The Great Isekai Games!!! (IC)

The guy just stared blankly at you before gesturing for the crowd to disperse "all right, this is fucking weird, let me get the boss, he'll...hopefully understand you, because no offense, you're....a bit eccentric for me, too eccentric for me that is" he explained while whispering the last part.

He then proceeded to guide you to his boss' office, and while he guided you, he explained the building you're in and what purpose it has

"You see, this place is called the Adventurer's Guild Hall of the Portertown sector, and I don't need to tell you what it's purpose what with being a game developer and all, now however, this Guild Hall is a part of a series of Guild Halls that are connected under the Guild Coalition, which was a former govermental and now independent group who's main purpose is to save lives, kill monsters, maintain peace and prosperity, all that good stuff, anyways my boss is the whole manager of this Guild Hall and it's related property which is basically a lot of founderies for making equipment and goods for adventurers, ports of the ships and transports for travel, and just lots of stuff to complement our adventurer business, anyways we're here"

honestly it wasn't that glamorous, you were just looking at a simple office door with an opaque window to the room on it with golden plated words on top, the words were


The guy looked to you "yeah he's also a sort of mafia boss...I mean he's nice! But...just ignore his other operations, don't worry! He'll get what you need, just whatever that is, also if you need me, the name's Danny, so ciao!" he then went off.

Before you opened the door, you heard thrashing you still want to go in?​
I stay quiet as Danny walks me to the door. Both to listen to his explanations and avoid aggravating him further. Had I misjudged his status as a fellow isekai? Or was he just not interested in video games? Eh, those questions could be answered later. For now I knock on the door to the Don's office, and briefly shout slightly to try to get his attention. "Excuse me, sir, I'm new here and was told to talk to you." Honestly I'm guessing it won't be heard, but due diligence and all. Barging in to get it all over with had a certain appeal, but I'd rather not risk a life quite this early.

Meanwhile, I think on what Bugsters might be useful for a mob boss. I'd been planning on keeping them as an ace up my sleeve, but allowing a few to be used in exchange for materials might be a good idea. Of the nine readily available, Gatton, Vernier, and Motoss were probably my best offers. Gatton was simply a brute robot who would presumably follow orders pretty well, if uncreatively. Vernier I was unsure on the personality of, but a flying monster with missiles had all sorts of applications. Motoss was probably the least likely to be useful, as a simple courier.

Anyway, deniable, immortal minions were probably a decent offer. Though Vernier might get turned down depending on how much collateral damage was acceptable. Graphite would probably be a decent alternative if the Don didn't care for the Jet Combat Bugster. I steel myself and wait to be called in.
"Hun," I began, before straining against the chains holding me. Nothing. I suppose he was the Invincible Sun after all, not Unstoppable.

Then again, I much preferred Sol's ideals over Cytorrak's.

"Hun," I repeated, a little softer. Nothing about her looked exactly stable, and her uniform was giving me bad vibes. "I don't even know who you are, let alone any of those names you mentioned."

I tried rolling my shoulders and wriggling around in my binds, before giving up and giving the little tyrant a wry grin. "Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name."

"So now you've met me," I rocked forwards with a shot and strained as hard as I could against the chains before sinking back down. "Have some sympathy, have some courtesy, have some taste, and let me the hell go."
She never faltered, she continued to stare at you, as if she was examining you, her icy blue eyes shooked as it gazed into you, until she finally removed her foot and sighed before taking up a chair and sat on it, crossing her arms on the headrest before resting on it, she looked to you with a mix of irritated and tired look.

"You're like me aren't you? I know the look you had, and while there is a literal multiverse where you can have something what my world have but different, I can see it in your look, Nazis no? The infamous faction that jumpstart that damned second world War, you may not worry, I am not part of them in either incarnations, rather I was a salaryman who was might I add forcefully reincarnated into a death world that was a caricature of the quote on quote Great War with the added part of magic, and enlisted as an officer"

she sighed and stood up "now you may be asking, why am I spilling this to you? Well it's simple, I know what you are, one of the combatants sent by the higher beings, Champions they're called, and I'm one of them, so simple, I wish to conduct an alliance with you, and with your great power I can sense, we might be able to cleanse this city of the corruption and mindless fighting it has been plagued with, you are a heroic individual no? So what do you say, would you like to join or not?"
I spoke quickly, "What in the Hall of Origins is going on here?"

