The High King Returns

Fall of the Reiksfort New
The conclusion of the Reik in flames

All knew that the fall of the Reiksfort would be the true end of the rebellion. With the siege of Taalheim dealt with after the beastmen, having not realized the threat posed by dwarven cannons, allowed them to set up optimum firing positions before the battle was actually joined. A deceit that the Dawi would unlikely be able to repeat, the memory driven so deeply into the psyche of the beastmen of Aldankor that it would surely reverberate for generations. Thus after a decisive if hard fought battle, the tribes were splintered and the beastmen could be considered dealt with for the moment.

In the rest of the southern provinces, mop up operations continued. The Dawi surprise assault of the previous six months having already shattered what remained of the overstretched insurrectionists. The remaining armies of the Reik not dedicated to the Reiksfort assault swept throughout the remaining lands, breaking through whatever minor resistance was left in their wake, until by years end after the Dawi intervention, the rebellion in the south could be considered concluded and long refugee trains began returning to blasted, hollowed out homes. The towns of the region mustering barely half the number of inhabitants they had possessed only a few years ago, once the vengeful Reiklanders had purged those who remained.

Up in the north, a similar attempt was made to close out the campaign. But here the opponents were far less spent. Consolidated and reinforced the northern rebellion was able to match the blows the Reiklanders sent their way and though some towns changed hands and large battles were fought, a stalemate is all the the emperor could force out of the rebels who continued to resist, primarily utilising the wooded terrain as well as the Talabec as natural barriers, hindering the larger imperial armies.

The war had turned. A few provinces, even if they met isolated successes could not hold out against two whole empires, and slowly but surely the noose was pulled around the neck of the rebellion. Until at last, with a barrage of cannon that dwarfed any seen since the war of the northern holds the battle for the Reiksfort began.

The battle, though hard fought, was nonetheless an extremely strange affair. Which concerned the allied commanders. For even if resistance was a forlorn hope, at least the defenders would man the walls and attempt to resist as they were most able. Yet as the combined host of elves, dwarfs and humans approached, only a few isolated towers and sections of the walls were actually manned by the enemy. Battle was only truly joined after the walls were successfully taken, yet even here resistance was haphazard and the city itself eerily quiet, though certainly not quiescent.

The walls themselves pulsed, occasionally spurting blood from fissures in the masonry. While horrific mutilations of creatures stalked the empty streets. Dogs, driven mad by the aura of travesty that surrounded them had serrated bone spines jut out of them, and flung themselves at the allied forces in a ravenous rage. Seeking an end to either their lives or the unending bloodlust that engulfed their primal minds. Even the trees themselves that lined the boulevards reached forth with with twisting branches, the bronze leaves that adorned them leaving wounds that bled ceaselessly from even the shallowest of cuts.
The defenders themselves were if anything in an even worse state than the city itself. The once normal soldiers and levies that made up the majority of their forces had seemingly devolved over the past few months since the last major engagements. All sported some mutation, whether it be multiple arms, horns or a scaled hide, and many had been reduced entirely to spawnhood. Mutated beyond recognition these shambling hulks of limbs, spines and tentacles were corralled into packs and only released at the allied lines as the enemy approached. But even if the more recognisably human rebels maintained a facade of sanity, even they bore their corruption in their minds. Fighting with unrelenting ferocity, endurance and martial valor that is almost unheard of those outside of either the heroic or insane.

The only ones who seemed entirely in control of themselves, were those garbed in the battle plate once so rarely seen among the umgi hosts of the dum. But rather than fighting at the forefront of their defensive lines, scattered almost arbitrarily throughout the city. These mighty warriors fought at the backline, holding fast until the last of them fell and slaying any of their fellows who were willing to turn tail and flee further into the heart of the city. THus they fell where they fought. Their battered copses staring lifelessly into the sky as the blood congealed in puddles beneath them.

The horrors did not cease as the second and third waves were sent into the city, as finally the forces came upon the river running through the Reiksfort, For its path was thick and sluggish as it ran with the blood of tens of thousands of people. New, wooden bridges built from the rubble of destroyed houses had been constructed and now carried the remains of the civilian populace of the city. Their desecrated corpses leaking their vital essence into the river below them.

As the hosts of the allies closed in, resistance gradually increased, as the battle drew closer and closer to the Königreichshalle, the great castle at the centre of the city. Whatever strange strategy the enemy was utilizing seemed to still prioritise keeping the commander of the whole enterprise alive. Still however, the enemies refusal to move from their positions meant that no matter how stout, or ferocious the defence they would eventually fall to their enemies' advance. The Gnolumgi pikewall advancing down one road while the Reiks Foederati pushed down others, the high throng took a third and the elves of Lauralorn a fourth.

Eventually at the very centre of the city after near an entire day since the commencement of operations both sides managed to reach the centre of the city. Where fully three hundred warriors sworn to khorne in full battle plate fought to guard the centre of the courtyard, ankle deep in blood that seemed to surge forth endlessly from its center. Here designs of the enemy were finally revealed as kneeling upon the flagstones was the pretender, still wearing his false crown. Eight naked men, coated in red, stood around him, constantly swinging blades into his exposed flesh, creating great, jagged wounds through which torrents of blood emerged, more than any human body could possibly hold, yet still the usurper lived.

Even while they fought the false king's bodyguard it was clear that the ritual was succeeding as his body began now to fall apart, flesh falling from muscle and then muscle from bone as the roar of battle continued, commanders pushing the allied forces forward as they saw doom approach. Even as his body was reduced to naught but bone the fallen king remained his bones collapsing while his skull, with twin burning flames for eyes kept above the ground by some unbending, unshakeable will. The eight men surrounding the skull now froze, captured by the spell and now met an equally gruesome fate. Their flesh bones and sinew falling away and moving toward the floating skull, their bodies used as material as the skull rose higher and higher into the air. The raw material of the cultists used as material to forge a great archway dozens of feet tall. The skull forming the keystone piece as with a sudden flash of otherworldly light the gateway to hell opened. The sounds of battle redoubling and redoubling again as a gateway to the lord of battle realm was forged, dozens of blood red daemons garbed in blackened plate and wielding great blades leapt through the wound between worlds.

Behind them, standing near as tall as the gate itself, marched a creature of malice made manifest. With armour as black as its warriors and great wings stretching forth behind it like a bloody shroud. Turning back briefly for the skull that formed its gateway, it spoke almost kindly to the tiny skull then, in a voice the rang with bloodshed and slaughter. "Little king, here, bear well Khorne's gift for you, to watch over your kingdom forever more" With that the creature conjured forth a blade of bronze flame and strode to join the slaughter, his soldiers at his feet even still exiting the portal marching with him.


Versidus swung his blade again and again at the writhing monster before him. Its runic edge lending him the strength needed to match his daemonic opponent, its own glowing and already blooded blade sparking against his as they dueled in the blasted streets. As soon as the demons had emerged, a mad bloodlust had descended even upon their own men, his sworn brothers. He himself had managed to resist the urge to land a blow against those closest to him but here and there throughout the ranks he had heard someone give in to the false call to bloodshed, who in turn had been bitterly cut down by those whom they had shared bread with just that morning. Members of the gnolumgi brotherhood, found wanting only against the most supernatural of foes.

Nearly half an hour had passed since then as the battle had come closer and closer to his ranks. The occasional half step forward of the battalions the only indication that they were perhaps still making progress against the enemy. Death hung thickly in the air though as the battle progressed, only a bare handful of the wounded being pulled back along the streets to seek medical attention elsewhere. Until at last, Garaluk, Versidus's norscan friend from the far north was cut down by the demon before him and with the streets too uneven and haphazard for pike work, Versidus had drawn his blade and buckler, ready for what would likely be the last duel of his life.

Feinting with a stab forward, his speed enhanced again by the runic plate that he wore, he managed to trick the demon into an overzealous lunge, and with a kick sent the demon sprawling for long enough to follow up with a stab of his own. The creature, unbound by the natural laws that ruled man and beast, recovered with unnatural swiftness, redirecting his own blade into little more than a shallow slice across its shoulder, a black facsimile of blood spurting from the ravaged red flesh. With a sickening grin and almost a glimmer of respect the demon rushed forward again, its blade a whir of daemonic malice.

For minutes more the battle progressed, daemonic resilience, strength and skill pitted up against dwaven artifice and human discipline, with each accumulating pits and scrapes as slight missteps were punished by the other. Beside him, Versidius could just manage to tell that his brothers were engaged in their own contests of skill, with his personal opponent seeming to relish the challenge that came with fighting the pinnacle of human fighting excellence. Then a sound from across the river made the Gnolumgi veteran wear his own matching grin, for the roar of cannon is familiar to any veteran of dwarven armies. Especially as the staccato blasts seemed to indicate that some mad artillery thane had somehow managed to emplace a full battery on the riverbank.

The effect on his foe was even greater though, as with the third boom of a cannon a great shattering could be heard, the screeching of shattering glass, bone and metal reaching into his soul as much as his ear, and instantly the bloodlust that he had ceased to consciously notice faded to a dull roar, while fatigue and sorrow crept into his mind for the first time since the portal was created. His daemonic enemy though was suddenly diminished, seeming to almost shrink before him, its blows less sure and striking with far less strength. Versidius took advantage, smashing the blade aside with his buckler and decapitating the bloodthirster with a great sweep of his runic blade, adding to its storied history.

The moment's respite gave him a moment to look around for just a moment, only for long enough to see the great daemon at the centre of the square blown backward in a tide of gore as a cannonball smashed into his chest. Then a great beast of bronze took up most of his vision as a blade was swung at his head.

What felt like moments later however as he and his neighbors attempted to push back the juggernaut, a cry came from the back that filled him with both fear and elation. "Baragunk!" went up the call for point blank bombardment and matching his brothers Versidius raised shields and fell back as quick as he could while maintaining a shield wall. While before them a sleet wall of grapeshot turned everything on the road and buildings behind it into so much twisted, bloody wreckage.

Successive blasts, each pointed a little bit further along the road culled ever more of the daemonic advance, and seeing the opportunity, the captain called "Khazukan Kazakit-ha!" The ancient war cry of the Dawi. Breaking ranks, the Gnolumgi surged forward onto their scattered foes.

Versidius raced forward as he and his kin roared the ancient call, the few daemons remaining being set upon by groups of three or four of his brothers…he had eyes only for one foe however, for climbing to his knees, the marred body of the great demon looked a wreck. Its armour rent with holes and a wing ripped off entire. It knelt in the wreckage of its gateway for a moment, before, from behind it, came a series of searing bright white beams of light, lacerating its flesh. Its form almost began to melt for a moment before with conscious effort, it seemed to solidify, and with a contemptuous flick of its blade, scattered a small party of elves that were charging from its right.

The opening was made however for Versidius and his fellows, some few of which, armed with muskets drew up and blasted the great creature in its fanged jaw causing it to rear back if but a moment, and by then the Gnolumgi brethren were upon the creature, hacking away at its enormous bulk. Yet with a great yell Versidius took a second path and sheathing his blade, made a great leap onto the beast, grasping onto the edge of the armour made by the passage of a cannonball, he hoisted himself up the creatures front while it laid waste to his fellows below with sword and flame. Pulling himself up the beast's frame in but a few motions, he finally found himself grasping the creature's gorget, and with a final yell and burst of effort, he brought forth his blade and rammed it into the creature's skull, bringing an end to the siege of the Reiksfort.


With the war in the south effectively won, it was only a few months until a truly unassailable force was gathered, ready to invade the northern rebellion and see this chapter in the Reiks history closed now and forevermore. It was at this point however that those in the north seemingly finally saw the folly in their doomed endeavour and approached the allied empires with an offer of surrender. All high nobles of their realm would forfeit their lives and those of their families, except for one child below ten in each family. Who was to inherit everything, the minor nobility would also be thoroughly purged with only those who were able to prove active opposition to the spreading corruption allowed to remain intact.

Throughout the rest of the re-conquered territories enormous purges took place with any seeming trace of corruption hunted down by the inquisition in their new and ongoing quest to destroy all remnants of chaotic corruption. Resettling the depopulated towns and terraces with more trusted Brigundian stock. A fools quest, in this shattered world to hunt for all traces of chaos corruption. But the Umgi, despite their flaws are tenacious sort when the need is made clear enough. and their would be significant surprise if such a rebellion could take shape beneath their feet once more.

As for the Reiksfort however, the city would be burned to ash and what very few of its populace remained put to the sword. Perhaps in time some solution could be found and some semblance of sanity be restored for the region. For now however it sits, a reminder of the dangers that listening to the whispers in the dark can bring.

Of course the Reik also appreciates the assistance provided by the Karaz Ankor in their hour of need and agrees that they shall abide by the treaties they signed at the beginning of the dwarfen intervention. Deeds and announcements are signed and spread across the Reik even at the great reluctance of the emperor himself agreeing that new Stancatia is considered now and in perpetuity the domain of the Stancati tribes and a treaty of friendship and goodwill is signed with them to last 99 years.

Meanwhile a far more pervasive and in depth analysis of how applying Dawi law in the human realm will function. Ultimately though it comes down to an assignment of a governor and small staff to all major human settlements who can apply the High Kings will as he sees fit inside the dwarven quarter. With those residing outside the Ankor itself being considered outlaws if they inhabit the Reik and do not identify themselves at one of these governorates. There is substantial grumbling throughout the Reik from these expatriate dwarfs, especially those who were using the human realm as a very involved method of tax evasion. Those who truly have a problem with the situation though soon simply relocate to Kaltnord, Tilea or Brettonia who have no such extraterritorial arrangements.


Of course with the final accounting completed and the Dawi returning home from their campaigns, the thanes could finally make an accounting of the losses that had been incurred throughout the campaign. In order to see their ally stabilized and peace brought once more to the Reik basin, the Dawi paid a steep price, with slightly over thirty thousand lost in the war, scattered throughout but mainly focussed on the campaign toward the reikfort itself which saw the rebellion utterly crushed once and for all.
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Reign of Kragg Deepdelve (KA 4740 - 4780) New
The original purpose of the Norse Dawi building what would become known as Grunigis hammers was supposedly to solidify their independence as a state and ensure that they would be able to grow and thrive in the cold north. However it became very clear very quickly that this is ultimately a foolish endeavour. Every year the tide of chao creeps ever so slowly south and despite significant growth in the holds it is obvious that if the eye of chaos were to turn in their direction there would ultimately be little that could be done to turn aside their doom save to seal the hold and hope that such would be enough to keep them alive.

It took Kragg decades of effort and kingdoms worth of gold to both soothe their threatened egos and enable them to accept the assistance of the high king in exchange for ultimately accepting him as their liege if not necessarily their master. The high King would fund their project, fueling their independence and industry so long as they accepted the aegis of the Ankor and would allow their throngs to be used in the ankors wars. Their wealth would not be offered to the high king and nor would he demand that the dragon king surrender his title as 'Great King of the Norse Dawi" Their project would see to the betterment of Dawi Kind as a whole and that was a burden which Kragg was willing to bear.

So it was that the Runesmiths were paid and the project began, enormous constructions being created throughout the mines of Kraka Drak. Gradually forming and growing over time until a set of sixteen vast hammers had been created within the depth of these mines. Runework upon them focussing their energies into enormous concussive bursts throughout the nearby rock. However, unlike the mining explosives that is endemic through the Ankor, the hammers also work to reinforce the walls on the out end of their radius. Ensuring that despite the ease of harvesting the materials, there is no danger or risk of cave in from the shattering of the rocks internal structure.

As soon as the hammers were activated the quantity of materials coming out of Drak skyrocketed and so did the wealth of the Norse Dawwi as a whole, proving to them that ultimately this was the best choice for them and their future even if they did have to concede significant ground to the high king

- receive 4 gold in loans from the Norse Dawi for 2 turns
- gain view of Norse Dawi population
- Gain the ability to use their throngs in wartime

Sheik den-rub of Al-rahid has sent an embassy to the Karaz Ankor, seeking to maintain the Ankors positive opinion on him and his people. He addresses the fact that he has attained an undying stature through the accumulation of magical long and wisdom granted to him by liche priest defectors from the long dead Gramaz Ankor. He states that the existence of rational undying states such as the Strigoi is not in doubt and believes that your recognition would ensure that those friendly to Dawi interests would also come to understand that despite some changes in Al Rahid, it is still a nation that should be seen in good standing by Aldankor. Even offering to continue open war against Arkhans forces should you choose to recognize his state as he wouldn't have to defend his coasts against 'reckless fools and adventurers'

[ ] Recognise the openly necromantic state (Trade will continue with Al Rahid)

[ ] Dismiss this as the prattling of mad wretches who should be put down ( This is the present Dawi opinion on the matter)

Province NumberDwarfpowerHead TaxWealth per turnPotential Trade RoutesRunic infrastructureDefensive level (max 2)Net Runic power generatedAdditional info
Karaz AnkorNA
Karaz a Karak63
Eyes of Grungi,
Karak Kadrin95
Axe of Grimnir
Torrent of Zhufbar
Barak Varr56
Karak Hirn54
Karak Norn75
Karak Izor52
Karak Vlag97
Protective Runework
Karak Azul59
Karag Dum103
0 (1)​
0 (9)​
Karak Azgaraz76
Karak Drazgh60
Karak 8 Peaks58
Karak Azgal37
Karak Zorn???
Mount Gunbad67
Mount Silverspear62
Karak Ungor96
Karak Varn69
Karak Akrak110
Karag Kol106
Karag Dron610WaystoneFallen
Karaz Bryn940Waystone
Karak Skarrenduraz138
Kraka Drak112
Runic Siphon
Hammers of Grungi
Kraka Ornsmotek113
Runic Siphon

Current WealthHold income (mines/pop) with Tech bonus appliedCurrent Tech BonusTrade IncomeUnique
Pass Tarriffs/Maritime TradeTotal IncomeRegular ExpensesPre turn BalanceTurn ExpensesAdditional Turn IncomeFinal Total
Turn 1492640%12264614+3215770
Turn 2702850%112647 (51)19.66 (20)+3185016
163150%132652 (57)19.66 (20)+37332545
453250%142553 (58)21.33 (21)+3770012
Turn 5123670%162155 (61)29.33 (29)+31403053
Turn 65342
187975(82)29.33 (29)+53

Armies/EquipmentMaintenanceLocationEquipment with Runic power usage
The High Throng4Karak Azul
The Silver Throng4Zhufbar
The High Fleet4Darklands Coast
Gnolumgi2Karak Akrak
Klad Karu2Karag Kol
Vengeance Fleet4Darklands Coast
Runic Construction GolemsnaKaraz A Karak2
Elder Runic Equipment1Karak Azul1
Runic equipment0.33Karaz A Karak
Runic equipment0.33Barak Varr
Runic equipment0.33Karak Kadrin
Runic equipment0.33Karak Vlag
Dal-Dron Fleet4Darklands Coast

West Southlands MidghalsEases trade with the east, reduces dec of actions going east by 11 per turn
Coaling Rights Indallows using Ind as a base for exploring further east2 per turn

12 hour Moratorium

(you have 5 actions)

Relevant modifiers, +2 Stewardship, - 1 to all innovative actions.

Skaven alertness level is dismissive (trending downward)

You have 2 units of Runic Golems, use their associate action by using
[X] Runic Golem Action (Name): to indicate what you are using the golems on

Useful Notes - Actions can have an additional actions committed to them, requiring the price to be paid again. but reducing the dc by d3 per action invested.

