The Dual Order: Endless Days of Madness: An Alternate History Crossover Cold War Quest

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[] Plan Red Sun Over Paradise
-[] West Russia (Minors)
--[] REVFRONT: Zhukov (+STAVKA adviser)
--[] The Carrot: Komi
--[] The Trap: Vologda, Those who reject The Carrot
--[] The Stick: All others
-[] West Russia (Finland + Onega)
--[] REVFRONT: Tukhachevsky (+STAVKA adviser)
--[] The Stick: Smash Onega and drive into Finland until they come to the negotiation table.
-[] West Siberia
--[] REVFRONT: Batov (+STAVKA adviser)
--[] The Carrot: Omsk, Orenberg, Magnitogorsk
--[] The Trap: Zlatoust, Those who reject The Carrot
--[] The Stick: Orsk, Yugra
-[] Central Siberia
--[] REVFRONT: Vasilievsky (+STAVKA adviser)
--[] The Carrot: Black Army, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk
--[] The Trap: Those who reject The Carrot
--[] The Stick: Novosibirsk
-[] Far East
--[] The Trap: Yakutia
--[] The Stick: Magadan, Amur, Chita
-[] Central Asia
--[] The Carrot: Aktobe
--[] The Stick: All others
--[] Cooperate with India to counter Afghan influence, with the eye on a future joint operation against Afghanistan. Offer economic aid.
-[] Mongolia
--[] Provide the Mongolian Communists with material and advisers to aid in their struggle against Mengjiang
-[] Other
--[] Invite observers from neutral parties that we seek to entice, such as Cameroon, both Indias, other African and Latin American socialist movements, etc. Impress them with our might.
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Okay, I revised Regency's revision, and come up with this. It's at 749 words. Maybe a bit micro-y with who to focus on but I rather have some direction rather than "attack everything at once." I highlighted the points in bold so they stood out.

It removed the Trap for the Far East. They all get hammered and hard. The final propaganda point is mostly propaganda. I don't expect it to do much but it's a feel good measure to call them shits to their face. I want their communications flooded with anti-League propaganda. Mongolia is a bit risky since I don't want to trigger a harsh Japanese reaction. Spartakrod said that a victory there would make them intensify their anti-communist crackdowns elsewhere, so trying to get a bit of a buffer and leave Mongolia divided might be a workable middle ground.