If they attacked me, I'd summon up a Magnezone, something that could hopefully deal with the machines before me. Still, it would be better if that didn't become necessary.
The crowd looked amongst one another before immediately rushing to attack you.

The powered armored people grabbed their grenade launchers and threw balls around you're surrounding are that started to inflate, the robots and mutants near you rushed to your position to fight you, with a lot being caught in the inflating tar balls, and the ones far away and on the buildings started to fire at you.
"I am... What? H- hold on. Okay. I..." Oh no... Oh god... tha... that doesn't seem right anymore... Powers Be its the government.

"Okay. Just please don't stick a needle in my arm, or... anything... I don't like people having my blood."

Have I made a mistake? Maybe. Just...

'Hey um... you there? How do I... use your boons...' There was silence in my mind, for a moment, and then.

'Figure it out.' Resounded back.

"calm down, you have taken your input to note, and we will be using non-invasive diagnostics for you, now hold on as we will prepare for the diagnostic treatment"

Eventually a figure in a white quarantine suit came into your room, the glass-shield on the head was completely opaque from your side and the voice was muffled so you couldn't denote the gender "hello! May I initiate the diagnostics? You don't have to worry, you won't be hurt" it said calmly, it tooked out this weird rotating thing that had a blue glow on the end "now may I have your permission..." it seemed to be requesting for your name.
The kid just meows in anger and corrects the girl in a clear voice.

"I'm not dumb, I'm just an idiot." And then he snorts at her with a smug look of prideful knowledge of being able to correct her.
The girl just sighed "yes, that is definitely different from what I said, good job kid" she said sarcastically
The child just smiles as a kit-cat before he poofs into smoke again, and for a second as it disappears, he looked like the guy...before in the next second, almost like reality is violently glitching around him, and then another second passes he poofs into smoke before he's back to normal, but wearing a shrunken version of the clothing of the guy.

Loki just goes solemn at this. The kid's still weak, but just settling for this much should be fine. And hey, it's not illegal, nothing about this breaks the rules, although the kid did accidentally attempt to.

Not hesitating, the kid answers just the same as he did before when the same question was asked, with the same smile as usual.

"I dun know." And then he thinks for a second...and then he began to have his smile turns into a grin, and then into the same wide Cheshire grin that Igor has. And he just turns and tries to see how everybody else reacts to him.
Igor quirked his head "to be at the beginning of a journey that shall unfold and shall affect all, yet unknowing of who you are, but also undeterred by that so much that it crosses over possible recklessness, indeed" his eyes enlarged for a moment before focusing at you "you are truly a fool, though I see no ill-intentions, beware of the silver tongue who holds an aura of deception and trickery"
Hou Quan shrugged and followed dutifully, looking at the police girl with a concerned look on his face.

"A temper like that isn't good for your health, you know."
Caroline sighed "you don't have to worry about me sir, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself", meanwhile Igor murmurs while analyzing you "hmm, a possible Heirophant? we shall simply wait and see though" Igor mused.

"But may I inquire your name? And if possible, ask on how you were able to come to the Velvet room?"
The girl just sighed "yes, that is definitely different from what I said, good job kid" she said sarcastically
The kid's already smug face merely points upwards as his smugness increases.
Igor quirked his head "to be at the beginning of a journey that shall unfold and shall affect all, yet unknowing of who you are, but also undeterred by that so much that it crosses over possible recklessness, indeed" his eyes enlarged for a moment before focusing at you "you are truly a fool, though I see no ill-intentions, beware of the silver tongue who holds an aura of deception and trickery"
Ken just corrects the guy as he did with the girl earlier. "I'm an idiot, not a fool."

Although the kid didn't take much thought of anyone with silver tongues, Loki knows what Igor means...although, Igor doesn't seem all there. So, he decides to send Ken a message. [Don't trust that man. He tries to deceive you with vague abstract imagery and symbolic cards.]

...The kid's ears visibly began to emit smoke as he's trying to understand the big words of both Igor and Loki...[Just...Smile man no nice. No trust, he speaks nonesense] This helped ease the effort of understanding, and the smoking stops. He now has a face of understanding.

Loki has given up on trying to play the child as a pawn, (A fool is easy to manipulate, but this kid...he's so stupid, it's taking me so much effort to try to point him in the right direction) but he's worried on what exactly the kid deciphered from his message.
Caroline sighed "you don't have to worry about me sir, I'm perfectly capable of handling myself", meanwhile Igor murmurs while analyzing you "hmm, a possible Heirophant? we shall simply wait and see though" Igor mused.

