The Hero we want??? [Original/CK2]

Week 2 Result
Plan Fundamental styles wins


You are Aleksandra Nguyen, Class Leader of Class 2-1, Murphy Junior Military School. The first week in a new world with magic passes by... decently. You hope that the second one is as welcome...


-[X] Swords and spear: The military equipment around here, minus the magic part, is Medieval-era. And like they say, when in Rome, do like Romans. Unlock Close quarter combat skill progress. Success chance: 50%. Cost free.

Roll: 1d100 = 98
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 109 --> Critical success

Goddamn those brutish boys! Goddamn them with their fantasy! And yeah, damn you too, Maria.

The progress on using Medieval-era weapons goes extremely well for your class. Too well, may be. The boys take the lessons on swords and spears like fish to water. They listen to every single word that the Instructors teach them, they practice those basic movements multiple times... Then they improve those techniques. Instead of some flashy movements, there is only efficiency. Brutal, direct and deadly efficiency. The Instructors are bit... disappointed that your class are using unconventional skills, but then, everyone will when they are being beaten over by the few "rookies".

Oh, and they cannot say anything more, because you are holding a blade at their chest.

Support Squad is at Basic I level for Sword and Spear fighting
Squad 1 and 2 are at Basic II level for Sword and Spear fighting
Squad 3 is at Basic III level for Sword fighting
Command Squad is at Basic II level for Sword fighting and Basic I for Spear fighting
+5 for all CQC roll, +5 for all roll concerning cold weapons --> +10 for most combat roll for the time being

-[X] Archery: While the swords and spears are quite on the heavy and hard scale of your class's capabilities, crossbows and bows are easier to use. With the idea of ranged combat being used and familiar with, your class will be more successful with this subject. Unlock Ranged combat [Medieval] progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free.

Roll: 1d100 = 66
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 77 --> Success

The archery is, seemingly, a tougher subject to understand. Not because your class to not have the knowledge, but because they all rush to the range before sufficient instructions are given. It is a miracle that no one is hurt... well, no one and nothing, apart from the target practice. All the target boards are riddled with holes and marks. At least your class is not crazy enough to put explosive on the arrows, or simply because there is no explosive... Yet.

Nevertheless, the Archery lessons progress smoothly, giving your class another expertise to rely on. At least, it will be a decent bridge for the later Artillery formation or the Rifle units.

Squad 1 to 3 has Basic II level for Archery
Command and Support Squad has Basic I level for Archery

-[X] Combat manoeuvre: There are more than just "charge forward" in terms of military maneuver. They also have, as Dad said, "putting their face in the mud and dragging their bodies under the barbwire". Time to do so... and add a bit of flavour to increase mental strength. Create certain resistance of blood, gore, mud, etc. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 81
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 92 --> Success

The only easy day was yesterday. Motto of the 308th Division, the unit that your father is attached to. That saying has its own merits. There is no such things as "easy" ahead, only challenges to overcome. And as the priests say, one of those challenge is a war brewing over the horizon, and when there is war, there is blood and gore. Therefore, it is better to harden them now than to having them puke later.

The try-out is a success, Class 2-1 is continued to be hardened and drilled with exercises of running and crawling. There is no "load" yet (because there is no combat load-out yet), but you make up for that with the distance. If the USA 506th Regiment has the Curahee, then the Platoon 2-1 can show them the "6k". Six kilometers, manageable with their training on Earth. But this time, there are segments that require crawling, and by the end of the week. Torn pieces of meat are put on their tracks and over the tree branches.

No one pukes, which is a good sign.

All class members have basic resistance to blood and gore. Recommended to keep it drilling


-[X] Elf: While the beastkins refer to the elves as "arrogant", you decide to use the benefits of doubts. Besides, the elves are also ranked second on the frequent mentioning in your class (after the beastkins), so it will work out in the end. Hopefully. Initiate Relationship. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.

Roll: 1d100 = 20
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 26 --> Success

The beastkins are correct. Those elves are a bunch of arrogant arse. They almost dismiss your class as "another bunch of human" if not for the timely intervention of a high-ranking official. According to Nika, she is the only sensible elf he has been in contact with the elf. That is probably why she is delegated as "full-time" representative for the elf when your class is concerned. A pity though, at least she is quite helpful and help you to understand the elves better. They are arrogant, but at least they have the skills to back it up.

And according to the lady elf, Tiffana, your class just has to convince the elves that you are worthy of your skills and reputation. Then, and only then, the elf shall show their other side of the coin - steadfast and loyal group of people.

Still... Maria seems a bit grumpy during the report... You wonder why...

Initiate Relationship with the Great Forest. Information is updated

-[X] Dwarf: You really hope Nika has enough gut to drink with these guys. They... really enjoy drinking it seems. Initiate Relationship. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.

Roll: 1d100 = 32
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 38 --> Success

Nika has a very low tolerance on alcohol. As in, very low. Even a few glasses of red or white win are enough to make him fluster. And the Dwarves drown him in barrels. Needless to say, he is as still as a log when Rohit and Maria arrive to retrieve his body. At least the Dwarves do not mind his low tolerance on drinking, just saying he is too young and too green for "proper feast".

The reinforcement, composing of John and Rohit, is able to take up some heat, listen to the tales and remember the ideas. They come back, write the reports and sleep for 12 hours straight. The wine runs through their veins, it seems.

Initiate Relationship with the Great Forest. Information is updated


-[X] Market research: It is better to know the local economics before it is too late. Hell, you can even trade with them if you want to. Unlock Trading choice. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.

Roll: 1d100 = 99
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 106 --> Critical success

John takes up more of his mother than the shared father of his and yours. He is the butler of the group, capable of many tasks, including the economics and finance. And he is brilliant in that. Within a week, he has been able to figure out the currency system on Terra Nova. According to him, he "asks the professionals", no one, even your relatives, asks him what he means, the last thing they want is another migraine for the memory of the Vault Heist is still fresh in their minds. In addition, somehow, he even has contacts with a few professionals in the finance section. Trading partners, he says, prospect business deals in the future, he describes.

Well, as long as he doesn't rob someone blind while speaking politely in his British-accent...

Information updated: Economics on Terra Nova - Class 101
+10 for all trading/business roll

-[X] Our banner: Create a banner, which is also the traditional banner of your school, and use it as an official representative for your class. ???. Success chance: 100%. Cost free

Roll: 1d100 = 100 <Oh fuck>
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 107 --> Critical success. Natural favours from God

With the boys busy flexing their muscles on the range (during their extra training time), the girls decide to do something nice. For example, making a flag, a banner. The girls argue that it while they have little experience and guts for combat, they know how to motivate the boys very well. That is a fact, you have seen them cheered up for the class during the last year Soccer Tournament at school. Thanks to them, your class was able to recover from a staggering loss of 5-2 and win back with a 6-10 victory.

