The Fire Fades

[X] Maria
[X] Your old clothing and light armor (does she wear some leather under her clothes? Will remove if she doesn't) and your two swords (I don't know how to describe them/what they're technically called)
[X] Melee combat. Damage dealing and dodging primarily with Sorcery and Pyromancy only enhancing it.
[X] A Knight once upon a time. More recently a Hunter of the things that destroyed your home and other things that hide in the corners of the world. Or that used to at least. Right up until one got you, as those stories always end... only your's didn't.
[X] Maria
[X] Your old clothing and light armor (does she wear some leather under her clothes? Will remove if she doesn't) and your two swords (I don't know how to describe them/what they're technically called)
[X] Melee combat. Damage dealing and dodging primarily with Sorcery and Pyromancy only enhancing it.
[X] A Knight once upon a time. More recently a Hunter of the things that destroyed your home and other things that hide in the corners of the world. Or that used to at least. Right up until one got you, as those stories always end... only your's didn't.

As much as I want to vote for Giantdad, it'd most likely be extremely unpleasant to write.
Note on Maria's weapons: One looks like a Kyu Gunto while the other part is a fencing dagger. (We can safely assume that this Kyu Gunto is made as an actual weapon and not just for ceremony.) They lock together to form a twinblade.
Can I get a tally? Not locking yet, but I'm curious if we still have more joke votes than real votes.
[X] Maria
[X] Your old clothing and light armor (does she wear some leather under her clothes? Will remove if she doesn't) and your two swords (I don't know how to describe them/what they're technically called)
[X] Melee combat. Damage dealing and dodging primarily with Sorcery and Pyromancy only enhancing it.
[X] A Knight once upon a time. More recently a Hunter of the things that destroyed your home and other things that hide in the corners of the world. Or that used to at least. Right up until one got you, as those stories always end... only your's didn't.

Such a good fight
[x] Giantdad
[x] HP and Stam
[x] Legend
Only choice for darksouls
*Raises finger*
*Lowers finger*

Alright. As the only half-applicable vote, please look at the edits to the History and Equipment write-in options if you don't want to be punching people instead of stabbing.

Also, I'm gonna need a sensible reason why Ornstein ended up in a cell of the Undead Asylum instead of dead. Feel free to twist canon a bit, but it has to be sensible.
Think that vote was supposed to be
Nameless King

[X] Elias
[X] Chainmail Set. A basic Talisman and a Crecent Axe given by a Cleric he saved. Balder Buckler given as gift by a Balder Knight he is a retainer to. Pyromancy flame, as a pyromancer from the Great Swamp.
[X] Strength and Pyromancy, with a little Miracle knowledge given in haste by the Way of White Cleric.
[X] Wandering pyromancer who served many masters. More adept with various cultures as well as a more deferential attitude to a superior than his fellow Great Swamp dwellers. Possesses a temper alike the fire itself, an inferno if handled poorly. When the fuel of his rage is exhausted his anger will vanish very quickly (can be done by reasoning, though harder). Went to Lordran to find out how to remove the madness Hollowing brought after turning Undead, but was imprisoned in the Undead Asylum.

EDIT: Bare-bones attempt to character personality added. A bit of a blend with mercenary class in (my expanded) backstory. Also added Talisman.
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Think that vote was supposed to be
Nameless King
Nope. Ornstein. Went pretty far with the self-denigration from abandoning his place at the Cathedral, but I suppose Hadou was drawing a parallel.
[X] Elias
[X] Chainmail Set. Crecent Axe given by a Cleric he saved. Balder Buckler given as gift by a Balder Knight he is a retainer to. Pyromancy flame, as a pyromancer from the Great Swamp.
[X] Strength and Pyromancy, with a little Miracle knowledge given in haste by the Way of White Cleric.
[X] Wandering pyromancer who served many masters.

This ok?
...Nope, that sound doesn't convert to textual form well. Yup, it is. A bit more elaboration on personality would be helpful, to give me a starting point, but not required.
After all this time, I am not in the mood. Get out.
*steeples fingers*

I'll have something in a bit.
Alright. Not locked, then. 'Least for a day or so if people like your explanation.
You're just going to pick the one that you liked the most, right? minemineminemine
No? Votes are there for a reason, after all. The absurd amount of joke votes is kinda awful, but...
Only two votes... and it really came off as a troll vote.
If you didn't want it taken as a troll vote, you shouldn't have worded it as one.
[X] Maria
[X] Your old clothing and light armor (does she wear some leather under her clothes? Will remove if she doesn't) and your two swords (I don't know how to describe them/what they're technically called)
[X] Melee combat. Damage dealing and dodging primarily with Sorcery and Pyromancy only enhancing it.
[X] A Knight once upon a time. More recently a Hunter of the things that destroyed your home and other things that hide in the corners of the world. Or that used to at least. Right up until one got you, as those stories always end... only your's didn't.
Okay. It's been more than long enough.