Martial Actions

[ ] Reclaim a hold:
The Enemies of the Dawi squat in our ancestors' homes. Desecrating the halls of our kin and defiling the work of a dozen generations. But the Grobi and Thaggoriki breed like the vermin they are and fill our old homes more than we did even at our height. We must strike quickly and by surprise to forge a foothold. Before we could even consider clearing out the mines.
  • Costs 5 gold
  • - Which Karak Will we attempt to reclaim for the Karaz Ankor
    • [ ] Karak Varn - While now contested for the title it was once the greatest and deepest mine of gromril anywhere within the Karaz Ankor. Lost when the Thaggoriki burst from the deepest shafts in a teeming horde to claim the warpstone that was also buried within the mountain.
    • DC = 20)
    • Owner = Skaven
    • Would massively raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Karag Dron - Once a great site of runesmithing, where the anvils of doom were originally forged and now re-forged, the volcano was abandoned however when the great black drake Azorgorgoth descended upon the mount and after fierce battle, made it his home. The drake now lies dead however and new veins in lost Iron rock indicate that the mineral wealth of the region is far from expended.
    • DC = 20
    • Owner = Orks
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Mount Gunbad - With mines so deep and so rich that they did not have to send troops for the war on vengeance. Gunbad was famed for its Brynduraz veins. A gem which glowed with an inner light and adorned many of the finest pieces of dwarven jewelry. It fell early in the time of woes as scores of orks flooded into the world's edge mountains from the darklands.
    • Owner = Orks
    • DC = 21
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Mount Silverspear - Another of the lost holds of the eastern worlds edge mountains. Mount Silverspear produced silver of unmatched quantity and quality. Yet it still fell quickly as the hordes of orks pushed in when it was separated from its kin.
    • DC = 22
    • Owner = Orks
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Karaz Bryn - Karaz Bryn was once a famed gem mine within one of the highest peaks of the worlds edge mountains. Producing facades and works of art which filled even the most stubborn longbeard with Pride. Their fall however did not come from the Orks or Skaven. But from the Queen of darkness, Neferata. Who in a surprise assault sent a legion of undead into the hold and made it her stronghold.
    • Owner = Neferata
    • DC = 21
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Karak Ungor - Almost mined out over the time of its long history. Karak Ungorn had gradually turned into a thriving industrial center and place of learning. Producing some of the finest grudge throwers and crossbows in the entire Karaz Ankor. Alas, it fell while its warriors were concluding the war on vengeance. And when they returned they discovered their ancient home teeming with Urk and Grobi.
    • DC = 20
    • Owner = Orks
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
[ ] Invade the mountains.
Attack a mountain province held by an opposing faction. These are counted as provinces with a dc of 16
  • Which province would you invade (Has to border the Ankor)
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • cost = 4
[ ] Raid Lustria
From skaven records we have discovered the approximate locations of numerous lizardmen temple-cities. Describing them as covered in Jewles, gold and possessing many strange and interesting artifacts. The Skaven also ascribe to them very little ability in the way making war over the seas, allowing us to potentially raid and lunder them at our leisure
  • DC 18
  • cost - 6
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
[ ] Loot the Grimaz Ankor
The mummy lords are mighty and fierce in their strongholds, their power is beyond questioning. However they still fight in the same manner as they did in eons past. Their armies of bone cast at best in bronze armour and their magics limited to only a few of their ancient priestly orders. Conducting a large scale invasion of Zandri, easily the most accessible of the Tomb cities would be liable to fund many future projects for the High King and slaughter at least a small portion of the numberless undead that continue to haunt that fallen kingdom
  • DC 16
  • cost - 4
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
[ ] Relieve Azul
With the knowledge we have gained from the Skaven we know that the sealed hold of Azul is under dedicated assault by the great necromancer Nagash, possibly even with assistance from the Dawi Zharr. We dont know how well the hold fares at this time but sending reinforcements with all the learnings the Ankor has gathered over the last millenia may do well to forestall an eventual collapse and allow us to firm up the garrison for long enough for more dedicated help to be mustered
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (These will be kept in Azul till relieved, their maintenance costs will be paid by the High King still under an assumption of credit)
  • [ ] Do you unseal the hold?
  • [ ] How many of the Dawi will you send and from where (max 50000)
  • [ ] What equipment would you like to send across
  • cost = 2
  • DC = 7
[ ] Evacuate Azul
With the knowledge we have gained from the Skaven we know that the sealed hold of Azul is under dedicated assault by the great necromancer Nagash, possibly even with assistance from the Dawi Zharr. The Ankor however is not in a state to be able to relieve the hold and it would be better to save as many lives as possible before withdrawing.
  • DC 5
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring?
  • +1 permanant shame, until Azul is resettled 50% chance of additional 1 shame for 5 turns
  • Cost = 1
  • do you destroy the hold as you exit
    • [ ] Yes, destroys the hold utterly, guarantees additional 5 turns of temporary shame
    • [ ] Destroy the waystone, the thing Nagash is truly after, raises chance of additional shame to 75%
    • [ ] No, infrastructure is left intact
[ ] Add war mammoths to your arsenal
The vast herds of mammoths that now populate the cliffs and valleys which surround the dwarven halls could be extremely useful in battle. Enormous, strong and quite tameable. They could serve as war mounts for the armies that the High King commands. However in payment for these attributes the creatures will likely be quite expensive to upkeep. So would only be kept for the throngs funded from the treasury of the Ankor itself. The only key would be figuring out both how they could actually be used in battle, and how the Dawi could be convinced to use them.

  • DC = 6 (Innovative)
  • Cost = 1
  • Would Allow war mammoths to be attached as equipment to a standing army
  • War mammoths would add a -0.25 to the DC of Conquest Actions
  • Would unlock the Dromon Carriages action
[ ] Check on a sealed hold.
Send an army with attached specialists in all the fields of Dawi knowledge to a lost hold. Slaughtering anything that would get in the way. Allowing them to keep up with the latest technological trends of the Karaz Ancor as well as confirming to the rest of the dwarves that they still exist

  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 3)
  • [ ] Karak Azul dc = 7, cost = 2
  • [ ] Karag Dum dc = 5, cost = 1

[ ] Establish a permanent Throng
The weight of fighting the Karaz Ankor has always fallen upon the throngs of the holds. Armies raised at a moment's notice from the workmen of the holds. This has always proven enough for the dwarves, even when placed against the armies of Ulthuan in the war of vengeance. Now, however, we have need of the greatest warriors from the clans to form a bulwark against foes too numerous for the throngs to fight alone. You need an army, funded from the coffers of the high king and paid for by the Karaz Ankor. Trained to perfection in the same way as any master of their craft. And armed with the best plate we can make without access to gromril.
  • [ ] In which hold will the Throng be garrisoned
  • [ ] What will the Throng be named
  • Creates a 10000 strong dwarf throng which when applied to a province conquest action will reduce the dc for that action by 1.
  • Reduces occurrence and severity of invasions where garrisoned
  • Significantly reduces attrition where garrisoned
  • Costs 6 gold (first one is free)
  • Costs 4 wealth per turn once created
  • DC = 2

[ ] Recruit Gnolumgi
The practice of recruiting Gnolumgi has been refined to the point where we believe we have a strong understanding of how to go about it. And now that they have roundly proven themselves against the enemies of the Dawi there are some that call for some minor adjustment to be made to their doctrine
  • [ ] In which hold will the Gnolumgi be garrisoned
  • [ ] What will this Gnolumgi army be named
  • Marginally reduces attrition when garrisoned
  • Reduces DC of conquest and vengeance actions by 0.5 when placed on campaign
  • when engaged in combat, will reduce dwarfpower losses by half until a limit of 10 dwarfpower is reached
  • Costs 3 wealth
  • Costs 2 wealth per turn
  • DC 6
[ ] Beat Back the Greenskins: (See Rules on how clearing provinces works)
Clearing the realm of Grobi can be a very dangerous task, however if you want something done right a dwarf will have to do it.
  • [ ] What province (must not be in the mountains)
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 3)
  • Costs 3

[ ] Establish a permanent Navy
While the Navy of Barak Varr is reasonably available to the high king should the need arise. There are several tasks which the Karaz Ankor may be able to benefit from if a fleet was freely available to use. From exploration to far-off trading missions, there are many possibilities. And it is only our natural distaste of mercurial water that stops us from taking advantage.

  • significantly reduces piracy in dwarven sea zones
  • Reduces dc of sea actions when applied by 2
  • Costs 8 wealth
  • Costs 4 wealth per turn
  • DC = 3
[ ] Delve a lost Hold:
Though you would by far prefer to reconquer a lost hold, the Karaz Ankor is currently not capable of reclaiming all that it once had. Instead, a raid of a few hundred - few thousand dwarves could be launched to try and reclaim the wealth of knowledge of the ancestors and deliver it into the keeping of their rightful owners. Though fraught with risk, many such expeditions have returned with lost treasures and long-forgotten lore.
  • [ ] Which hold will you attempt to delve
  • Cost 1
  • DC = 6
  • Will reduce the DC of assaulting the hold in question by d3
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level if it is a skaven occupied hold
  • Potential to receive lost dwarven lore (likelihood reduces for each runic level achieved)

[ ] Establish a series of Midghal (keeps) across the coast of the Eastern Southlands (Construction)
With the Midghals being built across the length of the western southlands it is time to move onto the east of that vast continent. fighting back the jungle would allow for a vast chain of safepoints, repair stations and bolt holes for our shipping to take refuge in as they make their way toward the bastion of Ulgash, and then onwards to the wealthy east.

  • DC = 5
  • cost = 10
  • costs 1 wealth per turn
  • massively increases wealth from oceanic trade
  • lower dc for reaching Cathay and Ind
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Create great Fortress- Waystations on the coast of Kuresh
With port rights established on Ind and Karaz Skandurraz providing a bastion of dwarven might and expertise in the area, it has become much simpler to extend safe and navigable waterways even to Kuresh. WIth the possibility to wage a war of expansion in that area and construct great fortresses upon the edges of that benighted peninsular. Of course with that land largely under the control of the Naga, actually holding this area would be a far greater difficulty than the midghals of other regions, costing much more to build and maintain and likely to cost significant blood to hold.

  • DC = 11
  • cost = 25
  • costs 2 wealth per turn
  • will cost 1d5 dwarfpower per turn
  • lower dc for reaching Cathay and Ind
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet (max 1)
  • [ ] attach standing armies to this action

[ ] Mount an armed expedition to Karak Zorn
With its location provided to us by the maps that the Asur have provided. We would be able to mount an expedition into the depths of the southland. Far further south in fact than near anyone but the most crazed had estimated. Prepare a sizable expedition to go into the heart of the southlands and investigate if our kin still live.

  • Cost 3 Gold
  • DC 8
  • [ ] What Standing armies are you sending (Max 2)
[ ] Mount an armed expedition to Karak Azorn
With its location provided to us by the Cathayans, we could launch an expedition from Ulgash to ultimately locate Karak Azorn. A lost colony of Dawi here to unheard of to the Karaz Ankor. Deep within the Mountains of Mourne however it would require a strong and well equipped army to force their way to the hold and see what there is to discover.

  • Cost 3 Gold
  • DC 8
  • [ ] What Standing armies are you sending (Max 2)

Stewardship Actions

[ ] Restore/Construct an underway section (Construction)
The Underway once connected nearly the entire Karaz Ankor into one continuous empire. Enabling safe and quick traffic between the various holds and ensuring each hold could specialize in the one thing that they did above all others. Rebuilding the network would bankrupt even the hoards of the everpeak a dozen times over and would take centuries if not millennia. But one section at a time could be restored without shattering the Karaz Ankor unduly.
  • [ ] state which holds you would like to connect
  • requires 2 actions for connections between adjacent provinces
  • Which Route Shall be worked on
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • Costs 21 gold
  • dc 6
[ ] Search for a sea-hold
Once upon a time the idea to even go searching for a mounteain next to the sea for the purpose of using the sea would have been considered laughable and a sign that the dawi in question should spend some more time in the mines to get their head on straight. However with the great success of Barak Varr and the increasingly nautical ambitions of the high King, having bases such as Skarrenduraz and Barak Varr around the world would allow for naval projection currently undreamed of. Of course natural harbour and mountain fortress are words that do rarely go together. Send survey teams along the coastlines to see if there are any regions that the Dawi would consider suitable
  • State which region you would like to survey (Western Southlands, Eastern Southlands, Kurresh,Arabyan Coast)
  • cost = 1
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
  • dc ???
[ ] Levy Emergency taxes:
The High king does receive a small tithe from the various kings of the Karaz Ankor. However, in times of need they can temporarily raise the tax to cover shortfalls that would otherwise occur. Doing so occasionally is seen as reasonable and prudent by the other kings. Abusing the privilege however will make them increasingly recalcitrant
  • Receive 1 additional gold per (unsealed) hold this turn
  • DC = 3 (increases by 2 each time this action is used)

[ ] Commission Undistomez:
The gift of the Norse dwarves, these guard stones create a field that saps the intent to harm from those who would attack the holds of the dwarves. With little that can overcome its inevitable pull, save only the largest or most determined hosts. They are however potent pieces of runework and would require the appropriate power source.
  • greatly reduce attrition for dawi in the hold
  • Mildly reduces size and strength of invasions.
  • DC = 5
  • costs 30
  • +2 runic skill
  • uses 1 runic power

[ ] Commission Runic Equipment:
Have the heirs of Thugni work upon the arms and armour of the Karaz Ancor. Have them craft enough weapons of the elder days as to arm 10000 dawi such that they could face down 5 times their number and not take a single step back. Let the Urk, Grobi, and Taggoraki look upon warriors armed with the weapons of our ancestor's days and know that their doom approaches.
[ ] To what hold or throng do you assign this runic equipment
  • DC 3
  • Reduces attrition in holds where they are kept
  • Mildly reduces damage of invasions where they are kept
  • Attrition and invasion reduction is not active when taken on campaign
  • Costs 0.33 wealth per turn to maintain
  • Cost 15
[ ] Create a vast armoury of runic equipment:
It is said that in the heights of the golden age, entire throngs of the Dawi marched to war garbed in rune forged equipment. Proof against near any mortal weapon and enabling the bearer to battle even the mighty legions of Ulthuan without any fear of being overmatched. Forging again such a vast quantity of runic equipment would greatly ease any attempted conquests, or reconquest that the Dawi might aspire toward. while spread throughout the realm when not in use would go some way toward reducing the endless threats that all holds face

  • DC 3
  • cost 25
  • costs 3 wealth upkeep per turn
  • requires 3 turns to complete
  • causes a small global reduction in attrition
  • Attrition and invasion reduction is not active when taken on campaign
  • The first conquest action in a turn receives a reduction to the dc of 2.5

[0] (Cathay) Blades for the dragons (runic) (Blocked for a turn)

Cathay has the ability to create enchanted weaponry. Indeed many of the dragon guard who came in the dragons wake carry weapons imbued with magical strength. However, these enchantments wear over time, as the magic slowly degrades with the weapons use. Requiring either a mage to re-imbue the weapon with its lost potency or for the weapon to be reforged entirely. Proper runework however, brought forth by the ancient runelords of the Dawi does not suffer from the same wear and tear as that made by all but the greatest of umgi mages and could still be used even with heavy use for the next millenia.

After the successful demonstration, several other dragon lords have come forward requesting that such blades be created for them as well, though their requests are much smaller individual than the dragon of the wests earlier request.
  • DC - 3
  • Gives 10 wealth upon completion.
  • provides 1 runic skill upon completion
[0] (Cathay) Fortify the great bastion (runic) (Blocked for a turn)

After the successful demonstrations of our runic mastery, Miao Ying has reached out to the Dawi to allow her to more easily complete the great task of defending the grand bastion,the ultimate focus of her lifes work. Requesting that runic arifice be used to strengthen the walls, towers and other defences beyond the capabilities of mortal work. The main difficulty from the perspective of the Dawi however is convincing the Runelords to make the vast journey all the way to northern Cathay, and of the necessity of such an undertaking

  • DC - 5
  • Gives 15 wealth upon completion.
  • provides 1 runic skill upon completion
  • Can be completed 3 times
  • [ ] Attach a fleet to this action

[ ] Commission Protective Runework
Runes to harden stone and exhaust attackers line the fortifications. Runes that protect from arrow fire, and harden the resolve of those upon the walls. Or even alarm runes that warn of danger coming from the depths of the mines. Each has its place in ensuring the Karaz Ankor Endures
[ ] To what hold do you assign this runic work
  • DC 3
  • Costs 15
  • small reduction in attrition where built
  • Decreases the likelihood and severity of raids

[ ] Commission Light Industrial Runework
Whether self-heating forges, tools that remain permanently sharp, or anvils that make metal slightly more malleable. Industrial rune smithing is extremely useful for the dwarves of the hold to make goods with.
[ ] To what hold do you assign this runic work
  • DC 4
  • Costs 20
  • +4 trade routes per runic level in the hold in which these are placed
  • - 1 runic power
  • Increases runic skill by 1 on completion
[ ] Commission Heavy Mining Runecraft:
Whether utilizing environmental advantages such as the torrents of Zhufbar or the application of crude runic golems to dig out vast chunks of rock. The Dwarves of the Karaz Ankor have mastered the ability to dig out enormous quantities of mineral wealth from beneath their holds.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 30
  • +1 wealth per turn from the hold per runic level
  • - 1 runic power
  • Would very slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • Increase Runic Skill by 2 on completion
[ ] Commission Dromon class siege ships:
Commission several ironclads with massive runic spinal cannons as a central component along the spine of the vessel. Imbued with Dromon Granitebeards master rune of acceleration, coupled with the cannons own inherent firepower, this cannon carries enough force to clear the horizon and crack mountains. Though unwieldy to use in a fight themselves, they are not worthless as even a single hit on an enemy vessel can be enough to core it. However where this weapon truly shines is its ability to provide support to locations once thought immune to the thunder of naval guns. Or even vesssels such as the dark elven black arks which would consider themselves supposedly immune to near anything that sails upon the ocean.

  • DC = 6
  • Cost = 30
  • provides +1 to rolls in naval combat
  • FIre support - Can provide a -.05 to province or hold conquest rolls
  • Siege cracker. - Targets that would normally be considered immune to the guns of your fleet (Black Arks, Sea Holds) can theoretically be cracked by the thunder of these cannons
  • requires 2 actions to complete (can be completed over multiple turns)
  • Increase Runic Skill by 3 on completion

[ ] Commission Runic construction Golems:
The Underway was not built in a day. Indeed it took many centuries for the underway to be built to the level that it was. Yet the time taken would have been far longer if the Karaz Ancor did not have access to construction golems. Massive creatures of rock and stone that can carry extraordinarily heavy weights and are tireless beyond all-knowing. Crude when compared to the Grimazul Groti which formed the apex of golem work under the aegis of the Karaz Ankor. THese slow, lumbering behemoths are nonetheless incredibly well suited for large-scale construction projects.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 25
  • Allows a free construction action to be taken each turn when active
  • Whatever free construction project is taken on is completed at two thirds the cost and at a -2 to the DC
  • requires 2 actions to complete (can be completed over multiple turns)
  • Costs 2 runic power when active
  • Increase Runic Skill by 3 on completion
[ ] Upgrade a fleet with Runic enhancements
Working alongside the construction of a fleet, the runelords of the Karaz Ankor have been inspired to implement improvements to the vessels of one of your fleets. Aiming to increase stability, speed, smoothness power, as well as outfitting the crews with some limited runic equipment themselves. This would result in a substantial qualitative improvement for the vessels. Seeing them vastly outstrip their rivals in capability across nearly all metrics. The only cost is the expense as ships are vast and any new ship constructed would need the runework redone entirely upon it

  • DC = 6 (Innovative)
  • Cost = 20
  • Increases Runic skill by 2
  • Upgrades a fleet to improve its capabilities in combat and increase the bonus it provides in terms of DC for actions by 1
  • Increases a fleets range by 1
  • Upkeep for the fleet increases by 3 gold per turn
[ ] Commission Elder runic weapons:
Runic weapons are potent and powerful creations that can enhance a dwarf far beyond the limits of their mortal frame. However, outside of masterpieces created by peerless runesmiths, there are sharp limits to the capabilities of these weapons. Elder rune weapons allow those limitations to be ignored by utlising the vast flows of power captured beneath the holds. With this energy, runic weapons can be empowered beyond the limits of those more petty devices. Enabling the Dawi to perform feats that most would believe to be myths out of the time of heroes.

  • DC = 6
  • Cost = 40
  • When equipped, reduces dc of conquering provinces and holds by 1
  • significantly reduces attrition in the hold in which they are kept
  • reduction in damage from invasions in the hold in which they are kept
  • Attrition and invasion reduction is not active when taken on campaign
  • Costs 1 runic power
  • Costs 1 wealth per turn to maintain
  • Increase Runic Skill by 3 on completion
  • [ ] To what throng do you attach these weapons

[ ] Commission singular masterpiece (for a singular hold)
With our knowledge of Runesmithing returned to a shadow of what it once was. The Runesmiths and Runelords have thought up many projects which they are theoretically able to pursue. Ruinously expensive and each is tailored specifically for a singular hold. But the potential abilities that such runework would allow for are incredible.

