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The Devil (Kicked) Out of Her Box
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You had your life all figured out, a good education, a good family, and a good home that had proper work that needed to be doing--work that you enjoyed doing for that matter. Then a certain glorious golden bandit decided to roll in and assert dominance in the only way that con-artists can--through extreme bullshit and talking fast enough to keep people from thinking hard about it. Now you're alone, with a teasing, witch-doctor lady in your head, and most importantly of all, your study has been looted to the bedrock. This will not stand.

A narrative Quest about history's most unlikely Chosen of Malfeas, and her attempts to reclaim her happy place and do everything in her power to avoid touching grass, despite the best efforts of Creation to the contrary.
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Prologue: Ciara's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day


Speaks Words of Wisdom... On occasion
You are Ciara Dunbar, and things have gone somewhat awry in your peaceful life.

You had it all planned out–with the full support of your family and the backing of the estate after all. With no head for politics, you could happily seclude yourself into the bureaucracy, where your companions were books, documents, and reams of wonderful paper and vast quantities of ink. You were low in the succession, so you didn't even have to worry about disaster unfolding and bumping off your competition. One? It could happen—and even has, the ruling Dunbar Clan has had to wrestle with peril from time to time, even with the great Caer Wyrdstone warding off the threats beyond what the clans could ward off with spell and talisman. Three? There was an outside chance, especially with the scraps of news coming from the Lowlands through the occasional trade caravans of the Realm's present weakness and internal focus.

But seven? Seven separate misfortunes that would disrupt your wonderful, peaceful life of scholarship?

As it turns out, it only took one sufficiently great calamity to put your wonderful plans in grave peril. One demagogue to inflame the mob, to drag them up and out of their ordinary lives and push them to take things just a little bit further. You wouldn't even be particularly against that, if someone had good ideas and the ability to make them happen? More power to them, greater wealth is greater prosperity, a virtuous cycle.

But no, instead, he turned the clans and the people against Clan Dunbar, dragging up every little nagging irritation that existed in life and speaking as though it was all some terrible conspiracy by them, the ones who ruled, the ones who held the reins of power. Never you mind that the Highlands have ever been a place where the Clans cooperated, where everyone had their fair share of the land. No, apparently everything was the fault of Clan Dunbar, and he was eloquent enough and fast talking enough to silence any suspicion as to ulterior motives.

It wasn't long before he had an army at his back, it wasn't long before he laid siege to Wyrdstone–and it wasn't long after that before the gates had been cast open by weak minded traitors, succumbing to honeyed words for a share of the wealth.

The castle-town was set ablaze, the people either joining the mob or being cut down by those who were already at it. Brother against sister against cousin as kinstrife ran amok. And at the head of it all was the Golden Man, clad in fine mail, bearing the arm-rings of a king upon his bare arms.

Father stood against him, along with the remaining members of the Knights of the White Rock. He drew the ancestral blade and tapped into the powers of the old High Kings of eld, a hidden reserve left behind in the case of the Land's ultimate need.

His efforts were for naught, as the Golden Man's skin could not be pierced, the magic of Moralltach meeting iron fists and finding no purchase. His chest was pierced, and his heart torn beating out from his breast, as the Golden Man dedicated the victory to his pagan god.

Your survival in the subsequent purge was a matter of luck alone, none would see the mousy schoolgirl as one of the former Clan's scions, and few enough had seen you in the first place to recognize you in the first place. But you were nonetheless cast out from your home with the rest of the help, and left staring alone in the alleyways, what was once a successful town having been cast to ruins, with people celebrating in the ashes.

Even now, you had heard the Golden Man had taken up Moralltach for himself, the throne of your Clan for himself, and even now was leaving words of this being 'Just the Beginning', and that the Highlands of Alba would be the nucleus of a new power in the region. All the wealth and gold of the world would be theirs for the taking.

In the end, all of your plans for a happy, peaceful life were in ruins. Your home was smouldering, and even the rain didn't dampen the spirits of the people that were even now preparing to turn themselves to the task of reaving their neighbours.

You felt… Conflicted.

Your heart burned to set things right, but you were ultimately a single young woman, you had no connections, no money, and no power of significance. You faced what had once been a proud people so easily suborned into a bandit kingdom, not even considering the Golden Man's wicked tongue and immortal strength.

You were just you, Ciara Dunbar. Powerless, useless.

An umbrella casts you into the shade–you cannot help but look up.

A woman of straw hair, clad in garments of bleached leather, close fitting save for an open white coat. Yellow eyes with an amused expression, and a pointed hat of the same material. She had a strange chemical sent to her, and there was something off about her feet–but you had no time to analyse this before she spoke.

"Rough day, huh?" She observed, a smug grin on her face. "Bet you'd like to do something about this, wouldn't you?"

Of course you would, but what was to be done? Those who had forgotten more about battle than you had ever learned were as children against him.

"But what if you had a chance to make things right?" The woman added. "What if you had the chance to fix this?"

Well, given unlimited power? You'd clean up your house, put your office in order, and then find skilled professionals to do the unimportant stuff for you. It might involve no small amount of violence, but sometimes stains needed a little extra work to be pulled out.

The woman's grin grew a few sizes–unnaturally so. Rounded feet step back, as she offers a gloved hand to you. "Well, you're in luck then. I am Hekate, called 'Distillery Witch' by some. I am authorised to make you an offer, on behalf of the True Lords of Heaven and Earth. The exchange is simple, take up a measure of their power–and in exchange, you are to strive to set things right, for the world is broken—torn asunder by usurpers, traitors, and false officials. You are to break this false order through whichever means you see fit."

You stare upon the hand–this was your fairly textbook Devil's Bargain, you were certain of it.

You take the hand up anyway.

Hekate's grin widens–and you are certain now that she is no mere human, by the fact you can see her face opening up. "Good choice," She says. "This might be a little uncomfortable, but few good things are."

A tide of vitriol flows forth, and what remains is but a dream.

But Some Dreams endure even into the waking hours…
(Select Three Styles)

[ ] You Remember your martial education, the self-defence techniques expected of all children of Clan Dunbar. But something is different, a smiling old man of exotic features, carrying a staff of black iron testing you and your footwork. You are quite certain these are not the techniques of your youth, but their power cannot be denied. [Acquire Royal Guard Style–A Martial Style that excels in holding position, counter-attacks, and efficient killing blows incorporating a mixture of clinches and sabre strikes. Wields an Armored Gauntlet and a Fencing Sabre]

[ ] You Remember your Military Education
, the lore taught to the scions of Clan Dunbar on the best use of the muster of the Highlands in battle. You don't recall the board games though, nor the bald youth with a box who constantly stared at you in a knowing fashion, but you showed skill in the field regardless. [Acquire Wyrdstone Commander Style-A Command Style that makes best use of soldiers native to the Alban Highlands. A combination of shock cavalry charges and greatsword armed infantry assaults has tremendous striking power, especially in combination with entrenched fortifications.]

