The Great Isekai Games!!! (IC)


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Outer Space
You found yourself in this dark room, but with the few lighting it had, you could see that it had sort-of viking design to it, and in front of you was a figure shrouded in shadows, chained to rock as he writhed against the dripping poison from the snake, he then peered over to you, coming out of the shadows, you can see that he looked young what with his smooth face that was scarred with burns form the burning snake poison, he had silver hair that was rough and tussled from his condition and he had two different eyes, one silver with a human iris on the left, with a golden eye that was reptilian and resembled a snake's eye on the right.

What do you do?
You noticed that you now were facing this japanese man in a suit in the middle of the street, he was neat and orderly, and had posed in a way that oozed out smugness.

what ya gonna do? (also sorry if it isn't good)
You kneeled in front of a tall and menacing red figure, it sat upon a throne of skulls and you could feel it's violent and dark aura corrupting you, you accepted it all, why? Simple, the figure in front of you is Khorne, the Chaos god of war and destruction, the god you worshipped, for war to him is not a way to meet ends but an end itself.

you found yourself in a world blanketed by red, it felt weird, like that you're not supossed to be there, you then looked and saw a woman in red and black, red slitting eyes, and dark hair that twisted into living and hissing snakes, she looks at you with dissonance.

You found yourself in a neverending hallway of light, everything was bright and pure, nothing in it but him, the strange equine like creature before you, with a golden ring-like structure in the middle, it's flowing white mane, it's staring eyes, and it's pure aura of divinity, it looks upon you impassively.

@See my smile
You found yourself in a battlefield, the air blew, howling it's emptiness, except for him, a towering man with a majestic beard, his eyes pure light, his golden armor that shined like the sun, his crackling hammer, and did I say about it's majestic beard? He looked upon you, waiting for your response.

you found yourself in the mountains, the bases clouded by well clouds, and foliage covering the top, making it feel like one of those chinese paintings, but the main attraction was the monkey man with a staff crouching on a rock in front of you, he smirked at you with a playful grin.

You found yourself in the clouds high above, surrounded by the marble pillars of the ancient greeks, and in front of you was a towering man on a marble throne, his eyes crackled with lightning, and he held a golden staff, he looked at you sternly and arrogantly

you were in the void, completely black, empty of everything when suddenly, a boom appeared, and out came him, a radiant man who looked as if he was a roman empire, he shined like the sun and it's aura washed upon you, he floated in front of you, waiting for your reaction

(Okay here's how it works, supossedly you'll control your gods, and they'll basically introduce them, tell you about the tournament, blah blah blah, if you have questions, discord or OOC, but if you don't wanna control them, just write your IC reactions to them and nothing else (except maybe telling me what you intent), also if you're using an OC or non classical mythos god, then tell me how they act if you won't control them)
you found yourself in the mountains, the bases clouded by well clouds, and foliage covering the top, making it feel like one of those chinese paintings, but the main attraction was the monkey man with a staff crouching on a rock in front of you, he smirked at you with a playful grin.
"Where... am I?"
He looked around, almost panicking.

"What is this place? And who are you?"
you found yourself in a world blanketed by red, it felt weird, like that you're not supposed to be there, you then looked and saw a woman in red and black, red slitting eyes, and dark hair that twisted into living and hissing snakes, she looks at you with dissonance.

The last thing I remember before this red haze, was a flier, and the screech of tires. August 15th, such a strange day. Bright and sunny, birds chirping, and I decided to take a walk. And apparently that decision left a pain in my chest, and an ache in my legs.

"Hello? Um... Hi?" I give a very weak wave, something about myself doesn't feel right... more on that later, in fact... this woman looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I had seen her before.