  • DC = 7
  • Cost = 40
  • requires 2 actions to complete (can be completed over multiple turns)
  • Costs 2 runic power when active
  • Increase Runic Skill by 4 on completion
[ ] Commission Runic Siphon (Innovative)
The method through which the Norse dwarves have been able to power their runic devices. These work on a fundamentally similar principle to waystones, though the methods they use are far cruder and un-refined. The Norse dwarves have found a way to consume a vast quantity of aetheric energy and convert it directly into the power that flows within the heart of the planet. Meaning that individual holds are able to power even energy-intensive runic devices. There are two problems, however, These devices only function in the presence of strong aetheric currents. Meaning that they are near useless outside of the northernmost regions within reach of the Dawi. And secondly, they are incapable of transferring this power throughout the Karaz Ankor

  • DC = 6
  • Cost = 40
  • Increases runic skill by 3
  • Very marginally reduces the spread of chaos corruption based upon the amount of power consumed
  • Allows the collection of runic energy from surrounding Runic currents. The quantity of power is based upon the below map
  • Energy collected via this method can only be used within the hold itself and cannot be shared unless additional infrastructure is created.
[ ] Commission Runic Guardians
Artifacts once thought lost to the Daw, A Runic Golems is a creature of ingenious make. Sized roughly as large as a troll or ogre they are a mechanical faccimile, guided by runecraft of a dwarven warrior. capable of following a very set list of commands they are ideal for only a limited set of circumstances for depending on the purpose they were designed for, they can serve as eternal protectors of a hold, or expendable shock troops to overcome the enemies strongest points. For a thousand fighters with the strength and durability of a troll is a threat few foes can contend against.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 24
  • Increases Runic Skill by 2 on completion
  • What set of commands are imprinted on the Golems
  • [ ] Runic Guardians - The guardians are designed as hold protectors, able to be moved and placed throughout both mines and passages to greatly reduce attrition for the hold as well as significantly reducing the damage caused by an invasion. Constant battle and eternal vigilance however would require them to be replaced early and often. Finally should a hold fall while Runic guardians are garrisoned there, the hold will not be occupied by the enemy for 1d3 turns.-
    • costs 2 gold per turn
  • [ ] Runic Destroyers - The Guardians are instead programmed to act as indiscriminate shock troops to aid in the most difficult portions of a campaign of conquest. Becoming single-minded in their pursuit of the enemies destruction and nearly unstoppable when grouped in a mass of Steel. Their lack of south preservation instinct and their drive to kill relentlessly for a set time period will inevitable result in their destruction however.
    • Costs no upkeep
    • May be expended on a conquest or vengeance action for -2 to the dc (may only be used once per action)

[ ] Construct Runic linkage (Innovative)
While our knowledge of waystones is not quite complete, we have re-mastered the ability to send runic energy from one location or another. Including the ability to transfer those great flows of power along the ranges of the world's edge mountains. Though these creations are at the edge of our capability to make, they are nonetheless mere shadows compared to the artifice that went into the forging of the original dwarven waystones.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 30
  • Increases runic skill by 1 on completion
  • Allows the province to connect their runic power generation to the wider Karaz Ankor Netwok, by reaching to the nearest hold with a waystone, linkages can only connect to the network over one intervening province
[ ] Support The Guilds (may only be taken once)
The guilds have been empowered recently, as the runic skill of the dwarves has been lost over the last millennia. For if anything the skill and ability of their artisans and engineers have only increased as they have refined the arts of steel forging and steam power. Allowing some additional funding for guild projects would allow them to test more ideas and refine their techniques, without worrying how much it would cost the guild.
  • DC 3
  • Cost 5 Gold
  • Provides an extra roll on technological development at the end of the turn
[ ] Direct the guilds (innovative) (may only be taken once)
The guilds have always been quite independent from the kings of the Karaz Ankor and the high kings especially. However, if you were to offer enough gold to quiet even the most wealthy guild leaders' grumblings, you may be able to direct some of their efforts in more experimental directions. Ordering commissions from some of the more radical or as yet untested engineers and seeing if these more far-flung ideas could be made to serve the Karaz Ankor.
  • DC 5
  • Cost 15 Gold
  • Provides an extra roll on technological development at the end of the turn
[ ] Overrule the guilds (innovative) (may only be taken once)
Using enough gold to beggar kingdoms to both bribe the guilds to ignore your actions and get the equipment and training needed. you could find those outside of the guild willing to experiment and work on technology too risky for the guilds to ever do it themselves. Handing over such a vast amount of money would give the opportunity for revolutionary breakthroughs from outside of the established system which may solve some of the Karaz Ankor's most enduring issues. However there are reasons that the engineers guild is as conservative as it is, and ignoring that may lead to unexpected consequences.
  • DC - 8
  • Costs 25 Gold
  • Provides 2 additional rolls on the technology table at the end of the turn
  • May cause unintended consequences.
[ ] Migrate Dwarves
Some holds may be struggling to survive after being isolated for so long. Therefore it may fall to the high king to direct the dwarves to where they are needed most. Uprooting thousands of fiercely proud dwarves may be a difficult task however and hefty sums would be required to ensure that they do leave their ancestral homes.
  • [ ] From which hold
  • [ ] To which hold
  • Dc - 5
  • Costs = 1 for every 2 dwarf power moved rounding up.
  • May not move more than 20 dwarfpower at a time
[ ] Colonise the peaks. (Construction)
Many mountains still lie throughout the realm that would offer great stores of wealth and minerals to whoever could stake their claim there. Some effort would have to be put into flushing out those dark creatures that make those mountains their haunts. But compared to that which the Dawi fight on a daily basis, that is no true threat. And if Successful, a new hold could greatly strengthen the Karaz Ankor. (requires two actions to complete)
  • [ ] Pick an available province (one occupied by chaos/orkish beasties which can be reached by going through at worst neutral territory (the sea counts as neutral))
  • [ ] From which hold do the colonists come (will take 20 dwarfpower)
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • DC 6
  • Costs 15 gold
[ ] Build up the Colonies. (Construction)
We already control the mountains in this province but none of the small fastnesses or fortresses could be said to come close to equaling the grandeur of a true hold. Establishing a proper city for the Dawi would serve as a strong central position that we can spread our influece over to eventually claim full mastery of the province.
  • [ ] Pick which province you wish to upgrade.
  • requires two actions to complete
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • DC 3
  • Costs 12 gold

[ ] Build Defenses (Construction)
Even the least of dwarven holds are formidable constructions. With dozens of battlements, cannon batteries, and redoubts. This however is taking it to the next level. Destroying entranceways to the hold to ensure that all surface invaders would have to march through one chokepoint. Rigging that path with prepared avalanches and lining it with sentry towers. Reinforcing the defenses proper of the hold, doubling the cannons upon the walls and creating dozens of fallback points throughout the length of the hold.
  • [ ] For which hold
  • DC 4
  • Costs 7 wealth
  • Significantly reduces the strength and threat of invasions
[ ] Upgrade Defenses (Construction)
Going even further than the fortifications that all of the old holds have pushes the limits of what the dwarves are capable of in terms of fortifications. Carving the one route to the hold into an exposed walkway which runs between a gauntlet of peaks with canon batteries dotting the entire route. Gate houses line the path, each with cauldrons of molten metal kept ready to pour on would-be attackers and each armed with weapons of the finest dwarven make. Finally, the last few hundred meters of the bridge to the hold itself are ready to blow to fully isolate the hold if need be. But keep away all unwanted guests. Only the most powerful of assaults could hope to breach these defenses, and even they would be greatly weakened once they arrive. Of course then they must contend with the defenses of the hold itself...
  • [ ] For which hold
  • DC 6
  • Costs 19 wealth
  • Greatly reduces the strength and threat of invasions
  • Costs 1 wealth per turn to maintain
[ ] Conduct a trading voyage with the east (innovative)
While the route across the dark lands does provide the cheapest route to conduct trade with the east. Traveling by ship would be the most effective to transport actual appreciable amounts of goods. Setting up such a transport fleet would carry significant expense but the returns could be worth it.
  • DC = 5
  • cost = 3
  • If successful, gain 0.5 wealth for every civilised human province in the old world
  • (gold gain decreases for each successful voyage in a turn)
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
[ ] Mount an expedition to Naggarond for colonization (Innovative)
Naggarond, the eastern continent beyond Ulthuan is known as the land of chill, and at least according to captured documents, a splinter faction of the elves resides in the far north. Led in those days by prince Malekith. However, of more interest to us is the fact that it supposedly bears no marks of the Orks or Thaggoriki. And possesses a large mountain range along the continent's entire length. In fact the Asur have sighted a region which they believe would be perfect for the Dawi and are willing to provide substantial military and economic support to see the task completed.
  • DC 3
  • cost - covered by the Asur
  • will provide maps for a region of Naggarond, hopefully establish a small colony and provide and provide further more established colonisation actions if successful.


[ ] Check on a sealed hold.
Send specialists in all the fields of Dawi knowledge to a lost hold, making their way upon the ancient dwarf paths that have hopefully remained hidden to our enemies. Allowing them to keep up with the latest technological trends of the Karaz Ancor as well as confirming to the rest of the dwarves that they still exist

  • [ ] Karak Azul dc = 7, cost = 2
  • [ ] Karag Dum dc = 3, cost = 1
[ ] Bring a Bargain to the Asur: It has been multiple generations since peace was once again formalised between the realm of Ulthuan and the Karaz Ankor. Though distant neighbors, the elves have not given us any reason to distrust them more than any of the other kingdoms that we are willing to parlay with, and thugh the longbeards grumble, their unnecessarily long lifespan does make dealing dealing with them much more reasonable than the mayfly's of the umgi. Even if it does make reaching agreements at times take unnecessarily long. We can reach out to them and see if there are any mutually beneficial agreements that we could come to.

[ ] Write in what you would like to discuss with the Asur
  • DC 3
[0] (Cathay) Permanant Embassies, blocked for a turn

Establish permanent embassies both at Barrak Varr and at Shang Yang for your respective empires to speak with each other. These would allow requests and messages to reach your distant realms and also allow you to be aware in the most distant and vague of senses, of the goings-on in the distant east. As well as provide Cathay an observer status on the field of embassies outside of Magritta. Such embassies, required to display the wealth and power of the Karaz Ankor, would however be something of a drain on the treasury. Though not one so extreme as to seem utterly unreasonable.

  • Allows you to remain in (distant) contact with Cathay
  • Allows you to hear the most general news of the goings-on in Cathay
  • costs 1 gold per turn
  • DC = 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Establish trade and diplomatic contact with Nippon
An enigmatic nation of the far East, Nippon is known and feared throughout that realm as one of tthe premier trading and military powers. Its armies of elite samurai warriors have carved out a small vassal kingdom in Kuresh while its trade in Sake, Jade wares and exquisite silks offer a bevy of goods that could be returned to profit from Aldankor. Having an intrduction from ind on the norms and how to establish relations will also help us greatly in this endeavour.

- DC = 2
- Costs = 3
- Costs 1 gold per turn
- Allows establishment of diplomatic relations with Nippon
- Allows news to be heard from Nippon
- Significantly increases wealth generated from Maritime Trade, once Kuresh is made safely traversable

[ ] (Cathay) Force respectable trade agreements

The Elves are willing to try again if you are. Force Cathay to rescind their unacceptable trading requirements and establish permanant relations with both distant immortal empires. the recent attempt however would make them distinctly unlikely to view the attempt in anything bu the most negative of lights.

  • Allows you to remain in (distant) contact with Cathay
  • Allows you to hear the most general news of the goings-on in Cathay
  • costs 1 gold per turn
  • DC = 22

  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Send Expedition to Athel Loren (innovative):
The Elgi of the forest have not troubled us for many generations. Though Norn does keep a close watch on the trees. It is recorded in the book of grudges that the people of Athel Loren only drew their blades against the Dawi after we had invaded their home. These grudges though not forgotten could be postponed if we wish to have true peace with the Elves of that dark capricious forest.
  • Athel Loren changes from suspicious to neutral
  • Costs 1 gold
  • +1 shame for ten turns as grudges are slowly resolved
  • DC 8
[ ] Make available your technology for sale (innovative):
You detest this, The guilds detest this and the Dawi as a whole detest this, but it must be done for the realm to be made secure. Offer the innovation of the Dawi up to the Umgi for the cost of mere coin and watch as they scramble to find any advantage over their rivals by paying you for the privilege. The Dawi might revolt at the thought of doing so for unproven Umgak. But at the very least they have at least somewhat proven themselves over the past few hundred years.
  • will receive a substantial amount of gold from the various parties who accept the deal.
  • +1 shame for ten turns
  • DC 5
  • [ ] Choose a technology to offer
  • Available technologies: Crossbows, Turtle Ships, Bolt/Grudge Thrower, Picks, Plumbing and Windlasses, Fine Tooling, Matchlocks

[ ] Send a series of ambassadors to the... courts of the Tomb kings. (innovative)
The Land of Nehekhara is an enigma. A land of death, where the dead do not lie easy. In fact, not only that, but they rule in a macabre pantomime of how they did in life. With great kings competing with each other for the favor of the greatest of these charnel lords, Settra the Imperishable. Who rules with an iron fist over his domain. However, even in his time, his rule over the other cities and especially on the eastern side of the charnel valley is more in theory. For, in reality, bar paying deference to their overlord, and avoiding displeasing him, the tomb kings seem to be able to do as they will. Reach out to contact these grisly kings and discover if any of their interests, whatever they may be co-incide with your own.

  • Costs 3 (2 is a tribute to Settra)
  • dc 8
  • establish an understanding of the kings who take an interest in the mortal world and implement protocals for you to be able to talk to them
[ ] Send an expedition to Karak Zorn
With its location provided to us by the maps that the Asur have provided. We would be able to mount an expedition into the depths of the southland. Far further south in fact than near anyone but the most crazed had estimated. Gathering a few sun-crazed dwarves and a few ambassadores, we can mount an expedition into the deepest jungles to discover if our kin still live.
  • Costs 2
  • dc 8

[ ] Send Expedition to the Fire (chaos) dwarves (innovative)
The only reason we would reach out to our fallen kin is to get them to cease their attacks on the caravans which cross the darklands near where they have established their cruel realm. To even acknowledge their shameful existence brings many longbeards to day-long bouts of grumbling and what they would ask in return we can only imagine.
  • Costs 1 gold
  • DC = 9
[ ] Uplift the tribes (innovative)
We have been surrounded for many centuries by the tribes of men, whose numbers seem to swell with only slightly less speed than their greenskin foes. We have always considered them beneath us, for their craft is poor and though brave, they have little skill in proper warcraft. As the cities of Tilea, Araby and far off Cathay have shown, however, there is hope for the race of men and perhaps they could act as a far more capable shield than they do at the moment if they were given the appropriate tutelage.
  • [ ] Select province to attempt to uplift
  • Costs 3
  • DC = 6

[ ] Unify your vassals (innovative)
Though civilized, the human realm that we have beneath us bicker and fight with each other as much as with those we wish them to guard against. Gather the leaders of these cities together, find that which links them and forge bonds of steel between these petty cities to form a nation
  • [ ] Select province to attempt to unify
  • Costs 1
  • DC = 6
[0] Mount an expedition to Naggaroth (innovative)
The tower of dread, or so say the elven maps that we have gathered. However, it is home, or at least was, to Malekith. Arch traitor of the house of Aenarion, and master of the nothern portion of that bleak, dark continent. If he would receive you is unknown. For now at least the Dawi are not willing to broach the matter with the architect of the war of vengeance.
  • DC ???
  • cost - 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
[ ] Mount an expedition to Lustria (innovative)
From skaven records we have discovered the approximate locations of numerous lizardmen temple-cities. We know not what they want or how they would react to our intermediaries, however it would cost us little to arrange some form of meeting with their leadership to establish diplomatic relations.
  • DC 7
  • cost - 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
[ ] Attempt to vassalize a region for their good of the Karaz Ankor
There are many regions around the Karaz Ankor that are occupied by human tribes who survive at the whims of the orks and other monsters that inhabit the world outside of our mountains. Offer them sawnctuary beneath dwarven arms so long as they are willing to respect the word of an elder and more dependable race

  • DC 7
  • cost - 1 (for primitive humans)
  • cost - 3 (for tribal humans)
  • vassalises a human province of either primitives or settled tribes
[ ] Parlay with the Naga
A race of serpentine creatures supposedly under the control of blood queens, the Naga are an enigmatic and seemingly stable society who hold most of Kuresh. All Indish have agreed that they are not to be trusted and are almost always actively hostile, however perhaps, backed with some naval might , we may be able to establish relations.

  • DC 8
  • cost - 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Reach out to a known and nearby civilized faction
There are many realms nearby that we could have dealings with now that we have emerged somewhat from our isolation. Reaching out to them should not be difficult and nor should getting at least our smaller neighbors to do as we wish. Everyone likes gold after all, and who has more than the Dwarves?
  • costs 1 cold
  • [ ] To which Faction would you like to reach out to
  • [ ] What would you like to ask of them (please reach out to the QM before doing this option so I can decide cost and dc)

[ ] Contact Zlatlan
With the knowledge taken from the skaven we have been able to divine that Zlatlan is likely still inhabited by lizardment, whose civilisation, though foreign could potentially be communicated with. Attempting a myriad of different communication attempts could see us be able to establish actual relations with the...creatures.sss
  • costs 2 cold
  • DC = 6
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
Free Actions (can be done at no cost and as often as desired)

[ ]
Enforce your Will on the Ankor
- costs one gold per unsealed hold
- provides one free action
- may be taken additional times, but each subsequent attempt costs one additional gold per hold.

[ ] Move a garrison between holds
  • [ ] what garrison are you moving
    • [ ] from where
    • [ ] to where
[ ] transfer ownership of runic weapons
  • [ ] from where (can be a hold or a throng)
  • [ ] to where (can be a hold or a throng)
[ ] transfer ownership of elder runic weapons
  • [ ] from where (can be a hold or a throng)
  • [ ] to where (can be a hold or a throng)
[ ] Assistance Against the Naga
The kings of the eastern kingdoms of Ind have upon seeing the vessels which the Ankor commands, requested that the High King turn these fleets against the powerful fleshcrafting blood Naga that ever endanger their eastern flank. Willing to fund spoiling raids and even outright incursions against the Naga in an effort to give them breathing room to turn their attention west
  • [ ] What fleets do you assign to the actions (max 2)
  • Assign fleets to action, earning maintenance + 2 gold per turn per fleet
  • Each fleet assigned would incur 1d5 + 2 dwarf power casualties per turn.

[ ] Assistance Against the Urk
The kings of the eastern kingdoms of Ind have upon seeing the vessels which the Ankor commands, requested that the High King assist in their perennial conflict against the Urk. Trusting that the Ankors armies would match if not exceed their naval might, they are willing to bear the cost of these armies and then some to leverage them against their greenskin opponents.

  • [ ] What Armies do you assign to the actions (Max 2)
  • Armies can be assigned to this action, and will have their upkeep +2 wealth paid for per turn.
  • Only two armies can be assigned per turn
  • Each army assigned would incur 1d5 + 2 dwarf power casualties per turn, unless they are gnolumgi

Moratorium for 12 hours
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Rebuffing the dead Tide New
Direct communication between the High King and the Sultan of All Araby is few and far between and largely based upon fishing rights, or disputes regarding Arabyc raiding within the black gulf. For though central authority has made the sultan powerful and much more in control of his vassals, the taking of slaves from Estalia and even Remas has over time proven an extremely profitable if equally risky venture for the galley owners along the barbary coast. Even if it has encouraged a viewpoint of foreign barbarous Araby in the minds of wider Aldankor, a view not helped by recent developments in Al Rahid.

Despite their geographical and strategic distance from each other though, both parties do share a deep and abiding trait. A shared disgust that the dead occupy nearly half of what could be considered Araby in this time, and far more if one considered Arkhans 'Control' over the Great desert as anything more than ephemeral. Thus when the Sultan was approached with an offer of gold to attempt to crush his undead rival, the Sheik of Al-Rahid, he was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.

The ambassadors from the Ankor were allowed access to one of his many palaces with all the luxuries that the sultanate can offer, Coffee liquors, silken clothing, and magnificent weapons and armour presented to each member of the delegations as gifts. With the sultan, or rather his vizier, to whom responsibility for the deal was handed after a quick ceremony with the sultan himself, swiftly accepting the merits of the deal before going down into the particulars. Which largely amounted to how much support the Dawi would be willing to lend to their state in order to see the job done.

For raising and equipping armies is not a cheap matter even when it is the Dawi who will be doing the paying, through the existential nature of the threat and the forceful tones of the Dawi themselves likely see that any fleecing being done as part of the deal is kept to a minimum. In the end, the vizier provides three separate offers in terms of the military support he is willing to offer for cash, each additional element requiring digging ever deeper into the treasury as willing volunteers begin to be exhausted and men will have to either be heavily enticed into the ranks or bought specifically for that purpose from their wide reaching slaving networks.

[ ] Minimal enticement.
Two hundred thousand dinars a year would enable the sultan to significantly increase both the size and quantity of his armies. Enabling him to better whether attacks and more readily beat back his foe.

Costs 2 wealth per turn
Gives Araby 1 additional action to use against Al Rahid

[ ] Significant subsidies
Five hundred thousand dinars is a monstrous increase in the available budget of the sultan and would see him able to greatly enhance his forces, pulling in mercenaries from across the realm and likely enabling and expansion of the mameluke corps. Likely placing the necromancer on the back foot even with the dead enlisted in his cause.

Costs 5 wealth per turn
Gives Araby 2 additional actions to use against Al Rahid

[ ] Kingly ransoms
Sending a million dinars of silver every year would almost ensure that vast sums would be lost to bribery, extortion and all other forms of corruption endemic to Umgi realms but would see vast hosts raised to serve the sultan each year, and if favored by the gods, may see the monstrosities in that fallen Arabic land squashed within the next half century or sooner.

Costs 10 wealth per turn
Gives Araby 3 additional actions to use against Al Rahid

Not a hugely important vote, there is no Moratorium
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The Reign of Krag Deepdelve (KA 4740 - 4780 Results) New
The Judgement of Al Rahid

Some mild discussion goes toward mulling over the possibility that Al Rahid should be treated separately from the vampiric ilk of Neferata or the tomb lords of the fallen Grammaz Ankor. However, ultimately the weight of history is against the Sheik, no matter what colorful facade he wears or flowery words he uses for the moment. In a century or two he will either be a mummified husk, incapable of seeing the truth of the world around him, or a monster who will surely succumb to his bloodlust in due time. Thus though the courtesies of a diplomatic envoy are still shown to him, the sheiks representative is still firmly told that his nation is a blight upon the world and must ultimately be removed.