[] You Remember your days at School
, where your ambition to be a scholar-princess was at its height. The White Spire Academy may not have been one of the true great schools of Creation, but you learned a lot there–most importantly, the need to keep your true feelings hidden from those who would use them against you. Especially when the suspiciously golden young lady showed up to relentlessly tease you at all times at the slightest reaction. [Acquire Cold Faced Heiress Style–a Politics Style that excels in concealing one's inner thoughts and emotions from those who would seek to find levers in you presenting only vague disinterest to the outside world, regardless of inner turmoil or lack thereof.]

[ ] You Remember Your first time visiting the Great Library
, the azure shelves holding knowledge upon knowledge, in such volumes that you could read for a lifetime without so much as scratching the surface. Glass eyes guided you to every place of your whim, and the librarian–a strange figure indeed–granted you all the guidance you needed to become wiser and wiser still… Now that you think about it, you're not sure the Library was quite that grand, but this is a better memory anyway. [Acquire Fortress of Books Style–a Lore Style that excels in an eclectic knowledge of history and trivia, representing a voracious hunger for knowledge that you can process into true Wisdom. This also provides assistance in research and investigations taking place in a library of any sort.]

[ ] You Remember Your First Inspection
, accompanying the Magistrate and his ivory knives through the territories of Clan Dunbar, there, you meted out justice, ensuring that disputes were resolved and bandits suitably punished for breaking the peace. You just could not understand why people did such a thing–would all matters not work out better if people worked together? None of this made sense, the value one gains today would come at the cost of so much more later. You could not reconcile any of this with your understanding of the word, and all of your questions were met with "That's just how it is." Why though, why does this work out this way? Why can't people just work together without being coerced?. [Acquire Bleeding Heart Style–a Presence Style that excels in expressing your passions and feelings upon others. By speaking from the heart, only the most jaded figures can truly remain unmoved.]

[ ] You Remember a City of Green Light
, and this is precisely why you know this is not one of your own memories, but it is fascinating regardless. The skill of breaking down the material of nature, discarding what was useless, and extracting what was most important to concoct potions and solutions of Power are those gifted only to those born from the Great King's ancient dreams, and of those, only few have risen above their base and content nature to truly excel. You are one of them, and your talents have risen to the point where you have been given a mission of the utmost importance. That it gives you a chance to step out from the Laws that you have already broken is just a bonus. [Acquire Empyreal Alchemist Style–an Occult Style that inherits the skills of the Distillery Witch, employing the Element of Vitriol to refine base material into their Ideal State, where they can be combined together to create effects beyond what nature could allow for. What wonders could be wrought, free of the chains of the Law that binds all the Serfborn of the Demon City?]

[ ] You Remember your First Day at your Study
, your education complete and the Work of a scholar begun. Even a small nation generates tremendous quantities of paperwork, and the Highlands are no exception. You took to your tasks with great relish, your quill resolving petitions, correcting errors, and cleaning up the ever ending pile of Work and Inefficiency that inevitably develops over time, casting the errors into the great crevasse that yawns open beside you. What remains is nothing but perfection, a harmonious order that brings peace to your heart. What a wonderful day it will be, when the Work is complete. [Acquire Loyal Bureaucrat Style–a Bureaucracy Style that excels in the day to day Work of an organisation. Corruption is excised, and Order dominant under your watch, and through this, your land will run as a tightly oiled machine. Once you have claimed it of course.]

The Miracle of Exaltation is something poorly understood, the elevation of a simple human mortal to a Champion of the Powers invariably results in some degree of distortion to the ordinary Rules that govern the world, and sometimes you can get a result without a corresponding cause. You are fortunate, in that you have benefitted from this very principle, receiving a boon to your rising cause.

Select One Boon

[ ] A Boon of Refinement
: The interaction of an Enlightened Metody, an Exaltation, and a dying city have boiled away the impurities of what little you have stolen away in the darkness, refining them to new heights. Your clothes have hardened to the consistency of steel without losing flexibility, and your sabre has hardened to the point where it can clash even against god-forged steel without giving ground. The mysteries of these newborn Artifacts will be tied to your own rising Mythos, and their strength may give you the edge you need to survive the early days.

[ ] A Boon of Knowledge: Hekate has broken more than a few laws in her life, and you have inherited a measure of the fruits of her deeds. While much research will need to be done to reach your full potential, you are a natural Sorcerer, and can impose your Will upon Reality to forge Wonders, Horrors, or Novelties as your needs require. You gain access to Sorcery, skill of which will grow with you as your enlightenment expands. Your paradigm is the Soul-Perfecting Alchemy, an art of brewing potions and medicines that can further perfect your body and soul, at significant material expense.

[ ] A Boon of Support: You do not stand alone against the Golden Man's acts, and Hekate has had the good fortune of acquiring skilled allies before approaching you. They have granted you shelter, and with your awakening, will give you a small–but talented–base of cultists and supporters who resisted the Golden Man's wicked words. Whether your choice is to strike out immediately or to build your power first, you will have many more options to work with, no longer being alone.

There will be some time to take stock of your situation, but you will not have the leisure of days to make your decision, as events are firmly in motion. How should you set about your task of casting down the Golden Man?

[ ] Strike While the Iron is Hot: Your home is burning, and the embers still smoulder. This will not stand. Remain in Caer Wyrdstone and begin your operations in the heart of the Highlands' power, before the Golden Man can tighten his grip and remove the less committed folk from power.

[ ] To the Wilderness: It would be folly to face the Golden Man head on, even with your new power. Withdraw into the frontiers of the Highlands and gather support from the fringes. You concede the initiative, which will have problems of its own, but in doing so, you gain the luxury of time to familiarise yourself with your powers, and information to measure your plans with.