Of course, you ban them from using any sexual innuendo or discrimination. The last thing you want is a lot of yelling from your new... neighbours.

They do not disappoint you. The sheer introduction of the flag makes the whole class erupt in cheer, the traditional song "To Hell and Back" is sung again and all other human states are so impressed that they decide to initiate diplomatic relationship.


All human factions initiate relationship with your class
Increase relationship with all human factions, apart from the Church and the Settlements
Threat of desertion ad AWOL removed.
+1 (Morale) for all roll <applied until malus for Morale appears>


-[X] Metal: Metal is a basic part of war, next to food and blood. For thousands of years, humans use them to make swords and spears - the people here are not an exception, but they have yet to reach the next level: guns. Progress to make modern weapons. Success chance: 100%. Cost free

Roll: 1d100 = 31
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
Result: 49 --> Success

Questions are asked and answers are given. They are not "detailed" or scientific, but for a bunch of high school students, it is more than sufficient. In addition, they are able to gain information on critical metals, the ones that can "make or break" multiple "Legendary" weapons. It is obviously that they haven't heard of the fultile endeavour of Nazi Germany and their wonder-weapons in WW2, but you and Rohit make no attempts to correct them on that.

Right now, what matters is information.

Information update: Blacksmith - 101

-[X] Politics: As much as a normal soldier hates it, politics dictates who his enemies are and who his friends are. May be a lesson or two can help you reduce the "shitlist". Updated information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free

Roll: 1d100 = 20
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
Result: 38 --> Success

This process takes a bit more time. But with a lot of guessing and cross-checking with the grunts of each representative groups, you are able to draw up a decent picture of the politics here. It is still messy and potentially wrong, but for the most part. It can be said as "correct".

Something is still missing, though...

Information on politics is updated

[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free x2
-[X] The Elf

Roll: 1d100 = 40
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 43 --> Success

Intelligence operations do not take place like James Bond movies. Most of the time, they are boring (and face it, if they get "interesting", things are already gone kaput), just of "watching" and "noting". Shihoku is not the most talented for the job, she lacks certain degree in patient and "plain". However, she is able to finish her work.

Certain People of Interest are found, respectively dubbed as "The Duke" and "The Ranger". She is also able to deduce some ideas on "The Princess", too. The information is... interesting, to say the least.

Information is updated

-[X] The Dwarf
Roll: 1d100 = 76
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 79 --> Success

Talking about spying, others will consider it as a silent work. It is not the case with the Great Mountain, or the Dwarf. They are... well, loud and bombardic (is that the right word, even?). The problem with this task is summarising information, not finding them. The Dwarf are friendly enough to spot Shihoku watching them and inviting her for a drink. She is able to fish many information out of them.

And take note of a few "People of Interest", she dubs them as "The Nut eater", "The Meat griller" and "The Blade forker". No one dares to change the names though.

Information is updated

-[X] God!?: Attend some lectures and hearings to understand about this religion better. Increase relationship with ??? Success chance: 90%. Cost free

Roll: 1d100 = 19
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 27 --> Success

Thanks the ancestor for your background. While technically an atheist, you are spiritual and religious enough to understand the preaching from the Church. The priests there recognise you and Sam sitting on the front rows (after the "VIP" seats reserved for the big boss, of course) and they keep the two of you back for a bit of questioning. While they are busy, they are still able to give you some basic information... and try to convert you. Key word is try. You two are able to squeeze out without giving any definite answer. They are still an unknown to you, after all.

The new information is quite intriguing and worthy of being pulled out from a famous Japanese light novel.


New information unlocked: Religion
Slight improvement in relationship with the Church

-[X] Magic: It is something you do not understand much. May be pooling the men together and try for some "tricks" written in some fantasy stories and novels may help. Increase knowledge on magic, Unlock ???. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 66
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 74 --> Success

Magic is real here. That is a given. But how real? What is magic?

No one knows the definite answer - As in, an answer proven and support by science. The answer you receive here is drowned in religious text, not the... most reliable way to research. But for the moment, it can be suffice in understanding magic for the time being.

With that kind of knowledge, your class try to practice some magic and... It works. For some reasons, all of your classmates are able to use Magic, Elemental styles. Only Basic spell, like making a small light ball or a small fire in the palm, but there is no official teaching and you have already been as good as someone with a few years in training. That attracts quite a deal of attention from all "good" factions here. New information is gained on their offer. Nothing concrete yet, but there are certain underlying meanings there.

New information unlocked: Magic


-[X] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free

Roll: 1d100 = 3
Result: 3 --> Failure

Your half-siblings, just like you, are exhausted from running the class and keeping the squads running smoothly. By the end of the week, every one is simply too exhausted to talk with the rest of your family. Maria is sleeping like a log on the bed, John is keeping silent for the whole day and Rohit is busy sharpening a knife. On the bright side, they do not repeat the chaos a few years back.

So... not too bad?

-[X] Spend time with your extended family: Like it or not, Ichika is like your old sane uncle (compared to your dad as their crazy old uncle). May be the two sets of family can chill together? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free

Roll: 1d100 = 15
Result: 15 --> Success

In contrast with your half-siblings, who are sulking in the corner, your kind-of-cousins greet you cheerfully. Partially because your father is their favourite uncle, always know how to cheer them up with SCIENCE! (Damn it, you feel a breeze over the back of your head, just thinking about it). A bunch of teenagers sitting down on the bunks and chatting, wondering about what can go wrong...

Shihoku complains about "that cold face arsehole", Lin is hungry, as usual, Nika is... he is staying silent for some reasons. Probably he has been crushing on a girl and the last thing he wants is to get teased by his relatives.

Well, at least they are in good spirits.


[] Write-in (Optional): Find me a good flag to use as the banner, your vote will receive +10 bonus for all roll in the next round
Magic. Definition: Unknown. Capabilities: Unknown. Limit: Unknown. Harm: Unknown. Perk: Unknown.

That is everything your class is able to conduct. The teachers sent to "assist" you in learning do not know these knowledge. What they do know, however, is how to use magic. And as it turns out, the main idea has been known to your class already, under a different language and wording, but the idea is the same: concentration and visualisation, practice and practice.

That, and the system of magic in this world. Overall, there are two main branches of magic, three, if alchemy is included.

Branch 1: Element Magic

Using "basic elements" (which is a wrong assumption), this branch of magic controls them into a desired reaction. The main fuel to run the magic is "mana", or "life energy" according to some translation, coming from the inside of each people. While the storage of mana is quite limited, it can be recharged quickly by resting, eating and/or sleeping. Humans are fairly well-versed in this branch of magic.

