The Glories of the Empire's Men (Star Wars Imperial Quest)

[X] 2 x Request a rare weapon (2 points, repeatable)
[X] Request a new light vehicle (BARC, AT-RT) (2 points, repeatable)
Can we save the points for later?
[X] Request an AT-TE (6 points)
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[X] Request a 'Security' droid (3 points, repeatable)
[X] Request some extra supplies (1 point, repeatable) X 3
[X] Request an AT-TE (6 points)

Our elite infantry should help deal with the anti-personal that we miss by going big. An AT-TE helps with bigger problems, and is a great rally point in the chaos of battle.
more star wars is always welcome here , it seems to be underrepesnted considering its popularity compared to other fictions to be honest in the quest and fanfiction world for some reason altough i guess the disney copyright issues probably explain alot on the fanfiction side atleast but never got why starwars quests arent more of a thing.
Character Creation 3
Your response goes through successfully, in the end, and the AT-TE is flown to your location. It is...
(AT-TE quality: 99)
In near mint condition! How did the company commander get one this good? And why did he give it to you, when he could have given one that was just normal? Was this some kind of sign? 'I'm trusting you with this, don't mess up?' Because if so, then things just got even more important. Hopefully, you won't mess this up...

"Sir." "Yes?" You respond, turning with surprise. "We're just about ready to go. All we need now is the order to move." Your new aid, Corporal Sunber responds. "Good. We'll be going..."

[] "Back to Company Headquarters. I need some time to train properly with you, and I don't want to die in the first battle because I was stupid." (2 prologue turns)
[] "Onto the Advance Base. We're needed there, and this new AT-TE is just what the troopers there will want to help them." (1 prologue turn)
[] "Onto the Battlefield. There are Clankers that need killing, and we need to be the ones to kill them!" (0 prologue turns)

"Of course Sergeant..."

[] Write-in

You nod, and people begin to move.

[] Write-in organization (It takes 3 people to fully man AT-AP, and 4 to man the AT-TE. It only takes two to drive both. You can store 3 small vehicles (BARCs) inside the AT-TE.)

(AN: Could someone roll me 6 d6s?)
Kinda want the charecter's name to somehow be a Mandolorien one or something. Something to reflect the quality of his men really. Or maybe name them after a flower/gem. Or both.
/ Remove wrong plan in the old reply /

OK, I'm gonna fix the plan later, but I need to know
  • How many men do we have
  • How many vehicles (all kind) do we have (that also includes choppers, gunships...)
  • How many support units (mortar, artillery...) do we have
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[X] "Back to Company Headquarters. I need some time to train properly with you, and I don't want to die in the first battle because I was stupid." (2 prologue turns)

[X] Visha

[X] Organization
-[X] Command/Combat Section: AT-TE (8 troopers, including us)
-[X] Scout Section: 2x BARCs(2 troopers)

OK, we don't have enough men to spread out so I focus them on a few. Scouts are for harassing and dancing around, they would spot a target so that the Heavy Walker AT-TE can walk in. I'd love to have the sniper (AT-AP) available, but as I said, we don't have enough men. And spreading out over a large area is... risky
[X] "Back to Company Headquarters. I need some time to train properly with you, and I don't want to die in the first battle because I was stupid." (2 prologue turns)

[X] Mordye

[X] Organization
-[X] Command Section: AT-TE (5 troopers, including us) - 2 BARCS inside
-[X] Defensive section 1x ATAP (3 troopers), 2x ATRT (2 troopers, one in each)

AT-TE in the centre, ATAP in the rear surveying the advance and ATRT moving in front to spot any hidden obstacles (roadblocks, ambushes, etc).

The separatists greatest strength is their numbers the AT-TE and ATAP should be able to handle anything that gets anywhere near company headquarters baring an assault that breaks the frontline, which the ATRT's should be able to spot and help us avoid.

The next biggest threats are rebels (although unlikely) and partisans supporting the separatist cause (more likely) both of which tend to use hit and run tactics with the empires greatest strength being overwhelming firepower.

I'm thinking play to our strengths while avoiding the rebels strength's, the ATRT's should have the manoeuvrability to spot and chase down any rebel ambushes and allow the bigger guns in the AT-TE or the ATAP to deal with the situation.

