[X] Plan Start Income Flows
Things are progressing... OK-ish for your class. The Neko Princess keeps nagging on Rohit on, quote, "his abysmal appetite" and your half-brother retorts that even with that kind of meal, he has been able to judo flip the girl a few times.
Every one else is just too busying sipping drinks and enjoy the chaos to intervene. Everyone but John, he is not seen anywhere.
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+10 for all trading roll (Stewardship section) (John's money sense)
+10 for all research roll (Learning section) (modern equipment)
+5 roll for research and testing (Learning section)
+5 for CQC roll (Martial section)
+5 for all cold weapon roll (Martial section)
+5 roll for logistic (Martial secion)
+1 for all roll (Keen)
[x] Martial
-[X] Combat manoeuvre (continue): A work well-done last week does not mean they can skip training this week. Put them under harsh manoeuvre again this week. Keep them trained and alerted. Success chance: 70%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 18
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 30 --> Success
More training. More training. Class 2-1 is kept marching on the road in their combat dress. Full load of 20kg backpack with spears and swords replacing their guns and grenades. Marching under the cover of night, in the mist of early morning, under the sun shining... It can take the toll out of a hardened man, let alone a bunch of teenagers in a foreign world.
The class barely meets the target this time. Barely. They finish just enough in time and collapse right afterwards. You are not better by a large degree, your legs are strained and your breaths are haggard, but the training is completed. Everyday, a forced march of 100m is held, at least is held with the intention of crawling on the ground. It is... a dirty business to put it mildly. Your class is tired, but still alive and kicking, and they know why they have to do that, which means it is not a total loss
Endurance Basic I [20/20] --> Endurance Basic II [0/30]
-[X] Spar: With the knowledge on "basic" cold weapons last week, it is recommended that you put them into practice. It means pitch your class together for a match, weapons are allowed, but lethality is not. Progress on Sword/Spear/Archery skills. Success chance: 70%.
--[X] Spear
Roll: 1d100 = 63
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+5 for all cold weapon roll
Result: 80 --> Success
Spears are useful weapons. Cheap, reliable and been around for a long time. Much longer than sword to be fair. And the local, namely the dudes from Empire and the Neko Princess's minions, help your class training with them. While spear is not a part of martial art training in your school, other weapons like staff or naginata are, and the shared similarities are enough for some of your classmates to catch on with the lessons and improve themselves.
The sparing sessions give a lot bruises and bumps, but no one pays it attention. They are getting the blood-crazed for combat...
To be fair, you enjoy the sparring with Nika, despite the eyes Maria has been giving you. At least she still wipes his arse in the end. Hah, that "insolent girl"! She dares to kick the butt of her "master"? Oh, watching her fusing over Nika is too much of a fun job.
Combat Squad 1: Spear Basic II [25/30]
Combat Squad 2: Spear Basic II [25/30]
Combat Squad 3: Spear Basic I [10/20]
Command Squad: Spear Basic II [5/30]
Support Squad: Spear Basic II [5/30]
-[X] Logistic: Your Support Squad, despite their martial training, is (or will be) geared toward the supportive roll.
Roll: 1d100 = 52
+10 (Leader + Adviser)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+5 for logistic
Result: 69 --> Success
Putting your Support Squad on some trial runs is easy. Putting them through the loops is not an easy one. You are planning to give them a non-combat role, running the ammo, cooking the meal, sewing the clothes, like that. Considering all of them are girls and you have heard all kind of story regarding female logistic personnel from father, you know that their sheer presence alone can boost the combat prowess of the muscle-heads in your class by a few notches. They complains about broken nails and smear on their faces, of course, but not before finishing a full meal course for your class.
No one has stomache that night, which is a good sign
Support Squad can take Light Logistic operations now
[x] Diplomacy
-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Empire of Vers
Roll: 1d100 = 32
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 39 --> Success
While Nika is not "a tough guy", he knows a lot of "tough guys", and at his beck and call, 20 can storm in the room. That would be the reason why the Prince of the Empire is fairly friendly to him, despite emerging from a conversation with a black eye (which no one talks about). The Prince mentions that his Empire has two education facilities worth attention: The Imperial Mage School and the Imperial Officer Academy. While his hands are tied, he can put down a word or two, so that your class can enrol there. After all, his people are impressed with your military drillling.
