Alright here's a list of all the discords you can find me on if you want to chat to me about this project in particular, while I recommend you join them all I am fine with you picking and choosing one or the other. Though without further ado...
We're pretty close to the end of this voting period so if you want to get in any last arguments now would the ideal time to do so.
Anyway some Reds! Earth details.
You can ask me if you would like to know more.
As a reminder, the Indochina Wars and the Congo Wars are still ongoing concerns in your own homeworld, the Congo Wars are however, almost over with the Belgian army on the verge of its final collapse in the face of Lumumba's United Front of the Congolese People following the defeat of the last holdouts of the Katanga secessionists propped up by Brussels.
The FBU is withdrawing troops to more defensible positions in southern Indochina, but the Greater Indian Commonwealth and Australasian Federation are stepping up their intervention in an effort to contain Ho Chi Minh and the Laotian Communist movement. Thailand is threatening direct intervention to prop up the Empire of Vietnam which has retreated to the south following defeat in the North and to prop up Cambodia.
The last remnants of the Algerian National Liberation Front and the Kenyan Mau Maus are about to be destroyed by FBU forces in operations Lionheart and Charles Martel.
Premier Irma Thalmann of the Free Socialist Republic of (East) Germany is coordinating operation "Funny Business" with Premiers Nixon and Rokossovsky planned to start later this year, an attempt to provoke a crisis by blocking the Kiel Canal to Alliance maritime traffic bound for Scandinavia to negotiate for a stronger position in Indochina.
[X] A Red Dawn over Mother Russia
[X] Flood them with development
[X] The Class War Is Delayed, Not Cancelled
[X] This Machine kills Nazis
[X] Our Own Way
Everyone, please consider voting for Sickle over Russia. Reds Soviet Union will take care of Russia, wile we should focus on building up allies in Reds and TNO. Red Dawn means we're focused on Russia until satisfied, meaning we might be on the back foot when the SAW and WAW break out. Plus we have proxy wars in Reds too to focus on. The Soviets can clean up Russia while we prepare Cameroon, Congo, and possibly even South Africa or the ANC for war.
[X] The Class War Is Delayed, Not Cancelled: The fascist scum that roams this Earth may take precedent over the liberals, but the liberals were the ones who sold them the fibres to make the rope that hung them. We must take whatever actions necessary against these fascists, but our utmost second priority will be spreading the revolution wherever it is fertile, and even where it is not. We will infiltrate their societies just as much as the fascists, and will encourage revolutionary action while building an electoral base, building dual-power. But where it is necessary, we will prop them up if the alternative is fascists. But make no mistake, the class war is only delayed, never cancelled.
Since I am a generous QM I will give you even more unprompted info, though i you were on the Wordsmiths Discord or my own Solar Spartakaid discord you'd already be privy to this little sneak peek of the upcoming "the Great Game of Russia" content for bringing an end to the Russian Warlord era.
This is basically a quick rundown of some of the basic, less fluff intense details concerning Russia. The full post will be my typical fluff rich style.
The WRRF, PRC, Ural Guards, Kamchatka, Free Aviators, and Sverdlosk are in talks to simply fold into the RKKA with clean transfer of ranks and commands to the Reds! Soviet Command structure as a provisional measure until a more permanent policy can be decided for what to do with the Russian anarchy.
Tyumen, Gorky, Irkutsk, Buryatia, Komi, Kemerovo, and the Free Territory and other left wing warlords are in contact with the Soviet government which is still figuring out what to do with them.
The RKKA is deploying forces to the central asian SSRs to dissuade raiding by the Afghans and Iranians, though force commitments are relatively small as they're still figuring out the overall situation.
The Luftwaffe has suffered enormous losses over West Russia and Siberia thanks to the deployment of anti-air assets and VOSCOM interceptor wings and supply the air forces of the WRRF and the Free Aviators with modern jets. Which paired with the bleeding it has taken over the Sahara, will likely lead to calling off air attacks altogether by the end of the year as air losses are starting to climb towards wartime levels.
VOSCOM forces are skirmishing with CPS Inner Mongolia; with the Mengjiang army having halted offensive operations due to the unexpectedly far larger forces backing the Mongolian People's army than intelligence had reported.
So far the RKKA is simply launching probing expeditions around the parts of the Anarchy they can't just "glide" into; with Helicopter and Aircraft sweeps being quite frequent. There has been skirmishing with non-leftist warlords, but these skirmishes rarely get larger than division level and have so far all ended in the VOSCOM peeling off since their current mission objective isn't to take them out yet.
The VOSCOM has so far reserved a single front (in the soviet sense of the term; so army group) for exploratory efforts) with elements drawn from across the Vladivostok Compact, though Soviet forces are the plurality. The overall unit is under the "troika" command of Marshal Saren McConnell, Marshal Lin Biao, and Marshal Chuikov. Total forces reserved for the efforts number roughly a half million army personnel with about a hundred thousand combined personnel from other branches.
Of course when the update comes, you'll be able to decide if this Soviet formed policy should keep going, as the Reds! USSR regards the TNO Russian anarchy as a lost child and essentially as part of itself to restore order over. And thus all the anti-communist warlords are in essence, reactionary bandits to be made to stand down or be crushed as soon as the RKKA can absorb the leftist warlords.
As you are the Comintern and to some degree; the CECs of the VOSCOM's major members; you do have influence over Premier Rokossovsky's rather emotionally driven policy of wanting to end the anarchy and rebuild the RSFSR as fast as possible out of a belief that every second that it continues is another second that Soviet people are suffering.
Considering the red-black alliance which was involved in Reds!America's Red May Revolution, we could dissuade Reds!Soviet's efforts for TNO!Russian Reunification from also rolling over the anarchists. Tho I'm not sure what kind of deal is acceptable for the Free Territory...
Less than fifteen minutes left so I'll give you all a treat.
Arkhangelsk, TNOTL
"You certainly could be doing worse for yourselves Tovarisch." Chuikov said, pouring out Vodka from a bottle for Zhukov, Voroshilov, and the eerie figure of Tukhachevsky who still gave him an...uneasy sort of feeling looking at, like laying his eyes on a ghost.
Still, Tukhachevsky seemed to be a much younger man than when he first laid eyes upon him, full of an optimism that seemed to be missing from him when this event had started. But the shipments of fresh tanks, fresh troops, and fresh weapons had given him a new gleam in his eyes. The same sort of gleam Frunze told Chuikov he had gotten after Stalingrad when the doom of the third reich seemed to now only be a matter of time.
"We could be doing a lot better. I will not lie, we are not in the best of straits. But the end of the bombing raids has certainly given the people a fresh hope." The shabbier, less well shaved Zhukov said, adjusting his coat and easing into his new, much more comfortable chair.
When one examined this Zhukov's face, one could tell that the fact that he was staring at his alter, bearing the medal of victory over Germany and participation in Operation Damocles on his chest, only added a bit to the uncanniness of this whole situation in his mind. or the fact that a bubblegum chewing American woman and a Chinese man were also sitting on the other side of the table. These were strange times to be sure, but exciting ones. Less uncertainty than the long staring match of the cold war, more surety of purpose, Chuikov felt it too. He relished it even.