"But may I inquire your name? And if possible, ask on how you were able to come to the Velvet room?"
"Don't ask me. I just showed up there. Apparently I was sent here by someone? I don't know."
The powered armored people grabbed their grenade launchers and threw balls around you're surrounding are that started to inflate, the robots and mutants near you rushed to your position to fight you, with a lot being caught in the inflating tar balls, and the ones far away and on the buildings started to fire at you.
I pointed to one at random, before shouting, "I challenge you to a battle!"

With the ancient right protecting me for the moment, I summoned up a Magnezone before turning to Alakazam, "Can you try to figure out more specifically what's happening? Or, otherwise, prepare to teleport us out of here."
I pointed to one at random, before shouting, "I challenge you to a battle!"

With the ancient right protecting me for the moment, I summoned up a Magnezone before turning to Alakazam, "Can you try to figure out more specifically what's happening? Or, otherwise, prepare to teleport us out of here."
A force came within you and spread outwards, the ensuing forces were pushed back with one insectoid mutant staying, it seems he was the chosen combatant.

He looked to Magnezone as he realized what he was put in, he growled as his right arm splits to reveal a black blade that seemed to drip with poison and pointed straight at Magnezone and you.

"I'll beat ya you canky drone" his voice buzzed with pure anger as he glared at Magnezone, he then glanced at you with his orange glowing eyes "and especially ya filthy human master!"

Alakazam looks to you with pain "this...rage! all directed at us, all these thoughts of pure hate and malice directed" Alakazam stumbled in pain as he held his head, but he was able to recover and straightened his body "I will teleport all of us as soon as you give the word master", Magnezone also beeped in binary, as if he was asking you for orders too.
Alakazam looks to you with pain "this...rage! all directed at us, all these thoughts of pure hate and malice directed" Alakazam stumbled in pain as he held his head, but he was able to recover and straightened his body "I will teleport all of us as soon as you give the word master", Magnezone also beeped in binary, as if he was asking you for orders too.
I nodded, reaching down to scoop up Jigglypuff absentmindedly. "Magnezone, use Thunder Wave for paralysis, then follow up with Magnet Bomb. The poison won't effect you, but try not to let it get close."
"calm down, you have taken your input to note, and we will be using non-invasive diagnostics for you, now hold on as we will prepare for the diagnostic treatment"

Eventually a figure in a white quarantine suit came into your room, the glass-shield on the head was completely opaque from your side and the voice was muffled so you couldn't denote the gender "hello! May I initiate the diagnostics? You don't have to worry, you won't be hurt" it said calmly, it tooked out this weird rotating thing that had a blue glow on the end "now may I have your permission..." it seemed to be requesting for your name.

I do not trust this person one bit. Not at all. Its a government facility and there gonna strap me to a table and do bad things to me!

"I'ah... You hurt me your dying." I threaten.

"Fine fine fine, go ahead. My names..." My name... where was my name?

'Oops. forgot to put that back... eh Karena works. bamn name.'

"Karena. My names Karena."

'That rushed huh?'

She never faltered, she continued to stare at you, as if she was examining you, her icy blue eyes shooked as it gazed into you, until she finally removed her foot and sighed before taking up a chair and sat on it, crossing her arms on the headrest before resting on it, she looked to you with a mix of irritated and tired look.

"You're like me aren't you? I know the look you had, and while there is a literal multiverse where you can have something what my world have but different, I can see it in your look, Nazis no? The infamous faction that jumpstart that damned second world War, you may not worry, I am not part of them in either incarnations, rather I was a salaryman who was might I add forcefully reincarnated into a death world that was a caricature of the quote on quote Great War with the added part of magic, and enlisted as an officer"

she sighed and stood up "now you may be asking, why am I spilling this to you? Well it's simple, I know what you are, one of the combatants sent by the higher beings, Champions they're called, and I'm one of them, so simple, I wish to conduct an alliance with you, and with your great power I can sense, we might be able to cleanse this city of the corruption and mindless fighting it has been plagued with, you are a heroic individual no? So what do you say, would you like to join or not?"

"You know, you're not exactly giving me much of a choice here," I said with a raised eyebrow and pointed look at the chains that wrapped around my body.