[X] Plan The Red Flag Flies v3
-[X] Operation Zorya: VOSCOM
--[X] Point 1: Northwestern Reclamation Oblast: REVFRONT
---[X] Zhukov
---[X] STAVKA advisors
---[X] The Carrot: Komi & Vologda.
---[X] The Trap: Komi if they refuse the Carrot.
---[X] The Stick: The rest, also Vologda if they refuse the Carrot. Avoid Onega until the rest of Western Russia has been unified, then strike both it & Finland.
---[X] Secure Western Russia before driving into Finland. Smash their defenses at chokepoints into Karelia with overwhelming air superiority, use paratroopers to try to bypass chokepoints, push to Helsinki. Support suppressed socialists and prepare to install a provisional socialist government.
--[X] Point 2: Central Asian Reclamation Oblast: STAVKA
---[X] The Carrot: Aktobe.
---[X] The Stick: The rest, & Aktobe if they refuse.
---[X] Roll over warlords in Kazakhstan that don't stand down in Kazakhstan. Once secure, focus attentions south. Smash Turkestan Legion, use strategic bombers to hit military positions, avoid hitting cities. They get no aid. Drive them back to Afghanistan and Iran.
--[X] Point 3: Central Russian Reclamation Oblast: REVFRONT
---[X] Batov
---[X] STAVKA Advisors
---[X] The Carrot: Orenburg, Tomsk, Omsk, the Siberian Black Army, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk. Leave the socialist Orenburg & anarchist Black Army alone if they refuse.
---[X] The Trap: Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk. Moreover, include the Black Army if the Security Council take power, Orenburg if Burba or Malenkov take power, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, & Tomsk provided they refuse the Carrot.
---[X] The Stick: Yugra, Zlatoust, Orsk.
---[X] Offer limited amnesty for Omsk leadership to entice them. They will be barred from politics, the administration purged of corruption, and justice dealt out to those who committed heinous crimes, but the rest may otherwise retire without incident. Soldiers may enlist in the army should they wish. Yugra and Zlatoust gets less leniency: surrender or death.
---[X] Support underground workers movement in Novosibirsk. Invade once uprising begins. Support agitators in Tomsk explaining how soviet democracy works and its superiority to the saloon system. Make no aggressive moves against the SBA, offer them aid as good faith measure, and attempt an accord with them. Bring USAR diplomats, explain anarchist and socialist peace in America. Attempt to bring Kemerovo and Krasnoyarsk back into the fold.
---[X] Once Zlatoust is taken push into Western Russia.
--[X] Point 4: Far Eastern Reclamation Oblast: STAVKA
---[X] The Stick: Magadan, Yakutia, Amur, Chita
---[X] The capture of Magadan has highest priority. Reds Soviet Navy, using ice breakers to clear the way, moves to blockage and besiege the port to prevent aid from reaching it. Turn away all non-Voscom ships. Once in position, launch ambitious invasion if conditions allow. Coordinate with airforce to establish air superiority and drop paratroopers around city. Forces from Irkutsk/Buryat push east into Chita and Amur, goal to stem flow of Japanese aid.
--[X] Point 5: India and Free India
---[X] Indicate to the Republic of India interest in cooperation in potential future military ventures against Afghanistan. Offer aid and developmental assistance to both Indias as a sign of goodwill. Invite Indian and Free Indian officers to act as observers.
--[X] Point 6: Provisional Government
---[X] Once operations are nearly complete suggest the creation of a socialist provisional government over Russia. Once normalcy is established, hold plebiscites region by region, rather than the whole country at once, on whether or not to join Reds USSR or remain independent as an allied socialist republics. Independent SRs will receive aid and admittance into Voscom all the same.
--[X] Point 7: Mongolia
---[X] Offer cooperation with Mongolian People's Front, secure their territory without pushing into Mengjiang. Leave Mongolia divided.
--[X] Point 8: All-Russia Anti-Communist Salvation League
---[X] Denounce the Salvation League as anti-Russian collaborators in the pocket of foreign countries. Jams their communications while flooding the airwaves with propaganda against them, support agitators in all states to spread propaganda. Hammer them for working with the Aryan Brotherhood, literal Nazis currently enslaving Russians, and traitors who sabotaged Russia's war effort for their own power. Demand their surrender for crimes against the Russian people.
--[X] Point 9: Cameroon
---[X] Invite Cameroonian officers to act as observers. This is the type of firepower we wish to provide them with to liberate Africa.
--[X] Point 10: African National Congress and South Africa
---[X] Invite SA officials and ANC members to observe the operations. Say we can offer SA protection but only if it works with the ANC.
--[X] Point 11: West China
---[X] Provide support to Soviet China in securing the region.
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[X] Plan The Red Flag Flies v3

Seems like a very strong plan, though I am a little worried at how Japan will take us openly wooing a member of their faction.
[X] Plan The Red Flag Flies v3

Sounds like a good plan my only question is would the Revfront really try to coup Malenkov in Orenburg if he gained power since he is a communist albeit an incompetent one. He probably would want to join a new Union right away.
Assorted News (1)
Here are some events that have happened so far.

Fritz Dorls of the Deutsch Labour Front announces program as matter of Hitler succession grows more urgent

Fritz Dorls, head of Nazi Deutshcland's primary means of controlling and coordinating its organised labour so that the union movement remains firmly subordinate to the NSDAP and thus unable to contest the desires of the industrial magnates who hold the real power in Germany's heavily privatised economy; has long been an opponent of the "magnate" scheme. With Hitler starting to take the question of who is to take his legacy upon themselves more seriously than ever before, Dorls has castigated many of the old guard of the National Socialist party for "capitulation to the Jewish powers of finance and abandonment of our obligation to the toiling Aryan".

Though sometimes accused of Strasserism, Dorls has brushed off these comparisons to these former contenders to the throne of the NSDAP eliminated by Hitler before and during the war. He claims that Germany has allowed its population to grow overly indolent through reliance on slaves owned by the "financier" class and has weakened its position through "unnecessary" conflict with the Italian government and its allies. Dorls has announced a plan to offer "gainful, dignified labour" to the German populace and "ensure our youth have purpose and belonging in life", critical of the "work-shy culture that has been allowed to take place among our young who have little to do but study as slaves deny them jobs and community".