"Well, it seems that you won't have to hope for better days anymore. While we are still trying to understand the situation, dealing with these warlords should be easy. A few mobs of bandits can't stand up against the red army." Chuikov said with a chuckle while he took a sip from his shot glass, relaxed and perhaps unconcerned.
"I certainly look forward to it." Voroshilov shared a laugh while Lin Biao waved off his interpreter, being familiar enough with Russian to chime in on his own.
"The people of this country have suffered for long enough. Zorya I think is an auspicious name for the operation." He said, nodding while refusing the offer of a drink.
"Goddess of Dawn right?" Marshal McConnel said, "Marshal Bloodhair" as she was known from her service in WW2 continuing to discretely chew on gum that had long lost its flavour, offering a stick to Chuikov who helped himself to one.
"Indeed. A fresh morning to all of Russia, and perhaps much beyond." Tukhachevsky said, allowing his mind to drift to flights of fancy for a moment before some of the other people in the room cut in.
"Hold on." Suslov said, having ventured here all the way from Syktyvkar when the news had been verified, refusing to be left out of what he believed was history in the making. Even if he had to bring Zhdanov and Bukharina with him to his chagrin. Certainly with the way that Tukhachevsky glared at him he could tell there wasn't terribly much love lost between the Komi left and the WRRF even in these strange times.
"You cannot simply drive the red army through the entirety of the former Union and trample all opposition into the dust. The revolution is not purely a military affair, we must regain the loyalties of the people and re-entrench the working class driven to destruction by chaos and war." Suslov said, folding his arms and refusing McConnel's gum when it was offered to him.
"From where I'm standing, that might be the best thing that's happened in their lives. We have the resources to start rebuilding the country immediately, like we are here and in other places we can access. Running water, electricity, safety, and guaranteed bread wins a lot of hearts." McConnel said, adjusting her aviator sunglasses briefly while she leaned back.
"Right, especially when we have..." Chuikov furrowed his brow and tried to contain some very impolite language from leaping out of his throat at the very thought of this sort of people.
"Slime like this Aryan Brotherhood running around with Monarchists and collaborators. Why should we not just send in the mechanised armies and crush them beneath the stones?" Chuikov replied.
"Just because you speak Russian and wave the red banner does not make you not a foreigner to these lands, comrade Chuikov. How much do you know of the hardships the people here have suffered?" Suslov added, folding his hands together and resting them on the table.
"There are also other viewpoints we must consider. With the fall of the Union, many who still fight for Socialism do not quite agree on what it entails anymore." Bukharina added, Chuikov realising he knew rather little about the family of what had once been one of the most influential men in the union before Koba's purges.
"Is the system of Soviet Democracy not meant to allow the people to figure out how to decide such things, comrades?" His Zhukov said, seeming to have made up his mind on the matter.
"When many have lived in reactionary or bandit regimes for years? We cannot just rush into things without thinking." Suslov replied.
"Bah, our friends have given the Luftwaffe fear. That should be enough to convince the majority of the people that we are their best hope." Voroshilov scoffed, shaking his head at this back and forth ping pong.
"Desperation often contorts the way people think. I have seen it. We cannot count on everyone to ascribe the miracle to our actions, comrades." Suslov replied.
Suslov adjusted his posture, his glasses somehow managing to avoid shifting even slightly while he looked at the small woman close by to Chuikov, Nina Ivanovna; the appointed ambassador of the USSR for this mission, former actress and as capable of negotiating as she was at performance. Certainly was nice to have someone able to handle the nitty gritty of talks than an old army man like himself.
"Though I suppose that is why you were brought along then?" Suslov asked.
"Yes, we are not all brutes, tovarisch. If a subtler hand is required, then it will be provided." Ivanovna replied, Chuikov finishing his shot glass and placing it down without much fanfare.
"Well, with luck, we won't have to talk to "Vagner" or whatever the fuck he wants people to call him." Chuikov laughed to the merriment of the rest of the room.
Even implacable Suslov cracked the faintest smile. "I would indeed, hope not."
[X] The Class War Is Delayed, Not Cancelled: The fascist scum that roams this Earth may take precedent over the liberals, but the liberals were the ones who sold them the fibres to make the rope that hung them. We must take whatever actions necessary against these fascists, but our utmost second priority will be spreading the revolution wherever it is fertile, and even where it is not. We will infiltrate their societies just as much as the fascists, and will encourage revolutionary action while building an electoral base, building dual-power. But where it is necessary, we will prop them up if the alternative is fascists. But make no mistake, the class war is only delayed, never cancelled.
Shit, Suslov raises a good point, didn't think I'd see it, especially if he's pushing for a bottom up re-organization of Russia based around workers or party. In game he kept the worker soviets subordinate to the party and limited democratization at lower levels, so I'd be a bit surprised if he was pushing for a re-organization of the soviets as the basis of rebuilding class consciousness. Probably wants to re-implement a party state apparatus to take charge of organizing and educating the workers. That feels like it might be in line with him.
So this vote's a total mess which is definitely my fault. But thankfully as this is a vote in democratic institutions I can take the coward's way out of factoring in the results into the implementation of the policies of the Mao era ECCI, which is to say Spirit of Nations esque pseudo-riot quest mechanics where dissenting opinions are still considered important elements to the final decisions on policy.
The vote will come separately to keep the word count to a more reasonable level.
With that being said
Here's the results
Sickle wins 17 to red dawn's 10, to hammers 4
Ground wins overwhelmingly
So does one good liberal
Kill Nazis beats our own way 21 to 13
Comintern Headquarters, Pyongyang Reds!TL
The headquarters of the Comintern dominated the skyline of the Chosunese city, an impressive monument decorated with international flourishes to represent past, present, and future all at once, and inside the chambers of its executive committee was one of its most frantic meetings ever. Certainly, few here could remember a more emotional gathering of the representatives of the members of one of the greatest political blocs in human history.
"Comrades, did we not see the results of extending faith to Liberals in the past? The Alliance of Free States to this date remains firmly opposed to any further progress in the struggle of proletarian liberation and it could not have risen had we not trusted the promises of British reformists." Svetlana Bukharina said, a rather different woman than her alter, but ultimately no less committed to the communist program.
"With due respect, we face a whole world still entirely in the thrall of capital. Caution until we can better understand the situation is strongly advised." Wang Kunlun countered.
"This alternate United States is open to the idea of working with Communists, unlike the Franco-British Union. And keeping the forces of capital from unifying will be to the advantage of the worker's movement." Verdugo said, the relatively young Mexican representative folding his arms to make his stance clear.
"There is a possibility of some degree of peaceful coexistence, particularly in the face of such a dire mutual threat. This OFN is outmatched by the powers of Fascism and Reaction, and we can yet ensure they do not fall victim to the honeyed words of London." Khrushchev interjected, representing the older guard of the Soviet communist movement following the fissure between Frunze and Molotov. He seemed to be optimistic to say the least, sure that there was more opportunity than risk in this situation.