[ ] Ciara's Inferno: It takes little time to learn the provenance of your powers, even if Infernalism isn't in your area of expertise. If you are to be a champion of the Lords of Hell, perhaps you might be able to wrangle some support there? Far worse than merely conceding the initiative, this is straight up surrendering the opening of the campaign, but the resources of the Demon City are limitless, and the opportunity to fete a new Prince of the Green Sun will grant you no small amount of ability to trade favours and accumulate power enough to simply hammer through the Golden Man's plans with raw force of arms. But the nearest entrance to Hell is months away, and simply reaching it would be an adventure of its own–and you doubt the Golden Man will sit idle the entire time…

Vote By Plan, Moratorium of 2 hours to discuss options and get to know each other.

Glad to be back in the saddle folks, this is a story I've wanted to be a part of for some time now, but I've not found any opportunities for it. So I guess the best way to get what I want is to just do it myself.

This is my own take on Creation, heavily inspired by Third Edition and some of the homebrew versions like @Aleph and @EarthScorpion 's work on Kerisgame. I don't claim to be on their level, but I like some of their ideas and have subscribed to their newsletter, so I hope this all works out nicely. Don't expect things to be exactly adherent to the Core Books of any edition, as a result.

But I hope you all enjoy the ride, one way or another! I'm quite happy with what I have here so far, and with any luck, once I've gotten started, I'll be able to keep the momentum flowing long enough to tell a satisfying story.

You can discuss the update on my Discord and the new channel there, found here

Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.

Or of course, react in thread too! I'm not picky, activity is activity, and I not only encourage, but demand speculation and discussion! I cannot do this alone after all, and if I hope to grow as a person and a writer, I need to draw on the power of the community to support me and my own limitations.

Please hold on posting until all the prep work is up!
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Character Sheet
Ciara Dunbar
Princess of the Green Sun, among many other sundry titles that really sort of pale in the face of that.


Azimuth Caste Infernal Exalt


Styles are the mundane skills and talents within the reach of the peoples of Creation, and are generally how disputes and expertise are tracked among them. Ciara has many Styles herself! As to be expected of a socially anxious bookworm who spent most of her time in one of her homeland's most elaborate archives and recieved the education of a well heeled young lady in a reasonably successful dot on the map.

We don't care about those ones, because Ciara now operates on a higher level. Her Styles are those of the Exalted--talents that exceed the limits of mortals and can be considered minor acts of magic in themselves. A Spirit, Exalt, or Sorcerer who brings a Style to bear will inevitably have a potent advantage over one who merely has honed but mundane talents. Not the least being that they have grasped enough of the field to apply simple cantrips and enchantments to their actions.

All Styles can be rated on a three part scale

Basic Styles are ones you have fully elevated to a level befitting the Chosen. You can reliably execute their core functions without commanding much of their focus--and your directed effort is enough to sweep aside purely mundane threats.

Advanced Styles begin to incorporate the personalized techniques and adaptations suited for your own purposes and temperment, no longer merely achieving mastery of the art, but expanding it and making it your own. These Styles are trademarked by a razor sharp efficiency in motion, allowing them to be employed at a supernatural level without demanding a great quantity of Essence, while also being able to be used in tandem with your Charms without delay or disruption.

Transcendent Styles have gone beyond mere skill, and become a simple Fact. The Invincible Sword Princess' mastery is apparent to all who gaze upon her for instance. Such mastery appears only rarely even among the Chosen. The very least of the talents available to a Transcendent Style is the ability to execute it to its full potential with the same ease as a professional plies their craft, but most importantly is the presence of a Magnum Opus, an Ultimate Manifestation of the Style that cannot be easily suppressed--only challenged with similar degrees of brilliance or overwhelming supernal might.

A Melee Style, that excels in close range battle, making use of an armored gauntlet and a sabre to protect oneself until protection arrives. That was the theory behind it anyway, and you dutifully mastered it to the level expected of a scion of Clan Dunbar, but ancient memories and newly formed instincts have elevated this humble self-defense technique to a level more befitting your current stature. Ferocious parries rapidly pivoting into fierce counterblows perfectly meld the principle of an inviolate defensive stance with punishment for the wicked. Of course, this understanding is more instinctual and executed by rote than something you have fully internalized, and you're certain there's more to be excavated, given time.
A Command Style, the principles of warfare best understood by Clan Dunbar in its efforts to secure the Highlands from any who would covet their ancestral lands. The core fundamentals involve greatsword wielding shock infantry supplementing light cavalry raiders in a potent iteration of hammer and anvil. You're confident you can do better though, as you have inherited a keen understanding of game theory and its applications to warfare with your new stature, and you are confident these core principles can be extrapolated even to unfamiliar forces. Probably.
An Occult Style, involving an encyclopedic understanding of the applications of Theion To--less academically referred to as Vitriol--and how it can be used to distill otherwise mundane ingredients and extract the very core essence from them, all to induce reactions beyond the sum of their parts. It has a tendency to be explosive too, which certainly does not hurt in your current situation. You'll need to get some practice to really put this through its paces.


Hekate: The Distillery Witch has taken up residence in your spirit, serving as advisor, color commentary, and critic. Your relationship is still dubious.

Sorcerer: You are a Sorcerer, initiated into the Terrestrial Circle of Emerald through the lens of the Soul-Perfecting Alchemy. This has enabled all manner of clever tricks and tactics, though it is highly dependent on your access to time and material to reach its potential.


You stand in the realm of Action, or Asiyah as some ancient scholars have dubbed it. You do not yet fully understand what this means, but it does put you in a step beyond the merely mortal, holding the right to command Essence to serve you. Most notably is having the ability to blend conventional technique with magic to produce effects beyond the sum of their parts, but you also allegedly have some useful gifts from your patrons that you haven't yet scratched the surface of. More study is required.
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Omake Record
Omake Rules:

I cannot do this alone, and fleshing out the little details of the setting is somewhat beyond my tunnel-visioning arse, to that end, I'm willing to encourage you all with some shinies here and there. Omakes that significantly contribute to the feel of the story, whether that be artwork, creative writing, or so forth, will be rewarded with Participation Tokens, to be kept track of here. Such Participation Tokens can be used to supplement the usual experience accumulated as the plot goes on to help learn Styles, improve ordinary Boons, and generally represent time and effort Ciara has spent fostering her skills and assets. There'll be no small number of things you can spend these on, and you can always further improve on them to expand on their strength.

Particularly Exceptional Works may be offered Enlightenment Tokens instead, these are mostly offered on a case by case basis, and can be used in the same way as Participation Tokens, but these ones apply to supernatural advantages and Charms that Ciara will accumulate over the course of her career. These are very powerful, and thus, will be offered only with truly exceptional works, because it's how I control the general power curve of the story.