I shrugged. "That said, I don't see why we couldn't work together," at least for the moment, " to bring peace and order back to this place."
"You know, you're not exactly giving me much of a choice here," I said with a raised eyebrow and pointed look at the chains that wrapped around my body.

I shrugged. "That said, I don't see why we couldn't work together," at least for the moment, " to bring peace and order back to this place."
She chuckled "to be fair, I thought you were on of my assassins, anyways let me out" she then proceeded to get you out of those chains.


You were now in what seems to be a command hub, people were all around going from place to place delivering paperwork and orders, many were in stations relaying and coordinating using radio systems, and there was a big table on the center that had a hologram of what seems to be the map of at least a city, right now the territory was split between ten territories, all equally somewhat similar in size to the others, though some where somewhat bigger or smaller than the others.

However you and the girl was sitting at a round metal table off on the side, in front of you was a drink of your choice while the girl had none and simply looked at you.

"Now it seems like it's best for introductions to be conducted" she took her hand out "my name is Tanya von Degurechaff, leader of the Silver Battalion, a splinter faction of the Iron Legion, we splintered off after seeing that the Iron Legion was becoming more hungry for war, it transformed from the although quite strict but orderly party that made the city have some semblance of order has now became like a caricature of its original self, simply a ultra-nationalist faction hell bent on war, conquest, and glory, and while I didn't have quite so selfless goals for splintering off, I knew that it was too merciless and brutal, coveting even efficiency for simple bloody massacres, all in all, not the best faction.

Now what would your name be? And why have you been chosen hmm?"
Ken just corrects the guy as he did with the girl earlier. "I'm an idiot, not a fool."

Although the kid didn't take much thought of anyone with silver tongues, Loki knows what Igor means...although, Igor doesn't seem all there. So, he decides to send Ken a message. [Don't trust that man. He tries to deceive you with vague abstract imagery and symbolic cards.]

...The kid's ears visibly began to emit smoke as he's trying to understand the big words of both Igor and Loki...[Just...Smile man no nice. No trust, he speaks nonesense] This helped ease the effort of understanding, and the smoking stops. He now has a face of understanding.

Loki has given up on trying to play the child as a pawn, (A fool is easy to manipulate, but this kid...he's so stupid, it's taking me so much effort to try to point him in the right direction) but he's worried on what exactly the kid deciphered from his message.
Igor simply chuckled "you speak into the mind of the child and so I hear it too the great trickster of snake, but heed my warning, you may deceive whatever you want out there, but here in this room, whether trespasser or guest, you shall not deceive any in this room, especially simce my master too will possibly get quite annoyed of your action too.
"Don't ask me. I just showed up there. Apparently I was sent here by someone? I don't know."
"ahh that is quite strange" Igor mused "it seems they have not told you so what is you and the child's purpose, let me help with that, now, look around you and see the place you are in, that is what your here in this world for, and look above and see the stars, your are like the stars, one of the many many people with the very same purpose, to fight"
I do not trust this person one bit. Not at all. Its a government facility and there gonna strap me to a table and do bad things to me!

"I'ah... You hurt me your dying." I threaten.

"Fine fine fine, go ahead. My names..." My name... where was my name?

'Oops. forgot to put that back... eh Karena works. bamn name.'

"Karena. My names Karena."

'That rushed huh?'

the person in the hazmat suit seemed to stop and stare at you before shaking it's head, it then waved the device over you and begin the diagnostics.


Overall it was surprisingly simple and not that scary, he simply waved the device over you multiple time in different angles and intensities, with questions and mundane requests like raise a hand or look this way for you filling the time between each scans, eventually he looked at the screen on the device before looking back at you.

"thank you for assisting! These results will be looked over and will be given to you shortly, for now, if you have any questions and requests, your handler" he then pointed to the speaker on the corner of the ceiling "will be happy to oblige! Have a nice day!"

It then opened the blast door which revealed t-shaped corridor.
(this is an window of opportunity, if you wish to use this, the following text can be disregarded)

After exiting, it closed the door, leaving you still stuck in the room.

(you can now ask the man in the speaker anything if you hadn't tried to escape)
"ahh that is quite strange" Igor mused "it seems they have not told you so what is you and the child's purpose, let me help with that, now, look around you and see the place you are in, that is what your here in this world for, and look above and see the stars, your are like the stars, one of the many many people with the very same purpose, to fight"
"Oh no, I get that."

He scratches his head.

