The Great and Terrible (Dark Souls/Multi)

[x] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards.

I'd also be down for a write-in, if someone explains why a write-in would be more interesting than just grabbing the greatsword and heading on.

I know your Dark Souls knowledge isn't top notch, so I'll help out here:

Astora is a land (off screen of the games and here) where knights who are usually known for their bravery and chivalry are from. In the game, at this particular location, the armor of a dead Astoran knight was found. You guys just showed up before they died.

[Astoran Elite Knight]

That's the OOC that is 'need to know'.

As for IC?

The Black Knight doesn't know them, has never been to Astora, has no knowledge about their land or customs, and doesn't really feel anything about them beyond vague curiosity and an apathetic desire to kill them, if only out of habit (being a mindless being driven only by violence for centuries until the events of this game) and a way to prevent them from attacking if they turn their back.

tl;dr: They're unknown in a meta and IC sense. MC is vaguely paranoid if curious and would prefer to kill them to reduce possible complications.
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[X] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards
-[X] The knight shall hopefully direct you to their armorer. You find yourself in an unexpected need.
Are we a silent protag or can the mass of darkness given form still speak??
Are we a silent protag or can the mass of darkness given form still speak??
Well, we can yell loudly like the evil ghost we are, so presumably we could work up some verbal communication if we really felt like it.

Primarily silent, but you can just shove noise out, usually only in times of extreme emotion or when actively attempting to scare the shit out of others. But yes, verbal communication can be improved.

let's aim to never speak or interact meaningfully with anyone.

Entirely plausible as a goal.
So I finally decided to click on the Cassowary Quest that @chocolote12 has in their sig and I'm highly amused so I'm going to binge it.

Feel free to get all discussion, inquiries, and votes/vote changes in by the time I'm done, and I'll update at least once more tonight.

Discussion and such will be kept in mind while I"m updating, in case something is agreed upon as a path forward or an approach (for anything) but there's nothing you can put to a vote at that moment.

tl;dr: I'm not a dick. I'll read every post before I update. Have fun, update coming later, vote not closed yet.
[X] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards
-[X] The knight shall hopefully direct you to their armorer. You find yourself in an unexpected need.
For all who are interested, this is a Black Knight in Dark Souls

Pretty badass huh.
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For all who are interested, this is a Black Knight in Dark Souls

Pretty badass huh.

While we're at it, for those who might not know the capabilities of the particular knight you're puppetting: (For those in the know, I'm using the DS1 Greatsword Knight, but off of the DS3 system because holy shit they're so much better when they can run you down)

@Oh I am slain! get in here

thoughts for that vid

- Go black knight!-

-Damn Darkwraiths shot first!!-
[x] Grab the greatsword and continueonwards.
-[x] Grunt expressively about thewhimsicalities of existence, then inquire about available armorers.
[x] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards.
-[x] Grunt expressively about the whimsicalities of existence, then inquire about available armorers.
[x] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards.
-[x] Grunt expressively about the whimsicalities of existence, then inquire about available armorers.

It'll be interesting if we make it to Anor Londo, considering this is the only non-murderously insane black knight in existence.

EDIT: whoops, didn't mean to insert the tally, still working my way around how the forum works.
Adhoc vote count started by chocolote12 on Oct 22, 2017 at 9:22 PM, finished with 82 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards.
    [X] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards.
    -[X] The knight shall hopefully direct you to their armorer. You find yourself in an unexpected need.
    [X] Grab greatsword, but stay to catch your breath and see your surroundings, there could be more enemies watching.
    -[X] Talk to this Astora while giving his/her weapon back, ask what is his/her purpose, if she/he is going the same way you are, you can use him/her as a teammate to make the next fights easier, if not then just sate your curiosity and continue on your way.
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[X] Grab the greatsword and continue onwards
-[X] The knight shall hopefully direct you to their armorer. You find yourself in an unexpected need.
Locking the vote after some binge-reading and some DS2 playing.

Update incoming. Keep in mind that even a paragraph is hard af for me, because brains are dumb, so give me an hour or two. If we're lucky, it'll be before then!
Okay, ran into a roadblock when I was nearly done, but I'll finish it up and post it tomorrow. Until then, friends!
1.3 An Existence of Conflict
Grab the greatsword and continue onwards.
-Grunt expressively about the whimsicalities of existence, then inquire about available armorers.

A moment passes, lengthy if only in the strength of the possibilities extending from it like spiderweb. Obscured face peering through glinting helm at a wounded helm concealing an unearthly presence. A gauntlet flexes, the owner wondering if a move for their weapon would be timely or if a simple punch would serve. A shoulder rotates, the owner wondering if- just this once- a human would be worth more alive than as an organic decoration.

A moment passes and is gone.

Unsteadily, the Knight releases the 'Arinn' to grasp the awkwardly sized hilt of the fallen golem's greatsword. That it was being used as a walking stick in no way hindered the coiled lethality within the newly equipped figure; the slowly rising knight of Astora showed every sign of being aware of this fact. Both back on their feet, the armored individuals- one nearly pristine and whole, the other charred and crippled- sized one another up, the tension between them forcing a stillness to contrast perfectly with the now roaring wildfire steadily crawling towards their location. With a weakened leg, a missing arm, and a battered body, one would be severely mistaken if they didn't bet on the Black Knight's inherent desire to destroy everything that could threaten their Lord, even when the bet was against their own well-being. The Arinn didn't move a muscle as the Knight tamped down on centuries-old instincts and forced themselves to recognize a potential ally, if only for the moment.

