The Ethics of Seeking Utopia

What significant problems does someone who is pretty, talented and adored by ppls have exactly? Honest question. I guess she could be depressed or something? I dunno.

Anxiety, imposter syndrome, burnout, wondering if they have friends or just sycophants, beauty is subjective and insecurities about your own beauty are always personal, talent is something most people can't gauge for themselves but see clearly in others, adoration drives people into depression, anxiety, agitation and paranoia, ect.

Our current society is built to discover but not fulfill any sort of psychological need a person may have. Instead it is built with exploitation of such needs for the greater value extraction in mind.
Pain is suffering by definition.
Not really. I recall an example from one of (IIRC) Oliver Sacks' books; somebody with intractable, crippling pain (he spent most of his time in a fetal position) was given experimental brain surgery meant to eliminate the ability of pain to make him suffer.

Afterward he still felt constant, intense pain but it didn't bother him. It was just an easily ignored sensation.
Our current society is built to discover but not fulfill any sort of psychological need a person may have. Instead it is built with exploitation of such needs for the greater value extraction in mind.
Like I get pretty peoples got problems I am just struggling to see where... a popular girl's problems would ever be as bad as the unpopular girl's problems. Being well liked means socially you may as well never have problems IMO. I need my needs to actually be fulfilled. If what you say as true then it's time to change the culture ASAP.
Like I get pretty peoples got problems I am just struggling to see where... a popular girl's problems would ever be as bad as the unpopular girl's problems. Being well liked means socially you may as well never have problems IMO. I need my needs to actually be fulfilled. If what you say as true then it's time to change the culture ASAP.

It's the Uncanny Valley problem of popularity. As you start to get more and more popular things start to improve until you hit a level of popularity where people start to recognize you on the street of a foreign town/location. After that people start seeking you out to use your popularity for their own gains and let's just leave it at there is a reason most movie stars or other types of highly popular people isolate themselves from the general public and usually have some sort of addictive behavior in their past if not their present.
I must be tired because I'm not connecting the dots between popular ppls and addictive behaviors. I just thought they were addicted to drugs b/c they were bored and rich. In a utopia no one would ever have a small budget. Everyone would get just the right amount based on their needs. No more of this "summer vacay home" or whatevers.
Like I get pretty peoples got problems I am just struggling to see where... a popular girl's problems would ever be as bad as the unpopular girl's problems. Being well liked means socially you may as well never have problems IMO. I need my needs to actually be fulfilled. If what you say as true then it's time to change the culture ASAP.

Popular and rich people problems:

You have no privacy. As in every single action of yours, no matter what, is scrutinized by people you don't even know and cannot control, for meanings and speculations that you cannot refute without making things worse. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you decide, everything you don't do or say or decide, all of it will be judged, and that judgment will be used against you for years after the fact. Any attempts at claiming privacy will be seen as a betrayal: you are now a public figure, and there is no escape.

You have few to no people you can truly, deeply trust. You can never know if someone is just out to use you. Even people who are otherwise trustworthy may be tempted to take advantage of you just this once, for a problem they otherwise find insurmountable. Which you might find reasonable if it's for a few close friends, but when it comes to several hundred people (because you are, after all, popular and well-liked), it wears you down.

You are expected to be a role model, whether you want to be or not. This is concurrent with being judged for everything you do. Every word you say has a sudden weight and meaning that you may not have intended. There is no longer any such thing as saying something off the cuff. Now you need publicists and PR personnel just so you don't make a gaffe that will follow you forever.

You are not allowed to complain about any of this. Because the moment you do, people will say things like "a popular girl's problems would ever be as bad as the unpopular girl's problems" and "Being well liked means socially you may as well never have problems IMO".

Whether or not being popular is worse than being unpopular is a discussion that I don't really find worth having, since it will probably descend into misery poker. But saying that they have no problems whatsoever, or that their problems are negligible in comparison, is certainly untrue.
Um, not really, 'cause unpopular ppls got No friends. Users or not. They are isolated from wider society. Ppls viciously attack them with words or fists. That's way worse than not trusting strangers. Anyway I'm done with this particular tangent thank you for quoting me to try to show how mean girl I am.
Wilhelm: "The preciousness of limited life, the beauty of death. You're intoxicated by that narcissism. It's such an incredibly human choice."
(Xenosaga Episode III)

This is a very interesting topic and I'm glad I have come back to find it before it fell away. Perhaps it's because I have always had unhealthy temptations towards authoritarianism but I've often wondered at all these anime where "we gotta fight and preserve our fighting because fighting is what makes us who we are!" morality tales.

