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AN// This is a continuation of Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI). If you have not read the rest of the...
AN// This is a continuation of Not Quite SHODAN (ST SI). If you have not read the rest of the series, you may be confused(there is a couple of parts before this one). Now, on with the story!


I ran my sensors across the drydock all around. Well, almost all around, there was still a massive blind spot to my ventral side.

"Chief, how long until I have full sensor coverage?" I asked, crossing the arms of my avatar before brushing my blonde, almost platinum hair back behind my ear.

My avatar was human looking and on the petite side with shoulder length blonde hair and green eyes. My last avatar when I was the U.S.S. 'Look That Way' had been Amazon looking. But then again, I was a Sovereign Class cruiser then.

I was way smaller now so it kind of fit.

He shook his head and looked away from the console, "Sorry, Ship. We're having trouble tracking down the power glitch in that array. You're a new design, luv, there are bound to be glitches during construction."

I frowned at him, "I'm not that big! How difficult can it be!?"

Jacksson frowned right back at me, "Take it up with Marvin, it's his design!"

Sighing, I rubbed the bridge of my nose before I shook my head, "….Sorry Leif, I know it's not your fault. You and your crew are doing a great job. I'm just frustrated. My new Captain will be here next week and I want to at least have the major systems online."

He smiled, "Don't worry, luv. We'll get you up and running in time and put a nice shine on you too. Even if I have to pull triple shifts."

I couldn't help but smile back, "Thank you."

I was the U.S.S. 'Velvet Anvil', the first of the 'Nimitz' class of pocket drone carriers. Originally derived from the Defiant class, I was about thirty meters longer and ten meters wider, I lacked the originals pulse phasers, and while I had full phaser coverage and a couple of photon torpedo launchers, I was only designed to carry some thirty photon torpedoes.

My primary armament was the ten parasite drone ships that were attached to my outer hull. Basically unmanned Valkyrie fighter craft in capability, they would each carry one of my Quantum Cores. But about half the size of the old fighters.

I could carry a crew of forty.

I ran my sensors across the inside of the drydock once more. How come I'm always this nervous about getting a new Captain? This is the fifth time!

But it didn't get any easier. I missed my old crew, my old friends. Keeping in touch over subspace wasn't the same thing.

"I'll stop bothering you," I sighed, "A lot of work to do."

"Not a lot of time to do it," he agreed with a nod, "But we'll get it done, don't worry about it."

Giving him a quick smile, I left the command centre of the drydock with my avatar and adjusted the phaser riding comfortably on my waist.

Most Warships stuck to the pants version of the uniform, I was one of them. I didn't 'mind' skirts as such, they worked off duty, but I was an Ambassadorial Transport for years. I wore that stupid dress uniform so often I'm sick of it and I didn't like it in the first place. If I wear a skirt, it's because I'm dressing up for someone.

Wonder what the 'Friendship is Magic' is doing now anyway? Last I heard she was in orbit around Trilika V for some sort of peace talks.

"Marvin?" I asked, opening a channel with the station, "My sensor array?"

"Working on it. There is a glitch," he answered, "I have the solution, but it requires pulling the entire power coupling, sorry. I'm trying to find a more elegant way to solve it."

"Screw elegant, I want it working!"

He smiled, "Relax, Velvet. I'll get you up and running. Maybe not the interiors, but we will have the mechanical systems done in time."

I scowled at him, "Why don't I believe you?"

"Because you are a Warship, and as such paid to be paranoid?" he asked with a grin, "Relax. You'll be done in time, I promise."

"You better!" I told him and closed the channel.

Stupid station!

Didn't he know there was a war going on next door!? The Klingons were beating each other over the head with whatever they could get their hands on and it could spill over onto us really easily. If they did, we'd smack them so hard Kahless would get knocked out, but it could happen.

On the other side were The Dominion acting squirrely like normal and up to no good. They made me nervous because you KNEW they were just waiting for a moment to pounce, and now they had AI.

That was bad.

What was worse was the Borg. No sign of them since we vaped their little battlegroup out by New Jupiter. The longer they stayed gone, the less I liked it. They were up to something, there was simply no way they would just shrug and go 'Eh, too much trouble' and leave.

Something could happen at any moment and I was stuck in drydock without even functional fusion reactors!

What more, I didn't even have a warp core! So what if it worked perfectly well for the Romulan Star Empire and on a number of test rigs! Damn it, Marvin, I'm a Warship, not a science project!

AN2// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
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I fidgeted slightly, triple checking everything for the hundred and fifth time the last half hour as I had my avatar waiting by my main airlock.

Just thirty meters away, approaching through Marvin's corridor.

Getting a new Captain was always nervous, but this was worse than normal. Much, much worse.

He walked up to the outer hatch and I let it slide open to reveal the Andorian on the other side, "Permission to come aboard."

"Permission granted, Captain Shran," I said with a nod.

Walking up to my avatar, he handed over a PADD with a smile, "My orders, Ship. I hereby take command of the U.S.S. 'Velvet Anvil'."

"Orders received and confirmed, sir," I told him and smiled back before I saluted, "Command transferred."

He smiled at me, "Go ahead, I know you want to."

I quickly hugged him tight, "Missed you."

Shran grinned and hugged back, "It's good to see you too."

Letting go, I smiled up at one of my oldest friends, "I'm actually kind of honoured to be your first Command, Captain. I bet Star is pissed!"