These are basic elements
1 - Fire: High damage
2 - Water: Wide area - Iconic magic (ice) of Kingdom of Rus and (normal) Kingdom of Albion
-- Subclass (known): Ice, Rain
3 - Wind: High speed - Favoured by Kingdom of Freden
4 - Earth: High durability - Favoured by Empire of Vers
-- Subclass: Rock, Metal
5 - Light: Jack-of-all-trade, Recover - Used mostly by The Church

By conventional thinking, the sixth element should be "Dark". However, the teachers say that they are forbidden to use that name, because it is an element belong exclusively to the enemy (i.e.: demon). At least, you are given a summary on the description of each type, what they are good for, which types of people can use them well, ideas like that.

Branch 2: Spiritual Magic

Even less information is known about it. It is suspected that the user communicate directly with "natural spirits" to earn their blessing and use that power to smite on their enemy. However, it is known that the Elf is the only race capable of using this magic. Compared to the Element Magic, they have a higher power output. However, as a result, the chanting time (and the cost of training) is also higher. In addition, the rarity of this magic is even higher than Element Magic. To put it in retrospect, every one or two in a thousands people can use Element Magic, the number for Spiritual Magic is one in five thousands.

That can explain why elf is also a bunch of arrogant pricks

Branch 3: Alchemy

The folks call it "alchemy", your class call it "chemistry".

For the time being, the information on this subject is "not open" for you to discuss (other than the very basic information)


In addition, despite the... scarcity of learning material (until printing press is invented), there are a few magical schools within reach. Each major country has at least one, but the most major one is currently situated in The Principality of Zeon, the Swiss of Terra Nova. News about your discovery with magic is being dispatched.

Information about the Magi Schola (the most major magical school)
1 - School type: Boarding
2 - Number of student: ~1500. All race welcomed (in theory)
3 - Curriculum: Standard subjects (outdated, by Earth's standard) and Magic
4 - Politics alignment: None
5 - Headmaster: Gorias Maverick (Elf)
6 - School's age: 158 years
As expected, each country has their own coins. However, in order to ease down trade problems (and due to pressure from The Church, it seems), the value of each coin type is the same every where. Of course, it only counts when coins are used, if the trade uses the basic goods for goods, coins are meaningless.

Nevertheless, within the "livable zones", coins are still used frequently and daily. The lowest known coin is "steel coin", the highest is "milthril". By the order to increasing in value, the list is steel - bronze - blue steel - silver - gold - platinum - milthril. Each coin worth 20 coins of the level below it, so calculation and converting from this kind to that kind of currency is not too hard (assuming you have training in Mathematics, obviously)

As a side note: most of the coin is forged by the dwarf, but at that moment, the coins are still "worthless". They require a final "stamping" at each country before becoming "legal" and joining the market flow.

But how much does each coin worth? According to John, your class, of 33 teenagers, consumes about four and a half blue steel coins per week in total, that is for food only. Well, high-quality food. It means that on average, it takes eight steel coins to feed each of you every day, which is fairly expensive compared to the average person. But then, this is late Medieval and early Renaissance at best, so... Taking into account all kind of other expenditures, each week your class uses up slightly more than five blue steel coins.

John comments that it would be profitable to start some trading with others, even if to build up a just-in-case budget.

He has never been wrong in the finance works in your family before
Week 3 Situation
New information arrives: All of the human factions are "discussing" (read: arguing) on who should host you and your class. The Empire of Vers are very impressed on your martial tradition, the Dwarf knows that there are common items in your possession being equalled to their greatest feats, the Elf gives little care, but their eyes tell otherwise, the Beastkins... well, their Princess is nagging on Rohit.

And that is the more peaceful part of the picture. There are also some "neutral" guys proposing sending you to the Magi Schola in Principality of Zeon, but their voices are drowned in the "polite discussion" of the big-wigs.

This is the third week of yours, Class Representative Aleksandra Nguyen.

Good luck

+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+10 for all trading roll (Stewardship section) (John's money sense)
+10 for all research roll (Learning section) (modern equipment)
+5 roll for research and testing (Learning section)
+5 for CQC roll (Martial section)
+5 for all cold weapon roll (Martial section)
+5 roll for logistic (Martial secion)
+1 for all roll (Keen)

