Original The Empty Throne: An Original Fantasy Quest

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"As Heaven's whole foundations to their very center nod,
So too all nature trembles to the empty throne of God."
- A Jenn parable

"Know, then, that beneath the Lords of Heaven are the innumerable lesser powers, the Balthazim, or the Princes of the Lower Air. Some among these serve at the knees of the greater spirits, but many and more work their own desires upon the world, heeding no master but their own idle whims. They garb themselves in many colors, and walk the world in untold shapes. Know their names, for these alone they cannot hide, and mark their colors, for it is by these that they are ordered. They are the vacillating and cowardly spirits who sided against their maker at the dawn of days. For this crime they would be judged, had they not slain the judge."

- The Seventh Canticle of She-in-Red
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