"Phoenix or Dragon I think..." Takara comments. "Both of them appreciate knowledge, and I can help tutor everyone as we go"
"Phoenix or Dragon I think..." Takara comments. "Both of them appreciate knowledge, and I can help tutor everyone as we go"

"Agreed. I'd say the Lion, Crab or...Phoenix simply based on those we have in the squad and their ability."

"Lion and Crab liable to be us busting our backs, probably better tackle them first. Give you more time to go over all that other stuff with them as needs it, Soshi-san."
As the courtyard erupts into muttering with no clear questions being asked, Seppun Tasuke clears his throat. "No questions? Good. In that case, come to the front in the order that you arrived to get your maps. First squad! Forward! Third Squad! Forward!"

First Squad, your biggest competition in this challenge if the speed at which they arrived is any indication, steps forwards. The leader of the squad wears the armor of an Emerald Magistrate, but she has the typical bleached hair of the Crane, and a distinctly martial demeanor. Yasuki Otori is among them, and gives you all a friendly nod as he passes you towards the front. Third Squad, on the other hand, appears to be led by an energetic young man of the Otomo family who seems to be keeping his squad moving through a combination of good cheer and fighting spirit.

As you take your turn and come forwards to get your map, you can see that the surrounding countryside has been broken into four sections.

Near North - Phoenix
Far North - Dragon
Near East - Crane
Far East - Mantis
Near South - Scorpion
Far South - Crab
Near West - Lion
Far West - Unicorn

Going from Central to any Near location will take roughly one and a half hours.
Going from a Near Location to the nearby Far location will take roughly one and a half hours.
Going from Central directly to a Far location will take two hours.
Going from a Near location to an adjacent Near location will take two hours.
Going from a Far location to an adjacent Far location will take three hours.

Going from any South to any East or vice versa will require crossing a river. (Southeast - River)
Going from any East to any North or vice versa will involve trailblazing. (Northeast - Forest)
Going from any North to any West or vice versa will involve steep slopes. (Northwest - Mountain)
Going from any West to any South or vice versa will involve long runs. (Southwest - Plains)

Masatsuko leads you away from the group towards the south. So far, it seems that you are the first to head south - First Squad headed West, and Third Squad headed East. "Well? What do you think, should we head for the Lion first? Or start with the Crab and work our way back inwards?"
"Lion's closer...bet a lot of them as drug their tails in last night'll be headed thataway. Reckon we could double time for it, get there right quick but...it's probably fighting, we wear ourselves out running like Jigoku was on our heels, then we fight...don't strike me as a real good idea. I say hit the Crab up first."
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Before breaking off, Nori noted the distances on the map. This wasn't just some basic training arrangement, and she spoke up.

"Seppum-sama, how long is each test expected to last if we perform to the administrator's satisfaction?"
Before breaking off, Nori noted the distances on the map. This wasn't just some basic training arrangement, and she spoke up.

"Seppum-sama, how long is each test expected to last if we perform to the administrator's satisfaction?"

The guardsman inclines theit head towards you. "That all depends on the test and the skill of your squad, Akodo-san, but I would expect no less than an hour for most tests, and more for many."
"The Crab clan first then?" Tamotsu asked "Akodo-san, Yoritomo-san, Tendo-san and Soshi-san all agree upon it as an acceptable initial challenge. I'd be willing to do so as well."
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"That all depends on the test and the skill of your squad, Akodo-san, but I would expect no less than an hour for most tests, and more for many."

"Thank you"

She huddled with the rest and nodded to the gunso. "With the others heading west I agree we should strike out on our own to the south. From the Crab we have advantageous positioning to either head back in toward the center, or around the outer ring."

"The river and plains would be more in our favor than the mountains and forest anyway."
"Thank you"

She huddled with the rest and nodded to the gunso. "With the others heading west I agree we should strike out on our own to the south. From the Crab we have advantageous positioning to either head back in toward the center, or around the outer ring."

"The river and plains would be more in our favor than the mountains and forest anyway."

"I agree with Nori-sama's assessment. I do wonder what the Seppun have determined to be a Crab Clan challenge, however."
Nori nodded seriously at Kenta. "Maybe they'll surprise us with a draw-lot play."

"Akodo-san, you just make a joke? Heh. Reckon you got a undiscovered natural talent.

Anyway...seems to me that whoever gets ahead is gonna stay ahead. Squad screws up a challenge, Squad doesn't eat, Squad tackles the next challenge with their guts growling...something to keep in mind.

Mantis challenge...doubt they floated a kobune this far down the river just for training, but it is the Seppun...bet we're gonna shimmying up and down some lines, might be swimming...maybe not, considering...Unicorn's gotta be horses...

"Oy, Bayushi-san! Any idea what the Scorpion challenge might be?"
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"Akodo-san, you just make a joke? Heh. Reckon you got a undiscovered natural talent.

Anyway...seems to me that whoever gets ahead is gonna stay ahead. Squad screws up a challenge, Squad doesn't eat, Squad tackles the next challenge with their guts growling...something to keep in mind.