Martial: Your class is Class 2-1 of Murphy Junior Military School. You are better make sure the reputation of the School is not tarnished (Choose 3)
[] Unarmed combat training: Being Junior Cadets, your class is trained in martial art free-style. Flexible and useful, it can help your classmates defense themselves against... hostile approach attempts, or hold back until help arrives. Unlock Unarmed Combat skill progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Forced march: As your father describes it, forced march is a given fact of the military life, the soldiers will hate it first, but then they will recognise the value of doing so. Unlock Endurance progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Combat manoeuvre (continue): A work well-done last week does not mean they can skip training this week. Put them under harsh manoeuvre again this week. Keep them trained and alerted. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Training with the local: While your class has a decent understanding on warfare, the "practical" knowledge is sub-par compared to the local populace, not to mention the martial skills they possess, it is time to ask for their help. Unlock a random combat skill progress, ???. Success chance: 50%, ???. Cost free
--[] Write-in names
[] Spar: With the knowledge on "basic" cold weapons last week, it is recommended that you put them into practice. It means pitch your class together for a match, weapons are allowed, but lethality is not. Progress on Sword/Spear/Archery skills. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
--[] Sword
--[] Spear
--[] Archery
[] Logistic: Your Support Squad, despite their martial training, is (or will be) geared toward the supportive roll.
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Diplomacy: You are in another world, and the last thing you want is to disrespect someone else for not talking to them. Let's make sure you make friends here, not foe. May be they can tell you something new too (Choose 2)
[] Increase relationship with
--[] The Great Tribes of Beastkins
--[] The Empire of Vers
--[] The Kingdom of Rus
--[] The Kingdom of Frenden
--[] The Kingdom of Albion
--[] The Noz Settlements
--[] The Church
--[] The Elf
--[] The Dwarf
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Stewardship: Economics is a vital part of any war effort. The bureaucracy is the blood keep it flowing (Choose 2)
[] Auction: The local people here are showing high interest in your unneccessary items. You can give it to them... for a cost... and they should pay dearly for it. Wealth gained. Success chance: 90%. Cost free.
[] Entrepreneur: There will be many, many things that the local populace, and the leaders, want in their daily lives. The problem is that they do not have it yet, so they do not know what they want. But you do. Information gained, potential wealth gained. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
[] Clothes: The only clothes that capable of taking your destructive training is the Earth-made combat clothes, packed nicely with your backpacks and transported here. But other than that the the uniform dress, your class has no other clothes, and the clothes provided is... insufficient. John believes he can find a solution. Replacement for clothes made, potential wealth gained. Success chance: 80%. Cost free.
[] Underwear: Do you even have to talk about it? Underwear gained. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
[] Toilet paper: [REDACTED]. Toilet paper gained. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
[] Tutor: The people here are not precisely on your level of intelligence and intellect. Time to introduce SCIENCE!. Wealth gained, ???, ???. Success chance: 80%. Cost free.
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Learning: Science must be introduced, developed and advanced here. After all, science and technology are what drive Earth forward, screw the magic, get the guns and the phones out (Choose 2)
[] History: Study the (approved version of) history of this land. May be you can learn something new. Further information gained. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Herb: Metal can kill people, but medicine can save life and put wounded soldiers back on the front line. May be the books have some information on that? Progress to make basic medicine. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Ka-boom: The Dwarf and the Empire have the "boomstick", which seems like a version of the musket or the pitlock back home. May be you can learn a thing or two about that gunpowder. Progress to make modern weapons. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Soil: John's comment on the food expense worry you. While it is free at the moment, there is no guarantee that the food supply will be stable or maintained like this. It is recommended that you can grow your own food. And to do that, you need to revamp your agriculture knowledge. Progress for Agriculture. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Engineer: With the understanding on metal, the boys (including Rohit) are itching to make something. You should (not) let them loose in the forge or the workshop. Create minor items, potential Wealth gained, ???. Success chance: 75%. Cost free
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Intrigue: Information is the key to victory (Choose 2)
[] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
--[] The Church
--[] The Great Tribes of Beastkins
--[] The Empire of Vers
--[] The Kingdom of Rus
--[] The Kingdom of Freden
--[] The Kingdom of Albion
--[] The Noz Settlements
--[] The Elf
--[] The Dwarf
--[] The men and women helping your class
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Piety: With the morale of the class being restored, everyone is ready to take on... the magic here can progress smoothly (Choose 2)
[] Fire Magic: Big Boom is Big Boom, and military loves Big Boom... But for Junior Cadets, they will settle for Small Boom. For the time being. Progress on Fire Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
[] Water Magic: The girls have some minor complains on the lack of hot shower, the boys are grunting that there is no hot sprin... Anyway, hot water can be created by magic. Time to try. Progress on Water Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
[] Wind magic: You have make it very clear that any boy stupid enough to use wind magic to see under the skirt of a female classmate will have to be responsible. They agree. Progress on Fire Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
[] Earth magic: They can now making trenches and fortifications? Marvellous.
Progress on Earth Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
[] Magic theory: Dig deeper on the realm of magic. There should be something useful that even a non-magical person can use. Increase knowledge for magic, Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Personal: All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. You should spend some time on relaxing and chiling it out. Or you can also supporting your class in certain projects, or you can initiate another job (Choose 2)
[] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Spend time with your extended family: Like it or not, Ichika is like your old sane uncle (compared to your dad as their crazy old uncle). May be the two sets of family can chill together? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Meditation: Like your dad says, sometimes, it is better to slow down and take a deep breath, watching the whole situation from afar. ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Spend time with certain People of Interest, coming from
--[] The Great Tribes of Beastkins
--[] The Empire of Vers
--[] The Kingdom of Freden
--[] The Elf
--[] The Dwarf
[] Commander's support: Selecting a project above and support them <Add 50% of your related stat>
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
Week 3 Result
[X] Plan Start Income Flows


Things are progressing... OK-ish for your class. The Neko Princess keeps nagging on Rohit on, quote, "his abysmal appetite" and your half-brother retorts that even with that kind of meal, he has been able to judo flip the girl a few times.

Every one else is just too busying sipping drinks and enjoy the chaos to intervene. Everyone but John, he is not seen anywhere.

+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+10 for all trading roll (Stewardship section) (John's money sense)
+10 for all research roll (Learning section) (modern equipment)
+5 roll for research and testing (Learning section)
+5 for CQC roll (Martial section)
+5 for all cold weapon roll (Martial section)
+5 roll for logistic (Martial secion)
+1 for all roll (Keen)

[x] Martial
-[X] Combat manoeuvre (continue): A work well-done last week does not mean they can skip training this week. Put them under harsh manoeuvre again this week. Keep them trained and alerted. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 18
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 30 --> Success

More training. More training. Class 2-1 is kept marching on the road in their combat dress. Full load of 20kg backpack with spears and swords replacing their guns and grenades. Marching under the cover of night, in the mist of early morning, under the sun shining... It can take the toll out of a hardened man, let alone a bunch of teenagers in a foreign world.

The class barely meets the target this time. Barely. They finish just enough in time and collapse right afterwards. You are not better by a large degree, your legs are strained and your breaths are haggard, but the training is completed. Everyday, a forced march of 100m is held, at least is held with the intention of crawling on the ground. It is... a dirty business to put it mildly. Your class is tired, but still alive and kicking, and they know why they have to do that, which means it is not a total loss

Endurance Basic I [20/20] --> Endurance Basic II [0/30]

-[X] Spar: With the knowledge on "basic" cold weapons last week, it is recommended that you put them into practice. It means pitch your class together for a match, weapons are allowed, but lethality is not. Progress on Sword/Spear/Archery skills. Success chance: 70%.
--[X] Spear
Roll: 1d100 = 63
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+5 for all cold weapon roll
Result: 80 --> Success

Spears are useful weapons. Cheap, reliable and been around for a long time. Much longer than sword to be fair. And the local, namely the dudes from Empire and the Neko Princess's minions, help your class training with them. While spear is not a part of martial art training in your school, other weapons like staff or naginata are, and the shared similarities are enough for some of your classmates to catch on with the lessons and improve themselves.

The sparing sessions give a lot bruises and bumps, but no one pays it attention. They are getting the blood-crazed for combat...

To be fair, you enjoy the sparring with Nika, despite the eyes Maria has been giving you. At least she still wipes his arse in the end. Hah, that "insolent girl"! She dares to kick the butt of her "master"? Oh, watching her fusing over Nika is too much of a fun job.

Combat Squad 1: Spear Basic II [25/30]
Combat Squad 2: Spear Basic II [25/30]
Combat Squad 3: Spear Basic I [10/20]
Command Squad: Spear Basic II [5/30]
Support Squad: Spear Basic II [5/30]

-[X] Logistic: Your Support Squad, despite their martial training, is (or will be) geared toward the supportive roll.
Roll: 1d100 = 52
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+5 for logistic
Result: 69 --> Success

Putting your Support Squad on some trial runs is easy. Putting them through the loops is not an easy one. You are planning to give them a non-combat role, running the ammo, cooking the meal, sewing the clothes, like that. Considering all of them are girls and you have heard all kind of story regarding female logistic personnel from father, you know that their sheer presence alone can boost the combat prowess of the muscle-heads in your class by a few notches. They complains about broken nails and smear on their faces, of course, but not before finishing a full meal course for your class.