Dorls also advocates for a professionalization of the Gauletier system and the economic management of Germany to "rationally manage the economy to work for the great majority of Germany, rather than the few". While this puts him at odds with the traditionally dominant business wing of the Nazi Party, he has leeched support from the more established heirs apparent to the Fuhrer's throne, particularly with his emphasis on a return to the "energy and charisma of the heroic days of our party" and his deliberate efforts to appeal to the more alienated and isolated sections of young Germans who are sceptical of Speer's more liberal promises.

Believed to be a political ally of Ettore Mutti who similarly pines for the "heroic age" of national populist politics, Fritz Dorls' advocacy of a rebuilding of the Axis with the Italians at the very least, is also seen favourably by those who have ties with the Italian government as well as colonial authorities who would prefer an end to the stand off with Italy in the middle east and Africa. This has earned some favour from ironically, business leaders in Germany who prefer his approach of attempting to reconcile with the Italians and if possible, the Japanese over Speer's seeming pro-Americanism and Bormann's opportunism or the omnihostility of Heydrich and Goering.

Perhaps his most radical suggestion however, is an effort to "aryanise" eastern Europeans deemed "racially salvageable" to increase the population of Aryan labourers and to ferment division within the new power of the Vladivostok Compact, which he believes can be lead down a direction of nationalist redemption to throw off the "shackles of Jewish internationalism". In essence, seeking to co-opt rather than crush the left altogether in the hopes of getting the Communist International to direct its attention elsewhere while he builds up Germany's sphere of influence. Particularly popular in the eastern Industrial belt of Saxony, Silesia, the Sudetenland, and Germania itself, Dorls' entry has made the already contentious succession to the Fuhrership more complicated.

Beta Timeline Nixon grapples with Civil Rights
The debate over the civil rights act in the United States of America has taken on an intense new urgency with the contact established with the Alpha Timeline. Rightist movements within the United States have taken to heart the lesson that the early death of Jim Crow in the Alpha Timeline America was instrumental to the final death of Bourgeois order in that world and have urged that Civil Rights be fought against to prevent "communist entryism into our society." However, the success of the Union of American Socialist Republics has also emboldened the left and even a number of American nationalists, who point to the triumph of Alpha Timeline America over its Germany and Japan in its native timeline while the US of the Beta Timeline faced ignoble defeat.

Beta Timeline Nixon is often regarded as a fence-sitter on social issues who tends to lean on "the silent majority" as opposed to openly picking a side out of fear of lighting the tinderbox of Cold War American politics and straining the fragile Republican-Democrat coalition or agitating the even more unstable broad tent of the National Progressives. However his plans for waiting out the controversy and going with whichever direction the wind blows have been put in jeopardy as civil unrest intensifies and the debate around the issue only grows more and more heated. Not only are the American people heavily divided over the issue, but the parties themselves are unable to agree on a stance.

With the Alpha Timeline contact bringing no guaranteed new allies to the United States, worries of siege conditions in an America that is steadily conceding ground to the Co-Prosperity Sphere in its cold war with Japan permeate the entirety of its political arena. With Vanadium supplies threatened by the unrest in South Africa, Brazil's refusal to fully commit to Tokyo or Washington, and Australia's labour shortages, the behemoth of the American steel industry faces a crisis that resource prospecting efforts to try and find more of the rare but crucial metal have not yet been able to make up for even with expansion of mines in North America and India.

This coming crisis only adds to the tension with which the United States addresses its own internal issues, as experts fear of being "buried" if something isn't done to shift America's fortunes abroad soon, and a prolonged period of internal violence may threaten to snuff out the American bloc altogether, particularly as contact with the Alliance of Free States had the unanticipated side-effect of causing questions of loyalty in the OFN; overwhelmingly made out of former western European colonies. Something that was further inflamed by Beta Timeline Nixon's decision to agree to the "Nixon-Nixon" agreement with his Alpha timeline counterpart to trade for valuable resources and civilian technologies to alleviate America's situation one exchange for hard currency, consumer goods, and Canadian and Australian resources.

