Sooo lesse.
NU does not like us because we're twins from a power they don't like, as does EU.
But EU also sees us as ugly because they jelly (they get ugly horse ears lol!)
Germania and Albion like us, Germany because ARYAN IDEAL!
Albion because we're aquatic and on an island. Those two go together well.
Aaand Sakura is vaguely friendly because they like the half-animal aesthetic.
Lastly we have the Teamwork talent which sounds to me like for every 10 allies we have around us, and if our pets count, that's 3 right there and we only need 7 more, Awesome!
Unfortunately we are also in one of the places that doesn't have many MGs either so uhh yeah.
Since we're kemonomimi, does that mean that we have only animal ears, or both animal and human ears?
So like did our human ears just drop off when we fused with our core? Migrate north and transform into dog ears? Sink into our skull? Dissolve into magical sparkly dust?

These are the questions that will shape our time!
You ever see the pokemon anime when a pokemon evolves and it glows all bright, some things shift, and then it's done? Yeah an EC basically does that to the girl it is installed into. Why yes that is such BS and just raises further questions about what it is and where it came from doesn't it?

Also sorry for the delay I've been rather busy lately but I should be able to get something done later today.
You ever see the pokemon anime when a pokemon evolves and it glows all bright, some things shift, and then it's done? Yeah an EC basically does that to the girl it is installed into. Why yes that is such BS and just raises further questions about what it is and where it came from doesn't it?

Also sorry for the delay I've been rather busy lately but I should be able to get something done later today.
Does it come with a scrub off or are we going to deal with manky twintails after diving?
March 19, 1957 pt.1
March 19, 1957
Newmarket Mech Base, Albion

It was breakfast at Newmarket Base, and the staff was quick at work making sure that breakfast was ready for the two hundred and eighty seven mecha girls that would soon be gracing the dining halls. Six pieces of toast, a large fruit muffin, seven sausages, a dozen strips of bacon, a bowl of oatmeal with fruit, two hash browns, three scrambled eggs, a stack of pancakes, a grapefruit, a selection of jams and honey, and plenty of milk and tea. One unfamiliar with mech girls might think this was all the food present on each table. In case of fact, that was the meal for each individual girl, barring the few who were "fuel efficient" and ate something approaching a normal breakfast much to the scrambling cooks relief. Every morning was a race to get the mountains of food cooked and served to the girls nice and hot, so it couldn't just be cooked in bulk a while before and then reheated before serving. These were their nation's elite, in service to the Queen. As such respect and quality was paramount. And yet they knew, somehow, at the end of the day the girl's with the normal sized breakfast's would be the last to finish their meal, just like always. When a mech girl was hungry, she was hungry.


You finish up your own breakfast with a quick drink of milk, taking a moment to catch your breath. In the three months since you converted you have really gotten used to how much you could eat in one sitting. You are sitting side by side with your twin naturally; the only clue to tell you and Sophia apart being that you style your hair into twin tails as opposed to her singular ponytail. Prince and Duchess even perched on the same shoulder as they enjoyed their own scraps, not requiring more food than a normal bird but also not requiring a hood to keep calm and controlled in such an environment either. As for the table you are sitting at this morning...

[ ] You are with the some of the other newer recruits, Privates Johannesburg, Knox, and King along with Specialist Young. You are all rather newer to the service and as such have an easy time bonding and relating to each other over the changed from civilian life.

[ ] You are with most of the "naval" crew that the base has. Specialists Silvers, Raleigh, and Hart along with Captain Penn are present today, as Sargent Green is spending this morning at the "fly girl" table. None the less you talk about more than "being a boat jockey", but the vets are willing to give new recruits like yourselves plenty of tips for seaborne duty.

[ ] The table with the only other pair of Twins on base, Privates First Class Pauline Windshire and Caroline Port. As their names show they are the "other kind of twin". They offer a lot of good advice on how to best utilize your potential. The four of you tend to more or less get a table to yourselves when you sit together as a lack of a twin of their own leaves most of the other mecha girls uncomfortable in this sort of situation.

The feeding frenzy largely over, the group proceed to strike up some friendly conversation as they wait for morning announcements and duty assignments...


As your conversation winds down a voice barks out for "Attention!"