Some villain offers a magical cure to a problem that cannot be fixed in any other way and the narrative inevitably says they are wrong. Why? Because Shinji Ikari is better off being a miserable little shithead who masturbates over comatose girls than he would be if he and all the other suffering, lonely people were one? Sorry, I've been reading some Schopenhauer and all this stuff reeks of pure egoism. ""I" must remain "I" and to Hell with the rest of the world!" But what is I? What is the Self? It's nothing, it's an illusion and that illusion is why there is strife in the world.

Now, earlier posters talked about how utopia is impossible because not everyone wants the same thing. I am one of those people who craves order, stability and hierarchy. I feel better under someone else's control and guidance. Some anarchist would balk at everything I just said, their very soul rebelling at the things that make my soul calm. This is all true enough but, and here's the kicker, maybe some people are just wrong.

And maybe that person is me. I have no idea. But the point is, we have societies where certain things are forbidden for the greater good. Why can't a utopia just take that a step further? A fictional utopia with magic or super technology in particular could accomplish this.

But the reason for all this existential self-congratulation in anime where the people trying to make a utopia are the villains is because we live in a Postmodern world. The optimism of the Enlightenment - of the Modern Age - collapsed thanks to the two World Wars. I recently listened to a series of lectures that called the 20th Century a hundred years of "Utopia" - oh and "Terror." From the Soviet Union to Nazi Germany to Maoist China, there were all these grand visions of Heaven on Earth; a manmade Heaven, a triumph of the will. The result was hundreds of millions dead and the complete opposite of Heaven. The conclusion? No matter how sophisticated and advanced human beings become, they will still be human beings. We have nuclear weapons now but we're still just squabbling cavepeople deep down. That is our postmodern belief and why only bad guys talk of utopias.

First character who crossed my mind when seeing this thread was Light Yagami. Death Note is sort of a great case study in this whole discussion given what the series itself says and also what its fans say. Plenty of people were rooting for Light, including the director of the DN anime. The series itself says Light's reign of terror was working. Of course it also shows that Light was a narcissistic loon. It reminds me of that idea of a "bad person, good king," Of course Light wasn't a good king by most definitions but maybe in some utilitarian viewpoint he wasn't so awful.
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I must be tired because I'm not connecting the dots between popular ppls and addictive behaviors. I just thought they were addicted to drugs b/c they were bored and rich.
It's quite simple, really. When you're popular enough, almost nobody genuinely wants your friendship- Instead, they want your favors, and they act like a 'friend' in order to get them.

Imagine a world where every friendly gesture is an act, a lure to draw you in and slowly, subtly coerce you into doing the bidding of people who pretend to be your friends, but secretly lick their lips and squabble in the shadows about how they will parcel out the more tender parts of your estate once they have caught you firmly in their trap and rendered you into easily consumed bite-sized chunks for their pleasure. A genuine friend is like an oasis in a desert full of vultures and vipers, all lurking, waiting hungrily for the moment you drop your guard.

What do you think you would do in this situation? Engage in pleasantries while the butchers measure and weigh you? Or perhaps instead, you will draw away- Far away from the people whose saliva-slicked machinations have gnawed their way into your life, away from the social activities that have transformed from an evening's pleasure to a ghoulish game where kind words are traded like knives in the dark, and towards as solitary an existence as you can carve out for yourself?

And if you find yourself feeling trapped and alone, well, it's not like anyone can understand. You're famous, after all. You're 'Important'. How could you not enjoy your life, when surely, you can hear people talking all the time about how if they could have just a hundredth of your fortune, a tenth of your fame, an ounce of your brains, they would be so much better off...

So many people just want a small portion of what you have.

You must be able to understand, right?

Why are you unhappy?

Why are you screaming?

Why are you running away?

Such a selfish, horrible person, really.
Some villain offers a magical cure to a problem that cannot be fixed in any other way and the narrative inevitably says they are wrong.