"I don't know why I am *here*. Specifically. This location."
Igor simply chuckled "you speak into the mind of the child and so I hear it too the great trickster of snake, but heed my warning, you may deceive whatever you want out there, but here in this room, whether trespasser or guest, you shall not deceive any in this room, especially simce my master too will possibly get quite annoyed of your action too.
Loki scoffs before sending another message. [Knife-nosed man, I don't understand what you mean, but I have spoken only of what I see. And I believe we both know that a Fool is a wildcard who can either do anything or nothing at all, but I will say this. I just wanna watch the carnage the kid causes where he walks. Don't worry about me being here.]

The kid, meanwhile, just thinks for a second before nodding to himself, coming to another conclusion...which Loki didn't notice.
(OOC: Igor=Not Trustful. Reasoning=Speaks in complicated card stuff. Loki-Just talked in complicated card stuff. And thus...Loki=Not Trustful)
Overall it was surprisingly simple and not that scary, he simply waved the device over you multiple time in different angles and intensities, with questions and mundane requests like raise a hand or look this way for you filling the time between each scans, eventually he looked at the screen on the device before looking back at you.

"thank you for assisting! These results will be looked over and will be given to you shortly, for now, if you have any questions and requests, your handler" he then pointed to the speaker on the corner of the ceiling "will be happy to oblige! Have a nice day!"

It then opened the blast door which revealed t-shaped corridor.
(this is an window of opportunity, if you wish to use this, the following text can be disregarded)

After exiting, it closed the door, leaving you still stuck in the room.

(you can now ask the man in the speaker anything if you hadn't tried to escape)

Just play along, no time to escape yet, just relax and figure my shit out.

"So... where exactly am I?" I wonder, speaking to the... speaker... as if it was a person.

Well, since no one can see me... might as well drink around with my abilites. If I even can.

They said there was an energy inside of me, so maybe if I can figure out what that feels like.

I close my eyes and search myself for anything different, and find, nothing... nothing has changed not a single thing about me, well, except my name... location... my outlook on reality... and... well... body. This is gonna take time to get used to.

'It would be nice if you told me how all this worked.'

'Well, where is the fun in that~'

'May I have a hint?'

All I received was a snakelike chuckle, followed by 'Fine. The power has to deal with the perception of you that others see, and the perception of you to yourself.'

This... didnt help. At least at the moment.
I stay quiet as Danny walks me to the door. Both to listen to his explanations and avoid aggravating him further. Had I misjudged his status as a fellow isekai? Or was he just not interested in video games? Eh, those questions could be answered later.
As soon as you thought those thoughts, Danny immediately came up from the stairs and shouted.

"I AM A FUCKING ISeKAI! JUST BECAUSE I'M GRUMPY DOESN'T MEAN I'M NOT! ARGHHH!" he then went down the stairs while grumbling about how Isekai-ers have to be so cheerful or it's not Isekai.
For now I knock on the door to the Don's office, and briefly shout slightly to try to get his attention. "Excuse me, sir, I'm new here and was told to talk to you." Honestly I'm guessing it won't be heard, but due diligence and all. Barging in to get it all over with had a certain appeal, but I'd rather not risk a life quite this early.

Meanwhile, I think on what Bugsters might be useful for a mob boss. I'd been planning on keeping them as an ace up my sleeve, but allowing a few to be used in exchange for materials might be a good idea. Of the nine readily available, Gatton, Vernier, and Motoss were probably my best offers. Gatton was simply a brute robot who would presumably follow orders pretty well, if uncreatively. Vernier I was unsure on the personality of, but a flying monster with missiles had all sorts of applications. Motoss was probably the least likely to be useful, as a simple courier.

Anyway, deniable, immortal minions were probably a decent offer. Though Vernier might get turned down depending on how much collateral damage was acceptable. Graphite would probably be a decent alternative if the Don didn't care for the Jet Combat Bugster. I steel myself and wait to be called in.
A muffled voice came from the door "come in come in!" you decided to go inside.

Suprisingly the room wasn't trashed, it had that sort of antique feel, it looked classy, and it looked neat and clean, except at the center, where three men were kneeling in front of a broken coffee table while a big burly man who was packing weight glowered over them.

As you came closer, you noted that the burly man had a receding silver hairline and had glowing red eyes, the three men had black, dark blue, and blond hair.

The burly man looked at you and immediately his glowering expression turned into a cheerful smile.

