The Crown of Dragons

Is House Farwynd available?

I'm interested in a smaller House, yet one with the opportunity for some interesting roleplay. The Ironborn seem like they are up to some interesting shenanigans.

If you're navally minded on that side of the world, House Farman has just got up to starting a feud with the ironborn, and no one can forget the famous voyages of Elissa Farman that far exceed anything Farwynd ever managed to do. She disappeared around 40 years ago.
Is House Farwynd available?

I'm interested in a smaller House, yet one with the opportunity for some interesting roleplay. The Ironborn seem like they are up to some interesting shenanigans.
Hello island neighbor! Right now you are (probably) part of my subordinate fleet representing House Great Wyk.
However, you can easily become my deputy.

There is only one criterion - NOT to be a symp of Thoron Greyjoy. I represent the Ironborn faction that is not enthusiastic about his eccentricities. Unfortunately, the list of this faction begins with me and ends with me.

(I'm Goodbrother)
Hello island neighbor! Right now you are (probably) part of my subordinate fleet representing House Great Wyk.
However, you can easily become my deputy.

There is only one criterion - NOT to be a symp of Thoron Greyjoy. I represent the Ironborn faction that is not enthusiastic about his eccentricities. Unfortunately, the list of this faction begins with me and ends with me.

(I'm Goodbrother)

That's because everybody respects and understands that Toron is acting in accordance with the Drowned God's will.
I believe it is available. Currently taken (and active) Ironborn Houses are Greyjoy, Harlaw, Goodbrother and Drumm.
I thought House Volmark was also taken. Otherwise, I would be interested in them. However, creating characters and family trees is half the fun for me, and I see that there is already one for the Volmarks.
So I just realized that I had completely missed this quest with everything going on during Christmas break, and I was wondering if it was still possible to join this game. I know I'm super late, and have probably missed some turns already, so I understand if my application is out of luck, but I just wanted to ask in case I could join what looks like it will be an interesting ASOIAF game.

If I can join, here is my preference for houses to play
1) House Roote
2) House Darry
3) House Vance (Of Wayfarer's rest)

I'd prefer a House Darry

Is there a Discord link? I'm keen to start brainstorming.

Join us - Farwynds right?