Jumping off on a tangent based on this line, but I've also been rummaging through my vague recollections of previously-seen media, and it does seem like a lot of villainous utopias get rejected because the narrative says so.

As in I've seen a lot of the same type of utopia, both in form and method (usually "let's connect everyone into one consciousness, absolutely mandatory for all"), presented as heroic and villainous, all depending on whether it's the heroes presenting it as a solution to the problem posed by the villains (usually "co-existence is impossible, conflict is inevitable"), or the villains presenting it as a solution to the problem posed by the world in general. And how the audience is meant to see it depends on whether the background music when the plan is explained is in a major or minor key.

There was that debate about the Synthesis ending of Mass Effect 3, but I do recall that the "merge into techno-organic beings" thing was also done before in Beast Machines as a heroic thing.
You must be able to understand, right?

Why are you unhappy?

Why are you screaming?

Why are you running away?

Such a selfish, horrible person, really.
OK OK I get it. Who's such a selfish, horrible person? Who is screaming and running away and unhappy? Your post kinda creeps me out no offense. I have experienced the phenomenon of users. It's something everyone deals with though. It's not exclusive to the wealthy and well liked. I can now see a lil of their personal hell though thanks I guess???
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Sorry, I've been reading some Schopenhauer and all this stuff reeks of pure egoism. ""I" must remain "I" and to Hell with the rest of the world!" But what is I? What is the Self? It's nothing, it's an illusion and that illusion is why there is strife in the world.
On the contrary; without a self humans would just be an eusocial hive species like ants; and ants have plenty of strife. We'd all just be automatons acting for the interests of our particular human hive, with no regards of the cost to ourselves or others since neither they nor we would have selves to care about.
Wilhelm: "The preciousness of limited life, the beauty of death. You're intoxicated by that narcissism. It's such an incredibly human choice."
(Xenosaga Episode III)

This is a very interesting topic and I'm glad I have come back to find it before it fell away. Perhaps it's because I have always had unhealthy temptations towards authoritarianism but I've often wondered at all these anime where "we gotta fight and preserve our fighting because fighting is what makes us who we are!" morality tales.

Some villain offers a magical cure to a problem that cannot be fixed in any other way and the narrative inevitably says they are wrong. Why? Because Shinji Ikari is better off being a miserable little shithead who masturbates over comatose girls than he would be if he and all the other suffering, lonely people were one? Sorry, I've been reading some Schopenhauer and all this stuff reeks of pure egoism. ""I" must remain "I" and to Hell with the rest of the world!" But what is I? What is the Self? It's nothing, it's an illusion and that illusion is why there is strife in the world.

Now, earlier posters talked about how utopia is impossible because not everyone wants the same thing. I am one of those people who craves order, stability and hierarchy. I feel better under someone else's control and guidance. Some anarchist would balk at everything I just said, their very soul rebelling at the things that make my soul calm. This is all true enough but, and here's the kicker, maybe some people are just wrong.

And maybe that person is me. I have no idea. But the point is, we have societies where certain things are forbidden for the greater good. Why can't a utopia just take that a step further? A fictional utopia with magic or super technology in particular could accomplish this.

But the reason for all this existential self-congratulation in anime where the people trying to make a utopia are the villains is because we live in a Postmodern world. The optimism of the Enlightenment - of the Modern Age - collapsed thanks to the two World Wars. I recently listened to a series of lectures that called the 20th Century a hundred years of "Utopia" - oh and "Terror." From the Soviet Union to Nazi Germany to Maoist China, there were all these grand visions of Heaven on Earth; a manmade Heaven, a triumph of the will. The result was hundreds of millions dead and the complete opposite of Heaven. The conclusion? No matter how sophisticated and advanced human beings become, they will still be human beings. We have nuclear weapons now but we're still just squabbling cavepeople deep down. That is our postmodern belief and why only bad guys talk of utopias.

First character who crossed my mind when seeing this thread was Light Yagami. Death Note is sort of a great case study in this whole discussion given what the series itself says and also what its fans say. Plenty of people were rooting for Light, including the director of the DN anime. The series itself says Light's reign of terror was working. Of course it also shows that Light was a narcissistic loon. It reminds me of that idea of a "bad person, good king," Of course Light wasn't a good king by most definitions but maybe in some utilitarian viewpoint he wasn't so awful.