"why hello there young man! My name is Don Giovanni! And I would like to ask you a favor" he gestured to three cowering men "what should I do to them?".

"Should I drop them off to the Wastes?" *gulp*

"Should I remove their organs and fill their bodies with Fannite?" *Grk!*

"Or should I turn them into Sentinels?" *huh?*

"What should I do young man?"
As soon as you thought those thoughts, Danny immediately came up from the stairs and shouted.

"I AM A FUCKING ISeKAI! JUST BECAUSE I'M GRUMPY DOESN'T MEAN I'M NOT! ARGHHH!" he then went down the stairs while grumbling about how Isekai-ers have to be so cheerful or it's not Isekai.

A muffled voice came from the door "come in come in!" you decided to go inside.

Suprisingly the room wasn't trashed, it had that sort of antique feel, it looked classy, and it looked neat and clean, except at the center, where three men were kneeling in front of a broken coffee table while a big burly man who was packing weight glowered over them.

As you came closer, you noted that the burly man had a receding silver hairline and had glowing red eyes, the three men had black, dark blue, and blond hair.

The burly man looked at you and immediately his glowering expression turned into a cheerful smile.

"why hello there young man! My name is Don Giovanni! And I would like to ask you a favor" he gestured to three cowering men "what should I do to them?".

"Should I drop them off to the Wastes?" *gulp*

"Should I remove their organs and fill their bodies with Fannite?" *Grk!*

"Or should I turn them into Sentinels?" *huh?*

"What should I do young man?"
I pause, he was rather clearly going to kill them, unless I badly misunderstood the Sentinels thing. Would have to ask what that was about later, but for now there was only one appropriate response. "This is an adventurer's Guild is it not? Clearly you send them to go clear out the nearest nest of giant spiders or whatever other horrific monster needs disposing of this week." I pause for dramatic effect and to let them react to my suggestion.

Then I break out my best mildly psychotic grin. "Only you see, I'm not sure it's worth it to give them equipment. That stuff is expensive. If they're really sorry for whatever they did, I'm sure they can manage one little extermination mission bare handed." On the one hand I probably just signed their death warrant. On the other it was presumably already in effect. Admittedly maybe the Don wasn't expecting me to reflexively play along and try to keep beneath notice.

Admittedly Dan Kuroto Deus is now shouting at me for wasting a perfectly good opportunity to gain test subjects. I simply think back that I'm establishing myself as someone who might be into a less than legal venture or two to help get resources. Even if I'd likely feel terrible about it afterwards. "Oh, and please excuse my lack of manners. Joseph Robertson at your service." I give a quick bow to the Don, unsure as to proper protocol but wanting to make it clear I was showing deference to him.
I pause, he was rather clearly going to kill them, unless I badly misunderstood the Sentinels thing. Would have to ask what that was about later, but for now there was only one appropriate response. "This is an adventurer's Guild is it not? Clearly you send them to go clear out the nearest nest of giant spiders or whatever other horrific monster needs disposing of this week." I pause for dramatic effect and to let them react to my suggestion.
Don placed his at his chin and mused "hmm that could work"
Then I break out my best mildly psychotic grin. "Only you see, I'm not sure it's worth it to give them equipment. That stuff is expensive. If they're really sorry for whatever they did, I'm sure they can manage one little extermination mission bare handed." On the one hand I probably just signed their death warrant. On the other it was presumably already in effect. Admittedly maybe the Don wasn't expecting me to reflexively play along and try to keep beneath notice.
He then grew a shark-like grin "now that's a wonderful idea! I like the way you talk newcomer!" He then grabbed an envelope from his desk and threw it at the broken table in front of the three men, it was thrown so hard that it got lodged in tight, causing the three men to gulp.

"You incompetent men! This is your last chance! Rendezvous at Port B-321 at Sector Mercury, there'll be a basic dropship for you, once you're in the location, secure and ex-filtrate a supply cache, and I hope you three will succeed, otherwise there will be serious consequences, you got it!?" Barked Don.

"Y-yes Sir!" Shouted the three men

"Then hop to it!"

