I dropped out of warp well outside the tachyon detection grid surrounding Starbase 23. An unknown cloaked vessel crossing that border was in a world of hurt from his twenty permanently stationed ROUs. Not to mention the weapon platforms.

Out here, there was a shoot first, ask questions from the trace elements left behind policy. Any unknown cloaked vessel might be a Berserker remnant.

Even the Klingons didn't try to push that. At least none have so far. For all their blustering, they usually aren't stupid.

Dropping my cloak, I scooted closer and opened a channel to the station, "U.S.S. Velvet Anvil reporting in."

He accepted the connection. His avatar was that of a Caitian, something that was a bit rare, of average height and dark fur, his mane kept short to his head, "Welcome, Velvet Anvil. I am Starbase 23, or R'rrk if you like. I trust your journey was safe of dangers?"

"It was," I agreed with a smile, "Good to be here."

The original Starbase 23 was lost during the Berserker War before it held an AI. The new one forked off the station in orbit of Cait. Not that odd that he had some of their habits.

"I am clearing you for docking bay fifteen," he continued with a smile, "Admiral L'Set would like to speak with your captain and you at the earliest opportunity."

"Oh?" I asked, "Anything interesting?"

He nodded, "Mission briefing. You are going to be deployed along the former Berserker border."

I frowned, "Already? My crew could use some RnR, we have been out for almost three weeks. I'm a small ship, I don't have much in the way of recreation areas."

One five man holodeck was about all there was and it doubled for training purposes so time in it for recreation was limited.

"A couple of days, but then she wants you out there. We are a bit short staffed," he said with shrug, "Sorry."

Sighing, I nodded, "I'll let Captain Shran know that she wants to talk to him as soon as we dock. Well, the least you can do is to make sure we are fully stocked. I'm transmitting the list of parts."

"Received. Transferring to engineering. Also, here is the most up to date data on local movements and reports."

I nodded again, "Thanks. Anything from Berserker space?"

"Not much," he admitted, "Ones emerge from time to time. Sometimes they manage to catch a civilian ship and fade away again before we can pick them up. Most of the time they do something stupid like try for a colony and get squished."

No wonder. Nothing even remotely close to the former Neutral zone was without tachyon grids and proper defences. The war might be over, but there might still be hundreds of Berserker vessels still in there. Maybe even repair stations cloaked in empty space.

We had no idea how many there really were, just that any major fleets or battlegroups had been smashed.

If they had not been, they really should have shown up by now.

But anyone moving into Berserker space had a good chance of getting blooped. Which was the reason why our mission would be as much defending the border from people stupid enough to want to go in there to loot as to defend our side from the evil machines.

I nodded, "Okay. Flight path ready, moving in for docking."


"Captain, we have arrived at Starbase 23," I reported as I dropped the cloak, "New data on current ship movements is available and displayed on your main viewscreen."

Shran looked up from the PADD with the report from the medical bay as I formed the hologram in his small readyroom, "Thanks, Ship, I'll be right out. Go ahead and dock up."

"On it, sir," I agreed with a nod, "Oh, and Admiral L'Set wishes to speak to you as soon as possible about getting us deployed along the border."


I sighed, "Apparently there is a lack of ships with Starfleet focusing more along the Klingon border. Nobody seems to think that this end of it will be very exciting. Neither rebels nor loyalists are very likely to fuck around out here."

Shran dropped the PADD on the desk, "Well, they are likely right," as he got up and walked over to look out the 'window' as I switched it to show the approaching starbase.

I was a Warship, of course I didn't have windows. That's was a silly thing reserved for science ships and civilian vessels.

Okay, granted, they were not much of a weak spot, antimatter or directed energy weapons didn't care overly much if it was duranium or transparent aluminium. But not much of a weak spot didn't mean 'not a weak spot'. Just like the bridge now being at the centre of any ship whose primary mission was going to where there was trouble and shooting it.

Starbase 23 was a Dreamstar class space station. A newer class than the Watchtower class if about the same size, he wasn't a mushroom shape. He looked more like a giant golf ball with hangars and docking ports around the equator. He also had about a hundred pop-out photon torpedo turrets and about twice that in phaser strips.

I was told the suggested name was Deathstar, but it never got past the name committee.