Commander Irene Steele, also known as "The Red Storm", has entered for morning announcements, her extended frame and still cooling for storage gatling showing she had recently finished her morning workout routine. Commander Steele was considered something of an oddity as far as Commanders were concerned, preferring to utilize a medium frame instead of a heavy one for more defense. She also had a tendency to "lead from the front", which while inspiring tended to get her in trouble with her peers and the Knight General, though from what you heard the Queen herself doesn't mind as much as long as she gets the job done and keeps it from being too costly.

[ ] Honestly you think it's cool how she zooms all over the battlefield, raining down destruction upon her foes. She is a total badass and you are happy to be serving under her.

[ ] While you're very happy she's on your side and you know you can count on her in a fight, you do have doubts about her leadership abilities. I mean sure there hasn't been any actual problems so far, but then again there is a first time for everything.

[ ] While you do appreciate her combat abilities, you think putting her in command was a mistake (not that you'd ever say so) and feel she would have been better off leading some sort of ace formation instead of trying to split her focus between that and overall command of the bases forces.

"Alright listen up ladies, we've got a few things on the to do list this morning. I'm looking for volunteers for a couple of projects this morning."

[ ] "First off, there is a joint exercise between us and the army that will be going on for about four days in Nottinghamshire. Sides will be mixed, it's a series of combined arms drills culminating in a mock engagement. Don't show them up too badly, they're just human but we do need them on the field from sheer numbers at least. Also don't let anything they say get under your skin, and even if it does do not retaliate. We don't need another "shower incident" like five years ago that they still bring up every single time we do one of these things I get it already Captain Jenkins isn't even part of this base anymore wold they just let it go already...ahem anyway yes, don't escalate anything. I'm going to need about forty volunteers for two teams of twenty. Captains Rodgers and Harding will be babysitting you lot so don't make us look bad because I am giving them disciplinary authority."

[ ] "Secondly, Prince Nelson is going to be conducting a tour of various military bases along the eastern coast. He is going to start with the the Tilburry air and naval bases, followed by here, the Norwich naval base, the Rutland mecha base, the Nottinghamshire army base, and finally Grimsby air base before returning home to Camelot. Naturally he is going to need an escort. Remember ladies, your job is to protect the second prince of our nation, not attempt to woo the most eligible bachelor in the kingdom. That's what galas are for. I'm going to be only taking four of you, preference given to those with scouting experience. This assignment is expected to last two weeks, and if I need to remind you not to embarrass us in front of the Crown itself you probably aren't suited for this job in the first place. Also Sargent Mills is already barred from volunteering, as she is from all male escort missions." She gives the Sargent in question a look that could peel paint.

[ ] "Finally if none of these appeal to you you are assigned to normal duties."

Looking around the room, she nods. "Alright everyone, that should be everything this morning. I'll be wating for volunteers. Dism-"

Before she can finish dismissal the doors burst open as a secretary, somewhat out of breath, hurries over to the commander. "Message for you Mam. Top priority urgent." she quickly explains.

The commander quickly reads through the message, eyes going wide as she turns to the assembled forces, the girls now unsure of what was happening.

[X] "Alright change of plans! All sea worthy mech girls from here and Rutland have been called for emergency deployment at Norwich! Frame up and move out ladies, further instructions will be wating for you there! Go go go!"

Blinking in surprise at first, you realize that this means you and quickly hurry out of the mess hall, taking your sister by the hand so you won't be separated in the rush. At s time like this you can't afford the drain or waiting to regroup. Once you are outside the two of you quickly manifest your frames, which are naturally basically identical except for your hair sticking out of the helmet alongside your ears. Gauntlets, pauldrons, greaves, and skirt soon appear on your body, as does a small "breast plate" that at least covers your vital organs. Besides it's not like you were naked aside from the plating, as your aquatic nature manifested itself with a wetsuit that covered your torso, uper arms, and thighs.

You do a quick check, popping your gear in and out of storage and making sure that the integrated weapon systems are installed properly and are responsive before dismissing them. With that out of the way, you and your sister manifest your wheels, leaning your feet back so that your heel mounted propulsion system can get you up to speed. Soon, the two of you are racing across the base, the gate open for you and the others to rush through. Specialist Silvers is the only one able to keep up, the others having heavier frames. Still, even with a top speed of 45 kph it would take you two hours to get to the base, and who knows what will be waiting for you there.

