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The Devil (Kicked) Out of Her Box
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You had your life all figured out, a good education, a good family, and a good home that had proper work that needed to be doing--work that you enjoyed doing for that matter. Then a certain glorious golden bandit decided to roll in and assert dominance in the only way that con-artists can--through extreme bullshit and talking fast enough to keep people from thinking hard about it. Now you're alone, with a teasing, witch-doctor lady in your head, and most importantly of all, your study has been looted to the bedrock. This will not stand.

A narrative Quest about history's most unlikely Chosen of Malfeas, and her attempts to reclaim her happy place and do everything in her power to avoid touching grass, despite the best efforts of Creation to the contrary.
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The Tale of Albus (Abridged)
I haven't nailed down specifics, but it's definitely on the Northern side of the Threshold, but not so far in that everything is ice and snow. If you really twisted my arm over it, I'd probably point either at that block of mountainy-areas between Whitewall and Fortitude, or that suspicious block of mountainy-area between Chanta and Mahanalaka but nowhere near their spheres of influence.
Well, I've decided to go and force your hand!

The Tale of Albus (Abridged)

To understand the story of the Alban Highlands, you must know the story of Albus. To understand the story of Albus, you must know the story of Bagrash Köl. Bagrash Köl, the infamous and brilliant sorcerer. Bagrash Köl, who claimed the Eye of Autocthon and used it to carve out a great empire across the North. Bagrash Köl, the one person to ever truly challenge the Empress.

Albus was born the younger of two sons, to Britannicus Dunbar in RY 144. Britannicus, to be blunt, was an adventurer and freebooter ever in search of the big score - to the exasperation of his long-suffering wife Boudica, who struggled with raising Albus and his older brother Cataracus (born RY 140).*​ But Britannicus had his virtues: a perceptive eye and keen judge of character. When he first made the acquaintance of an occultist named Bagrash Köl, the seeker of fortune was quick to ingratiate himself with the other man - recognizing a man who would do great things.

It paid off when Köl obtained the Eye of Autochthon in RY 146 and began his grand conquests. Köl made Britannicus one of his lieutenants. As the sorcerer rose, the Dunbar family rose in power, wealth, and status. When Cataracus and Albus came of age, they too received high posts. The former became the governor of what is now Icehome, and Albus a commander of forces tasked with expanding Köl's domain to the southeast.

Yet this good fortune came at a price. Like his counterpart, the Scarlet Empress, Köl played his subordinates against each other for his favor. Britannicus consistently kept an upper hand, but naturally this excited envy. Worse still, the Dunbar patriarch made his share of unnecessary enemies, years of success dulling his powers of observation.

The consequences came to roost in RY 176, when Köl's sky-city suddenly crashed to the ground, Britannicus onboard. With its almighty ruler gone, there was nothing to keep the empire from descending into civil war. Foes of the Dunbars learned first, and thus struck first. Assassins in the guise of messengers killed Cataracus in his office and Boudica in the family manor, but failed completely against Albus.

At first, the grieving soldier readied to seek revenge, but his anger cooled about learning of the broader fallout. Though potent, the Dunbar faction was in disarray, and if their opponents joined hands (which they would), victory would be impossible. Instead, Albus contacted all his adherents. Drawing on his knowledge of the lands he'd campaigned in, Albus plotted out a great exodus to the southeast, where they could build a kingdom of their own.

Gathering all the magic, wealth, and supplies they could quickly, Albus' followers rendezvoused at Icehome. Then, they began the Indefatigable March, the legendary journey covering a distance more than the entire length of the Scavenger Lands.**​ With charisma, wisdom, and skill, Albus handled the many problems that beset his people - from everyday difficulties, to terrible storms, and the predation of monsters and men. In four years time, they reached the destination Albus had picked out: a land fertile and natural fortress.***​

Thus marked the beginning of what the Highlands now reckon the Heroic Age. Albus declared himself High King to wide acclaim, and raised Caer Wyrdstone as his capital. No less sagacious on a throne than he in the saddle or camp, Albus ruled for five celebrated decades before passing on of old age in RY 220. Forevermore, his name marked the land.

Yet like his father, Albus' triumph undermined his long-term goals. Albus had envisioned a system not far from that of Bagrash Köl's, albeit with sturdier foundations. Despite their common quest, the Albans of the Indefatigable March were, at large, the followers of the surviving figures of the Dunbar faction, or the Dunbar family itself. In some ways, the March cemented these pre-existing allegiances. Thus, the Clans were born. While Albus' deeds and leadership made Clan Dunbar mightiest of them all, the seeds were sown for Clan Dunbar's decline.****​

But that's another story for another day...

*​ Ooooh, look at me and my blatantly obvious symbolism.
**​ This is based on a very literal rule of thumb estimation, mind you.
***​ Okay, it's not forty years in the wilderness or a land of milk and money, but the Albans were neither a god's chosen people, or foolish enough to piss off one.
****​ Does history repeat or just rhyme? Either way, even heroes can't overcome social conditions all on their own. ...The unExalted ones, anyway. Basically, the idea is that while it may take centuries, Clan Dunbar will go from 'undisputed authority' to the 'first among equals' situation that Alectai has presented. That this coincides with the end of the High Kings is clearly the work of Saturn.
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