"Do you happen to know where this is?"
You found yourself in this dark room, but with the few lighting it had, you could see that it had sort-of viking design to it, and in front of you was a figure shrouded in shadows, chained to rock as he writhed against the dripping poison from the snake, he then peered over to you, coming out of the shadows, you can see that he looked young what with his smooth face that was scarred with burns form the burning snake poison, he had silver hair that was rough and tussled from his condition and he had two different eyes, one silver with a human iris on the left, with a golden eye that was reptilian and resembled a snake's eye on the right.

What do you do?
Normally, Ken would be curious and maybe trying to question the man who was chained to a rock. However...he's asleep at the moment.

Loki was not quite expecting this and proceeds to yell at the mortal child. "CHILD. Wake up." Groggily doing so, Ken looks at the guy tied to the rock...and proceeds to watch as a drop of venom hits particularly hard, causing him to hiss in pain. Anyways, Loki tries to clear that out of his head before getting to plans.

"Look kid. I don't quite have much time here, so I will make it quick. I'll grant you power you possibly can't imagine possible, and I want you to do what I would have. Cause as much chaos and ruin as much fun for anyone else as possible. And if you can, become important to the mortals the world you are being sent to, or somehow kill the other gods' champions and yes, I am a god, praise me, Lord Loki, later. Because if you do that, I won't have to wait under this damn snake and watch as my eyes constantly get burned. Got that, ok, good, now go."

Not waiting for much of answer, Ken gets sent away. Moments later with Loki, his wife had come back with an empty bowl and is now catching the snake's dripping venom inside of it. Loki does take the time to ask one thing of her.

"You know, I'd quite appreciate it if you could steal more bowls and not have me suffer on this rock while you empty just one sole bowl?" And to answer him, she just gives a smile...and walks away...with the bowl. Behind her, she hears the screaming pain as venom burns his eyes once again, causing earthquakes.
You found yourself in a battlefield, the air blew, howling its emptiness, except for him, a towering man with a majestic beard, his eyes pure light, his golden armor that shined like the sun, his crackling hammer, and did I say about its majestic beard? He looked upon you, waiting for your response.

Amelia stood here armor dented and stained with green skin blood, In her hands is a broken sword that she has yet to release. She stares in trepidation at her surroundings until her eyes lock onto the towering man before her. She knows his face who in the empire wouldn't. She falls to a knee her broken sword resting on the ground and her head bowed. "My lord Sigmar I kneel before your greatness." As she kneeled the large Ax that had ended her stuck out of her back between the two plates of plate armor. It had parted her chainmail and though her gambeson had not parted before it but, the pure strength behind it from the Orc Warboss's swing had shattered her spine and left her slowly fading on the ground.
You noticed that you now were facing this japanese man in a suit in the middle of the street, he was neat and orderly, and had posed in a way that oozed out smugness.
I look around, noticing the oddly pixelated clouds and other features of this world. What was this place?

Then the man in the business suit speaks up, gesticulating wildly. "Welcome, I, Dan Kuroto DEUS, have decided to bless your tiny, insignificant life with a tiny fraction of my majesty and godly talents. In my infinite wisdom I have seen a world in need of my blessings, and you have been chosen to deliver it. REJOICE!" I tilt my head, a bit too shocked to say anything. I just sort of sit there with my jaw ajar as he continues. Not even sure if I should interject considering who this presumably is.

"Your task shall be to release the greatest, most exciting, game known to man, Kamen Rider Chronicle. Of course, as a kind god, I know that it would be too much for you alone, even with the talents I have granted you. So I shall grant unto you followers." Dan gestures, and images of the Bugsters go past. Before shooting into me in a burst of orange pixels.

I finally find it within myself to speak. "Got it, god. So, what world shall I be giving a taste of your magnanimity?"

"The world is of no consequence. However, be warned. There are other, far lesser, gods who have also sent agents. Some of these fools may even try to kill you as a way of proving superiority over my godly talents. Deal with them as you see fit." The god continues to gesticulate, and I could swear I heard a guitar riff in the background.

"So, I'm off to publish Chronicle in an unknown world while other people with supernatural abilities try to kill me?" I massage my head as I feel the Bugsters and other blessings settle in. Suddenly I could understand some of the basic principles behind the game world.