"Be that as it may, we have an obligation to support the interests of the Proletariat as a whole over that of any progressive liberals no matter how earnest. And we must also keep in mind how quickly the news moguls of bourgeois journalism can turn people towards false consciousness." Katherine Oppenheimer was, despite her nickname of "kitty", hardly demure or passive in her advocacy, energetic in her statements as was to be expected of the woman who played as large of a role as she did in deciding nuclear policy.
"Well, can we make all these commitments without overstretch? Our assets are vast, not limitless, and we're already in the midst of proxy wars here." Jay Lovestone signalled his desire to speak before standing up to make himself a bit more apparent. Despite his age, he still had a fire to his movements.
"As much success as armed force brought us in the war, would it not be better to organically strengthen the proletarian movement in vulnerable areas? Which yes, may include some cooperation with liberals for the time being. But we shouldn't make enemies of an entire planet just because we can." He continued, adjusting his tie while he spoke.
The man was almost the face of the Communist Labour Party in America, and had done much to define its policy, certainly he often grated on Nixon's nerves, and Katherine's as well but the Organic Centralists nevertheless had an important presence to keep in mind. And ultimately, however much they disagreed, once the path was agreed on, they all followed it with little complaint.
"Would we not also remember comrades, how the War against Fascism and Reaction was enabled by Liberals who feared the furtherment of progressive movements?" Mao spoke English; the working language of the Comintern, fluently and with minimal accent, adding a bit of poetic flourish to his words as the President of the ECCI.
He had a storied life, and had come back from his prior expulsion from the CCP for nationalistic deviation and returned a stalwart of Militant Internationalism after cutting his teeth in the war with japan and its puppets as well as burying himself in a great quanta of theory. He indeed, came to thank Chen Duxiu for initiating the vote to expel him from the party for giving him a chance to re-learn and rediscover the science of history, and now here he stood as part of the collective leadership of the very heart of the communist movement.
But while he had his own opinions on how to proceed, ultimately he was simply part of a group, and he had already made his prior addresses in favour of a more vigorous and confrontational approach to spreading the revolution and focusing on the interests of the working class over a broad anti-fascist front. But he had a feeling which way the vote would swing at the end of the day.
"The people of the world are too shaken by the last war to go rushing into another, even grander one just yet." Anna Seghers said, representative of the Communist League of (East) Germany, which was paradoxically both militant to its approach to revolution and fearful of the blood of another great war in this nuclear age. She had the tired eyes of someone who had seen the Hitler regime from its heart, and the passion to not have to repeat that dreadful history heavy in her voice.
"The Nazis threaten both this shattered Russia, which stands as our best entrypoint into this world, and for the time being, the OFN fears Fascism and Nazism far more than Socialism. So until the time comes that this changes, we should amend the wrongs done to the world first; then seek redress for them later." She said with all her old novelist's spirit and fervour.
The vote would ultimately confirm Mao's inklings of where it was headed. Repeated through the emergency congress of all delegates in the Citadel of the World Soviet, the ECCI, and in the five-man bureau Mao himself was part of. The congress of course, was the true binding authority while it was in session, and after a few days, his prediction had, as stated before, come to pass.
For the time being, a democratic front would be sought with the Organisation of Free Nations, and the AFS would continue to be held at arms length. The Congo and Indochina would not be forsaken for the time being, to the relief of many in the Comintern, and the development of the impoverished and imperialism drained sectors of the world affected by the victory of the Axis.
And the front against the EINPAK would be prioritised for the time being, perhaps to some disappointment from Zedong, who felt sympathy within his own heart for the plight of this alternate China; languishing under the lash of a Japan that had grown immensely wealthy by leeching from it. Still, Lovestone had a point, they did not have infinite resources, or the revolution would already be won.
DeLeon Debs Commune, Reds!TL
Ezekiel DeLeon was the heir to a great legacy, great grandson of Daniel DeLeon who had helped to found the party that would lead America to revolution and grandson to the WCPA "red lion" Solon DeLeon. Ezekiel was fresh-faced, clean-shaven, rather older than he seemed, nearly platinum hair and violet eyes from mild albinism, but he never felt like he stood out. Not as an ambassador anyway. Adjusting his glasses and offering a smile, he offered a hand to his counterpart who disembarked from their aircraft with a tense air to them.
"Comrade Rusk, welcome to America." Ezekiel said as the guest walked down the stairs lowered from the aircraft. Dean Rusk was certainly an older, balder man than the boyish face of Ezekiel, but received the handshake all the same.
"Greetings from America Mister Deleon.." Dean responded with a wry smile in his best effort at maintaining humour with how weird this entire situation was.
"How old are you even? You seem a bit wet behind the ears to be an ambassador." Rusk asked Ezekiel who offered a small laugh and a shake of his head.
"Twenty-seven, but I've cut my teeth in the circuit plenty. I suppose I got the job because I wrote a paper on what to do if there was a parallel universe for my thesis though." He admitted unabashedly, an eyebrow from the secretary of the state arching high while he was walked down the pavement into the terminal, Rusk's eyes fixated on all the details that seemed strange around the airport, the buildings that were there that he didn't recognise from his D.C, the buildings that should be there but weren't.
"Honestly I never thought it'd be anything but a thought experiment, but here we are. Now, come on. I understand the magnetic anomalies of the glide probably have you feeling some jitters." Ezekiel offered to his counterpart, some idle chitchat going between the ambassador and the secretary of state while they were being moved to the halls of the Capitol building, repurposed to serve as the chambers of the Central Executive Committee.
The Red and Black flag flying in the breeze caught Rusk's eye more than once, the man often finding himself staring long and hard at it as it blew in the cold air of the east coast winter. He thought it'd have more of an impact on him, to see a communist banner over something he was familiar with, but Dean found his mind quickly using the other discrepancies to write "Deleon Debs Commune" off as a different place than his own Washington District of Columbia.
Once inside, he was astonished by the...casualness that the CEC conducted itself with whenever he caught glimpses of them. Relaxed language, a humble, down to earth way of carrying themselves. This was just a job to them, nothing more, nothing less. None of them gave the impression of being wealthy overlords or apparatchiks...just people who had a fancy office.
To Ezekiel though, it was all he'd known. He was born into this world, and the idea of people in power living separate from the general masses was as alien as the inverse was to Rusk. Perhaps even more alien to Rusk was having to get up to pick up his orders at the cafeteria rather than having the benefit of a waiter hand delivering it to him, though he figured it made sense for a society built on shared burdens.
"What's this stuff?" Rusk asked, picking at the greens next to the seared salmon.
"Seaweed." DeLeon responded, twirling some around his fork and chomping into it.
"...Seaweed?" He replied, blinking.
"They say it's great for you, goes well with seasoning too." He replied, briskly slicing off a bit of his own cod.
"Huh...guess if it's edible why not put the ocean to work?" Dean said, thinking up some ideas to mull over with the department of agriculture at some point.
"Anyway, to business." He said once he chased down the salt of his meal with some of the water offered.