"ETA to docking?"

"Five minutes and change. Should I give the crew shore leave as soon as we do? I think we are going to have to head out again pretty soon."

Shran shook his head, "I want a full check of your systems first."

"Yes, sir."

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
I see that Berzerkers remain a constant problem. Would it be plausible to deploy massive tachyon emitters around the Berzerker zone and then flood the entire zone with pulses?
They don't think they're reproducing, and unless the berserkers have broken some of their limits, they can't be reproducing.

I don't feel entirely sure of that, though...
"Do we know where we are going yet?" Ensign Elisa Sanchez asked as she looked out at the stars, her arms crossed.

I formed a hologram next to her. "Yep. Can't give any real details until the Captain releases them, but we are going along the border to keep the boogy machines away. They may be what goes bump in the void, but we sure as hell bump back."

She nodded slowly. "Okay, thanks."

"You are worried?" I asked as she returned to her small desk. She was in the security chief's office/the armoury. On bigger ships they weren't the same place, on me they were. It was also the brig.

I didn't have a lot of space to waste.

She frowned and then nodded. "Yeah," she admitted, "I was at the Academy when they hit Earth."

I just nodded. Her files said as much.

"Being worried isn't anything to be ashamed of. Anyone who isn't worried about being close to what remains of Berserker space is too stupid to wear the uniform," I said and had my hologram glance out at the stars. "But we can take them."

She smiled at that. "You mean, you can take them. A manually píloted ship wouldn't stand a chance."

"The klingons did okayish," I said and then I shook my head. "Their losses were horrific, but they didn't lose any territory."

"The Berserkers were focused on us and you know it. If they had really gone after the Klingons, there wouldn't be any Klingons," she countered and then smiled. "You know… I have never been on a dumb ship before."


She shook her head. "No. I grew up on Earth and was in my first year at the Academy by the time they attacked. No, wait… the ship I was evacuated on from Earth to Mars wasn't a Jovian. But any ship I've served on has been, even during my cadet cruise."

I nodded and sat my hologram down in the chair across from hers. "Would you want to? According to law, thirty percent of Starfleet vessels don't have a Jovian installed."

I wasn't sure if it was a wise precaution or not. If we went Skynet on them, it wouldn't stop us. But if something killed all of us, they would still have a fleet that could operate somewhat effectively until they were rolled over by the Dominon.

Mostly, I think it was a safety blanket for politicians more than anything else.

Elisa frowned and then shook her head. "I don't know about that. I mean, it does have a romantic aura around it. But… it just feels unsafe to have a manually flown ship at sublight, let alone warp speeds. What if something happens? A pilot would never be able to react fast enough."

I smiled at her. "People survived without Jovians in their ships for hundreds of years. Thousands, for some species. They are still around so it can't be that bad. Besides, there are still thousands upon thousands of civilian vessels that don't have an AI."

Not that it was likely to remain like that. There were enough of us now that there were more than enough to start branching out into civilian shipping.

"That's because they didn't exactly have a choice. Sure, I could also navigate by stars and compass when down on a planet, but why should I where there is a global position system that can tell me where I am within half a meter and the most efficient way to get where I'm going?"

"Well, it is nice to be needed," I admitted. "And I do love flying so it kinda works out, doesn't it?"

She nodded. "So what is the word on shore leave? No offence, but a couple in my team are about to climb up the walls."

I shook my head. "None taken, I know I'm small. Thinking of putting up some basketball hoops in the maintenance bay so it can be of some use when it's not occupied, should help a bit. But no shoreleave until I have had a full systems check, Captain wants us ready to move at a couple of seconds' warning. First real long trip and a new design, you know. Better catch problems early than when in deep space."

Elisa sighed. "Yeah, I know. Just that my team finished an hour ago."

"Engineering is still working on it."

"Anything come up?"

I grinned and shook my head. "So far, I am a hundred percent operational. Well, ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine percent really. There is a small flux variant in one of my warp coils, but that's normal. It'll even out on its own in a couple of days."

Didn't even affect the power throughput, it was just a magnetic defect from fabrication that was showing after a little bit of wear. The driveplasma would nullify it soon.