With many believing this to be a capitulation to Communism coupled with his decision to recognise the Federal Republic of India as the legitimate government of the Subcontinent, many fear that Nixon may veto the likely to pass Civil Rights bill in an attempt to play both sides of the aisle in his policy of compromise and avoidance of being seen as taking an overly strong side in any direction. Mounting allegations of corruption have also not helped "Tricky Dick's" case as troubling evidence of underhanded dealings by the Nixon administration have begun to surface. Whatever decision he is likely to make will almost certainly open deep fractures in the American body politic.

Second Cultural Revolution Underway in the UASR
The UASR's second cultural revolution is underway following the outing of long time Proletkult capo Charlie Chaplin in scandals over his fondness for underaged girls. Many prominent figures have been met with allegations and confirmations of sexual abuse and misconduct, as Women's movements flare up across the country. Women's liberation has considered a paramount issue of the SecCulRev, as many say that legal equality under class struggle has not proven to be enough of an institutional attack on the structures of patriarchy and lingering sexist assumptions have been allowed to continue in the country, particularly within cultural mores that were already rocked by the first cultural revolution in the 1930s.

Women's movements also seek to "liberate men from their own cages of patriarchal mandates" and have welcomed many men who feel alienated or struggle with typical assumptions of gender. While much progress was made beforehand with the opening up of society to female participation in all sectors, this seeks to address what are felt to be deeper concerns than simply the permissiveness of society towards women in political positions, military formation, or industrial and agrarian labour. But rather a questioning of the entirety of the basis of gender and its assumptions.

The Queer movement has also been vitalised by a visibility movement committed to casting the issues of the queer community into a more open light. While laws repressing the queer community were repealed and not reintroduced in the 1930s as part of the scrapping of the old legal framework, the general attitude towards the Queer movement was one of benign neglect, largely allowing them to operate and exist in their own spaces. Something that many within the movement have felt has lead to an allowance of repressive norms continue so long as they avoid directly contravening the structures of the law. The movement in particular hopes to push the open recognition of a distinct Queer culture and against prior, more assimilation oriented attitudes within the elders of the community itself.

The Second Cultural Revolution has also called the necessity of the ethnic republics into question, particularly the New African Federative Socialist National Council Republic which many within the African-American community have decried as self-segregation rather than liberation. Something that is argued against by just as many within the African community in America, believing that the NAFSNCR provided a crucial staging ground with which the African diaspora within America could advance its own progress through history and self-determinate its own development without forcibly excluding non-African populations.

The matter is currently mostly waged in the halls of Council debate, but the Secretariat of Public Safety and the Red Guard are keeping tabs on any potential effort by reactionary elements to exploit this debate; particularly in the conflict with the last remnants of the Mafia which following the disintegration of the last iteration of the mainland Klan, has formed one of the final bulwarks of old reactionarism in America. This has ignited similar discussions among America's indigenous populations regarding the nature and structure of their autonomous Council socialist Republics and the nature of Indigenous identity within the present era, especially with the radically new world they find themselves in.

Chairman of the CEC; Richard Nixon; has voiced his support for these movements, declaring that "revolution does not stop simply when the banner is raised over the capital, but is waged every day against every form of oppression until none are left." Thus continuing his policy of riding the wave of youth and counter-cultural movements in his "Radical strategy" that sought to challenge and take down the Communist Labor Party's seeming hegemony in American politics following the split of the WCPA regarding the matter of intervention in East Africa and the rebuilding of a world shattered by global scale conflict.
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Listen, he's attempting to reform Nazi Germany. That makes him a Dengist, and therefore good. :V

To get the obvious jokes out of the way:

Without Dorlsism there would be no new Deutschland

Dorls is developing the productive forces for the Aryan revolution

Dorls will achieve Aryan Socialism by 2000

You're just a Bormannite/Speerite/Heydrichian/Goeringist ultra who hates actually existing National Socialism

Socialism with Aryan Characteristics

Dorls executes billionaires so its socialism.