"The Organisation of Free Nations is looking for an opportunity to expand the reach of liberty." Rusk said, which Ezekiel took to mean "we're backed into a corner" which he wagered based off of the maps of the spheres of influence he had seen earlier.
"And the Vladivostok Compact is always willing to lend a hand in the struggle against Fascism, Imperialism, and Reaction." He replied, getting a vague nod out of Dean who was well practiced at knowing how to talk with socialists without completely agreeing with them.
Dean looked askance at one of the Asian CEC members, colour briefly draining from cheeks before he took another sip of water to cool down.
"Something wrong?" Ezekiel asked.
"Well, we're looking to get in an edge against the advances of Imperial Japan and Fascist Italy. Lately, we've been having trouble in our own territory, and the Dominicans are going around stirring up the hornet's nest in our pool on behalf of the Jap-" He started before harrumphing and clearing his throat. "-anese."
"And their Italian and Iberian lackeys. Earlier we were considering...not without great reluctance mind you, if we should hear out Germania's offers of detente. But honestly, that always seemed like political poison to me." He said, Ezekiel's expression forming a hard and narrow line on his mouth.
"Well, I'm sure you understand that we would have nothing to discuss if you did work with the Nazis. You've seen what their bombers have done in Russia right? And what we stopped them from doing back home?" The young Jewish man said frankly, holding back the anger welling in his heart like fire building from a gas leak.
"I honestly wouldn't agree to it myself, doesn't seem right for a country built by those who sought liberty to buddy up with one that just wanted to conquer the Earth." He mumbled, Ezekiel choosing to not speak out regarding his objections towards that particular view.
"We are willing to offer some exchanges that we think might be beneficial to you, particularly regarding the Tungsten shortages you say you've been experiencing and computer technology. But we do need assurances that you're going to respect our interests as well." He said, clasping his hands together and making a stern expression.
"Right, Cameroon." He said, letting out an uneasy exhalation.
"I'm gonna be frank and say that Nixon, our Nixon, isn't huge on the idea of just letting them swallow up the continent. Especially when the issue of backing a socialist country dominated by Africans against the last outpost of free France is a hot button one. Caught up in the whole civil rights argument." Dean went on, coming off as perhaps a bit nutty to Zeke who simply cleared his throat in response.
"Can't say that our Nixon would see backing a French colonial regime over the workers and farmers of Africa seeking liberation as anything less than a fundamental betrayal of America." DeLeon replied frankly.
"Or that he'd be pleased that segregation is still a going concern for you." He said, folding his arms and staring hard at the older Secretary.
"I kind of envy you bunch getting that out of your system straight after world war one. Would make my job a hell of a lot easier." Rusk said before having the last of his salmon.
"I'm sure that you understand that this arrangement will be very difficult if you keep Jim Crow going and move against the people of Cameroon. I won't say the deal's definitely off, but it would be a hard sell to the Congress." He replied, fixing his glasses and then narrowing the look of his oddly coloured eyes, Dean looking back without flinching.
"Look, I'm not enthused by this "Franco-British Union" either, but we can't exactly ignore that there are people who are going to have a cow if we don't at least hear out our fellow liberals." He sighed, though how truthful he was on that wasn't exactly evident to Ezekiel who paused for thought a bit.
"Well, we can at least agree on your Russia and our Cuba for now, right?" Zeke asked.
"God almighty...MacArthur...if we accepted that offer at face value half the country would be at the throats of the other half, especially admitting them as a state and throwing the entirety of congress to hell." He sighed with a shake of his head.
"Lucky you, we don't want that mess on our plate, not yet. And Russia well...we've been looking for some way to put the pressure on the krauts for a while now. And you can operate there a lot better than we can, so the ball's in your court for now." He said, nodding now.
"Well, I think the Committee will be pleased to hear that at least..."
The Haywood Plan
The Haywood Plan is a Plan for development and a plan for the assistance of the oppressed in their own self liberation. It is a plan to give the long-neglected parts of the world such as India, Central Asia, Cameroon, Cuba, and Russia a chance to stand on their own two feet again. It is a plan to repair railways damaged by bombing or left underexpanded due to lack of resources and allow for industries to either begin or be revitalised.
The most obvious recipient of the plan besides the bizarrely hyper-industrialised Russian anarchy is India, whose government seeks to pursue an Indian path to Socialism. Given that our own India is a developmentalist stalwart of the AFS, the addition of at least part of India to our alliance could be an immense boon, especially as India is quite desperate for any offerings of industrialisation assistance to lift itself out of poverty and capital starvation.
India is however currently locked under the influence of the "Permit Raj", which tries to offer a messy hybridisation of socialist planned economy with highly regulated private business driving it. This is in essence, a system that offers the benefits of neither and is a great impediment to further development. And one that has particularly agitated the Pakistani independence movement that seeks to create a liberal Islamic republic in western India, one likely to be aligned towards the CPS.
The Free Indian Government has strong leftist inclinations, but is institutionally tied to the Co-Prosperity Sphere in a way that would be difficult to extricate. There are hopes however, to create an economic union between the two Indian governments to reconcile Nehru and Bose's polities to join the massive population and agricultural output of West India to the industrialised might and developed infrastructure of East India. This should be encouraged, but there are many on both sides that are opposed to this, and the Right Wing in both halves of India have been radicalised by the threat of the justifications for the existing compromises being undermined by the arrival of socialist entities to encourage a transition to a fully planned economy.
Cameroon is also desperate for the means with which to resist and push back the endless waves of Luftwaffe Terror bombing that have devastated the country for years. While initially considering to offer some concessions to the Co-Prosperity Sphere in the hopes of receiving aid from polities opposed to both the OFN and the EINPAK, our ability to step in and offer aid with fewer conditions has prompted them to start to shift towards our camp, especially as we start to establish industrial facilities and SAM networks that can keep the country's prosperity secure.
Cuba, under Fidel Castro, is eager to receive our assistance as well, particularly with the hopes of resolving internal disputes regarding the path that Cuba's developmentalism should take. We can push them towards a genuine effort to Communism, but we should also keep in mind that the Cuban government has deep OFN ties and pushing Castro towards outright alignment with the Comintern may lead to a red scare.
The Great Game of Russia
(If someone could make a fillable map for me I'd appreciate that)
"The Russian soul is a tough one. Our ice does not crack easily." - Mikhail Frunze, 1943
TNOTL Russia is broken into a great many warlords, possessing a population of many tens of millions spread across the enormity of Northern Asia. Central Asia is connected, but as most of the governments are still loyal to socialism, the deployment of Soviet forces to protect them from Afghanistan's incursions have currently served to ensure that the region is a largely under stable VOSCM control, though there are Islamist militants to deal with, and Kazakhstan is not yet fully secured due to conflict with anti-communist warlords, preventing the upward thrust from materialising at the moment.
Acceptable Warlords
West Russian Revolutionary Front; The West Russian Revolutionary Front is fully accepted by the VOSCOM and its military will likely be integrated into the Soviet Union's. For the time being, the WRRF's territory is now the Provisional Reclamation Oblast of Northwestern Russia, and is being administered by the armed forces for the time being, with its food and supply situation being managed primarily by the USSR.