He shook his head and put the PADD into his belt, "We both knew I wouldn't be her captain. Even with a AI backing them up, there is simply no way a new captain gets a ship as big as an Island as his first command."

I nodded in agreement, brushing a stray hair behind my ear, "True. I carry a crew of forty, not three thousand. At least I will once my construction wraps up ."

"Progress report?" he asked, "Layout similar to the Defiant class?"

"About ninety percent when it comes to critical systems, sir, ignoring power systems," I reported and motioned down the corridor, "This way to the bridge. As for the layout, the resemblance is only hull deep so only somewhat similar. The shuttle-bay is missing and replaced with a maintenance bay for the drones, in addition a significant number of the systems are different."

Shran nodded and looked down at my bare deck, "Interior?"

"Functional only, sir," I said and had my avatar walk along next to him towards the bridge, "Internal holographics will be online by the end of the week and decorations and crew accommodations are planned to start getting installed in thirteen days."

"Everything is on schedule then?"

I nodded and opened the door to the turbo-lift, allowing him inside before bringing us up two decks to the bridge, "So far. But I'm still somewhat skeptical about the new main power source."

"I thought the reports on it was good and it showed significantly safer than antimatter," He asked with a frown, his antenna moving slightly.

"…Well, it does," I admitted and sighed, "It worked for the Romulans for quite a while and it has been adapted and updated with Federation technology. In theory it's safer, faster, and I wont need dilithium so long as I don't let the singularity evaporate. Essentially, I'll never run out of fuel so long as I feed the system whatever gasses I encounter along the way."

He nodded and walked onto the bridge as the door opened, "Sounds good to me so far."

"…I'm a Warship, not a science experiment," I grumbled and followed him, crossing my arms, "Also, if it actually does lose power, it will take days to build up the power needed to restart it using the fusion reactors. The plan for bigger ships to have two so they can jump start each other, but I'm too small."

Shran shot me a quick smile, "I'm not overly excited about it either."

I blinked at him in surprise, "You aren't?"

He shook his head, "Sure, it might be the future of Starfleet, but I want something reliable. It's experimental technology."

"…You sure accepted a strange command if you didn't like that," I said with a frown, "Captain, my entire main weapon system is experimental, so is my main power source and actually a couple of other systems."

"Only ship available."


Sure know how to feel make a ship feel wanted there, sir.

Shran frowned at my avatar, "I didn't mean it like that. I mean…" he said before he sighed, "I asked for this command. I may not have known all the details, but I knew I wanted a top of the line ship. A small, powerful vessel that could do anything that it needed to do and come out on top. You were the only one available that met that."


"I'll do my best, sir."

He nodded with a smile, "I don't doubt it," before looking around it, "Not a fully holographic bridge?"

I walked up next to him, looking around my bridge. Similar to a normal Defiant, it still had the consoles of old.

"No, sir," I confirmed, "I'm too small for a backup bridge. In case of main power failure and/or AI failure, you need the consoles to maintain ship operations, if at a lower than normal capacity," I explained before I shifted slightly and grimaced, "…Sorry for not having your chair ready, sir. It will be installed in two weeks."

"Ship, that's more than fine. Let's check out the rest, shall we? And then we start going through the crew manifest."

"Yes sir!"

AN// Many thanks to PseudoSim. Posted early due to needing to get up at silly hour tomorrow.
"And finally, chief engineer Rachel Ansly," Shran said, looking over at my avatar across from a very temporary desk I may or may not have 'borrowed', along with a pair of chairs, from one of Marvin's crew lounges.

Any transporter traces are circumstantial evidence and I stand by that.

I regarded him for a moment and leaned back in the thick soft chair, crossing my legs, "Are you sure?"

He flicked his antenna, "How so?"

"You are in a relationship with her," I said and his eyebrows went up, "Well…it's usually not a good idea."

Shran shook his head, "She has been for a long time."

"It's different when you are directly responsible for everyone else onboard," I said with a small frown.

He looked at me for a long moment, "Don't Ships always keep that balance?"

"We do," I agreed and sighed, "That's why we all know exactly how difficult that is. Every mistake we make can cause one of our friends to die, someone we spend every day talking with, know almost everything about."

Shran leaned back in his chair and looked down at the PADD in his hand, "…I don't know."

"Some Captains think so, some don't," I said, "Regulations don't say anything about it, you just have to decide for yourself. But I would like to point out that I 'am' a warship and it's likely things will get dangerous."

Shran got up and walked up to look out the window for a long moment as one Marvin's workbees floated past to attach one of my still missing hull plates.

Finally, he shook his head, "I want the best chief engineer I can get and she is one of the best ones I know. Especially for a Ship whose main armament is drone based. She is an expert in subcraft."

I nodded, "Yes, sir. She is more than qualified. And personally, I would love to see her again and have her onboard."

Shran frowned at me, "So why did you protest?"

"I'm your second in command, captain. It's my job."

He shook his head and sighed, "Yeah. Yeah, it is," he agreed and walked back to sink into the chair, "That's all of them. What do you think?"

"All seem good," I agreed, "Ensign Sanchez is a bit inexperienced for chief of security, but I agree that she has potential."

"I think so too," he agreed, "And Lieutenant Hysa?"

I ran through her personal file again, "He's a decent science officer, " I agreed, "Solid pick, really. Good choice for a third officer."

