Week 2 Result
- Location
- Netherlands
Plan Fundamental styles wins
You are Aleksandra Nguyen, Class Leader of Class 2-1, Murphy Junior Military School. The first week in a new world with magic passes by... decently. You hope that the second one is as welcome...
-[X] Swords and spear: The military equipment around here, minus the magic part, is Medieval-era. And like they say, when in Rome, do like Romans. Unlock Close quarter combat skill progress. Success chance: 50%. Cost free.
Goddamn those brutish boys! Goddamn them with their fantasy! And yeah, damn you too, Maria.
The progress on using Medieval-era weapons goes extremely well for your class. Too well, may be. The boys take the lessons on swords and spears like fish to water. They listen to every single word that the Instructors teach them, they practice those basic movements multiple times... Then they improve those techniques. Instead of some flashy movements, there is only efficiency. Brutal, direct and deadly efficiency. The Instructors are bit... disappointed that your class are using unconventional skills, but then, everyone will when they are being beaten over by the few "rookies".
Oh, and they cannot say anything more, because you are holding a blade at their chest.
Support Squad is at Basic I level for Sword and Spear fighting
Squad 1 and 2 are at Basic II level for Sword and Spear fighting
Squad 3 is at Basic III level for Sword fighting
Command Squad is at Basic II level for Sword fighting and Basic I for Spear fighting
+5 for all CQC roll, +5 for all roll concerning cold weapons --> +10 for most combat roll for the time being
-[X] Archery: While the swords and spears are quite on the heavy and hard scale of your class's capabilities, crossbows and bows are easier to use. With the idea of ranged combat being used and familiar with, your class will be more successful with this subject. Unlock Ranged combat [Medieval] progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free.
The archery is, seemingly, a tougher subject to understand. Not because your class to not have the knowledge, but because they all rush to the range before sufficient instructions are given. It is a miracle that no one is hurt... well, no one and nothing, apart from the target practice. All the target boards are riddled with holes and marks. At least your class is not crazy enough to put explosive on the arrows, or simply because there is no explosive... Yet.
Nevertheless, the Archery lessons progress smoothly, giving your class another expertise to rely on. At least, it will be a decent bridge for the later Artillery formation or the Rifle units.
Squad 1 to 3 has Basic II level for Archery
Command and Support Squad has Basic I level for Archery
-[X] Combat manoeuvre: There are more than just "charge forward" in terms of military maneuver. They also have, as Dad said, "putting their face in the mud and dragging their bodies under the barbwire". Time to do so... and add a bit of flavour to increase mental strength. Create certain resistance of blood, gore, mud, etc. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
The only easy day was yesterday. Motto of the 308th Division, the unit that your father is attached to. That saying has its own merits. There is no such things as "easy" ahead, only challenges to overcome. And as the priests say, one of those challenge is a war brewing over the horizon, and when there is war, there is blood and gore. Therefore, it is better to harden them now than to having them puke later.
The try-out is a success, Class 2-1 is continued to be hardened and drilled with exercises of running and crawling. There is no "load" yet (because there is no combat load-out yet), but you make up for that with the distance. If the USA 506th Regiment has the Curahee, then the Platoon 2-1 can show them the "6k". Six kilometers, manageable with their training on Earth. But this time, there are segments that require crawling, and by the end of the week. Torn pieces of meat are put on their tracks and over the tree branches.
No one pukes, which is a good sign.
All class members have basic resistance to blood and gore. Recommended to keep it drilling
-[X] Elf: While the beastkins refer to the elves as "arrogant", you decide to use the benefits of doubts. Besides, the elves are also ranked second on the frequent mentioning in your class (after the beastkins), so it will work out in the end. Hopefully. Initiate Relationship. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.
The beastkins are correct. Those elves are a bunch of arrogant arse. They almost dismiss your class as "another bunch of human" if not for the timely intervention of a high-ranking official. According to Nika, she is the only sensible elf he has been in contact with the elf. That is probably why she is delegated as "full-time" representative for the elf when your class is concerned. A pity though, at least she is quite helpful and help you to understand the elves better. They are arrogant, but at least they have the skills to back it up.