The God explodes, a definite guitar riff in the background this time. "Kamen Rider Chronicle! Beyond that your grasp of the situation is adequate. Begone."

With that my body dissolved into pixels and I woke up elsewhere. What the fuck had just happened? In my hand I find a single black and white Gashat. Mighty Action X Origin. So, guess I was starting from zero.
You found yourself in a neverending hallway of light, everything was bright and pure, nothing in it but him, the strange equine like creature before you, with a golden ring-like structure in the middle, it's flowing white mane, it's staring eyes, and it's pure aura of divinity, it looks upon you impassively.
Ax gaped in awe at the massive creature before it. The god (for what else could it be but a god?), was majestic and beautiful in a way nothing Ax had ever seen could match. And yet, he still recognized this great beast.

"Arceus?" He asked in shock.

"Yes, child," a voice resounded in his mind, even there sounding more divine than anything he had ever experienced, "I am Arceus."

Ax could only think of one thing, "Are you... God?"

He had never believed in such a thing, but...

"Not of your world, child. But even so, I require your help."

Ax blinked. The great beast before him required his help? He'd sworn that he would never blindly worship a god even if one did exist, but this was Arceus. Still, as much as he wanted to immediately pledge his eternal support, he refrained, "Why would you need me to help you?"

"It is for a tournament. You see, the various gods have had a number of disagreements in the past about how things should be run, and because fighting ourselves would cause too much damage, we have chosen to resolve the disagreements through tournaments. If you accept, you will be given Boons from me, and then sent to a neutral world. Your job will be to have as much of a lasting effect on it as possible, and perhaps to defeat the other Paladins as well. Especially the follower of that monster known as Korne."

The boy blinked blinked. That was a lot to take in. And yet, it still raises more questions, "What exactly is the disagreement about."

A laugh resounded through Ax's head, "To prove who is the greatest god. To prove that battle is glorious, but never killing. That order and good is glorious, but never without conflict. To prove that my world, the world of Pokémon, is the superior form of reality."

Ax felt a grin come across his face. With a pitch like that, how could he do anything but accept.

"Than I name you my Paladin, Ax Warrington. For the glory of all Pokémon, I choose you."
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"Where... am I?"
He looked around, almost panicking.

"What is this place? And who are you?"
Sun Wukong shifts lazily from his spot.

"Welcome to Peach Mountain kid. The home of the Buddhas. And those Monkeys who joined me. I'm Sun Wukong, you know of me right?"

He was confused beyond belief.
"... are you really quadruple immortal?"

"No. I'm quintuple immortal now, but that's besides the point!"

The Monkey King jumps down, balancing his staff on one hand.

"Now, the reason I've brought you here is because some dumb gods think they're better than me! Me, the Great Sage! The One who defeated heaven! Well, I can't have that, now can I! So, you are going to be my champion to fight the champions of these gods and thus prove MY superiority!"

Hou blinked. He started realizing what he'd gotten roped into.

"... I don't have anyway to defeat them! Hell, I don't even want to do it! I-"

The Monkey King flash-stepped in front of him and shushed the man with a finger.

"You get my cool martial arts AND a wish or something if you win! That enough for ya?"

".... Alright, how are you going to give me that?"

"Like this."

The Monkey King suddenly struck a series of points on Hou Quan's body with his staff, sending golden light through him, infusing him with Sun Wukong's power. With a final palm-strike to the chest, Hou Quan was sent out of the Buddha-Realm, and launched into the world.
You found yourself in the clouds high above, surrounded by the marble pillars of the ancient greeks, and in front of you was a towering man on a marble throne, his eyes crackled with lightning, and he held a golden staff, he looked at you sternly and arrogantly
As Alex watched heh vision turn to dust her body evaporating as she she succeeded an made the future changed. Her smile shifted as she felt like she was stuck by lightning her skin feeling like a thousand needles as she's pulled between between two points in space.