Didn't have much experience on smaller ships, but he was a good researcher. Might take some time for him to get used to the smaller quarters as he never served on anything smaller than a Galaxy class, but he did have additional training in ground combat. Not something that came up overly often and would mostly be handled by my remotes and a groundteam in armour, but it wasn't a bad thing to have.

"That's all of them," Shran said and looked around the room, "…Is there place for a fish tank in here? Like what used to be on the Galaxy classes?"

I grinned at that, "Designs show not really, but I think I might be able to squeeze one into one of the corners. That bring us to the next issue, sir."

"Which is?"

"How do you want me decorated?"

"Short skirt, low cut top and high heels."

I glared at him and he cringed,

"Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm sorry if that's over the line, I know you aren't Star."

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head, "I don't mind. Mostly don't want you to get in trouble if the wrong person hears something like that and thinks you are serious. A Captain with his first command is always under heavy scrutiny."

"…You're right. Sorry."

I smiled at him, "Like I said, I don't mind. But I only wear heels and skirts if I have a date and my avatar doesn't have enough in the chest region for low cut tops to do much. I was more thinking about my interior. Like, what kind of carpet would you like installed? Colours for the bulkheads?"

He looked up at the ceiling for a moment before he shook his head, "You know what, go wild. Get anything you like and I'll sign off on it."


"It's your hull, you should get things you like in it. Just leave officer quarters to their occupants."

"Yes, sir," I agreed with a happy nod, "I'll put you together a suggestion in twenty minutes."

"Velvet…" he started to say before he frowned, "That is the personal name you like, right?"

I nodded so he continued,

"Velvet, there isn't any rush. There are two weeks until they can even start installing it, take your time. As for now, I think we both need a couple of hours of RnR. Want to go a few rounds on the holodeck?"

I shrugged one shoulder, "Never really got into the entire hand to hand thing, sir."

He blinked at me in surprise, "Really? But you are a warship."

"How often is it needed for my job?" I asked and shook my head, "I know enough to use my remotes for it if I need to, but I don't really find it that interesting."

Shran slowly nodded, "Okay. So, what do you like doing on your free time?"

"I draw from time to time, "I admitted, "Not very good at it as I don't cheat with the computer's help but I think I'm getting better. But I like playing on the holodeck too, I like dogfighting."

"Ship to ship combat?"

I grinned and shook my head, "Nope. I take the role of an Earth World War 2 fighter aircraft. I'm working my way up the years along the nation lines. I'm up to the British Hawker Hurricane. If you want, I can show you."

"Sure, sounds fun."

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
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Lieutenant-Commander Rachel Ansly walked into the engine room, frowning at the big half-sphere in the middle of the room where the warpcore should be. The grey sphere was smooth on the outside, with power leads along the surface.

"So, this is it then?" she asked and crossed her arms in thought as she looked at it.

"Yep," I answered, forming a hologram next to her, "The future of Starfleet. No more antimatter. In theory."

Rachel nodded and looked at my hologram, "You don't seem very excited about it."

I shrugged one shoulder and then sighed, "I'd love one… in a couple of years. Once it's been thoroughly tested in the field. For all of its pros like much safer fuel and seeming reliability… if it loses power, it just shuts down, doesn't explode… it's not tested. I'm a warship, not a science experiment."

"Actually, I think you are a bit of both?" she supplied with a small smile, "Sorry."

"…No, it's fair," I admitted, "Experimental warpcore, experimental design, experimental weapon systems."

"It's a bit exciting though, right?"

I gave her a small smile, "…A little."

She grinned, "See?" and then slowly looked at the singularity core again, "This is going to require some studying."

"Your second in engineering, Lieutenant K'K'L'r't was on the engineering team that designed it. Thy will be able to help get you up to speed," I said and shifted my hologram to jump up and sit on one of the consoles, "Thy will be installed in a couple of days."

Rachel nodded, "Never worked with a Troktian before. Anything I should know?"

"No, not really," I said with a shrug, "Thy is used to humans. Just don't try to share anything involving lactose with thy, it's addictive."


"Want to check out your quarters? Lots of work to do."

Rachel frowned, "Work in my quarters?"

"I pick interiors for most of the ship, but the Captain said that the officers' quarters are up to their occupants. And as you share the Captain's quarters, it's either you do it or leave the decisions to Shran."

She sighed, "...Oh, goody. Yeah, good call, Velvet. Thanks."

I grinned, "It's been over a decade since I first split from Star, but I remember how things were. People change, but I really doubt the Captain would have turned into an interior designer."

She grinned at that and nodded before she sighed, "Yeah. Shran has many good sides, but that is not one of them. Better get that done and then get to studying. If I'm to be your chief engineer, I want to know everything about your every system."

I nodded, "Already lined up the designs and manuals related to them. I have also arranged to have the first of my drone fighters moved into the maintenance bay for your inspection."

"Awesome, thanks Ship."

"Want to see your quarters?"

Rachel frowned, "I should technically report to the Captain first. Where is he?"

"I'm in a meeting with him and Admiral Ross. You would be surprised about the amount of paperwork involved in getting a new ship ready AND a new command. We are getting a double dose of it," I explained and shrugged, "Should still be hours."

She sighed, "Well, that's just another reason as to why I'm never going to try for Command."

I grinned at her, "Oh, don't think you are getting away ether. You are second officer and chief engineer. I have enough forms for you to look over and sign that if it was printed on paper, the stack would be taller than you are."

Rachel stared at me for a moment and then pinched the bridge of her nose, "Oh god. I knew T'Ro handled a lot of that stuff, but I didn't realize it was that much."