And according to the lady elf, Tiffana, your class just has to convince the elves that you are worthy of your skills and reputation. Then, and only then, the elf shall show their other side of the coin - steadfast and loyal group of people.
Still... Maria seems a bit grumpy during the report... You wonder why...
Initiate Relationship with the Great Forest. Information is updated
-[X] Dwarf: You really hope Nika has enough gut to drink with these guys. They... really enjoy drinking it seems. Initiate Relationship. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.
Nika has a very low tolerance on alcohol. As in, very low. Even a few glasses of red or white win are enough to make him fluster. And the Dwarves drown him in barrels. Needless to say, he is as still as a log when Rohit and Maria arrive to retrieve his body. At least the Dwarves do not mind his low tolerance on drinking, just saying he is too young and too green for "proper feast".
The reinforcement, composing of John and Rohit, is able to take up some heat, listen to the tales and remember the ideas. They come back, write the reports and sleep for 12 hours straight. The wine runs through their veins, it seems.
Initiate Relationship with the Great Forest. Information is updated
-[X] Market research: It is better to know the local economics before it is too late. Hell, you can even trade with them if you want to. Unlock Trading choice. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.
John takes up more of his mother than the shared father of his and yours. He is the butler of the group, capable of many tasks, including the economics and finance. And he is brilliant in that. Within a week, he has been able to figure out the currency system on Terra Nova. According to him, he "asks the professionals", no one, even your relatives, asks him what he means, the last thing they want is another migraine for the memory of the Vault Heist is still fresh in their minds. In addition, somehow, he even has contacts with a few professionals in the finance section. Trading partners, he says, prospect business deals in the future, he describes.
Well, as long as he doesn't rob someone blind while speaking politely in his British-accent...
Information updated: Economics on Terra Nova - Class 101
+10 for all trading/business roll
-[X] Our banner: Create a banner, which is also the traditional banner of your school, and use it as an official representative for your class. ???. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
With the boys busy flexing their muscles on the range (during their extra training time), the girls decide to do something nice. For example, making a flag, a banner. The girls argue that it while they have little experience and guts for combat, they know how to motivate the boys very well. That is a fact, you have seen them cheered up for the class during the last year Soccer Tournament at school. Thanks to them, your class was able to recover from a staggering loss of 5-2 and win back with a 6-10 victory.
Of course, you ban them from using any sexual innuendo or discrimination. The last thing you want is a lot of yelling from your new... neighbours.
They do not disappoint you. The sheer introduction of the flag makes the whole class erupt in cheer, the traditional song "To Hell and Back" is sung again and all other human states are so impressed that they decide to initiate diplomatic relationship.
All human factions initiate relationship with your class
Increase relationship with all human factions, apart from the Church and the Settlements
Threat of desertion ad AWOL removed.
+1 (Morale) for all roll <applied until malus for Morale appears>
-[X] Metal: Metal is a basic part of war, next to food and blood. For thousands of years, humans use them to make swords and spears - the people here are not an exception, but they have yet to reach the next level: guns. Progress to make modern weapons. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Questions are asked and answers are given. They are not "detailed" or scientific, but for a bunch of high school students, it is more than sufficient. In addition, they are able to gain information on critical metals, the ones that can "make or break" multiple "Legendary" weapons. It is obviously that they haven't heard of the fultile endeavour of Nazi Germany and their wonder-weapons in WW2, but you and Rohit make no attempts to correct them on that.
Right now, what matters is information.
Information update: Blacksmith - 101
-[X] Politics: As much as a normal soldier hates it, politics dictates who his enemies are and who his friends are. May be a lesson or two can help you reduce the "shitlist". Updated information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
This process takes a bit more time. But with a lot of guessing and cross-checking with the grunts of each representative groups, you are able to draw up a decent picture of the politics here. It is still messy and potentially wrong, but for the most part. It can be said as "correct".
Something is still missing, though...