The stillness helped.

What didn't help was the loud bell that sounded off near their head, causing them to look around wildly, breaking the tense tableau.

[Quest Completed: The Iron Fist]
Reward: [Mediocre Stone Greatsword] + 75 xp
XP: 75/500

The Knight honestly could admit to bafflement and no small amount of annoyance at the words that appeared in midair. Again. But it was eased, slightly, at the realization that simply willing it away worked this time. With peace restored, the Knight turned to observe the Astoran slowly retrieving their sword and sheathing it in a posture clearly indicating hesitancy and submission. As it should be. Now, the Black Knight hadn't interacted with anything beyond the simple back and forth of hunt-and-kill in a long time, but it was eyeing the well-crafted armor the human wore with something approaching longing, so it wasn't too late to try... diplomacy.

As the wraith stood up as straight as possible, facing the clearly uncomfortable Arinn, they found the steel helm turning to meet their own. It appeared they were curious about the upcoming interaction as well, even though they were cautious enough to not speak more than necessary. A worthy trait of any Black Knight, that was. But sometimes speaking was necessary. Like now.


The reaction that was not expected was the Astoran falling backwards in shock. Or awe. Or fear?

Annoyance rising again, the Knight decided to try again. Humans were rather... slow to learn sometimes. He'd killed the same ones enough times to figure that out long ago.


Attempting to outrun a wildfire was infinitely preferable to the long minutes of grunting and charades to get the human to understand an extremely simple concept. After all, one would assume that drawing attention to missing limbs or angry gashes where there should be none would be enough. Fortunately the Arinn made up for their lack of mental speed with relative physical quickness, even outpacing the wounded servant of Gwyn several times throughout their breakneck charge. The Knight didn't fear the flames, not anymore, being largely immune to them after the Izalith War, however they were cautious about what might be attracted to the ashes while they weren't completely capable of defending themselves. Drake-kin could die but only a fool would face one with anything less than their best.

Tongues of flame tasted the two warriors as they ran. Grasping, clutching claws almost seemed disappointed when they finally emerged on the far side of the inferno. Gentle handprints of soot-stains left as a promise of passions yet unfulfilled.

After that excitement, the walk through the forest was dull in comparison. The Knight followed their guide at a steady pace, cut down a few carnivorous plants, eyed a strange door in the middle of nowhere, and otherwise just focused on not straining their leg so much that they'd break it too. As they passed a narrow pathway leading into the depths of the forest, the Knight felt something call to them at the core, but elected to ignore it because nothing ever called to them other than violence.

Eventually, the journey seemed to come to an end, as the duo found themselves approaching a stone structure built into a wall, which was connected to a dead end for this portion of the forest. The Arinn slowed down and a few meters away from one of the pillars holding up the entrance they turned around to face the Knight for the first time.

"Sir Knight, within these walls resides one of the best blacksmiths I've ever known. If anyone could restore your noble bearing, it would be he!"

Which was good news, for if the Knight had their time wasted, they'd already mapped out several ways to make the impending slaughter as painful as possible.

"However, there is a foul and great demon barring the path. I was able to simply run around it the first time, but I... am unsure if that would be feasible for us now." The Astoran gave a meaningful glance at their companion's leg. "I may have a plan tha- Sir Knight what are you-!"


Not merely a word, not for the Knight.

When one of the oldest and most cherished friends of your Lord turned into a monstrosity, how could it be anything other than a symbol of pain? When their fall from grace caused the complete obliteration of a massive, thriving city, only to see it repopulated by slavering abominations, how could it be anything other than a festering wound? When those abominations spread, rampaging disgustingly throughout the ordered streets of the Great Lord's people, until he personally led a chosen few to put them down, how could it be anything other than a reminder of duty?

The Arinn merely said "demon". The Knight heard "destroy".

Without so much as an indication of intent, the veteran of the demonic purge strode past the ramblings of the lesser knight. What was once a makeshift walking aid returned to its normal, deadly form as the stone greatsword was hefted onto the Knight's shoulder. Shuffling forward carefully, yet full of determination, the contents of the stone room were observed all at once.

Pillars which formerly stood proudly now lay broken and shattered around a long, sinuous form. Charcoal gray and taller than the stone golem's by far, with a tail trailing on the floor nearly as long as that. A single deformed leg dragged the headless beast across the ground, aided by a massive staff that served in the same capacity as the Knight's greatsword. It was indeed a demon, although not the kind that the wraith was prepared for.

Long ago, the reclusive blacksmith for the Lords died. Not long afterwards, the great slabs of enchanted steel that the gods used to create and repair their weapons started to mutate into monstrous beings. Titanite Demons, named after the substance that birthed them. That was the story, at least, not that the Knight had encountered one personally.

Not that the Knight cared.

[] Kill the Titanite Demon (3.0x)
[] Write In
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Hmm, our Knight right now is damaged, so soloing this demon would be hard.

I want to try to make demon turn back to us so we can hit him hard with our Greatsword.

[X] The demon is slow, order Astora to draw the demon attention so his back is turned to you.
-[X] Initiate the combat by backstabbing, then kill the Titanite Demon.
[X] Kill the Titanite Demon (3.0x)
-[X] The demon is slow, order Astora to draw the demon attention so his back is turned to you.
-[X] Initiate the combat by backstabbing, then kill the Titanite Demon.