As the feeling of being pulled disappear as she lands on a stone and regained her senses. Alex was stranding above a sea of clouds mesmerized despite her confusion until she heard the laughter of lightning behind her. He was giant but not barely fitting himself in a size that could be believed to be human, the building around him was a mix of marble temple and throne room leading to its focus he who should be worshipped Zues. A smiling being whose grin was the sun parting the clouds, and eyes the instant before lightning struck the ground. As the rumble of thunder stopped the Olympian spoke

'Child of man I have decided to give you a gift from one who is greater"
"What... why" she said confused​
"As one who is mighty I stand above all others even divinity but, the ichor brings withit pride that cannot end without Annihilation. But what am I but not magnanimous to slay them where they stand for being unable to comprehend greatness, it is simply a flaw of the humanity that bore and cradled them."
"But what does that have to do with me?"
"Ah Last child of man despite the shine of your spirit you mind moves before you and thus stays dull. To prove to all that in all I am mightier, I will fight without fighting you shall be my champion"
"and fight there's"
"exactly" said the storm "but fret not you need not play hunter and executioner with the lessers only those who are blind to true greatness. Outside of that you only need task great deeds in my name and polish the Soul of ones who bare the shine of Olympus so that you needn't win alone."
"Now go alongside your iron spirit and bring glory to me" and with a tap of the staff to the ground Zues disappeared in a pillar of light.

As the familiar sounds of her companion rebooting could be heard.
Normally, Ken would be curious and maybe trying to question the man who was chained to a rock. However...he's asleep at the moment.

Loki was not quite expecting this and proceeds to yell at the mortal child. "CHILD. Wake up." Groggily doing so, Ken looks at the guy tied to the rock...and proceeds to watch as a drop of venom hits particularly hard, causing him to hiss in pain. Anyways, Loki tries to clear that out of his head before getting to plans.

"Look kid. I don't quite have much time here, so I will make it quick. I'll grant you power you possibly can't imagine possible, and I want you to do what I would have. Cause as much chaos and ruin as much fun for anyone else as possible. And if you can, become important to the mortals the world you are being sent to, or somehow kill the other gods' champions and yes, I am a god, praise me, Lord Loki, later. Because if you do that, I won't have to wait under this damn snake and watch as my eyes constantly get burned. Got that, ok, good, now go."

Not waiting for much of answer, Ken gets sent away. Moments later with Loki, his wife had come back with an empty bowl and is now catching the snake's dripping venom inside of it. Loki does take the time to ask one thing of her.

"You know, I'd quite appreciate it if you could steal more bowls and not have me suffer on this rock while you empty just one sole bowl?" And to answer him, she just gives a smile...and walks away...with the bowl. Behind her, she hears the screaming pain as venom burns his eyes once again, causing earthquakes.
Ken then suddenly found himself waking up in a cell to the sound of repeated clangs of metal, he looked up and saw a small girl wearing a police uniform with an eye-patch who was impatiently tapping a baton against the cell doors.

"Get up gladiator! I don't need you wasting time lazing around when you have a job to do! though, the very fact that you're here even though you're not one of master's invited guests is a confusion me and master is perplexed with, so GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND GET OUT NOW!"

The cell door opened outward, revealing the greater parts of the room you were in, from the low lighting torches, the dried blood splattered around, and the strangely velvet blue rocky walls, it seems as if this place was the holding place of an arena.

You also noticed on the next cell that there was another person also (THatWhichWillBe)
I look around, noticing the oddly pixelated clouds and other features of this world. What was this place?

Then the man in the business suit speaks up, gesticulating wildly. "Welcome, I, Dan Kuroto DEUS, have decided to bless your tiny, insignificant life with a tiny fraction of my majesty and godly talents. In my infinite wisdom I have seen a world in need of my blessings, and you have been chosen to deliver it. REJOICE!" I tilt my head, a bit too shocked to say anything. I just sort of sit there with my jaw ajar as he continues. Not even sure if I should interject considering who this presumably is.