Information on politics is updated
[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free x2
-[X] The Elf
Intelligence operations do not take place like James Bond movies. Most of the time, they are boring (and face it, if they get "interesting", things are already gone kaput), just of "watching" and "noting". Shihoku is not the most talented for the job, she lacks certain degree in patient and "plain". However, she is able to finish her work.
Certain People of Interest are found, respectively dubbed as "The Duke" and "The Ranger". She is also able to deduce some ideas on "The Princess", too. The information is... interesting, to say the least.
Information is updated
-[X] The Dwarf
Talking about spying, others will consider it as a silent work. It is not the case with the Great Mountain, or the Dwarf. They are... well, loud and bombardic (is that the right word, even?). The problem with this task is summarising information, not finding them. The Dwarf are friendly enough to spot Shihoku watching them and inviting her for a drink. She is able to fish many information out of them.
And take note of a few "People of Interest", she dubs them as "The Nut eater", "The Meat griller" and "The Blade forker". No one dares to change the names though.
Information is updated
-[X] God!?: Attend some lectures and hearings to understand about this religion better. Increase relationship with ??? Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Thanks the ancestor for your background. While technically an atheist, you are spiritual and religious enough to understand the preaching from the Church. The priests there recognise you and Sam sitting on the front rows (after the "VIP" seats reserved for the big boss, of course) and they keep the two of you back for a bit of questioning. While they are busy, they are still able to give you some basic information... and try to convert you. Key word is try. You two are able to squeeze out without giving any definite answer. They are still an unknown to you, after all.
The new information is quite intriguing and worthy of being pulled out from a famous Japanese light novel.
New information unlocked: Religion
Slight improvement in relationship with the Church
-[X] Magic: It is something you do not understand much. May be pooling the men together and try for some "tricks" written in some fantasy stories and novels may help. Increase knowledge on magic, Unlock ???. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
Magic is real here. That is a given. But how real? What is magic?
No one knows the definite answer - As in, an answer proven and support by science. The answer you receive here is drowned in religious text, not the... most reliable way to research. But for the moment, it can be suffice in understanding magic for the time being.
With that kind of knowledge, your class try to practice some magic and... It works. For some reasons, all of your classmates are able to use Magic, Elemental styles. Only Basic spell, like making a small light ball or a small fire in the palm, but there is no official teaching and you have already been as good as someone with a few years in training. That attracts quite a deal of attention from all "good" factions here. New information is gained on their offer. Nothing concrete yet, but there are certain underlying meanings there.
New information unlocked: Magic
-[X] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Your half-siblings, just like you, are exhausted from running the class and keeping the squads running smoothly. By the end of the week, every one is simply too exhausted to talk with the rest of your family. Maria is sleeping like a log on the bed, John is keeping silent for the whole day and Rohit is busy sharpening a knife. On the bright side, they do not repeat the chaos a few years back.
So... not too bad?
-[X] Spend time with your extended family: Like it or not, Ichika is like your old sane uncle (compared to your dad as their crazy old uncle). May be the two sets of family can chill together? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
In contrast with your half-siblings, who are sulking in the corner, your kind-of-cousins greet you cheerfully. Partially because your father is their favourite uncle, always know how to cheer them up with SCIENCE! (Damn it, you feel a breeze over the back of your head, just thinking about it). A bunch of teenagers sitting down on the bunks and chatting, wondering about what can go wrong...
Shihoku complains about "that cold face arsehole", Lin is hungry, as usual, Nika is... he is staying silent for some reasons. Probably he has been crushing on a girl and the last thing he wants is to get teased by his relatives.
Well, at least they are in good spirits.
[] Write-in (Optional): Find me a good flag to use as the banner, your vote will receive +10 bonus for all roll in the next round
You are Aleksandra Nguyen, Class Leader of Class 2-1, Murphy Junior Military School. The first week in a new world with magic passes by... decently. You hope that the second one is as welcome...
-[X] Swords and spear: The military equipment around here, minus the magic part, is Medieval-era. And like they say, when in Rome, do like Romans. Unlock Close quarter combat skill progress. Success chance: 50%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 98
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 109 --> Critical success
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 109 --> Critical success
Goddamn those brutish boys! Goddamn them with their fantasy! And yeah, damn you too, Maria.