No one has stomache that night, which is a good sign

Support Squad can take Light Logistic operations now

[x] Diplomacy

-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Empire of Vers
Roll: 1d100 = 32
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 39 --> Success

While Nika is not "a tough guy", he knows a lot of "tough guys", and at his beck and call, 20 can storm in the room. That would be the reason why the Prince of the Empire is fairly friendly to him, despite emerging from a conversation with a black eye (which no one talks about). The Prince mentions that his Empire has two education facilities worth attention: The Imperial Mage School and the Imperial Officer Academy. While his hands are tied, he can put down a word or two, so that your class can enrol there. After all, his people are impressed with your military drillling.

Relationship improved

-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Kingdom of Frenden
Roll: 1d100 = 81
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 88 --> Success

The talk with the Fredenian begins... with a slight quirk. A verbal spat (a FRIENDLY and POLITE verbal spat) happens before the whole officially business. And three guesses which boy gets messed there - John. Surprise. The sanest and most polite family relative getting in a spat with a girl he just meets. The situation is even more surreal when they are sipping tea like nobles and exchanging their... ideas.

Though, for half of the time, it is unknown if they are trying to intimidate the others or flirting. Seriously? John. "Not if I put a collar on you first"?

At least, with his help, Nika has been able to gain even more friendship with the Kingdom, mostly via the Princess's second-in-command, her cousin. The two of them drink to "toast" for the "couple" - may them never get together, for that would be the end of the world.

On the other hand, the Princess (after done talking with your blond half-brother, a few hours later) offers a place in her Kingdom's main Academy. The Gryphon Academy. She is also aware of the offer from "that dirty blond" (which earns her another jab from John) and says that she will accept your final decision nevertheless.

Relationship improves to "Honourable friendly"

[x] Stewardship
-[X] Entrepreneur: There will be many, many things that the local populace, and the leaders, want in their daily lives. The problem is that they do not have it yet, so they do not know what they want. But you do. Information gained, potential wealth gained. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 56
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 64 --> Success

The list of "what they want" is quite short... but they list of "what they wish they have" is quite extensive. John has been able to gist it down to a list, and just like he expects, the class has in possession a lot of mundane tools worth their weight in gold here. In addition, they also have the knowledge to make them, even increase the value of the information higher. The list includes, but not limit to, dry food, canned food, spice, better agriculture system, glass, perfumes, printing... The list can go on and on. John has been able to find out that all factions here have high desire for those items, and he has been showing a few samples to them, the result is... promising.

And that is BEFORE weapons are mentioned. Everyone in your class know the working principles of an assault rifles, give them tools and time, they can arm a full battalion with AKs, and practically become invicible. Of course, the data on weapons is suppressed... For now.

Finance information updated
Wealth gained: Three silver coins

-[X] Clothes: The only clothes that capable of taking your destructive training is the Earth-made combat clothes, packed nicely with your backpacks and transported here. But other than that the the uniform dress, your class has no other clothes, and the clothes provided is... insufficient. John believes he can find a solution. Replacement for clothes made, potential wealth gained. Success chance: 80%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 85
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 93 --> Success

You have know idea John secures the material and the manpower (or the time), but he has been able to sample a few sets of clothes. On the basis of modern production, they are not pretty and a bit plain, but compared to the mundane, they are a god-send. Of course, they are not flashy like the dresses of the nobles, he deliberately steer away from that direction, he simply plans to make "casual clothes". But, that alone has been worthy enough. The prototype has been bidded by the nobles (and the diplomat groups), and John does what he does best, he juices money out of them.

Wealth gained: Five silver coins, one gold coin

[x] Learning

-[X] History: Study the (approved version of) history of this land. May be you can learn something new. Further information gained. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 89
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 108 --> Critical success

Scrounging the scrolls and books, you and Rohit are able to learn a few critical information. One, this world has a fairly low development rate compared to Earth, potentially due to magic. Two, the Church has similar structure to the Catholic Church on Earth (and with all the baggage). Three, the enemy you have to fight against someday is demon, which is... fairly tame and normal, considering the situation.

And four, the heroes always disappear after the demons are defeated. Rohit is concerned with this part, there are multiple accounts of heroes leading the assault, turning the tide back on the demons. But none on what he/she/they do afterward. He speculates, in a hushed voice, that the Church finds them no longer useful.

So, enemy on all front, it seems.

Magic information updated
History information updated

-[X] Engineer: With the understanding on metal, the boys (including Rohit) are itching to make something. You should (not) let them loose in the forge or the workshop. Create minor items, potential Wealth gained, ???. Success chance: 75%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 70
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 89 --> Success

The items produced by Rohit and his bunch of (insane) friends and (drunken) dwarf are not... glorious. Much. A few pieces of steel and some springs. A non-expert will scoff at that, but the professionals will know the implications. The dwarf now has the ability to (really) mass-produce steel ingots, and they know the ability of the springs now. Some of them are talking about putting them on the horse-drawn cart to make the ride less rough. They have been mugging around the carts for a few days after the production of the springs, too excited about the prospect to do something else.

But the springs are only fit for the industrial purposes... for now. You know Rohit. He likes guns, and he is preparing to make guns here. And, to be fair, you prefer rifles over swords and spears.

The dwarf do not know that, of course, they are too busy working on the suspension system for the carts. And busy showing it around for other nobles. Obviously, you have a cut in the profit.

Wealth gained: Three silver coins
Income: Ten blue steel coin/week

[x] Intrigue

-[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
--[X] The Empire of Vers
Roll: 1d100 = 74
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 78 --> Success

The Versian are highly militarised, everyone in their country is guaranteed to serve in the army at some point, but they are quite predictable in their stratagem. They use extensive heavy cavalry assault to break enemy formation as well as balista and trebuchet to demolish hostile fortification. Their infantry is... neglected, less talk about their air-force and navy, the better. It is only after the Throne Prince put his feet in with the dwarf-made "boomsticks" that the infantry are gaining a bit of power in the military.

In addition, it seems like the "autonomous zone" in their country (reserved for an Order of Knight) is troublesome. The Order acknowledges the Church before the crown, and it means that they are the fifth column, should the war between Empire and the Church breaks out.

But, despite that trouble, their officer training can be considered as second-to-one. Minus the inflexibility of the tactics, not many country can beat them without outnumbering them three to one (or higher).