Mantis challenge...doubt they got a kobune this far down the river just for training, but it is the Seppun...I bet we're gonna shimmying up and down some lines, might be swimming...maybe not, considering...Unicorn's gotta be horses...

"Oy, Bayushi-san! Any idea what the Scorpion challenge might be?"

"Draw lots are an important morale boosting activity..."
"Akodo-san, you just make a joke? Heh. Reckon you got a undiscovered natural talent.

Anyway...seems to me that whoever gets ahead is gonna stay ahead. Squad screws up a challenge, Squad doesn't eat, Squad tackles the next challenge with their guts growling...something to keep in mind.

Mantis challenge...doubt they got a kobune this far down the river just for training, but it is the Seppun...I bet we're gonna shimmying up and down some lines, might be swimming...maybe not, considering...Unicorn's gotta be horses...

"Oy, Bayushi-san! Any idea what the Scorpion challenge might be?"

Hisateru frowns. "Well... keeping in mind that it's the Seppun administrating, it's likely something to have to do with the fact that we Scorpion are the Emperor's Underhand, as opposed to a challenge related to acting ... a maze, maybe?" He says with a shrug.

"Oh! Or a riddle-game!" Says Toku Kintaro excitedly. "I'm not very good at those, but they're quite fun!"

Hisateru snorts. "You're excited about this whole thing, aren't you, Kintaro-san?"

Kintaro tilts his head curiously. "Why wouldn't I be? It sounds like it will be fun!"

Masatsuko does her best to hide her grin. "Um... anyways, we should probably get going, if we want to make sure that we're first to the Crab. Um, but let's not take it too fast, though. We want to save our energy for when we get there."

As usual, with Masatsuko at the front of the group, you are able to navigate the wooded thickets of the mountainside with little difficulty. As you travel further south, the forest breaks, and you emerge into open plains. Far off across the plain you see an enormous wooden structure - this must be the challenge of the Crab. In front of it, there is a woman in Seppun armor, who appears to have been occupying herself with a biwa while waiting for you to arrive. She puts it aside as you approach and coughs into her hand.

"Ahem. Squad Four, right? So, this is the Training Wall..." She gestures to the massive structure of wood, which appears to be several times a man's height, smooth-faced and without obvious handholds that would allow it to be easily scaled. "The Great Carpenter Wall has been defending Rokugan from the forces of Jigoku for centuries," she says with a nod towards Kenta, "but they cannot do so without supplies. I have with me a supply of heavy sandbags, to represent rice. Your goal will be to get the bags over the wall safely, without busting them open and wasting the 'food'. For every bag that you hand off to the examiner on the other side, you will get a chance to answer a question about the laws regarding the correct methods of food preparation and preservation to prevent any Taint from entering the food supply." She gestures to the pile of heavy-looking sandbags behind her. "Are there any questions?"

The checks for this exercise really depend on how you guys choose to handle it, but the questions can be answered with Lore: Law or Lore: Shadowlands, you can take time to study the relevant sections of the books that you guys have (you're carrying your supply box with everything in it) for temporary ranks in Lore, but will lose time, which may mean that people will come up behind you, and you can generally assume that Strength, Stamina, and Athletics will all come into play here.
This? This was something that Takara was good at--she did, after all, study most of this field carefully.

Her physical strength wasn't much to write home about--but her studies.......

She raised her hand to be given a chance to respond.

"To clarify... The one answering the questions must be the one who delivers the bag to the other side?"
"I think, Miya-dono, that Akimasa-san, Tendo-san and I should form the base of a pyramide that takes the rest of you, up to the wall with a rope. Get me and Akimasa up there, and then we'll pull you and the rice up the wall. Takara and the rest of you can answer the questions if you want, I know basic law but it's a bit rusty at the moment."
This? This was something that Takara was good at--she did, after all, study most of this field carefully.

Her physical strength wasn't much to write home about--but her studies.......

She raised her hand to be given a chance to respond.

"To clarify... The one answering the questions must be the one who delivers the bag to the other side?"

"Yes, but - ah, I should have mentioned. Each person may deliver a bag and answer as many times as they like, but points and rice will only be awarded once for each individual who answers. So, it is to your benefit to rotate who carries the bag to the other side as many times as possible."

"I think, Miya-dono, that Akimasa-san, Tendo-san and I should form the base of a pyramide that takes the rest of you, up to the wall with a rope. Get me and Akimasa up there, and then we'll pull you and the rice up the wall. Takara and the rest of you can answer the questions if you want, I know basic law but it's a bit rusty at the moment."

Miya nods. "That sounds okay... Um, do... do we have rope? I, um, I don't have anything that will hold a person, especially not one in armor."
"Yes, but - ah, I should have mentioned. Each person may deliver a bag and answer as many times as they like, but points and rice will only be awarded once for each individual who answers. So, it is to your benefit to rotate who carries the bag to the other side as many times as possible."

Miya nods. "That sounds okay... Um, do... do we have rope? I, um, I don't have anything that will hold a person, especially not one in armor."

"Rumina-san, if you would retrieve the rope you mentioned as having when we were discussing yesterday how to deal with the dam..."