Vessel of One of the 72 Demon Pillars
Ars Goetia Barbatos
Rank: A++
Type: Anti-Army
Range: 1-99
Maximum Number of Targets: 750
This noble phantasm is the crystallization of a bloodline, specifically that of one of the 72 bloodlines that Beast I had inscribed the many demon gods that composed his being into in preparation for the Grand Order; the incineration of the Human Order to reconstruct the world and recreate the human race in his image. By invoking this, Caster cedes all control and unleashes the dormant Demon Pillar that resides in his bloodline; that of Barbatos. As a Demon God, Barbatos possess immense power as well as other useful functions such as the ability to acquire magical treasures and items, as well as the ability of foresight. However, by its very nature, Barbatos is an inherent threat to humanity and is at odds with Caster's own goals. Fortunately, Caster's specialization in 'absorption' magecraft; i.e. the ability to 'bind something to one's self' allows Caster to utilize the might power of the pillar as his own for a brief period, though each activation risks a loss of control that is determined by a luck check; with each successive check being harder to pass as the demon god strives for freedom.
In addition, were there to be someone else of the Makiri bloodline, it is very likely that Caster can simply bind this noble phantasm and the demon pillar into said individual; providing them with immense power and lessening the risks to himself, at the cost of dooming the other to fight for control.
Due to the circumstances of the Human Incineration, this Noble Phantasm is currently sealed and unavailable without terrible repercussions.