The….Ambassador withdraws his petition and his embassy, avoiding causing any insult or lasting enmity that doesn't already exist for him and his ilk. Though he of course spouts dire predictions about what happens when rats are herded into a corner, stating that they, as a misunderstood and isolated nation may have to seek alternate sources of protection. The Dawi counter this pronouncement with the firm knowledge of exactly what is done to cowering rats. The application of axe and flame in abundance, the exact same thing that they would apply to any dubious master the foul undead wish to cower behind.

  • Al Rahid is to be treated as hostile

Relief of Azul

Once again the call went out to the wider Ankor that though the relief of Azul mere decades ago had surely achieved great things, a second effort must be made to ensure that the last great southern hold does not fall to the unrelenting pressure of the dead. Thus Kragg, despite his hopes that he would eventually see the restoration of a portion of the underway, instead turned his attention, at least for the moment, to ensuring that Azul would be capable of resisting the attentions of their foe. Unrelenting and seemingly infinitely patient though he may be, Dawi will and artifice would prove the stronger, no matter how many skeletons Naghash would throw at their walls.

This time though, having witnessed and gathered reports about exactly what they face, it was clear that efforts to maximise the defences of the hold were the most crucial and pressing of needs rather than taking the fight directly to the arch necromancer. Fortunately though, for the Dawi of Azul, over the intervening years the Ankor has been out of contact with them, many new methods and significant wealth had been gathered that their situation could at least partially be salvaged. Thus, Kragg,sent forth his messages along the length and breadth of the Ankor, to gather the supplies and materials needed to see the hold truly connected to the Ankor for the first time in millenia, even if it would only be able to be maintained for a few decades

First though, he would have to gather Dawi from across the everlasting realm, to be able to reinforce Azul enough that it would be able to spend several decades exposed to constant assault while the works built to enhance it's defences were put in place. The dwarfs of the Everpeak were, as is seemingly becoming tradition, the first to hear the call and they, as their ancestors had, time and again before them, answered with resounding approval. Tens of thousands readying themselves for the longest and most dangerous journey of their lives. From new and old holds as well the answer was resounding, with over thirty thousand Dawi willing to march south to relieve the embattled fortress.

Of this number were also a substantial number of runesmiths and runelords which the high king had requested make this potentially terminal journey. Among their number though were many descendants of refugees from the southern holds, who saw the maintenance of Azul as the next closest thing to the restoration of their own holds as they could find. Meanwhile they were also given the materials to work on projects nearly as lofty as those in the first century of Kraggs reign. Furnished then, with materials and purpose, there were many who were willing to accept the mission which was offered to them.

Finally, the oldest members of the Ankor were also prevailed upon to lend themselves to Azuls defence, the High King himself striding to the centre of their circle to put forth the great need that beset the Ankor. Fortunately, among the circle of stone there were several who had once called the Iron hold home, and so after only a few days of contemplation the golems agreed to lend their strength and efforts to the preservation of the last southern hold. The gronti would in the following weeks spend a great amount of time in the company of their clan or guild, being tended to by their descendants, who feared the loss of their greatest of ancestors in this most arduous of journeys. Thus when the gronti marched to the aid of Azul many came bedecked in chain and plate armour sized to extreme proportions, to afford even some slight additional protection to even their mighty frames.

Once this host of over sixty thousand had finally assembled it found a turn of fortune waiting for them. Its departure came just after the Remans had begun one of their periodic purges, launched from their newly fortified border, hoping to kull the nearby neighbouring tribes enough that they would not likely present a threat to their holdings in the near future. The Dawi, arriving in force, were advised on the most navigable routes that were known to make their way toward Azul. Though if a few thousand Urk happened to be kulled along the journey, the Remans would not be too aggrieved about such a matter.

Very few forces were encountered along the journey who looked upon such a vast force and considered it worth fighting, and none were those who made any attack which could come close to being considered successful. Indeed the rock hewer tribe of Urks numbering only twenty thousand or so attempted to ambush the convoy crossing out of the badlands into death pass. They, spotted by balloon, immediately found themselves up against equal numbers of the Gnolumgi and the Silver throng, who carved a new deed into their histories over the course of the next few hours, scattering the urk and avenging dozens of grudges over the course of the battle. Even once the force arrived at Azul, though greater numbers than their own surrounded the beleaguered hold, no concentrations could match their force. Thus when the host made their way towards the main gate, scattering the occasional bony spearwalls before them, they found the great doors opening to meet them, a band of the High throng emerging, in all their martial glory, to welcome these new arrivals to their own version of the eternal war.

  • Azul is unsealed (temporarally)
  • SIlver throng, two runic equipment and Gnolumgi deposited in the hold
  • High throng and elder runic equipment retrieved.
  • One set of runic equipment also retrieved from Azul

Defense against the dark arts
The runesmiths immediately begin setting to work upon the grand fortress of Azul that they would see done. Many of these had been apprentices or even the masters themselves who had only just returned from the journey to Cathay. So the implementation of protective runework even on the scale of a hold was not a prospect that they faced with fear or trepidation, but instead as a challenge to be relished.

Needless to say it was not a task without problems, the simple addition of more Dawi to the ranks of Azuls guard did not seem to dampen the ferocity of his assaults on the walls. Indeed, moving beyond the hold itself to establish defences seemingly encouraged the great necromancer rather than dissuading him, and hundreds of rolling battles were fought in and around Azul as the runework arrays were emplaced and defences established, with thousands losing their lives to see these essential works completed over the course of the fortification.

The constant exposure to the undead menace was not however entirely to the Dawi's detriment. For prolonged experience with Nagash's minions in all their varied kinds did provide the artificers a great deal of insight into the animating components and arcane mechanisms through which the control of the arch necromancer was enforced. With successive generations of runework created by the Runelords incorporating new learnings every time they crafted a runic array to push back the undead. This process of iterative improvement continued until the runes being emplaced in the service of Azul were leagues more advanced in fending off the undead and disjointing their animating force than any other within the Ankor.

Three different kinds were the primary focus of these runelords. The first of these arrays acted much like a bomb upon the aetheric plane. Consuming gathered energy over a lengthy period, upon sensing a large enough concentration of undead, it would release this energy along the control vectors that went into animating the lesser undead. Overloading and burning out the mechanisms which gave them strength and ultimately causing a total collapse of their animating forces. This damage to their aetheric connection also seemingly made it difficult for the lesser necromancers supporting Nagash to reinstate their control, allowing for the remains to remain quiescent long enough to be destroyed, or if it was a Dawi corpse, taken back to the hold proper to be entombed with their ancestors.

The second acted primarily against the non-corporeal forces that made up sizeable contigents of nagash's armies, and acted primarily as a defence of the inner bastions of the hold. These arrays, once emplaced, enforced material reality upon the surrounding area. Making these regions so 'real' that it barred those spectres and ghosts from appearing within their vicinity, though the effort and materials going into these arrays ensured that only the most strategic locations could be rendered invulnerable against spiritual assault.

The third acted primarily against the control of the undead. Strengthening the will, resolve and most importantly memory of those within its radius of effect. Calling upon the memories of flesh that resided within the bones of even the long deceased, the runes allowed the undead to recapture a portion of their spirit and energy which they once possessed in life. Leading them to be capable of actually resisting the necromancers implacable will slowing their strngth and robbing their movements of purpose. This over time even lead to rare situations where undead would begin fighting undead when near one of these arrays, as the spirits within were able to briefly resist the influence of their erstwhile master and set about the destruction of his supposed allies.

And these were only the runic works created that targeted specifically the undead. The runelords, not shirking the duty they had been assigned, of course also emplaced the regular runic defences that were considered essential. Reinforcing the strength of tunnels and fortifications, enhancing the defensive emplacements that lined the hold with runes of strength and preservation, even lining the halls and passageways of the hold with runes of speed so that Dawi could more easily rush from flashpoint to flashpoint in their eternal war.

When they had concluded their works the runelords could stand satisfied, especially as they witnessed the efforts of Nagash to overcome their runic reinforcements only to be stifled again and again by the efforts they had accomplished over the last several decades.

  • Runic protections established
Runic knowledge increases by 1
  • Great success (increased effectiveness in defending against undead invasions)

Guardians of Iron
Runic guardians were a stopgap for the Ankor of old, already having lost much of their runelore in the first few episodes of the time of woes, when holds began to truly feel the pressure from the encroaching greensins and Thaggorikki. It was in this dark time that even the runesmiths had to concede that they could not equal their achievements of old, and had to work with the engineering guild to attempt something of similar capability.

Thus were the original Runic guardians constructed. Built of enduring steel, appearing much like a mechanized Dawi and standing nearly three metres tall. These murderous automatons nonetheless, for all the compromises that went into their construction, served admirably in their task. Wielding gargantuan blades, they were able to beat back the endless series of foes that assailed them for a time, even being left behind in holds to watch over the treasures of those fallen kingdoms until they could at last be reclaimed. A state of affairs that may even remain in some isolated holds, where some vaults could perhaps still be guarded by these relics of yesteryear. With some clans even arguing that an attempt should be made on recovering these ancient holds sooner rather than later for the very reason that their ancient guardians could still remain, no matter how the flow of time renders such matters farcical.

In the modern era however, either than a few isolated examples produced here and there for Kings or Thanes throughout the Ankor to act as bodyguards, no grand scheme has attempted to remake the grand garrisons of old to serve as a formidable line of defense against any attack. Likely for the fact that no Hold in the Ankor is currently under extreme threat of nearly falling. Save for that of course, of isolated Azul. Therefore, as part of his effort to fortify and solidify the strength of the Ankor in that isolated realm, the High King sent forth hundreds of engineers as well as all the other members of the throngs, with their half of the designs as counterpoint to that of the runemasters needed to create the guardians.

Over the course of the siege, the two factions would near come to blows. The runesmiths and engineers working round the clock both to prove the efficacy of their own particular skillset, while minimising the requirements of the other. Ultimately leading to several series of golem each with varying amounts of mechanical and runic knowledge used in each. On the more mechanical side were those whose only runic contribution was that of instruction and guidance. Almost entirely mechanical, hydraulics powered the legs and arms and saw them given power and control without having to resort to the runemasters guild. While piston powered fists and spring launched contraptions gave it offensive capabilities. Runic derived golems however largely used their contemporaries only to build a frame, leaving everything else to be managed by runework, dealing damage with blades heated to thousands of degrees but capable of animation for only brief durations before having to recharge.

Ultimately however, and rarely seen among the dawi, younger heads prevailed before ancient grudges were added to. Working below the auspices of their masters, who largely spearheaded the extremely specialized designs, small teams of journeymen and fullbeards from both guilds built much more balanced mix of mechanical and runic capabilities to allow for each craft to focus on their strengths while minimizing the weaknesses of the other. A series of events that saw an extremity of grumbling from the elders who had been effectively circumvented. However, it would allow for the project to eventually be completed properly, even if, for some time, the project was quite slow to see workable designs produced. But once examples of all three designs, runic, mechanical and balanced, had seen some service in guarding mines and corridors, it quickly became obvious that the compromise golem was vastly superior to the others.

Capable of following only simple instructions and being more lumbering brute than skillful fighter, the golems nonetheless served extremely well in their stated goals. Guarding large sections of the hold and being capable of raising the alarm should intrusion be detected, even defeating those intrusions in some cases. They have already proven invaluable in Azul as individual detachments are deployed in force throughout the major thoroughfares of the hold and in key choke points throughout the mines, allowing the mortal forces of the hold to deploy throughout Azul in greater concentrations to meet the massed skeletal minions of the great necromancer.

Runic Guardians created in Azul
Runic knowledge increases by 2

The great cliffs of Azul

Runic defenses were also not the only aspect of Azuls defences which were directly enhanced as the gronti were deployed to make the approach to the hold as formidable as any within the entire Ankor, barring only the Everpeak itself. Though in place of many of the cunningly wrought defenses that went into the Everpeaks fortifications, Those that went into Azul could be considered crude if not equally formidable.

First, and perhaps the most simple yet effective of the new endeavours was the deployment of golems to the edges of the mountains themselves, surrounded by large detachments of the silver throng to defend their honoured charges. Here the golems simply dug vertically down for a hundred metres, creating a sheer cliff face where once there had been the relatively gradual ascent of a normal mountain. This immediately proved itself highly effective against many of Nagash's forces who lacked the manual dexterity required to effectively climb these cliff faces and who had once posed a significant threat to the hold by slowly mining in from the side of the mountain. Such was still plausible, and it did little to stop more ethereal creatures. But once it was in place, Dawi patrols could roam the face of the mountain and pick off those isolated threats without having to worry about the possibility of being overwhelmed by the enemy's numbers.

A great number of repairs and additional fortifications were also done throughout the hold with batteries overlooking the main gatehouse being established by the dozen. But some more esoteric techniques were also utilized. Magma vents were located in the depths of the mine and via cunning mechanisms was brought to the surface to be used liberally against particularly dangerous foes attacking the main gate, the now primary point of access for most of Nagash's forces, dozens of litres a minute being capable of being poured onto advancing skeletal lines, hot enough to melt bone and vaporize flesh.

Pushing further afield for when the hopeful day comes that Azul could be left unsealed, gatehouses and hidden keeps were set up along the length of death pass. Ensuring that a comparatively tiny force of Dawi would be able to keep the pass safe to traverse should they be manned and maintained. By the end of their work scarcely a stretch of the mountain could be seen absent Dawi fortification upon it, ensuring that even once sealed again Nagash would have to clear out rows upon rows of fortifications before he even approached the battle lines of where he had gotten to decades ago.

Level 2 defences established on Azul

The sea walls

Above the sweeping jungles of the jungle isles, grand fortifications are erected. Enormous batteries of cannons emplaced on Skarrendurazes north facing side, the test firing of which draws significant numbers of lizardmen observers with the noise, much excited squawking and chittering among the skinks, while the saurus observe stoically, either wary or seemingly unimpressed. Significant effort also goes into the establishment of larger sea-walls jutting out into the ocean, with artificial reefs created throughout what is otherwise a rather still harbour, making unauthorized entry into the hold itself extremely difficult and hazardous.

However, the most significant effort that occurs in the reinforcement of Skarrenduraz is not done to the hold itself, for the Dawi have swiftly come to see the entire Island chain as being under their care. Even if they are still barred from going anywhere near any of the temple cities. However, to fortify the islands, significant work had to go into ensuring that they themselves were traversable and able to be defended. Rather than relying solely on individual lizardmen tribes being able to fight off whatever may try to make landfall, especially now that the islands have become known as the Ankors gateway to the east.

As such, much of the effort of enhancing the defenses went into simply making the islands navigable again. Ruins of roads were unearthed, examined and found serviceable once repaired, with large fences and blockhouses erected to defend against the persistent threat of rouge dinosaurs attacking vulnerable convoys, or delaying military defense. With the ever present jungle even being cut back for a few hundred metres where possible from the roads edge.

Great bridges were also erected between the islands, linking them together for perhaps the first time in history at least on the physical level, leapfrogging between the smaller islands and buttressed with minor runeworks to enhance their durability. It eventually meant that, once the last great bridge was constructed, that one could cross the length and breadth of the islands without ever feeling unduly threatened by the otherwise hazardous nature of the isle.

This work was also not all the work of the Dawi themselves. Once it became clear to the lizardmen tribes that the Dawi were willing to provide good meat and stone in exchange for labour, scores of skinks and Kroxigor were willing to be enticed onto the project. With the Kroxigor themselves, despite their great size, having a skill, patience and ability that came close to rivalling that of the Dawi once provided with suitable tools. Tools that became prized possessions of the tribes once their members returned to their fellows

Eventually, the network of roads reached the coasts and along the edges of the islands a significant number of bastions were built, great steam cranes rising above the treeline to fashion the keeps that can now be spotted upon all natural harbours which lie scattered throughout the new kingdom's demesne. Constantly garrisoned, cannon armed and provided with spy glasses from the finest foundries in Barak Varr. They stand as sentinels, watching for the approach of unfriendly sails and raising the alarm for any of the nearby patrol ships in Skarrenduraz's fleet to disrupt their plans. Though the Thanes of the keep also generally try to have good relations with the nearby tribes to augment the small dwafish garrison if a fight on land proves likely.

Lvl 1 defenses established on Skarrenduraz

A future bargain
In addition to what level of wealth the Ankor would provide to the Sultan of all Araby to aid in his wars there were also questions of somewhat less consequence to be discussed. At least of less consequence to any who bore an Umgi's lifespan. However, the Sultan understood that indeed, though it is plausible he would see the collapse of Al Rahid within his lifetime, scarce as water among the open desert was the hope that he would be able to see the end of Arkahn the black, scourge of Araby for a millennia. Thus when he was offered a lifeline by the Dawi, to throw their weight against the perennial foes of Araby, he was more than glad to accept. Offering to send the finest volunteers and slaves he could muster each year to the recruitment halls of Barak Varr.

Such an offer is gladly accepted by the Dawi, who themselves struggle to fill out the ranks of the Gnolumgi or Klad Karu, especially in times when their founding nations' populations are engaged in heavy warfare. They however did not expect the followup offer from the vizier of the Sultan. Who has noted that despite the fact that the Reik and Remas are surrounded by mountains, they do not nearly view them with the same fear that the Atalan mountains, stronghold of the Urk and Grobi inspire for those of the barbary coast. He raises to the emissaries, that the Sultan would be willing to fund and reinforce any Dwarvish throng which would aim to establish a hold in the Atalan mountains, sweetening the deal by sending the delegation to a set of silver mines at the base of the mountains, implying and in many cases outright promising that more could be found within….if such ventures were not at constant unrelenting threat of greenskin attack.

  • The next Gnolumgi recruitment option will be conducted at -3 dc. However a conquest/war action must be made against an undead faction in Araby next turn or else the Ankor will suffer a point of shame
  • The Sultan has indicated that he or his successor would look very favorably on having Dawi neighbours in the Attalan mountains rather than greenskins. The first action to attempt to conquer the mountains would be paid for by the Sultan and would have the support of his armies (Allied bonus)

The Gold Flows

Once more Kragg makes his request to the Golem lords and once more they answer the high king in this realm as they did in the last. Thus the Gronti move to finally complete a safe passage between Barak Varr and and Karak Skarrenduraz, finishing the task that had begun centuries ago with the capture of the bastion of Ulgash.

Thus, accompanied by their watchers and work crews, the Gronti ascended from the circle of stone and boarded the freighters destined to make the risky crossing from the southern tip all the way to the bastion, a journey of over thirty days, assailed by storm and sea creature. However, before making such a dash, they deposited their oversized passengers only a day or so into their journey. Leaving them and a mountain of stone and ores to forge along this side of the southlands the small harbours and keeps that would render the journey safe and navigable.

Again and again the Gronti would be deploy to build their keeps, assailed by all manner of creatures. From giant scaled creatures, the natural denizens of this place, the urk and even by several primitive umgi bands. Yet to creatures of stone and of such great height and strength, these were no true threats and were beaten back each time by the guard forces that were brought along with them. Several teams of Golems worked this way simultaneously, with four or five keeps being built simultaneously along the length of the continent. As each midgal was completed the gronti world book passage on the next vessel heading past, leapfrogging over the other gronti work teams until they arrived at their next site.

It was not until nearly two decades into the work that the effort began to truly show, as the great freighters built to great size and strength to make the journey began to be supplemented by smaller vessels of less deliberate make. Ones which had not felt capable of making a cross continental journey but felt that they were capable of hugging the coast for the last two weeks or so until Ulgash was reached. As another decade wore on and the work closed in on the most eastern reaches of the kingdom of beasts even the very occasional human galley would pay their way along the Midgals to see the treasures of the east, willing to pay the extortionate tolls to, with only a modicum of risk see the wonders of Ind and Cathay.

The final decade of construction began however to see a return to the great freighters of the past. Which now abandoned the enormous coal reserves much of the extensive arsenal they used to mount, and a significant amount of their armour belt now that they could rely on the Midghlas for resupply and protection. Their holds capable of holding thousands of tons and built for maximum carrying capacity, they quickly forced their less specialized cousins onto smaller and more local routes while they focussed on the massive wealth that could be garnered through intercontinental trade with the east en masse. Crashing the prices of what had once been considered luxury items in Aldankor as pepper, cinnamon and tea came to be within the reach of even moderately wealthy households rather than simply the domain of princes and lords.

The High King, upon the Throne of Grungi smiled as one of his great self appointed tasks was complete. Wealth from this vast trading network began to flow into the Ankor, as the rarities of the east were brought to the west for the first time. His loremasters' projections showed that within only a century or so the effort would have easily paid for itself and there were still depths to this endeavour that could be delved.

On another throne however, backed by a phoenix's wings, another king was shown other reports, a thin lipped frown crossing his face as he contemplated how many fewer legions of Asur he would be able to marshal should the Dawi continue to impinge on what had always been the rightful domain of the children as Asuryan. However, though in his opinion one should master the sword first, the pen should never be forgotten, especially when it could risk a relationship with an increasingly useful ally. So it was that the publics only knowledge of Ulthuan even noticing this new development was the new gûl or advisory council that he created centred around investigating the possibility of elven forged ironclads.

