chipper. Much as it unnaturally pains you to admit, you may have to move on to the next section of the hills to keep the expedition busy. While this section of the hills has been largely pacified, the longer you linger here after your business is ostensibly done, the more likely it is for other members of the expedition to wander off for a bit of "Exploring".
In an attempt to further distract yourself, you set yourself up in your tent with rubbings taken from the pillars and start working to identify the script.
(Will save (-3 from compulsion, +1 from wisdom modifier, -2 to roll) 1d20-2... 19-2 = 17, success)
(Linguistics Check: 1d20+9... 15+9 = 24, bare success)
You managed to dull the insistent needling in the back of your mind by sitting down and really focusing on the language of the Hill Dwellers. It takes hours of work, ending well past noon, but you recognize a few scattered words of the Sacred Language of Drin-Nozhul in the Hieroglyphs. The written tongue of the sacred mountain priests of the Dwarves. It may well take months, perhaps years to fully decode this language, but you have a baseline to work off of.
(Long term project unlocked. The Language of the Hill Dwarves. (Reward upon completion, 3-12 Scholar Favor))
(Rolling Profession: Prospector 1d20+6... 2+6 = 8, Failure)
Unfortunately, The Prospectors turn up empty handed for the final stretch of this section of the hills.
The Sun burns high in the sky, what are your orders?
Choose three of the below options
Travel Actions
[ ] Keep Journeying (Time Advances two time slots to Evening) (Scouting Roll) (Encounter Roll) (Hard Will Save to Leave while Compulsion is still active)
- [ ] South : The plains look barren from here, but that could be a false representation of their wealth.
- [ ] West: Yet more Hills await you.
Exploration Actions
[ ] Examine the ruins more closely and attempt to deduce their origin ( knowledge history/profession scholar rolls)(Difficult to identify beyond racial origin of builders without further data) This is a waste of time, the Hill waits for me even now (Will save) You have enough clues to assume that this is a Hill Dwarf location.
[ ] Return to the Hill Dwarfhold: You've discovered an ancient Dwarven stronghold, seemingly untouched until your arrival. Something lingers within the hill, calling to you.(Possible multiple time slot expenditure) (Unlocks dungeon subturns, You and your fellow adventurers delve into the ruins in search of treasures and answers, your civilians have no interest in delving into the spooky ruins and some of your soldiers need to protect the rest of the expedition, but named characters will accompany you.)
[ ] Survey the Hills: Send out the miners to look over the hills and see if any obvious sources of good stone or minerals can be found. You have been informed that this is actually called "Prospecting". (Takes one time slot) (Profession Prospector Roll) (3/3 actions completed) The Hills have been surveyed.
[ ] Cleanse the Hills: Send out some of your riflemen to put the walking dead to rest. (Takes one time slot)(Encounter Roll)(Two groups of the walking dead, 6 and 8 respectively)(The Locations of the Walking dead are well known, provided no dismal failures in your other tasks, you can safely work around the dead)(Repeatable until the undead are slain) The Hills have been cleansed, you can now bring three riflemen with you on dungeon expeditions. The remainder will watch the camp and protect the rest of your people.
Research Actions
[ ] Begin the Analysis of the Pillar Rubbings: See if you can identify the language found in the pillar rubbings. You'll admit ancient history isnt your forte, but there's nothing wrong with giving it the old spire try, is there? (Begins the translation attempt, outright failure will exhaust this option for seven days given you have no experience in this matter.)(Reward: Knowledge of the Ancient Written Language of the People of the Hills (Name pending)) This is a waste of time, the Hill waits for me even now (Will save) You have identified the language as being Dwarven in origin. You'll need access to a library of linguistic texts to actually work out the details in a reasonable timescale.
[ ] The Cave Fishing Spider - Anatomy Y. 674 A.R. (After Rising): Dissect and study the remains of the cave fishing spiders you've recovered to see if any major changes have occured biologically for the nominally Arboreal monstrous spider species. (Basically what it says on the tin, paper writing options will unlock provided this action is successful) This is a waste of time, the Hill waits for me even now (Will save)
[ ] Cultural Analysis of the Relics of the Hill Dwarves: Examine and appraise the artifacts taken from the Marketplace of the Hill Dwarfhold for knowledge and profit. This is a waste of time, the Hill waits for me even now (Will save)
[ ] The Orb asked you to gaze deeper into it, to know it better. Set aside some time and seek deeper into it's mysteries. But surely you don't have time for that? After all, The Hill awaits. (Concentration Check, Moderate Will save, More Secrets of the Orb unlocked if successful)
- [ ] Ask Willa to watch over you while you do this. (Other companions may be made available for this option if you improve your relationship with them)
- - [ ] Request that they wake you up if a time slot has passed.
- - [ ] Request that they wake you up if two time slots have passed.
- - [ ] Request that they wake you up if one day has passed.
- [ ] Don't request a companion watch over you, you don't want to unnerve anyone at this time. (May loose several timeslots)
- - [ ] Take an additional research option into the tent with you to better cover your absence.
Camp Actions
[ ] Further Establish the Camp: Build some temporary buildings to further fortify your expedition's camp (No source of timber and no building supplies/tools in storage)
[ ] Get to know one of your fellows on this expedition: (Social Action)(???)
- [ ] Specify who
[ ] You can choose to refine the map you have made so far. It's missing the Hill complex and the mine location, adding these locations to the map will definitely increase it's value. (Increases quality of maps) (Current map quality: Fair) (Current map size: 1/80) (Current Map Worth: 12 Ducats)
[ ] Write in (Take this if there's something you want to do that isn't covered in the actions above, I'll decide on whether it's acceptable or not, have a second choice lined up in case your action proves unfeasible. You are under a compulsion to return to the Hill and seek the Throne, actions not relating to that will require a Will save of varying severity.)