That's right... You're Maria, hunter of demons and other monstrous beasts that stray into civilized lands.
...And for you to need to take a few seconds to need to remember your own name, you must have skirted the edges of Hollowing. If that knight had dropped the key into your cell a few years from now, you probably wouldn't have even lifted your head, much less recognized the significance of it. Still, you're aware, and that's what matters.. You get up from your seat, muscles aching for being used for the first time, likely, in decades, as you take the key and open the door with it.

From the state of the hallway, decades seems about right. The last time you remember seeing this place, it wasn't exactly pristine, but there weren't near-Hollowed prisoners simply standing in the halls. Seems the guards had all left or died at some point. Quickly, you summon your flame to hand, in case any of them are more than merely almost Hollow. Your flame, tied to your very self, makes the difference between your condition when you first died and your state now more clear. Where once was a flame, now a mere ember, about as weak as it was when you first got it. You're not so weak as to have these dreglings prove a threat if they attacked, but you'll have to be careful around stronger foes.

Moving through the hallway, you see one of those stronger foes past the bars. A demon, obviously, but one rarer than the typical bulls and goats that try to establish territories above. This one far surpasses them in size, though experience has taught you size isn't even close to everything with demons. A Capra is often more dangerous than a Taurus, after all. It isn't a foe you're likely to be able to defeat though, even if it was weaker than either, without your former strength or weapon. Luckily, you don't have to. It's in a large chamber, only visible through bars. You're easily able to sneak past it, leave this cell block, and step into the outside air.

Of course, it wouldn't be that easy to escape. You've only made your way into a small, open-air area. Calling it a yard would be giving it too much credit. The most important part, however, is the fact that there's a bonfire in the center. It may be the first you've seen, but there's no mistaking the coiled sword in the center. Gingerly, not entirely sure what you're doing, you reach out and brush against the tip of the hilt. Fire rushes down, and the bonfire is lit with a surge of warmth. You've been far in the cold north for so long, you'd almost forgotten what it was like to feel warm. Frankly, even though you've barely been up two minutes after decades of motionless sitting, you're tempted to rest here a few minutes, just to enjoy the feeling a little longer.

But you're on a mission. You're not hurt, you're not tired, you have no genuine reason to stop. Regretfully, you take your leave of the bonfire for now, opening the large doors that look important on one of the walls. The room they lead to is quite large, with an equally large set of doors at the far end. You step towards these doors as well, to see if there's anything important behind them, before being interrupted in perhaps the worst way possible.

The demon from before...! No, as it roars, you can see the difference. It's the same size and build, but has less bone jutting from its flesh. Less warped by the twisted flame of Chaos, or, in other words, weaker. Still, even so, it isn't likely an opponent you can defeat as you are. As it raises its hammer above its head, you..!

[] Nope out of the room the way you came. Perhaps there's another way out of the open-air courtyard that doesn't involve fighting a demon with no weapons. (DC: Hahaha, you think I'm gonna make you roll for this?)
[] Dodge past it. There's a door lit by torches on a side of the room that's too small for it to follow you. (DC: No rolling required.)
[] Look up. There's a balcony above its head. You can't climb up to it, but maybe you can use the demon? (DC: 80)
[] Decide to fight it with your bare hands. You'll likely die, but a fight against a superior foe sounds like just the right thing to make you get used to your new speed. Jumping in the ocean to learn how to swim. Besides, you're Undead. You'll come back. (DC: 90 to actually kill it. 15 to live long enough to know what you're capable of.)
[X] Decide to fight it with your bare hands. You'll likely die, but a fight against a superior foe sounds like just the right thing to make you get used to your new speed. Jumping in the ocean to learn how to swim. Besides, you're Undead. You'll come back. (DC: 90 to actually kill it. 15 to live long enough to know what you're capable of.)

Can't live in this world while not knowing what we can do