"Your task shall be to release the greatest, most exciting, game known to man, Kamen Rider Chronicle. Of course, as a kind god, I know that it would be too much for you alone, even with the talents I have granted you. So I shall grant unto you followers." Dan gestures, and images of the Bugsters go past. Before shooting into me in a burst of orange pixels.

I finally find it within myself to speak. "Got it, god. So, what world shall I be giving a taste of your magnanimity?"

"The world is of no consequence. However, be warned. There are other, far lesser, gods who have also sent agents. Some of these fools may even try to kill you as a way of proving superiority over my godly talents. Deal with them as you see fit." The god continues to gesticulate, and I could swear I heard a guitar riff in the background.

"So, I'm off to publish Chronicle in an unknown world while other people with supernatural abilities try to kill me?" I massage my head as I feel the Bugsters and other blessings settle in. Suddenly I could understand some of the basic principles behind the game world.

The God explodes, a definite guitar riff in the background this time. "Kamen Rider Chronicle! Beyond that your grasp of the situation is adequate. Begone."

With that my body dissolved into pixels and I woke up elsewhere. What the fuck had just happened? In my hand I find a single black and white Gashat. Mighty Action X Origin. So, guess I was starting from zero.
You noticed that you were in a large hall that was inhabited by various individuals, all unique in one way or the other, from the robotic drider to the little girl who seemed to be completely composed of void, they were all estoric to say the least.

They all noticed you and readied their weapons at you, they seemed to be very tensed, and jumpy around the trigger, a man who wore a suit come out from the crowd and aimed a revolver at you.

"Oy mate! What ya be doing here around this parts eh? And what you be coming here with that cloud of pixels, what'll be your purpose here?"
Ax gaped in awe at the massive creature before it. The god (for what else could it be but a god?), was majestic and beautiful in a way nothing Ax had ever seen could match. And yet, he still recognized this great beast.

"Arceus?" He asked in shock.

"Yes, child," a voice resounded in his mind, even there sounding more divine than anything he had ever experienced, "I am Arceus."

Ax could only think of one thing, "Are you... God?"

He had never believed in such a thing, but...

"Not of your world, child. But even so, I require your help."

Ax blinked. The great beast before him required his help? He'd sworn that he would never blindly worship a god even if one did exist, but this was Arceus. Still, as much as he wanted to immediately pledge his eternal support, he refrained, "Why would you need me to help you?"

"It is for a tournament. You see, the various gods have had a number of disagreements in the past about how things should be run, and because fighting ourselves would cause too much damage, we have chosen to resolve the disagreements through tournaments. If you accept, you will be given Boons from me, and then sent to a neutral world. Your job will be to have as much of a lasting effect on it as possible, and perhaps to defeat the other Paladins as well. Especially the follower of that monster known as Korne."

The boy blinked blinked. That was a lot to take in. And yet, it still raises more questions, "What exactly is the disagreement about."

A laugh resounded through Ax's head, "To prove who is the greatest god. To prove that battle is glorious, but never killing. That order and good is glorious, but never without conflict. To prove that my world, the world of Pokémon, is the superior form of reality."

Ax felt a grin come across his face. With a pitch like that, how could he do anything but accept.

"Than I name you my Paladin, Ax Warrington. For the glory of all Pokémon, I choose you."
You found yourself in what seems to be the streets of techno-mega city, however it was in a state of disarray, spraypaints of various gang logos were scattered across the buildings nearby, there was a rubble and fire, and not to mention the ongoing fight between various people that was happening right now.

You could see three distinct sides, the ones who were all monstrous in various states, from additional beastly traits, to full on mutations, they all wore orange, there was the heavily advanced forces with most of them wearing different kinds of power armor in blue that all had this police logo somewhere around their armor, and the different kinds of robots in red.

