The Crown of Dragons

Gulltown Joust
Tyrell threw 16 5-faced dice. Reason: 8 knights Total: 46
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 5 5 2 2 5 5 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5
Tyrell threw 8 5-faced dice. Reason: 4 knights Total: 23
1 1 4 4 4 4 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 1 1
Tyrell threw 8 5-faced dice. Reason: 4 knights Total: 28
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 5 5 1 1
Tyrell threw 8 5-faced dice. Reason: 4 knights Total: 26
5 5 5 5 2 2 5 5 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3
Tyrell threw 4 5-faced dice. Reason: 2 knights Total: 16
4 4 3 3 4 4 5 5
Rolling for QTE
Sidheach threw 3 4-faced dice. Reason: Wind Total: 5
2 2 2 2 1 1
Sidheach threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Wind Total: 9
4 4 5 5
Sidheach threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Wind Total: 2
1 1 1 1
Sidheach threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Wind Total: 10
5 5 5 5
Fucking. Barrel. Release.
Sidheach threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Release the barrels! Total: 4
3 3 1 1
Sidheach threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Morale Check Total: 2
1 1 1 1
Daemon x Rhea roll

A son with Rhea's brown eyes, Valyrian silver hair, fair skin, and his mother's feature. Named Daeron.
Setsura threw 7 100-faced dice. Total: 382
95 95 69 69 37 37 4 4 99 99 63 63 15 15
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Horace x His Wife Conception Roll

Edit: Failed 1st Year. 2nd Year conceives a healthy little girl with her mom's eyes, dad's hair, mom's skin tone, and some extended family member's features. Totally not suspicious.
Altered threw 8 100-faced dice. Reason: Conception Total: 436
1 1 82 82 78 78 58 58 37 37 68 68 29 29 83 83
Altered threw 4 5-faced dice. Reason: Navigation Total: 11
3 3 4 4 1 1 3 3
Altered threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Accuracy Mother Trucka Total: 3
1 1 2 2
Altered threw 4 5-faced dice. Reason: COGGEDVERSE Total: 9
1 1 4 4 1 1 3 3
Altered threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Conception (Tristain x Random) Total: 24
9 9 15 15
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Time to start rolling again.
Sidheach threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Drumm Rally Total: 12
7 7 5 5
Sidheach threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Cutting Loose Total: 9
5 5 4 4
Sidheach threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Wind Total: 4
1 1 3 3
Sidheach threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Wind Speed Total: 6
1 1 5 5
Sidheach threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Navigation Total: 12
9 9 3 3
Sidheach threw 2 4-faced dice. Reason: Weather Total: 5
3 3 2 2
Sidheach threw 2 5-faced dice. Reason: Weather Total: 3
2 2 1 1
Can I have a break from the game until either Viserys or Beesbury dies, or that stupid tax proposal is dead?
(Likely a break that will be extremely overextended)
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Drinks at mine?

Don't forget to try the biscuits, Lady Jeyne swears by them.

Discovery: 96/100.
Success: 38/100.
Velasco threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Discovery Total: 96
96 96
Velasco threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Success Total: 38
38 38
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Would anyone who watches the game/interested in joining/or has signed up but not been paying very close attention like a writeup of the important events up to this point?
The updates are of course there to read, just wondering if any supplemental information would be enticing to peeps, as a sort of jotted list.
Would anyone who watches the game/interested in joining/or has signed up but not been paying very close attention like a writeup of the important events up to this point?
The updates are of course there to read, just wondering if any supplemental information would be enticing to peeps, as a sort of jotted list.
would love it, n I'm the GM :D
Doing some wider Greyjoy rolls.