  • Eastern Midghals are completed
  • 3 civilized Aldankor provinces are now required for 1 wealth from trade with the east
  • provinces in southern Araby count as 2/3 of an Aldankor Province
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Night Falls on Karak Azgal New
The balefire glow from his eyes bathed the serried ranks before him in unnatural blue light, their armour gleaming black while the skulls of rats, greenskins and humans stared forward, held steady by his own indomitable will. While toward the rear of this vast host, hundreds of 'Grumril-khâl' with their undead attendants very faintly glimmered as they waited for his orders.

The forges of Nagashizzar are numerous and powerful, but they could not hope to equal the arms and armor created by the tusked Ishut from their far domain in the darklands. Creating all encompassing armour strong enough to stop hammer blows from ogres and forging weapons which seemingly never dulled. He had readily accepted their deal, receiving arms and armour in exchange for a few lesser secrets of his and agreeing to besiege their petty enemies. A worthy proving ground for the use of his new heaviest infantry and the 'Grumril-khâl' themselves. Though he had experienced their lesser examples on the fields of Mahrak many years ago personally, and had seen similar examples from the rats. But lessons had been learnt since fighting the Ishut of Azul, who wielded the weapons potently themselves and now, on the eve of his next victory, he would relish being able to utilize his whole cache himself. A fiery bombardment equal to any abni-khat conjured hellstorm.

Faintly the pitter patter of claws could be heard in the distance as a henched form slowly made its way to kneel before his feet, the pitiful form tiny next to his own proportions, the influx of abni-khat and more recently, what he had called heka khet, or stone magic having slowly caused his body to grow and swell with time.

"My lord-master, the job is done, the garrison-guards are sent away, the lair-den is yours for the taking"

Excellent, even diminished as it was by the rat-folks war, the garrison could have proved an impediment to his plans, he wanted the city…and the great monolith at its centre taken intact. "Good, you have served me well Snickrit, better than many have in the past, soon your brethren will know the error of their ways for having challenged the great Nagash!'

The little rats perk up even if his fur still stands on end, the only thing hiding his fear being the ridiculous voluminous robes the rat is wearing.

"Yes my lord, immortality for me, yes-yes and warlord of the city, under you of course"

Nagash lowers his gaze to meet the snivelling creature, preening for his good will. "Of course Snickrit, you will serve as the greatest of creatures in this realm, the first of my Wights"

With a casual gesture he calls upon the enormous magical reserves contained within the city of pillars and with a tiny flicker of will stops the heart of the rat before him. Quickly grasping the escaping spirit of Snickrit and binding it back to his just deceased body. A moment of unease enters his mind however as while fear and despair suffuse the spirit a mountain of smug satisfaction fills it as well.

Within the voluminous robes covering his reanimating form a trigger fires that had been monitoring the heart rate of the now deceased rat, which now after ten seconds of inactivity activating the warpstone bomb the robes had been so deftly covering.

Nagash screeches as the explosion captures him halfway through his teleportation away from the flashpoint, melting his armour and crushing the left side of his form, yet he still emerges from his spellwork on the other side of the cavern, his right leg crumbling beneath him as he focuses all his energy on keeping his spirit bound to this plane. For a brief moment the shade of Neferem brushes against his mind before he is able to force a tidal wave heka khet to suffuse his body again, a wasteful expenditure of resources as wounds old and new cause the magic to so very inefficiently keep his form together. Still, it would do for now, until he could mend again the gaping holes in his battered armour.

Examining his legions from afar he noted that only a few hundred of those closest to the blast had been annihilated in the explosion, and with an effort of will as well as the delegation of some control to his greater, vampiric, minions the army marched. This nest of skaven would be his, after all, death comes for all in the end, and the ratmen would be no exception.

Still bleeding energy from his earlier wounds, Nagash approached the innermost sanctum of the city still burning around him. Already his legions were doing battle with reinforcement columns coming from the north, but he cared little for such petty affairs once the not absent garrison had been successfully overwhelmed. It would probably be years before the cretins conceded the loss of the city to him, but the city would be his and his new army would see that it remain so while thousands of their reanimated dead were already setting about repairing the damage done in the battle itself.

But these were concerns for later. Instead Nagash, dipping deeply into the arts of his near forgotten elven teachers, conjured forth a bolt of darkness that he flung at the iron gate standing between him and his goal. Shattering the lock and sending the great gates swinging, revealing the roiling waves of power that poured forth from the chamber within, from the glowing green rocks of the abni-khat.

Stepping through the passageway, the great Necromancer finally saw his great goal revealed to him. An enormous vertical pillar rose out of the ground before him, thousands of runes of the Ishut crowding around inlaid golden seams that rose up the monolith until reaching its apex, where a pyramidal capstone of the same material shone in the green hued darkness. Surrounding the work of the Ishut however was that of the ratmen, great bands of bronze inlaid with patterns of abni-khat surrounded the obelisk, supported by great arms of of the same material holding the bands perfectly in place, and he could see how it corrupted the output of the pillar. Done in such a way that along the walls of the room abni-khat grew, slowly but surely, expanding as the roiling waves of energy from the pillar solidified on the outer walls.

Once he would have looked upon this device, and its modifications with undisguised awe. Astounded by the source of power that it represented. Not nearly the amount that which once resided in Nagashizzars mines true, but effectively an infinite source of the stone which could fuel ritual after ritual so long as the pillars themselves endured. To stand in this chamber would be death for a mortal and even the great necromancer was buffeted by waves of dhar curdling around him even as he took in the sight before him and the power it represented.

Yet with a set of harsh syllables and a fling of his hands he sent forth twin bolts of energy at the ratmen apparatus, sending in an instant the entire edifice crumbling to the ground, cratering the ground with its mass. Almost immediately the room shifted as polarities changed. The great obelisk now actively dragging the energies into itself rather than expelling wave after wave of dhar. From experience Nagash knew that he must now work quickly, for soon enough even one such as he would be killed, standing here unprotected. Thus he began the chants which had taken him decades to master in the city of pillars, linking this obelisk with the others that already stood chained to his will.

Hours passed as his spellwork mutated and changed, this was a slightly different edifice to those of the eight mountains and his prepared ritual had to be changed on the fly in to account for the fact that this one was unused to sharing its power with others. But as night turned to day and night again his will bore ever further upon the ancient working of the Ishut. Battle raged outside his city as his minions continued to battle the ratmen, while within the chamber, the power gathering began to take shape as lightning bolts and eldritch fire which began to occasionally be conjured spontaneously from the raw power of the aether, held in check only by the pillar.

At the last, Nagash forced aside the defences which had doubtlessly stifled the ratmen again and again, and with a great toll of silence that echoed throughout Nehekhara and beyond, it finally gave in to his indomitable will, sending its accumulated power toward the city of pillars. An endless pool of power whose use and mastery Nagash had accomplished decades ago. With an echoing laugh that boomed beyond the chamber, and despite his spiritual weariness, Nagash finally turned his attention to countering the ratmen assault. If he were to hope to repeat this success further north, he would first have to hold what he had gained.
The Gates of Death New
Deep within the heart of Azul, located right beneath the throne room itself lies the greatest temple of Gazul within all of the Karaz Ankor. Rivalling even the great gates of Karaz A Karak, an enormous set of doors are set at the end of the of a vast open space detailing Gazuls journey to establish the Underearth and establishing the Glittering realm itself, the land fit for the dwarven dead. A duty and a task that sees him venerated second only to those considered the 'main' three ancester gods of Grungi, Grimnir and Valaya, for he saved the Dawi from the coil of mortality and gave their spirits a safe haven for eternity.

Here his most holy temple sits, the only one not situated next to the tombs and mausoleums of the Dawi, for here is the one that he is said to have founded himself, with the aid of his fellow ancestry god Thugni. Here it is said that for a thousand days that he laboured in utter silence and secrecy along with his companion and having forged (or stolen in some translations) the passage, he created these gates to guard them, the portal for dwarven dead to enter into the glittering realm. Though Azulites had always treated this as Dawr, the rest of the Ankor had largely considered the location a holy place, but nonetheless more symbolic than actual effective truth. This was also runelord Thorek Grimoldson's opinion until he had been emplacing a spiritual warding within the throneroom above and having ripped up the floor to begin his working encountered runework of surpassing perfection and complexity beneath his feet.

Calling upon his fellow Runeworkers to analyze and study these runes, thinking it at first a grand warding for the protection of the king of Azul, he had instead gradually moved his study of the masterpiece lower into the temple to Gazul itself. Where, after consultations of the priests, it was determined that as an heir of Thugni, he did bear the right to study his ancestor gods teachings and works. Thus it was that heavily ciphered and sealed messagers began to be sent to and From Azul and the guildmaster of the Everpeak, discussing the find and requesting further masters be sent to Azul, accelerated even further once Thorek divined exactly what the gates themselves would be capable of. Requesting only that once restoration work was done that he be able to activate the relic for three days. Though long in coming, the eventual confirmation stoked his heart and led him to truly begin evaluating the complexities of the work.

To his astonishment, in this diminished age, the work of the masters who had forged this creation were largely legible to him and his fellows, even if only after lengthy periods of grumbled debate. With many of the ancient runes recovered, or even in more recent times, seeing minor alterations and improvements. However, it was clear that at some point in the past, the great artifact had been deliberately damaged, with seven points of sabotage discovered throughout its structure that would lead it to failure. Eventually and only with the greatest of security was it eventually discovered that one of king Bardins ancestors had seen the damage done, thousands of years ago, when the order to abandon the hold was nearly given.

Yet over the next few decades, much time, energy and deliberation would be put into determining exactly what the missing runes were and how they interacted with the wider whole. The task was not made easier by the fact that Azul's Runeworkers had been sure to destroy some of the most complicated componants to ensure that no single captured Runelord or traitor to their race could hope to restore to life what had been destroyed. But few things in this world can withstand the scrutiny of dozens of Runelords and this sabotage could not be said to be one of them. One by one the items were restored, with much fanfare each time, until at last the last missing link was resolved and with confirmation from the Everpeak, a date was set for its temporary reactivation. So it was that on the eve of Gazuls descent into the Underearth, Thorek Grimoldson ordered the gates to the Glittering Realm opened once more.


The arrow caught Varrik under the arm as he raised his pick above his head, about to deliver the killstroke on the grobi before him. He gasped out in pain for a moment, as the greenskin in front of him took the opportunity, grabbing onto Varriks beard and plunging his jagged knife into the miners eyes, cacklin with mad glee as the dawi sank to his knees, the last conscious thought as he collapsed, watching his friends die to the mad greenskin ambush, was the wish that there were some way that he could avenge the the pain that he felt in this instance. Slowly though, coldness seeped into his muscles and then his bones and with an aching sigh, darkness took him at last.

Varrik would not relent though, and with what little will he could muster, he clung to the scene, even as he felt pull upon his spirit dragging him somewhere southwards. He clung on from the shadowy world of spirits as he watched the greenskin rush onwards, a shieldwall made in desperation toward the rear of the mine a last desperate defence against their savagery. What few dawi remained being dragged out of their defensive line one by one by the shrieking grobi horde. With all the strength that his spirit could muster, Varrik longed to reach for his pick, to grasp it again and avenge his death, to lay waste to those who would despoil his home with their filth. But his strength to remain was failing him and though he reached forth his hand, the pull strengthened more and more the colder his body grew.

Suddenly though, warmth spread through his chest and strength returned to his spirit, the pull while still present became suddenly only the faintest of tugs and with a force of will the miner reached through the veil between worlds, grasping his pick again in his ghostly hands and used it to drag himself fully into the world of the living. With a gasp he felt the crushing realness of the world impinge upon his spirit, but bearing the weight of a world that despised them was nothing new to a Dawi and with a grin he hefted his pick and began to jog, delighting in the panicked squarks of the grobi as they saw their doom coming for them, the ancient warcry of his kin sounding from his throat for the very last time.

"Khazakun Khazakit Ha!"


"And the last will go to Valya, my fifth born. The lass is only forty and with me dead she'll need a worthy dowry to see someone take her in. She can brew a hearty broth but that's not enough for a stout miner or two to take her in."

The Reckoner closes his book with a thud of finality, as he finished copying the last of Varriks will and testament. He looks at Varrick again mixes of hope, fear, doubt and awe playing across his features as he stares at the returned miners ghostly form beginning to fray somewhat at the edges, but still very much dawi he had spent many a night with in the fighting halls. Joined in this new unlife by several of his fellows. who too had been spared the embrace of death for a few hours, long enough to extract their vengeance in blood.

"It really is you Varrik, Gazul be praised." When I heard of the fight I came as quickly as I could. I'd hoped to find you among the living, but this will do as a second best, aye?"

"Aye it's me, as I can tell at least, I'm just happy I got to lay a few out before I had to go. And maybe Garrik will learn to have his ear out for grobi picks the next time he's out mining."

The last he grumbles just loudly enough to be overheard by their rock-whisperer who ducks his head in shame, especially after several echoing and ghosty harrumphs come from the other spectres seeing to the last of their earthly affairs. Finally, however, a robed figure steps into the mine, his pace slow and measured even as he carries a broad upright two handed sword in his grasp and unsurprised, the priest of Gazul sternly examines the dawi spectres before him before, eventually he gestures to Varrik, a gentle smile upon his ancient features

"You are untainted by the scent of a ruzghul, yet it is ill that you remain too long outside the gates of the underearth. Now that you have achieved your vengeance in death that you could not in life, do you consent to being sent to his halls?"

Varrik nods, though there is part of him that wishes to cling to the life that he has always known, he still feels the pull that first greeted him upon his death and simply being within the priests presence he feels it gaining in strength. "I am prepared elder, I thank Gazul for allowing me to not be ushered with haste to his halls"

The elder of Gazul nods and visible only to those who have stepped a foot into death his sword glows golden in the dark, the pull grows into an irresistible wrenching and fast as lighting Varrik is launched southwords.

Only as he nears his destination from far off Vlag does the pull begin to lessen, the mountains that he passes becoming less blurs and more solid shapes until at last as the deceleration continues he sees his final destination. Not the mountain of Azul but the great gates at its heart, gleaming gold in his vision, with a faint gold line that connects him to it. The instincts of life still hold sway though and he tenses as he begins to pass through the outer layers of the mountain, past the broad avenues of a repaired hold and finally gently deposited only a few hundred feet from the great, golden gates.

Around him he sees the grey forms of dozens of the spectral dead, marching quickly and without looking around toward their final destination, though from the edges of the gate hes sees a commotion as several dawi dressed as runelords gesture toward him, seemingly not seeing the crowd around him. Then they point to another bright blue as opposed to the majorities grey. Who clearly sees him and salutes before joining the throng heading toward the Glittering Realm. Varrik begins to pull the tug again as he takes a moment to watch while others continue to arrive. Perhaps one twenty have been chosen he decides as he watches, astounded at what it seems his kinsmen to the south have accomplished. But eventually he heaves a great sigh and marches toward the gate and toward his future.

News of this spreads across the Ankor and even into the human realms, as every hold records instances of their dead rising again briefly to fight again those who had seen them slain, though it seems that those far from a serviced temple of gazul when they fall are not given the opportunity to claim their vengeance. Jubilation comes to the general populace of the Ankor, only to collapse into a short depression as after the third day Kragg reactivated the eyes of Gazul and several of the Runic golems he had been forced to return to dormancy in order to investigate what the Gates of the Underearth would even accomplish.

And to see that he was impressed would be an understatement. Even given the bare minimum of power it required to activate Kragg was sure that it had likely saved hundreds if not thousands of lives across the Ankor if ever so briefly and his heart ached at denying the closure that many families even in everpeak alone had been given to say a final goodbye to their kin. Now he would have to think long and hard on how he would spend what power he had, for perhaps the dead could offer much indeed to the Ankor, even more than they already did.

The Gates of the Underearth are a regional masterwork located deep in the heart of Karak Azul, specifically within the greatest temple of Gazul, the so called entrance to the Dawi afterlife. requiring an enormous amount of runic power to activate, it allows the most vengeful spirits of the recently deceased to have a chance of finding their vengeace against the enemies of the Dawi. Though it only manages to reach the edges of Aldankor and only those near to a temple of Gazul (Holds and some few imperial cities)

It requires a minimum of 3 runic power to activate and has a marginal effect on invasion damage and a small effect on attrition throughout Aldankor. It can consume up to six runic power to marginally raise the effectiveness of those modifiers until it hits its maximum capacity.

Having it at minimum capacity also provides a single point of pride.

Pride is a new mechanic and something of a double edged sword. Pride increases the birthrate of the Ankor and after reaching certain thresholds has other positive effects. However, pride also mildly increases how obstinate, annoying, stubborn and well prideful the dawi can be, mildly increasing the likeliness each turn that a grudge will be earned.
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Azul Resealed New
The last time the gate was sealed was one of the darkest times in Azuls history, The urk were hammering at the gate after the hold had nearly lost half its population over the past two centuries. Azul had not heard from the wider Ankor since the eight peaks fell and there was little to indicate that the situation would ever improve. And indeed until almost a century this was largely correct. For an age the situation had stabilized. Constantly under threat from the darklands by the urk and with the Thaggoriki nibbling at the base of their mines, but at the very least the hold maintained, recovering losses as quickly as it bled.

Then Nagash came. With naught but a few scouts upon the mountainside, there was little to tell of his coming until the first bone giants thundered up the pass, turning aside quarreller bolt and grudge runed rock while they hammered upon the gates. Then it seemed that the ancestor gods truly had forsaken them, as for nearly a century his father had used the thinning resources of the hold in ever more desperate and ever tighter rings of defence. Even Durin himself remembered hearing whispers when he was but a beardling that thought should be given to whether his father would abdicate and go slayer defending the hold while Durin could be pressured to lead a retreat back to the Ankor.

Then the High Throng had fought their way through to the Gates of Azul, and for the first time in a thousand years their people had been allowed to feel a shred of hope. New technologies, from guns and cannon through to less dramatic but no less impressive, rickalt rivet and steam elevators. The simple idea of a standing guard for the high king which had been able to fight their way through a cordon of thousands of undead and armed with the remnants of the elder days. But perhaps the greatest and most impactful of all that was brought with them was the runic knowledge, and the hope that the Dawi were recovering from the time of woes, that in the last half millenia Aldankor itself had gone from nearly being overrun by the urk to being solidly held by an alliance of the Umgi and the Dawi. That it was likely that this first relief force, though significant and a great help, would not be the last.

This had made the intervening eighty years an almost interminable wait. No help was expected for the first few decades as the High Throng and the nearly twenty thousand volunteers gradually settled into their roles in Azuls defence. The reinforcements enough that isolated counterattacks could be launched, collapsing bridges and retrieving any artifacts that Nagash could possibly turn against the Dawi.

Then three decades had turned to seven and a deep anxiety had begun to settle in throughout the hold and ;osses were beginning to mount again as Nagash continued pressing his assaults. Questions began to be directed at the surviving original members of the High Throng about how long they would have to wait, or what would be causing the delay. Even shamefully, he himself had raised the issue increasingly frequently as the decades passed, frustration growing year after year as the lines eventually were pushed back despite the fortifications that had been erected over the last century of relative advantage.

It was of course then, in this increasing state of despair, that he was gifted a relief nearly if not greater than his father had felt before him, he was summoned to the gate as the banners of the Ankor were seen battling their way up the pass, in the company of the great stone giants that he had only heard tell of from the eldest of the veterans. That nearly fifty thousand Dawi were approaching, pulling wagon after wagon of goods with them, and that at their forefront were Dawi armed and armoured as well as any of the High Throng.

The next few decades would surely forevermore be remembered as the greatest in his life. For Kragg Deepdelve had clearly seen his plight and had prepared accordingly. Near immediately the ancestors of lost ages past had acted, separating his mountain from the range around it, rendering it almost immune to conventional assault. While artificers from across the Ankor had come, engineers and runelords, who had created great golems of a kind not seen in Azul for thousands of years, armed to the teeth and capable of guarding great stretches of his interior lines. Allowing him to husband his forces for offensive battles where initiative and numbers were so desperately needed as he moved to reclaim portions of his hold no dwarf had seen in hundreds of years.

Even further, throughout the hold, great runic traps and defences had been crafted, his warriors strength and courage were bolstered to leave them faster and stronger, his walls now stood strong where only years before they would have crumbled before an assault, the undead themselves were compelled to battle themselves as they advanced toward his hold, dwarfen artifice giving them one last opportunity to avenge themselves for the wrongs being done to them every moment that their bones were held under the sway of the great necromancer. The legions of Nagash themselves almost seemed to recoil now from his mountain as it became a great fortress rising above the tide of bone that crashed against its granite walls.

But none of these were perhaps the greatest of boons that had been granted to the people of Azul, for the first time since the gates had been shut, Azul had been able to, no matter how tenuous, keep in contact with the wider Ankor. Clans from the Everpeak, Zhufbar, and Kadrin which had been trapped in Azul for thousands of years were able to visit and even in some cases migrate back to their ancestral homes. Likewise throughout the Ankor clans descended from Azul, made pilgrimage back to their home, once thought forever beyond their reach. For nearly three decades, convoys twice a year made there way to the Everpeak and back battling through Nagash's raids and the urk of the badlands bringing with them ideas, resources, investment and news, something Azul had nearly forgotten as a relic of the past.