All current outstanding Tokens will be listed below!

MrRageQuit: 1 Participation Token
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Act 1 - Dawn of a New Day
[ ] You Remember your martial education, the self-defence techniques expected of all children of Clan Dunbar. But something is different, a smiling old man of exotic features, carrying a staff of black iron testing you and your footwork. You are quite certain these are not the techniques of your youth, but their power cannot be denied. [Acquire Royal Guard Style–A Martial Style that excels in holding position, counter-attacks, and efficient killing blows incorporating a mixture of clinches and sabre strikes. Wields an Armored Gauntlet and a Fencing Sabre]

[ ] You Remember your Military Education, the lore taught to the scions of Clan Dunbar on the best use of the muster of the Highlands in battle. You don't recall the board games though, nor the bald youth with a box who constantly stared at you in a knowing fashion, but you showed skill in the field regardless. [Acquire Wyrdstone Commander Style-A Command Style that makes best use of soldiers native to the Alban Highlands. A combination of shock cavalry charges and greatsword armed infantry assaults has tremendous striking power, especially in combination with entrenched fortifications.]

[ ] You Remember a City of Green Light, and this is precisely why you know this is not one of your own memories, but it is fascinating regardless. The skill of breaking down the material of nature, discarding what was useless, and extracting what was most important to concoct potions and solutions of Power are those gifted only to those born from the Great King's ancient dreams, and of those, only few have risen above their base and content nature to truly excel. You are one of them, and your talents have risen to the point where you have been given a mission of the utmost importance. That it gives you a chance to step out from the Laws that you have already broken is just a bonus. [Acquire Empyreal Alchemist Style–an Occult Style that inherits the skills of the Distillery Witch, employing the Element of Vitriol to refine base material into their Ideal State, where they can be combined together to create effects beyond what nature could allow for. What wonders could be wrought, free of the chains of the Law that binds all the Serfborn of the Demon City?]

[ ] A Boon of Knowledge: Hekate has broken more than a few laws in her life, and you have inherited a measure of the fruits of her deeds. While much research will need to be done to reach your full potential, you are a natural Sorcerer, and can impose your Will upon Reality to forge Wonders, Horrors, or Novelties as your needs require. You gain access to Sorcery, skill of which will grow with you as your enlightenment expands. Your paradigm is the Soul-Perfecting Alchemy, an art of brewing potions and medicines that can further perfect your body and soul, at significant material expense.

[ ] Strike While the Iron is Hot: Your home is burning, and the embers still smoulder. This will not stand. Remain in Caer Wyrdstone and begin your operations in the heart of the Highlands' power, before the Golden Man can tighten his grip and remove the less committed folk from power.

"Wake up sleepyhead, you'd already be dead by now if you lazed around like this in the City."

You have zero intention of rolling awake at the first request, it takes you time to start your mind–it's a very big one after all and just like a landslide, it must begin with a single falling rock. You've had some very curious dreams after all and it would be wise to commit the more valuable details to memory before they slip away from you. Perhaps it was all a bit more exciting than you were strictly comfortable with, but maybe you had been delving a little to deeply into old battle reports than were strictly necessary.

"Forgetting about me so soon? How cold, how cruel~~ How appropriate for one of the King's chosen! You're already learning~~"

Papa wasn't a king, he was the clan head, the Highlands haven't had a proper King since the Heroic Age and wait a minute.

One eye opened a crack–just a crack of course, you couldn't let observers think you were rushing after all. But no, here you are, sprawled out in a crater of slag, buried in a cellar, daylight shining on you from above.

Accursed daystar, it never failed to get in your eyes and ruin your beauty sleep.

More importantly, why were you in a cellar right now? Were you kidnapped? It'd be an odd choice, your elder sister was far more beautiful and probably a better choice anyway, but why would they leave you with sunlight then?

Oh, right.

The Incident

You groaned, pulling yourself up to a sitting position. It was musty, dusty, and a little damp down here, and the landscape was suspiciously melty looking, but at least you still had the clothes off your back and a poker you had liberated from the fireplace on your way out when things got spicy. It wasn't much of course, but you could assuredly threaten someone aggressively with it if you needed it.

"There you go, would have been happier if you had been a bit more prompt–our fates are tied together after all, and I'd prefer not to die at this juncture, you understand?" Came the voice whispering in your ear, the aura of the tall, straw-haired tide of corrosion tangible in your blind spot. You could already tell it would be pointless to look though.

You made a Deal after all, it was only fortunate that the Arrangement was one that accommodate your needs and interests. Absently, you take an inventory of your situation, as you dust yourself off and generally seek to make yourself as presentable as possible under the circumstances. You had few firm allies, your foe was possessed by what was presumably one of the Anathema of eld, and you had made a bargain with a strange spirit to gain a measure of power to set things to right. Your fingers brush against the poker at your side, the grip feeling… Comfortable? Reliable?

You draw it out from the sash that divided the upper and lower parts of your dress. Memories of your training, and… Something more, a taste of something different.

A thrust, apply torque through the ball of the forward foot and the wrist, pivot in place, grasp the target by the throat with the off hand. Withdraw blade and use foe as a shield and advance, fending off attempts to bypass your ward with the blade.

You were quite certain you hadn't been drilled in these particular motions, but it felt proper to you–the way you should engage in battle. That was good, your foe had strength of their own, any hope to oppose them would require a degree of violence on your part. Though you did not think it would be wise to challenge him with an improvised weapon.

Still, it gave you confidence that you need not flee at this juncture. That you could reclaim your Proper Lifestyle. You Could Set Things Right. It would just require a small degree of time and preparation.

"A little practice wouldn't be amiss either…" The demon… Right, Hekate was the name she gave herself–chimed in. "The strength of the Masters is yours to share, but the specific ways they appear tend to differ between Peers. I was hardly privy to any of the details of course, but it is something to keep in mind."

You could feel it yourself–two wells of power, a texture of violence, heat, stone. A scent of clean burning flame and the tinkling of chimes. Though 'Power' wouldn't be the right word for it either, they didn't seem to do anything that you could determine at this point either. It was more that they were just sort of… Hanging out? Being in the area? They certainly didn't feel like they were making you stronger, though you felt you could reach for them if you tried. But no, you didn't feel they would be helpful to you right now, not in this context.

"Your guess is as good as mine, we're well into the frontiers of what I know right now" Hekate's voice came with the impression of a shrug. "It Sounds like your connection is to the Demon Emperor himself, but the other… The Pyrian Flame perhaps?"