Komi: The Democratic Republic of Komi is currently being pressured into folding into the Soviet government peacefully, with the offer of resolving its supply situation being bolstered by extending the air defence grid to protect it, resulting in a lack of bombing efforts over the past few weeks causing any real damage to its territory. The Komi right is attempting to start a guerilla campaign against the Soviet reclamation forces while the Komi centre is worried about the end of liberalism but grateful for the safety from aerial attack.
Gorky: Gorky is very grateful for the fuel and resupply offered by the Soviet Union but has minimal ambitions beyond folding into the RKKA.
Vorkuta: Vorkuta has been silently occupied by the RKKA and the Gulags were dismantled in accordance with Premier Molotov's 1951 directive to end the gulag program. It is currently being administered as an extension of the PRONR.
Tyumen: Kaganovich is willing to accept the VOSCOM's offer of aid and is continually pestering the STAVKA and Supreme Soviet for reports regarding how the period of Stalin and Molotov dominated collective leadership in our world went. The well-industrialised region would be a major boon to our reclamation efforts, but there are serious questions about reabsorbing a committed Stalinist in the era of the Soviet International Communist Front's ascendancy over the VKP(B). Nevertheless, its relations to us are enthusiastic.
Sverdlosk: While Sverdlosk has largely become lukewarm to Socialism, the alters of Pavel Batov and Konstantin Rokossovsky have had their passions reignite by visiting our timeline, and Sverdlosk has been moving back to the socialist model, particularly in the line of Militant Internationalism; with the offers of resources from the VOSCOM being enthusiastically received. However, Boris Yelstin's "Russian Transformation league" has decried our intrusion into Sverdlosk's politics as a despotic foreign colonisation that would trample over Russia's independent growth in the name of Communist Military dictatorship.
Free Aviators: The Free Aviators have folded into the VVS without complaint, eager to have new planes and fresh pilots to carry out the war of attrition with the Luftwaffe and the air wings of the Waffen-SS escalating over western Russia.
Ural Guards: The Ural Guards are not particularly committed to Socialism, but out of a desire to protect their people have ultimately acceded to reintegrating with our authority in order to protect against raids lead by Oskar Dirlewanger and a seemingly insane Trofim Lysenko. Control over the region helps set up the link with Central Asia, but is still new.
People's Revolutionary Council: The PRC has, like the WRRF, reunited with the RKKA to finally have a chance to rest and let others take care of the heavy burden of the war to reunify Russia, though many have volunteered to partake in the war effort. Vasilievsky is content to organise with the VOSCOM's planning of Operation Zorya.
Oyrotia: Amenable to communism, the guarantees of protection for the religious beliefs of the Old Believers has helped to ensure their loyalty, even if it has put our forces into contact with the "Federation of Novosibirsk and Altay." It is thus considered annexed into the "Central Russian Reclamation Provisional Oblast."
Presidium of the Supreme Soviet: A brewing rebellion within the polity housing the presidium of the Supreme Soviet based in Irkutsk has been calmed for now by the presence of our forces moving in. There is tension between the civilian government headed by Genrikh Yagoda and the NKVD and our occupational authority primarily dominated by the RKKA. A man named Valery Sablin has sought to contact our forces, warning us that Yagoda is a tyrant and a traitor to the revolutionary cause. This is cause for concern and will require investigation given the severity of accusations and the amount of evidence provided.
North Russian Anarchy: The empty cities and communes of Northern Russia were swiftly reabsorbed and attached to the reclamation authority due to a lack of any coherent opposition present. This has given us an immense advantage in geographic positioning, but in the midst of the North Russian winter, the territory will be difficult to develop. The Northeast is home to an unusual Christian Socialist movement of strong anarchist leanings.
Soviet Pacific Fleet in Kamchatka: The offer of supplies was enough for the remnants of the far eastern fleet to embrace our cause and open its ports to our ships, allowing us a means to keep watch on the Imperial Japanese navy.
Kyzl Orda: Kyzl Orda remains firmly committed to the Soviet cause and has the strongest position out of the Kazakh warlords, with their dedication to reforming the Soviet Union unwavering and unbroken, we have rewarded them with reinforcement and fresh equipment to carry on the struggle.
Nowa Polska: The remnants of the Polish Autonomous Socialist Republic are eager for a Poland to return home to and a Socialist cause to fight for. We can offer them both, until the time comes for the liberation of this world's Poland itself from the clutches of Nazi Imperialism. Their strategic location also offers a means of interdicting Luftwaffe air traffic and pincering the rightist and centrist Kazakh warlords between them and Kyzl Orda.
Difficult but Potential Absorptions
Siberian Black Army: Embracing the ideals and cause of Nestor Makhno, Kropotkin and other anarcho-communists, the Siberian Black Army is firmly against the old Soviet system and has rejected the term "Tovarisch" in favour of "Kompan'on" as part of its rejecting of Soviet aesthetics. Nevertheless, they are committed to Socialism. It will take convincing to get them to re-integrate without bloodshed, but the American model of allowance of Anarchist communes within the UASR may provide a solution.
Krasnoyarsk: The former red army in krasnoyark loudly preach their allegiance to liberal democracy, which would ordinarily be enough for them to be labelled as anti-communist insurgents to be put down, but initial probes suggest that they are ultimately opportunists who might be able to be convinced to at the very least, stand out of our way to allow for our operations in Central Siberia to proceed, if not outright fold into the reclamation.
Kemerovo: Kemerovo is under one of the strangest governments yet discovered, a monarchist regime claiming linkage not to the Romanov Empire, bu the Rurikid Principality. Even more unusual is its leadership under Nikolai Krylov, who appears to have suffered a severe mental breakdown. However, much of the socialist structure has been preserved by the Grand Principality and there are signs that Krylov may be faking his condition in an effort to stand out. Investigation into this region may yield results.
Omsk: While Omsk is enthusiastic for operation Zorya and has been emboldened by proof of our victory over Deutschland in our timeline, Omsk has its own difficulties due to the corruption running rampant throughout the black league and the dilution of its system into an "ideological gruel" meant to seek victory at virtually any cost. Though absorbing them will allow for the rapid consolidation of Western Siberia, there will likely need to be some purges.
Magnitogorsk: The facilities of the Iron mountain are largely still intact, and the NKVD present there still professes loyalty to the Soviet ideal, however, the ruling Warlord, Trofim Lysenko appears to have become unstable and is subjecting the populace to human experimentation. Some efforts will be needed to eliminate Lysenko and re-establish Soviet authority over the Iron Mountain.
Orenberg: Orenberg is much like the Siberian Black Army, though far less militarily capable and more reliant on the Ural Guard to defend it. The experiment in Anarcho-Communism has so far proven to be successful enough for consideration for integration into the Union as an anarchist commune. However the Orenbergian government is poorly structured and vulnerable to internal coups.