Geheimisnacht Impact.
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[X] Plan The Red Flag Flies v4
-[X] Operation Zorya: VOSCOM
--[X] Point 1: Northwestern Reclamation Oblast: REVFRONT
---[X] Tukhachevsky
---[X] STAVKA advisors
---[X] The Carrot: Komi & Vologda.
---[X] The Trap: Komi if they refuse the Carrot.
---[X] The Stick: The rest, also Vologda if they refuse the Carrot. Avoid Onega until the rest of Western Russia has been unified, then strike both it & Finland.
--[X] Point 2: Central Asian Reclamation Oblast: STAVKA
---[X] The Carrot: Aktobe.
---[X] The Stick: The rest, & Aktobe if they refuse.
--[X] Point 3: Central Russian Reclamation Oblast: REVFRONT
---[X] Rokossovsky
---[X] STAVKA Advisors
---[X] The Carrot: Orenburg, Tomsk, Omsk, the Siberian Black Army, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk. Leave the socialist Orenburg & anarchist Black Army alone if they refuse.
---[X] The Trap: Magnitogorsk, Novosibirsk. Moreover, include the Black Army if the Security Council take power, Orenburg if Burba or Malenkov take power, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, & Tomsk provided they refuse the Carrot.
---[X] The Stick: Yugra, Zlatoust, Orsk.
--[X] Point 4: Far Eastern Reclamation Oblast: STAVKA
---[X] The Stick: Magadan, Yakutia, Amur, Chita
--[X] Point 5: India and Free India
---[X] Indicate to the Republic of India interest in cooperation in potential future military ventures against Afghanistan. Offer aid and developmental assistance to both Indias as a sign of goodwill. Invite Indian and Free Indian officers to act as observers.
--[X] Point 6: Provisional Government
---[X] Once operations are nearly complete suggest the creation of a socialist provisional government over Russia. Once normalcy is established, hold plebiscites region by region, rather than the whole country at once, on whether or not to join Reds USSR or remain independent as an allied socialist republics. Independent SRs will receive aid and admittance into Voscom all the same.
--[X] Point 7: All-Russia Anti-Communist Salvation League & Far-Eastern Anti-Communist National Front
---[X] Denounce the Salvation League & the Anti-Communist National Front as collaborators in the pocket of foreign countries. Jam their communications while flooding the airwaves with propaganda against them, support agitators in all states to spread propaganda. Hammer them for working with the literal Nazis currently enslaving Russians, and traitors who sabotaged Russia's war effort for their own power. Demand their surrender for crimes against the people.
--[X] Point 8: Cameroon
---[X] Invite Cameroonian officers to act as observers. This is the type of firepower we wish to provide them with to liberate Africa.
--[X] Point 9: Mongolia
---[X] Offer cooperation with Mongolian People's Front, secure their territory without pushing into Mengjiang. Leave Mongolia divided.
--[X] Point 10: West China
---[X] Provide support to Soviet China in securing the region.

Main differences:
1. Reduced the amount of micromanaging that we're already doing, to leave interpretation of specific operational decisions to Operation Zorya.
2. We are already backing up the Mongolian People's Front, so Fission's point 7 is IMO not needed. Considering the Mongolian Civil War stalled due to our protection, it also made it outside Operation Zorya's scope.
3. Edit3: Reintegrated the China & Mongolia points after clarification by Fission.
4. Added the Far Eastern Anti-Communist National Front to the Propaganda Point.
5. I'm hesitant on letting Apartheid South African officers observe the Operation. I'm thinking of a reunified Russia & Central Asia as proof of our capabilities, so I'm dropping that point for now.
6. Also letting VOSCOM pick the REVFRONT commanders.
Edit2: Whoops forgot to change plan name.
Edit3: Added
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Everyone's voting for my plan. That's high praise and pressure. If anything goes wrong I take no blame in it. :lol:
I hope that Mongolia doesn't turn into too much of a flash point. Japan will be annoyed either way but splitting it still leaves them a bit of a buffer between the interior and the industrial belts near the coast.

Main differences:
1. Reduced the amount of micromanaging that we're already doing, to leave interpretation of specific operational decisions to Operation Zorya.
2. We are already backing up the Mongolian People's Front, so Fission's point 7 is IMO not needed. Considering the Mongolian Civil War stalled due to our protection, it also made it outside Operation Zorya's scope.
3. China is both outside the scope of Operation Zorya, & it would immediately direct us into a massive war against Japan while we're in the midst of undertaking Russian & Central Asian Reunification. Save it for after we reunify both.
4. Added the Far Eastern Anti-Communist National Front to the Propaganda Point.
5. I'm hesitant on letting Apartheid South African officers observe the Operation. I'm thinking of a reunified Russia & Central Asia as proof of our capabilities, so I'm dropping that point for now.
6. Also letting VOSCOM pick the REVFRONT commanders.
Edit2: Whoops forgot to change plan name.