You have no idea about what either of those means, aside from being obvious sobriquets. Still, anyone who can call themselves an Emperor isn't to be trifled with, especially if they've lasted long enough to actually have to defend their position.

"The tales of other words not of interest to you?" Came a somewhat teasing voice. You proudly adjust your dress and cross your arms. After all, it's true, you do not have the slightest interest in what happens outside of your place. As long as the snacks keep coming and you can keep busy, the sky could fall in for all you care–a place that you had zero ability to reach and little to no ability to impact your lifestyle? Why would you care?

Of course, you would have to change that in the days ahead. But that wasn't such a bad thing, an excuse to do more studies without feeling guilty that you were being distracted? That was always welcome, and the most important thing in life is to get through it with a whole heart and an understanding that you've done precisely what is within your power to do.

Which is precisely why you're going to have to kill the Golden Man. Even setting aside his overthrow of your family and the upending of your life, he killed your father. Even if you weren't the Favorite, and your relationship wasn't especially close, he still ensured you had the ability to get a good education and make yourself useful as a scholar, rather than forcing you to have to politick around, or get married or something skeevy like that.

You owed him, and you'd be damned if you let him be buried with his killer still living under the same sky. Even if you had to do that most mortifying of things and be noticed.

Fortunately, you have the advantage of surprise at your disposal. Probably. At least based on the fact that you haven't been clapped in irons while you were adjusting to your new condition. You can Do Something about this.

The question is, where to begin?

[ ] Proper Tools: Humans are defined by their use of tools, and this is evidently something shared by your patrons, even if their definition of "Tool" is somewhat more exotic than you are familiar with. You have the clothes off your back and a repurposed fireplace poker, and while you can no doubt do some truly horrific things to an ordinary clansman or even one of the lesser warband fighters, fighting an actual proper landed knight or champion would be… Dicey, and probably noisier than you'd like. Now, while you don't think there are many actual experienced warriors in the Golden Man's forces, there's probably at least a few, and you should make sure you have what you need to at least clear through them quickly. At least a good hauberk and a proper sabre, but if you can get a proper gauntlet to use some of the more interesting guards in your style, you'll be going places. The main Armory has likely been cleared out, but you might have some success checking out some of the forges contracted with your father to provide arms that haven't been delivered yet. [Attempt to mitigate your overwhelming disadvantage in equipment first, before any looting moves far past the core.]

[ ] Find some Friends:
You aren't ashamed to admit it, you are not the best with people. You were the sort of wallflower who faded into the shadows and just sort of let things play out when you could. It may have saved your life, but it also does mean that you're… Awkward sometimes, especially when dealing with strangers. But needs must, and you ultimately would struggle to liberate Caer Wyrdstone on your own, great power or no. Take a deep breath, go through your memories, and see if you can find some people who haven't fallen to the Golden Man's words, and maybe you can lean on your lineage before too many of them have been purged. It's scary dealing with strangers, but you have to be brave and do things you don't want to sometimes. [Attempt to find some allies who also think that murdering the ruling Clan based on some random asshole's exhortations is not cool, before anyone notices they're not enthusiastic about the New Boss]

[ ] Magical Mystery Stuff:
Or… You could just sort of whistle up some help. Hekate is familiar with a few chants and rites that can be used to call up some of her kin–though she's clear to point out to you that they're not "Nearly as pleasant as she is". They'll recognize you, they'll work with you, and more importantly, you'll have a source of Vitriol where you can really start cooking up some proper brews. If you move quickly, you can probably scarper with plenty of reagents to work with before anyone notices they're disappearing. Who needs people anyway, you have magic. This clearly cannot possibly go wrong ever. [Completely ignore both of those other opportunities and use your magic to summon a Metody or two, gives you a source of Vitriol. Just summon demons until summoning demons no longer solves your problems, just hope they don't decide to just sort of melt anything important because that's just what Metodies do.]

Character Sheet is Updated. Omakes will now be accepted–anything from added worldbuilding, other NPCs doing things, or even little interludes can be used to gain Participation Tokens, which can be redeemed during Intermissions to advance Styles further. Extremely high quality work can be awarded an Enlightenment Token instead, which are much more powerful and are used to advance Charms and other powerful things. These will also be awarded naturally, so you aren't dependent on player content to get stronger, but it certainly won't make things worse!

Specific details will be posted into the Omake Record post sometime after this post goes up.

I hope you're all having a good time so far!

Two Hour Moratorium.
Act 1.1 - The White Spire Academy
[X] Find some Friends

You needed to find some friends. Anyone would do, really, as long as they had useful skills, connections, or otherwise could help you in your effort to drag down a demigod. Was that even something you could call a friend? Just a resource to be tapped into?

No, that didn't seem like the right phrase, even if it's the one that popped into your head first. Collaborators would be better, you don't know enough people and you're not comfortable enough with them to really have wild and crazy adventures or whatever it is that friends do with one another. Tea parties maybe? You never got the draw of it yourself when you could be Doing Something, but apparently some people swear by it and you certainly had to learn etiquette during your education.

Clearly, someone had to see the appeal to it, for such an act to be as popular as it was. How strange, what people saw value in. You were perfectly happy with a good loaf of freshly baked bread and maybe a bit of butter and cheese from time to time. All the calories anyone needed to get by in life.

Where to even begin though? You… Weren't familiar with many people, and while that did have its benefits in that nobody recognized you on sight when the angry mob started pouring in, it also meant you had no obvious people who might help you out. You spent most of your time either in the study, the archive, or walking between them depending on the time day. There were other scribes here and there, plus the occasional helper who could deliver snacks, but nobody you'd really call close...

The only other place would be School. The White Spire Academy.

That… Would be a place you could check out, wouldn't it? You were already out of the walls of the fort proper–and the Academy was the central place of learning throughout the Highlands, benefitting from the protection of the ancient walls without being beholden to its current stewards. They wouldn't have been targeted immediately, and the Spire Guard wouldn't let an angry mob walk through. The faculty would recognize you–it hasn't been that long since you graduated after all, and your grades were consistently excellent.

More importantly, they owed Clan Dunbar a solid or two, what with the whole "We let you run a school under the protection of our warband and under the shade of our walls, and you help train us skilled savants and scholars to help manage all the paperwork and recording involved with any halfway functioning society with at least several centuries of history behind it."

That would give you something to work with, and find some… Right, Collaborators, probably premature to expect something like Friends at this stage of things assuming the definition is something beyond your prior experiences.