Tomsk: The Tomsk Intelligentsia's decision to create a renaissance faire for the discussions and issues of the French revolutionary era would be impressive to a historical society or a literature club but does very little to impress or endear us to the Central Siberian Republic. While the Humanists are not beyond redemption, they are ultimately out and proud Utopians who reject materialist dialectic and analysis and while willing to hear out our envoys, if they wish to take part in the leadership of a new Union they will need to go through the system of Soviet Democracy like all others. As for the other "salons", we are not in the business of dignifying overgrown School Houses with serious debate.
Aktobe: Though the "National Renewal" Ideology of these Kazakh warlords is a chimera scarcely removed from Yan Xishan's "heart-washing" in China, the warlords of Aktobe are desperate for food aid to cover for their depletion of the agricultural labour force to expand their urban proletariat and ultimately are willing to surrender autonomy in exchange for assistance. Aid can be delivered immediately if we so choose it.
Unacceptable Warlords
Vyatka: The Romanov Empire belongs in the ash heap of history and "Vladimir the Third's" collaboration with the Nazis to attain his minute empire is beyond the pale. Despite the "Emperor"'s personal hopes for a more sympathetic and humane Empire than the past, Vladimir's Empire has attracted a flock of antisemites and has reformed the Okhranka with all that entails.
Samara: Open anti-communist collaborators, while abandoned by the Nazis after outliving their usefulness, the forces under this alter of General Vlasov seek to "free" Russia from socialist movements and establish a third positions regime over Russia. This is unacceptable and regardless of their current loss of favour from "Germania", they will need to be eliminated.
Aryan Brotherhood: However nonsensical their racial doctrine is, they openly hope curry favour with the Nazi regime in the hopes of establishing a vast, Sparta esque Helot society with a small "warrior aryan" class ruling over an "asiatic" majority, though there are internal clashes with a Slavic supremacist neopagan group that promotes a bizarre esoteric ideology that posits that the Slavs are the descendants of divine energy beings tricked into their current forms by feminine Jews who cast them from Palestine. It goes without saying that these people are to be liquidated in their entirety.
Onega: There is no place in Operation Zorya for an "Anti-communist volunteer guard", nevermind ones that are in essence, puppets of the Finnish state that seek to prevent a reunification of Russia altogether. Though dealing with them and liberating Karelia will require conflict with Finland, at the moment Finland is not part of any of the major alliances and could theoretically be eliminated outright to deny Deutschland access to Finnish Nickel and present a threat into the baltic sea.
Federation of Novisibirsk and Altay: The change in direction of this reality's Poryshkin is in essence, enough to invalidate any sympathy that may carry over from the heroic reputation that the one in our timeline enjoys. His establishment of "megacorporations" to extract profit from the riches of Siberia with brutal proletarian exploitation and their fervent commitment to not merely anti-communism, but an opposition to any genuine political conviction beyond that their "apolitical" status quo is the best path, means that they are to be destroyed.
Chita: While "Emperor" Mikhail was essentially kidnapped in the midst of a brief visit to Russia to visit family after being deceived, Chita remains a monarchist organisation that openly collaborates with the Japanese Empire, allowing the Zaibatsu to commercially exploit the region and the people within. With their occupation of important access ways to the pacific coastline eliminating them has a further cause for prioritisation.
Magadan: "Moderate" Fascists are ultimately still Fascists, and the OFN has agreed to end its support of them in exchange for the opening of trade with the VOSCOM. However long this state of affairs lasts will be long enough to destroy Matkovsky's experiment in a "truly Russian" form of fascism now that his Mercenaries are being withdrawn, though he is now turning to the Alliance of Free States to replace this assistance.
Amur: Konstantin Rodzaevsky runs what is ultimately little more than a bandit state that is in thrall to the Japanese Empire. Committing bloody but still small scale pogroms and establishing concentration camps in imitation of Deutschland's, Amur's continued existence is not an acceptable state of affairs. Whether by promoting internal revolution or by military conquest, this state's time in the world must be made a short one.
Vologda: Vologda is in essence, a buffer state between RK-Moscowien and Eastern European Russia and will have to be dealt with sooner than later, especially as the Finnish government has started to react with alarm to the rapidly shifting developments within Russia. While of relatively little overall importance, is an inconvenient buffer against our interests in the reclamation.
Brotherhood of St.George: The Orthodox Church has historically been a highly reactionary institution due to its direct ties to the Empire, and the establishment of an outright theocracy only deepens the difficulties of integration, they will likely join a broad anti-communist front in an effort to repulse the rapidly building reclamation government and as such will have to be broken.
Yakutia: While the autonomy of the Yakuts is to be respected, the current Yakutian government has essentially opened its doors to the mechanisms of Japanese Capital and as such will oppose any effort to re-establish proletarian government to the bitter end. Revolutionary activity, especially against its diamond mining operations, will be needed.
Tatarstan: Tatarstan's government has declared that it will fight to the bitter end to preserve the independence of a Tatar nation, and has come to decry the integration of Tatarstan in our own reality into the RSFSR. As such, it is already making overtures towards the Finnish lead grand anti-communist alliance in the hopes of preserving its independence.
Bashkiria: The Islamist government of Bashkiria is fully and vehemently opposed to any re-establishment of proletarian authority in Russia and is making overtures towards the Finnish Anti-Communist Front and seeks to topple the Soviet Union of Our timeline as well. As such, they have made their stance clear.
Pavlodar: The desire of Pavlodar to install an anti-socialist bourgeois republic upon Kazakhstan is antithetical to the goals of reunification and threatens the southern central Asian republics with its existence. With the hardline efforts by Pavlodar to purge itself of internal leftism and bleating about the virtues of "free market conservatism" at every opportunity, they have made it clear they intend to fight to the bigger end against any revolutionary restoration.
Kostanay: The islamists of Kostanay are a force that ultimately serves the interests of the Imperial Nihonjin and the Nazi Deutsch and will have to be confronted and dealt with to prevent them from continuing to split the two halves of Kazakhstan that are under our influence from one another. Furthermore, our inevitable actions against Bashkiria and Central Asian islamists funded by Afghanistan and the Sphere will rile them into action.
Kokshetau: The Khanate's efforts at forming a new steppe horde are ultimately incompatible with our aspirations for the restoration of proletarian governance to northern Eurasia and will have to be dealt with via a combination of force and rebuilding the worker-peasant alliance against warlordism and banditry.
Turkestan Legion: The Turkestan Legion is little more than a Nazi client state designed to create a pan-turkic federation aligned to the EINPAK and push out Socialist, OFN, and Sphere related interests in the region. This is naturally something entirely unacceptable to our goals, though it goes without saying that what amounts to a bandit pack is of little real concern for the RKKA to deal with.
Zlatoust: A regime that bases itself entirely on the mechanisms of capital to the point of being an arms dealer with a state is an entity to be either overrun or toppled with revolution, not integrated as-is into a Soviet Union. Should its weapons designers wish to integrate, they will be allowed to. If they choose to resist, they will be swept aside.[/icode]
Orsk: There is very little reason to have to explain why Dirlewanger cannot be suffered to live.
Yugra: Some take the descriptor of "Bandit Warlords" more literally than others.