Jumping off on a tangent based on this line, but I've also been rummaging through my vague recollections of previously-seen media, and it does seem like a lot of villainous utopias get rejected because the narrative says so.

As in I've seen a lot of the same type of utopia, both in form and method (usually "let's connect everyone into one consciousness, absolutely mandatory for all"), presented as heroic and villainous, all depending on whether it's the heroes presenting it as a solution to the problem posed by the villains (usually "co-existence is impossible, conflict is inevitable"), or the villains presenting it as a solution to the problem posed by the world in general. And how the audience is meant to see it depends on whether the background music when the plan is explained is in a major or minor key.

There was that debate about the Synthesis ending of Mass Effect 3, but I do recall that the "merge into techno-organic beings" thing was also done before in Beast Machines as a heroic thing.

o_O:anger::rage::mob: FINE

@Ford Prefect @BobTheNinja @Grimnir @Avernus @SneakyKitten also in here since none of you seem to have a clue in one way or another on this topic.

Lets start with Shinji Ikari and the Instrumentality. First off all off the Children (Rei, Asuka, Shinji, Toji, Kaworu) and the Instrumentality are themselves a criticism of the ending of another anime called Space Runaway Ideon wherein both Humanity and the alien civilization known as the Buff Clan kill each other and then have their souls follow an unborn hybrid child of the two races known simply as Messiah to a new planet to be reborn there as a new race at peace with each other.

Rei is a hybrid of Human and Lilith (Humanity's Progenitor Angel), a girl and also a representation of purity and as such she is treated as a replaceable shell for men to fill in. Asuka is a hybrid of Japanese and German, a girl and also a representation of the exotic and as such she is treated as a devil woman who is left more and more lonely in this land that sees her as nothing but a warrior to be used in defense of the land. Shinji is the kind Heir Apparent to the Shogun (Gendo is the military leader of Japan against barbarians which was the original purpose of the Shoguns before they just started ruling Japan outright) and is nothing but a tool to his father in the political games of the world. Toji is the down to earth peasant that joins his friend the Heir to the Shogun in the fight against the Angels because the Shogun offered to take care of the well being of his family if he did so and is then possessed by an Angel and then "killed" by his friend the Heir who was forced to do so by his father in order to kill the Angel. Kaworu is the hybrid of Adam and Human and also the representation of the cursed that is sent to infiltrate and then betray the defenders in order to have his curse lifted and he start to do so, but not before falling in some form of love with the Heir and then discovering that his curse won't be lifted with the betrayal and begging the Heir to end his life as release. Then comes Instrumentality where the Shogun is betrayed by the Pure who instead sides with his Heir and gives him the power to decide the fate of mankind and in his lowest the heir chooses death to all, but then relents as he realizes the hollowness of such an action.

Needless to say if you ever see an Instrumentality scenario it will be done by some Nobleborn son who wants people to stop being shit by removing what he sees as their flaws. And that's where the catch is. It is a single man deciding what the flaws of humanity are and how to remove them. It will never be a good result morally speaking, because it is done by a solipsistic despot to everyone else. That is why Instrumentality is bad, because it turns everyone else around the person doing it into a version of that VR AI that exists to make a perfect world for them. There is still a supreme I left at the end.

Now onto the more general terms:

Utopia originally means no-place and is a word invented by Sir Thomas Moore to describe a place that embodies an Ideal. Utopia is a neutral term. It has no moral value and is more an idea for a society and not a description of a possible or desired reality. Dystopia is a Morally Bad Utopia. Eutopia is a Morally Good Utopia.

So second off your arguments are in and of themself wrong because you are constantly comparing the Idea with it's morally bankrupt execution. You can't compare a Utopia to a Dystopia and expect to reach any kind of valuable conclusion. You have to compare the execution of a Dystopia (a failed attempt at an Utopia) to an execution of an Eutopia (a flawed success of an Utopia).

So Bob? Nikkolas? Instrumentality won't give you your Utopia because you will either be the PC and as such have your every whim catered to which won't fix/remove your pain because you would have already done so if you knew how and without the advice and critical perspective of others you can not advance in healing the deepest pains that cause everyday suffering. If you are one of the masses that becomes an NPC then you won't have your problems solved because the PC doesn't care and/or is even aware of every pain and injury you have and as such won't fix/remove them.