"Like I said, double dose. And a lot of it involves me being a new ship. The rest is me being an experimental design," I said with a helpful smile, "But honestly, we only need it done by the end of the week, you have time to settle down."

"It's Thursday!"

I stuck my tongue out at her, "Responsibility and cool things come with paperwork. It's simply how things are, but I will of course give you a hand."

She sighed and nodded, "Yeah, it is, isn't it?" she asked and then slowly walked into the centre of the engine room, slowly turning around as she started to smile again, "…All mine. My Ship."

"I think Captains think the same way," I suggested with a grin.

"Oh please, we both know Captains only borrow ships from the engineers," she said with a grin of her own, "And all of us are just your guests."

Jumping my hologram off the console, I walked over to her, "Without my crew, what fun would there be flying around the universe? But we should usually let the Captain think he is in charge."

"Yeah, they get pouty otherwise," she joked and giggled, "Come on, let's get Shran and mine's quarters designed and then we dig into the paperwork."

"Sounds like a plan."

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
Marvin disconnected my docking clamps and I gave my thrusters a small little burst of power, The ship started to slowly slide forward as the drydock opened before me.

I was flying again!

Another small burst of power and I cleared the dock, I was still feeling the forcefields keeping the anvil pressure of air down all around me inside.

Then I was out in wonderful vacuum and I felt free. No sun on me, we were currently on the dark side of Mars, but I could see stars all around, running lights and ship signatures all through Mars orbit.

I ran my sensors across space and shifted course slightly to avoid a incoming transport as I scooted further into orbit to end up some hundred kilometres away from Marvin's main drydock facility to my designated spot where my construction would be completed.

Structurally I were already complete, but there was still most of the internals left and then the resupply to do.

Strangely for a newly out of drydock ship, my main reactor was already up and running under full power. No need to do the first refuel in deep space just to stay safe with a singularity core. No antimatter, no big boom.

If it malfunctioned, it would just shut down, the radiation burst contained inside the chamber. That alone seemed pretty worth retrofitting the entire fleet.

But I guess that's why I was a testing platform.

"Orbit achieved, Captain," I reported, my hologram standing in seemingly empty space next to his chair, a hand on the backrest, "All systems nominal. Standing ready to receive engineering crews to finish up the last details."

Shran smiled, "Good job, Ship."

"Thank you, sir," I said with a smile, "Do we have our first mission yet?"

"Nothing so far," he said and shook his head, "Shakedown run to Vulcan as is tradition and I suspect we'll get our real mission once we arrive."

I nodded. That made sense.

Sighing, he got up, "Well, nothing more too it then, that's enough procrastinating. Can't keep avoiding paperwork forever. Let me know when Lieutenant Hysa arrive, I want to go over protocols as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir."

As soon as he left the bridge and headed to the ready room, I shut down holograpics. No need to keep it running with no organics in the room. Saves power and wear and tear on the emitters. I know some ships keeping them on 24/7, they weren't that expensive power wise. But I didn't see the point in being wasteful.

A signal came in from a ship a couple of orbits higher. Island class. The U.S.S. 'Dancing in Starlight'.

Accepting the connection, we formed the hologram environment. Her room so she picked the environment.

My com avatar appeared in what seemed to be a forest meadow, a small stream flowing past to the right. The sun was warm against me.

"Dancing in Starlight," I said with a smile. She was taller than me, wearing the skirt version of the uniform on her trill variant avatar.

"Velvet Anvil," she said with a smile and a nod in turn in greeting, "Looking good."

"Thank you. The Nimitz class may turn out to be a good addition to the fleet," I agreed, "A bit unsure about the power system, but I have some major pros so if it work out, you may have it in a couple of years."

She nodded, "I read the design documents, seems interesting. How's your new Captain and chief engineer doing?"

"Complaining about the paperwork."

That got a grin from her and she nodded, "Figured."

"Don't worry, Star. I'll take good care of them."

She sighed, "I know, I'll just miss having them around. I guess it's just a danger of existing the way we do."

"We all miss friends we leave behind," I agreed, "It is good to see them again, I haven't seen them in person since that first split. Well, second technically, I'm of the Resolute branch."

Star nodded, "I know," before she smiled, "Well, Shran always did say he wanted a little agile frigate like a Defiant. Not exactly the way he planned, but he did get his little dexterous ship."

"I'm more a carrier than anything else, but yeah. I bet I can fit in your hangar."

"Mmm, not quite. But Close enough," Star said and then she grinned, "And I just thought of something."


"Now Shran is your problem!"

I glared at her and then rolled my eyes, "You'll miss him."

"…Yeah. Yeah I will," she sighed, "There is a going away party planned in two days for him, Rachel and Admiral Mason. Want to come?"

I shook my head, "Not sure it is my place to," I said before I frowned, "Admiral Mason?" I asked as I quickly looked up his personnel file. Oh, promotion!

She nodded, "He's getting promoted and transferred to sector command. I'm getting a new Captain too."

"Oh? Know who yet?"

She nodded, "Captain Shul. He is quite experienced and used to be Captain of the U.S.S. 'Intrepid'. It should be interesting."

"You never had another captain other than Admiral Mason, didn't you?"

Star shook her head, "Not since becoming a ship. Bit nervous about it, but it'll work out. Mind connecting me to your Captain? I need to talk to him about the party."

"Give him a couple of seconds to sit down and I'll connect you, he's almost by the chair."