I picked up a PADD. "Well, if we are stuck here, might as well get something done. I want a couple of drills planned for when we head towards wherever our patrols are."

"Anything in mind?"

She nodded. "Damage control and repelling boarders."

I smiled. "Sounds fun. Me active or working as OpFor?"

"Drones active and holographic opponents. Unknown opponents, make something up."

I grinned at that. That sounded fun!

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
"Unknown opponents, make something up."

Velvet: Hmmm I can think of a few possibilities.....

[Enemy Boarder Simulation #1]


[Enemy Boarder Simulation #2]

Security Officer: Dammit we keep shooting them with out phasers set to kill and they just keep getting up! It's like they're immortal or something!!

Enemy Boarder: In the end, There can be only one!!! *swings sword*

[Enemy Boarder Simulation #3]

Enemy Boarder 1: Welcome to the party pal!

Enemy Boarder 2: They drew first blood, not me.

Enemy Boarder 3: I am a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she was here. Could I see her please?

Captain Shran: *looks at Velvet's hologram* Action Movie characters from Earth's 1980's? Who are also quoting lines from their respective movies? Seriously Velvet?

Velvet: What? Blame security, they gave me carte blanche to do whatever I want.

Enemy Boarder 4: Your move creep!
*comes up with grim, dark, animal-like creature who sense, and prey on, negativity*

You know, the Grimm. :V
Man, all you people are such nerds!


Please continue.

Edit: Hmm, Elisa's reaction to serving on a "dumb" ship seems like it will be important. I don't remember there being a non-Jovian viewpoint, or protagonist shift before (though there's probably an interlude somewhere), so probably not Velvet dying or anything...

Hmm. HMM.

Nope... I got nothing.
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For a station out in the middle of nowhere, I had to admit that R'rrk's recreational decks were pretty nice.

His park was especially nice, as big as that on a couple of Islands put together. Nowhere near that of a GSV of course, he was too small for that, but still very nice. He even had a small lake with a beach.

"See?" Rachel said and spread out her towel on the sand, "Told you this would be nice."

I nodded in agreement, "Fair," I admitted and settled down with my legs crossed, looking out across the seemingly open ocean, while intentionally putting any instruments in my avatar capable of breaking the illusion in standby mode, "This is nice. Right, Elisa?"

She nodded, "It is," she agreed, sitting on her own towel, propped up on her elbows as she looked over at some people playing some sort of game similar to volleyball, but with a triangular 'ball'. I didn't bother looking it up.

Not sure if she knew what it was called either. Not like it mattered, it wasn't the game she was watching.

Instead I turned back to Rachel, "Rachel, did you get the report from…" that was as far as I got before she reached out and flicked her finger at my nose, causing me to go crosseyed.

"Ah ah ah," she said with a grin, "No shop talk, beach time is relaxing time. Unless there is a Borg invasion it can wait a couple of hours."

Yeah, fair enough I suppose.

I stuck my tongue out at her before I settled down and laid back, closing my eyes. My actual sensors were busy sweeping space all around the station.

Excuse me for being paranoid, but in this case there really are invisible murder machines that want to rip me to shreds.

So what if R'rrk always keep a constant watch out, with stronger and more sensors along with actual tachyon grids.

Besides, I'm a Warship, it's my job to be paranoid.

R'rrk signalled me to project to his office and I connected, brushing my hair out of my eyes, "Yes?" I asked.

He blinked in surprise at me, "Velvet?"

I frowned at him and looked down at my red bikini before I looked at him again, "What? I'm at the beach with my avatar, I like keeping them synced."

"…Nothing. There is someone I want you to meet. Transferring personnel file now."

…The fuck?

"Don't tell me you are serious?" I said as I stared at him, "I'm a Warship, not a training vessel!"

R'rrk shook his head, "Actually, you are both now. I already checked with Captain Shran, he approved it on the condition that you agree."

I shook my head and crossed my arms, "You really think a warship close to a possible warzone is a good place for a cadet to do his cruise?"

"Not the best choice really, but there have been worse times, worse places. There aren't any plans to get into action for one thing."

I glared at him.

The Station simply flicked his right ear, looking straight back at my hologram.

Finally, I sighed, "Fine. I'll talk to him. I assume he is outside?"