The progress on using Medieval-era weapons goes extremely well for your class. Too well, may be. The boys take the lessons on swords and spears like fish to water. They listen to every single word that the Instructors teach them, they practice those basic movements multiple times... Then they improve those techniques. Instead of some flashy movements, there is only efficiency. Brutal, direct and deadly efficiency. The Instructors are bit... disappointed that your class are using unconventional skills, but then, everyone will when they are being beaten over by the few "rookies".
Oh, and they cannot say anything more, because you are holding a blade at their chest.
Support Squad is at Basic I level for Sword and Spear fighting
Squad 1 and 2 are at Basic II level for Sword and Spear fighting
Squad 3 is at Basic III level for Sword fighting
Command Squad is at Basic II level for Sword fighting and Basic I for Spear fighting
+5 for all CQC roll, +5 for all roll concerning cold weapons --> +10 for most combat roll for the time being
-[X] Archery: While the swords and spears are quite on the heavy and hard scale of your class's capabilities, crossbows and bows are easier to use. With the idea of ranged combat being used and familiar with, your class will be more successful with this subject. Unlock Ranged combat [Medieval] progress. Success chance: 70%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 66
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 77 --> Success
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 77 --> Success
The archery is, seemingly, a tougher subject to understand. Not because your class to not have the knowledge, but because they all rush to the range before sufficient instructions are given. It is a miracle that no one is hurt... well, no one and nothing, apart from the target practice. All the target boards are riddled with holes and marks. At least your class is not crazy enough to put explosive on the arrows, or simply because there is no explosive... Yet.
Nevertheless, the Archery lessons progress smoothly, giving your class another expertise to rely on. At least, it will be a decent bridge for the later Artillery formation or the Rifle units.
Squad 1 to 3 has Basic II level for Archery
Command and Support Squad has Basic I level for Archery
-[X] Combat manoeuvre: There are more than just "charge forward" in terms of military maneuver. They also have, as Dad said, "putting their face in the mud and dragging their bodies under the barbwire". Time to do so... and add a bit of flavour to increase mental strength. Create certain resistance of blood, gore, mud, etc. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 81
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 92 --> Success
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 92 --> Success
The only easy day was yesterday. Motto of the 308th Division, the unit that your father is attached to. That saying has its own merits. There is no such things as "easy" ahead, only challenges to overcome. And as the priests say, one of those challenge is a war brewing over the horizon, and when there is war, there is blood and gore. Therefore, it is better to harden them now than to having them puke later.
The try-out is a success, Class 2-1 is continued to be hardened and drilled with exercises of running and crawling. There is no "load" yet (because there is no combat load-out yet), but you make up for that with the distance. If the USA 506th Regiment has the Curahee, then the Platoon 2-1 can show them the "6k". Six kilometers, manageable with their training on Earth. But this time, there are segments that require crawling, and by the end of the week. Torn pieces of meat are put on their tracks and over the tree branches.
No one pukes, which is a good sign.
All class members have basic resistance to blood and gore. Recommended to keep it drilling
-[X] Elf: While the beastkins refer to the elves as "arrogant", you decide to use the benefits of doubts. Besides, the elves are also ranked second on the frequent mentioning in your class (after the beastkins), so it will work out in the end. Hopefully. Initiate Relationship. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 20
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 26 --> Success
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 26 --> Success
The beastkins are correct. Those elves are a bunch of arrogant arse. They almost dismiss your class as "another bunch of human" if not for the timely intervention of a high-ranking official. According to Nika, she is the only sensible elf he has been in contact with the elf. That is probably why she is delegated as "full-time" representative for the elf when your class is concerned. A pity though, at least she is quite helpful and help you to understand the elves better. They are arrogant, but at least they have the skills to back it up.
And according to the lady elf, Tiffana, your class just has to convince the elves that you are worthy of your skills and reputation. Then, and only then, the elf shall show their other side of the coin - steadfast and loyal group of people.
Still... Maria seems a bit grumpy during the report... You wonder why...