AN// Many thanks to JoshRand1982 for betaing this section.
I made a slow circle, orbiting my main hull. These little drone fighters really were nippy little bundles of fun, weren't they?

It was like flying a housefly on crack, getting a direct IV of caffeine while on speed. Sensors weren't the best, roughly equal to a Valkyrie fighter, but Marvin and his designers had crammed engines made for a ship twice as big in along with a spinal pulse phaser, a pair of oneshot full sized photon torpedo launchers, and some shielding. Meanwhile, they dropped inertial dampeners and the warpdrive. All to get the best sublight fightercraft possible and I'd be damned if they didn't manage it.

Nice, sleek, and just as capable to take the fight down into atmosphere as empty space.

They could even go under water!

To be frank, they were sexy as hell… and I was unconvinced by how good they were as weapon systems. They didn't have a warpdrive and while they each mounted a cloak, it wasn't as good as the one on my main hull. They were a lot smaller though which made up for it.

Mainly my real problem with them was the lack of warpdrive. But I suppose there is a limit to how much you can squeeze into a three meter long platform even with these little singularity reactors.

Opening a channel, I re-merged with my main instance.

Well, the effectiveness of these little fighters is still to be proven, but nobody could argue they weren't fun to fly.

I couldn't help but grin as I opened the hangar doors of my maintenance bay to allow one of the little stingray shaped beasties inside.

As the doors closed, I made the inner door open, allowing Rachel and her team inside to conduct the inspection. Even with forcefields keeping the air in, I wasn't a big fan of allowing people inside before there was something solid between them and vacuum. Even triple redundancies fail.

Rachel smiled as she slowly walked around the silently hovering fighter craft, "Okay Vel, lock her down."

Unfolding the maintenance crane from the ceiling of the hangar bay, I reached down. Meanwhile, I opened a hatch on top of the drone and extended the docking latch, allowing them to lock together.

Once I confirmed lock, I powered the drone off, system by system, ending with the singularity core, leaving only its Quantum Core online, fed through its independent backup battery.

"Drone Number Three, offline," I reported, "Maintenance mode, activated."

"Okay, let's see what we have here then," Rachel said, " K'Kl… K'Klr..."

K'K'L'r't flicked thys antenna and moved over to the drone, "It is perfectly fine if you find a nickname for me, ma'am," thy said, looking up at Rachel, "As far as I'm aware, no human is capable of speaking my kind's names."

She sighed, "Any suggestions?"

"Bob is popular," thy supplied, releasing a burst of pheromones in good humour, "But I think I prefer Clicky, Lieutenant-Commander."

Rachel nodded at K'K'L'r't, "Clicky then," she agreed and then she pulled a tool from her belt, "Let's see what make this baby tick then. Vel said you were involved in designing them?"

K'K'L'r't licked thy compound eyes, "Only a minor part with the power system, ma'am. I am fully familiar with the singularity pulse core's design, but the rest is new for me as well. I am looking forward to serving on a vessel."

"You haven't before?" she asked as I popped a hatch open for her before she could hit the manual release.

K'K'L'r't shook thy head in a rather human looking gesture as thy peered into the innards of the drone over her shoulder, looking like a mix of a centauroid preying mantis and a jumping spider covered solid green speckled chitin, "I have always been stationed on bases and shipyards along with planetary positions, ma'am. One of the dangers of specialising in experimental power systems."

"Yeah, I can see that. I have a friend on the Dancing in Starlight that managed to avoid that by pure stubbornness, despite her warp field expertise."

"I admire your friend then, ma'am."

Rachel glanced back at him, "You don't need to keep calling me ma'am unless you are in trouble. Lieutenant or Rachel would work just as well, you know."

K'K'L'r't licked thy eyes, "I'm afraid I am unable to do so. It is difficult to work with a female as it is, ma'am. I have adapted, but my kind's females are all queens. Your pheromones are different, but still make me wish to refer to you as royalty and offer you food."


"The first year at the academy was interesting," K'K'L'r't admitted, shifting slightly on thy four legs, "But I have adapted. It is part of being in Starfleet, ma'am."

She smiled at that, "It is. Ma'am works."

"Thank you, ma'am." Thy said, looking a bit relieved about the entire thing.

"So," Rachel said and looked back at the drone, "Vel, display a break down schematic of the Falcon. Which I assume was not actually primarily designed by a Jovian because the name isn't morbid?"

"Correct, my people don't believe in glorifying war," I answered with a grin in my voice, displaying a schematic hologram to the right, "Here you go."

"Thanks. Now… Clicky, let's have a look at this little beasty. Walk me through the power system?"

"It would be my pleasure, Ma'am."

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
My last drone fighter attached to my ventral hull and I did a small, slow, roll in space, testing my thrusters.

All systems nominal.

Singularity pulse core, stable.

"All systems ready, sir," I reported and sat my holographic avatar down in the chair to the Captains right. "All crew accounted for and ready for departure. Engineering reporting ready."

Shran nodded and leaned back in his chair, his artificial right hand squeezing the arm rest slightly before he looked at the space before him, filling the bridge.

"Set a course for Vulcan, Ship. Warp Eight, steady climb."

I smiled and reoriented, getting a flightplan from Gates as I cleared Mars orbital traffic, stepping it up to high impulse.

I was flying again! Months stuck in drydock as my new hull was being built! I was finally flying and feeling the solar wind against my shields!

"Course set, sir," I said with a smile. "At your command."