Then as a capstone to the efforts was the restoration of the Gates of the Underearth, once the pride of his hold and which had become nearly forgotten to even his own people, now able to be activated at will should the Ankor be able to spare the capability. But nonetheless, pride had swelled in him for the three days that the gateway had been activated, the greatest of his holds relics now resting whole and understood again beneath the stones of his throneroom. Yet no small portion of himself also took satisfaction from the fact that vengeful dwarfen dead were able to extract their satisfaction from the armies that descended upon him.

Now however he watched, maintaining his composure as the High Throng marched out of his hold, for the very last time. Knowing that perhaps he would never see signs of the Ankor again in his life and that perhaps none would ever come again. The wider Ankor had managed to intercept news from the thaggoraki on the fall of Karaz Azgal which meant that the undead menace now bordered him on every side, a determined enemy to him contacting the wider empire once more, and no matter how much he hated the cursed ratmen. He would always prefer their quiescent distracted fortress to the newest stronghold of Nagash.

He could not complain though, The Ankor had come and near the entire focus of the empire had gone into strengthening his hold as best as they could. Even the Gnolumgi had stayed, bringing their families with them, who had almost no hope of ever seeing the wider world again, yet they would remain for duties sake. He could scarcely do less when Umgi would be willing to sacrifice so much. Thus as the great gates closed, symbolically severing the lifeline between Azul he looked back upon a hold restored and then some to the greatest height it had seen in thousands of years, may it stand against such times as this for a thousand more.
Reign of Kragg Deepdelve 4740 - 4780 Timeline New
4740 - 4759 - March of the Marcher lords
The Indic subcontinent trembles as the cries of Wahhhgghh echo throughout the north and the stamp of Urk boots send the greenksins crashing into the martial eastern lords who stand ready to meet them. However, while climatic battle occurs out east, the west moves. The Marcher lords of the Raj seeking to expand their powerbase beyond the administration of the ministries seize the land from the few Urk tribes that remain, dominating them quickly and seizing the land for themselves. Only to find a furious Rajah attempting to castigate them into releasing the lands into the hands of those princes who had lost the plains years before.

4743 - 4752 Sally from the Vitellan walls
Remas weathers the storms of Orkish attacks on their walls stoically, using the great effort of their forefather to build up a reserve of troops now that their threat is contained. Then just as the storm breaks, they march. Eagles crafted in celebration of their victories against the Dawi Zhaar are brought out and the legions sweep southwards until they come to the very edge of the badlands itself, the last fertile ground before endless plains of bones and dust await them. Here the Remans wait and fortify, constructing again a new wall; the Heraclean wall to serve as a final bulwark against the green tide while a tide of settlers fills the gap behind them.

2744 - 2772: War in the South
In the ancient contests between the Shah of Medes and the living Kings of Ka-Sabar, Arkhan the black has struck as he does on occasion in that eternal conflict, attempting to acquire bodies to fuel his undead armies. Again and again Medes went to to battle with him, eventually acting to preserve those states that had once broken off from the Shahs despotic rule, only to now cry for his help as the dead march forth. Eventually a stalemate is reached and Arkhan is forced back once more, though the boundaries of the living are pressed ever closer to the coastlines of the continent.

2745: The King Burns
The King of Lanka finally wrought up the courage to climb the holy mount at the centre of his kingdom, there to receive the blessing of the lord of the sun, whereupon all within Lanka would view him as their reborn emperor. In the late of dawn of the third day however, the light of the sun burns brighter and brighter upon the meditating King, until at last the screaming begins. His staff who had prostrated themselves while his king was judged raising themselves onto their feet to find ash as his only remains. From there his kingdom, forged over decades collapses swiftly as None have faith that the sone will equal the father, who himself was clearly insufficient.

4745: Al-Haiik House of Wisdom
Always a centre for the most learned and astute, the city of Alhaiik has slowly developed an extremely robust scholarly tradition centred around the accrual of wisdom both arcane and mundane. Eventually the sultan, wishing to capitalise on this, created a vast centre, staffed by learned men from across not only his realm but also with the wise of Aldankor, Medes and even some guests from the Ankor and Ulthuan. This house of wisdom has quickly acquired a reputation across multiple continents as perhaps one of the greatest centres of learning outside of the White Tower itself.

4745: The Penitent Crusade
The hosts of the Bretonii are mustered, and in a rush they march to seize back the lands which the Urk had plundered from them a generation ago. Battles are waged throughout the province for a decade before the entire endeavour ends, but once so, the king looks to the east, to Athel Loren and to the last piece of land which could be considered Brettonia still sitting out of his grasp.

4748 Norscan collapse
Surrounded by chaotic rivals to the north, the seas to the south and an unsympathetic Kaltnord to the east, Norsca finally collapses against the foes they had fought against for so long, as marauders and great chaotic beasts hurl themselves against the walls again and again, never allowing a moment of respite, until at last the capital Dragirhift falls. The last remnants of Sud Norsii culture now being those that live disquietly under the boot of the cold north

4751: The Grand expedition to Azul
A vast undertaking takes place in the Karaz Ankor as the High King directs a significant proportion of his wealth and effort toward preserving Azul against the depredations of Nagash. Outfitted to reinforce the kingdom to heights near unseen anywhere else with plans for improvements of both runic and mundane varieties. Once arriving in Azul with nearly fifty thousand under its banner, the undead are even forced back for a time allowing for a tenuous lifeline between Azul and the rest of the Ankor

4754 - 4765: March on Al Rahid
Reinforced with funding from the Ankor, The sultan marches against the legions of skeletons summoned by Al-Rahid. The vampire lord, now wearing his nature openly, attempts to fight as best he can, but is outnumbered and outclassed despite his dark sorceries. After a series of wars, truces and reignited conflict he finds himself pushed back to the core of his small state.

4757: The Brother-Holds Quarrel
With the Skaven civil war still in full swing and his hold more populous than it has been in generations. The king of Zhufbar saw an opportunity to perhaps reclaim the great gromril veins that lie at the heart of their ancient brother hold of Varn. Bringing with him nearly forty thousand of Zhufbars' throng and scores of slayers from across the Ankor, they manage to breach into the upper layers of the great skaven nest, even briefly reclaiming the ancient sunken throne room of Varn itself. The Council of Thirteen though once it saw the threat the reclamation attempt posed, diverted forces from their ongoing reconquest of the Estalian undercities and drove the dawi of Zhufbar back. Who once forced out of the hold counted fourteen thousand dead among them.

4768: The Fall of Azgal
According to scattered information we have gathered from raids on council positions, it seems as though Nagash has not been entirely focussed on conquering Azul. With an army of black armoured skeletons, backed by cannons and dark sorcery, it seems the arch necromancer has managed to conquer Karak Azgal, ripping both it and more importantly, its Waysone from the skavens grasp. What this means for his future ambitions however, none can say.

4763: Succession of the Warring States
With the Marcher lords refusing to relinquish their newly conquered lands and the Rajah incapable of imposing his will on them, they all but The kingdom of Slinde in the north effectively declare independence from the Raj and the subcontinent holds its breath to see if the Raj will finally collapse under its own inefficiencies

4763: Return of the Sorcerers
As one of his first acts outside of Ulthuans normal sphere of influence, Arvanis moves to reclaim the Asurs old colonies on the isle of the sorcerers. Brushing aside the petty kings and pirate lords who dot the Isle, anti piracy patrols are quickly set up to ensure the safety of trade entering into the black gulf and watching for any of their erstwhile kinsmen's activities.

4764 - 4768: Of Reik and Remas
It seems that sometimes the umgi take but a single disaster to learn a lesson. For an umgi nation however, it seems that any lesson is forgotten in but a generation or two. Barred from assaulting the Stancati and not desiring the lands of the cold north, they instead try their hands at assaulting Remas through the Black Fire pass, seeking to reclaim the confederations final lost territory. The Remans however are not blind to Reiklander revanchism and man the garrison at the edge of the pass heavily enough that no crossing of the black mountains is able to succeed.

4765 - 4776: The Rajah restored?
With all but the most minor of the marcher lords departed, the Rajah for the first time in generations is able to wield some measure of true power.In desperation and with great decisiveness, he breaks many of the ancient ppriveledges of the cities of the western coast, shackling them firmly to his will. Then, with them managed, he turns on the ministries. Using the threat of his newly secured territories he bullies the ministry of finance back to being under his more direct control, and with them cowed, the rest of the misnistres swiftly fall into line. Earning the ruler of this revitalized, if diminished Raj the moniker, "Lion of the west"

4765: Assault from the Atalans
Despite maintaining the pressure in the east, the sultan nonetheless had to keep forces loyal to him in his rear lines, back home to ensure that the orcs infesting the Atalan mountains did not descend to wreck terrible havoc among the great cities of Araby. The wisdom of this was proven as an assault from greenskins was held back by those same relief forces near the rebuilt port of Lashiek. However the season has proven truly savage for the Arabyans and another waagghhh but a few months later was able to brush past the weakened defenses and strike at Copher, leveling the ancient city and splitting the sultans lands in twain.

4771: The Council Resurgent
Despite their loss of Azgal, it seems as though the council has managed to stave off their annihilation at the hands of pestilens, at least for a time. Detonating a great warpstone mine as an enormous plague fleet attempted to cross the black gulf, they managed to kill the plaguelord, who had hoped to end the council with a last aquatic assault. With the plague monks reeling, clawing at each other to establish new leadership. The council quickly moved to retake swathes of pestilens territory before the haemorrhaging was ceased.

4773: The Indic Lanes
At last Kragg Deepdelve completes the last of the Midgals encircling the southlands, allowing vessels to safely traverse from Aldankor all the way to the Kingdoms of Ind. The massive proliferation of Indic spices and goods making their way across to the home continent of the dwarfs sees massive increases in tax revenue heading back to the High King, while also spreading the knowledge of Inds many innovations to all the nations surrounding the Reik basin.

4774: Arnheim Restored
Unlike his predecessor, Arvanis seems to be willing to accept the cost required to drive the Dark elves from their fortresses. Raising several armies from across the Inner Kingdoms, he has levied these hosts against the city of Arnheim and its surroundings. seeing it restored to High Elven control for the first time in centuries. Malekiths forces, seemingly unwilling to fight this concentration of their foes baited a greenskin waaagh! onto the fresh reinforcements, seeing a climactic battle outside of the newly restored citadel. Here, though previously untested, the sword mages of Saphery held long enough for the arrows of Averlorns guardians of the garden to clear the field, scattering the greenskins and leaving open the hinterland of the formerly disputed city.

4774: The Stubborn Dead
All across the Ankor for three days and three nights, many of those who fall in battle in the eternal battle beneath the holds of the Dawi stay on in spirit form for but a few hours to assist their fellows. A last chance at vengeance and the saving of many dwarven lives sends many of their surviving relatives to the temples of Gazul, thanking him for his intercession into mortal affairs.

4773: Blackstone Foundries:

After centuries of working with the substance, an effort from both the engineers and the stonemasons guild has found properties in the Blackstone of Karag Kol that when combined with certain alchemical solutions renders the stone near as hard as marble, and much more easily sourced with the black mountain having more than enough to share. Both Vlag and Akrak over the following decades receive enough to provide their own black fortified facades to their outer walls.

Karag Kol gains the trait Blackstone Foundries. It and adjacent holds gain a very slight reduction to invasion damage.

4774 - 4779: The Witch Wood
Seeing an opportunity with a fully united Brettonia to at last deal with the vast and primordial forest within their borders, the full flower of Brettonian military might is brought before the trees of Athel Loren. A tourney is held there for two weeks as criers inform the forest kin to have a representative come forth to discuss the kings terms. After two weeks of silence however, the army descends between the trees, reinforcements occasionally being trickled in accompanied by supplies. After nearly a week of fruitless searching however, the army disappears with not a single straggler to emerge from beneath the boroughs.

Months pass and though a few far smaller expeditions are sent which do return, no sign of the host is ever seen again. Only for the coming spring to arrive and from out of the great forests come hosts of elves in the full panoply of war, marching alongside vast tree creatures and the myriad spirits of that witches wood. Striking across the lands of Bretonnia, they sack and ravage relentlessly with only a few, great isolated fortresses weathering the storm. Except in Quenelles, where the butchery is so great and so thorough that not a soul is left alive throughout the entire province.

4776: The Southern Serpent
Seeing the floundering giant to their north, Estalia reneges on their centuries old oath to surrender the lands of their forefathers and march north against the Scattered Brettoni. Though the garrisons of the south do much to hold back the tide, with the king's host utterly dismembered and his provinces ravaged by wood elves, they are simply delaying the inevitable. And within two short years the king of Brettonia concedes the loss of his southernmost subjects.

4777: The Lonely Mountain
The great works that Kragg had sent to be completed in Azul are largely done, golems line their halls while the fortress stands, restored and enhanced by artificers and runelords who have seen works wrought which have not been equalled since the golden age. The Ankor however, with great sadness, sees its sister sealed once more, as there is little hope its resistance could be maintained as an open hold while still surrounded by the dead.

4776: Massacre at Carcassone
Since the defence of Estalia, over a century ago, there has been a small but significant portion of the Dwarfen diaspora living within the city of Carcassone. Of little note to the Ankor, they have however been caught between the battles of the Brettoni and the Estalians as those southern merchants seized what had once been their lands. In the third siege of the city, the general of the estalian forces lost control of his army which hunted for the richest members of the city, undoubtedly the Dwarfen enclave. Despite fierce resistance, the dawi were cut down and their bodies desecrated by the invading umgi. The Estalians sending little more than extended apologies to the Dawi seem not to recognize the weight of the grudge they have now earned in the Dammaz Kron

4779: Izor poisoned:
Somehow Izor itself has been dragged into the Skaven civil war, as scores of clanrats from Pestilens rushed into many of the outlying holds, attempting to establish a foothold in the Tilean mountains. Though eventually evicted, the plagues that went through Izor in the following years eventually saw the greatest of the new holds lose nearly four thousand souls to the rats.

Many thanks to @Parzival95 for acting as a beta
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The Reign of Kragg Deepdelve 4780 - 4820 New
Satisfaction loomed high in the High Kings mind these days as Kragg worked solidly, diligently in his pitch black workstation, having long grown used to his runic eyes, nearly two centuries old now, being able to see everything in perfect clarity, and what it is that those reports within their view showed to him. This past year three hundred thousand tonnes had been shipped from Ind back to Aldankor all with only incidental loss of Dawi life, and how they treasury swelled with every single ship that docked at one of his migdhals along the route, more than ten times that which was carried across the darklands when he first came to power. Few enough were the kings of the Ankor who could inarguably say they left the Ankor stronger than before, even his immediate predecessors. But inarguably, the Ankor now stood stronger, firmer than it had in any age since the golden.

Who would have dreamed, nearly a few centuries ago, that the Elgi would consider Dawi seamanship a threat to their trade. Who would have thought that they would have a better understanding of the skaven that they had ever had before. Who else could say that they found a hold under relentless assault by the dead and left it stronger than they had found it. And perhaps one of his crowning joys, Skarrenduraz, a hold without rats, a hold without grobi. He had heard tell that some elders upon the isles even grumbled that their beardlings went around without armour in the rampant heat of the south, and that the ironbreakers had to train by hunting dinosaurs on the surface for there were too few foes in the mines to give them challenge.

As he grew more certain in his work though, and proud of his accomplishments he could feel his iron will to push further and harder begin to ebb. Beginning to wane as he felt less and less like he was the only one who could see the task completed. For now the task was changing, the golems would be able to ensure that work on the underway continued, he had accumulated enough wealth, enough power, that even if an imbecile inherited the throne of Grungi he could hardly make the situation worse. He had directed a quarter of the revenue of Bardins empire funnelled towards stiffening the Arabyans, and it was hardly noticeable. Besides, he had not spent the last century in denial about his own mortality, especially once he had taken to having a runic automaton transcribe his will decades ago. He had in mind a very certain dwarf who he hoped would live up to expectations.

He pushed such thoughts out of his mind however as he looked to the next missive to have reached his desk, a message passed on from the Reman ambassador it seemed. A smile came to his features as he read on, it seems that Remas either had spies throughout the Ankor or that his runelords had not been entirely circumspect, if those Tileans were asking to build something approaching the scale of the Great Bastion with dwarfish help, but Reman coin.

Province NumberDwarfpowerHead TaxWealth per turnPotential Trade RoutesRunic infrastructureDefensive level (max 2)Net Runic power generatedAdditional info
Karaz AnkorNA
Karaz a Karak63
Eyes of Grungi,
Karak Kadrin95
Axe of Grimnir
Torrent of Zhufbar
Barak Varr56
Karak Hirn54
Karak Norn75
Karak Izor52
Karak Vlag97
Protective Runework
Karak Azul59
Gates of the Underearth
Protective Runework
Karag Dum103
0 (1)​
0 (9)​
Karak Azgaraz76
Karak Drazgh60
Karak 8 Peaks58
Karak Azgal37
Karak Zorn???
Mount Gunbad67
Mount Silverspear62
Karak Ungor96
Karak Varn69
Karak Akrak110
Karag Kol106
Karag Dron610Fallen
Karaz Bryn940
Karak Skarrenduraz138
Kraka Drak112
Runic Siphon
Hammers of Grungi
Kraka Ornsmotek113
Runic Siphon

Current WealthHold income (mines/pop) with Tech bonus appliedCurrent Tech BonusTrade IncomeUnique
Pass Tarriffs/Maritime TradeTotal IncomeRegular ExpensesPre turn BalanceTurn ExpensesAdditional Turn IncomeFinal Total
Turn 1492640%12264614+3215770
Turn 2702850%112647 (51)19.66 (20)+3185016
163150%132652 (57)19.66 (20)+37332545
453250%142553 (58)21.33 (21)+3770012
Turn 5123670%162155 (61)29.33 (29)+31403053
Turn 6534270%187975(82)29.33 (29)+5367039
Turn 7394270%1871884(93)33.33 (32)+61?????????

Armies/EquipmentMaintenanceLocationEquipment with Runic power usage
The High Throng4Barak Varr
The Silver Throng4Karak Azul
The High Fleet4Darklands Coast
Gnolumgi2Karak Azul
Klad Karu2Karak Akrak
Vengeance Fleet4Darklands Coast
Runic Construction GolemsnaKaraz A Karak2
Runic Construction GolemsnaKaraz A Karak2
Elder Runic Equipment1Barak Varr1
Runic equipment0.33Karaz A Karak
Runic equipment0.33Karak Azul
Runic equipment0.33Karak Kadrin
Runic equipment0.33Karak Vlag
Dal-Dron Fleet4Black Gulf
Runic Guardians2Karak Azul

West Southlands MidghalsEases trade with the east, reduces dc of actions going east by 11 per turn
East Southlands MidghalsEases trade with the east, reduces dc of actions going east by 11 per turn
Coaling Rights Indallows using Ind as a base for exploring further east2 per turn

12 hour Moratorium

(you have 5 actions)

Relevant modifiers, +2 Stewardship, - 1 to all innovative actions.

Skaven alertness level is dismissive (trending downward)

You have 2 units of Runic Golems, use their associate action by using
[X] Runic Golem Action (Name): to indicate what you are using the golems on

Useful Notes - Actions can have an additional actions committed to them, requiring the price to be paid again. but reducing the dc by d3 per action invested.

