The King is Dead! Long Live the Regent! A CK2 Style Quest!

History will remember this name
Regency Turn 1: The First Months


The Chair Sits empty...for now. (1 Action until the regency government is formed)
[ ] Patrol the Border with Karaira
DC 20
The civil war in Karaira is spilling over. Deploying troops to patrol the border will ensure it doesn't reach your lands. That is the last thing you need right now.

[ ] Give Contracts to Adventurer Guilds
DC 35
Yes its lazy but until you get control of the capital you need the army doing more important things (mainly keeping you and the princess alive!) than to slay Grimms. And the Guilds are always looking for more work!

[ ] The State of the Army
DC 60
You need to know how strong the army is. Mainly to know if you need to threaten budget cuts or offer them a raise but also to know how fucked you are if an invasion begins.

[ ] Crush Banditry in the Outskirts
DC 40
Bandits are taking advantage of the chaos near Karaira. It's time to remind them whose kingdom they're trespassing in.

DC 60
If there's one thing you need to deal with its calling in that favor with one of the Generals...anyone one of them would do.


The nobles sneer, but thankfully you have an ally in Denyra´s father who correctly knows that your downfall equals his daughter's head on a chopping block! Orys is not going to let that happen! (2 Actions till the Kingdom is secure)
[] Now is not the time for fear, that comes later
DC 40
Okay everyone calm the hell down! Things may be bad but they will be worse if you don't stop panicking! By the Twin Gods, how did your brother do this?

[] Sort out our Diplomatic Paperwork
DC 50
Paperwork is a constant. Time to fill it out before its too late.

[] The Stick of State
DC ???
It comes a time in every man's life to admit they are not the one who can run this place, that would be the bureaucracy. It's time to get them on side before something breaks.

[ ] Forge an Alliance with a Karairan Faction
DC 45
The civil war in Karaira is a mess, but it presents an opportunity. Choosing a side and giving them aid could win you a loyal ally when the dust settles. Now to figure out which faction to support.


Keeping the kingdom running is just as important as defending it. If the treasury runs dry, everything else falls apart. Now if only the Burecrats weren't neutral! (1 Action until the Bureaucrats are convinced to work with or for you!)
[ ] Call the 285th Royal Conclave
DC 0 (Higher the better)
The King is dead. You are the regent! It is expected for you to call a Royal Conclave to confirm the loyalties of nobles (and other important figures in the kingdom!) And the best thing is they cant refuse you! That would be treason.

[ ] Reform the Tax Code
DC 90
Oh, it's going to be hard but the treasury is bleeding dry, and the current tax system isn't working. Revising it is the only option. Its going to piss off many people though...

[ ] Expand Trade with the Northern Territories
DC 35
The Northern Territories are rich with untapped resources. Opening trade routes with them is the logical option hell maybe they will offer some territory for colonization!

[ ] Shut up and let me take a Loan
DC ???
Your going to need to take a loan soon, and that's if you don't get any of your fiances under control.


Spies and secrets are the lifeblood of any regent worth his salt. Especially when you've got enemies lurking in the shadows. (1 Action)
[ ] Investigate the Witch Hunter Guild
DC 50
The Witch Hunters oppose the Princess's claim, and they're gaining support. They are kinda important what with the Fifth Witch War not even being one year over so better to find who among the witch hunters still supports the princess before burning the whole guild down.

[ ] Enemies of my Enemy
DC 45
You have many enemies. Thankfully they have more enemies! Hopefully you can play them against each other.

[ ] The Shadow's on the wall
DC 50
Well, the spymaster's left some old hands, lets see if any can be fished out.


Times are changing and the Kingdom needs to change with them or be swallowed by tides of time. (1 Action)
[ ] A State and State of Education
DC 50
You have the universities but they lack the funding and student turnout...throwing money on the problem should fix it!

[ ] Down with the swords up with the Boomsticks!
DC 25
Ever since the invention of guns, your brother has tried to create his own model of the weapon and apparently he succeeded before dying. Time to see if he wasn't bullshiting.

[ ] Catapults and Cannons
DC: ???
The Idea of combining Canons and Explosives have been around for years now, its time to see what the thinkers have done with them.

[ ] City Planning 101
DC 60
If there is one thing that everyone in the kingdom can agree on is that your cities suck! Fucking Patoria has better cities and they are ruled by the Godkilling End Storm! Needless to say things have to change.


Magic is weird and feared and with Grandfathers' and fathers' reigns outlawed for the last century. It technically still is but the only ones who still enforce it are either The Witch Hunters or the priests. (1 Action)
[ ] The Priests and their Miracles
DC 30/60/90
Priests have always had influence in the kingdom since before the founding if the legends are true. Well time for them to pay the kingdom back for this influence by actually doing something with their holy magics!

[ ] Orkish Anti-Magic
DC 80
Orks are famously known for their ability to negate magic and their high distrust of it. But no one knows how they gained this ability not even the oldest dragon in existence. Figuring it out would be a good first step for magic-proofing your nieces room.

[ ] Dusty Old Books.
DC ???
What little is left of the former Great Library of Magic hasn't been properly updated in Decades. Perhaps time in there, along with some good candles, should enlighten you on something.

[ ] The
Dragons Visit
DC 0 (Higher the better)
The Dragon to who your brother died wants to apologize for the accidental murder. This will be so awkward!
[X] Plan Really? Your asking me why your daughter's first word is Drunk?
-[X] Crush Banditry in the Outskirts
DC 40
[X] Now is not the time for fear, that comes later
DC 40
[X] The Stick of State
DC ???
[X] Call the 285th Royal Conclave
DC 0 (Higher the better)
[X] The Shadow's on the wall
DC 50
-[X] Down with the swords up with the Boomsticks!
DC 25
-[X] The Dragons Visit
DC 0 (Higher the better)

So crush some bandits so their not impoverishing the realm, get everyone to calm the fuck down, catching more people by getting the nobles, the bureaucrats, the spies, all in the same room and daring them to refuse while the princesses dragon mother is standing there.
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