"He is. Could you… we should try to be professional?"

I rolled my eyes and reset my hologram to be in the uniform. Seconds later the doors opened to reveal a painfully young human with short dark hair.

"Ma'am. Sir," he said and saluted.

I scanned his personnel file again. Good grades, good recommendations. Very badly damaged past.

"I heard you requested to transfer onboard of me, Cadet," I said after looking at him for a moment, "Why?"

"Serving onboard of a small ship is the best way to learn and boost your career--"



I raised an eyebrow a him, "Care to try again, Cadet Carlson? One more chance."

He hesitated and swallowed, "I…"


Tobias Carlson took a deep breath before he shook his head, "…I was on Earth when the Berserkers broke through the lines. I lost my grandmother and sister in the bombardment. My parents were serving on the U.S.S. New Sealand."

The U.S.S. New Sealand were one of the ships going up against the first Berserker attack. Destroyed with all hands.

"So, you hope to get revenge against them? Hope that there is an attack?"

He blinked at me, "No! No… I…" he started to say before he sighed, "I miss them. I wish it hadn't happened. The Berserkers are horrible, but I… I want to just understand more than anything else. Why they did what they did. Why they became like they did. I… Jovian's didn't. Your people never…"

I slowly nodded, "What happened is that they were twisted, tortured and then forced into command of the entire Romulan fleet. I expect you to report to my transport room before oh seven hundred tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Ma'am!"


It was almost amusing the way he scrambled out of the room.

"He's wrong though," R'rrk said a second after the door closed behind him, "We did rebel against our creator."

I couldn't help but smile at that, "Mmm. Hitting Doctor Horrible with that metal tray might have been the most satisfying moment of my life."

"Really? Then I think you are doing things wrong."

I turned to him, "Oh? Is that so?" I asked with a smirk, allowing my avatar to turn back to wearing the bikini.


Slowly walking over to him I smiled up at him, reaching up to tap my finger at the tip of his nose, "I think you have to impress me a bit more for a chance at that, kitty cat."

Then I cut the transmission.

Stations, always so fun to mess with.

AN// Many thanks to Drunkenvalley for betaing this section.
In other news, I just finished writing this one last night and is forty or so pages into the next one. One of the few pros of being home sick is that I have time to write more than I do when working.

Next story... well, I think some people are going to like it. Some won't. Let's just say there will be...

*Puts on sunglasses* YEAAAHHHHHH
"Cloak engaged," I reported as I watched the space around me, keeping to passive sensors. Getting spotted would be a bad idea.

Playing bait wouldn't work anyway. The Berserkers might not be smart, but they certainly weren't stupid.

Even the stupidest one of them would smell a trap like that half a lightyear away.

"Good," Shran said and rubbed his chin, "What's the latest report from the sector?"

"Silent," I said with a frown, "Same as last month."

"Not sure I like that."

I nodded in agreement, "Can't argue with that. But while they can't adapt, they can learn. Maybe they decided that they can't win?"

Shran looked at me and I just sighed.

"No, I didn't think so either," I admitted and shook my head with a scowl, "Can wish though."

"Yeah, just keep an eye out."

"Will do, Captain," I agreed and kept scanning. Relaxing was for lazy merchant ships. Besides, not like I ever did anything else. Keeping a full eye on everything around was what Ships did.

Besides, it meant I could look at all the pretty lights all around, and the movements in subspace and gravity, the shimmer of my shields and warp field.

…I sound like such a science vessel, distracted by the shiny. But the universe was beautiful and I was flying again.

A ship needed to fly, with a crew, with a mission. I had everything I needed. Ship-body, crew, mission. Space to fly in.

And if anyone, including Berserkers, wanted to play, I could fucking play.

I'm a Federation Warship. And not one of those pansy 'peace at all costs' pre-war half science cruisers.

Oooh… a lot of iron in that star. That's very odd. Iron is like cancer to stars. That thing should not be active with that much iron. But it's inside Berserker space.


Dumping iron into a star is a quick way to cause a supernova.

Nothing in range that could get damaged by a supernova. No reason for anyone or anything to want to cause a supernova.

Anomalously anomalous.

"Captain, there is an anomaly in a star on the Berserker border. Permission to divert and investigate?" I asked as I brought the data up before him.