Also, I feel like keeping all our vehicles in our possession is to keep them on us and manned to some extent as things have a habit of going missing if you leave them alone.
[X] "Back to Company Headquarters. I need some time to train properly with you, and I don't want to die in the first battle because I was stupid." (2 prologue turns)

[X] Mordye

[X] Organization
-[X] Command Section: AT-TE (5 troopers, including us) - 2 BARCS inside
-[X] Defensive section 1x ATAP (3 troopers), 2x ATRT (2 troopers, one in each)
[X] "Back to Company Headquarters. I need some time to train properly with you, and I don't want to die in the first battle because I was stupid." (2 prologue turns)

[X] Mordred

[X] Organization
-[X] Command Section: AT-TE (5 troopers, including us) - 2 BARCS inside
-[X] Defensive section 1x ATAP (3 troopers), 2x ATRT (2 troopers, one in each)
[X] "Back to Company Headquarters. I need some time to train properly with you, and I don't want to die in the first battle because I was stupid." (2 prologue turns)

[X] Mordye

[X] Organization
-[X] Command Section: AT-TE (5 troopers, including us) - 2 BARCS inside
-[X] Defensive section 1x ATAP (3 troopers), 2x ATRT (2 troopers, one in each)
Prologue 1
"Of course Sergeant Mordye."

You nod, and your people begin to move.

You make good time towards the Company headquarters, arriving in less than a day. Once you get back, you report to the Company Captain Visha and your squad turns in at their allotted zone. The next day, you wake up bright and early and get to work.

You have 4 actions to use. Your actions are as follows.

[] Spend time training with your troops: You are the newly promoted Sergeant, and besides Sunber, you know nothing of them and vice versa. Spending some time training with them would eliminate the barrier between you and them, and get some training in. Two Avians with one stone. Cost: 0 supplies. Reward: Remove all malus from fighting together (Visible and hidden), + 1 Martial. Time: 2 turns
[] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[] Specify Stat here
[] Spend time with Someone: Joss always said that knowing your superiors like the back of your hand was the best way to not get sent off to a death front. Perhaps it's time to make good on this lesson. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 80%. Reward: +10 Reputation with Specified person. Time: 1 turn
-[] Who do you want to spend time with?
[] Learn a skill: You spent most of your time in the academy learning how to pilot the vehicles you would be working with. Now that you're a leader, it might be best to expand your horizons. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 60%. Reward: Skill of your choice at Level I. Time: 2 turns.
-[] Specify Skill here
[] Request a rare item: While the AT-TE you got from captain Visha was a great surprise, you feel that it might not be enough. Ask the Quartermaster for a rare weapon, vehicle, or other items you could use. Cost: 2 Supplies. Percentage of Success: 70%. Reward: Item of your choice. Time: 1 turn.
-[] What item do you want?


5 supplies
[X] Plan Get good

[X] Spend time training with your troops: You are the newly promoted Sergeant, and besides Sunber, you know nothing of them and vice versa. Spending some time training with them would eliminate the barrier between you and them, and get some training in. Two Avians with one stone. Cost: 0 supplies. Reward: Remove all malus from fighting together (Visible and hidden), + 1 Martial. Time: 2 turns

[X] Train yourself: You have been neglecting parts of your daily training when you spent time with Joss. While this probably hurts your growth, nothing says you cannot make up for it now. Cost: 0. Reward: +2 to a single stat of your choice. Time: 1 turn
-[X] Martial

[X] Learn a skill: You spent most of your time in the academy learning how to pilot the vehicles you would be working with. Now that you're a leader, it might be best to expand your horizons. Cost: 0. Percentage of Success: 60%. Reward: Skill of your choice at Level I. Time: 2 turns.
-[X] Piloting Mastery (Ground-based)

[X] Request a rare item: While the AT-TE you got from captain Visha was a great surprise, you feel that it might not be enough. Ask the Quartermaster for a rare weapon, vehicle, or other items you could use. Cost: 2 Supplies. Percentage of Success: 70%. Reward: Item of your choice. Time: 1 turn.
-[X] Request a trainer for the troops
[X] Plan Get good

So we're not spending time with someone here, I'm fine with that.