-[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
--[X] The Kingdom of Freden
Roll: 1d100 = 81
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 85--> Success

The Frenden, in contrast with the Vers, use "soft power" rather than "hard". They, and especially the Princess of Goth, are pretty good in information warfare, Shihoku has reported on how she plays three stalkers against each other to reveal three more in the group. In addition, the girl has hidden a message in the conversation, saying that her network of spies spread over the entire known territory of men.

It never bodes well to fight against someone at her calibre.

The Gryphon Academy, the largest Academy in Freden, teaches not only "education", but also how to be an officer, how to lead a country... Basically, a well-rounded Academy. But the gap between rich and poor is also the most visible in their Kingdom, it seems. A few times, the phrase "rebellion" has been mentioned, suggestion distrust or even an out-right resistance movement. But no concrete information has been verified. Yet.

[x] Piety
-[X] Magic theory: Dig deeper on the realm of magic. There should be something useful that even a non-magical person can use. Increase knowledge for magic, Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 97
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 106 --> Critical success

Well, the knowledge is definitely refreshing. More insights on basic magic are studied, more details are gained. Even some basic spells are scribbled down, their chants, their effects, the affect of changing the chants... The information on chant-less spells is also noted down. And your teachers mention the real gold mine: magic circles and magic stones.

The magic circles, as it is usually referred to, is a magical ritual. It is fairly hard to do and require a great memory and training, but it is easier to use compared to the chanting spell, in addition, their effective and performance is also much higher than the spells. Granted, they take time to be drawn and prepared, and they need a good dose of mana injection to start up. But both of which can be solved easily: the first with printing press, and the second with sufficient number of people. Of course, you do not mention that to your teachers, it will be most... impolite.

The other knowledge, the magic stones, can be referred as "battery". It can store magic, enhance it, amplify and/or release. The supply is fairly... redundant, but it is still costly enough for a mundane citizen (read: farmers). However, Rohit and Sam have a few ideas on their usage already, like water filter, stove, water heater, greenhouse and various others. Of course, the ideas need testing, and they need some money, but the potential is there.

-[X] Earth magic: They can now making trenches and fortifications? Marvellous. Progress on Earth Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 14
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+5 (Commander's support)
Result: 28 --> Fail

No one is able to improve on their Earth magic, unfortunately. The most one can do is just make the rocks "rumble" or to "summon" some mud and sand. There is no visible improvement after a full week, which frustrates your class to no end.

[x] Personal
-[X] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll 1d100 = 98 --> Success

Blackmail gathered. Teenager angst. Gossiping on all kind of ideas. Pranking. Cooking. And pranking again.

Oh, and John is still missing, Rohit decides to... withdraw early (and goes for a brawl with the beastkins), Maria quickly leaves afterwards to "serve tea to Nika-sama". Of course, you let them go, being big sis and such... But for the most important reasons, you have the blackmail material. Never ever flirt and make a couple when your eldest sibling is still forever alone, he/she won't break you up, usually, but he/she will tease you mercilessly on that.

Week 4 Situation
Some love is blossom in the air. Most notably is Rohit and John, though for the record, the first one is using fist to beating down his supposed-to-be-girlfriend (or try to), and second on is still engaging in friendly verbalt spat, politics style, with his chick. Shihoku, for some reason, is banging her fist on the back of the smirking Prince. And the rest of your class is too amused watching them than to intervene.

On the other hand... Your class's luck is... about to end. The Church, the big boss, so to speak, know you know about the enemy, and they have dropped by, hinting that you have to choose a backer soon. In other word, moving house. It would be a pain though. But nothing you can't manage. At least you are having pretty decent relationship with four factions here (and even if two of them are not human), they all express their willingness to help.

+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+10 for all trading roll (Stewardship section) (John's money sense)
+10 for all research roll (Learning section) (modern equipment)
+5 roll for research and testing (Learning section)
+5 for CQC roll (Martial section)
+5 for all cold weapon roll (Martial section)
+5 roll for logistic (Martial secion)
+1 for all roll (Keen)

Martial: Your class is Class 2-1 of Murphy Junior Military School. You are better make sure the reputation of the School is not tarnished (Choose 3)
[] Unarmed combat training: Being Junior Cadets, your class is trained in martial art free-style. Flexible and useful, it can help your classmates defense themselves against... hostile approach attempts, or hold back until help arrives. Unlock Unarmed Combat skill progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Forced march: As your father describes it, forced march is a given fact of the military life, the soldiers will hate it first, but then they will recognise the value of doing so. Endurance progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Combat manoeuvre (continue): A work well-done last week does not mean they can skip training this week. Put them under harsh manoeuvre again this week. Keep them trained and alerted. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Training with the local: While your class has a decent understanding on warfare, the "practical" knowledge is sub-par compared to the local populace, not to mention the martial skills they possess, it is time to ask for their help. Unlock a random combat skill progress, ???. Success chance: 50%, ???. Cost free
--[] Write-in names
[] Spar: With the knowledge on "basic" cold weapons last week, it is recommended that you put them into practice. It means pitch your class together for a match, weapons are allowed, but lethality is not. Progress on Sword/Spear/Archery skills. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
--[] Sword
--[] Spear
--[] Archery
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Diplomacy: You are in another world, and the last thing you want is to disrespect someone else for not talking to them. Let's make sure you make friends here, not foe. May be they can tell you something new too (Choose 2)
[] Increase relationship with
--[] The Great Tribes of Beastkins
--[] The Empire of Vers
--[] The Kingdom of Rus
--[] The Kingdom of Frenden
--[] The Kingdom of Albion
--[] The Noz Settlements
--[] The Church
--[] The Elf
--[] The Dwarf
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Stewardship: Economics is a vital part of any war effort. The bureaucracy is the blood keep it flowing (Choose 2)
[] Auction: The local people here are showing high interest in your unneccessary items. You can give it to them... for a cost... and they should pay dearly for it. Wealth gained. Success chance: 90%. Cost free.
[] Underwear: Do you even have to talk about it? Underwear gained. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
[] Toilet paper: [REDACTED]. Toilet paper gained. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
[] Tutor: The people here are not precisely on your level of intelligence and intellect. Time to introduce SCIENCE!. Wealth gained, ???, ???. Success chance: 80%. Cost free.
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Learning: Science must be introduced, developed and advanced here. After all, science and technology are what drive Earth forward, screw the magic, get the guns and the phones out (Choose 2)
[] Herb: Metal can kill people, but medicine can save life and put wounded soldiers back on the front line. May be the books have some information on that? Progress to make basic medicine. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Ka-boom: The Dwarf and the Empire have the "boomstick", which seems like a version of the musket or the pitlock back home. May be you can learn a thing or two about that gunpowder. Progress to make modern weapons. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Soil: John's comment on the food expense worry you. While it is free at the moment, there is no guarantee that the food supply will be stable or maintained like this. It is recommended that you can grow your own food. And to do that, you need to revamp your agriculture knowledge. Progress for Agriculture. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
[] Engineer: With the understanding on metal, the boys (including Rohit) are itching to make something. You should (not) let them loose in the forge or the workshop. Create minor items, potential Wealth gained, ???. Success chance: 75%. Cost free
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Intrigue: Information is the key to victory (Choose 2)
[] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
--[] The Church
--[] The Great Tribes of Beastkins
--[] The Empire of Vers
--[] The Kingdom of Rus
--[] The Kingdom of Freden
--[] The Kingdom of Albion
--[] The Noz Settlements
--[] The Elf
--[] The Dwarf
--[] The men and women helping your class
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Piety: With the morale of the class being restored, everyone is ready to take on... the magic here can progress smoothly (Choose 2)
[] Fire Magic: Big Boom is Big Boom, and military loves Big Boom... But for Junior Cadets, they will settle for Small Boom. For the time being. Progress on Fire Magic. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Water Magic: The girls have some minor complains on the lack of hot shower, the boys are grunting that there is no hot sprin... Anyway, hot water can be created by magic. Time to try. Progress on Water Magic. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Wind magic: You have make it very clear that any boy stupid enough to use wind magic to see under the skirt of a female classmate will have to be responsible. They agree. Progress on Fire Magic. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
[] Earth magic: They can now making trenches and fortifications? Marvellous. Progress on Earth Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject
[] Free action 2 - One more action at another subject