Sun Wukong shifts lazily from his spot.

"Welcome to Peach Mountain kid. The home of the Buddhas. And those Monkeys who joined me. I'm Sun Wukong, you know of me right?"

He was confused beyond belief.
"... are you really quadruple immortal?"

"No. I'm quintuple immortal now, but that's besides the point!"

The Monkey King jumps down, balancing his staff on one hand.

"Now, the reason I've brought you here is because some dumb gods think they're better than me! Me, the Great Sage! The One who defeated heaven! Well, I can't have that, now can I! So, you are going to be my champion to fight the champions of these gods and thus prove MY superiority!"

Hou blinked. He started realizing what he'd gotten roped into.

"... I don't have anyway to defeat them! Hell, I don't even want to do it! I-"

The Monkey King flash-stepped in front of him and shushed the man with a finger.

"You get my cool martial arts AND a wish or something if you win! That enough for ya?"

".... Alright, how are you going to give me that?"

"Like this."

The Monkey King suddenly struck a series of points on Hou Quan's body with his staff, sending golden light through him, infusing him with Sun Wukong's power. With a final palm-strike to the chest, Hou Quan was sent out of the Buddha-Realm, and launched into the world.
You woke up to see that you were in a cell, as you rose up you could see beyond the cell that with it's torches, dried blood, weapons on the rack, and strangely velvet blue stone walls, it was a holding place of an arena.

You also noticed a child on the next cell nearby (Noob).
As Alex watched heh vision turn to dust her body evaporating as she she succeeded an made the future changed. Her smile shifted as she felt like she was stuck by lightning her skin feeling like a thousand needles as she's pulled between between two points in space.

As the feeling of being pulled disappear as she lands on a stone and regained her senses. Alex was stranding above a sea of clouds mesmerized despite her confusion until she heard the laughter of lightning behind her. He was giant but not barely fitting himself in a size that could be believed to be human, the building around him was a mix of marble temple and throne room leading to its focus he who should be worshipped Zues. A smiling being whose grin was the sun parting the clouds, and eyes the instant before lightning struck the ground. As the rumble of thunder stopped the Olympian spoke

'Child of man I have decided to give you a gift from one who is greater"
"What... why" she said confused​
"As one who is mighty I stand above all others even divinity but, the ichor brings withit pride that cannot end without Annihilation. But what am I but not magnanimous to slay them where they stand for being unable to comprehend greatness, it is simply a flaw of the humanity that bore and cradled them."
"But what does that have to do with me?"
"Ah Last child of man despite the shine of your spirit you mind moves before you and thus stays dull. To prove to all that in all I am mightier, I will fight without fighting you shall be my champion"
"and fight there's"
"exactly" said the storm "but fret not you need not play hunter and executioner with the lessers only those who are blind to true greatness. Outside of that you only need task great deeds in my name and polish the Soul of ones who bare the shine of Olympus so that you needn't win alone."
"Now go alongside your iron spirit and bring glory to me" and with a tap of the staff to the ground Zues disappeared in a pillar of light.

As the familiar sounds of her companion rebooting could be heard.
You found yourself in what seems to be a warehouse, it had basic amnesties but that's it, you noted that there was a note, you read it and according to it, Zeus has given you this place as a safe base of operations.
You noticed that you were in a large hall that was inhabited by various individuals, all unique in one way or the other, from the robotic drider to the little girl who seemed to be completely composed of void, they were all estoric to say the least.

They all noticed you and readied their weapons at you, they seemed to be very tensed, and jumpy around the trigger, a man who wore a suit come out from the crowd and aimed a revolver at you.

"Oy mate! What ya be doing here around this parts eh? And what you be coming here with that cloud of pixels, what'll be your purpose here?"
Well, Dan can't complain if he did it himself at this stage. I hold up the game in my hand, presenting it as a sort of ID "I'm a humble game developer. My god appeared to me in a vision and dropped me here. You wouldn't happen to have some spare parts I could borrow? I've been instructed to start work on a project, and the necessary pieces could be quite useful to you." I sense a feeling of curiosity and slight disappointment at the back of my head. At least Dan Kuroto Deus wasn't fully outraged.