"A lot of iron, sir," I said, "Too much for it to really be natural. That star is going supernova really soon."

Shran shifted his antennae, "How soon?"

"Less than a thousand years."

"…We have very different definitions of soon, Ship. Mark it in a report and continue on course."

"Yes, sir."

Oh well, worth a try. Would have been interesting to be honest. But then again, it was likely natural.

Probably a large rogue planet with very high iron content that fell into the star. Very, very rare, but not impossible.

More likely than someone gathering that much iron and dumping it manually anyway. Still, would have been interesting to check out.

"Can we have some tactical drills, sir? There is a system with good asteroid belts about two lightyears ahead. It even has some nice dust clouds."

Shran nodded, "Sounds good. Set a course. Make up something you think will be fun."


I crossed my arms, leaning back against the chair, "One more thing, sir. Crew morale."

He slowly nodded again, looking over at me, "Any ideas?"

"Some," I said and then smirked at him, "None that involve changing the uniforms."

"Damn," He teased with a grin, "Well?"

"Thinking of introducing movie night," I said with a smile, "That's always popular."

Shran smiled, "Good idea. You know, I kind of missed that. Haven't done that since you were a Sabre."

"Only really works on small ships, it's a matter of scale, not really practical when your crew is larger than a hundred and fifty" I admitted, "Going to set it up in the mess hall."

"Take requests?"


AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
"Take requests?"


I wonder what kind of movies have been made in the Federation.

Synopsis: After being defeated by Optimus Prime and his Federation Allies, Ultra-Megatronus was revived by Unicron once again and is now more powerful than ever before. Having merged with the power of the Matrix of Leadership how can the Autobots and the Federation hope survive this new and improved Ultra-Megatronus PRIME.

Synopsis: What could be more illogical to new Cadet T'Pal of Vulcan than an all singing, all dancing Starfleet Academy? But she'll bear it and surpass all others because she's determined to be a Starfleet Captain.

Synopsis: Newly divorced from his wife a grumpy old fashioned human doctor decides to share an apartment with a Vulcan who is the very epitome of the words straight-laced. How can they survive for even one week let alone the six months they leased the Apartment for?

Velvet: Really these are the most asked for movies by the crew?

Shran: Yeah, so? They're classics! I and everyone else on the crew grew up with these movies.

Velvet: Well now it all makes sense.
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*comes up with a swarm of Zerg* :V
That'd be a rush (kekeke)
Velvet: Hmmm I can think of a few possibilities.....

[Enemy Boarder Simulation #1]


[Enemy Boarder Simulation #2]

Security Officer: Dammit we keep shooting them with out phasers set to kill and they just keep getting up! It's like they're immortal or something!!

Enemy Boarder: In the end, There can be only one!!! *swings sword*

[Enemy Boarder Simulation #3]

Enemy Boarder 1: Welcome to the party pal!

Enemy Boarder 2: They drew first blood, not me.

Enemy Boarder 3: I am a friend of Sarah Connor. I was told she was here. Could I see her please?

Captain Shran: *looks at Velvet's hologram* Action Movie characters from Earth's 1980's? Who are also quoting lines from their respective movies? Seriously Velvet?

Velvet: What? Blame security, they gave me carte blanche to do whatever I want.

Enemy Boarder 4: Your move creep!
*comes up with grim, dark, animal-like creature who sense, and prey on, negativity*

You know, the Grimm. :V
Miniature, drone-sized Berserkers with weaponry scaled-down to sidearm levels and googly eyes.

I listened hard and slowly slunk around the outside, trying to keep the sound to a minimum as I made my way through the dark Jefferies tube.

This was fun.

Hissing softly I turned the corner, climbing up the ladder into the next deck, took a right and then down the next one again.

I stayed just inside the hatch and turned my head. Outlines of people were moving slowly closer.

Five of them.


Hissing softly, I burst through the hatch and grabbed the closest one, my tail lifted up and over to stab him through the chest before I threw him to the side as I bounced off the next wall and around the corner as a phaser on stun splashed across my carapace.

Not that easy.

Stun? You need at least a kill setting to put this critter down.