Martial Actions

[ ] Reclaim a hold:
The Enemies of the Dawi squat in our ancestors' homes. Desecrating the halls of our kin and defiling the work of a dozen generations. But the Grobi and Thaggoriki breed like the vermin they are and fill our old homes more than we did even at our height. We must strike quickly and by surprise to forge a foothold. Before we could even consider clearing out the mines.
  • Costs 5 gold
  • - Which Karak Will we attempt to reclaim for the Karaz Ankor
    • [ ] Karak Varn - While now contested for the title it was once the greatest and deepest mine of gromril anywhere within the Karaz Ankor. Lost when the Thaggoriki burst from the deepest shafts in a teeming horde to claim the warpstone that was also buried within the mountain.
    • DC = 20)
    • Owner = Skaven
    • Would massively raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Karag Dron - Once a great site of runesmithing, where the anvils of doom were originally forged and now re-forged, the volcano was abandoned however when the great black drake Azorgorgoth descended upon the mount and after fierce battle, made it his home. The drake now lies dead however and new veins in lost Iron rock indicate that the mineral wealth of the region is far from expended.
    • DC = 20
    • Owner = Orks
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Mount Gunbad - With mines so deep and so rich that they did not have to send troops for the war on vengeance. Gunbad was famed for its Brynduraz veins. A gem which glowed with an inner light and adorned many of the finest pieces of dwarven jewelry. It fell early in the time of woes as scores of orks flooded into the world's edge mountains from the darklands.
    • Owner = Orks
    • DC = 21
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Mount Silverspear - Another of the lost holds of the eastern worlds edge mountains. Mount Silverspear produced silver of unmatched quantity and quality. Yet it still fell quickly as the hordes of orks pushed in when it was separated from its kin.
    • DC = 22
    • Owner = Orks
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Karaz Bryn - Karaz Bryn was once a famed gem mine within one of the highest peaks of the worlds edge mountains. Producing facades and works of art which filled even the most stubborn longbeard with Pride. Their fall however did not come from the Orks or Skaven. But from the Queen of darkness, Neferata. Who in a surprise assault sent a legion of undead into the hold and made it her stronghold.
    • Owner = Neferata
    • DC = 21
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] Karak Ungor - Almost mined out over the time of its long history. Karak Ungorn had gradually turned into a thriving industrial center and place of learning. Producing some of the finest grudge throwers and crossbows in the entire Karaz Ankor. Alas, it fell while its warriors were concluding the war on vengeance. And when they returned they discovered their ancient home teeming with Urk and Grobi.
    • DC = 22
    • Owner = Orks
    • Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
    • [ ] Karak Drazh - What was once the third greatest hold in the Kraz Ankor, black crag for generations has been a fortress of the greenskins with hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions calling its vast chambers home. However to reclaim one of the great mountains of The Dawi, one whose veins still ran with silver, gold and gem would be worth any cost.
      DC = 23
      Owner = Orks
      Would somewhat raise skaven alertness level
    • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
[ ] Invade the mountains.
Attack a mountain province held by an opposing faction. These are counted as provinces with a dc of 16
  • Which province would you invade (Has to border the Ankor)
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • cost = 4
[ ] Raid Lustria
From skaven records we have discovered the approximate locations of numerous lizardmen temple-cities. Describing them as covered in Jewles, gold and possessing many strange and interesting artifacts. The Skaven also ascribe to them very little ability in the way making war over the seas, allowing us to potentially raid and lunder them at our leisure
  • DC 18
  • cost - 6
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
[ ] Loot the Grimaz Ankor
The mummy lords are mighty and fierce in their strongholds, their power is beyond questioning. However they still fight in the same manner as they did in eons past. Their armies of bone cast at best in bronze armour and their magics limited to only a few of their ancient priestly orders. Conducting a large scale invasion of Zandri, easily the most accessible of the Tomb cities would be liable to fund many future projects for the High King and slaughter at least a small portion of the numberless undead that continue to haunt that fallen kingdom
  • DC 16
  • cost - 4
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 4)
[ ] Relieve Azul
With the knowledge we have gained from the Skaven we know that the sealed hold of Azul is under dedicated assault by the great necromancer Nagash, possibly even with assistance from the Dawi Zharr. We dont know how well the hold fares at this time but sending reinforcements with all the learnings the Ankor has gathered over the last millenia may do well to forestall an eventual collapse and allow us to firm up the garrison for long enough for more dedicated help to be mustered
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (These will be kept in Azul till relieved, their maintenance costs will be paid by the High King still under an assumption of credit)
  • [ ] Do you unseal the hold?
  • [ ] How many of the Dawi will you send and from where (max 50000)
  • [ ] What equipment would you like to send across
  • cost = 2
  • DC = 7
[ ] Evacuate Azul
With the knowledge we have gained from the Skaven we know that the sealed hold of Azul is under dedicated assault by the great necromancer Nagash, possibly even with assistance from the Dawi Zharr. The Ankor however is not in a state to be able to relieve the hold and it would be better to save as many lives as possible before withdrawing.
  • DC 5
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring?
  • +1 permanant shame, until Azul is resettled 50% chance of additional 1 shame for 5 turns
  • Cost = 1
  • do you destroy the hold as you exit
    • [ ] Yes, destroys the hold utterly, guarantees additional 5 turns of temporary shame
    • [ ] Destroy the waystone, the thing Nagash is truly after, raises chance of additional shame to 75%
    • [ ] No, infrastructure is left intact
[ ] Add war mammoths to your arsenal
The vast herds of mammoths that now populate the cliffs and valleys which surround the dwarven halls could be extremely useful in battle. Enormous, strong and quite tameable. They could serve as war mounts for the armies that the High King commands. However in payment for these attributes the creatures will likely be quite expensive to upkeep. So would only be kept for the throngs funded from the treasury of the Ankor itself. The only key would be figuring out both how they could actually be used in battle, and how the Dawi could be convinced to use them.

  • DC = 6 (Innovative)
  • Cost = 1
  • Would Allow war mammoths to be attached as equipment to a standing army
  • War mammoths would add a -0.25 to the DC of Conquest Actions
  • Would unlock the Dromon Carriages action
[ ] Check on a sealed hold.
Send an army with attached specialists in all the fields of Dawi knowledge to a lost hold. Slaughtering anything that would get in the way. Allowing them to keep up with the latest technological trends of the Karaz Ancor as well as confirming to the rest of the dwarves that they still exist

  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 3)
  • [ ] Karak Azul dc = 6, cost = 2
  • [ ] Karag Dum dc = 5, cost = 1

[ ] Set the Torch To Bilbali
Hundreds of Dawi Lie dead and the honour of the Ankor will not be avenged, not after initial dismissals, until our tithe in blood has been paid. Those responsible for the Sack of Carcassone and especially its dwarven quarter must pay the price for their greed and cruelty and what better way would there be than to visit vengeance upon Bilbali, the Captital of Estalia, to see blood paid for by blood.

  • DC = 7
  • Cost = 3
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 3)
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Establish a permanent Throng
The weight of fighting the Karaz Ankor has always fallen upon the throngs of the holds. Armies raised at a moment's notice from the workmen of the holds. This has always proven enough for the dwarves, even when placed against the armies of Ulthuan in the war of vengeance. Now, however, we have need of the greatest warriors from the clans to form a bulwark against foes too numerous for the throngs to fight alone. You need an army, funded from the coffers of the high king and paid for by the Karaz Ankor. Trained to perfection in the same way as any master of their craft. And armed with the best plate we can make without access to gromril.
  • [ ] In which hold will the Throng be garrisoned
  • [ ] What will the Throng be named
  • Creates a 10000 strong dwarf throng which when applied to a province conquest action will reduce the dc for that action by 1.
  • Reduces occurrence and severity of invasions where garrisoned
  • Significantly reduces attrition where garrisoned
  • Costs 6 gold (first one is free)
  • Costs 4 wealth per turn once created
  • DC = 2

[ ] Recruit Gnolumgi
The practice of recruiting Gnolumgi has been refined to the point where we believe we have a strong understanding of how to go about it. And now that they have roundly proven themselves against the enemies of the Dawi there are some that call for some minor adjustment to be made to their doctrine
  • [ ] In which hold will the Gnolumgi be garrisoned
  • [ ] What will this Gnolumgi army be named
  • Marginally reduces attrition when garrisoned
  • Reduces DC of conquest and vengeance actions by 0.5 when placed on campaign
  • when engaged in combat, will reduce dwarfpower losses by half until a limit of 10 dwarfpower is reached
  • Costs 3 wealth
  • Costs 2 wealth per turn
  • DC 3
[ ] Beat Back the Greenskins: (See Rules on how clearing provinces works)
Clearing the realm of Grobi can be a very dangerous task, however if you want something done right a dwarf will have to do it.
  • [ ] What province (must not be in the mountains)
  • [ ] What Standing armies would you choose to bring? (May choose up to 3)
  • Costs 3

[ ] Establish a permanent Navy
While the Navy of Barak Varr is reasonably available to the high king should the need arise. There are several tasks which the Karaz Ankor may be able to benefit from if a fleet was freely available to use. From exploration to far-off trading missions, there are many possibilities. And it is only our natural distaste of mercurial water that stops us from taking advantage.

  • significantly reduces piracy in dwarven sea zones
  • Reduces dc of sea actions when applied by 2
  • Costs 8 wealth
  • Costs 4 wealth per turn
  • DC = 3
[ ] Delve a lost Hold:
Though you would by far prefer to reconquer a lost hold, the Karaz Ankor is currently not capable of reclaiming all that it once had. Instead, a raid of a few hundred - few thousand dwarves could be launched to try and reclaim the wealth of knowledge of the ancestors and deliver it into the keeping of their rightful owners. Though fraught with risk, many such expeditions have returned with lost treasures and long-forgotten lore.
  • [ ] Which hold will you attempt to delve
  • Cost 1
  • DC = 6
  • Will reduce the DC of assaulting the hold in question by d3
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level if it is a skaven occupied hold
  • Potential to receive lost dwarven lore (likelihood reduces for each runic level achieved)

[ ] Create great Fortress- Waystations on the coast of Kuresh
With port rights established on Ind and Karaz Skandurraz providing a bastion of dwarven might and expertise in the area, it has become much simpler to extend safe and navigable waterways even to Kuresh. WIth the possibility to wage a war of expansion in that area and construct great fortresses upon the edges of that benighted peninsular. Of course with that land largely under the control of the Naga, actually holding this area would be a far greater difficulty than the midghals of other regions, costing much more to build and maintain and likely to cost significant blood to hold.

  • DC = 10
  • cost = 25
  • costs 2 wealth per turn
  • will cost 1d5 dwarfpower per turn
  • lower dc for reaching Cathay and Ind
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet (max 1)
  • [ ] attach standing armies to this action

[ ] Mount an armed expedition to Karak Zorn
With its location provided to us by the maps that the Asur have provided. We would be able to mount an expedition into the depths of the southland. Far further south in fact than near anyone but the most crazed had estimated. Prepare a sizable expedition to go into the heart of the southlands and investigate if our kin still live.

  • Cost 3 Gold
  • DC 8
  • [ ] What Standing armies are you sending (Max 2)
[ ] Mount an armed expedition to Karak Azorn
With its location provided to us by the Cathayans, we could launch an expedition from Ulgash to ultimately locate Karak Azorn. A lost colony of Dawi here to unheard of to the Karaz Ankor. Deep within the Mountains of Mourne however it would require a strong and well equipped army to force their way to the hold and see what there is to discover.

  • Cost 3 Gold
  • DC 8
  • [ ] What Standing armies are you sending (Max 2)

Stewardship Actions

[ ] The Great Reman Walls (Construction)
The Remas have created two great walls stretching across the badlands and hopefully preventing any future attempt great Waagghhh that would crush the provinces as occured during the Silver Wagghh. The walls are....passable, one supposes, however, they wish them enhanced to be an Aldankor equivalent for the far large great bastion of Cathay, stretching only for a few hundred miles between the two walls rather than Cathays thousands. They will provide half the wealth required to build them to encourage us to assist them, but the main payment they say is not the money provided, but that using Barak Varr as its westernmost bastion, The hold would be much protected against rampaging Urk Waagghhs
  • DC 5
  • Costs 10 gold
  • Greatly reduces Invasion Threat from The Badlands and province 39

[ ] Fortify Stancatia (Construction)
The feuding cities of Stancatia have been oour vassals for generations, but the increasing sophistication of the lowland umgi kingdoms and the enmity that seems to be bred between them renders Stancatia more vulnerable than it has ever been. If we set about fortifying the province to proper Dawi standards however, it should dissuade either the Reik or Brettonia from attempting something foolish.
  • DC 3
  • Costs 10 gold
  • Renders the province significantly easier to defend from lowland invasion

[ ] Toll The Reik (Construction)
The city of Damerest in Stancatia is the greatest lifeline of that enormous state of the same name. With it being the one and only route for oceanic trade for millions of people. Enhancing the docks to be able to accomodate all that trade and also enhancing the watchtowers and bastions along the rivers edge would mean that the city would be able to facilitate such a massive amount of trade properly while also being able to tax all those who pass through
  • DC 3
  • Costs 10 gold
  • generates 1 gold for every 3 civilized provinces in the Reik river basin.
  • would engender some level of distrust and antipathy with those being taxed.

[ ] Restore/Construct an underway section (Construction)
The Underway once connected nearly the entire Karaz Ankor into one continuous empire. Enabling safe and quick traffic between the various holds and ensuring each hold could specialize in the one thing that they did above all others. Rebuilding the network would bankrupt even the hoards of the everpeak a dozen times over and would take centuries if not millennia. But one section at a time could be restored without shattering the Karaz Ankor unduly.
  • [ ] state which holds you would like to connect
  • requires 2 actions for connections between adjacent provinces
  • Which Route Shall be worked on
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • Costs 21 gold
  • dc 6
[ ] Search for a sea-hold
Once upon a time the idea to even go searching for a mounteain next to the sea for the purpose of using the sea would have been considered laughable and a sign that the dawi in question should spend some more time in the mines to get their head on straight. However with the great success of Barak Varr and the increasingly nautical ambitions of the high King, having bases such as Skarrenduraz and Barak Varr around the world would allow for naval projection currently undreamed of. Of course natural harbour and mountain fortress are words that do rarely go together. Send survey teams along the coastlines to see if there are any regions that the Dawi would consider suitable
  • State which region you would like to survey (Western Southlands, Eastern Southlands, Kurresh,Arabyan Coast,Ind,)
  • cost = 1
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
  • dc ???
[ ] Levy Emergency taxes:
The High king does receive a small tithe from the various kings of the Karaz Ankor. However, in times of need they can temporarily raise the tax to cover shortfalls that would otherwise occur. Doing so occasionally is seen as reasonable and prudent by the other kings. Abusing the privilege however will make them increasingly recalcitrant
  • Receive 1 additional gold per (unsealed) hold this turn
  • DC = 3 (increases by 2 each time this action is used)

[ ] Commission Undistomez:
The gift of the Norse dwarves, these guard stones create a field that saps the intent to harm from those who would attack the holds of the dwarves. With little that can overcome its inevitable pull, save only the largest or most determined hosts. They are however potent pieces of runework and would require the appropriate power source.
  • greatly reduce attrition for dawi in the hold
  • Mildly reduces size and strength of invasions.
  • DC = 5
  • costs 30
  • +2 runic skill
  • uses 1 runic power

[ ] Commission Runic Equipment:
Have the heirs of Thugni work upon the arms and armour of the Karaz Ancor. Have them craft enough weapons of the elder days as to arm 10000 dawi such that they could face down 5 times their number and not take a single step back. Let the Urk, Grobi, and Taggoraki look upon warriors armed with the weapons of our ancestor's days and know that their doom approaches.
[ ] To what hold or throng do you assign this runic equipment
  • DC 3
  • Reduces attrition in holds where they are kept
  • Mildly reduces damage of invasions where they are kept
  • Attrition and invasion reduction is not active when taken on campaign
  • Costs 0.33 wealth per turn to maintain
  • Cost 15
[ ] Create a vast armoury of runic equipment:
It is said that in the heights of the golden age, entire throngs of the Dawi marched to war garbed in rune forged equipment. Proof against near any mortal weapon and enabling the bearer to battle even the mighty legions of Ulthuan without any fear of being overmatched. Forging again such a vast quantity of runic equipment would greatly ease any attempted conquests, or reconquest that the Dawi might aspire toward. while spread throughout the realm when not in use would go some way toward reducing the endless threats that all holds face

  • DC 3
  • cost 25
  • costs 3 wealth upkeep per turn
  • requires 3 actions to complete (Which may be done on separate turns)
  • causes a small global reduction in attrition
  • Attrition and invasion reduction is not active when taken on campaign
  • The first conquest action in a turn receives a reduction to the dc of 2.5

[ ] (Cathay) Blades for the dragons (runic)

Cathay has the ability to create enchanted weaponry. Indeed many of the dragon guard who came in the dragons wake carry weapons imbued with magical strength. However, these enchantments wear over time, as the magic slowly degrades with the weapons use. Requiring either a mage to re-imbue the weapon with its lost potency or for the weapon to be reforged entirely. Proper runework however, brought forth by the ancient runelords of the Dawi does not suffer from the same wear and tear as that made by all but the greatest of umgi mages and could still be used even with heavy use for the next millenia.

After the successful demonstration, several other dragon lords have come forward requesting that such blades be created for them as well, though their requests are much smaller individual than the dragon of the wests earlier request.
  • DC - 3
  • Gives 10 wealth upon completion.
  • provides 1 runic skill upon completion
[ ] (Cathay) Fortify the great bastion (runic)

After the successful demonstrations of our runic mastery, Miao Ying has reached out to the Dawi to allow her to more easily complete the great task of defending the grand bastion,the ultimate focus of her lifes work. Requesting that runic arifice be used to strengthen the walls, towers and other defences beyond the capabilities of mortal work. The main difficulty from the perspective of the Dawi however is convincing the Runelords to make the vast journey all the way to northern Cathay, and of the necessity of such an undertaking

  • DC - 5
  • Gives 15 wealth upon completion.
  • provides 1 runic skill upon completion
  • Can be completed 1 more times
  • [ ] Attach a fleet to this action

[ ] Commission Protective Runework
Runes to harden stone and exhaust attackers line the fortifications. Runes that protect from arrow fire, and harden the resolve of those upon the walls. Or even alarm runes that warn of danger coming from the depths of the mines. Each has its place in ensuring the Karaz Ankor Endures
[ ] To what hold do you assign this runic work
  • DC 3
  • Costs 15
  • small reduction in attrition where built
  • Decreases the likelihood and severity of raids

[ ] Commission Light Industrial Runework
Whether self-heating forges, tools that remain permanently sharp, or anvils that make metal slightly more malleable. Industrial rune smithing is extremely useful for the dwarves of the hold to make goods with.
[ ] To what hold do you assign this runic work
  • DC 4
  • Costs 20
  • +4 trade routes per runic level in the hold in which these are placed
  • - 1 runic power
  • Increases runic skill by 1 on completion
[ ] Commission Heavy Mining Runecraft:
Whether utilizing environmental advantages such as the torrents of Zhufbar or the application of crude runic golems to dig out vast chunks of rock. The Dwarves of the Karaz Ankor have mastered the ability to dig out enormous quantities of mineral wealth from beneath their holds.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 30
  • +1 wealth per turn from the hold per runic level
  • - 1 runic power
  • Would very slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • Increase Runic Skill by 2 on completion
[ ] Commission Dromon class siege ships:
Commission several ironclads with massive runic spinal cannons as a central component along the spine of the vessel. Imbued with Dromon Granitebeards master rune of acceleration, coupled with the cannons own inherent firepower, this cannon carries enough force to clear the horizon and crack mountains. Though unwieldy to use in a fight themselves, they are not worthless as even a single hit on an enemy vessel can be enough to core it. However where this weapon truly shines is its ability to provide support to locations once thought immune to the thunder of naval guns. Or even vesssels such as the dark elven black arks which would consider themselves supposedly immune to near anything that sails upon the ocean.

  • DC = 6
  • Cost = 30
  • provides +1 to rolls in naval combat
  • FIre support - Can provide a -.05 to province or hold conquest rolls
  • Siege cracker. - Targets that would normally be considered immune to the guns of your fleet (Black Arks, Sea Holds) can theoretically be cracked by the thunder of these cannons
  • requires 2 actions to complete (can be completed over multiple turns)
  • Increase Runic Skill by 3 on completion

[ ] Commission Runic construction Golems:
The Underway was not built in a day. Indeed it took many centuries for the underway to be built to the level that it was. Yet the time taken would have been far longer if the Karaz Ancor did not have access to construction golems. Massive creatures of rock and stone that can carry extraordinarily heavy weights and are tireless beyond all-knowing. Crude when compared to the Grimazul Groti which formed the apex of golem work under the aegis of the Karaz Ankor. THese slow, lumbering behemoths are nonetheless incredibly well suited for large-scale construction projects.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 25
  • Allows a free construction action to be taken each turn when active
  • Whatever free construction project is taken on is completed at two thirds the cost and at a -2 to the DC
  • requires 2 actions to complete (can be completed over multiple turns)
  • Costs 2 runic power when active
  • Increase Runic Skill by 3 on completion
[ ] Upgrade a fleet with Runic enhancements
Working alongside the construction of a fleet, the runelords of the Karaz Ankor have been inspired to implement improvements to the vessels of one of your fleets. Aiming to increase stability, speed, smoothness power, as well as outfitting the crews with some limited runic equipment themselves. This would result in a substantial qualitative improvement for the vessels. Seeing them vastly outstrip their rivals in capability across nearly all metrics. The only cost is the expense as ships are vast and any new ship constructed would need the runework redone entirely upon it

  • DC = 6 (Innovative)
  • Cost = 20
  • Increases Runic skill by 2
  • Upgrades a fleet to improve its capabilities in combat and increase the bonus it provides in terms of DC for actions by 1
  • Increases a fleets range by 1
  • Upkeep for the fleet increases by 3 gold per turn
[ ] Commission Elder runic weapons:
Runic weapons are potent and powerful creations that can enhance a dwarf far beyond the limits of their mortal frame. However, outside of masterpieces created by peerless runesmiths, there are sharp limits to the capabilities of these weapons. Elder rune weapons allow those limitations to be ignored by utlising the vast flows of power captured beneath the holds. With this energy, runic weapons can be empowered beyond the limits of those more petty devices. Enabling the Dawi to perform feats that most would believe to be myths out of the time of heroes.