While I understand the concern to limit the micro-managing, I'm a bit fretful and worry if we don't spell out some stuff we want done it may not play out how we expect. No bad faith on Spartakrod's part of course, but possible misunderstanding of intentions regarding some actions, so I figured better to state everything clearly so the intent is clear.

We're backing up the People's Revolutionary Council, which is in Western Mongolia, but not the Mongolian People's Front, which is still skirmishing with Mengjiang. Spartakrod's post says that it's a situation that should be address. Fae also said we can use points to make decisions on stuff on or outside the map to tie into the operation, even if they're be handled by other agencies afterwards. The main focus is Russia but there's other stuff going on around it.

Reds China is already moving into neutral warlord territory and absorbing them into themselves. Sending some forces to keep the peace in regions they're already annexing should be fine. It isn't sending them into the east- I made a mistake. I've edited that to say West China. The independent warlords outside of the Sphere, sorry, no, not invading China proper, Jesus. :lol:

On South Africa I asked Spartakrod about this just now, to quote "They still have racial segregation but not the outright system of bantustans and internal passports that defined apartheid." In game they're at a major pivot point where they can decide to try to appease the Boer nationalists or embrace the ANC to shore up the government and start repealing segregation. It may be a risk and I'd understand not wanting to include them. I feel there might be some value in getting them in the same room, letting them see the shit we can pull off, and say to their face we'll protect them but only if they drop the segregation and work with the ANC.

Only reason I picked the Revfront commanders is because it was required as part of the vote. There's only four options anyway, so I didn't see the harm in writing it down for sake of clarity.
Something that was further inflamed by Beta Timeline Nixon's decision to agree to the "Nixon-Nixon" agreement with his Alpha timeline counterpart to trade for valuable resources and civilian technologies to alleviate America's situation one exchange for hard currency, consumer goods, and Canadian and Australian resources.
Only Nixon could go to China America
While I understand the concern to limit the micro-managing, I'm a bit fretful and worry if we don't spell out some stuff we want done it may not play out how we expect. No bad faith on Spartakrod's part of course, but possible misunderstanding of intentions regarding some actions, so I figured better to state everything clearly so the intent is clear.
I think I trust the VOSCOM command & its subordinate STAVKA & REVFRONT to interpret it because the strategic approach was already pretty specific with the Carrot/Trap/Stick breakdown. No need to muddle things up further by delving into operational decisions that in which the Interworld Revolutionary Committee understands the commanders are more knowledgeable on.

We're backing up the People's Revolutionary Council, which is in Western Mongolia, but not the Mongolian People's Front, which is still skirmishing with Mengjiang. Spartakrod's post says that it's a situation that should be address. Fae also said we can use points to make decisions on stuff on or outside the map to tie into the operation, even if they're be handled by other agencies afterwards. The main focus is Russia but there's other stuff going on around it.
Hmmm, after rereading, I'm editing that point back in then.

Reds China is already moving into neutral warlord territory and absorbing them into themselves. Sending some forces to keep the peace in regions they're already annexing should be fine. It isn't sending them into the east- I made a mistake. I've edited that to say West China. The independent warlords outside of the Sphere, sorry, no, not invading China proper, Jesus. :lol:

On South Africa I asked Spartakrod about this just now, to quote "They still have racial segregation but not the outright system of bantustans and internal passports that defined apartheid." In game they're at a major pivot point where they can decide to try to appease the Boer nationalists or embrace the ANC to shore up the government and start repealing segregation. It may be a risk and I'd understand not wanting to include them. I feel there might be some value in getting them in the same room, letting them see the shit we can pull off, and say to their face we'll protect them but only if they drop the segregation and work with the ANC.
Ah alright. Then I'll reintegrate the point on China. However, I'm standing firm on presenting a reunified Russia & Central Asia as proof of our capabilities to South Africa.

Only reason I picked the Revfront commanders is because it was required as part of the vote. There's only four options anyway, so I didn't see the harm in writing it down for sake of clarity.
Was it, I can't find it with Crtl + F?
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I think I trust the VOSCOM command & its subordinate STAVKA & REVFRONT to interpret it because the strategic approach was already pretty specific with the Carrot/Trap/Stick breakdown. No need to muddle things up further by delving into operational decisions that in which the Interworld Revolutionary Committee understands the commanders are more knowledgeable on.