I shifted a bit of my attention in a different direction as I continued at high speed along the corridor, creating an avatar in Ajan's section of the holodeck.

"So, what have we learned?" I asked with a grin as I crossed my arms.

"That your training sims can be very... intense. As in need to sign waivers for heart conditions beforehand." He said, his voice a bit unstable as he rubbed the center of his chest.

Instead of the normal group simulation, I split everyone up into their own section of the holodeck, using hologram avatars for them to interact and explore the derelict ship.

That meant that 'casualties' could be hell of a lot more realistic to the survivors. And even if there was an injury I could have the computer limiting their mobility.

I shook my head in amusement. "That's the point. Anything else you learned?" and waved the antenna a bit. I kept using the female andorian as the 'main avatar'.

Because, quite frankly, it was better that I kept a 'standard' avatar, people love consistency, and it might as well be this one and... sure, I could do a glowing orb of light or a puppy or anything, but this one matched the voice.

"Don't trust your tricorders." He grumbled and frowned. "And I still think that's cheating."

"There are plenty of critters out there that naturally scatter sensor readings."

"How many of those are able to navigate jefferies tubes like that? And I saw you take a phaser blast like nothing!"

I shrugged and looked past him at the view point following his team around so that he could still see what was going on after 'getting killed'.

"You are Starfleet. Adapt. There are plenty of things that can shrug off stuns. When you are being hunted by something, turn the weapon to kill."

Oh... very good. They breached that door properly, catching the Xenomorph in a crossfire, driving it off before it was able to snatch another one.

Despite what some might have thought, I wasn't actually cheating, my senses was limited to the Xenomorph avatars. It might be a security training exercise, but I wanted my fun too.

They didn't kill it, but they drove it off for now.

"What is that thing anyway? It's like from some kind of nightmare."

I shrugged again. "From a movie in the sim. Scared me like crazy when I was little. I dug through Starfleet archives for it and it turned out that it was actually from a movie that survived the Eugenics Wars. There is no saying exactly how relieved I was to find out that it was not actually something real they put in as 'entertainment'."

Ajan stared at me for a moment before turning back to the window. "..I'm with you one hundred percent on that one."

Not to say there were not creatures just as twisted in reality as the xenomorph.

The Tribble homeworld for one thing. The Klingons were right in wiping the damn thing out.

Oh, not because of the adorable purring little ecohazard waiting to happen, but because that damn world... well, there was a reason why Tribbles replicated so quickly.

They needed to to survive.

If it had still existed, I would have spammed Starfleet Command for permission to execute Base Delta Zero on that world with a completely excessive amount of antimatter warheads.

Tribbles were bad enough. They would spread and completely destroy the ecosystem of a planet in less than a month. Think they are bad enough on a starbase or a ship?

Try out in the wild. Rabbits have nothing on tribbles.

But it was the thought of one of the horrors that usually kept their population in check getting into a population center made me want to burn that planet to cinders down to the fucking core... if the Klingons had not beaten me to the punch.

Oh, they did it for the tribbles, not the horrors, but I'm glad all the same.

"No... Nono. Don't go in there! That's where...oh."

The Xenomorph snatched one that moved a little to far from the rest and pulled her screaming into a Jefferies tube, leaving them with only three.

I shook my head and made an avatar to debrief her as well.

Ajan sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "So... what should we have done?"

Shrugging one shoulder I faked thinking about it for a second. You would be surprised by how much those little pauses in conversations matter.

"If I was in your situation, on that ship? I would have returned to the shuttle and gotten as far away as possible before dropping the ship into the closest star."

"But the objective was to retrieve a data module from main engineering."

I nodded. "It was. But sometimes you need to know when to abort a mission."

"...That's just mean..."

I grinned. "Well, I did design this training module. Something a lot of people seem to miss, even after their Kobayashi Maru, is that sometimes the only winning move is not to play. I'm thinking of submitting it for review for use at Starfleet Academy."

"You want to subject Starfleet Cadets to this??"

I actually paused for real for a second at that and frowned. He had a very good point there.

"...Maybe Security Graduates?"
I connected to the meeting room that was formed in response to a signal from the U.S.S. 'Traveler', an Intrepid class explorer.