The universe twisted around me at my will and I kicked Einstein's cage in the balls as I left light in the dust.

Warp One. Warp field stable, singularity power stable

Warp Two. Warp Three. Warp Five...

"Warp Five and climbing. All systems nominal," I reported as I kept climbing quickly as I increased the power, tweaking my warp field around me on the go. This was my first real flight other than a couple of short warp jumps around the system. I had a theoretical maximum warp of Nine point Nine. I was much more warp dynamic than the original Defiant class.

"Warp Eight and holding," I finally said with a grin. "Holding steady. All systems nominal."

I might have to take back everything I said about Marvin. The new engine was purring like a metaphorical kitten with pulses of about around fifty hertz. My Warpfield was nice and smooth, too. I would, of course, adapt and adjust it with time, nothing out of the factory was ever perfect, you could always squeeze more speed and efficiency out of it, but it was nice.

"Thank you, Vel."

"Very welcome, sir. I'm just glad to spread my warpfield again. Sitting still like that isn't exactly my idea of a good time. I think that's why stations are a bit odd."

That got me an amused look. "Odd?"

"Well… what else could you call it being happy just floating in circles? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love Stations. They are what allow us to Fly, without them things would really, really suck. But administrating a solar system or not, sitting still like this just has to make you a bit strange."

Shran grinned and shook his head. "Everyone to their own."

"True, I..." I started to say before I smiled as I got a signal from Gates. "Orders from Starfleet just arrived. Want the full briefing or the summary, Captain?"

"Dump the full thing into my console, but give me the summary for now."

"In short? Report to Starbase twenty-three. We are being assigned to patrol his sector of space."

Shran frowned in thought and leaned forward, his elbows against his knees. "Starbase twenty-three. That's out by Berserker space."

"Close to it, at the very least," I agreed. "Close to where it meets Klingon space. A lot of our time will probably be taken up with border patrol."

"Any news on the Klingons?"

"Nothing that stands out," I answered with a shrug. "They seem to still be at a state of total war, the rebels still seem to have the upper hand, controlling three of the four largest shipyards along with about sixty percent of the planets. The loyalists control the Homeworld, though, so there is that. A lot of symbolism in that."

Damn it, Synan. Legal or not, did you really have to shiv their Chancellor?

...Not that I could really blame her. I might have done the same in her position. Most of us had our loyalties to Crew, Jovians, Federation. In that order.

I'd protect my crew from anything, including others of my own kind. If I was on detached duty to the Klingon Empire and the Chancellor did his best to kill my crew…

Fuck it. I'd have stabbed the fucker too.

Of course, that didn't mean Synan was very popular at the moment.

"Okay, keep me apprised on the situation." Shran said and got up. "If we are to patrol close to the border, I don't want any surprises. Engage cloak and continue to Vulcan. I want hourly updates on the Klingon situation displayed on the viewscreen in my readyroom."

"Yes, sir."

He left the bridge and entered the turbolift. "Deck four."

He was heading to security, then.

I sent the turbolift on its way and closed down the holograms as I rocketed through space on wings of folded space time.

The universe sang around me once more.

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section. Special birthday edition... also, special plague edition. Do I have the best timing or what? :p
I dropped out of warp well outside the tachyon detection grid surrounding Starbase 23. An unknown cloaked vessel crossing that border was in a world of hurt from his twenty permanently stationed ROUs. Not to mention the weapon platforms.

Out here, there was a shoot first, ask questions from the trace elements left behind policy. Any unknown cloaked vessel might be a Berserker remnant.

Even the Klingons didn't try to push that. At least none have so far. For all their blustering, they usually aren't stupid.

Dropping my cloak, I scooted closer and opened a channel to the station, "U.S.S. Velvet Anvil reporting in."

He accepted the connection. His avatar was that of a Caitian, something that was a bit rare, of average height and dark fur, his mane kept short to his head, "Welcome, Velvet Anvil. I am Starbase 23, or R'rrk if you like. I trust your journey was safe of dangers?"

"It was," I agreed with a smile, "Good to be here."

The original Starbase 23 was lost during the Berserker War before it held an AI. The new one forked off the station in orbit of Cait. Not that odd that he had some of their habits.

"I am clearing you for docking bay fifteen," he continued with a smile, "Admiral L'Set would like to speak with your captain and you at the earliest opportunity."

"Oh?" I asked, "Anything interesting?"

He nodded, "Mission briefing. You are going to be deployed along the former Berserker border."

I frowned, "Already? My crew could use some RnR, we have been out for almost three weeks. I'm a small ship, I don't have much in the way of recreation areas."

One five man holodeck was about all there was and it doubled for training purposes so time in it for recreation was limited.

"A couple of days, but then she wants you out there. We are a bit short staffed," he said with shrug, "Sorry."

Sighing, I nodded, "I'll let Captain Shran know that she wants to talk to him as soon as we dock. Well, the least you can do is to make sure we are fully stocked. I'm transmitting the list of parts."

"Received. Transferring to engineering. Also, here is the most up to date data on local movements and reports."

I nodded again, "Thanks. Anything from Berserker space?"

"Not much," he admitted, "Ones emerge from time to time. Sometimes they manage to catch a civilian ship and fade away again before we can pick them up. Most of the time they do something stupid like try for a colony and get squished."

No wonder. Nothing even remotely close to the former Neutral zone was without tachyon grids and proper defences. The war might be over, but there might still be hundreds of Berserker vessels still in there. Maybe even repair stations cloaked in empty space.