Entirely fair, and I fully admit its me fretting over the vote. Picking Carrot already means flooding a state with support, but I felt the need to write that down whenever an approach was picked. It's a desire to be extra clear with everything even if it isn't actually necessary. Magadan is about the only one I'm still standing by though. I want to prevent anyone from coming in to support the city, so seizing it should be a priority. :lol:

Ah alright. Then I'll reintegrate the point on China. However, I'm standing firm on presenting a reunified Russia & Central Asia as proof of our capabilities to South Africa.

That's also fair. It may also come across as a threat to them, I'm not sure. They can go either way in game. I'll admit I was also kind of filling space with that one.

Was it, I can't find it with Crtl + F?

It's in the Revfront description.
Fritz Dorls of the Deutsch Labour Front announces program as matter of Hitler succession grows more urgent

Figures there'd be at least one person inspired to go NazBol gang by the existence of the Alpha TImeline (and moreover the existence of a strong Communist bloc that can't really be obliterated by the brute force that Nazis so love to use). Obviously, Dorls and his movement is one that we really should not support or look to emulate in the slightest capacity. He's a Nazi, just like every other one. However, is nonetheless primed to attract people who might otherwise be Communist, and so it might be productive to infiltrate that movement, and convert what people can be brought over from it to potentially build a potential authentic underground Communist movement for... well, when the shit hits the fan. Though I'm admittedly unsure as to how successful and effective that would be, let alone if there even are that many hypothetical people that could be converted in his movement.
It's in the Revfront description.
...Right I'll get right on with that then. The commanders chosen are the same as yours ofc :V

Edit: On a second thought, I'll choose TUKH for the Northwestern Reclamation Oblast & TNO!Rokossovsky for the Central Russian Reclamation Oblast
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Assorted News (2)
Co-Prosperity Sphere launches waves of arrests against Anti-Sphere dissidents

Operation Kyu-Go, a Pan-Sphere effort at "reaffirming the shared values of the Co-Prosperity Sphere in the face of renewed Communist and Anarchist insurgency" has been underway since the first confirmations of what lay on the other side of the faultlines and the commencement of the Socialist Republic of Zhonghuanese Soviets activity against the Dai-Nippon Teikoku. The current hegemon of the World of the New Order, the Dai-Nippon Teikoku bases much of its legitimacy on the defence of Asia from western racialism, liberalism, and communism, shielding the east and its more distant partners in the triumvirate and latin America from the depredations of the Untied States and the Greater German Reich.

Others would say that the "world's largest economy" is something built on an empire to surpass anything before it in scale and the sheer quantity of wealth and resources it leeches from virtually every continent of the world while its advance is barely kept in check by a stumbling Organisation of Free nations and a stagnant Einheitspakt. That the enormous industries of Korea, Northern Japan, and Manchuria were built upon a mountain of graves and that the vast and technologically sophisticated Imperial Japanese Army and Navy are the engines that press the boot of Tokyo upon a billion throats so that the people of Nippon may enjoy the world's highest living standards.

Whatever the case, Communism is regarded as a grave threat to the harmony of the enormous Japanese sphere of influence, and the disturbances caused by the worldmerge have seen the mobilisation of police forces and widespread arrests across the Sphere, the Triumvirate, and affiliated countries. After an emergency meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Funada Naka, President Gao Zongwu has pledged to do China's part in rooting out the influence of communism within the "sole, legitimate republic of China" and ensure that "the vision of Sun Yat Sen is used for the betterment of the world under the guidance of Asia."

Funada Naka has declared that the "ways of Communism and the old British style of Imperialism shall not last the century. We will bury you, as we are burying the National Socialist and American Liberalist systems" in an address before the Imperial Japanese diet as Kyu-Go sees the arrests and deportations of thousands of activists for "crimes against the peace and agitation for chaos" in a wave of publicised trials. Some level the critique that this is simply a way for Funada to distract from his investigations for corruption and the dissatisfaction in his premiership within the Taisei Yokusankai, but following a wave of demonstrations and attempts at commencing uprisings by underground cells Kyu-Go has met with widespread approval among polled civilians within the Japanese sphere of influence.