Personal: All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. You should spend some time on relaxing and chiling it out. Or you can also supporting your class in certain projects, or you can initiate another job (Choose 2)
[] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Spend time with your extended family: Like it or not, Ichika is like your old sane uncle (compared to your dad as their crazy old uncle). May be the two sets of family can chill together? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Meditation: Like your dad says, sometimes, it is better to slow down and take a deep breath, watching the whole situation from afar. ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
[] Spend time with certain People of Interest, coming from
--[] The Great Tribes of Beastkins
--[] The Empire of Vers
--[] The Kingdom of Freden
--[] The Elf
--[] The Dwarf
[] Commander's support: Selecting a project above and support them <Add 50% of your related stat>
[] Free action 1 - One more action at another subject

Your class receives an "offer" of education from a few factions. But due to the limit in time, you only have sufficient trust on the Kingdom of Freden and Kingdom of Rus. Nevertheless, you consider all option
[] Royal School of Bellium <Kingdom of Albion> Specialised in Navy and Artillery
[] Royal Cavalry Academy <Kingdom of Albion> Specialised in Cavalry
[] Magi Schola <Principality of Zeon> Specialised in Magic. And they are absolutely neutral in politics
[] The Church <The Church> Unclear, believe to have a focus on magic

[] Gryphon Academy <Kingdom of Freden> Well-rounded school, suspecting of intrigue training
[] Imperial Mage School <Empire of Vers> Specialised in Magic (Attack)
[] Imperial Officer Academy <Empire of Vers> Military School. Well-rounded, suspecting with many innovations in secret
Week 4 Result
The result is a 3-way tie between Plan Preparing to leave to Frenden, Plan: Gotta Meet 'Em All and Plan InfoSec. The QM roll 1d6 to see the winner. Roll on Dice Room yields 3 --> The second plan wins.

Congratulation, you crazy FlockofSmeagols


You are Aleksandra Nguyen, Class Rep of Class 2-1, Audie Murphy Junior Military Academy. Your class has been summoned to this world for a full month already, and now, with the... persuasion from your half-brother John, your class decides to head for Gryphon Academy in Freden, despite the warning about terrible food (and women). May be... you should question him with this. With a hood and a dimly-lit room, and a few muscular guys to emphasis the point.


+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+10 for all trading roll (Stewardship section) (John's money sense)
+10 for all research roll (Learning section) (modern equipment)
+5 roll for research and testing (Learning section)
+5 for CQC roll (Martial section)
+5 for all cold weapon roll (Martial section)
+5 roll for logistic (Martial secion)
+1 for all roll (Keen)

-[X] Unarmed combat training: Being Junior Cadets, your class is trained in martial art free-style. Flexible and useful, it can help your classmates defense themselves against... hostile approach attempts, or hold back until help arrives. Unlock Unarmed Combat skill progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 92
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 104 --> Critical Success

Standard stuff for unarmed training, intensive Akido training, a bit more Sambo and other free-style combat style. Your class is trained, by themselves, in martial arts. The bad news is that some have been hurt, the good news is that those are the ones stupid enough to shit talk your class. They were thrown around the sand pit and had to limped back home.

And John is really good at boxing, which is... strange. No one strikes him as an sporty type.

All formation has Unarmed skill: Basic II

-[X] Free action 1
--[X] Increase relationship with
---[X] The Kingdom of Albion

-[X] Free action 2
--[X] Increase relationship with
---[X] The Noz Settlements

-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Church. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 23
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 30 --> Success

Talking with the Church is quite a job for Nika. It is lucky that he has decent relationship with a few religious figures (back on Earth) as well as he has already finished reading the (local) Bible. The work progresses... smoothly enough. As in no one dies or gets crucified. The Church is, finally, hinted that not everyone in the class share the same faith as them. Of course, Nika does not say it outright and those priests give no outward negative reaction. So... all is good?

Relationship increases to Warm

-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Kingdom of Rus. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 22
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 29 --> Success

Learning the lessons from the previous times, Nika cheats in the drinking feast this time. He drinks a lot of water beforehand and consumes the drink slowly. And it is all for naught, the drink on that day, strangely, is light. Not vodka-grade, but more like red wine. he drinks them like a champ eventually. Of course, he still gets knocks out in the end, but the Bear men look at your class with a more favourable sight now.

Relationship increases to Warm

-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Kingdom of Albion. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 93
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 100 --> Critical success

All those etiquette study with your mom finally pays off. And it pays off greatly. The diplomat group from Albion... well, they warms up after you showing proper respect via "correct" forms. A bit stiff... but not as stiff as the East Asian tradition. Then, John saves the day (or puts in his effort) by showing his "proper" English style and impresses them greatly. Mostly he knows how to brew tea and enjoy it a proper way.

Relationship increases to Warm

-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Noz Settlements. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 8
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 15 --> Fail

While the talk (or the party) with the Rus progresses relatively smoothly, the Noz are not that... nice to Nika. Well, as in "lifting him up in the air and carrying around their camp", too bad that it is after the party with the Rus, meaning there is... residue. You still have no idea how and why the Noz just brush it off though. On the other hand... you hear the rumour that Maria is seen dragging Nika to the bathroom...