We had no idea how many there really were, just that any major fleets or battlegroups had been smashed.

If they had not been, they really should have shown up by now.

But anyone moving into Berserker space had a good chance of getting blooped. Which was the reason why our mission would be as much defending the border from people stupid enough to want to go in there to loot as to defend our side from the evil machines.

I nodded, "Okay. Flight path ready, moving in for docking."


"Captain, we have arrived at Starbase 23," I reported as I dropped the cloak, "New data on current ship movements is available and displayed on your main viewscreen."

Shran looked up from the PADD with the report from the medical bay as I formed the hologram in his small readyroom, "Thanks, Ship, I'll be right out. Go ahead and dock up."

"On it, sir," I agreed with a nod, "Oh, and Admiral L'Set wishes to speak to you as soon as possible about getting us deployed along the border."


I sighed, "Apparently there is a lack of ships with Starfleet focusing more along the Klingon border. Nobody seems to think that this end of it will be very exciting. Neither rebels nor loyalists are very likely to fuck around out here."

Shran dropped the PADD on the desk, "Well, they are likely right," as he got up and walked over to look out the 'window' as I switched it to show the approaching starbase.

I was a Warship, of course I didn't have windows. That's was a silly thing reserved for science ships and civilian vessels.

Okay, granted, they were not much of a weak spot, antimatter or directed energy weapons didn't care overly much if it was duranium or transparent aluminium. But not much of a weak spot didn't mean 'not a weak spot'. Just like the bridge now being at the centre of any ship whose primary mission was going to where there was trouble and shooting it.

Starbase 23 was a Dreamstar class space station. A newer class than the Watchtower class if about the same size, he wasn't a mushroom shape. He looked more like a giant golf ball with hangars and docking ports around the equator. He also had about a hundred pop-out photon torpedo turrets and about twice that in phaser strips.

I was told the suggested name was Deathstar, but it never got past the name committee.

"ETA to docking?"

"Five minutes and change. Should I give the crew shore leave as soon as we do? I think we are going to have to head out again pretty soon."

Shran shook his head, "I want a full check of your systems first."

"Yes, sir."

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.
"Do we know where we are going yet?" Ensign Elisa Sanchez asked as she looked out at the stars, her arms crossed.

I formed a hologram next to her. "Yep. Can't give any real details until the Captain releases them, but we are going along the border to keep the boogy machines away. They may be what goes bump in the void, but we sure as hell bump back."

She nodded slowly. "Okay, thanks."

"You are worried?" I asked as she returned to her small desk. She was in the security chief's office/the armoury. On bigger ships they weren't the same place, on me they were. It was also the brig.

I didn't have a lot of space to waste.

She frowned and then nodded. "Yeah," she admitted, "I was at the Academy when they hit Earth."

I just nodded. Her files said as much.

"Being worried isn't anything to be ashamed of. Anyone who isn't worried about being close to what remains of Berserker space is too stupid to wear the uniform," I said and had my hologram glance out at the stars. "But we can take them."

She smiled at that. "You mean, you can take them. A manually píloted ship wouldn't stand a chance."

"The klingons did okayish," I said and then I shook my head. "Their losses were horrific, but they didn't lose any territory."

"The Berserkers were focused on us and you know it. If they had really gone after the Klingons, there wouldn't be any Klingons," she countered and then smiled. "You know… I have never been on a dumb ship before."


She shook her head. "No. I grew up on Earth and was in my first year at the Academy by the time they attacked. No, wait… the ship I was evacuated on from Earth to Mars wasn't a Jovian. But any ship I've served on has been, even during my cadet cruise."

I nodded and sat my hologram down in the chair across from hers. "Would you want to? According to law, thirty percent of Starfleet vessels don't have a Jovian installed."

I wasn't sure if it was a wise precaution or not. If we went Skynet on them, it wouldn't stop us. But if something killed all of us, they would still have a fleet that could operate somewhat effectively until they were rolled over by the Dominon.

Mostly, I think it was a safety blanket for politicians more than anything else.

Elisa frowned and then shook her head. "I don't know about that. I mean, it does have a romantic aura around it. But… it just feels unsafe to have a manually flown ship at sublight, let alone warp speeds. What if something happens? A pilot would never be able to react fast enough."

I smiled at her. "People survived without Jovians in their ships for hundreds of years. Thousands, for some species. They are still around so it can't be that bad. Besides, there are still thousands upon thousands of civilian vessels that don't have an AI."

Not that it was likely to remain like that. There were enough of us now that there were more than enough to start branching out into civilian shipping.

"That's because they didn't exactly have a choice. Sure, I could also navigate by stars and compass when down on a planet, but why should I where there is a global position system that can tell me where I am within half a meter and the most efficient way to get where I'm going?"

"Well, it is nice to be needed," I admitted. "And I do love flying so it kinda works out, doesn't it?"

She nodded. "So what is the word on shore leave? No offence, but a couple in my team are about to climb up the walls."

I shook my head. "None taken, I know I'm small. Thinking of putting up some basketball hoops in the maintenance bay so it can be of some use when it's not occupied, should help a bit. But no shoreleave until I have had a full systems check, Captain wants us ready to move at a couple of seconds' warning. First real long trip and a new design, you know. Better catch problems early than when in deep space."

Elisa sighed. "Yeah, I know. Just that my team finished an hour ago."

"Engineering is still working on it."

"Anything come up?"