The three men quickly went out of the office sulkingly, they also glared hard at you.
(OOC: Achievement Unlocked!: Gain a Rival!X3)
Admittedly Dan Kuroto Deus is now shouting at me for wasting a perfectly good opportunity to gain test subjects. I simply think back that I'm establishing myself as someone who might be into a less than legal venture or two to help get resources. Even if I'd likely feel terrible about it afterwards. "Oh, and please excuse my lack of manners. Joseph Robertson at your service." I give a quick bow to the Don, unsure as to proper protocol but wanting to make it clear I was showing deference to him.
Don Giovanni sat at this chair and gestured for you to sit at the chair in front of his desk "come come! Have a seat!", as you sat on it, you noticed it was very comfortable, you looked up to Don who smiled widely at you, his grin was like a shark, but thankfully you didn't feel like you were the prey.

"Now Mr. Robertson, what can I do for you?"
@Liusfranrangel @See my smile

The sounds of metal clashing was heard across the wasted valley, for two women of armor, one of red and the other of pure silver fought against one another, but as they fought, wolves of blackened tar and white bones swarmed them in an effort to destroy them.

The red armored woman, Alexandra, dodged the slam of the silver armored woman, Amelia, as she swung her hammer downwards to crush the Khorne heretic, as Alexandra dodged the attack, the hammer struck the ground, causing the ground to shake, causing a force to quake outwards from the hammer, Amelia was unaffected by the blast, and Alexandra was simply thrown back but easily got back, however the black wolves all were immediately thrown back far away, with only the red wolves Alex took over, who were on her side as they landed beside her.

Amelia looked at Alex and her pack and took her hammer from the ground before grabbing a flintlock pistol and aimed it at Alex, however one of her wolves noticed and immediately took the bullet, causing it to die, gritting her teeth, Alex roared at Amelia before charging in with her pack.

She jumped up and poised her sword downwards at Amelia, but Amelia took her shield and blocked the hit before shoving Alex off, a wolf jumped at her from the side and bitted at her sides, Amelia winced in pain before chopping of it's head with her shield.

By then the black wolves reached the two and started to attack, but Amelia and Alex easily fought them off, as they continued to clash against one another, they shrugged off and killed wolves who were aiming for a weakness, eventually they realized that more and more wolves were coming in and it soon became a hassle to deal with them.

And so, Alex jumped on one of her wolves and she and her pack took off, Amelia gritted her teeth in anger before channeling a prayer before shouting.


As soon as she said that, fire bursted around her, and she ran away as the swarm of wolves were burnt down by the holy fire of Sigmar.

Eventually you and your pack of wolves were able to escape the chaos and catch their breath, as you looked around, you noticed three things, one, a far away figure of what seems to be a girl in dessert clothing, she was dragging what seems to be a floating blue bag that was carrying various amounts of tech junk, and she walking away from giant ruins of what seems to be a big ship, two, a pack of sphere-shaped drones that seemed to be searching for something, and lastly, a trio of sharply-dressed men who were loudly arguing with each other, they seemed to not have any equipment.

(@See my smile)
You gasped as you catch your breath, you walked so far, and long, and as you looked far around from atop of a sandy hill, you could see three things, one is a wandering figure of smooth metal and what seems to be a horn on its head that ended on a flat top, other from that, you couldn't see much else, second, was a giant construction made of metal and blinky bits flying in the sky (a space ship), it was very big and strange to see, and lastly, you noticed a cave, its entrance was big and you could set up there for the night.

(OOC: I really don't know if your character knew sci-fi technology or something, so I had to play it safe)
Don Giovanni sat at this chair and gestured for you to sit at the chair in front of his desk "come come! Have a seat!", as you sat on it, you noticed it was very comfortable, you looked up to Don who smiled widely at you, his grin was like a shark, but thankfully you didn't feel like you were the prey.

"Now Mr. Robertson, what can I do for you?"
After internally wishing the trio good luck, I took my seat. I was slightly nervous, but doing my best not to show it. Best not to think on the implications of who I'm dealing with. "Long story short, my god has just selected me as his chosen. Dan Kuroto Deus is a god of craftsmen though, so I need materials for most of my abilities aside from a few summons. I can help as an adventurer once I'm set up, and even share out the gear to a few people. The summons might be useful, but aren't quite of the right temperament for helping people, long lasting and very disposable though." I paused, trying to keep a stoic impression and see what the Don thinks of my proposal. Then I thought to Kuroto. 'Is it alright to tell him about the others?'

The god shouted back in my head 'Of course you can tell him of the fact that I, Dan Kuroto Deus, will soon be proven to be the greatest god in this world!' It was good to know that some things never change.

