The Lands of the River - A Bronze Souls Quest

0-23: Forbidding Shadows
[x] Time to Brave Sir Robin this shit and get clear.

{Athletics (Dodge): Partial, +1XP}​
You scramble around the pillar, taking a glancing blow to your side before you dash for the next pillar. Chanted words and a flash of movement draw your eye as Semat lashes out once more with the Serpent's Kiss; the ghostly snake sinks phantasmal fangs deep into your assailant's neck, and it turns, lumbering after her as she also retreats.

You see the other crocodile lock its jaws around the remaining stormhound, crushing it to dust as the hound bites and claws at its face. The victorious beast stumbles, sparks crackling across its face, and then slumps and lies still.

Semat continues to retreat, amber eyes intent upon her prey as the poison draws out the last of its strength. There is no need for another blow. You both keep clear as it sinks to the dusty earth, until some infinitesimal change in its stillness speaks to you of death.

Semat, Inundation Priest

Semat begins to retrieve her javelins, drawing them bloodless from the carcasses. Her eyes flash at you, her expression guarded. "Grim days are these, that I must fight alongside the servants of the desert winds against the children of the river. I will not ask how you won Her favour, but I warn you that should you call upon it again, they will fare worse within."

The temple facade towers over you, the midday sun falling across the pediment such that the faces of the statues are in shadow; on either side, Satat-Mehet seems to glower down at you for your presumption. Beyond, the interior is a deeper shadow; in the heat of the day, it should feel inviting, but it does not. For all the grand and untouched architecture, it feels like a ruin, desolate and uninhabited. The only sounds of life are the sizzle of insects and the burbling of fountains.

Is there anything you wish to do before you proceed?
[ ] Write in.​

Sorry for the delay, chronic pain sucks. :(

This is technically 2 combat rounds, but there didn't seem much point in dragging it out another post when all you had to do was stay out of reach until the poison finished the job.
Another win for the puppies, even if they annoyed our host.

[X] Drink from ye flask

[X] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning. But those servants are the reason why you are here to help her now (Not that we'd be more dead than we already are, but we probably would be busy). It is a strange irony, but Imunhekau does so love those.
[X] Drink from ye flask
[X] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning. But those servants are the reason why you are here to help her now (Not that we'd be more dead than we already are, but we probably would be busy). It is a strange irony, but Imunhekau does so love those.
[X] Drink from ye flask
[X] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning. But those servants are the reason why you are here to help her now (Not that we'd be more dead than we already are, but we probably would be busy). It is a strange irony, but Imunhekau does so love those.
[X] Drink from ye flask

[X] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning.

Nap time for desert dogs
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[X] Drink from ye flask

[X] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning.

Yeah, not a huge fan of the backtalk part of the current option. Yes, it's true, but let's be respectful of religious differences and just move forward.
[X] Drink from ye flask
[X] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning.
0-24: A Bridge Too Far
[x] Sup from thy flask.
[x] Tell Semat that you apologize for springing it on her, and you'll heed the warning.

Your gazes meet, and you are the first to look away. "My apologies, I should have warned you. These are indeed grim days, and we must take what allies we can."

You draw out the flask, its icons gleaming like polished jade, and drink until the fatigue recedes and clarity returns. Semat watches curiously.
{Flask of Life: 2/4}​
Semat, Inundation Priest

"If that is what I think it is, it is a precious relic. Such enchantments are rare indeed; the sacred pool within has such a blessing, and it is the only one I know of."

The two of you step carefully through the shadowy entrance, into the great hypostyle hall; row upon row of engraved and painted columns loom around you, covered with scenes of farming, hunting and war, and inscriptions in praise of She Who Pours Forth The Waters. The only sound is your footfalls on the flagstones, and the gentle sound of water from the inner courtyard ahead. Semat's eyes gleam in the darkness as you watch for any more ambushes.

Emerging into the light, the inner courtyard is surrounded by a colonnade, under which statues of all the Kings of the Lower Kingdom through the ages look down on you gravely. The space is dominated by a large canal, fed with water from the River, over which a stone bridge extends to the dark archway into the sanctuary hall beyond. The stones of the bridge are engraved as lavishly as the pillars of the hypostyle hall, and from the reliefs on either side Satat-Mehet and her servants seem to watch you.

You stalk across the bridge, eyes on the portal ahead, until a movement catches your eye. In the painted relief along the side of the bridge, a lioness suddenly moves from its sitting position and gently bounds out of the wall and onto the bridge before you, as if the relief were merely a deep alcove. Its fur gleams like polished copper, and it unsheathes bronze claws and bares matching teeth at you in a growl like whetting a blade.

{Culture: Partial, +1XP}​
A Brazen Lion, an elemental of war, as Suteshet's hounds are elementals of the sandstorms. You do not recollect encountering them before, but as elementals they should be susceptible to wards.​

You sense Semat shifting to stand back-to-back with you; "Another behind," she murmurs, "I had not expected this."

This can only end in bloodshed. What do you do?
[ ] Write in Action & Reaction.​
You are both standing in the middle of the bridge, a Brazen Lion at Short range before and behind. There is open ground in the courtyard beside the canal at Medium range behind you, and the entrance to the dark Hypostyle Hall at Long beyond. The doorway to the Sanctuary ahead is at Medium range, but who knows what lies within.

At last! Hope you're enjoying this when I do manage to update!

Have some new enemies, and also the first time you've had all 4 defence types available. Warding is an active defence specifically against magical attacks; mostly used against spells, it can also be used to drive back Elementals.
[X] Use wards to try and hold them back, and reposition so they both have to come at us from the same direction to prevent being flanked

Yeah, this works.
Not sure if it would be possible to push/trip one or more of the lions off the bridge, but that'd be nice.

[X] Use wards to try and hold them back, and reposition so they both have to come at us from the same direction to prevent being flanked
[X] Cast Star's Call on the one near the door

Probably good to stick an attack in there
[X] Use wards to try and hold them back, and reposition so they both have to come at us from the same direction to prevent being flanked
[X] Cast Star's Call on the one near the door
[x] Use wards to try and hold them back, and reposition so they both have to come at us from the same direction to prevent being flanked
[x] Cast Star's Call on the one near the door
[X] Use wards to try and hold them back, and reposition so they both have to come at us from the same direction to prevent being flanked