All you needed to do was head over and talk your way in. Easy enough, you've done it many times before.

This is not what you were expecting.

You had anticipated two possibilities once you had decided on the path forward. Either tensions would be high, with the Spire Guard having the facility on lockdown, guarding the doors. Or things would be perfectly fine because the chaos hadn't gotten here yet.

What you were not expecting was the clashing of spears, the thunder of shields, and the coppery scent of spilled blood filling the air. The roars of exertion and the generally battered state of the outer perimeters of the Spire.

Somehow, the Spire Guard had decided to start killing each other.

Why was the Spire Guard killing each other?

"They supported the Dunbar Clan in their rule!" Came the stammering of the tough who kindly happened to be in arm's reach throwing cabbages at the building, twisting as he tried to escape your iron grip. "The Prophet said that we wouldn't be free until everyone had been liberated! Already, his words have swayed the righteous, and they've opened the gates for us!"

So, they were manipulated by the Golden Man. Was this a direct attack? They would be a tough nut to crack if they decided to get difficult, but the White Spire Academy had endured several ruling Clans and the deal was always the same. "Grant us a place in your shade, and we will teach your young the secrets of the ancients." Architects, Savants, Scholars, and Doctors had all been proudly trained in the Spire, and had come a long way to rendering the rocky Highlands into a properly civilised land. Was this just some attempt to rewrite history by taking out the ones who recorded it? Or maybe he had some reason to believe they were working against him and struck preemptively? The faculty of the Spire did hold a well trained defence force in case of disaster, but that was hardly the same as them being a major threat that went against centuries of doctrine.

"He might have just been an idiot" Hekate supplies, and you appreciate the attempt to downplay your nemesis–but no, anyone who could execute a coup of this scale was undoubtedly brilliant in their own way. Wicked, but brilliant. You would not underestimate them.

"So, where'd everyone go? I had all kinds of plans to try busting into the vault and seeing what kind of treasures were there, but all the others have cleared out."

"I think they went to burn down the Spire?"

"... It's made of rock, how the hell do you burn that down? Was it something I said?"

"You did mention something along the lines of tearing down crass displays of power?."

"Fuck me…"

"Maybe later."

Ultimately, it didn't matter what the truth of the matter was. The problem was that these idiots were trying to burn down the people you wanted to help you out.

You were going to do something about this, and you start by politely shoving your informant into his own cart full of cabbages, which slightly broke his fall even as the now tightly compressed plant matter would hold him fast for a time. You'd get back to him later, but good farmers were important and even if he was an idiot, if he had that many quality cabbages, he was presumably good at his job.

You'd find some suitable penalty and penance to be done once you were finished. For now though, you needed to stop this before anything actually important burned down. It would have been nice if you had a proper weapon, but your Elevated Skill at Arms should compensate for your limitations.

The Situation in the Spire was Chaotic, with those among the Spire Guard who witnessed one of the Golden Man's speeches had turned against their charges, opening the gates and suppressing the attempts of the loyalists to keep things under control. You do not know the limitations of the so-called Prophet's brainwashing, though religious texts from the lowlands suggest that They are not strong enough to override self-preservation. At least if the scripture about soul-stealing golden devils were any indication, at least not without far greater exposure to matters.

You were beginning to understand the rudiments of your power, the most intuitive elements that require little in the way of conscious thought. If you were to bare your soul, you would be able to elevate your fighting strength to new levels.. However, you also understand that Such a thing cannot be hidden, and the further you draw upon your power, the more obvious it will be. Given how your patrons are evidently Demon Gods, you understand that Few would look kindly upon you if they recognized any symbology, though there are degrees of such, and you could Likely justify at least a small degree of draw to the wise.

You also understand that Drawing on your power as a Chosen will be fatiguing. The more of your strength you draw upon, the less you will have before you need to rest. However, you must balance this with the situation at hand as well, The faster you can resolve the crisis here, the less damage that will be done to the White Spire Academy. This will leave them in better stead to aid you in the rest of your campaign.

It is possible that you will have a chance to take care of another project today once this is resolved, Though that will depend on elements largely outside of your control, and thus cannot be counted on. Though if you wanted to hedge your bets in favor of taking a second dip into the proverbial well of opportunities in this early stage, It would be wiser to conserve your strength, regardless of the costs it would have today.

So, how were you going to do this?

[ ] Full Power - Total Destruction: Let your soul shine to the utmost and break this treachery over your knee. This is effectively a declaration of war against the Golden Man, and if he's anywhere in town, he'll be aware that he's being challenged by a rival, even if he might not necessarily know much more than that. On the other hand, absolutely nothing here could hope to stand against you, even with your lack of a suitable weapon. [Resolve the situation in the White Spire Academy decisively by Flaring to Totemic, you will probably pass out once things sort themselves out, but at least you'll do so behind fortifications and with indebted allies guarding you who have taken the smallest amount of harm possible under the circumstances. Everyone in the country will know that a rival Chosen has risen, and those with even rudimentary Occult knowledge will understand your patron to be demonic in origin, and a powerful one at that. Not necessarily a dealbreaker, but it would Complicate matters]

[ ] Shock and Awe:
Drawing on your deepest reserves would be premature, but that doesn't mean you can't open up the taps. Ignite your soul and lay into the situation at hand using the power of the Old Gods as your blade. You'll have plenty of time to familiarise yourself with your new power here, and while everyone who gets in eyeshot of you will see your baleful aura, it at least probably won't be visible beyond the confines of the Spire. You'll likely be tired afterwards, but this should sort out the crisis in the Spire smoothly, and you might have a shot at double dipping somewhere else before anyone has a chance to start reacting to any interference. [Ignite your Anima to Glowing in order to resolve the situation smoothly. Tiring, but you'll still be capable of fighting afterwards, or even escalating further if things get out of hand. Not quite as fast as going as loud as you can, but is still likely to save everything that isn't literally catching fire right this second. It'll be obvious to anyone with Occult that you have a demonic patron, but you'll have room to at least downplay your potential somewhat by claiming that was your limit.]

[ ] The Raid:
It's too soon to show your hand, so even if it rankles, you should keep your soul at a low burn, saving your strength for later and concealing your hand to the best of your ability. You are still a transcendent master of combat and war, and you will still be able to scythe through opposition, but you'll need to take your time to avoid being surrounded and taking unnecessary blows, and that will give time for things to get worse before they get better–though probably not much worse, you did come here first. [Kindle your Anima to Lit in order to give yourself a decent renewable budget to work with, making your Caste Mark visible, but allowing you to attain clear local dominance and secure the Spire room by room. Fairly subtle, and also well within the reach of a petty Chosen of some minor power, which will likely limit any bad feelings, though that's not a guarantee. At the very least, chances are poor that you'll show your hand to anyone outside the Spire, and you feel like you will be able to sustain this pace for a while if you have to.]