Relationship improved
-[X] Increase relationship with
--[X] The Kingdom of Frenden
Roll: 1d100 = 81
+5 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 88 --> Success
The talk with the Fredenian begins... with a slight quirk. A verbal spat (a FRIENDLY and POLITE verbal spat) happens before the whole officially business. And three guesses which boy gets messed there - John. Surprise. The sanest and most polite family relative getting in a spat with a girl he just meets. The situation is even more surreal when they are sipping tea like nobles and exchanging their... ideas.
Though, for half of the time, it is unknown if they are trying to intimidate the others or flirting. Seriously? John. "Not if I put a collar on you first"?
At least, with his help, Nika has been able to gain even more friendship with the Kingdom, mostly via the Princess's second-in-command, her cousin. The two of them drink to "toast" for the "couple" - may them never get together, for that would be the end of the world.
On the other hand, the Princess (after done talking with your blond half-brother, a few hours later) offers a place in her Kingdom's main Academy. The Gryphon Academy. She is also aware of the offer from "that dirty blond" (which earns her another jab from John) and says that she will accept your final decision nevertheless.
Relationship improves to "Honourable friendly"
[x] Stewardship
-[X] Entrepreneur: There will be many, many things that the local populace, and the leaders, want in their daily lives. The problem is that they do not have it yet, so they do not know what they want. But you do. Information gained, potential wealth gained. Success chance: 80%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 56
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 64 --> Success
The list of "what they want" is quite short... but they list of "what they wish they have" is quite extensive. John has been able to gist it down to a list, and just like he expects, the class has in possession a lot of mundane tools worth their weight in gold here. In addition, they also have the knowledge to make them, even increase the value of the information higher. The list includes, but not limit to, dry food, canned food, spice, better agriculture system, glass, perfumes, printing... The list can go on and on. John has been able to find out that all factions here have high desire for those items, and he has been showing a few samples to them, the result is... promising.
And that is BEFORE weapons are mentioned. Everyone in your class know the working principles of an assault rifles, give them tools and time, they can arm a full battalion with AKs, and practically become invicible. Of course, the data on weapons is suppressed... For now.
Finance information updated
Wealth gained: Three silver coins
-[X] Clothes: The only clothes that capable of taking your destructive training is the Earth-made combat clothes, packed nicely with your backpacks and transported here. But other than that the the uniform dress, your class has no other clothes, and the clothes provided is... insufficient. John believes he can find a solution. Replacement for clothes made, potential wealth gained. Success chance: 80%. Cost free.
Roll: 1d100 = 85
+6 (Adviser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 93 --> Success
You have know idea John secures the material and the manpower (or the time), but he has been able to sample a few sets of clothes. On the basis of modern production, they are not pretty and a bit plain, but compared to the mundane, they are a god-send. Of course, they are not flashy like the dresses of the nobles, he deliberately steer away from that direction, he simply plans to make "casual clothes". But, that alone has been worthy enough. The prototype has been bidded by the nobles (and the diplomat groups), and John does what he does best, he juices money out of them.
Wealth gained: Five silver coins, one gold coin
[x] Learning
-[X] History: Study the (approved version of) history of this land. May be you can learn something new. Further information gained. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 89
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 108 --> Critical success
Scrounging the scrolls and books, you and Rohit are able to learn a few critical information. One, this world has a fairly low development rate compared to Earth, potentially due to magic. Two, the Church has similar structure to the Catholic Church on Earth (and with all the baggage). Three, the enemy you have to fight against someday is demon, which is... fairly tame and normal, considering the situation.
And four, the heroes always disappear after the demons are defeated. Rohit is concerned with this part, there are multiple accounts of heroes leading the assault, turning the tide back on the demons. But none on what he/she/they do afterward. He speculates, in a hushed voice, that the Church finds them no longer useful.
So, enemy on all front, it seems.
Magic information updated
History information updated
-[X] Engineer: With the understanding on metal, the boys (including Rohit) are itching to make something. You should (not) let them loose in the forge or the workshop. Create minor items, potential Wealth gained, ???. Success chance: 75%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 70
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+10 (Modern tools)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 89 --> Success
The items produced by Rohit and his bunch of (insane) friends and (drunken) dwarf are not... glorious. Much. A few pieces of steel and some springs. A non-expert will scoff at that, but the professionals will know the implications. The dwarf now has the ability to (really) mass-produce steel ingots, and they know the ability of the springs now. Some of them are talking about putting them on the horse-drawn cart to make the ride less rough. They have been mugging around the carts for a few days after the production of the springs, too excited about the prospect to do something else.
But the springs are only fit for the industrial purposes... for now. You know Rohit. He likes guns, and he is preparing to make guns here. And, to be fair, you prefer rifles over swords and spears.