Deploying Bugsters might be a bit of a hard sell, but if I could get the Bugvisor done I'd at least be able to vaguely fight on my own. The real issue would be explaining the need for proto-Gashats, and why they shouldn't be used or disposed of. Making one of the first 10 games with no beta would be hard. Maybe if I could arrange some Bugster activity, but that risked breaking cover. So once I was done with the Bugvisor and maybe a Driver or two.
You kneeled in front of a tall and menacing red figure, it sat upon a throne of skulls and you could feel it's violent and dark aura corrupting you, you accepted it all, why? Simple, the figure in front of you is Khorne, the Chaos god of war and destruction, the god you worshipped, for war to him is not a way to meet ends but an end itself.
"Oh great Axefather Khorne, what do you desire of a warrior such as myself, from where I shall reap Skulls for your throne and whose blood do you wish me to spill" Asked Alexandra from where she was kneeling making sure to not look at her god directly, or else her mind be destroyed by his sheer might and presence


"Your wish is my command, oh great Brass bull"

And without any more unnecessary fanfare Khorne waved his hand, and Alexandra's vision was filled with a blood-red Portal.
Ken then suddenly found himself waking up in a cell to the sound of repeated clangs of metal, he looked up and saw a small girl wearing a police uniform with an eye-patch who was impatiently tapping a baton against the cell doors.

"Get up gladiator! I don't need you wasting time lazing around when you have a job to do! though, the very fact that you're here even though you're not one of master's invited guests is a confusion me and master is perplexed with, so GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP AND GET OUT NOW!"

The cell door opened outward, revealing the greater parts of the room you were in, from the low lighting torches, the dried blood splattered around, and the strangely velvet blue rocky walls, it seems as if this place was the holding place of an arena.

You also noticed on the next cell that there was another person also (THatWhichWillBe)
Getting up with sleepiness apparent in him, Ken looks around for a second before it clears up by the sheer brute force of his curiosity going wild. He exits his cell before running around the room looking everywhere.

While not superhumanly quick, he's got a lot of energy to let loose as a child. He also might have taken a spear and a few knives before sorta melding the hilts together and altering the blade's appearance into something like Ji. He doesn't actually know how to use it, but he does swing and stab the air with it for a while before just putting it back on the rack.

And then he gets bored a second later and so shapeshifted into a doggo...and it's at that point he notices the other person in a cell and waddles over to see what's going on with them.
You could see three distinct sides, the ones who were all monstrous in various states, from additional beastly traits, to full on mutations, they all wore orange, there was the heavily advanced forces with most of them wearing different kinds of power armor in blue that all had this police logo somewhere around their armor, and the different kinds of robots in red.
I blinked at the sudden shift in surroundings. Going from the Hall or Origins to the middle of what looked like a riot of some kind was incredibly disorienting. Not to mention the sudden knowledge of my powers: the ability to summon any Pokémon and invoke the ancient right of the Pokémon battle. And I had a feeling I'd need them shortly.

I immediately ran for cover from the fighting. I couldn't act hastily, I needed to know what was going on. I needed to know who to fight. I needed a psychic, a mind reader of significant power at level 30. Something fully leveled and intelligent.

I summoned an Alakazam. "I need to know what's going on. Can you help me?"
You woke up to see that you were in a cell, as you rose up you could see beyond the cell that with it's torches, dried blood, weapons on the rack, and strangely velvet blue stone walls, it was a holding place of an arena.

You also noticed a child on the next cell nearby (Noob).

Getting up with sleepiness apparent in him, Ken looks around for a second before it clears up by the sheer brute force of his curiosity going wild. He exits his cell before running around the room looking everywhere.