"Hey you two." Silvers suddenly calls out. "Just thought of something. We're going to have to wait for them anyway, maybe we should slow down a bit and regroup with the heavier girls? It would save us a lot pf waiting, and since we don't know what's going on safty in numbers and all that."

Sophia isn't so sure. "But it's an emergency, what if that means we take too long? I mean the medium frames alone would take another hour to get there, and Captain Penn's heavy frame will take um, about six hours total to get there. That sounds like too long for an emergency."

Silvers nods a bit. "True, but in case you forgot I'm even more naval focused than you two. If there is some sort of problem we run into I'm going to be a liability if we get stuck on land. I mean the only ground based weapons I have are a shotgun and my trident; torpedoes and depth charges aren't exactly made for land use."

[ ] "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe if something happens. It's an emergency so we can't afford to wait."

[ ] "Well we can drop back and regroup with the medium frames at least, and extra hour isn't too bad and it will keep us safer."

[ ] "You have a point but it is an emergency. Why don't you drop back and regroup with the medium frames for escort, me and Sophia will keep going ahead."

AN: No, this mission did not pop up because you are sea worthy, it would have happened regardless. It just would have been background "what's going on" tension as you have to go about whatever you volunteered for or normal duties and training if you didn't volunteer for anything.

Also it is really really hard to find any sort of dignified mecha girl pictures that aren't pure cheesecake or pervice. I get that it's easy to do so but is it too much to ask for badass warrior women to be presented with dignity and respect?
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Six pieces of toast, a large fruit muffin, seven sausages, a dozen strips of bacon, a bowel of oatmeal with fruit,two hash browns, three scrambled eggs, a stack of pancakes, a grapefruit, a selection of jams and honey, and plenty of milk and tea.
...Is this considered a light breakfast for them, with heavier meals coming later? Because that's about what I prefer to eat, and I'm only mildly overweight.
Also it is really really hard to find any sort of dignified mecha girl pictures that aren't pure cheesecake or pervice. I get that it's easy to do so but is it too much to ask for badass warrior women to be presented with dignity and respect?

Gundam Girls isn't the worst place to start and they have some pretty cool fanart depending on where you look.
[X] You are with most of the "naval" crew that the base has. Specialists Silvers, Raleigh, and Hart along with Captain Penn are present today, as Sargent Green is spending this morning at the "fly girl" table. None the less you talk about more than "being a boat jockey", but the vets are willing to give new recruits like yourselves plenty of tips for seaborne duty.
[X] While you're very happy she's on your side and you know you can count on her in a fight, you do have doubts about her leadership abilities. I mean sure there hasn't been any actual problems so far, but then again there is a first time for everything.
[X] "Don't worry, we'll keep you safe if something happens. It's an emergency so we can't afford to wait."

Interesting start, and wow shit hit the fan fast.
...Is this considered a light breakfast for them, with heavier meals coming later? Because that's about what I prefer to eat, and I'm only mildly overweight.
How many pancakes are you imagining in the stack? Cause it's about a dozen. Also, those aren't those little "breakfast sausages" you see in the frozen food isle, we are talking full sized ones. And a pasta bowl of oatmeal, not those little "bowls" full of the instant stuff you find at convenience stores.
[X] ColdGoldLazarus

Figured he and I have come to the same conclusions-
1. Naval stuff is going to be the VALUE-TOWN trait for us, so we most certainly want to be good at boating.
2. Not sure if this is just a 'opinion on superior' vote or 'actual effects on our combat style' vote. Middle of the road feels safe either way.
3. We're Light and semi-focused on Perception&dodge-tanking. We can face-check just fine and that's half of what we're supposed to do to begin with.
How many pancakes are you imagining in the stack? Cause it's about a dozen. Also, those aren't those little "breakfast sausages" you see in the frozen food isle, we are talking full sized ones. And a pasta bowl of oatmeal, not those little "bowls" full of the instant stuff you find at convenience stores.
Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. I was thinking "a stack" like you'd get at a restaurant, so 4. I assume you mean the size of hot dogs when you say "full size", since I have no idea what kind of sausage would go well with a breakfast other than the traditional breakfast sausage. And I don't know exactly what size you're thinking of when you say a pasta bowl, but I imagine it's rather larger than a soup/cereal bowl, which is what I was picturing.