The dwarf do not know that, of course, they are too busy working on the suspension system for the carts. And busy showing it around for other nobles. Obviously, you have a cut in the profit.
Wealth gained: Three silver coins
Income: Ten blue steel coin/week
[x] Intrigue
-[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
--[X] The Empire of Vers
Roll: 1d100 = 74
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 78 --> Success
The Versian are highly militarised, everyone in their country is guaranteed to serve in the army at some point, but they are quite predictable in their stratagem. They use extensive heavy cavalry assault to break enemy formation as well as balista and trebuchet to demolish hostile fortification. Their infantry is... neglected, less talk about their air-force and navy, the better. It is only after the Throne Prince put his feet in with the dwarf-made "boomsticks" that the infantry are gaining a bit of power in the military.
In addition, it seems like the "autonomous zone" in their country (reserved for an Order of Knight) is troublesome. The Order acknowledges the Church before the crown, and it means that they are the fifth column, should the war between Empire and the Church breaks out.
But, despite that trouble, their officer training can be considered as second-to-one. Minus the inflexibility of the tactics, not many country can beat them without outnumbering them three to one (or higher).
-[X] Spy on - Give further information. Success chance: 100%. Cost free
--[X] The Kingdom of Freden
Roll: 1d100 = 81
+2 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 85--> Success
The Frenden, in contrast with the Vers, use "soft power" rather than "hard". They, and especially the Princess of Goth, are pretty good in information warfare, Shihoku has reported on how she plays three stalkers against each other to reveal three more in the group. In addition, the girl has hidden a message in the conversation, saying that her network of spies spread over the entire known territory of men.
It never bodes well to fight against someone at her calibre.
The Gryphon Academy, the largest Academy in Freden, teaches not only "education", but also how to be an officer, how to lead a country... Basically, a well-rounded Academy. But the gap between rich and poor is also the most visible in their Kingdom, it seems. A few times, the phrase "rebellion" has been mentioned, suggestion distrust or even an out-right resistance movement. But no concrete information has been verified. Yet.
[x] Piety
-[X] Magic theory: Dig deeper on the realm of magic. There should be something useful that even a non-magical person can use. Increase knowledge for magic, Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 97
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
Result: 106 --> Critical success
Well, the knowledge is definitely refreshing. More insights on basic magic are studied, more details are gained. Even some basic spells are scribbled down, their chants, their effects, the affect of changing the chants... The information on chant-less spells is also noted down. And your teachers mention the real gold mine: magic circles and magic stones.
The magic circles, as it is usually referred to, is a magical ritual. It is fairly hard to do and require a great memory and training, but it is easier to use compared to the chanting spell, in addition, their effective and performance is also much higher than the spells. Granted, they take time to be drawn and prepared, and they need a good dose of mana injection to start up. But both of which can be solved easily: the first with printing press, and the second with sufficient number of people. Of course, you do not mention that to your teachers, it will be most... impolite.
The other knowledge, the magic stones, can be referred as "battery". It can store magic, enhance it, amplify and/or release. The supply is fairly... redundant, but it is still costly enough for a mundane citizen (read: farmers). However, Rohit and Sam have a few ideas on their usage already, like water filter, stove, water heater, greenhouse and various others. Of course, the ideas need testing, and they need some money, but the potential is there.
-[X] Earth magic: They can now making trenches and fortifications? Marvellous. Progress on Earth Magic. Success chance: 50%. Cost free
Roll: 1d100 = 14
+7 (Adivser + Leader)
+1 (Keen)
+1 for all roll (Good morale)
+5 (Commander's support)
Result: 28 --> Fail
No one is able to improve on their Earth magic, unfortunately. The most one can do is just make the rocks "rumble" or to "summon" some mud and sand. There is no visible improvement after a full week, which frustrates your class to no end.
[x] Personal
-[X] Spend time with your half-siblings: Despite some disagreements, you all agree that your father is a jerk for making that many children with different women. On the bright side, he loves you equally. May be it is better to strengthen the relation ship? ???. Success chance: 90%. Cost free
Roll 1d100 = 98 --> Success
Blackmail gathered. Teenager angst. Gossiping on all kind of ideas. Pranking. Cooking. And pranking again.
Oh, and John is still missing, Rohit decides to... withdraw early (and goes for a brawl with the beastkins), Maria quickly leaves afterwards to "serve tea to Nika-sama". Of course, you let them go, being big sis and such... But for the most important reasons, you have the blackmail material. Never ever flirt and make a couple when your eldest sibling is still forever alone, he/she won't break you up, usually, but he/she will tease you mercilessly on that.