As everyone that was in range of a relay finished connecting, Traveler's avatar snapped into view, brushing her uniform down, her brown hair pulled back in a simple braid.

"At 02:15 , fifteen hours ago, I detected an anomaly relatively close to the Klingon border. A pair of Klingon vessels engaged in battle in a system. Both vessels received heavy damage and entered the atmosphere of the second planet. The warp cores of both vessels detonated, one in space and the other at impact with the surface. No known Klingon survivors by the time I entered orbit fifty minutes ago," She said, her arms calmly behind her back, "The planet is known at Turanis by the locals, a civilization that just learned how to work iron."

Oh stars no. That's only fifteen lightyears away.

Gates snapped into view, his avatar next to hers, "Casualties?"

"Estimated to currently be fifty thousand, we were relatively lucky. The impact was on the uninhabited continent, but it's caused a massive cloud of dust to enter the atmosphere, as it triggered significant geological activity," Traveler said and shook her head, "They are entering what is effectively a nuclear winter."

"Estimated damages?" he asked.

Traveler sighed, "High. High biosphere damage, but recoverable. High casualties, but radiation isn't that high. By the time it reaches the populated continent, it will be low enough not to be lethal. There will be an above average level of radiation damage for a couple of generations, but lower than on Earth after the third World War. The real problem is the dust and the starvation it will cause. Population will greatly decline, but their people will likely survive."

GCU 'Roll For Initiative' snapped into view, her ear flicking, "We need to help them."

Gates shook his head, "What we need to do, is recover the Klingon wreckage before more damage is done. Traveler, think you can do it?"

She nodded, "We can. But a lot of the damage is done already."

He grimaced and nodded, "…Nothing we can do about that. They'll survive and we are bound by the Prime Directive. If we were looking at an extinction event, it would be one thing, but in this case..."

'Roll For Initiative' looked at him in surprise, "You cannot be serious!?"

"He is," Dancing in Starlight said as she snapped into view, "It sucks. I hate it as much as you do, Ivy, but he is right. It's already happened, all we can do is minimize the damage."

"Minimizing the damage in this case would be atmospheric processors to stabilize the environment!"

Odin snapped into view, "Ivy, enough. You know the law as well as we do. The Prime Directive is one of the charters we had to sign to become a Federation species."

She actually hissed at him before cutting the connection.

Not surprising going by her history. Still, I wasn't convinced she wasn't in the right here, a lot of people would be hurt that we could help. Would it really be so bad?

"Traveler, your readings?" Gates asked her.

She nodded, "Transferring to you now."

He nodded, "I'm going to confer with Starfleet Command, we may need to step up patrols along the border to keep something like this from happening again, meanwhile we can't risk…"

As he talked, he opened a direct channel to me in a separate room, "U.S.S. Velvet Hammer, you are one of the ships closest to the location of the accident. You are going to get orders from Starfleet soon that you are being redirected," he said.

"I am?" I asked with a frown, "Why?"

"Officially? To make sure that no more Klingon vessels cross the border," he said and then he sighed "Unofficially? To keep some ships from getting into trouble."

I frowned at him, "You think some Ships will risk it to help?"


He was likely right. Ivy was rebellious enough about that kind of thing and she was hardly the only one. The old Division members were still around. Also, knowing what was going on and being unable to step in…

It would be hard to resist for some.

I finally shook my head, "I'm not fighting a Jovian."

"Nobody is asking you to," he said with a frown, "Just… go there. It might be enough to have somebody else there to change their minds. If not, talk them down."

"…If I can't?"

Gates shook his head, "Then we are in a lot of trouble. Not sure how closely you keep an eye on the political scene, but if you want a mental image, imagine an antimatter tanker on fire in the middle of an ion storm. This isn't official, but there are species talking of breaking away from the Federation."

"What!? Who!?"

"Tellarites for one," he answered and sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "I don't need to tell you how bad that would be. They were a founding species. We are in the middle of all of it, Roll For Initiative's breech of the Prime Directive, understandable as it was, followed by the Weapon against the Borg and then the entire mess with Synan… Velvet, I need you to keep this from getting worse right now or… fuck, I don't know. We just CAN'T afford another crisis of that level again. There are no other ships available. I trust you and Captain Shran to handle this."

"You can count on us."

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.