Economy (Common Planning):
Size: Titanic
Living Standards: High
Technology: Next-Gen
Form: Common Planning
State: Peacetime
Notes: Worker's Soviet Primacy, de-emphasis on market economics
Executive: Quintumvirate Bureau of the Comintern
Legislature: Executive Committee of the Communist International
Stability: Solid
Infrastructure Size: Colossal
Infrastructure Technology: Next-Gen
Intelligence Services: Heroic
Military (Deep Battle):
Army Size: Large
Army Quality: High (aggregate)
Army Technology: Cutting-Edge
Army Morale: High
Army Doctrine: Deep Battle
Reserve Size: Titanic (Universal reserve training)
Reserve Quality: High
Reserve Technology: Modern
Reserve Morale: High
Navy Size: Huge
Navy Quality: Elite
Navy Technology: Next-Gen
Navy Morale: Heroic
Navy Doctrine: Base Strike
Airforce Size: Colossal
Airforce Quality: Elite
Airforce Technology: Futuristic
Airforce Morale: Elite
Airforce Doctrine: Air Support Focus
Tomsk: The Tomsk Intelligentsia's decision to create a renaissance faire for the discussions and issues of the French revolutionary era would be impressive to a historical society or a literature club but does very little to impress or endear us to the Central Siberian Republic. While the Humanists are not beyond redemption, they are ultimately out and proud Utopians who reject materialist dialectic and analysis and while willing to hear out our envoys, if they wish to take part in the leadership of a new Union they will need to go through the system of Soviet Democracy like all others. As for the other "salons", we are not in the business of dignifying overgrown School Houses with serious debate
Bright Red: North Eurasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (Provisional, I forgot to put in Gorky :X)
Magenta: Soviet Chinese Expedition into China.
Operation Zorya Progress in Brief
Anti-Communist resistance is at its strongest in western Russia which is currently being supplied by the Finnish government with lighter support from the EINPAK. Finland is attempting to form the "All-Russia Anti-Communist Salvation League" with a coalition of all available warlords. They will seek to oppose any farther expansion of the Northwestern Reclamation Oblast with military force.
Nazi and Imperial Japanese intervention is regarded as very unlikely due to ongoing Nazi commitments in liquidating the resistance in Poland, Czechia, and Serbia and the ex-Soviet Reichskommissariats and securing the regime of the Shah in Iran, while Japan is busy in Malaysia and Anti-Republic forces in China that have taken our presence as a sign that China may be free.
AFS intervention is regarded as very unlikely due to the Franco-British Union's memories of the disastrous intervention against the Bolshevik revolution in the aftermath of the first world war. They are however, likely to offer support to Tomsk and the more palatable far eastern warlords, particularly Chita, in the off chance that they might get a favourable entity in charge of Russia.
The coalition is currently UNSTABLE with the strongest flashpoints being the discontent with having Yugra and the Aryan Brotherhood be included in the organisation.
The Komi government is preparing to organise elections with the Komi left currently primarily influenced by Suslov, though Bukharina's Left-Communists and Zhdanov's Ultravisionaries are gaining in momentum. The Komi Right is preparing TERRORIST operations and guerilla organisations.
Afghanistan is mobilising Islamist support in Central Asia in an effort to push back the reclamation of Central Asia, while Iran is funneling support to the Turkestan legion to prepare a Nazi aligned counter-attack.
Anti-Communist forces in the far east are turning towards Japan and the Alliance of Free States to prop themselves up in the face of a resurgent soviet reclamation force, with the conflict between Chita and Magadan against Amur being put on hold in the face of the rapidly strengthening left.
The current leader of the All Russia Anti-Communist Salvation League is Vyatka.
The current leader of the Far-Eastern Anti-Communist National Front is Amur.
Russian anarchists are currently sceptical of the promises of Operation Zorya.
Tomsk is currently wary of Operation Zorya.
Novosibirsk is seeking to link with the Kazakh Anti-communists and the All-Russian Anti-Communist Salvation League, if allowed, this will result in the North Eurasian War.
Revolutionary movements in Russia are now of medium strength and are rapidly gaining in momentum due to the legitimacy gained by the de-escalation of German bombing campaigns.
The Soviet Union's policy towards Russia is to crush all the anti-communists with the full force of the Red Army and provisionally administer the anarchy as the Northern Eurasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic to be admitted into the Union of Soviet Republics later. This policy is being backed by China which has similar plans for the western Chinese warlords.
The Pan-American Confederation and United Republics are more in favour of a plan for a provisional authority to be open to a plebiscite later in the future once normalcy is restored, with possible options for independence from their alters in our universe.
The Sino-Soviet proposal is being backed by Yugoslavia, North Italy, and Nippon. The All-American proposal is being backed by Ostdeutschland, Iran, and Chosun.
The Comintern may make an alternate proposal if it wishes instead, and as the Comintern has supremacy over national communist parties, both camps will ultimately concede to the Comintern's authority on this matter.
Comintern military presence in Russia is Strong, with the full force of operation Zorya being deployed to Russia and Central Asia to reinforce the left with a half-million strong force while reserves are being prepared for deployment if any other situations arise. Total enemy strength commitment is estimated to be significantly weaker than ours, but military force against the Western Russian anti-communists will likely require a war with Finland which is currently not in any bloc and is not being permitted into the EINPAK out of fear of entangling Germany in a war with a foe it does not fully understand the capabilities of and currently lacks a means to launch a nuclear strike against.
The Finnish military is of medium strength but high professionalism, and has a full army of twenty four mobile divisions, half of its present standing army, being activated. It will take some time for them to properly prepare for full scale war operations, but we are similarly not fully deployed for such a conflict.
Intelligence networks are being established in Russia and are currently of very high strength thanks to the ease of insertion of agents into Russia and the means with which we have to gain the loyalty of informants.
Air commitments from the CPS or the EINPAK are to be regarded as hostile intruders to be shot down or turned aside as they currently are being, with or without a declaration of war. At the present, the EINPAK is still attempting to continue its bombing efforts
Our Objectives
Our ultimate objectives are to ensure the reunification of this sundered Russia with minimal loss of life and damage to infrastructure, while we are not sure how Bukharin managed to hyper-industrialise the Russian interior to this degree, the fact remains that Eastern Russia is one of the greatest hubs of industry in the world even with all the damage dealt by warlordism and German bombing and that this is something that should not be squandered by devastating the region with a recklessly destructive approach.
Current Supreme Commander of the Vladivostok Compact; Creighton Abrams, has signed the ECCI's directive forbidding the usage of tactical nuclear weapons in Operation Zorya unless attacked with such weapons first. The people of Russia have suffered enough without being irradiated on top of everything else.
Military Command Decisions
[]: VOSCOM Command: As the military wing of the Communist International, the Vladivostok Compact is the natural leadership of what should be a joint operation of the whole of the Communist movement to liberate Russia, thus putting the operation under the overall authority of Marshal Abrahms' supreme command. This will emphasise the internationalist character of the operation and provide the greatest show of force for the communist movement's strength and solidarity, emphasising that the suffering people of Russia do not stand alone. However, this may be felt to be an overreach of the Comintern which already draws some criticism for its doctrine of superiority to national communist parties in broad strokes of policy.