[ ] Hide your Power Level: No, Ciara has BOOK to protect.

AN: Two Hour Moratorium as usual! Tutorials gonna Tutorial. All of these options will Win, the question is how much of your hand you're willing to reveal in exchange for maximising your initial gains.
The Tale of Albus (Abridged)
I haven't nailed down specifics, but it's definitely on the Northern side of the Threshold, but not so far in that everything is ice and snow. If you really twisted my arm over it, I'd probably point either at that block of mountainy-areas between Whitewall and Fortitude, or that suspicious block of mountainy-area between Chanta and Mahanalaka but nowhere near their spheres of influence.
Well, I've decided to go and force your hand!

The Tale of Albus (Abridged)

To understand the story of the Alban Highlands, you must know the story of Albus. To understand the story of Albus, you must know the story of Bagrash Köl. Bagrash Köl, the infamous and brilliant sorcerer. Bagrash Köl, who claimed the Eye of Autocthon and used it to carve out a great empire across the North. Bagrash Köl, the one person to ever truly challenge the Empress.

Albus was born the younger of two sons, to Britannicus Dunbar in RY 144. Britannicus, to be blunt, was an adventurer and freebooter ever in search of the big score - to the exasperation of his long-suffering wife Boudica, who struggled with raising Albus and his older brother Cataracus (born RY 140).*​ But Britannicus had his virtues: a perceptive eye and keen judge of character. When he first made the acquaintance of an occultist named Bagrash Köl, the seeker of fortune was quick to ingratiate himself with the other man - recognizing a man who would do great things.

It paid off when Köl obtained the Eye of Autochthon in RY 146 and began his grand conquests. Köl made Britannicus one of his lieutenants. As the sorcerer rose, the Dunbar family rose in power, wealth, and status. When Cataracus and Albus came of age, they too received high posts. The former became the governor of what is now Icehome, and Albus a commander of forces tasked with expanding Köl's domain to the southeast.

Yet this good fortune came at a price. Like his counterpart, the Scarlet Empress, Köl played his subordinates against each other for his favor. Britannicus consistently kept an upper hand, but naturally this excited envy. Worse still, the Dunbar patriarch made his share of unnecessary enemies, years of success dulling his powers of observation.

The consequences came to roost in RY 176, when Köl's sky-city suddenly crashed to the ground, Britannicus onboard. With its almighty ruler gone, there was nothing to keep the empire from descending into civil war. Foes of the Dunbars learned first, and thus struck first. Assassins in the guise of messengers killed Cataracus in his office and Boudica in the family manor, but failed completely against Albus.

At first, the grieving soldier readied to seek revenge, but his anger cooled about learning of the broader fallout. Though potent, the Dunbar faction was in disarray, and if their opponents joined hands (which they would), victory would be impossible. Instead, Albus contacted all his adherents. Drawing on his knowledge of the lands he'd campaigned in, Albus plotted out a great exodus to the southeast, where they could build a kingdom of their own.

Gathering all the magic, wealth, and supplies they could quickly, Albus' followers rendezvoused at Icehome. Then, they began the Indefatigable March, the legendary journey covering a distance more than the entire length of the Scavenger Lands.**​ With charisma, wisdom, and skill, Albus handled the many problems that beset his people - from everyday difficulties, to terrible storms, and the predation of monsters and men. In four years time, they reached the destination Albus had picked out: a land fertile and natural fortress.***​

Thus marked the beginning of what the Highlands now reckon the Heroic Age. Albus declared himself High King to wide acclaim, and raised Caer Wyrdstone as his capital. No less sagacious on a throne than he in the saddle or camp, Albus ruled for five celebrated decades before passing on of old age in RY 220. Forevermore, his name marked the land.

Yet like his father, Albus' triumph undermined his long-term goals. Albus had envisioned a system not far from that of Bagrash Köl's, albeit with sturdier foundations. Despite their common quest, the Albans of the Indefatigable March were, at large, the followers of the surviving figures of the Dunbar faction, or the Dunbar family itself. In some ways, the March cemented these pre-existing allegiances. Thus, the Clans were born. While Albus' deeds and leadership made Clan Dunbar mightiest of them all, the seeds were sown for Clan Dunbar's decline.****​

But that's another story for another day...

*​ Ooooh, look at me and my blatantly obvious symbolism.
**​ This is based on a very literal rule of thumb estimation, mind you.
***​ Okay, it's not forty years in the wilderness or a land of milk and money, but the Albans were neither a god's chosen people, or foolish enough to piss off one.
****​ Does history repeat or just rhyme? Either way, even heroes can't overcome social conditions all on their own. ...The unExalted ones, anyway. Basically, the idea is that while it may take centuries, Clan Dunbar will go from 'undisputed authority' to the 'first among equals' situation that Alectai has presented. That this coincides with the end of the High Kings is clearly the work of Saturn.
Act 1.2 - What Remained was Violence
[x] Shock and Awe:

You think about it for only a moment or two before the correct answer becomes clear to you—it was too soon for you to tap into your deepest reserves, not so early in the day and not when the situation doesn't warrant it, but it would also be folly to hold back overly much here in this place.

So, you would only wind up partially to full. Enough to suppress your opposition quickly and effectively, but leaving you with a little bit left to work with when all is said and done. You could scale back up in time if things got spicy, at least, you were pretty sure this was the case, you haven't exactly done this sort of thing in the past, the tales of the Chosen and their ability to bare the light of their soul existed, but… They weren't exactly especially common in these parts–there was little in the way of arcane might to be found in this place–an intentional choice by the Founders based on your studies–and your defenders were fierce enough and the terrain suitable enough to deter more opportunistic predators.

You had the occasional Scion of the Dragons from time to time passing through or emerging, and such times usually led to a period of plenty and a shake-up in the current status quo. Then from time to time–when things got perilous, you might have one of the Gods of the Land making petitioning the Gods of the Firmament for salvation, and being permitted to empower a Petty Chosen, but such events had occurred fewer times in the records you have than one could count on a single hand–at the end of the day, the Highlands were a backwater by design.

Which is probably why things got as bad as they did once a greater power did take an interest in things. Because of course it would.