That out of the way, I return to the Don. "And there's likely to be a sprinkling of others like me. Just something to watch out for. Apparently there is some form of divine wager going down, and some of the other competitors may try to cut down the number of entries. I'm confident in the gifts of my god to protect me, but the information may be useful to you." On the plus side, Kuroto has ensured I probably don't need to request protection. Just running and being obnoxious to kill while using Bugsters as distractions would be a pain for most to deal with. There might be someone able to counter my 99 lives, but I'd rather not get into paranoia just yet.
Eventually you and your pack of wolves were able to escape the chaos and catch their breath, as you looked around, you noticed three things, one, a far away figure of what seems to be a girl in dessert clothing, she was dragging what seems to be a floating blue bag that was carrying various amounts of tech junk, and she walking away from giant ruins of what seems to be a big ship, two, a pack of sphere-shaped drones that seemed to be searching for something, and lastly, a trio of sharply-dressed men who were loudly arguing with each other, they seemed to not have any equipment.
I slowly start to walk towards the Girl, sending my wolves scattering so that I have an ace on my sleeve. a bit angry over the fact that they and their black counterparts disintegrate once killed, robbing me of worthy sacrifices for Khorne.

Still, this was a good day, Got selected as The Axe-father's champion, got a pack of Blood wolves on my side and fought against a Sigmar warrior, and if the gods allowed it, I would find myself a tech-slave of my own.

Things were starting to look good on Alexandra's part of the Axe.
I nodded, reaching down to scoop up Jigglypuff absentmindedly. "Magnezone, use Thunder Wave for paralysis, then follow up with Magnet Bomb. The poison won't effect you, but try not to let it get close."
Magnezone beeped affirmatively, it raised it's magnet arms above as the yellow antenna on his head started to glow brighter and brighter before he quickly placed his arms down causing a small wave of electricity to appear, the wave hit the bug creature which caused it to fall in the floor in pain, its body constantly twitched as it growled in anger as it tried to moved, but alas it couldn't, Magnezone then his magnet arms pointed backwards as metal balls were created and charged on his back before throwing it in the air, the metal balls soon zoomed at the insectoid man and exploded in contact, causing a cloud of smoke to appear, when it dissipated, the bug man was unconscious now.

With the battle finished, the barrier was up and the other people soon started to rush in at you, also you felt that Magnezone gained some EXP

Lvl 30
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"So... where exactly am I?" I wonder, speaking to the... speaker... as if it was a person.
The speaker responded without a beat, "You are located in Whittler's Mentally Rehabilitation & Containment Facility otherwise known as The Asylum, it is a governmental-backed facility that's main purpose is to contain mentally ill patients and give them rehabilitation treatments. The reasons for it to be so needed is due to the more "unnatural causes" of the mental illnesses, we found you outside and was brought here for medical treatment, but due to the detection of the unnatural energy contained in you, we had to restrain you for a longer time, but don't worry, as long as you follow procedures and the orders of the scientists, your stay will be comfortable and you will be off before you know it, anything else?"
The speaker responded without a beat, "You are located in Whittler's Mentally Rehabilitation & Containment Facility otherwise known as The Asylum, it is a governmental-backed facility that's main purpose is to contain mentally ill patients and give them rehabilitation treatments. The reasons for it to be so needed is due to the more "unnatural causes" of the mental illnesses, we found you outside and was brought here for medical treatment, but due to the detection of the unnatural energy contained in you, we had to restrain you for a longer time, but don't worry, as long as you follow procedures and the orders of the scientists, your stay will be comfortable and you will be off before you know it, anything else?"

For some reason I dont think I'll be leaving... reminds me of a certian... thing from back home.

They said there was this energy inside me... I... dont feel anything outside of the normal...

Let's just focus on something else, where had I heard the name Kagerou from. It was... something... a story... or... folk tale... folk song? That had to be it.

No that's wrong. It was still a song. A song that I haven't listened to in quite some time.

There was a small welling of... energy in my chest... like it was trying to go somewhere. I dont know how but I pushed it along forced it to move. Suddenly, I felt very see through as something clicked inside me.

It's a weird feeling to have, this energy traveling through my body and...

'I see you've figured it out~'

'What do-'

'Now turn it off before they come back, it's easy. Just close your eye.'

I actually closed my eyes. Didnt help. Now I feel like an idiot.

She said close my eye, not eyes. So that... inner eye? How do I... it felt almost like a switch was flicked in my mind, and I felt... very tangent with reality again.