Initiate Relationship with the Great Forest. Information is updated
-[X] Dwarf: You really hope Nika has enough gut to drink with these guys. They... really enjoy drinking it seems. Initiate Relationship. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 32
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 38 --> Success
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 38 --> Success
Nika has a very low tolerance on alcohol. As in, very low. Even a few glasses of red or white win are enough to make him fluster. And the Dwarves drown him in barrels. Needless to say, he is as still as a log when Rohit and Maria arrive to retrieve his body. At least the Dwarves do not mind his low tolerance on drinking, just saying he is too young and too green for "proper feast".
The reinforcement, composing of John and Rohit, is able to take up some heat, listen to the tales and remember the ideas. They come back, write the reports and sleep for 12 hours straight. The wine runs through their veins, it seems.
Initiate Relationship with the Great Forest. Information is updated
-[X] Market research: It is better to know the local economics before it is too late. Hell, you can even trade with them if you want to. Unlock Trading choice. Success chance: 100%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 99
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 106 --> Critical success
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 106 --> Critical success
John takes up more of his mother than the shared father of his and yours. He is the butler of the group, capable of many tasks, including the economics and finance. And he is brilliant in that. Within a week, he has been able to figure out the currency system on Terra Nova. According to him, he "asks the professionals", no one, even your relatives, asks him what he means, the last thing they want is another migraine for the memory of the Vault Heist is still fresh in their minds. In addition, somehow, he even has contacts with a few professionals in the finance section. Trading partners, he says, prospect business deals in the future, he describes.
Well, as long as he doesn't rob someone blind while speaking politely in his British-accent...
Information updated: Economics on Terra Nova - Class 101
+10 for all trading/business roll
-[X] Our banner: Create a banner, which is also the traditional banner of your school, and use it as an official representative for your class. ???. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 100 <Oh fuck>
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 107 --> Critical success. Natural favours from God
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 107 --> Critical success. Natural favours from God
With the boys busy flexing their muscles on the range (during their extra training time), the girls decide to do something nice. For example, making a flag, a banner. The girls argue that it while they have little experience and guts for combat, they know how to motivate the boys very well. That is a fact, you have seen them cheered up for the class during the last year Soccer Tournament at school. Thanks to them, your class was able to recover from a staggering loss of 5-2 and win back with a 6-10 victory.
Of course, you ban them from using any sexual innuendo or discrimination. The last thing you want is a lot of yelling from your new... neighbours.
They do not disappoint you. The sheer introduction of the flag makes the whole class erupt in cheer, the traditional song "To Hell and Back" is sung again and all other human states are so impressed that they decide to initiate diplomatic relationship.
All human factions initiate relationship with your class
Increase relationship with all human factions, apart from the Church and the Settlements
Threat of desertion ad AWOL removed.
+1 (Morale) for all roll <applied until malus for Morale appears>
-[X] Metal: Metal is a basic part of war, next to food and blood. For thousands of years, humans use them to make swords and spears - the people here are not an exception, but they have yet to reach the next level: guns. Progress to make modern weapons. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 31
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
Result: 49 --> Success
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
Result: 49 --> Success
Questions are asked and answers are given. They are not "detailed" or scientific, but for a bunch of high school students, it is more than sufficient. In addition, they are able to gain information on critical metals, the ones that can "make or break" multiple "Legendary" weapons. It is obviously that they haven't heard of the fultile endeavour of Nazi Germany and their wonder-weapons in WW2, but you and Rohit make no attempts to correct them on that.
Right now, what matters is information.
Information update: Blacksmith - 101
-[X] Politics: As much as a normal soldier hates it, politics dictates who his enemies are and who his friends are. May be a lesson or two can help you reduce the "shitlist". Updated information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 20
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
Result: 38 --> Success
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
Result: 38 --> Success
This process takes a bit more time. But with a lot of guessing and cross-checking with the grunts of each representative groups, you are able to draw up a decent picture of the politics here. It is still messy and potentially wrong, but for the most part. It can be said as "correct".
Something is still missing, though...