Vickon Grejoy and Rockwife: A Daughter in 106 with Standard Greyjoy Looks bar Brown Eyes, Nothing in 107
Euron Greyjoy and Local Women: A Bastard Daughter in 106 with Euron's Silver Hair, Dark Eyes, and Dark Skin and the Mother's Average Looks & A Bastard Son in 107 With Essosi Looks (Brown Hair and Eyes and Swarthy Skin and Mother's Features
Dalton Greyjoy and Rockwife: Miscarriage in 106, Nothing in 107
Sidheach threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Vickon and Wife - 106/107 Total: 71
50 50 21 21
Sidheach threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Vickon and Wife - 107 Birth Total: 142
28 28 96 96 18 18
Sidheach threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Euron and Woman - 106/107 Total: 154
63 63 91 91
Sidheach threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Dalton & Rock Wife - 106/107 Total: 39
4 4 35 35
Sidheach threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Euron and Woman - 106 Birth Total: 397
73 73 85 85 69 69 88 88 61 61 21 21
Sidheach threw 6 100-faced dice. Reason: Euron and Woman - 107 Birth Total: 215
87 87 28 28 32 32 2 2 45 45 21 21
Sidheach threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Dalton and Saltwife - 106/107 Total: 81
64 64 17 17
Sidheach threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Dalton and Saltwife - 106 Birt Total: 110
14 14 96 96
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Roll for a specific character with a specific character
Altered threw 8 100-faced dice. Reason: Reasons Total: 425
22 22 54 54 27 27 56 56 67 67 19 19 80 80 100 100
So from the top:
The game started in 105 AC directly after the death of Aemma Arryn. Rhaenyra's age was to be in line with the show, so instead of being 9 she was 12. This was to make it possible for her to even be played. Viserys and Jeyne Arryn also became slightly older as well but that is less relevant.
  • 1st Turn, 105:
    • King's Landing:
      • The Small Council were as follows:
        • Otto Hightower as Lord Hand
        • Lyonel Strong as Master of Laws
        • Lyman Beesbury as Master of Coin
        • Vacant Master of Ships
        • Harrold Westerling as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
      • Immediately on game start Daemon Targaryen flew off from the Red Keep to join the Vale in a reprisal against the Clansmen
      • The other councilors and King decided to try and find replacements for the City Watch and the Master of Ships, there was a debate had over if the obvious candidate of Corlys should be reinvited because as of game start his OTL character had quit the position, it was decided he should be reinvited which he accepted and Rickard Rowan was named Commander of the Gold Cloaks
      • The biggest issue of the succession was left unresolved and no one was named to the title of Dragonstone as it happened OTL, this would be made worse by the fact that Criston Cole, an aspirant to the White Cloak, slew a fellow hopeful knight in a small scale tourney of the white cloak orchestrated by Rhaenyra and the LC. Criston was exiled for the dishonour and Rhaenyra was without a sworn shield.
      • The King threw a big party at the end of the turn that served no purpose, Velaryon and Celtigar grew trade ties with the Free Cities, and Stokeworth increased his influence on the grain market
    • The Vale:
      • Lady Jeyne Arryn had been the Lady of the Vale since 97 AC, but she was still seen skeptically and her cousin Arnold Arryn was seen as a potential threat of a pretender, to alleviate this she decided to launch a widescale raid on the mountain clansmen to avenge the death of her father and brother
      • Most notably Daemon Targaryen arrived to assist her, with Selwyn Corbray, Luceon Grafton, Manfryd Mooton, and Walder Frey joining her cause to bolster her force to 15,000, nearly all the vale contributing in some way
      • At the climatic battle of the Hotspurs, various Vale Lords such as Luceon Grafton, Marq Redfort, and Jasper Templeton would lose their lives but withe Jeyne's move to save the Riverlander camp against the assault of the Clansmen the day was won and the campaign followed, with Frey being dubbed as the Knight of Hotspurs for his bravery
      • Gulltown was under heavy strain from the ongoing fighting in the Stepstones caused by a sudden outbreak of violence across the isles
    • The Iron Isles:
      • Toron Greyjoy, the Black Kraken, grew bored on Pyke and so decided to seek out the Triarchy as a 'worthy foe', doing so by calling his banners and assembling a large fleet to sail to the Stepstones to presumably 'liberate' them
      • As his bannermen rallied to his call to arms, he traveled down the west coast and rallied several shield islanders and other sailors around the Arbor, former dominions of the Iron Isles who still had some sympathy towards the reavers, to his cause
    • The North:
      • Lord Stark and Lord Manderly both went on to attempt to fund several projects, to some success and some frustrations, notably a grand feast was held at White Harbor and Braavosi merchants hinted that a conflict was swelling in the northern seas involving Lorath and Ibben
    • The Reach:
      • Grassfield held a Tourney patroned by Lord Meadows with plenty of Reach lords in attendance, it was won by Jon Roxton
      • Red Lake was the victim of banditry which has led to the rise of a local gang
      • The Ironborn's passage and subsequent acceptance of some of the Islanders of the Reach led to complaints, particularly with the duplicity of the Faith secretly engaging in an agreement with Lys likely to end the Ironborn threat
      • Oldtown was meant to receive Rhaenyra at the Order of Maesters but she never arrived, leading to some embarrassment
    • The Stormlands:
      • Mordren Baratheon, first cousin to Lord Boremund, led a party of around two-thousand into the Dornish Marches, and this party was broken along the Boneway. They were broken by Wyl, Manwoody, and Fowler, Morden's decapitated head serving as a trophy for the victory
    • The Westerlands:
      • Lord Lannisport held the most impressive tournament in Westeros for the year, where Lord Estren won the final tilt
  • 2nd Turn (so far) 106-107
    • King's Landing:
      • Master of Coin Lyman Beesbury appointed members of Stokeworth, Mooton, Darklyn, Redwyne to his office, Stokeworth going on to be raised to Master of Laws, and Mooton as Castellan of Dragonstone. He also proposed a wide-ranging naval buildup declaration across the realm
      • Lord Lyonel Hightower resigned from his office in the aftermath of the events of Gulltown
      • The King recalled the Princess from the Vale and his brother from the Stormlands, the former having gone there to give her mother's ashes to her homeland and the latter to get involved into the Dornish Marches
      • Rumours of Alicent being in the King's bedchamber led to Otto Hightower professing she was simply reading to him, and the King has finally exited his period of mourning after the death of his wife
      • There is a new district being built outside of King's Landing called the 'Flower Run', where several wealthy lordly patrons are jockeying for position to control
    • The Vale:
      • At Gulltown, in a tournament to celebrate the victory over the clansmen, Rhaenyra poisoned her aunt-in-law Rhea Royce when it was discovered she was with child by her husband Daemon, caught red-handed the Vale has erupted from the scandal and gossip
      • Jeyne Arryn fled back the Eyrie to distance herself from the affair and sent Rhaenyra from the Vale to presumably halt anything radical developing, the region is incensed with Corbray calling for justice and an united response from the Vale of the crime
    • Iron Isles:
      • Toron and his compatriots won a massive victory against a pirate king and a lysene magister, the war is not over but they secured themselves position on the stepstones and showed off their prowess
    • The North:
      • Lord Stark secured a loan from House Velaryon
    • The Reach:
      • House Peake has elected to join Baratheon's reprisal for his cousin's death, calling his banners and urging others to do the same
      • Jon Roxton, Ormund Hightower, and Rose Crane are marshaling a party to rid the Red Lake of it's bandits
    • The Stormlands:
      • Boremund Baratheon has called his banners and marshals a whole army of 20K~ to seek reprisal for his cousin's death, in pursuit to sack Dornish castles for the previous defeat
      • Daemon Targaryen announced his intention to join the campaign, but was recalled to the Red Keep over the events of what happened at Gulltown betwee his wife Rhea Royce and Rhaenyra Targaryen
    • The Westerlands:
      • In reaction to Lord Beesbury's naval buildup plan, Lord Tymond Lannister has called several noteworthy seafaring houses, with the notable exceptions of Grafton and Hightower, to Lannisport to hold a council over the issue
House Mooton Conception Rolls for Turn Two, 106 and 107 A.C:

Jonah and Perianne, with the birth of their first daughter they don't do much in 106, by 107 they're active again though not specifically trying for a child.
53 -10 = 43, they don't conceive.

Walys and Gwyn, actively try for a child in both years.
for the year 106
84, they conceive.
20, it is a single birth
38, it is a boy
49, the boy has his father's eyes
73, the boy has his mother's hair coloration
100, the boy would have had recessive skin coloration from a grandparent if riverlander and vale nobles weren't all white
1, the boy has his mother's facial features and height
for the year 107
91, they conceive
3, something went wrong
55, late miscarriage
Mr.Bones threw 10 100-faced dice. Reason: Walys x Gwyn Conception Total: 514
84 84 20 20 38 38 49 49 73 73 100 100 1 1 91 91 3 3 55 55
Mr.Bones threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Jonah X Perianne Conception Total: 53
53 53
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Doing some rolls for the Drumms in 106-7

First for Vadran Drumm and his new salt wife: A daughter with her fathers eyes, mothers hair, features and skin and a daughter with her dads eyes and skin and her mothers hair and features

Then for Urras Drumm and his salt wife: Nothing and then a daughter with mothers eyes and skin, familys hair and fathers features

And finally for Roryn Drumm and his rock wife back on Old Wyk: A daughter with general Drumm looks and her fathers features
Darth Invictus threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Vadran and Wife Total: 90
90 90
Darth Invictus threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Vadran and Wife Total: 44
44 44
Darth Invictus threw 5 100-faced dice. Reason: Vadran and Wife Total: 207
78 78 84 84 1 1 32 32 12 12
Darth Invictus threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Urras and Wife Total: 8
8 8
Darth Invictus threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Roryn and Wife Total: 497
56 56 23 23 84 84 61 61 97 97 94 94 82 82
Darth Invictus threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Vadran and Wife Total: 354
84 84 39 39 77 77 70 70 13 13 54 54 17 17
Darth Invictus threw 7 100-faced dice. Reason: Urras and Wife Total: 397
60 60 29 29 83 83 36 36 97 97 42 42 50 50
Darth Invictus threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Roryn and Wife Total: 14
14 14
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