The Glories of the Empire's Men (Star Wars Imperial Quest)

[X] Spend time training with your troops: You are the newly promoted Sergeant, and besides Sunber, you know nothing of them and vice versa. Spending some time training with them would eliminate the barrier between you and them, and get some training in. Two Avians with one stone. Cost: 0 supplies. Reward: Remove all malus from fighting together (Visible and hidden), + 1 Martial. Time: 2 turns

[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn (Diplomacy)

[X] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 80%. Reward: +10 Reputation with Specified person. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Platoon commander

[X] Learn a skill: You spent most of your time in the academy learning how to pilot the vehicles you would be working with. Now that you're a leader, it might be best to expand your horizons. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 60%. Reward: Skill of your choice at Level I. Time: 2 turns.
-[X] piloting ground-based.
Reasoning: training with the troops is an obvious choice as the change in leadership is giving us a debuff and this should help mitigate that.
Diplomacy is gonna help us with dealing with superior officers who decide whether or not we get sent to the death front or not.
Making the platoon commander like us will probably help us out later when it comes to combat us he probably decides 'Yes you get to do the suicide charge.'
We are a ground-based squad with vehicles.
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Just found this quest, very intriguing concept - some of Star Wars at it's best happens when we take a step back from the force and one of my favourite characters is Thrawn in part because he can hold his own - mortal among gods. Very excited to see where this goes!

@Uber_Fail_Dinesh, am I right that right now we are fighting the Separatists?

[X] Plan Get good
Palpatine hasn't really had a chance to send the signal yet, as he is busy with Vader. Even after the signal is sent, most of the worlds that the armies will be sent to will have Organic defense forces as well, making it necessary to fight them.
Prologue 1 Results
Prologue 1 Results

[X] Spend time training with your troops: You are the newly promoted Sergeant, and besides Sunber, you know nothing of them and vice versa. Spending some time training with them would eliminate the barrier between you and them, and get some training in. Two Avians with one stone. Cost: 0 supplies. Reward: Remove all malus from fighting together (Visible and hidden), + 1 Martial. Time: 2 turns
You started to train with the troops, learning their names and what they were good at individually. Then, you started some basic PT exercises, using what you had learned from the academy with some personal ones that helped out when you had free time. It seems to be helping, but it will still take some time before they fully trust you.
Reward: 1 turn remaining

[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Martial
You also spent some time reviewing command data-slates and running wargame simulations when not dealing with paperwork. You found it to be rather enlightening, and it did give you some new perspectives on potential situations you could come across.
Reward: +2 Martial

[X] Learn a skill: You spent most of your time in the academy learning how to pilot the vehicles you would be working with. Now that you're a leader, it might be best to expand your horizons. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 60%. Reward: Skill of your choice at Level I. Time: 2 turns.
-[X] Piloting Mastery (Ground-based)
This could have gone very wrong. You nearly crashed one of the vehicles used in the simulators when you accidentally pressed the wrong button, which could very well have made you the laughing stock of the platoon and banned you from the simulators. However, due to your quick reflexes, you managed to save it and gained the respect of the Platoon Lieutenant. The other Sergeants are still looking at you with disdain, but the thought counts.
Reward: 1 turn remaining

[X] Request a rare item: While the AT-TE you got from captain Visha was a great surprise, you feel that it might not be enough. Ask the Quartermaster for a rare weapon, vehicle, or other items you could use. Cost: 2 Supplies. Percentage of Success: 70%. Reward: Item of your choice. Time: 1 turn.
-[X] Request a trainer for the troops
While the Quartermaster is pleased that you came to him first, he tells you that while he does know many people you would be better off asking the Lieutenant. When you forward your request to him, He says that while proper trainers are rare here, he should be able to send one to your squad. Sure enough, the next day a clone reserve sergeant was at your camp, saying he was sent by the Company captain to do some proper Clone training. The soldiers welcomed it, citing that actual training from a clone was rare and applauded you on your initiative.
Reward: All stat gains are doubled for rest of prologue

Random event roll: 18
The word from the front is very grim. The Clankers have been reinforced massively, having seen a large number of Heavy vehicles and Mobile Artillery. In response, The general up in the Acclamator you're assigned to has sent down no less than 3 regiments to aid you. However, you could very well be called up to the front before you're ready if needed, so you now have to worry about that too.
(On next turn, roll d100. If lower than 50, you are called up prematurely and the prologue ends.)

Supplies remaining 5 -> 3

Stat Changes

Martial: 8 -> 10
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Prologue 2
While you have been training, your superiors have finally received their orders. It turns out...
That you will not be moving ahead of time. They know that your company was recently attacked, and decided that finishing your training was more important than rushing off to kill the clankers.

With that out of the way, you can turn to Other things...

You have Four Two actions that you can use.

[X] Spend time training with your troops: You are the newly promoted Sergeant, and besides Sunber, you know nothing of them and vice versa. Spending some time training with them would eliminate the barrier between you and them, and get some training in. Two Avians with one stone. Cost: 0 supplies. Reward: Remove all malus from fighting together (Visible and hidden), + 1 Martial. Time: 2 turns

[] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[] Specify Stat here

[] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 80%. Reward: +10 Reputation with Specified person. Time: 1 turn
-[] Who do you want to spend time with?

[X] Learn a skill: You spent most of your time in the academy learning how to pilot the vehicles you would be working with. Now that you're a leader, it might be best to expand your horizons. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 60%. Reward: Skill of your choice at Level I. Time: 2 turns.
-[] Specify Skill here

[] Request a rare item: While the AT-TE you got from captain Visha was a great surprise, you feel that it might not be enough. Ask the Quartermaster for a rare weapon, vehicle, or other items you could use. Cost: 2 Supplies. Percentage of Success: 70%. Reward: Item of your choice. Time: 1 turn.
-[] What item do you want?

Supply count: 3
[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Specify Stat here Diplomacy
Probably useful for talking our way through the higher-ups.

[X] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 80%. Reward: +10 Reputation with Specified person. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Who do you want to spend time with? Platoon commander.

Because the Platoon commander is our direct superior in combat, probably a good idea to get to know him a little.
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[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Specify Stat here Diplomacy
Probably useful for talking our way through the higher-ups.

[X] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success:
[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Specify Stat here Diplomacy
Probably useful for talking our way through the higher-ups.

[X] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success:
not sure about the format or the story or lack of it but i`m keeping a eye on this.

hope it gets better.
[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Specify Stat here Diplomacy
Probably useful for talking our way through the higher-ups.

[X] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 80%. Reward: +10 Reputation with Specified person. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Who do you want to spend time with? Platoon commander
[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Specify Stat here Diplomacy
[X] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 80%. Reward: +10 Reputation with Specified person. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Who do you want to spend time with? Platoon commander