While not superhumanly quick, he's got a lot of energy to let loose as a child. He also might have taken a spear and a few knives before sorta melding the hilts together and altering the blade's appearance into something like Ji. He doesn't actually know how to use it, but he does swing and stab the air with it for a while before just putting it back on the rack.

And then he gets bored a second later and so shapeshifted into a doggo...and it's at that point he notices the other person in a cell and waddles over to see what's going on with them.
Hou searches the rack, his hands searching for a staff of some sort. It just felt... right, to him. Once he finds one, he begins to move in an intricate pattern, practicing Sun Wukong's style. Though inexperienced, his movements are precise and quick. Sweat forms on his brow. He concludes from his surroundings that he is in an arena of some sort, and would soon be locked in combat.

When his eyes find the child in the other cell and their frenetic activity, Hou Quan is shocked. The Gods chose children!?! Not even adults to fight their battles, but CHILDREN! He grits his teeth. 'Just for that', he thought, 'I'll beat them like a kettle drum.'

He stops his practicing and walks over to the edge of the cell.

"Hey, Kid."
Hou searches the rack, his hands searching for a staff of some sort. It just felt... right, to him. Once he finds one, he begins to move in an intricate pattern, practicing Sun Wukong's style. Though inexperienced, his movements are precise and quick. Sweat forms on his brow. He concludes from his surroundings that he is in an arena of some sort, and would soon be locked in combat.

When his eyes find the child in the other cell and their frenetic activity, Hou Quan is shocked. The Gods chose children!?! Not even adults to fight their battles, but CHILDREN! He grits his teeth. 'Just for that', he thought, 'I'll beat them like a kettle drum.'

He stops his practicing and walks over to the edge of the cell.

"Hey, Kid."
Looking up as my doggo self, I just bark at him. It takes me a moment to realize that I just did that, and un-shapeshift back into normal child self...he didn't undo his corgi ears and smol tail...

"Hi!" His tail is wagging, although it's so smol it's not noticeable.

Sigmars Stared down at the Kneeling warrior in front of him. Then in his booming voice, he spoke. "Rise Warrior. I have need of you." Amelia stood jerkily. Her body following her commands more out of habit than any ability for it to actually do so. Sigma grimaced and waved a hand and in an instant of intense light, her armor and her body were pristine. Other than her eye which sat still blind to the world.

"What do you need of me Sigmar my body is your weapon to use as you see fit."
Looking up as my doggo self, I just bark at him. It takes me a moment to realize that I just did that, and un-shapeshift back into normal child self...he didn't undo his corgi ears and smol tail...

"Hi!" His tail is wagging, although it's so smol it's not noticeable.
"... what the hell are you doing here?"

Hou Quan is aghast. Positively aghast.

Sigmars Stared down at the Kneeling warrior in front of him. Then in his booming voice, he spoke. "Rise Warrior. I have need of you." Amelia stood jerkily. Her body following her commands more out of habit than any ability for it to actually do so. Sigma grimaced and waved a hand and in an instant of intense light, her armor and her body were pristine. Other than her eye which sat still blind to the world.

"What do you need of me Sigmar my body is your weapon to use as you see fit."

"I require you to be my champion on a world far from your home. I have chosen you as you are an exemplar of what I am. I need you to be my WArrior Priest in this new land." Sigmar's voice boomed out and shook the very fabric of reality. Amelia stood in shock and awe at the might of Sigmar before her.

"Yes, my lord I will do everything you require." Amelia's voice was small in comparison to the reality-shaking boom that was Sigmar.

"Then Go forth with these boons." Another wave of his hand. A bright light coalesced on to Amelia covering her body and when it faded she knew things that only the Archlector of the Sigmarite priests knew. In her hands was the Hammer of the Emperor. On her back was the epitome of Imperial Engineering. And on her hips sat marvels of steel and magic usually held in reserve for the Hunter Generals of the Witch Hunters.

"Go forth, my Priest. Spread my word"