Ford? The difference between the two types you've mentioned is in the fact that in the first the person doing it doesn't have a magic button to change everyone and so must settle for conquest. In both cases it is a solipsistic enforcement of their own will and vision, not a well thought out action for improving the world.

Adloquium? In Beast Machines the Transformers become techno-organics to survive a virus. They don't exactly make that choice of their own free will or force it on anyone who isn't infected by the virus.

Grimnir? Avernus? This is an argument about what even a Utopia to strive for is, not a drunken pub argument about one's mother undergarments. Address the actual point made that people like to use the idea of Individualism as an excuse to be selfish pricks instead of snarking to show us how actually smart you are.

SneakyKitten? You have repeatedly said that you just want the pain to end and for life to not hurt. Fair enough, but do you even understand the sources of your own pain (let alone another human being's) well enough to put an end to it? What hurts? And why? And when? And where? What soothes the pain? Temporary? Permanently?
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SneakyKitten? You have repeatedly said that you just want the pain to end and for life to not hurt. Fair enough, but do you even understand the sources of your own pain (let alone another human being's) well enough to put an end to it? What hurts? And why? And when? And where? What soothes the pain? Temporary? Permanently?
First of all I am not a highborn son. Second of all No probably not. What hurts? My body, my mind, my feelings. Why? I wish I knew. When? When I am lonely mostly I... think? Where? In my head, my back, everywhere in my body when I get seized up by anxiety. I dunno what soothes the pain can't say. It would probably only be temporary. Why you ask so much questions?
First of all I am not a highborn son. Second of all No probably not. What hurts? My body, my mind, my feelings. Why? I wish I knew. When? When I am lonely mostly I... think? Where? In my head, my back, everywhere in my body when I get seized up by anxiety. I dunno what soothes the pain can't say. It would probably only be temporary. Why you ask so much questions?

Because depression is having your mind beaten black and blue by the people around you and/or just the world as it is.

Because anxiety is just paranoia about from where will your environment hurt you from next regardless of whether there is a threat to your well being or not or if you understand well enough what has been hurting you so far.

Because agitation is just a friction burn on your mind caused by so many people giving you friction they have rubbed your mind red raw.
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Then how do we fix depression, anxiety and agitation in a eutopia or utopia? That would be on topic. Therapy for me can be in PMs or with my actual therapist though ohmigosh you have just like touched my soul with your words deeply. :)
Then how do we fix depression, anxiety and agitation in a eutopia or utopia? That would be on topic. Therapy for me can be in PMs or with my actual therapist though ohmigosh you have just like touched my soul with your words deeply. :)

By giving people space and time enough to heal.

Depression and agitation are't a problem because your mind is black and blue and rubbed raw. They're a problem because the beating/friction never stops. You never get to have an unbruised/unraw mind to think with because if the people around you aren't beating you down/rubbing you raw then the world itself is such that you have to move and make your bruises and wounds worse.

Anxiety isn't a problem because you keep expecting someone to attack. It's a problem because you can't take a realistic measure of how much danger you are in and as such can't allow yourself rest even in situations where you could rest. And then when you notice in hindsight you could have rested you kick yourself over the missed opportunity.

Yet both space and time for healing are the most fleeting of luxuries that have to be built for oneself and can never just be bought. That I think is the key to a Utopia: for everyone to have enough of those luxuries to be sated in their need for them.
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By giving people space and time enough to heal.

Depression and agitation are't a problem because your mind is black and blue and rubbed raw. They're a problem because the beating/friction never stops. You never get to have an unbruised/unraw mind to think with because if the people around you aren't beating you down/rubbing you raw then the world itself is such that you have to move and make your bruises and wounds worse.

Anxiety isn't a problem because you keep expecting someone to attack. It's a problem because you can't take a realistic measure of how much danger you are in and as such can't allow yourself rest even in situations where you could rest. And then when you notice in hindsight you could have rested you kick yourself over the missed opportunity.