[]: STAVKA Command: As the Russian Anarchy is the alter of the Soviet Union, the command of this operation is naturally a Soviet affair, they speak the language, they know the geography, and these are their people however removed in the flow of time they are from our Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. This would place overall command of the operation under Marshal Chuikov, who has been granted the highest command of Zorya by Premier Rokossovsky, this would emphasise to the people of Russia that there is no need to feel that Russia is defeated or cannot stand up again, and that they can rely on their fellow Russians to uplift them from their dire straits, without playing into fears of Russian nationalists that this would be a surrender of sovereignty to non-russians.
[]: REVFRONT Command: The Command of Zorya should ultimately fall under the command of the people native to this region and timeline. If this choice is taken, one will need to specify whether Zhukov, Tukhachevsky, Batov, or Vasilievsky will be given overall military command. This emphasises that this is not an occupation but a liberation of the Russian people, and helps provide a feeling that Russia is taking its own destiny into its hands without needing to be a junior partner to an otherworldly communist movement. However these commanders are perhaps not familiar with the evolutions in military doctrine we have made.
Rebuilding the Soviet Union
[]: The Carrot: We have resources that the people of the Russian anarchy could scarcely dream of and could alleviate nearly every single one of their material shortages. Medicine for the sick, water for the thirsty, food for the hungry, heating for the cold, and railroads for the lost. We can focus on winning the loyalty of the people through the immensity of our generosity over insurrection or military force. This is the slowest road and may not always work as some warlords will refuse to allow us access or may force a conflict anyway, but it puts an immediate emphasis on civilian infrastructure and industry.
[]: The Trap: We have a vast intelligence network of experienced revolutionaries who know well the science of bringing about proletarian uprisings and helping peasants and workers come together against their oppressors. We will dispatch our agents and agitators to help the downtrodden organise and provide them with the means with which they can rise against their oppressors in a great red wave against the jackals who have feasted on the corpse of Bukharin's union. This focuses primarily on building the communist movement and its legitimacy, but may trigger the most extreme foreign responses due to the fears of such a network demonstrating its strength; even if the capabilities of this operation are largely possible due to the unique circumstances of Russia that would not apply to elsewhere.
[]: The Stick: We have military forces that not a single warlord in the Russian anarchy, or even all of them combined, could ever hope to match in a thousand years. We will focus on crushing all reactionary, liberal, and fascist opposition in the way of the second Russian revolution and leave nothing for them to regrow from while the armed forces pave the way for a better Russia as quickly as possible. This provides the fastest unification but may cause the perception of external occupation, and will of course mean the most armed conflict, including a war with Finland and possibly Afghanistan.
Intricate Planning
Operation Zorya's Command is now open to plan submissions! These plans will have ten points for specific details you wish to see accomplished with Operation Zorya such as which part of Russia to focus on, how to deal with certain movements, and which things need prioritising over other. Half of the ten points must go into the regions of Russia (Central Asia, Western Russia, Western Siberia, Central Siberia, far East) with one each.
Other points may go into other foreign policy goals and agendas within the mapped out region, but the world beyond that will be left up to the grand agenda that will be posted at a later point. This may include the usage of military, economic, diplomatic, or espionage power to achieve certain goals within the mapped region.
Plans should be formatted as such
[]: Plan X
[]: Point Y (West Russia)
[]: Point Z (Finland)
Plans have a 750-word limit.
There will be a 16 hour moratorium on voting due to my Timezone issues to ensure that everyone discusses their plan thoroughly before committing to a vote.
You may ask me questions and I will answer to the extent of what the Comintern would be able to know at the moment.
Attach your final plan below the vote on Command and Rebuilding policies. The vote on these two categories will affect the bonuses that go into the plan.
In East Asia the biggest problem is that Japan, China, and Manchukuo can provide a large amount of mercenaries and equipment, and also the PRC is still engaged in skirmishing with Mengjiang.
You can get a free slot in your plan to deal with that particular conflict with the CPS as it heavily affects the progress of the operations in western China, the underbelly of Russia, and also is a potential flash point with the might of the Japanese sphere of influence.
I'm strongly leaning towards Revfront and The Carrot as I feel those two would work well together and enable us to get the most industry and people through the unification intact, however there are a few exceptions. I think that we should be good smacking down Novosibirsk and the problematic Southern urals militarily without setting off a war with the Anti Communist pact and I think that revolution in the Aryan Brotherhood and Magdan would also be doable and the best option there if we want to prioritise industry, manpower and making a good impression on the rest of the world.
Im torn between STAVKA and REVFRONT for overall command.
I feel like putting too much power in VOSCOM too fast could lead to friction in the Conintern.
I definitely favor The Trap. The carrot is too slow, the stick could make us seem just like foreign invaders.
I think we could also potentially capitalize on a red scare, by making the nightmare a reality. X dissident group is getting cracked down on for potentially being communists? Become communists and we'll get you supplies, guns, and if neccessary somewhere to fall back to.
Im torn between STAVKA and REVFRONT for overall command.
I feel like putting too much power in VOSCOM too fast could lead to friction in the Conintern.
I definitely favor The Trap. The carrot is too slow, the stick could make us seem just like foreign invaders.
I think we could also potentially capitalize on a red scare, by making the nightmare a reality. X dissident group is getting cracked down on for potentially being communists? Become communists and we'll get you supplies, guns, and if neccessary somewhere to fall back to.
I mean there's no reason we can't do a mix of all three targeted at different warlords. Trap for Magdan, Aryan Brotherhood and any of the rest of the anti Communist pact that we can spare the resources to, Carrot for Chikta, Kemerovo, Tomsk and the ones on the issue list and stick to beat down the rest of the unacceptable in short order. Russia's big enough that I definitely feel we don't need to take a one size fits all approach here
I think we definitely should do RevFront and Carrot or Trap. It is winter so offenses will be slow due to the weather. We can also declare war on Finland and possibly Afghanistan if we want to even while going with the Carrot. I think Carrot will definitely help us win over some of the fence sitters. Komi should be easy to push into our camp. We have genuine soviet democracy rather than a dictatorial party-state, so that might assuage some concerns. Omsk I think we might be able to angle by maybe promising some level of amnesty to the leadership but not bring justice against the bulk of the administration, and bar them all from politics. A forced retirement is more than they probably deserve but it's not a bad deal for them, possibly.
With RevFront we can also do a little write in to include Voscom advisors to whoever we pick to handle the liberation. That way there's a smoother line of communication between us and someone advising them on how our doctrine works.
I mean there's no reason we can't do a mix of all three targeted at different warlords. Trap for Magdan, Aryan Brotherhood and any of the rest of the anti Communist pact that we can spare the resources to, Carrot for Chikta, Kemerovo, Tomsk and the ones on the issue list and stick to beat down the rest of the unacceptable in short order. Russia's big enough that I definitely feel we don't need to take a one size fits all approach here
We can also use write in points to be aggressive towards specific states if we want to. Tomsk I think we can pressure into folding without pushing too hard, while Magadan we hit hard to deny the AFS any access into Russia.