The left in east Asia will likely take considerable time to recover, especially with denouncement by "developmentalist" factions that are willing to work within the Co-Prosperity Sphere's system via reform and working within the technocratic and electoral ladder as a new red scare filters throughout the Japanese sphere of influence. In particular, the identification of a Communist China and America among the VOSCOM has the members of the vast military alliance consulting with one another at the Sphere headquarters in Bangkok to determine the course of action.

Present on an observational basis are representatives from Turkiye, Italy, Iberia, Greece, Croatia, Dominica, Afghanistan, Kulut, Iraq, Yemen, and perhaps surprisingly, a representative from the warlord state of Amur. With the OFN and VOSCOM starting off efforts at rapprochement, it is believed by some experts that the CPS may seek to extend an olive branch to the EINPAK or even make overtures to the Alliance of Free States. Though such talk is perhaps premature with the suddenness of contact between the Alpha and Beta timelines and little official confirmation of any particular direction that the Sphere looks to be taking.

Second Extraordinary Congress of the Alliance Parliament concludes

The Extraordinary Congresses of the Alliance of Free States are generally called in response to particularly unusual circumstances, with the second to be called this year having recently adjourned after drafting and passing a resolution on foreign policy with regards to the Beta timeline. Franco-British Representative Harold Wilson's sponsored "Homecoming" Bill advocates for opening relations with the Organisation of Free Nations, and particularly former British, French, and Dutch territories with a particular emphasis on ties with the Scottish Republic and the Free French remnant on the Ivory Coast.

"We need to demonstrate to those seeking to carry on the fight for liberty that they are not alone in this endeavour, nor have they ever been. Where this Beta-America has proven to be lacking in individual strength against the Fascist Tide, our vast Alliance can step in and provide the torch of freedom that has for so long been kept in darkness." Harold declared at the start of his speech, the noted progressive offering praise for the "Organisation of Free Nations' brave fight against all the odds, but this is a fight they do not have to do on their own. Not anymore." He said to the widespread applause of the Parliament in Alexandria.

Trade deals have been negotiated with the Organisation of Free Nations, though the government remains sceptical enough of Tokyo to keep its distance from the Co-Prosperity Sphere and wartime memories have kept polls of opinions regarding the Einheitspakt and Triumvirate abysmally low. "Once Hitler, always Hitler." In the words of the Spanish representative Fernandez-Miranda regarding the commitment to the "policy of Hitlerite containment" and the firm rebuffment of "otherworldly attempts at once again pulling the wool over our eyes as his counterpart here had three decades ago."

For the time being, an uneasy half-peae in the skies has settled over large parts of the Sahara as the Luftwaffe draws down its bombing campaigns over former French Africa to reconsolidate after unexpected losses and fears of escalating with a foe it is not ready to face while also having the going concern of a resurgent Communist Russia; though the conflict has not outright stopped. Analysis of the undeclared Saharan air war has been extensive, with studies being waged on how modern air warfare between peer powers would truly unfold armed with the closest thing to the "real deal" that Allied pilots have experienced on this scale across this broad a front.

Advances have started to slow down as a result of the poor infrastructure in the Sahara devastated by years of unceasing bombing and little in the way of pre-war French investment. With Entente forces refusing to advance without air cover, the establishment of air fields and air defence systems has been a priority with every territory reclaimed by the "Alliance African Expeditionary Force", along with prolonged periods of road and railway building to facilitate the transportation of milItary assets in the push northwards. However the expedition has drawn concern from many in the region as a new status quo slowly but surely starts to form and many who had sought to hide from the endless terror bombing start to try and rebuild.

Of particular concern is Wolofia and Cameroon, the former fearful of the establishment of any sort of hegemony within western Africa while the latter seeks to establish a Pan-African Union of Socialist Republics and has opened up relations to the Communist International, though the African Liberation Party remains simply an observer within the Communist International due to its unfamiliarity with the organisation and desire to be more familiar with any foreign international body that wishes to work with Cameroon to ensure that African independence is maintained. With conflict against Congolese socialists in their own native reality already raging, the Alliance Expedition is prepared to wage a defensive war if need be against Cameroon as both sides start to dig in more and more.

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