Information on politics is updated
[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free x2
-[X] The Elf
Roll: 1d100 = 40
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 43 --> Success
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 43 --> Success
Intelligence operations do not take place like James Bond movies. Most of the time, they are boring (and face it, if they get "interesting", things are already gone kaput), just of "watching" and "noting". Shihoku is not the most talented for the job, she lacks certain degree in patient and "plain". However, she is able to finish her work.
Certain People of Interest are found, respectively dubbed as "The Duke" and "The Ranger". She is also able to deduce some ideas on "The Princess", too. The information is... interesting, to say the least.
Information is updated
-[X] The Dwarf
Roll: 1d100 = 76
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 79 --> Success
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 79 --> Success
Talking about spying, others will consider it as a silent work. It is not the case with the Great Mountain, or the Dwarf. They are... well, loud and bombardic (is that the right word, even?). The problem with this task is summarising information, not finding them. The Dwarf are friendly enough to spot Shihoku watching them and inviting her for a drink. She is able to fish many information out of them.
And take note of a few "People of Interest", she dubs them as "The Nut eater", "The Meat griller" and "The Blade forker". No one dares to change the names though.
Information is updated
-[X] God!?: Attend some lectures and hearings to understand about this religion better. Increase relationship with ??? Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 19
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 27 --> Success
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 27 --> Success
Thanks the ancestor for your background. While technically an atheist, you are spiritual and religious enough to understand the preaching from the Church. The priests there recognise you and Sam sitting on the front rows (after the "VIP" seats reserved for the big boss, of course) and they keep the two of you back for a bit of questioning. While they are busy, they are still able to give you some basic information... and try to convert you. Key word is try. You two are able to squeeze out without giving any definite answer. They are still an unknown to you, after all.
The new information is quite intriguing and worthy of being pulled out from a famous Japanese light novel.
New information unlocked: Religion
Slight improvement in relationship with the Church
-[X] Magic: It is something you do not understand much. May be pooling the men together and try for some "tricks" written in some fantasy stories and novels may help. Increase knowledge on magic, Unlock ???. Success chance: 85%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 66
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 74 --> Success
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
Result: 74 --> Success
Magic is real here. That is a given. But how real? What is magic?
No one knows the definite answer - As in, an answer proven and support by science. The answer you receive here is drowned in religious text, not the... most reliable way to research. But for the moment, it can be suffice in understanding magic for the time being.
With that kind of knowledge, your class try to practice some magic and... It works. For some reasons, all of your classmates are able to use Magic, Elemental styles. Only Basic spell, like making a small light ball or a small fire in the palm, but there is no official teaching and you have already been as good as someone with a few years in training. That attracts quite a deal of attention from all "good" factions here. New information is gained on their offer. Nothing concrete yet, but there are certain underlying meanings there.
New information unlocked: Magic
-[X] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 3
Result: 3 --> Failure
Result: 3 --> Failure
Your half-siblings, just like you, are exhausted from running the class and keeping the squads running smoothly. By the end of the week, every one is simply too exhausted to talk with the rest of your family. Maria is sleeping like a log on the bed, John is keeping silent for the whole day and Rohit is busy sharpening a knife. On the bright side, they do not repeat the chaos a few years back.
So... not too bad?
-[X] Spend time with your extended family: Like it or not, Ichika is like your old sane uncle (compared to your dad as their crazy old uncle). May be the two sets of family can chill together? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 15
Result: 15 --> Success
Result: 15 --> Success
In contrast with your half-siblings, who are sulking in the corner, your kind-of-cousins greet you cheerfully. Partially because your father is their favourite uncle, always know how to cheer them up with SCIENCE! (Damn it, you feel a breeze over the back of your head, just thinking about it). A bunch of teenagers sitting down on the bunks and chatting, wondering about what can go wrong...
Shihoku complains about "that cold face arsehole", Lin is hungry, as usual, Nika is... he is staying silent for some reasons. Probably he has been crushing on a girl and the last thing he wants is to get teased by his relatives.
Well, at least they are in good spirits.
[] Write-in (Optional): Find me a good flag to use as the banner, your vote will receive +10 bonus for all roll in the next round