  • DC = 6
  • Cost = 40
  • When equipped, reduces dc of conquering provinces and holds by 1
  • significantly reduces attrition in the hold in which they are kept
  • reduction in damage from invasions in the hold in which they are kept
  • Attrition and invasion reduction is not active when taken on campaign
  • Costs 1 runic power
  • Costs 1 wealth per turn to maintain
  • Increase Runic Skill by 3 on completion
  • [ ] To what throng do you attach these weapons

[ ] Commission singular masterpiece (for a singular hold)
With our knowledge of Runesmithing returned to a shadow of what it once was. The Runesmiths and Runelords have thought up many projects which they are theoretically able to pursue. Ruinously expensive and each is tailored specifically for a singular hold. But the potential abilities that such runework would allow for are incredible.

  • DC = 7
  • Cost = 40
  • requires 2 actions to complete (can be completed over multiple turns)
  • Costs 2 runic power when active
  • Increase Runic Skill by 4 on completion
[ ] Commission Runic Siphon (Innovative)
The method through which the Norse dwarves have been able to power their runic devices. These work on a fundamentally similar principle to waystones, though the methods they use are far cruder and un-refined. The Norse dwarves have found a way to consume a vast quantity of aetheric energy and convert it directly into the power that flows within the heart of the planet. Meaning that individual holds are able to power even energy-intensive runic devices. There are two problems, however, These devices only function in the presence of strong aetheric currents. Meaning that they are near useless outside of the northernmost regions within reach of the Dawi. And secondly, they are incapable of transferring this power throughout the Karaz Ankor

  • DC = 6
  • Cost = 40
  • Increases runic skill by 3
  • Very marginally reduces the spread of chaos corruption based upon the amount of power consumed
  • Allows the collection of runic energy from surrounding Runic currents. The quantity of power is based upon the below map
  • Energy collected via this method can only be used within the hold itself and cannot be shared unless additional infrastructure is created.
[ ] Commission Runic Guardians
Artifacts once thought lost to the Daw, A Runic Golems is a creature of ingenious make. Sized roughly as large as a troll or ogre they are a mechanical faccimile, guided by runecraft of a dwarven warrior. capable of following a very set list of commands they are ideal for only a limited set of circumstances for depending on the purpose they were designed for, they can serve as eternal protectors of a hold, or expendable shock troops to overcome the enemies strongest points. For a thousand fighters with the strength and durability of a troll is a threat few foes can contend against.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 24
  • Increases Runic Skill by 2 on completion
  • What set of commands are imprinted on the Golems
  • [ ] Runic Guardians - The guardians are designed as hold protectors, able to be moved and placed throughout both mines and passages to greatly reduce attrition for the hold as well as significantly reducing the damage caused by an invasion. Constant battle and eternal vigilance however would require them to be replaced early and often. Finally should a hold fall while Runic guardians are garrisoned there, the hold will not be occupied by the enemy for 1d3 turns.-
    • costs 2 gold per turn
  • [ ] Runic Destroyers - The Guardians are instead programmed to act as indiscriminate shock troops to aid in the most difficult portions of a campaign of conquest. Becoming single-minded in their pursuit of the enemies destruction and nearly unstoppable when grouped in a mass of Steel. Their lack of south preservation instinct and their drive to kill relentlessly for a set time period will inevitable result in their destruction however.
    • Costs no upkeep
    • May be expended on a conquest or vengeance action for -2 to the dc (may only be used once per action)

[ ] Construct Runic linkage (Innovative)
While our knowledge of waystones is not quite complete, we have re-mastered the ability to send runic energy from one location or another. Including the ability to transfer those great flows of power along the ranges of the world's edge mountains. Though these creations are at the edge of our capability to make, they are nonetheless mere shadows compared to the artifice that went into the forging of the original dwarven waystones.

  • DC = 5
  • Cost = 30
  • Increases runic skill by 1 on completion
  • Allows the province to connect their runic power generation to the wider Karaz Ankor Netwok, by reaching to the nearest hold with a waystone, linkages can only connect to the network over one intervening province
[ ] Support The Guilds (may only be taken once)
The guilds have been empowered recently, as the runic skill of the dwarves has been lost over the last millennia. For if anything the skill and ability of their artisans and engineers have only increased as they have refined the arts of steel forging and steam power. Allowing some additional funding for guild projects would allow them to test more ideas and refine their techniques, without worrying how much it would cost the guild.
  • DC 3
  • Cost 5 Gold
  • Provides an extra roll on technological development at the end of the turn
[ ] Direct the guilds (innovative) (may only be taken once)
The guilds have always been quite independent from the kings of the Karaz Ankor and the high kings especially. However, if you were to offer enough gold to quiet even the most wealthy guild leaders' grumblings, you may be able to direct some of their efforts in more experimental directions. Ordering commissions from some of the more radical or as yet untested engineers and seeing if these more far-flung ideas could be made to serve the Karaz Ankor.
  • DC 5
  • Cost 15 Gold
  • Provides an extra roll on technological development at the end of the turn
[ ] Overrule the guilds (innovative) (may only be taken once)
Using enough gold to beggar kingdoms to both bribe the guilds to ignore your actions and get the equipment and training needed. you could find those outside of the guild willing to experiment and work on technology too risky for the guilds to ever do it themselves. Handing over such a vast amount of money would give the opportunity for revolutionary breakthroughs from outside of the established system which may solve some of the Karaz Ankor's most enduring issues. However there are reasons that the engineers guild is as conservative as it is, and ignoring that may lead to unexpected consequences.
  • DC - 8
  • Costs 25 Gold
  • Provides 2 additional rolls on the technology table at the end of the turn
  • May cause unintended consequences.
[ ] Migrate Dwarves
Some holds may be struggling to survive after being isolated for so long. Therefore it may fall to the high king to direct the dwarves to where they are needed most. Uprooting thousands of fiercely proud dwarves may be a difficult task however and hefty sums would be required to ensure that they do leave their ancestral homes.
  • [ ] From which hold
  • [ ] To which hold
  • Dc - 5
  • Costs = 1 for every 2 dwarf power moved rounding up.
  • May not move more than 20 dwarfpower at a time
[ ] Colonise the peaks. (Construction)
Many mountains still lie throughout the realm that would offer great stores of wealth and minerals to whoever could stake their claim there. Some effort would have to be put into flushing out those dark creatures that make those mountains their haunts. But compared to that which the Dawi fight on a daily basis, that is no true threat. And if Successful, a new hold could greatly strengthen the Karaz Ankor. (requires two actions to complete)
  • [ ] Pick an available province (one occupied by chaos/orkish beasties which can be reached by going through at worst neutral territory (the sea counts as neutral))
  • [ ] From which hold do the colonists come (will take 20 dwarfpower)
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • DC 6
  • Costs 15 gold
[ ] Build up the Colonies. (Construction)
We already control the mountains in this province but none of the small fastnesses or fortresses could be said to come close to equaling the grandeur of a true hold. Establishing a proper city for the Dawi would serve as a strong central position that we can spread our influece over to eventually claim full mastery of the province.
  • [ ] Pick which province you wish to upgrade.
  • requires two actions to complete
  • Would slightly raise skaven alertness level
  • DC 3
  • Costs 12 gold

[ ] Build Defenses (Construction)
Even the least of dwarven holds are formidable constructions. With dozens of battlements, cannon batteries, and redoubts. This however is taking it to the next level. Destroying entranceways to the hold to ensure that all surface invaders would have to march through one chokepoint. Rigging that path with prepared avalanches and lining it with sentry towers. Reinforcing the defenses proper of the hold, doubling the cannons upon the walls and creating dozens of fallback points throughout the length of the hold.
  • [ ] For which hold
  • DC 4
  • Costs 7 wealth
  • Significantly reduces the strength and threat of invasions
[ ] Upgrade Defenses (Construction)
Going even further than the fortifications that all of the old holds have pushes the limits of what the dwarves are capable of in terms of fortifications. Carving the one route to the hold into an exposed walkway which runs between a gauntlet of peaks with canon batteries dotting the entire route. Gate houses line the path, each with cauldrons of molten metal kept ready to pour on would-be attackers and each armed with weapons of the finest dwarven make. Finally, the last few hundred meters of the bridge to the hold itself are ready to blow to fully isolate the hold if need be. But keep away all unwanted guests. Only the most powerful of assaults could hope to breach these defenses, and even they would be greatly weakened once they arrive. Of course then they must contend with the defenses of the hold itself...
  • [ ] For which hold
  • DC 6
  • Costs 19 wealth
  • Greatly reduces the strength and threat of invasions
  • Costs 1 wealth per turn to maintain
[ ] Conduct a trading voyage with the east (innovative)
While the route across the dark lands does provide the cheapest route to conduct trade with the east. Traveling by ship would be the most effective to transport actual appreciable amounts of goods. Setting up such a transport fleet would carry significant expense but the returns could be worth it.
  • DC = 4
  • cost = 3
  • If successful, gain 0.3 wealth for every civilised human province in the old world
  • (gold gain decreases for each successful voyage in a turn)
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
[ ] Mount an expedition to Naggarond for colonization (Innovative)
Naggarond, the eastern continent beyond Ulthuan is known as the land of chill, and at least according to captured documents, a splinter faction of the elves resides in the far north. Led in those days by prince Malekith. However, of more interest to us is the fact that it supposedly bears no marks of the Orks or Thaggoriki. And possesses a large mountain range along the continent's entire length. In fact the Asur have sighted a region which they believe would be perfect for the Dawi and are willing to provide substantial military and economic support to see the task completed.
  • DC 3
  • cost - covered by the Asur
  • will provide maps for a region of Naggarond, hopefully establish a small colony and provide and provide further more established colonisation actions if successful.


[ ] Check on a sealed hold.
Send specialists in all the fields of Dawi knowledge to a lost hold, making their way upon the ancient dwarf paths that have hopefully remained hidden to our enemies. Allowing them to keep up with the latest technological trends of the Karaz Ancor as well as confirming to the rest of the dwarves that they still exist

  • [ ] Karak Azul dc = 7, cost = 2
  • [ ] Karag Dum dc = 3, cost = 1
[ ] Bring a Bargain to the Asur:
It has been multiple generations since peace was once again formalised between the realm of Ulthuan and the Karaz Ankor. Though distant neighbors, the elves have not given us any reason to distrust them more than any of the other kingdoms that we are willing to parlay with, and thugh the longbeards grumble, their unnecessarily long lifespan does make dealing dealing with them much more reasonable than the mayfly's of the umgi. Even if it does make reaching agreements at times take unnecessarily long. We can reach out to them and see if there are any mutually beneficial agreements that we could come to.

[ ] Write in what you would like to discuss with the Asur
  • DC 3
[ ] (Cathay) Permanant Embassies, blocked for a turn

Establish permanent embassies both at Barrak Varr and at Shang Yang for your respective empires to speak with each other. These would allow requests and messages to reach your distant realms and also allow you to be aware in the most distant and vague of senses, of the goings-on in the distant east. As well as provide Cathay an observer status on the field of embassies outside of Magritta. Such embassies, required to display the wealth and power of the Karaz Ankor, would however be something of a drain on the treasury. Though not one so extreme as to seem utterly unreasonable.

  • Allows you to remain in (distant) contact with Cathay
  • Allows you to hear the most general news of the goings-on in Cathay
  • costs 1 gold per turn
  • DC = 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Establish trade and diplomatic contact with Nippon
An enigmatic nation of the far East, Nippon is known and feared throughout that realm as one of tthe premier trading and military powers. Its armies of elite samurai warriors have carved out a small vassal kingdom in Kuresh while its trade in Sake, Jade wares and exquisite silks offer a bevy of goods that could be returned to profit from Aldankor. Having an intrduction from ind on the norms and how to establish relations will also help us greatly in this endeavour.

- DC = 2
- Costs = 3
- Costs 1 gold per turn
- Allows establishment of diplomatic relations with Nippon
- Allows news to be heard from Nippon
- Significantly increases wealth generated from Maritime Trade, once Kuresh is made safely traversable

[ ] (Cathay) Force respectable trade agreements

The Elves are willing to try again if you are. Force Cathay to rescind their unacceptable trading requirements and establish permanant relations with both distant immortal empires. the recent attempt however would make them distinctly unlikely to view the attempt in anything bu the most negative of lights.

  • Allows you to remain in (distant) contact with Cathay
  • Allows you to hear the most general news of the goings-on in Cathay
  • costs 1 gold per turn
  • DC = 19

  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Send Expedition to Athel Loren (innovative):
The Elgi of the forest have not troubled us for many generations. Though Norn does keep a close watch on the trees. It is recorded in the book of grudges that the people of Athel Loren only drew their blades against the Dawi after we had invaded their home. These grudges though not forgotten could be postponed if we wish to have true peace with the Elves of that dark capricious forest.
  • Athel Loren changes from suspicious to neutral
  • Costs 1 gold
  • +1 shame for ten turns as grudges are slowly resolved
  • DC 8
[ ] Make available your technology for sale (innovative):
You detest this, The guilds detest this and the Dawi as a whole detest this, but it must be done for the realm to be made secure. Offer the innovation of the Dawi up to the Umgi for the cost of mere coin and watch as they scramble to find any advantage over their rivals by paying you for the privilege. The Dawi might revolt at the thought of doing so for unproven Umgak. But at the very least they have at least somewhat proven themselves over the past few hundred years.
  • will receive a substantial amount of gold from the various parties who accept the deal.
  • +1 shame for ten turns
  • DC 5
  • [ ] Choose a technology to offer
  • Available technologies: Crossbows, Turtle Ships, Bolt/Grudge Thrower, Picks, Plumbing and Windlasses, Fine Tooling, Matchlocks

[ ] Send a series of ambassadors to the... courts of the Tomb kings. (innovative)
The Land of Nehekhara is an enigma. A land of death, where the dead do not lie easy. In fact, not only that, but they rule in a macabre pantomime of how they did in life. With great kings competing with each other for the favor of the greatest of these charnel lords, Settra the Imperishable. Who rules with an iron fist over his domain. However, even in his time, his rule over the other cities and especially on the eastern side of the charnel valley is more in theory. For, in reality, bar paying deference to their overlord, and avoiding displeasing him, the tomb kings seem to be able to do as they will. Reach out to contact these grisly kings and discover if any of their interests, whatever they may be co-incide with your own.

  • Costs 3 (2 is a tribute to Settra)
  • dc 6
  • establish an understanding of the kings who take an interest in the mortal world and implement protocals for you to be able to talk to them
[ ] Send an expedition to Karak Zorn
With its location provided to us by the maps that the Asur have provided. We would be able to mount an expedition into the depths of the southland. Far further south in fact than near anyone but the most crazed had estimated. Gathering a few sun-crazed dwarves and a few ambassadores, we can mount an expedition into the deepest jungles to discover if our kin still live.
  • Costs 2
  • dc 6

[ ] Send Expedition to the Fire (chaos) dwarves (innovative)
The only reason we would reach out to our fallen kin is to get them to cease their attacks on the caravans which cross the darklands near where they have established their cruel realm. To even acknowledge their shameful existence brings many longbeards to day-long bouts of grumbling and what they would ask in return we can only imagine.
  • Costs 1 gold
  • DC = 8
[ ] Uplift the tribes (innovative)
We have been surrounded for many centuries by the tribes of men, whose numbers seem to swell with only slightly less speed than their greenskin foes. We have always considered them beneath us, for their craft is poor and though brave, they have little skill in proper warcraft. As the cities of Tilea, Araby and far off Cathay have shown, however, there is hope for the race of men and perhaps they could act as a far more capable shield than they do at the moment if they were given the appropriate tutelage.
  • [ ] Select province to attempt to uplift
  • Costs 3
  • DC = 6

[ ] Unify your vassals (innovative)
Though civilized, the human realm that we have beneath us bicker and fight with each other as much as with those we wish them to guard against. Gather the leaders of these cities together, find that which links them and forge bonds of steel between these petty cities to form a nation
  • [ ] Select province to attempt to unify
  • Costs 1
  • DC = 6
[0] Mount an expedition to Naggaroth (innovative)
The tower of dread, or so say the elven maps that we have gathered. However, it is home, or at least was, to Malekith. Arch traitor of the house of Aenarion, and master of the nothern portion of that bleak, dark continent. If he would receive you is unknown. For now at least the Dawi are not willing to broach the matter with the architect of the war of vengeance.
  • DC ???
  • cost - 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
[ ] Mount an expedition to Lustria (innovative)
From skaven records we have discovered the approximate locations of numerous lizardmen temple-cities. We know not what they want or how they would react to our intermediaries, however it would cost us little to arrange some form of meeting with their leadership to establish diplomatic relations.
  • DC 7
  • cost - 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
[ ] Uplift the Lizardmen of Skarrenduraz (innovative)
The Lizardmen of Skarrenduraz have proven to be worthy friends even in the scattered and fractured state that we have found them. Introducing them to some rudimentry tenets of proper civilization such as the guild and even clan systems, with some changes, coupled with teaching them the rudiments of proper if basic technology could see them become truly worth allies.
  • DC 5
  • cost - 1
[ ] Settle Matters with the Estalians
Hundreds of Dawi Lie dead and the honour of the Ankor will not be avenged, not after initial dismissals, until our tithe in blood has been paid. Those responsible for the Sack of Carcassone and especially its dwarven quarter must pay the price for their greed and cruelty, while extorting a monetary cost would also be essential.
  • DC 8
  • cost = 2
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
  • [ ] attach standing armies to this action (max 1)

[ ] Attempt to vassalize a region for their good of the Karaz Ankor
There are many regions around the Karaz Ankor that are occupied by human tribes who survive at the whims of the orks and other monsters that inhabit the world outside of our mountains. Offer them sawnctuary beneath dwarven arms so long as they are willing to respect the word of an elder and more dependable race

  • DC 7
  • cost - 1 (for primitive humans)
  • cost - 3 (for tribal humans)
  • vassalises a human province of either primitives or settled tribes
[ ] Parlay with the Naga
A race of serpentine creatures supposedly under the control of blood queens, the Naga are an enigmatic and seemingly stable society who hold most of Kuresh. All Indish have agreed that they are not to be trusted and are almost always actively hostile, however perhaps, backed with some naval might , we may be able to establish relations.

  • DC 7
  • cost - 3
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet

[ ] Reach out to a known and nearby civilized faction
There are many realms nearby that we could have dealings with now that we have emerged somewhat from our isolation. Reaching out to them should not be difficult and nor should getting at least our smaller neighbors to do as we wish. Everyone likes gold after all, and who has more than the Dwarves?
  • costs 1 cold
  • [ ] To which Faction would you like to reach out to
  • [ ] What would you like to ask of them (please reach out to the QM before doing this option so I can decide cost and dc)

[ ] Contact Zlatlan
With the knowledge taken from the skaven we have been able to divine that Zlatlan is likely still inhabited by lizardment, whose civilisation, though foreign could potentially be communicated with. Attempting a myriad of different communication attempts could see us be able to establish actual relations with the...creatures.sss
  • costs 2 cold
  • DC = 6
  • [ ] attach a fleet to this action, state which fleet
Free Actions (can be done at no cost and as often as desired)

[ ]
Enforce your Will on the Ankor
- costs one gold per unsealed hold
- provides one free action
- may be taken additional times, but each subsequent attempt costs one additional gold per hold.

[ ] Move a garrison between holds
  • [ ] what garrison are you moving
    • [ ] from where
    • [ ] to where
[ ] transfer ownership of runic weapons
  • [ ] from where (can be a hold or a throng)
  • [ ] to where (can be a hold or a throng)
[ ] transfer ownership of elder runic weapons
  • [ ] from where (can be a hold or a throng)
  • [ ] to where (can be a hold or a throng)
[ ] Assistance Against the Naga
The kings of the eastern kingdoms of Ind have upon seeing the vessels which the Ankor commands, requested that the High King turn these fleets against the powerful fleshcrafting blood Naga that ever endanger their eastern flank. Willing to fund spoiling raids and even outright incursions against the Naga in an effort to give them breathing room to turn their attention west
  • [ ] What fleets do you assign to the actions (max 2)
  • Assign fleets to action, earning maintenance + 2 gold per turn per fleet
  • Each fleet assigned would incur 1d5 + 2 dwarf power casualties per turn.

[ ] Assistance Against the Urk
The kings of the eastern kingdoms of Ind have upon seeing the vessels which the Ankor commands, requested that the High King assist in their perennial conflict against the Urk. Trusting that the Ankors armies would match if not exceed their naval might, they are willing to bear the cost of these armies and then some to leverage them against their greenskin opponents.

  • [ ] What Armies do you assign to the actions (Max 2)
  • Armies can be assigned to this action, and will have their upkeep +2 wealth paid for per turn.
  • Only two armies can be assigned per turn
  • Each army assigned would incur 1d5 + 2 dwarf power casualties per turn, unless they are gnolumgi

[ ] Commission Runic Equipment from The Norse Dawi
With The Ankor stretched in terms of attention but not in wealth we can lean upon our vassals to create the tools for us to continue our conquests. Even if their relatively small size would mean that such could be the work of generations.
  • dc 3
  • costs 20 gold
  • takes one action but two turns to complete

Moratorium for 6 hours
Scheduled vote count started by Lonkas on Mar 4, 2025 at 2:45 AM, finished with 410 posts and 31 votes.
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