You exhale, steadying your mind and steeling your heart. You were just delaying at this point–woolgathering so you could put off making a scene, even though people were at risk. You had committed to befrie… No, you already confirmed this wasn't friendship, but an alliance. You had committed to forming an alliance with the White Spire Academy, and that would require you to commit your resources.

That didn't mean you needed to be messy about it, or more obvious than you had to be. You could be discreet! You could be cautious! All you had to do was.

*Tink, Tink, Tink*

The crushing of fallen glass and rubble jingled musically as you forced one foot before the other, your feet seeking an unheard rhythm, it was a comfortable gait, a natural one even. The slippers that still adorned your feet squelching in the fallen rain and ash except where they crushed the debris underfoot.

It was a statement of some kind, you think, though the details were beyond you at this time. A matter for later.

Comrades locked spears and shields with comrades. Sidearms were brandished as traitor sought the hearts of the still-loyal in the service of a rabblerouser. A slip of a girl would be unnoticed, unregarded–until she went somewhere she wasn't supposed to be.

Simply setting foot in the door? That didn't yet qualify as you intruding, not when it was a life and death battle between scholars of the Art of War. The Spire Guard may not have been the very finest military formation in the Highlands, but they were highly capable experts, and their individual quality was matched only by the Fianna--the knights who served underneath the clan chiefs. They knew better than to take their eyes off a peer who wasn't interfering.

That calculus changed when you calmly shut and barred the gate behind you. A truce between sides for a moment–a breather and a chance to assess the newcomer. You could understand this intuitively–though a part of your mind felt that this was new. There was no time for such analysis at the moment though–the time had come for action, and you were committed.

You politely curtsy to them, folding your hands before you in the aftermath. "Apologies, but I have need of the Academy's assistance in these troubled times." You declare. "This fighting must come to an end, their knowledge will be needed in the days to come."

A nearby Spire Guardsman scoffed. "Another royalist?" He spits–how unsanitary. "What do you think one girl can do? The Prophet decreed the fall of the old order!"

How polite of him though to reveal his allegiance so clearly. A chime of positivity underlay his voice, and you understand this now to be one of your first gifts. All data will be verified for integrity. Falsehoods will not go unheard. The Root of the Pyrian Flame.

Factual Determination Analysis
Root Charm of the Pyrian Flame
Data must be verified before it can be incorporated into greater patterns, to do otherwise is to invite Chaos. This Charm grants Ciara the ability to intuit whether any statement is True, False, or Inconclusive. The latter result occurs when the statement has been manipulated in some fashion but contains elements of fact, though it has no power in itself to reveal what the actual Truth of the matter, merely that the data is intended to mislead. Nonetheless, this effect is nearly inviolate, and can only be contested by the most powerful magic of deception in existence.
Development: 0/3

"Understood." You nod, and allow yourself to smile ever so slightly, a proper show of respect to someone who has saved you a great deal of time. Identifying him and the other combatants has revealed to you… Yes, a commonality, a cheap yellow cloth on their right forearm, likely all they could acquire on short notice to show their allegiance to the Golden Man's cause. Excellent, this would save you some time and energy.

You lack the power and the talents to break the Golden Man's contingency, and such communication rarely came easily to you save when your temper was out of control. Right now?

You knew precisely what you were doing, and fully understood the scope of what was about to unfold.

"Well then, let us begin."

Your soul Burns

The room is full of the Flames of the Green Sun, the dampness of the past few days flash-sublimating as the heat of your inner furnace boils away around you. The arrogant twit who couldn't keep his spit in his mouth barely had a moment to flinch back before you were upon him.

Palm thrust to the sternum, project essence through to shake the viscera, target flinches back, step forward and shift weight, drawing foe on your shoulder.

Tap inner Furnace, augment physicality, hurl foe into nearest companion. Use obstruction as concealment and to draw the eye while drawing weapon. Ivory stone warps with each step, distorting to basalt. No blood has been shed–not yet–though initial target likely wishes you did.

Your lips peel back, baring your teeth, your heart thunders, like you had done thirty laps in the salle. You had more to give.

Poker drives through next foe's shoulder, shattering bone through concussive force even as it pins them to the rock of the wall. He would not be making use of that arm any time soon, but that's the price he pays for turning on his oaths. Fortunate that his punishment will be restrained to that. Weapon is currently out of use, but compensated for by drawing shortsword from the belt of your foe.

Enemy has begun to comprehend you are no ordinary girl, initial opponent collides with foe you aimed him at, improvised human projectile neutralising a third target for you. Balance of power tipped decisively in your favour, even disregarding your own personal strength. Could push forward, maximise shock advantage.

But no, you came to forge an alliance here, that wasn't something you could achieve just by charging in and smiting anything that was wearing the wrong markers, you needed cooperation and assistance to sweep this place clean.

"Rally to me sons and daughters of the Spire!" You call out. "In the name of Clan Dunbar, I'll see the traitors granted their just rewards!"

There, that would do it. Establish self as ally, declare credentials, act quickly and decisively to restore order. Do not allow them to consider the source of your strength in much detail just yet.

Your Alma mater still needs your help, you would answer questions when the rot has been cast out from their walls. You would negotiate other details when things cool off.

For now, what remained was Violence

AN: No Vote today, just dropping what I have since this was a good spot to break. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Ciara is going to faceroll the handful of traitors and the angry mob that followed them in, even without the fact you doubled down on Combat and War based stuff which means you're going to be adding the loyalists to your murderball as you go along. I don't really see the point of going into further play by play detail for what's a foregone conclusion, though if anyone wants to try including any Omake from an outside perspective, I'll be happy to read it!
On My Intended Posting Schedule
The Dream right now is to set aside a period of 1-2 hours per weekday and post what I have by the end of it. Now that Dogwatching Purgatory is over, I have the opportunity to establish this as a proper habit instead of just nabbing time when I have.

So, with the intention of getting a habit of writing something every week day, I'll be attempting to sit down and produce Content around 5 PM EST on weekdays, and taking the weekends off to handle other business and attempt to resolve any major issues. My hope with this quest is to establish a habit of doing this, and turn writing something into my routine, in hopes of pivoting to an Original Work down the line that might be a source of a little income on the side.

At the very least, I have every intentions of playing through at least one full story arc with Ciara in this game, with further content as inspiration and ideas occur to me.

That is--the Plan, such as it is, and I hope people have been having a good time with the introduction so far, and continue to have a good time in the days ahead!
Voting is open