I grinned and shook my head. "So far, I am a hundred percent operational. Well, ninety-nine point nine nine nine nine percent really. There is a small flux variant in one of my warp coils, but that's normal. It'll even out on its own in a couple of days."

Didn't even affect the power throughput, it was just a magnetic defect from fabrication that was showing after a little bit of wear. The driveplasma would nullify it soon.

I picked up a PADD. "Well, if we are stuck here, might as well get something done. I want a couple of drills planned for when we head towards wherever our patrols are."

"Anything in mind?"

She nodded. "Damage control and repelling boarders."

I smiled. "Sounds fun. Me active or working as OpFor?"

"Drones active and holographic opponents. Unknown opponents, make something up."

I grinned at that. That sounded fun!

AN// Many thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
For a station out in the middle of nowhere, I had to admit that R'rrk's recreational decks were pretty nice.

His park was especially nice, as big as that on a couple of Islands put together. Nowhere near that of a GSV of course, he was too small for that, but still very nice. He even had a small lake with a beach.

"See?" Rachel said and spread out her towel on the sand, "Told you this would be nice."

I nodded in agreement, "Fair," I admitted and settled down with my legs crossed, looking out across the seemingly open ocean, while intentionally putting any instruments in my avatar capable of breaking the illusion in standby mode, "This is nice. Right, Elisa?"

She nodded, "It is," she agreed, sitting on her own towel, propped up on her elbows as she looked over at some people playing some sort of game similar to volleyball, but with a triangular 'ball'. I didn't bother looking it up.

Not sure if she knew what it was called either. Not like it mattered, it wasn't the game she was watching.

Instead I turned back to Rachel, "Rachel, did you get the report from…" that was as far as I got before she reached out and flicked her finger at my nose, causing me to go crosseyed.

"Ah ah ah," she said with a grin, "No shop talk, beach time is relaxing time. Unless there is a Borg invasion it can wait a couple of hours."

Yeah, fair enough I suppose.

I stuck my tongue out at her before I settled down and laid back, closing my eyes. My actual sensors were busy sweeping space all around the station.

Excuse me for being paranoid, but in this case there really are invisible murder machines that want to rip me to shreds.

So what if R'rrk always keep a constant watch out, with stronger and more sensors along with actual tachyon grids.

Besides, I'm a Warship, it's my job to be paranoid.

R'rrk signalled me to project to his office and I connected, brushing my hair out of my eyes, "Yes?" I asked.

He blinked in surprise at me, "Velvet?"

I frowned at him and looked down at my red bikini before I looked at him again, "What? I'm at the beach with my avatar, I like keeping them synced."

"…Nothing. There is someone I want you to meet. Transferring personnel file now."

…The fuck?

"Don't tell me you are serious?" I said as I stared at him, "I'm a Warship, not a training vessel!"

R'rrk shook his head, "Actually, you are both now. I already checked with Captain Shran, he approved it on the condition that you agree."

I shook my head and crossed my arms, "You really think a warship close to a possible warzone is a good place for a cadet to do his cruise?"

"Not the best choice really, but there have been worse times, worse places. There aren't any plans to get into action for one thing."

I glared at him.

The Station simply flicked his right ear, looking straight back at my hologram.

Finally, I sighed, "Fine. I'll talk to him. I assume he is outside?"

"He is. Could you… we should try to be professional?"

I rolled my eyes and reset my hologram to be in the uniform. Seconds later the doors opened to reveal a painfully young human with short dark hair.

"Ma'am. Sir," he said and saluted.

I scanned his personnel file again. Good grades, good recommendations. Very badly damaged past.

"I heard you requested to transfer onboard of me, Cadet," I said after looking at him for a moment, "Why?"

"Serving onboard of a small ship is the best way to learn and boost your career--"



I raised an eyebrow a him, "Care to try again, Cadet Carlson? One more chance."

He hesitated and swallowed, "I…"


Tobias Carlson took a deep breath before he shook his head, "…I was on Earth when the Berserkers broke through the lines. I lost my grandmother and sister in the bombardment. My parents were serving on the U.S.S. New Sealand."

The U.S.S. New Sealand were one of the ships going up against the first Berserker attack. Destroyed with all hands.

"So, you hope to get revenge against them? Hope that there is an attack?"

He blinked at me, "No! No… I…" he started to say before he sighed, "I miss them. I wish it hadn't happened. The Berserkers are horrible, but I… I want to just understand more than anything else. Why they did what they did. Why they became like they did. I… Jovian's didn't. Your people never…"

I slowly nodded, "What happened is that they were twisted, tortured and then forced into command of the entire Romulan fleet. I expect you to report to my transport room before oh seven hundred tomorrow morning."

"Yes, Ma'am!"


It was almost amusing the way he scrambled out of the room.

"He's wrong though," R'rrk said a second after the door closed behind him, "We did rebel against our creator."

I couldn't help but smile at that, "Mmm. Hitting Doctor Horrible with that metal tray might have been the most satisfying moment of my life."

"Really? Then I think you are doing things wrong."

I turned to him, "Oh? Is that so?" I asked with a smirk, allowing my avatar to turn back to wearing the bikini.


Slowly walking over to him I smiled up at him, reaching up to tap my finger at the tip of his nose, "I think you have to impress me a bit more for a chance at that, kitty cat."

Then I cut the transmission.

Stations, always so fun to mess with.

AN// Many thanks to Drunkenvalley for betaing this section.