No improvement in relationship with Noz

-[X] Toilet paper: [REDACTED]. Toilet paper gained. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 70
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 78 --> Success

It looks like John (and the girls) has enough already. They had to be... flexible during the last three weeks whenever going to the toilet. And no, you will not mention the precise details. You are a high-born girl after all, you have certain images to keep, and you have sufficient muscle to make it stay that way. Well, at least now you can use the muscle on other jobs, the ones which will make your class more secured.

OK, while the toilet paper is not precisely "paper" as you know it, it is more like "leaves". But John is... John. Somehow, he has been able to make a lot of "green toilet paper", which earn him a lot of giggles from the girls... and the Freden princess. No one knows why she's here, though.

Toilet paper gained. One blue steel coin gained

-[X] Free action 1
--[X] Herb

-[X] Ka-boom: The Dwarf and the Empire have the "boomstick", which seems like a version of the musket or the pitlock back home. May be you can learn a thing or two about that gunpowder. Progress to make modern weapons. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 92
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 111 --> Critical success

Rohit walks out to meet up with the Dwarf in the morning, early morning... And by the afternoon, there are over 20 explosions of all degrees in the surrounding area. Causality: one mouse, something about a rodent has been wrecking havok and has to pay for his crime. Though you are more concerned about how Rohit lives through the day without suffering major injury. And boys being boys, he says nothing about the soot and his burning hair, he just shrugs and says "black powder".

The Dwarf has their weapons improved significantly. Of course, they have to re-design their "boomsticks", something about the explosions are too powerful...

Meanwhile, Rohit has his... henchmen drawing up some gun and ammunition designs already. Now, he is looking for way to mass-produce them. No one knows about these design yet, of course.

-[X] Soil: John's comment on the food expense worry you. While it is free at the moment, there is no guarantee that the food supply will be stable or maintained like this. It is recommended that you can grow your own food. And to do that, you need to revamp your agriculture knowledge. Progress for Agriculture. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 89
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 102 --> Critical success

After the... explosive beginning of the week, Rohit decides to "settle down" by helping his blond half-brother... and fails utterly to stay humble... You have no idea how, and why, but he has been able to analyse the soil samples, not just in the "surrounding areas", but also gain information on your future destinations. Throw in the ultra-modern computers and tools, you have a decent knowledge on Agriculture. What grains to plant, how to take care, how to harvest and how to process them...

While there is no... immediate benefits, it should be helpful soon enough in the following months.

Agriculture knowledge gained, Basic III level. Able to procure food (time-based)

-[X] Herb: Metal can kill people, but medicine can save life and put wounded soldiers back on the front line. May be the books have some information on that? Progress to make basic medicine. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 100
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 119 --> Critical success, natural 100

You have no idea how, but the final report on potential medical herbs is given to you by the Neko... you mean by the Princess of the Great Beastkins tribes. Personally. She has delivered the full notes on her people's knowledge in this matter. Which plants can be used to heal, which methods can be used to prepeare them, where to find them... Some of them are little more than wild grass growing on the grass patch around your lodging. More than that, for every country, a list of potential herbs is given, giving you a high flexibility to deal with sickness.

Oh, and there are the ones equivalent to weed here, too. Weed, tobacco and a few other... not exactly legal substances on Earth. But here, they are called force multipliers.

Lower effect of injury, sickness and various negative medical status

-[X] Engineer: With the understanding on metal, the boys (including Rohit) are itching to make something. You should (not) let them loose in the forge or the workshop.Create minor items, potential Wealth gained, ???. Success chance: 75%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 97
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 116 --> Critical success

Last time, Rohit and his gang made the springs as gifts to the Dwarf... This time, they decide to play it cool. By showing how produce an insane amount of steel. Bessemer burner, Siemens regenerative furnace and good coal... The problem? They increase the steel production by something like... you don't know... FIFTY times? The Dwarf and other factions are practically kissing the ground they are walking on now. Despite the knowledge on how to make steel, the available amount of steel is too small, leading to a reserve of steel to make weapons for the elites.

Now, with steel being fairly cheap, shit is about to go down...

You have a feeling that guns are about to be made by and for your class. Off the record.

Increase relationship with all other factions.
Guns are almost put into production now.

-[X] Spy on
--[X] The men and women helping your class. Give further information. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 4
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 8 --> Failure

Shihoku utterly fails to dig out something new on your class's servants. As in, she is caught while trying to follow them to their quarters. No new information is gained... though you have a gut feeling that whoever employs these people would put more gaze on your class now...


-[X] Free action 1
--[X] Engineer

-[X] Fire Magic: Big Boom is Big Boom, and military loves Big Boom... But for Junior Cadets, they will settle for Small Boom. For the time being. Progress on Fire Magic. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 62
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 71--> Success

Things are pretty much... hot for the day. Your class tries to blow up the entire compound, this time not under supervise or any sane and responsible figure (your dad doesn't count, as usual). The good news is that your class has... succeeded in blowing something up. The bad news is that they blow up the bathroom. Needless to say, the boys are kindly asked to rebuild them with their hands.

Combat Squad 1 and 2 gains Fire Magic: Basic II
Combat Squad 3 fails to gain Fire Magic
Support Squad gains Fire Magic: Basic I
Command Squad gains Fire Magic: Basic II

-[X] Water Magic: The girls have some minor complains on the lack of hot shower, the boys are grunting that there is no hot sprin... Anyway, hot water can be created by magic. Time to try. Progress on Water Magic. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 18
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 27--> Failure

Despite all of your effort, the water magic still eludes your class, no one has been able to procure any trace of the magic. A shame, really...

-[X] Wind magic: You have make it very clear that any boy stupid enough to use wind magic to see under the skirt of a female classmate will have to be responsible. They agree. Progress on Fire Magic. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 41
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 50--> Success

The wind magic is introduced to your class... and they test it out. Most are able to generate a breeze, a weak one... then, a certain idiot thinks up the idea of combining the spell together to make a very strong gust. They are sent to the infirmary after that by the girls for lifting up their skirts.

All formation gains Basic I Wind Magic

-[X] Meditation: Like your dad says, sometimes, it is better to slow down and take a deep breath, watching the whole situation from afar. ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll 1d100 = 62 --> Success

You are able to calm down during your meditation, letting the fear and angst going away for a moment. While it is a mundane task, you feel some thing strange this time though. You are not even sure if it is a good thing or not... Something is inside you, warm, that is the only thing you know.

-[X] Free action 1
--[X] Wind magic

-[X] Gryphon Academy <Kingdom of Freden> Well-rounded school, suspecting of intrigue training