Yet both space and time for healing are the most fleeting of luxuries that have to be built for oneself and can never just be bought. That I think is the key to a Utopia: for everyone to have enough of those luxuries to be sated in their need for them.
The world right now sucks for me. I have the wrong body. Ppls can tell. It ruins my dating life, my friendships. If we had a utopia then the surgery would be widely available on insurance or something and I'd never have to do a gender reveal and ruin another good relationship again.... I hope?

I try not to rest too much or else I'd never get up. In a utopia ideally there would be things that make me wanna get up everyday. It's definitely a struggle for lots of ppls just to function in this world. A utopia where help for anxiety were widely available and not stigmatized would help immeasurably.
The world right now sucks for me. I have the wrong body. Ppls can tell. It ruins my dating life, my friendships. If we had a utopia then the surgery would be widely available on insurance or something and I'd never have to do a gender reveal and ruin another good relationship again.... I hope?

Not how that works. Even with the surgery and even if you completely pass it is the people and their own shitty issues, anxieties and insecurities that will remain one of the main causes of pain. They will just hurt you in a different way then with your gender. Sorry. On the bright side it will hurt less with the right body and without having to have gender reveals.

I try not to rest too much or else I'd never get up. In a utopia ideally there would be things that make me wanna get up everyday. It's definitely a struggle for lots of ppls just to function in this world. A utopia where help for anxiety were widely available and not stigmatized would help immeasurably.

Yeah that's the worst part with depression: the mental bruising works more like frostbite in that it slows you down, makes you drowsy and clumsy and if you stay down too long you ain't getting up. And the anxiety is made worse because you can never know how long is too long. Also you rub your own mind just to stay active and make the agitation worse as well.
They will just hurt you in a different way then with your gender. Sorry. On the bright side it will hurt less with the right body and without having to have gender reveals.
Well that sucks. I am a very-very fragile girl so easily hurt. Ideally in a utopia I'd have the emotional resiliency to survive being wounded by every person who wanna piece of me.

And yes, depression slows me down so, so, so much. I have no energy, no happiness, just endless anxiety and negative energy or agitation. I dunno what to do about it besides meds and they aren't helping. Changing my thoughts won't work because I've tried for Y-Years and it's a whole body feeling not just stray bad girls' thoughts or whatevs thx CBT.
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Well that sucks. I am a very-very fragile girl so easily hurt. Ideally in a utopia I'd have the emotional resiliency to survive being wounded by every person who wanna piece of me.

And yes, depression slows me down so, so, so much. I have no energy, no happiness, just endless anxiety and energy or agitation. I dunno what to do about it besides meds and they aren't helping. Changing my thoughts won't work because I've tried for Y-Years and it's a whole body feeling not just stray bad girls' thoughts or whatevs thx CBT.

Take a piece of time you think is safe to rest for. Then make yourself a space where you can rest for that amount of time every day. It helps no matter how long or short the amount of time is. Just make it so that you can heal a little bit every day.
Thank you. Well, this has been lovely, I'll be around if anyone still wanna discuss. I've got one more idea: A utopia where Everyone in the world gets polled and agrees. No absolute policies it is much like the world we have now with different independent countries making alliances with each other. Major differences: No weapons, no military, everyone agrees to be nice to each other from now on even if they get mad.
Shit, I really wish I wasn't on work today, then I'd actually have time to respond to all of this.

Also, it's amazing that this thread made it onto the SV Newsletter, that's really neat. :)

I'll make sure to read through this later to offer up some responses.
Grimnir? Avernus? This is an argument about what even a Utopia to strive for is, not a drunken pub argument about one's mother undergarments. Address the actual point made that people like to use the idea of Individualism as an excuse to be selfish pricks instead of snarking to show us how actually smart you are.
It's amusing how whenever someone can't address the points you make, they're always so eager to try to pass them off as being irrelevant, or off topic, or meaningless because you're 'just trying to look smart'.

If you thought about it, you'd probably be able to draw a connection between discussing the fact that individuals all have different ideals and desires, and how a 'utopia' is the ultimate expression of those ideals, and the 'overall argument' about what a Utopia even is.

It's not a particularly hard leap to make. I mean, it's connecting the argument of 'what a utopia is' to statements on 'what a utopia is'. In fact, I'd go so far to say that the only reason why you wouldn't be able to draw a connection is if you were attempting to make yourself look smart by putting other user's arguments down without fairly considering them.

So... Projection, much?